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feedgnuplot's Issues

How to send input to feedgnuplot from a different shell

If I run feedgnuplot in one of my tmux windows like this:

> feedgnuplot --terminal dumb --exit

I can enter some numbers, and then press Ctrl+d and it will print a graph.
But if instead I trying sending output to its STDIN file descriptor from another shell, e.g:

echo "1\n2\n3\n" > /proc/$(pgrep feedgnuplot)/fd/0

and then pressing Ctrl+d in the feedgnuplot terminal/tmux window, then I get this error:

gnuplot> plot
         line 0: function to plot expected

If, before pressing Ctrl+d I type print and exit into the feedgnuplot window (directly, not via /proc), like this:


then it works, and prints a graph.
But if I try sending those commands along with the data via /proc I get the same error:

echo "1\n2\n3\nprint\nexit" > /proc/$(pgrep feedgnuplot)/fd/0

In the feedgnuplot window:

gnuplot> plot
         line 0: function to plot expected

What's going on here?
How can I send input to feedgnuplot from a different shell?

Nothing is happening

I run (on Ubuntu 13.04):

seq 5 | awk '{print 2*$1, $1*$1}' | bin/feedgnuplot --domain

No output, no windows.


using #!/usr/bin/env perl instead of #!/usr/bin/perl ?

Values in input lines *must* be space-delimited?

gnuplot has support for changing the data separator (see set datafile separator, p. 160 of, but as far as I can tell feedgnuplot doesn't.

Passing --set 'datafile separator comma' does no good, because as far as I can tell feedgnuplot parses the input lines before sending them to gnuplot.

I have data in CSV files that I'd like to plot, and it looks like my options currently are

  • preprocess the data to convert separators from commas to whitespace
  • learn how to use gnuplot directly instead of fronting it with feedgnuplot

At the very least, the documentation should state that values need to be space-delimited. Currently uses the phrase "Input parsing is flexible", which I think is misleading with respect to the input data format.

How can I use variables with feedgnuplot?

I can probably assign a var with --cmds 'var="TEST"'. But can I use it later? For instance, when setting a title?

(The problem that I actually have in mind is a bit more complex: I have a stream with three columns, the first two are coordinates for axes, and the third one is a constant that I'd like to use as a frequency setting for xtics. Would it be possible?)

Can't open Test plot: No such file or directory

The first example in the README produces a syntax error.

Can't open Test plot: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/feedGnuplot line 405.

gnuplot> plot 
         line 0: function to plot expected

If the equals sign is removed it works fine.

index b2c224f..89e4280 100644
--- a/README.pod
+++ b/README.pod
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Simple plotting of stored data:
  10 25

  $ seq 5 | awk '{print 2*$1, $1*$1}' |
-   feedGnuplot --lines --points --legend 0="data 0" --title "Test plot" --y2 1
+   feedGnuplot --lines --points --legend 0 "data 0" --title "Test plot" --y2 1

 Simple real-time plotting example: plot how much data is received on the wlan0
 network interface in bytes/second (uses bash, awk and Linux):

How to add comands after plot

Hello Dima,

I have started to use the feedgnuplot. What is the option to passed the commands from feedgnuplot to gnuplot after:
plot '-'
when I use the option --with "every ::4::300" it does:
plot '-' notitle with every ::4::300
I want to achive:
plot '-' every ::4::300 notitle

Best Regards

Question: integrating/averaging?

I'm running one of the examples (plotting how much data is received on the wlan0 network interface), and unfortunately the graph looks like grass, and it's impossible to figure out what the average bandwidth is (for example). When I've had this problem on AWS CloudWatch graphs, the solution has been to increase the period between samples, and the grass turns into a nice smooth line. In this example, changing the 'sleep 1' to 'sleep 60' or something higher will do that, but this only works because the /proc/net/dev data is a running total.

        $ while true; do sleep 1; cat /proc/net/dev; done |
          gawk '/wlan0/ {if(b) {print $2-b; fflush()} b=$2}' |
          feedgnuplot --lines --stream --xlen 10 --ylabel 'Bytes/sec' --xlabel seconds

I've seen a Gnuplot demo for getting a running average, can we use that with feedgnuplot somehow?

Not printing data out in real time just printing out all at once at the end of loop.


I'm testing out Feedgnuplot and I'm having some issues.

