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cheat_codes_2's Issues

sample loading error

maybe u know this already but I just booted up the beta for the first time and it doesn't look like clip sample load is working
¯_(ツ)_/¯ seems to be going fine in cheat codes 1 with the same files.

I get this error on the param action

lua: /home/we/norns/lua/core/softcut.lua:297: error: requires 3 arguments
stack traceback:
        [C]: in field 'cut_buffer_clear_region_channel'
        /home/we/norns/lua/core/softcut.lua:297: in function 'core/softcut.buffer_clear_
        /home/we/dust/code/and_cc/cheat_codes.lua:2437: in global 'load_sample'
        /home/we/dust/code/and_cc/lib/start_up.lua:81: in field 'action'
        /home/we/norns/lua/core/params/file.lua:60: in function 'core/params/file.bang'
        /home/we/norns/lua/core/params/file.lua:35: in function 'core/params/file.set'
        (...tail calls...)
        /home/we/norns/lua/core/menu/params.lua:267: in function 'fileselect.callback'
        /home/we/norns/lua/lib/fileselect.lua:50: in function 'fileselect.exit'
        /home/we/norns/lua/lib/fileselect.lua:133: in function 'fileselect.key'
        /home/we/norns/lua/core/menu.lua:139: in function </home/we/norns/lua/core/menu.

doesn't look like buffer clear function is happy with your args !

fine-grain level control < 0.5

when levels are below 0.5, there is need for exponential level adjustment.

well, you can kinda get there with adjustments to global level, actually!

arp skipping first note on retrigger

not sure if this is just how im using the arp...
but when i (grid)
turn on arp, hold down a pad, press arp again....
record pad presses and they loop....
stop arp
start arp
it skips the first pad and places it at the end of the sequence?


[loops] page interactions


  • expose as many controls as possible on the [loops] page without having to go into PARAMS (eg. clip load from loops page!)
  • give non-grid users a clean way to do certain helpful performative gestures
  • give grid users a clean way to do certain helpful non-performative gestures


  • make k2 (or k1?) on the main menu the only way to get to PARAMS
    • this would help free up k1 on the [loops] page for a "double-tap" to return to loop point UI (if necessary)
      • or to reset rate + window?
  • k3 should vertically navigate [loops]
    • this helps re-establish e1 as the loop window control without additional gestures (one-handed is primo)
  • k1 + e1 should horizontally navigate [loops]
    • this helps keep non-mod e1 a "change pad" function for all other pages
  • add quantized encoder segments for banks
    • this helps grid + non-grid folks!!

loop points:

- e1 e2 e3 k2 k3
no mod window start end - -
k1 hold change page double/halve via start double/halve via end maybe loop to bpm? toggle looping

rate + slew:

- e1 e2 e3 k2 k3
no mod change pad rate slew - -
k1 hold change page global rate global slew rate 1x? random rate

buffer + offset:

- e1 e2 e3 k2 k3
no mod change pad buffer offset - -
k1 hold change page global buffer global offset clip select? scale offset?

FR: live record mode with "pause" behavior

alt title that is maybe more clear? (maybe less): "in oneshot record mode, an option to resume recording at the location in the buffer where the record head was last stopped."

(i just properly discovered one shot record mode––complete game changer for me, exponentially better for my workflow!)

currently in one shot mode, it seems like all you can do is press record and then press stop. i see that you can set the start and stop times for each one shot, but this is very fiddly. also hard to work out where exactly you stopped recording.

now that you can stretch the buffer time out to 32 seconds, an option to record multiple discrete times within one buffer (if it was stopped before 100% of buffer was stored) would make it absolutely perfect*....

*ok, already one other command intuitively feels like it should go with this hypothetical feature: a command to override this behavior and send record head back to start of buffer. for this, i like the idea of double tapping "record" to send the record head back to 0%. this follows standard behavior of the "stop" button in many DAWs, the op-1, etc.

hopefully this makes sense, maybe easier to explain a real world example:

  1. you doodle around on instrument/create generative soundscape/surf radio for sounds.
  2. suddenly, you stumble upon something you like.
  3. press record on CC.
  4. record head STARTS, capturing phrase/noodle/sound.
  5. press record again to PAUSE record head at 38% of buffer used.
  6. find another chord/phrase/sound that speaks to you.
  7. press record again to RESUME recording.
  8. recording starts at 38% and continues until record is pressed again or until record head reaches 100%, where it STOPS.
  9. alternatively, double-tapping record STOPs the record head and sends record head back to 0% of buffer.
  10. at this point you're free to start overdubbing and/or start over, depending on how much feedback is set on the live recording.

