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dunet's Introduction


Build Package

Dunet is a simple source generator for discriminated unions in C#.


  • NuGet: dotnet add package dunet


// 1. Import the namespace.
using Dunet;

// 2. Add the `Union` attribute to a partial record.
partial record Shape
    // 3. Define the union variants as inner partial records.
    partial record Circle(double Radius);
    partial record Rectangle(double Length, double Width);
    partial record Triangle(double Base, double Height);
// 4. Use the union variants.
var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(3, 4);
var area = shape.Match(
    circle => 3.14 * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
    rectangle => rectangle.Length * rectangle.Width,
    triangle => triangle.Base * triangle.Height / 2
Console.WriteLine(area); // "12"


Use generics for more advanced union types. For example, an option monad:

// 1. Import the namespace.
using Dunet;
// Optional: use static import for more terse code.
using static Option<int>;

// 2. Add the `Union` attribute to a partial record.
// 3. Add one or more type arguments to the union record.
partial record Option<T>
    partial record Some(T Value);
    partial record None();
// 4. Use the union variants.
Option<int> ParseInt(string? value) =>
    int.TryParse(value, out var number)
        ? new Some(number)
        : new None();

string GetOutput(Option<int> number) =>
        some => some.Value.ToString(),
        none => "Invalid input!"

var input = Console.ReadLine(); // User inputs "not a number".
var result = ParseInt(input);
var output = GetOutput(result);
Console.WriteLine(output); // "Invalid input!"

input = Console.ReadLine(); // User inputs "12345".
result = ParseInt(input);
output = GetOutput(result);
Console.WriteLine(output); // "12345".

Implicit Conversions

Dunet generates implicit conversions between union variants and the union type if your union meets all of the following conditions:

  • The union has no required properties.
  • All variants contain a single property.
  • Each variant's property is unique within the union.
  • No variant's property is an interface type.

For example, consider a Result union type that represents success as a double and failure as an Exception:

// 1. Import the namespace.
using Dunet;

// 2. Define a union type with a single unique variant property:
partial record Result
    partial record Success(double Value);
    partial record Failure(Exception Error);
// 3. Return union variants directly.
Result Divide(double numerator, double denominator)
    if (denominator is 0d)
        // No need for `new Result.Failure(new InvalidOperationException("..."));`
        return new InvalidOperationException("Cannot divide by zero!");

    // No need for `new Result.Success(...);`
    return numerator / denominator;

var result = Divide(42, 0);
var output = result.Match(
    success => success.Value.ToString(),
    failure => failure.Error.Message

Console.WriteLine(output); // "Cannot divide by zero!"

Async Match

Dunet generates a MatchAsync() extension method for all Task<T> and ValueTask<T> where T is a union type. For example:

// Choice.cs

using Dunet;

namespace Core;

// 1. Define a union type within a namespace.
partial record Choice
    partial record Yes;
    partial record No(string Reason);
// Program.cs

using Core;
using static Core.Choice;

// 2. Define async methods like you would for any other type.
static async Task<Choice> AskAsync()
    // Simulating network call.
    await Task.Delay(1000);

    // 3. Return unions from async methods like any other type.
    return new No("because I don't wanna!");

// 4. Asynchronously match any union `Task` or `ValueTask`.
var response = await AskAsync()
        yes => "Yes!!!",
        no => $"No, {no.Reason}"

// Prints "No, because I don't wanna!" after 1 second.

Note: MatchAsync() can only be generated for namespaced unions.

Specific Match

Dunet generates specific match methods for each union variant. This is useful when unwrapping a union and you only care about transforming a single variant. For example:

partial record Shape
    partial record Point(int X, int Y);
    partial record Line(double Length);
    partial record Rectangle(double Length, double Width);
    partial record Sphere(double Radius);
public static bool IsZeroDimensional(this Shape shape) =>
        point => true,
        () => false

public static bool IsOneDimensional(this Shape shape) =>
        line => true,
        () => false

public static bool IsTwoDimensional(this Shape shape) =>
        rectangle => true,
        () => false

public static bool IsThreeDimensional(this Shape shape) =>
        sphere => true,
        () => false


using Dunet;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

// Serialization and deserialization can be enabled with the `JsonDerivedType` attribute.
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Circle), typeDiscriminator: nameof(Circle))]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Rectangle), typeDiscriminator: nameof(Rectangle))]
[JsonDerivedType(typeof(Triangle), typeDiscriminator: nameof(Triangle))]
public partial record Shape
    public partial record Circle(double Radius);
    public partial record Rectangle(double Length, double Width);
    public partial record Triangle(double Base, double Height);
using System.Text.Json;
using static Shape;

var shapes = new Shape[]
    new Circle(10),
    new Rectangle(2, 3),
    new Triangle(2, 1)

var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(shapes);