I can execute a program ./rtauto-usb2001tc that gets real time temperature from a thermocouple and displays it on the screen. The data in the columns represent the timestamp, temperature in Celsius, and temperature in Fahrenheit.
See First_animation.gif of what the program ./rtauto-usb2001tc does when executed.


The command I tried to plot real time data is below.
./rtauto-usb2001tc | tee output.csv | awk '{print $1 $3}' | feedgnuplot --stream --with linespoints

  1. It writes data to a file called output.csv (working)
  2. The x data is the 1st column (timestamp) and the y data (temperature) is the 3rd column (issues with x and y axis are not matching along with it's not plotting in real time, it plots all at once at the end)
    See Second_animation.gif of what the commands with feedgnuplot does when executed below.


Thanks for a great app!!

[Feature request] pause/resume data command in stream mode?

Hi, is it possible to implement a "pause" data command, that will pause feedgunplot (discard all data after "pause", and don't update the plot) until receive a "resume" data command. Thanks!


UPDATE: I think the data command is not essential, please close the issue.

Multiplot and load a file settings

I'm using the feedgnuplot and works fine. But i need some more advanced, i have a file with the settings to a multiplot, so i will to load the file using feedgnuplot, it can be? how to plot a multiplot?


Feature request: --y3

--y4 and so on.

Additional axes should be displayed also at left and at right of the plot, matching in colour of the data points.

Should be able to read the tic labels from the data

My data is
Address Minutes 4853.30 4797.70 4221.10 4170.60 3382.00 3348.30 1774.40 1750.70 1065.00 1057.80 1000.80 955.40
and a need a simple histogram to compare each IP.
I tried with
feedgnuplot --histo 0 --binwidth 0.1 --hardcopy /api/

and get the wrong image


Instead, I should get something similar to
but of course showing the labels under each column
what am I doing wrong?

exit command does not work.

I have feedgnuplot version 1.34 and can't seem to get the exit command to work properly (only tried gnome-terminal with zsh and bash).

Here is the command I run:

feedgnuplot --lines --stream 0 --exit

What I expect:

  • when I run exit, I expect the program to exit (i.e. the window remains, but stdin closes, and a new terminal prompt appears)
  • given that the previous didn't exit the program, when I press CTRL-D, I expect the program to exit (i.e. as above).

What happens:

  • when I run exit, the program doesn't end (the program stops interpreting new commands in the stdin, but I still have the stdin open, which I can now only exit using CTRL-C).
  • when I press CTRL-D, the program doesn't end (the stdin remains open, but I can't type anything into it, so maybe it's better said that simply I don't return to the prompt. I need to close it using CTRL-C).

CTRL-D works when I use it on an instance of feedgnuplot which doesn't have the --stream flag set (still requires --exit).
exit never works.

Let me know if I need to give out more details.

Logarithmic histograms?


I posted a comment on closed Issue #7 regarding logarithmic histograms. Not sure if github will send notifications regarding a comment on a closed issue, so I am just posting a new open issue here to make sure it is seen.


Bad handling of lots of incoming data

Example: plotting the the input of soundcard:

arecord | hexdump -ve '1/1 "%d\n"' | --xlen 24000

# some data read, some plot is drawn, but then:

gnuplot> 55580
         line 126069: invalid command

gnuplot> -1
         line 126069: invalid command

gnuplot> 55581
         line 126069: invalid command

Perl related dependency missing?

What specific package could my distro be missing if I get the following message when trying to execute feedgnuplot?

Can't locate List/ in @inc (@inc contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /usr/local/bin/feedgnuplot line 12


Can't disable xtics

cat /tmp/data | feedgnuplot --terminal 'dumb 100,20' --unset xtics --dump
set terminal dumb 100,20
set grid
unset xtics
set boxwidth 1
histbin(x) = 1 * floor(0.5 + x/1)
set xtics                        <-- it is set again!!!
plot '-'   notitle
1 176
2 135
3 67
4 125
5 82
6 86
7 41
8 145
9 69
10 67
11 40

dataid with space

I'd like to be able to plot data separated by tabs, with data id having space in their names.
I use command feedgnuplot --domain --dataid --autolegend --lines --points --exit --dump < sample.txt

With data like :


I got :

set style data linespoints
set grid
set boxwidth 1
histbin(x) = 1 * floor(0.5 + x/1)
set xtics
plot '-'   title "A"   , '-'   title "B"   
4 34
5 15
6 23
4 8
5 13
6 16

as expected.