(possible i am missing a more efficient way of working with the start and stop points in one shot mode, sorry if so lol)

Auto Chop sets clip to sample buffer#1

I load up 3 samples, one on each bank A, B and C.
I click alt+clip on each bank, and alt+slot 1,2 or 3 to select the same sample to all pads in that bank.

Issue: If I click alt+auto chop the bank automatically sets all samples to clip slot 1

misc feedback

  • the local shift per bank doesn’t seem to work work in all cases you’d use shift for

  • grid gesture to trigger filter mode for arc doesn’t work in bank with an active euclid mode:
    200908: unable to repro

  • small chance looping pad gets stuck retriggering forever (dd: #27 maybe?)

  • random delay send seems to occasionally produce a feedback loop independent from the delay controls (requiring immediately ripping your headphones off level feedback lol). i was trying to tap the grid controls to zero out input and feedback but with random delay send (and maybe random feedback if that’s an option? can’t remember) it just kept coming back (dd: #27 maybe?)

  • filter crashed on bank a. pressing the 3 keys to open it on the arc didn’t work and then going into the filter params page also didn’t allow changes to that specific filter only. other two were fine
    200908: perhaps resonance issue? there are no resonance params available for the three banks, but that's the only thing i could guess

  • “restore default start + end based on pattern ID” grid gesture becomes unstable when using multiple buffers. seems like the start gets set to after the end and nothing plays, becomes impossible to reset.
    200909: unable to repro.

  • saving + loading presets seems to be busted—the presets never save and norns hangs on scanning when trying to change scripts. i have to reset to fix, after which preset does not appear to be saved. (complete guess, but maybe this is because i have the beta and the regular CC installed at the same time?)

  • somehow, i stopped playback on euclid bank a. if this is a feature, no key combination seemed to restart it.

  • on the loops page, the “end” number in the top right doesn’t scale correctly with the record buffer slow downs.
    200908: FIXED

  • if it’s possible, it would be nice for the normal 500ms k1 window to work when you’re ALREADY IN the params/norns menus, but leaving the 100ish-ms one when in the script. i occasionally lock myself out via slow reflexes and as far as i know there’s no real reason to have the shortened input time in the menu section.
    200909: fixed

  • in random record toggle, seems like grid should give visual feedback when recording (like it’s doing on the loops page)
    200909: was missing a grid_dirty flag :)

  • expose resonance controls somehow. on the filters page, the … on the bottom left makes me think they might be already there and i just don’t know how to scroll to them?

  • add “playback direction” as a param target in rnd (maybe could just fit in as a third boolean param for rate?)

[delay] FR: change both L and R simultaneously and sync

(1) Petition to have K1+ E3/E2 on delay parameters to change both L and R simultaneously and sync. So feedback L on 50% and feedback R on 75% would jump to 80% in both if K1 is pressed while turning the respective encoder.
Edit: Specifically on feedback I’d rather have a quick on/off function (not synced): turn left to jump to 0%, turn right to jump to the current value. For the rest sync is better.

bug in tracker.lua

this just popped up in the lua code checker i have in visual i haven't actually replicated this issue.

line 120 of tracker.lua references the get_tick function when it should be calling the function (i.e. a () is missing).

so... self:set_tick(self:get_tick + 1) should be changed to... self:set_tick(self:get_tick() + 1)

arc: patterns do not save with collections

current behavior: when saving a collection with an arc pattern, the white square next to save doesn't appear and my collection isn't saved
expected behavior: saving a collection with an arc pattern should save the arc pattern and the rest of the parameters
maiden output:

/home/we/dust/code/cc-gm/cheat_codes.lua:4858: attempt to concatenate a nil value (field 'count')
stack traceback:
	/home/we/dust/code/cc-gm/cheat_codes.lua:4858: in global 'save_arc_pattern'
	/home/we/dust/code/cc-gm/cheat_codes.lua:3855: in field 'action'
	/home/we/norns/lua/core/params/trigger.lua:35: in function 'core/params/trigger.bang'
	/home/we/norns/lua/core/params/trigger.lua:23: in function 'core/params/trigger.set'
	(...tail calls...)
	/home/we/norns/lua/core/menu/params.lua:179: in function 'core/menu/params.key'
	/home/we/norns/lua/core/menu.lua:139: in function </home/we/norns/lua/core/menu.lua:116>

