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🐤Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift

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License: MIT License

Swift 97.54% Objective-C 1.10% Ruby 1.36%
dsl func json-api kakapo opinionated opinionated-dsl plugable plugable-interface unplugged

kakapo's Issues

Rename KakapoDB and KakapoServer

My thoughts on this:

  • We should rename them to Store and Server, Kakapo prefixes don't make sense with Swift modules as we know.
  • This shouldn't mean a BCH but I guess we can't avoid it. Still, I think having to release 1.0 just because of this is way too much.

Unregister routes

Say you register:


We may want to support unregistering routes, this might be automatically done when Server/Routers are deallocated but this can only happen when #23 is done.

@zzarcon alignment needed ?

  • Implement #23
  • Test unregister routes
  • Test replacing routes
  • Test dealloc unregister all routes

Init entities and relationships

Every entity that conform to the protocol (ATM called KakapoSerializable) will have to implement init(id: String). To create entities there might be 2 ways:

db.create(20, User) //pseudocode
// or
db.create(20) { (id) in
    return User(name:, friends: db.findRandom(Friends))

Friends is a relationship od User:

struct Friend: KakapoModel {
    let id: String
    let name: String
    init(id: String) { = id
       name =

User will init is relationship as:

struct User: KakapoModel {
    let id: String
    let name: String
    let friends: [Friend]
    init(id: String) { = id
       name =
       friends = 1...(arc4random()).each{ Friend(id: NSUUID()) }

Request info refactor

public struct Request {
    let info: URLInfo
    let HTTPBody: NSData?

I don't find it easy to use info.params and info.queryParams.

what about:

public struct Request {
    let parameters: [String : String]
    let components: [String : String]
    let HTTPBody: NSData?
    let HTTPHeaders: [String: String]?

for /user/:id then we would have:
components = ["id": "value"]
parameters are the url parameters

@devlucky/js-core ?

Support JSON API part 2


  • links
  • links of relationships
  • Support included
  • Errors
  • meta

Not in the scope: #57 Server responsibilities and behaviors #67

Support serialization key transformer

In swift code we usually use camelCase while for JSON other convention (mostly snake_case) are used, I would don't like forcing the user to name the property we might have easy ways to support this:

Detailed design

SnakeCaseTransformer(User()) // convert the serialized object to snake case

This can be done by using CustomSerializable.
It would be good if the transformed can also be used to rename properties of an entity:

struct User: Serializable {
   let id: Int

// you want id (Storable) to be named `userId` in the JSON

protocol KeyTransformer: CustomSerializable {
    func transformedKey(for candidate: String) -> String

extension KeyTransformer {
// default implementation that use `transformedKey...`to transform the keys

Route handling proposal

Route handling definition:

let server = Kakapo.server()

server.get("/users/:id") (params) {
    return server.db.find("user",
}"/users") {

server.put("/users") {

server.del("/users/:id") {


JSON API Server Responsibilities

Server responsibilities (needs #56)

  • Servers MUST send all JSON API data in response documents with the header Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json without any media type parameters
  • Servers MUST respond with a 415 Unsupported Media Type status code if a request specifies the header Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json with any media type parameters.
  • Servers MUST respond with a 406 Not Acceptable status code if a request's Accept header contains the JSON API media type and all instances of that media type are modified with media type parameters.

Entities Serialization

If something should change or is not clear about it let's discuss it here

Serialization is done by Mirroring the object (reflection) and support for complex serialization like JSONAPI is done using CustomMirrorType

Suport query params in route handling

This should work /user/1?page=1

let server = KakapoServer()
server.get("/user/:id") { (request) in

let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: "/user/1?page=1")!)
request.HTTPMethod = "GET"
NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { (data, response, error) in

Optimize db insertions

DB insertion can get exponentially slow (~90s for 20k entries) because the array that olds the objects is a Swift.Array and has to be copied every time we append new objects.
A cool trick for Swift value types is that they are always copied unless uniquely referenced.
That array is hold by a dictionary and to be mutated must be extracted from it and then re-assigned (2 references) making it not uniquely referenced.
To avoid this and use the uniquely referenced trick we can use a box that holds the array:

class ArrayBox<T> {
    var array: [T]

then the dictionary will be of type [String: ArrayBox<KStorable>]