With data like :

4<tab>"A space"<tab>34
4<tab>"B space"<tab>8
5<tab>"A space"<tab>15
5<tab>"B space"<tab>13
6<tab>"A space"<tab>23
6<tab>"B space"<tab>16

I got

set style data linespoints
set grid
set boxwidth 1
histbin(x) = 1 * floor(0.5 + x/1)
set xtics
plot '-'   title ""A"   , '-'   title ""B"   
4 space"
5 space"
6 space"
4 space"
5 space"
6 space"

not what I expect.

Compatibility with OSX?

I've not been able to run any example. Maybe due to some differencies in BSD and GNU command line tools?

Running this example just never ends:

➜ ~ seq 5 | awk '{print 2_$1, $1_$1}' | feedgnuplot

I've checked and it is not a seq or awk problem:

➜ ~ seq 5 | awk '{print 2_$1, $1_$1}'
2 1
4 4
6 9
8 16
10 25

I can debug if you give me orientation.



can you please change the shebang from



#!/usr/bin/env perl

and if required add something like

use 5.030;

I do not know how to make a pull request.

greetings, el

feedgnuplot --stream option

Hi Dima,

How the option feedgnuplot --stream influences gnuplot. Does the gnuplot uses
while (1) { pause ; replot; }

Best Regards

1.46 error Global symbol "$icurve" requires explicit package name at /usr/local/Cellar/feedgnuplot/1.46/bin/feedgnuplot line 931.

1.45 is OK

iMac-TMP:~ joe$ echo -n "seq 5" | /usr/local/Cellar/feedgnuplot/1.45/bin/feedgnuplot --terminal 'dumb 80,20' --exit

    5 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+   
      |             +             +             +             +             |   
  4.5 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
    4 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
  3.5 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
    3 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
  2.5 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
    2 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             :             :             :             :             |   
  1.5 |-+...........:.............:.............:.............:...........+-|   
      |             +             +             +             +             |   
    1 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+   
      0            0.2           0.4           0.6           0.8            1   

1.46 is not.

iMac-TMP:~ joe$ echo -n "seq 5" | /usr/local/Cellar/feedgnuplot/1.46/bin/feedgnuplot --terminal 'dumb 80,20' --exit
Global symbol "$icurve" requires explicit package name at /usr/local/Cellar/feedgnuplot/1.46/bin/feedgnuplot line 931.
Execution of /usr/local/Cellar/feedgnuplot/1.46/bin/feedgnuplot aborted due to compilation errors.
iMac-TMP:~ joe$ 

Pruning old data with histograms

I'm plotting the ping rtt with a command similar to this:
sudo ping -A -D | gawk '$4=="from" && $8~/time=/ && $9=="ms" {gsub(/[\[#\]]/, "", $1); gsub("time=", "", $8); print $1, $8; fflush()}' | feedgnuplot --domain --stream --lines --histogram 0 --binwidth 0.001 --histstyle freq--style 0 "linewidth 2"

This works as expected, but it clogs down at some point because it's keeping all old data.
If I add "--xlen 10", gnuplot complains:

gnuplot> plot '-' using (histbin($2)):(1.0) smooth freq notitle linewidth 2
line 30480: all points y value undefined!

Am I misunderstanding the functionality? Is this a bug?


Log scale?

Dear Developers and Users,

I have used feedGnulpot for a few days and I was wondering if there is a possibility to set logarithmic scale.
If this is possible to do, please advice.



[Q] How do I plot in the terminal?

Using feedgnuplot --stream --terminal 'dumb 120,30' --lines causes continuous new plots to be outputted, not updating a single plot:

I tried --terminal 'domterm' which hanged, and --terminal 'xterm':

Warning: empty y range [1.8:1.8], adjusting to [1.782:1.818]
!r#W!r>U!r#W!r$B!r>U!r>J!g!C 1.78
$j#W$j>U$j#W$j$B$j>U$j>J#� U 1.785
'b#W'b>U'b#W'b$B'b>U'b>J&w!C 1.79
)z#W)z>U)z#W)z$B)z>U)z>J)o U 1.795
,r#W,r>U,r#W,r$B,r>U,r>J,g!Q 1.8
/j#W/j>U/j#W/j$B/j>U/j>J.� U 1.805
2b#W2b>U2b#W2b$B2b>U2b>J1w!C 1.81
4z#W4z>U4z#W4z$B4z>U4z>J4o U 1.815
7r#W7r>U7r#W7r$B7r>U7r>J7g!C 1.82

Zombie processes remain when generating multiple plots despite including the --exit parameter.