Some UI observations

(i recognize this is all super opinionated so take it or leave it, obviously.)

the old and new pages seem slightly incongruous with each other UI wise, trying to examine why:


  1. since enc2 is our dedicated “scroller” for navigating the main menu, it feels like it wants to be the scroller to navigate sub menus, but i see why that doesn't work. maybe add enc1 as a navigation option for the main menu?

  2. on the new pages, where k3 does more menu diving, it feels bad to get “stuck” in the deepest level of menu by pressing k3. pressing a button that did something previously and having nothing happen makes it feel as though maybe something is wrong with the script, or something has changed that you failed to perceive. it feels like k3 wants to send you back to the first layer of the menu of the current page when you’ve reached the end, the way it does in the earlier pages (loops,levels,pans,filters).

for example, on the delay page: does it make sense to have k3 loop through the sections rather than "arrive" at the lowest level of menu? maybe it's more important to know you've reached the end, i don't know. i get tripped up on it a little!

euclid page: i think when you hold key 1 and see “1,2,3” mode you might mean “a, b, c” mode? i always trip over myself trying to differentiate between the buffers and the banks--i thought the letters were how to differentiate? (i am probably just confused, i just realized the 1,2,3 naming convention is also used on rnd)

random page:

  1. it would be cool if “k1+k3 to activate” worked regardless of what on the screen is highlighted
  2. it's weird that enc1 scrolls between the banks, but then, after pressing k3 to advance, does nothing. i get the logic––enc1 is for scrolling, enc2/3 reserved for changing params), but the hand movement required is sort of awkward. it seems fine to just interpret the random generator object number as a list that you "scroll" through with enc1, even though not all other numbers are visible at all times.
  3. (this is another one where it feels like maybe k3 should loop between the three sections?)

(pretty smooth session tonight! i have occasionally seen a bank switch itself into arp mode without being told to, and have observed the focus mode not properly play with euclidian, delay, filter menus but cannot even come close to reproducing them so not going to report at this time)

envelope: add rising envelope

currently, there's only one envelope shape available: falling. rising would open up a nice expressivity where the pad press fades in.


  • add a /| option to the envelope section of [levels]
  • this justifies a rnd generator for swapping between rising, falling, and no envelope

Random Pattern Functionality


Version: cheat_codes2-beta-beta3-hotfix

Once a random pattern is created (via Norns menu)I, if it is stopped, after some time the pattern (the prevously recorded? the recent random?) plays again automatically. The only way to stop the pattern is to delete it (alt + pattern grid key).

I would expect something like that:

  • recorded patterns persist until the are deleted and can be started/stopped with the pattern grid key
  • a random pattern overwrites a manually recorded one
  • random patterns can be created by pushing alt + r button (according to settings via Norns menu)
  • as the pattern key lights up I assume I can use this to stop the random pattern (does not seem to work)

Midi channel selection odd behavior.

Hi Dan,

This was found on release candidate 2 but I checked and it was happening in the other beta releases as well. Under the Midi Keyboard setup/ BankA, B, and C pad channels. Issue: When turning encoder 3 to select a channel the numbers do not react smoothly. As in going contiguously from 1 to 16. Rather they sporadically skip numbers until 16 is reached. On top of that, let's say you start at 1 turn a tiny amount and get skipped from 2 to 5, 6 then stop at 8. If I turn the knob back (to get back to 1) the numbers keep incrementing. Because I have to switch channels for the Midi fighter to work, I know if I can get to 7 then turn the dial back I can get to 9 in a few tries. But I can never get to 9 turning the dial clockwise. I'm using the latest Norns shield if that matters.