And then we can append elements without reference more than once:


  • Create a performance measure block to avoid regressions
  • Document in the code and link to the issue

Fix test that perform real HTTP requests

Some test are sometimes failing ( Those test are about checking that Router doesn't match routes that shouldn't be matched but this cause the request to be really performed and therefore be subject to internet connection slowness and randomness. We should change the implementation to not really perform a request (e.g. A second NSURLProtocol that capture all the request not captured by kaka and return a fixed json distinguishable ... maybe @joanromano has better ideas)

README and Documentation

  • Code Documentation
  • Kakapo description
  • Update README
  • README.playground (?)
  • podspec description
  • Discuss for

Return Optional in serialize()

By returning Optional we will avoid special handling for PropertyPolicy and Optional (required once #50 is implemented) and we will avoid duplicating the handling for #27

Support Deletion and Overwrite in database

Delete and update entities is not supported.
As discussed we won't support:


This would require every entity to hold a database so extra setup for the user.
The idea is to provide:

db.delete(entity) // or replace/createIfNeeded/.... [discussion]

KakapoDB will have to find the entity, make sure that is equal (not only the id) to prevent removing another entity and/or using the wrong database.

If an entity changes and is not saved into db delete will fail because doesn't match the entity in db.

README.playground Errors

I'm having problems running the playground file.

I am on Xcode 7.3.1 and downloaded your latest source. I compiled the iOS scheme to get the import working in the playground. But, once I did that, I got a bunch of other errors...

I'm not sure exactly how to fix this for the playground and was hoping that you could help.


Errors I am getting:

Playground execution failed: README.playground:3:16: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
struct Parrot: Serializable {
README.playground:13:13: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
struct Zoo: Serializable {
README.playground:21:19: error: use of undeclared type 'CustomSerializable'
struct CustomZoo: CustomSerializable {
README.playground:26:42: error: use of undeclared type 'KeyTransformer'
func customSerialize(keyTransformer: KeyTransformer?) -> AnyObject? {
README.playground:41:13: error: use of undeclared type 'JSONAPIEntity'
struct Dog: JSONAPIEntity {
README.playground:46:16: error: use of undeclared type 'JSONAPIEntity'
struct Person: JSONAPIEntity {
README.playground:71:16: error: use of undeclared type 'Storable'
struct Author: Storable, Serializable {
README.playground:71:26: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
struct Author: Storable, Serializable {
README.playground:75:26: error: use of undeclared type 'KakapoDB'
init(id: String, db: KakapoDB) {
README.playground:81:17: error: use of undeclared type 'Storable'
struct Article: Storable, Serializable {
README.playground:81:27: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
struct Article: Storable, Serializable {
README.playground:86:26: error: use of undeclared type 'KakapoDB'
init(id: String, db: KakapoDB) {
README.playground:8:1: error: value of type 'Parrot' has no member 'serialize'
^~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
README.playground:18:27: error: value of type 'Zoo' has no member 'toData'
let json = NSString(data: zoo.toData()!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
^~~ ~~~~~~
README.playground:38:36: error: value of type 'CustomZoo' has no member 'toData'
let customZooJson = NSString(data: customZoo.toData()!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
^~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
README.playground:53:20: error: use of unresolved identifier 'JSONAPISerializer'
let serializable = JSONAPISerializer(person, topLevelMeta: ["foo": "bar"])
README.playground:57:14: error: use of unresolved identifier 'Router'
let router = Router.register("")
README.playground:58:42: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
router.get("zoo/:animal") { (request) -> Serializable? in
README.playground:69:10: error: use of unresolved identifier 'KakapoDB'
let db = KakapoDB()
README.playground:98:39: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
router.get("articles") { (request) -> Serializable? in
README.playground:103:50: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'
router.get("articles/:author_id") { (request) -> Serializable? in
README.playground:110:39: error: use of undeclared type 'Serializable'"article") { (request) -> Serializable? in
README.playground:32:39: error: value of type '[Parrot]' has no member 'serialize'
let species = [key("parrot"): parrots.serialize() ?? []]
^~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Allow the user to retrieve the HTTPHeaders of a request

 struct Request {
          let info: URLInfo
         let HTTPBody: NSData?
+       let HTTPHeaders: [String: String]?

or (preferred by me)

 struct Request {
          let info: URLInfo
         let URLRequest: NSURLRequest

In my opinion NSURLRequest makes it more flexible and not more complex.