Generating multiple plots with stringed together bash commands (i.e.) [plot 1 generator] & [plot 2 generator] & [plot 3 generator] generates a separate process for each, thus hiding all but the last plot from being able to ctrl+c exited. Even if the data stream runs out or is turned off, and each plot window is closed, these processes remain behind, and the plot windows will reappear after the data stream starts again. The only method for truly closing these processes that I've found is to find the PID and kill it through the terminal.

Expected Behavior

Using the --stream and --exit parameters, I'd expect these background processes, including the feedgnuplot, gnuplot, and window process for each to die.


feedgunplot v1.48
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.03
Windows Manager: Regolith based on i3wm

A minimal example of the code I am using to generate the plots is as follows:

adb logcat -c
while true; do
        sleep 1;
        adb logcat -v raw $logcatTag *:S;
} | feedgnuplot --lines --stream $updateTime --exit &

adb logcat -c
while true; do
        sleep 1;
        adb logcat -v raw $logcatTag2 *:S;
} | feedgnuplot --lines --stream $updateTime --exit

All the bash variables are standard strings that I set through a CLI.

Is there any standard way of generating multiple plot windows without having to search for their PID and manually kill them every time I use feedgunplot? Would you recommend some other approach? Is there an easy way to access the subplot functionality from gnuplot via a feedgnuplot feedthrough type command? I saw a hanging open issue here. Is there any progress on that? You mentioned some things being possible, but not exactly what the issue creator had in mind. Is there any documentation or examples of doing what is currently possible?

support for -geometry

The original implementation from Thanassis Tsiodras contained a way to pass the -geometry option to gnuplot, in order to set the plotting window size and position.
Could you add this feature in your Perl script too?
The format is standard : when you call gnuplot, simply add -geometry to the parameter list:

open PIPE, "|gnuplot $dopersist -geometry $geometry" or die "Can't initialize gnuplot\n";

Thank you and congratulation for this project

Plotting both regular and cumulative histogram (from the same data) on the same graph

This is often done in papers and I'd like to do the same. Is it possible with feedgnuplot or do I have to go for manual gnuplot scripts? Reading the man page makes me think it cannot be done currently. I could think of a hack to pass the dataset twice, but the histstyle argument does not allow choosing a specific curve to render AFAIK. Thanks.

Regexp Error when executing

Unmatched ) in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/ <> ) <-- HERE
next if / at ./ line 317.

perl -v

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

The machine is a RHEL5

Curvestyle not working for '--domain --dataid' ?

This plots two curves 0 and 1:
seq 100 | awk '{print 2_$1, $1%2, ($1%2+1)_$1}'| feedGnuplot --domain --dataid --autolegend

But when I try to add
--curvestyleall 'with dots'
I only get the first curve shown.

Also, can you provide an example of --curvestyle,
what I want to do is set the pointsize to 4 of curve '1' and maybe make the symbol an x

I can't figure out how to address curve 1 and in what gnuplot syntax it takes style commands.

Display problems on wayland

Hi !

Just found feedgnuplot via your federated post on Very cool tool !

I just noticed some displaying issues in pure wayland:

using X:
karl@karl-acer2:~$ while true; do < /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp awk '{ print $0/1000 }';sleep 1;done | feedgnuplot --stream --with linespoints --exit Warning: empty y range [51:51], adjusting to [50.49:51.51] Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
X_Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-02-23 08-45-10

karl@karl-acer2:~$ while true; do < /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp awk '{ print $0/1000 }';sleep 1;done | QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland feedgnuplot --stream --with linespoints --exit Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread Using Wayland-EGL Using the 'xdg-shell-v6' shell integration
wayland_Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-02-23 08-46-01

As you can see the axis labels get messed up, anything you can do about this ?

CPAN: not found

Is it OK?

