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cordova-plugin-3dtouch's Issues

Plugin not working

I'm testing this plugin on iPhone 6s (iOS ver.-9.2) and app was build with Xcode 7 as per the minimum requirements of this plugin to work, but when i'm checking the availability of the plugin, the following code returns me false, am i dong something wrong?

ThreeDeeTouch.isAvailable(function (avail) {
// 'avail' is a boolean
alert("avail? " + avail)


How I can add the icon inside the Asset catalog?
I want to use one custom icon but i don't know how.

BSF Cordova Ecosystem Crowdfunding Plan

Hello everyone,

I'm Jason.z, the founder of BSF.

We've noticed that this project has remained very popular in the past.

However, unfortunately, it seems that this project has not been maintained for some time,

which is unfortunate for users who want to continue using and supporting the project.

Based on this, BSF has initiated the Cordova Ecosystem Crowdfunding Plan ,

with the main purpose of addressing the upgrading and maintenance of old Cordova projects,

as well as compatibility and adaptability for new platforms.

You can learn more about it by clicking on this link.

So, if you feel that this project needs continued upgrading and maintenance,

please let us know through voting.

We will decide whether to launch a crowdfunding plan for this project based on the voting results and the recruitment of maintainers,

as well as the subsequent development and maintenance plans.

If you are willing to be a long-term maintainer of the project, you can also contact us.

Of course, if you do not agree with the operating model of BSF Software Foundation,

or if you are a maintenance team for this project and believe that this ISSUE infringes and damages your rights,

you can also delete this ISSUE.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

BSF is our bold attempt and exploration of the sustainable development of software projects.

We hope to contribute to the development of software projects through the power of the community!

Action not being recognised on load

Hi there,

I'm having a slight issue with getting the action of the payload to work when booting the app via the quick action from a cold start, I believe the app is launching and attempting to use the action before my app has actually loaded the files which contain the action. So the order goes as follows:

  1. Open app via quick button.
  2. App tries to find the action but can't as the js files containing them haven't been loaded yet.
  3. App opens to the home screen and no action is taken.

The app opens perfectly fine from a warm start as all the files are present and loaded.

Do you have any ideas of alternate ways to use the quick launch icons as the boot order is very static and cannot ideally be altered. It is waiting until for deviceReady until it uses the function.

2 questions

  • Will this remove the "share app-name" feature from the 3d touch menu?
  • If I would like to use custom icons on Phonegap Build, can I do that and if yes, where would I place those icons?

Add Force Touch callbacks

When the webview is Force Touched, let JS know, so the developer can do something sweet with that info.

Opening IOS native share window


I was wondering how can I open the native IOS share window without launching the app itself? Most of the apps have a 'share' quick action option when pressing the app icon and when the 'share' option is chosen the app doesn't launch, it just opens the IOS native share window. Is this possible? Every thing I code in onHomeIconPressed function is triggered after the app is launched which is what I don't want.

Thanks for your help,

isAvailable is false for iPhone 11 Pro

As the Title says the Methode isAvailable() returns false on my iPhone 11 Pro. The Device officially uses HapticTouch (Thanks for nothing Apple 😒), but the Feature with the HomeIcons should still work.

Need help with .disableLinkPreview()


I'm trying to use .disableLinkPreview to avoid the preview popup to be shown when the user press a "button" inside my app.

I'm using links (<a>) as buttons in our navigation bar and the toolbar, so it doesn't look good that the user presses the "button" and a preview popup appears. Eventhough I call the .disableLinkPreview() as soon as the page loads, the preview popup keeps appearing in all the links of the app.

Am I understanding correctly that disableLinkPreview() will avoid this preview popup to appear? or I'm misunderstanding its use?

I'm attaching a picture of what preview popup I'm referring to.

2017-06-06 04 56 27

cordova-plugin-3dtouch version: ~1.3.5
ios version: 10.3.2

dom touchmove event is broken by the plugin


Thanks a lot for this plugin! It works well except one important issue : touchmove never calls touchend once we lift our finger from the screen. This makes the next touchmove to not start on DOM side. We have to tap once (and so get a touchend event) to be able to receive the next touchmove event.

This is what happens when we try to move a finger across the screen:

DOM touchstart is called
ForceTouchRecognizer is called
DOM touchmove is called

Then we lift our finger up, and that's it. No touchend event.

If we try to do another move gesture, this is what happens:

ForceTouchRecognizer is called

And that's it.

No touchstart, no touchmove or touchend.

If we tap once, , we correctly get a touchstart, then a touchend. After this tap, we can once again repeat the initial sequence.

We use your plugin on top of (built on Cordova). I do not know if this is specific to webview or if it is a general issue, even with Phonegap. However it is fairly easy to test for you I guess.