Hope this helps!

arc: add delay performance controls

since there are so many new delay features, it'd be nice to be able to have fine control over the following parameters:

  • time (clocked and free)
  • fade time
  • playback rate
  • filter cutoff
  • filter balances

grid redraw misses

a couple of spots where a grid redraw needs to happen but isn't:

  • euclid: both single and span modes need to show the pad selected

meta-sequencer: can not manually recall saved pattern

current behavior: grid patterns can be saved on the meta-sequencer page and sequenced, but they cannot be manually recalled -- when you re-select a saved pattern, it does not load.

expected behavior: grid patterns can be either auto-loaded through sequencer or manually selected

arc: encoder 4 no longer controls anything

current behavior: when using cheat codes 2, arc encoder 4 no longer controls the clocked delay rate.
expected behavior: even though there are lots of new parameters, I expected encoder 4 to still control the clocked rate

maiden output: none

reset clocks between collections

current behavior: if you load a collection after a running session, clocks will not reset to an inactive state before being re-activated for the needs of the loaded collection.

expected behavior: loading a collection will activate only the needed clocks with the saved params.

delay grid interface: add performative controls

current behavior: the delay grid interface has a 4x4 square with a bank selector which is subject to the main performance page's arp rules, but there are no additional controls

proposed behavior: add the following performance controls to the delay grid page:

  • alt + pad = remove from arp
  • arp enable/hold button
  • loop button
  • zilchmo 4

'loops' page minor troubles

  • E1 can swing window past actual end point (forgot -1 offset?)
  • displaying pad focus params was a little funky

reduce number of active hardware redraw calls


amazing work on this. i've been a couple updates behind but had a chance to catch up on the streams today and was so inspired i had to try it out. so so fun!

i was able to get it to crash (sorry!😉). i had arps going on banks b and c and 2-3 randomizers going on them as well. i also had a randomzier going on bank a, set to toggle looping, while i was just tapping it live. it stopped accepting inputs from the grid and then a couple of seconds later the grid went dark. audio was still coming out at that point and then it seemed to drop out one bank at a time until total silence.

while this was happening, i opened maiden at this point and saw it was spamming something like "resource temporarily unavailable". i lost the exact phrasing when i went to to try to remember what the new on-norns soft reset is, when i tried to get back to maiden it wouldn't let me in (probably due to the velocity of messages, it was dozens every second).

i was not able to find the command that is supposed to reset norns but was able to ssh in and restart that way. let me know if there is some log file that i can attach that would make this more valuable!

(sorry i do not know how to tag issues on github.)

post-release enhancements

i'm on a code-freeze at this point, so this a collection of things that will be nice to revisit after release!


  • add record page controls
  • map record page to right key 1
  • add rate control


  • add record controls
  • add pad focus
  • smartphones connectivity -- senders, but also crow-like receivers
  • text-based sequencer
  • expose more control endpoints for LFO modulation
  • delay control


  • add/remove time from the last event in a recorded free pattern


  • allow re-routing of midi cc echoes to different cc's than the cc's which control the parameter
  • introduce pad-to-midi-note echo (uni-directional)

norns UI

  • add pad-focus as norns hardware option
  • levels page: add finer-grain steps when using encoders
  • loops page: add quantized encoder segments for banks
  • confirm that longer buffer times add offsets to appropriate pads
  • confirm whether .connect retaining hardware is norns-level FR

grid UI

  • zilchmo 2: show level value
  • zilchmo 2: hold a key to rapidly add level steps
  • delay: add an "external in" toggle


  • microtone offset
  • loop points
  • level (w/ slewing)
  • envelope time
  • delay params
  • rate could have an additional param for direction


  • load single stereo file and split across both delays


  • record pattern of arp changes


  • overdub arc patterns?


  • could self-surveilling slopes be mappable to pad params?


  • loop points: when you change a pad, could a slew be added to the loop point changes? hmm.
  • should one-shot record be able to be paused / canceled?
  • add ratcheting / echo to cheat

note mode:

  • could have a straightforward note mode where pads represent pitches
  • i'm also curious what would happen by approaching this paradigm as sequence-looping/sequencing
    • replace [loops] with plot of notes
    • live recording is actually just note recording?
    • pads represent a speed of playback of sections of the note plot

meta-sequencer: save arp OR grid patterns

current behavior: the meta-sequencer only saves played or random grid patterns, but arps do not have any save/recall system. they can be keyed in, windowed, paused, played, even saved with a collection -- but there's no "bulk" save/recall, where many arp patterns can be chained together.

proposed behavior: since arps are just clocked patterns, they should be able to be saved like regular grid patterns.

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