# cpan feedgnuplot
Going to read '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
  Database was generated on Thu, 26 Feb 2015 02:17:01 GMT
Warning: Cannot install feedgnuplot, don't know what it is.
Try the command

    i /feedgnuplot/

to find objects with matching identifiers.

Support for a different field separator in stdin

I have data that looks like this:

2019-12-09 16:57:05;138712
2019-12-10 19:13:44;138712
2019-12-12 15:53:57;138957
2019-12-12 16:22:58;139375
2019-12-13 14:32:26;139474
2019-12-16 16:54:11;139474
2019-12-17 16:06:39;139179
2019-12-18 17:13:14;139316
2019-12-19 16:42:33;139353
2019-12-20 16:21:48;139353

It would be useful to do feedgnuplot --separator ";" to easily be able to do --timefmt '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s'. Is there workaround?

Histogram Support

This is a feature request.

I'd love to see support for plotting histograms with feedgnuplot. I often want to see a distribution of command-line data. Would it be difficult to add a --hist option which default to breaking the input data into say 100 boxes, and then takes an optional argument to customize the number of boxes.

If I find the time I'll take a look at this, and if my Perl still works I'll submit a patch (but those are both big IFs).

Thanks for providing this fantastic tool!

"caca driver ncurses" terminal does not work properly


I am in need of a way to run feedgnuplot in a command-line-only environment, and the "dumb" terminal does not look too good. Compiling gnuplot 5.2 with "./configure --with-caca" gives me a feedgnuplot environment where:

  • Replotting does not work. Although I get output, the following gets printed: "line 5: warning: refresh not possible and replot is disabled"
  • I cannot kill feedgnuplot interactively (does not respond to Ctrl-c, Ctrl-z, q, x).

I know these probably sound more like caca terminal implementation bugs, but I don't know enough about how gnuplot works in order to be able to debug it. Can you please help identify the source of these issues?


P.S. this is not a joke

Can't get basic example to work

The basic example is failing with the following error. I put the output the seq awk command into a file, but other than that it is the same.

$ cat data.txt | ~/sources/feedGnuplot/bin/feedGnuplot --lines --points
Use of uninitialized value in numeric ge (>=) at /Users/seanhess/sources/feedGnuplot/bin/feedGnuplot line 608, <> line 1.
Tried to exceed the --maxcurves setting.
Invoke with a higher --maxcurves limit if you really want to do this.

Plot windows stealing focus preventing ctrl+c exit strategy.


Plot windows steal focus not allowing me to return to the shell prompt to ctrl+c to exit.

Expected Behavior

Run a script that pipes a stream of data to feedgunplot, it opens a window, and feeds data to it, while remaining in the background. Then, even if data stream is not finished, I can return to the bash terminal and force it to close/exit.


feedgunplot v1.48
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.03
Windows Manager: Regolith based on i3wm

I'm using feedgnuplot to plot some android logcat data , and it plots everything as expected, but even after reading the --exit section of the man pages, I cannot seem to figure out how to exit the plot window without turning the data source off, or other hacky workarounds.

The reason I cannot use the typical ctrl+c exit command is that feedgnuplot seems to be creating a new window with each loop containing new data (note this is on the order of milliseconds), and my window manager is always shifting focus to this "new" window so I cannot even return to the terminal that initialized the plot window to enter the control+c command. Note this behavior also prevents me from simply force closing the plot window itself, as it will just be regenerated on the next loop. Is my understanding of the plot window generation true here (i.e. it is generating a new window with each update)? Or is it a single window, and something I need to address with my windows manager.

I can hold ctrl+c and mouse click the terminal window frantically until is slips between the millisecond loops, or I can turn off the data source then the feedgnuplot window no longer updates, and the window manager no longer forces focus there, so I can return to the terminal and control+c to close the plot window.

As I often want to open multiple plots based on the data I am seeing, I don't want to shut down my data source each time, so I am hoping for a way to prevent this feedgnuplot window from stealing focus every few milliseconds without:

  • Slowing down the data refresh rate (millisecond updates are important)
  • Turning off the data source

The code I am using to generate the plot is as follows:

adb logcat -c
while true; do
        sleep 1;
        adb logcat -v raw $logcatTag *:S;
} | feedgnuplot --lines --stream $updateTime --exit

All the bash variables are standard strings that I set througha CLI.

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