Could you take a look at it please ? We have a deadline pretty soon and Apple asked us if we'll make use of 3dtouch in our game, we'd love to say yes to them as you can imagine :)


Ionic 4 compatibility


In ionic 4 have an issue what is based on this 2 file :


File 1. says, the method should exist to overwrite it.
File 2. implements file 1.

The solution is very easy and you have to modify only one file.

**www/ThreeDeeTouch.js **
You have to define the onHomeIconPressed function :
ThreeDeeTouch.prototype.onHomeIconPressed = function(){};
Then in the waitForIt function you have to modify the if :
if (window.ThreeDeeTouch && typeof window.ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed !==ThreeDeeTouch.prototype.onHomeIconPressed)

In your case the function does not exist.
In my case the function exist but if the function was modified by a developer its trigger the deviceReady on native-site.

Black dot appears when no iconType or iconTemplate is passed

I am creating quick actions with only a title, subtitle, and type. For some reason when I open up the quick actions menu from the home screen, a black dot appears where the icon normally would next to each action. I'm not sure if this is due to something I'm doing wrong or if anybody else can replicate this issue.

onHomeIconPressed when app was terminated


  1. Thank you for your great work and plugin!
  2. I've got a problem, if the app is terminated. When I'm starting the app by a force touch shortcut, the onHomeIconPressed function doesn't get called. When the app was launched before and is cached, everything works as expected.

Is this a known problem?


onHomeIconPressed not working (even after reading all issues about it)


I saw all issues about it but nothing working for me... Subscribing to onHomeIconPressed does nothing, even in "platform.ready().then()"... Besides, I have another error that I can't explain:

To Native Cordova ->  ThreeDeeTouch configureQuickActions INVALID ["options": [<__NSArrayM 0x280038690>(
    iconType = Compose;
    title = "New test";
    type = newtest;

Maybe my problem comes from here? 👆

I'm using:

Ionic 4 with Capacitor
Angular 10
cordova-plugin-3dtouch 1.3.8
@ionic-native/three-dee-touch 5.29.0
Developping / Running on iPhone X on iOS 14

In my app.module.ts (am I forgetting something here maybe?):

import { ThreeDeeTouch } from '@ionic-native/three-dee-touch/ngx';
and put "ThreeDeeTouch" in providers

My app.component.ts code:

this.platform.ready().then(() => {

      **// Trigger 3D Touch options ---> SAME CODE AS IONIC DOC
      this.threeDeeTouch.isAvailable().then(isAvailable => console.log('3D Touch available? ' + isAvailable));

          (data: ThreeDeeTouchForceTouch) => {
            console.log('Force touch %' + data.force);
            console.log('Force touch timestamp: ' + data.timestamp);
            console.log('Force touch x: ' + data.x);
            console.log('Force touch y: ' + data.y);

      let actions: ThreeDeeTouchQuickAction[] = [
          type: 'newtest',
          title: 'New test',
          iconType: 'Compose'


        (payload) => {
          // returns an object that is the button you presed
          console.log('Pressed the ${payload.title} button');
        error => console.log('Error on 3D Touch action', error)

      // Trigger the push setup 


And here is my XCode log:

⚡️  [log] - onscript loading complete
⚡️  WebView loaded
⚡️  [log] - Angular is running in development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable production mode.
**To Native Cordova ->  ThreeDeeTouch deviceIsReady INVALID ["options": []]**
⚡️  [log] - Ionic Native: deviceready event fired after 400 ms
To Native Cordova ->  ThreeDeeTouch isAvailable ThreeDeeTouch251958499 ["options": []]
To Native Cordova ->  ThreeDeeTouch watchForceTouches ThreeDeeTouch251958500 ["options": []]
⚡️  [log] - [{"type":"newtest","title":"New test","iconType":"Compose"}]
**To Native Cordova ->  ThreeDeeTouch configureQuickActions INVALID ["options": [<__NSArrayM 0x280038690>(
    iconType = Compose;
    title = "New test";
    type = newtest;
⚡️  [log] - 3D Touch available? true
⚡️  [info] - [WDS] Live Reloading enabled.

If anybody can help... 🙏

hi need help with ThreeDeeTouch.enableLinkPreview();

Hi @EddyVerbruggen i am keen to learn how the peek and pop works there is some detail in the Documentation but i cant figure out how to make a peek and pop work

Correct me if i am wrong
when you enable enableLinkPreview does that call

 ThreeDeeTouch.watchForceTouches(function(result) {
    console.log("force touch % " + result.force); // 84
    console.log("force touch timestamp " + result.timestamp); // 1449908744.706419
    console.log("force touch x coordinate " + result.x); // 213
    console.log("force touch y coordinate " + result.y); // 41

or Does it automatically Popup but what is shown in popup

Its Really confusing me
Please Help as i have gone through the where does this plugin fit in

how can one configure the peek and the peek options


onHomeIconPressed pass nothing when app wasn't run previously

Hello, maybe it is not an issue and I missed something in plugin documentation but I have the following behaviour, when I run app and make it foreground I have 3D touch icons and all actions works good with pressing them but if I close app (unload it from memory), I have 3D icons but they just run my app from the default state and doesn't pass any 3D touch type events. Could someone please advice what I'm doing wrong or maybe it is not available in this plugin?