// NOTE: The type discriminator must be the first property in each object.
var deserialized = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Shape[]>(
        { "$type": "Circle", "radius": 10 },
        { "$type": "Rectangle", "length": 2, "width": 3 },
        { "$type": "Triangle", "base": 2, "height": 1 }
    // So we recognize camelCase properties.
    new JsonSerializerOptions() { PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true }

Pretty Print

To control how union variants are printed with their ToString() methods, override and seal the union declaration's ToString() method. For example:

public partial record QueryResult<T>
    public partial record Ok(T Value);
    public partial record NotFound;
    public partial record Unauthorized;

    public sealed override string ToString() =>
            ok => ok.Value.ToString(),
            notFound => "Not found.",
            unauthorized => "Unauthorized access."

Note: You must seal the ToString() override to prevent the compiler from synthesizing a custom ToString() method for each variant.

More info:

Shared Properties

To create a property shared by all variants, add it to the union declaration. For example, the following code requires all union variants to initialize the StatusCode property. This makes StatusCode available to anyone with a reference to HttpResponse without having to match.

public partial record HttpResponse
    public partial record Success;
    public partial record Error(string Message);
    // 1. All variants shall have a status code.
    public required int StatusCode { get; init; }
using var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await CreateUserAsync(client, "John", "Smith");

// 2. The `StatusCode` property is available at the union level.
var statusCode = response.StatusCode;

public static async Task<HttpResponse> CreateUserAsync(
    HttpClient client, string firstName, string lastName
    using var response = await client.PostJsonAsync(
        new { firstName, lastName }

    var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

    if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        return new HttpResponse.Error(content)
            StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode,

    return new HttpResponse.Success()
        StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode,


To bypass exhaustive matching and access a variant directly, use the variant-specific Unwrap methods.

This can be useful if you're sure of the underlying value or if you don't care about a potential exception at runtime.

using Dunet;

partial record Option<T>
    partial record Some(T Value);
    partial record None;
Option<double> option1 = new Option<double>.Some(3.14);
var some = option.UnwrapSome();
// You can access `Value` directly here.
Console.WriteLine(some.Value); // Prints "3.14".

Option<double> option2 = new Option<double>.None();
// Throws `InvalidOperationException` because the underlying variant is `None`.
var bad = option.UnwrapSome();

Note: Unwrapping is unsafe. Use only when runtime errors are ok.

Stateful Matching

To reduce memory allocations, use the Match overload that accepts a generic state parameter as its first argument.

This allows your match parameter lambdas to be static but still flow state through:

using Dunet;
using static Expression;

var environment = new Dictionary<string, int>()
    ["a"] = 1,
    ["b"] = 2,
    ["c"] = 3,

var expression = new Add(new Variable("a"), new Multiply(new Number(2), new Variable("b")));
var result = Evaluate(environment, expression);

Console.WriteLine(result); // "5"

static int Evaluate(Dictionary<string, int> env, Expression exp) =>
        // 1. Pass your state "container" as the first parameter.
        state: env,
        // 2. Use static lambdas for each variant's match method.
        static (_, number) => number.Value,
        // 3. Reference the state as the first argument of each lambda.
        static (state, add) => Evaluate(state, add.Left) + Evaluate(state, add.Right),
        static (state, mul) => Evaluate(state, mul.Left) * Evaluate(state, mul.Right),
        static (state, var) => state[var.Value]

public partial record Expression
    public partial record Number(int Value);
    public partial record Add(Expression Left, Expression Right);
    public partial record Multiply(Expression Left, Expression Right);
    public partial record Variable(string Value);

Nest Unions

To declare a union nested within a class or record, the class or record must be partial. For example:

// This type declaration must be partial.
public partial class Parent1
    // So must this one.
    public partial class Parent2
        // Unions must always be partial.
        public partial record Nested
            public partial record Variant1;
            public partial record Variant2;
// Access variants like any other nested type.
var variant1 = new Parent1.Parent2.Nested.Variant1();



Migrating from versions < 1.11.0 to versions >= 1.11.0

From v1.11.0 this library now contains an assembly reference.