Error on build

getting this error when I build:

The following build commands failed: CompileC build/ onBudget/Plugins/cordova-plugin-3dtouch/AppDelegate+threedeetouch.m normal i386 objective-c CompileC build/ onBudget/Plugins/cordova-plugin-3dtouch/ThreeDeeTouch.m normal i386 objective-c (2 failures)

might help to note I followed this walk thru:

  • but used bleeding edge repo, as the other was giving 404 error

Action not triggered on cold start


  • ionic 4
  • angular 8
  • iOS 13 sdk
  • Plugin version is 1.3.7


  • Actions are not triggered if the app is opened from a cold start (works great otherwise). I remember that this is working previously on our app but couldn't tell which exact environment update might have caused this issue, we did a a major update from ionic 3 to 4. As far as i could tell there are no errors being thrown but not a 100% sure as it's a bit tricky to debug the app fromcold start, even tried this but the logs are now showing. Any ideas on what the issue is or suggestions to debug?

error installing through repository

what's wrong?

iMac:IVGBlog Nello$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-3dtouch
Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-3dtouch" via npm
Plugin "cordova-plugin-3dtouch" already installed on android.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-3dtouch" already installed on ios.
Error during processing of action! Attempting to revert...
Error: Uh oh!
Invalid Version: undefined

Peek and pop functionality is not working with IONIC framework

Is anyone ever tried this plugin with IONIC native.

I tried the configure actions and it working perfectly fine.

When I try to integrate the enableLinkPreview() feature the app is not reacting and nothing is happening.

I initialized the enableLinkPreview() in configure action method.

Here is my code

function configure() {
        // Check if 3D Touch is supported on the device
        check3DTouchAvailability().then(function(available) {

                if (available) {    // Comment out this check if testing in simulator
                    // Configure Quick Actions
                            type: 'newNote',
                            title: 'New Note',
                            subtitle: '',
                            iconType: 'compose'

                    // Set event handler to check which Quick Action was pressed
                    window.ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed = function(payload) {
                        if (payload.type == 'newNote') {

                    window.ThreeDeeTouch.enableLinkPreview(function (available) {


Static quick actions

Would be great if it was possible to add predefined static quick actions in the plugin config, so that we can have quick actions available right after the app installation. For example:

  • Shortcut 1 -> index.html#functionality-1
  • Shortcut 2 -> index.html#functionality-2
  • Shortcut 3 -> other.html

Also with custom icons if possible.

onHomeIconPressed not working but configureQuickActions works fine

Hi added the plugin to a project but I have some issues; QuickActions added properly but not fired when I use it.
I'm working with an iphone7 with iOS 10.3

Below is the code I used inside the JS:

$ionicPlatform.ready(function ($cordovaGlobalization) {
       iconType: 'Search', // optional	  
       type: 'searchapplication', // optional, but can be used in the onHomeIconPressed callback
       title: 'Application', // mandatory
       subtitle: 'Search by Application' // optional
       iconType: 'Search', // optional, case insensitive	  
       type: 'searchcode',
       title: 'Code',
       subtitle: 'Search by Code' // optional
       iconType: 'Search', // iconType is case insensitive	  
       type: 'searchproduct',
       title: 'Product',
       subtitle: 'Search by Product' // optional		
       iconType: 'CapturePhoto', // iconType is case insensitive	  
       type: 'searchbarcode',
       title: 'Barcode',
       subtitle: 'Scan Barcode' // optional		

   ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed = function(payload) {
     console.log("Icon pressed. Type: " + payload.type + ". Title: " + payload.title + ".");
     (payload.type == 'searchapplication') {$state.go('app.vehicles');} 
     else if 
     (payload.type == 'searchcode') {$state.go('app.code');} 
     else if 
     (payload.type == 'searchproduct') {$location.path('app/product');} 
     else if 
     (payload.type == 'searchbarcode') {$location.path('app/barcode');} 
     else {
       // wrapping in a timeout, otherwise it collides with the splashscreen
       setTimeout(function() {
       }, 500);
   	$rootScope.isWindows = device.platform == "windows";
   	if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard && cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar) {
   	cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll( true );

   	setTimeout(function() {
   	}, 100);
   	        $rootScope.$apply(); // This resolved!

ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed not working

Trying to enhance one of my apps using this plugin. ThreeDeeTouch.configureQuickActions works great and I'm able to open the app using a QuickAction, but this action doesn't seem to be detected in the app. Only thing I have for now to see if the function works is the following:

        ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed = function(payload) {alert(payload.type);
            if(payload.type=='play_last') {


This is in a function called onDeviceReady I run on "deviceready":

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

Any ideas on this?

Use in android

Can we use this plugin in android?
How can I add Quick Home icon in android cordova?

Custom icons

Is it possible to add custom icons? And is it possible to position the icons on the right?

Phonegap Build - No Quick Actions

Hi! I would absolutely LOVE to get this plugin working, but so far I've not been able to get anything to happen. Here's the details:

  • Using Phonegap build with their latest build version (6.3.0)
  • Gap plugin tag: <gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-3dtouch" source="npm" />
  • App builds successfully with no issues and works perfectly otherwise
  • Tested on iPhone 7+ with iOS 10.0.2

In my index.html I have a deviceready listener:

document.addEventListener('deviceready', start3Dtouch(), false);

start3Dtouch() is in my primary js file, which is already loaded. The function is firing, I get the alert on app load. The js below is probably the 30th permutation, I've tried many combos and this is about as simplified as I can make it.

function start3Dtouch() {


        type: 'scan', // optional, but can be used in the onHomeIconPressed callback
        title: 'Attendance', // mandatory
        subtitle: 'Scan QR Code to checkin at event', // optional
        iconType: 'MarkLocation' // optional
        type: 'evals',
        title: 'Evaluations',
        iconType: 'Task' // optional, case insensitive
        type: 'transcript',
        title: 'Transcript',
        iconType: 'Message' // iconType is case insensitive
        type: 'calendar',
        title: 'Calendar',
        iconType: 'Invitation' // iconType is case insensitive

    ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed = function(payload) {

If I launch the app, I see the alert. If I go back to the home screen on my phone and force touch the icon, I get the haptic feedback and the screen blurs for a moment but I've never gotten the menu of my options. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and thank you very much for your work to create these plugins!

Maximum four elements?

Is there a max four limit on the number of quick actions allowed? I can't seem to be able to show more.

Cannot use UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile in PGB


First of all - great plugin. Works great, also via PGB.

However, one thing which does not work (or I am not managing to get it working) is the definition of custom icons via UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile.

I include the plugin via my config.xml:
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-privacyscreen" spec="" source="git" />

Furthermore I adjust the .plist (again via config.xml):
<gap:config-file platform="ios" parent="UIApplicationShortcutItems"> <array> <dict> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType</key> <string>UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCloud</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle</key> <string>Cloud</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemSubtitle</key> <string>Awesome subtitle</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemType</key> <string>eyefromplist</string> </dict> <dict> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType</key> <string>UIApplicationShortcutIconTypeCompose</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle</key> <string>Compose</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemSubtitle</key> <string>Foo bar</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemType</key> <string>compose</string> </dict> <dict> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemIconFile</key> <string>VIP</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemTitle</key> <string>Virtual Promoter</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemSubtitle</key> <string>Pin a picture</string> <key>UIApplicationShortcutItemType</key> <string>pinpicture</string> </dict> </array> </gap:config-file>

The file VIP.png is stored in the root folder of the PGB zip - however the shortcut menu does not show the image (it shows the entry in general but not the image).

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Preview bug

I can see a preview of google maps link, but not a simple image link

works well
<a href="" target="_blank">A.S.D. Polisportiva Cinecittà Bettini</a>

not working
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>

nothing passed to payload when using onHomeIconPressed

Is there anything wrong with this code?

 document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
    function onDeviceReady() {
        var platform = device.platform;
        if (platform == "iOS") {
            ThreeDeeTouch.isAvailable(function (avail) {
                if (avail == true) {
                    ThreeDeeTouch.onHomeIconPressed = function (payload) {
                        if (payload.type == 'create-note') {
                        else if (payload.type == 'get-tasks') {
                        else if (payload.type == "get-notes") {
                            type: "create-note",
                            title: "Create a New Note",
                            iconType: "add"
                            type: 'get-notes',
                            title: 'Show Notes',
                            subtitle: 'Show the list of my notes',
                            iconType: 'compose'
                            type: 'get-tasks',
                            title: 'Show Tasks',
                            subtitle: 'Show the list of my tasks',
                            iconType: 'taskcompleted'

isAvailable always return false (new iphones)

On new iphones (like iphone XR, Iphone 11 or Iphone 11 PRO) the plugin return false

ThreeDeeTouch.isAvailable(function (avail) {
// always false

But... is I just call the configureQuickActions works fine, Apple Just remove 3dTouch and replace for Haptic touch
// Works Fine --> ThreeDeeTouch.configureQuickActions(MYBUTTONSCONFIG);

So i think that isAvailable method should check if have also haptic response.

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