By default before this dotnet add package dunet will have generated:

<PackageReference Include="dunet" Version="1.10.0">
    <IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>

When upgrading to dunet v1.11.0, this will need to be simplified to:

<PackageReference Include="dunet" Version="1.11.0" />

Otherwise the assembly will not be included for compilation, leading to build failures when trying to reference the Dunet namespace or the UnionAttribute class.

dunet's People


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dunet's Issues

Factory Methods

I was thinking it might be quite nice to have an opt-in feature that makes you rely on factory methods to create the different types within a union. I was thinking this could be another attribute maybe [UnionWithFactory] or something like [Union(factory: true)].

I took the code example from the samples and modified it to show how the factory methods could be used:

using Dunet.Choices;
using Dunet.Shapes;

var rectangle = Shape.Rectangle(10, 10);
var triangle =  Shape.Triangle(10, 10);
var circle = Shape.Circle(10);

var getArea = (IShape shape) =>
    shape switch
        Rectangle rect => rect.Length * rect.Width,
        Circle circle => 2.0 * Math.PI * circle.Radius,
        Triangle triangle => 1.0 / 2.0 * triangle.Base * triangle.Height,
        _ => 0d,

var rectangleArea = getArea(rectangle);
var triangleArea = getArea(triangle);
var circleArea = getArea(circle);

Console.WriteLine($"Rectangle area: {rectangleArea}");
Console.WriteLine($"Triangle area: {triangleArea}");
Console.WriteLine($"Circle area: {circleArea}");

var choice = GetChoice();

if (choice is Yes)

if (choice is No)

static IChoice GetChoice() =>
    Console.ReadLine() switch
        "yes" => Option.Yes(),
        _ => Option.No()

What do you think?

Allow matching with static functions

One issue with .Match is that it allocated objects for case matching functions to capture the closure. C# has a mechanism to prevent this from happening with a static keyword on lambda. However, for it to work the "closure" state has to be threaded manually.

Consider an example of such a match function called .FoldMatch based on your Expression example implemented in the Expression class. Functions StaticEvaluate and EvaluateUniqueVar show how such a utility could be used:

// Adapted from

using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Dunet;
using static Expression;

var environment = new Dictionary<string, int>()
    ["a"] = 1,
    ["b"] = 2,
    ["c"] = 3,

var expression = new Add(new Variable("a"), new Multiply(new Number(2), new Variable("b")));

// Evaluate a + 2 * b
var result = Evaluate(environment, expression);

Console.WriteLine(result); // 5

static int Evaluate(Dictionary<string, int> env, Expression exp) =>
        number => number.Value,
        add => Evaluate(env, add.Left) + Evaluate(env, add.Right),
        multiply => Evaluate(env, multiply.Left) * Evaluate(env, multiply.Right),
        variable => env[variable.Value]

// Allows to evaluate expressions without allocating lambdas
static int StaticEvaluate(Dictionary<string, int> env, Expression exp) =>
        static (_, number) => number.Value,
        static (e, add) => StaticEvaluate(e, add.Left) + StaticEvaluate(e, add.Right),
        static (e, multiply) => StaticEvaluate(e, multiply.Left) * StaticEvaluate(e, multiply.Right),
        static (e, variable) => e[variable.Value]

// An example of how to thread state through a recursive function
// It simulates a (made up) use case where variables can be used only once
static (IImmutableDictionary<string, int> state, int result) 
    EvaluateUniqueVar(IImmutableDictionary<string, int> env, Expression exp) =>
        static (e, number) => (e, number.Value),
        static (e, add) =>
            (e, var left) = EvaluateUniqueVar(e, add.Left);
            (e, var right) = EvaluateUniqueVar(e, add.Right);
            return (e, left + right);
        static (e, multiply) =>
            (e, var left) = EvaluateUniqueVar(e, multiply.Left);
            (e, var right) = EvaluateUniqueVar(e, multiply.Right);
            return (e, left * right);
        static (e, variable) => (e.Remove(variable.Value), e[variable.Value])

public partial record Expression
    partial record Number(int Value);

    partial record Add(Expression Left, Expression Right);

    partial record Multiply(Expression Left, Expression Right);

    partial record Variable(string Value);
    public T FoldMatch<T, TState>(
        TState state,
        Func<TState, Number, T> number,
        Func<TState, Add, T> add,
        Func<TState, Multiply, T> multiply,
        Func<TState, Variable, T> variable
    ) => this switch
        Number x   => number(state, x),
        Add x      => add(state, x),
        Multiply x => multiply(state, x),
        Variable x => variable(state, x),
        _          => throw new InvalidOperationException()

Annotate Generated Code with GeneratedCodeAttribute

It would be useful and would help tooling like coverage reporters if the generated code was annotated with the GeneratedCodeAttribute.

At the moment, code generated for DU's is counted towards uncovered code:

Example here.
Coverlet finds only method 0.8% coverage in this workflow run, when it should find 50%, as the only uncovered method should be Main

Simplify instantiation of generic-bound union members

Consider the following union:

public partial record Option<T>
    public partial record Some(T Value);
    public partial record None;

Currently, to instantiate the Some variant, we must write the following:

var some = new Option<int>.Some(42);

Since the generic type parameter is bound to the union, we must define the type parameter every time since it cannot be inferred from the type passed to the union member. It would be nicer to be able to do the following:

// Inferred as `Option<int>.Some` since `42` is an integer.
var someInt = Option.Some(42);
// Inferred as `Option<string>.Some`.
var someStr = Option.Some("foo");

Improve samples

As a developer who is considering using Dunet, I want a collection of different real-world samples to help me determine if the library makes sense for my use case.

As a current user of Dunet, I want a collection of different real-world samples to help me better understand how/when to use the library.

Sample ideas:

  • Web application: A result union that models the outcome of some business logic. This result is passed back to a controller to be mapped into the proper response.
  • Improved calculator: Model an operation as a union of operators. Calculator logic depends on the user selected operator.
  • Web Client: Monads to represent different HTTP request results. Option monad for operations that may return nothing. Result monad for an operation that can succeed with a result object or fail with an error object.
  • Implicit conversion sample.
  • A blazor sample would be nice too. Was asked about it on twitter:

Add `Action` based `Match` (or similarly named) method

I am attempting to replace my custom T4 based union generator with dunet. Currently, my implementation generates an Either method which is functionally identical to the Match method generated by dunet, and a Do method, which is similar, but takes an Action for each union case, and does not return a value. Dunet does not appear to currently have such a method. The generated code should be identical to the current Match, except that it would return void rather than TMatchOutput, would take Action instead of Func delegates, and would not need to be generic on TMatchOutput, as there would be no output.

Support non-primitive parameters

As a developer, I want my union definitions to support non-primitive parameters, so that I can build more complex and useful unions.

I should be able to do something like this:

using System;

interface IResult
    void Created(Guid id);
    void Failure(Exception error);

This currently fails to compile because the imports are not part of the generated code.

Inner union compile with error `Cannot implicitly convert type 'X' to 'Y`

Hi. First of all, I'd like to thank you for this excellent library! It is very useful in many contexts! That is great and impressive work! :)

It would be nice if the inner union classes worked. Below is the example that doesn't compile

using Dunet;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

public class Foo
    public partial record R
        public partial record O1();

    public R Bar()
        return new R.O1();

The error says: Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type 'Foo.R.O1' to 'Foo.R'
Although below code works just fine:

using Dunet;

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

public partial record R
    public partial record O1();

public class Foo
    public R Bar()
        return new R.O1();

I would expect that both variants of code compile. The first version could be useful because the result type can be hidden inside the class. Is it possible to fix that?

Problem on the basic usage.

Hi, I've tried to use the basic usage on my machine with SDK .net 6.0.100, but I cannot compile due to the following errors:

  • Program.cs(13, 2): [CS0246] The type or namespace name 'UnionAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?);
  • Program.cs(13, 2): [CS0246] The type or namespace name 'Union' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?);

This is my cproj and my Program.cs:



  <PackageReference Include="Dunet" Version="1.0.0" />


`using Dunet;

var shape = new Shape.Rectangle(3, 4);
var area = shape.Match(
circle => 3.14 * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
rectangle => rectangle.Length * rectangle.Width,
triangle => triangle.Base * triangle.Height / 2

partial record Shape
partial record Circle(double Radius);
partial record Rectangle(double Length, double Width);
partial record Triangle(double Base, double Height);

What I'm missing?

Implicit conversions

As a dunet user, I want some unions to support assigning its members' inner values directly, so that my code is more terse and less noisy.

For example, we should be able to do this:

using Result = Result<System.Exception, string>;

// No `new Result.Err()` required here.
Result exception = new Exception("Boom!");
// No `new Result.Ok()` required here.
Result success = "Success!";
// Compiler error.
Result invalid = 1;

public partial record Result<TError, TSuccess>
    partial record Ok(TSuccess Value);
    partial record Err(TError Error);

[Union] attribute on an `partial record` instead of `interface`?

Example usage

public partial record Result
    partial record Ok(string Message);

    partial record Error(Exception Exception)
        // Can override specific methods on the generated types
        public override string ToString() => Exception.ToString();

        // ...or add new ones without resorting to extension methods
        public bool CanIgnore => Exception is OperationCanceledException;

// Instantiate the Error case directly:
var result = new Result.Error(new Exception("hi :)"));

// Use the factory methods that return `Result`:
var otherResult = Result.NewError(new Exception("another way"));

    (Result.Ok _) => 1,
    (Result.Error e) => e.CanIgnore ? 1 : 0);

// Can use named arguments to make `match` more explicit:
    error: e => e.CanIgnore ? 1 : 0,
    ok: m => m.Message.Length);


  • With the generated code below, it is impossible to create another type that derives from Result as it has a private constructor.
  • It is possible to add your own method to the Result class and the case classes directly rather than having to write them as extension methods.
  • Untested hypothesis, but I imagine the JIT would generate better code with an abstract Match method, as opposed to the extension method that you have currently.

Source generator produces

abstract partial record Result
    // No other classes can derive from this class
    private Result() {}

    public static Result NewOk(string message) => new Ok(message);
    public static Result NewError(Exception exception) => new Error(exception);

    public abstract T Match<T>(Func<Ok, T> ok, Func<Error, T> error);

    public sealed partial record Ok : Result
        public override T Match<T>(Func<Ok, T> ok, Func<Error, T> error) =>

    public sealed partial record Error : Result
        public override T Match<T>(Func<Ok, T> ok, Func<Error, T> error) =>

Prefer `_ is _ _` pattern

I don't see the need in Match function, when the is pattern can work just as good (and even better, in terms of performance).

partial record Result
    partial record Ok();
    partial record Error(string Id);
Result result = GetResult();

if(result is not Result.Error error)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error happened: {error.Id}");
Result result = GetResult();

Console.WriteLine(result switch {
    Result.Ok => "Success",
    Result.Error error => $"Error happened: {error.Id}",
    _ => $"Unknown: {result}"

Separate Attributes into another project

Create a separate project with Attributes explicitly defined in code and referenced by the source generator.

This will help to avoid conflicts that generating the attribute current cause and the Attribute will be more easily discoverable.

An example in which the attributes are in a separate project from the source generator (and also not source generated in the project consuming the library)

Example where Attribute can't be discovered

Unwrap union types

Sometimes, we may want an easy way to get the value out of a union and don't care if the code fails at runtime.

Consider the following union:

public partial record Option<T>
    public partial record Some(T Value);
    public partial record None;

Option<int> integer = 42;

We should be able to do something like this:

// If `integer` is `Option<int>.None` this would throw at runtime.
Option<int>.Some value = integer.UnwrapSome();


var value = integer.SomeOrThrow();
var value = integer.ForceSome();
var value = integer.ToSome();

Anonymous union variants

Some times we want to make a very basic union without naming its variants. We should be able to do something like:

public partial record struct Number : Union<int, double>;

This would enable us to do the following:

var integer = new Number.Int();
var @double = new Number.Double();

Should it support generics?
Should it require you to name its variants or infer from the type name?

Idea: Friendly use of ToString()

For example, I have a union defined like this:

    public partial record BussinesLogicResult<T>
        public partial record Ok(T Value);
        public partial record EntityNotFound();
        public partial record UnauthorizedAccess();

Well, I would like to override the ToString() method like this:

    public partial record BussinesLogicResult<T>
        public partial record Ok(T Value);
        public partial record EntityNotFound();
        public partial record UnauthorizedAccess();

        public override string ToString()
            return this.Match<string>(ok => ok.Value.ToString(),
                entityNotFound => "Not found.",
                unauthorizedAccess => "Unauthorized access.");

However, this has no effect as a result, because the records are implicitly override ToString() method. And it is necessary to override ToString() separately for each record.

My idea is that if the ToString() method is found in the base record, the public override string ToString() => base.ToString(); code will be generated in the uion members (children).

Dedicated match method

As a developer, I want a dedicated Match() method, so that consumers of my union type are required to handle each case in order to get a value out of it.

Usage might look something like this:

public interface IShape
    IShape Circle(double radius);
    IShape Rectangle(double length, double width);
    IShape Triangle(double @base, double height);

var shape = new Rectangle(3, 4);
var area = shape.Match(
    circle => 3.14 * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
    rectangle => rectangle.Length * rectangle.Width,
    triangle => triangle.Base * triangle.Height / 2

Console.WriteLine(area); // "12"

Integration tests

As a maintainer, I want a suite of integration tests, so that I can be confident that a changeset will behave correctly for end users.

Match on a specific union value only

Some times we just want to do something given a specific union value, rather than handling all cases explicitly. This is most useful on larger unions.

For example consider the following code:

public partial record struct MathResult<T>
    : where T : INumber<T>
    public partial record struct Infinity;
    public partial record struct Success(T Value);
    public partial record struct NaN;
    public partial record struct Undefined;

MathResult<double> result = // Some complex math calculation.

Some ways we might want to interact with result

  • With a dedicated Match method for each case?
// A `MatchX()` is generated for each member `X` of the union. You must provide an else case.
var value = result.MatchSuccess(
    // If `Infinity, NaN, or Undefined` return 0.
    () => 0
  • Perhaps a more imperative, idiomatic C# way?
// A `TryGetX` is generated for each member `X` of the union.
if (result.TryGetSuccess(out var success))

Async Action Match

#65 implemented synchronous matching with Action<T>. Let's implement the asynchronous version as well, like what exists for Func<T>.

Monad support

As a developer, I want to use this library to generate monads, so that I don't have to write them manually.

I should be able to do something like this:

public partial record Option<T>
    partial record Some(T Value);
    partial record None();

var option = new Option<string>.Some("foo");

var value = option.Match(
    some => some.Value,
    none => ""

Console.WriteLine(value); // "foo"
public partial record Result<TFailure, TSuccess>
    partial record Success(TSuccess Value);
    partial record Failure(TFailure Error);

var result = new Result<Exception, string>.Failure(new Exception("Boom!"));
var message = result.Match(
    success => success.Value,
    failure => failure.Error.Message

Console.WriteLine(message); // "Boom!"

Async match support

I've been using the library in production code for a while now, and one use that would be useful is an async match method.

The use case here is when the matching logic is asynchronous due to a union being wrapped by a Task.

Cannot have multiple union definitions with same name

Dunet doesn't currently support generating two unions with the same name in separate namespaces. This is due to the source generated output file being named after the union record's name here:

context.AddSource($"{unionRecord.Name}.g.cs", SourceText.From(result, Encoding.UTF8));

While most users probably won't run into this, I believe we should still support this use case to be more user friendly or prevent a silent failure that may be frustrating.

Test GetActualArea fix


Currently, the test CanReturnImplementationsOfGenericUnion use default implementation of ToString method for a double. This can cause errors when users have different culture-info settings.

Expected actualArea to be "0.5", but "0,5" differs near ",5" (index 1).
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.XUnit2TestFramework.Throw(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.TestFrameworkProvider.Throw(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.DefaultAssertionStrategy.HandleFailure(String message)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(Func`1 failReasonFunc)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(Func`1 failReasonFunc)
   at FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionScope.FailWith(String message, Object[] args)
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringEqualityValidator.ValidateAgainstMismatch()
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringValidator.Validate()
   at FluentAssertions.Primitives.StringAssertions`1.Be(String expected, String because, Object[] becauseArgs)
   at Dunet.Test.GenerateUnionRecord.GenericGenerationTests.CanReturnImplementationsOfGenericUnion(Int32 dividend, Int32 divisor, String expectedOutput) in C:\repos\external-repo\dunet\test\GenerateUnionRecord\GenericGenerationTests.cs:line 104

The suggested fix is to add InvariantCulture parameter.

Note: Creating pull requests is blocked so I present the solution below:

Make common members accessible without matching

In TypeScript, if all union cases have a field it may be accessed without matching. For example:

type Animal = 
  | { kind: 'dog', sound: 'woof', ageInDogYears: 12 }
  | { kind: 'cat', sound: 'meow', ageInCatYears: 23 }

const t: Animal = // some value

t.kind // valid, since both have `kind`
t.sound // valid
t.ageInDogYears // error

I believe this library would benefit from this pattern when a property name and type are the same in all cases (TS allows the types to be different in which case it creates an anonymous union type for the return value; I guess it could also be implemented but I see it much less useful).

To implement it the base class needs to match on the type and then return this property, for example:

// Types.cs
partial record Animal {
  partial record Dog(string Sound) : Animal;
  partial record Cat(string Sound) : Animal;

// Types.gen.cs
partial record Animal {
  // possibly getter would be better
  public string Sound() => this switch {
    Dog(sound) => sound,
    Cat(sound) => sound

Question: make it to work with asp net

I'm really sorry to ask here, but I would like to know how can I make it to work with asp (the serialization / deserialization part).

I created from scratch a repro:

I've no problem in serializating my object to json, but the issue come when I try to deserialize it from json (see .http file)

I would be really grateful if you have any idea.
Thanks very muche

Suppress switch expression warning

As a dunet user, when using switch expression with dunet-generated unions, I don't want to be warned about the switch expression not being exhaustive when it is provably so.

For example, the following should not emit a warning:

using static Option<int>;

Option<int> option = new Some(1);

var output = option switch
    Some some => some.Value.ToString(),
    None => "",

public partial record Option<T>
    partial record Some(T Value);
    partial record None();

Record struct union support

We should support declaring unions as record structs for consumers that want value semantics and reduced memory allocations. For example:

using Dunet;

partial record struct Option<T>
    partial record struct Some(T Value);
    partial record struct None;

Mixing and matching structs and classes should not be allowed.

Design note: Since using structs we cannot use abstract and inheritance to resolve the union type. We'll have to use a private discriminant like an enum to support it and switch on it when matching.

Add Action with the type in the else of a MatchXYZ

I am trying Dunet in a very simple piece of code.

I want to write unit tests where I say: If the returned type is correct, assert some properties, otherwise fail saying that the wrong options was returned.

My DU is:

internal partial record LogChange
    partial record AddNew(Disconnection NewDisconnection);
    partial record UpdateLastEndTime(Disconnection Last, DateTime EndTime);
    partial record UpdateLastEndTimeAndAddNew(Disconnection Last, DateTime EndTime, Disconnection NewDisconnection);

So I would like to write the unit test as follows:

var result = BusinessLogic.DetermineLogChanges(e, null);

    addNew =>
        Assert.Equal(expectedHardwarUnitId, addNew.NewDisconnection.HardwareUnitId);
        Assert.Equal(expectedState, addNew.NewDisconnection.State);
    // The else should be of the other type that was returned
    @else => Assert.Fail($"Returned {@else} instead of {nameof(BusinessLogic.AddNew)}")

Unfortunately the MatchAddNew() method only has an Action without input parameter as else.

Is it possible to add an Action as an else, where T is the actual DU value returned?

Implicit conversions clash with required union properties

Consider the following union:

internal partial record HttpQueryResult<TBody>
  public required HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; init; }
  public required Uri? RequestUri { get; init; }

  public partial record Success(TBody Body);
  public partial record Failure(string Error);

This code fails to compile because the generated implicit conversions do not initialize the required properties.

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