Access request body from route handler

I think we should we able to provide access to the request body in the request handler:

let server = KakapoServer()

server.get("/user", (request) {
  return request.body

Reverse and recursive Relantionships

Won't have to be implemented now
We may need it to avoid boilerplate and duplicated structs.
For the serialization might be easy:

struct User {
    let friends: [User]

During serialization we have to make sure that friends for User's inside friends is not serialized.
For creation might get more tricky because we can't provide the relationships at initialization time.

Current downsides:
To support /user/:id
You need to create two entities

struct Friend {
    let userId
    let friendId
struct User {
    let userId
    let friends: [Friend]

Gets even worst with user and friendships you need 4 entities to support /user/:id and /friendship/:id

// for /user/:id
struct Friendship {
    let userId
    let friendshipId
struct User {
    let userId
    let friendships: [Friendship]
// for /friendship/:id
struct Friendship2 {
    let user: User
    let friendshipId
struct User2 {
    let userId
    let friendshipId

CI: CodeCov might be optimized


28.97s$ bash <(curl -s
  _____          _
 / ____|        | |
| |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
| |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
| |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/
(root) .
==> Travis CI detected.
  -> Swift in /Users/travis/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  -> Speed up xcode processing by using use -J 'AppName'
    + Building reports for KakapoExample app
    + Building reports for Kakapo framework
    + Building reports for Kakapo framework
    + Building reports for Nimble framework
    + Building reports for Quick framework
    + Building reports for Nimble framework
    + Building reports for Pods_KakapoTests framework```

We should try to check `  -> Speed up xcode processing by using use -J 'AppName'`

Refactor URL matching and improve Router APIs

Using the APIs I noticed that:

  • I was confused about what baseURL I should pass (still think it should be any part of the url, not only the base e.g. while now you are constrained to we might skip the http(s) maybe)
  • Documentation can be improved for the baseURL (how to init the Router and what part of the URL to pass in the Routes handlers)
  • Implementation of the matcher is really hard to understand and debug

Bug and missing test:

let router = KakapoServer.register("")
router.get("/v3/applications/:app/users/:userid/friends_leaderboards/:kind/entries.json") { ... }


Note the missing leaderboard, with it it doesn't match

In memory database fetching

We want the in-memory database to be flexible, no need to support too complex stuff (otherwise we should actually use a real database) but at least searching for properties of the entity (relationship also?)
We can check some implementation like Realm, or DSL for NSPredicate or CoreData.

Would be cool to do something like:
db.find(, equalTo: "name")
but is not possible to do it with properties, only with instance methods.
The most simple and flexible way is to let the user specify the objects he wants... this would remove complexity from the implementation (we are not creating a database) and at the same time support all the use cases! Not sure why we made it so complicate, is just a wrapper to filter

Pseudo Implementation

struct DB {
    let allObjects: [String: Any]

    fune find<T>(filter: (T) -> Bool) -> [T] {
        return allObjects[T.type].filter(filter)


db.find { (user) -> Bool in
    return == "Shark"

db.find { (user) -> Bool in
    return user.friend.age == 40

Type won't be inferred you probably need something like let result: [User] = db.find... or pass it as parameter. I would go for the first option

Use Set on Server instead of Array to retain Routers

Until now, when registering twice a Router with the same baseURL:

let router = Router.register("")

router.get("/users"){ request in
   return foo

let anotherRouter = Router.register("")

anotherRouter.get("/users"){ request in
   return bar

Will result on the second handler not called at all, since the server will have two registered Routers, even if they have the same baseURL, and pick the first one from the array when startLoading on NSURLProtocol protocol mechanism gets triggered.

Making routers Equatable and using Set on server should fix this and have the expected behaviour.

CI improvements

Improve our CI:

  • Explore fatslane possibilities
  • Build Matrix
  • Multiple platforms #44

HTTP Status code support

I know that this doesn't compile, but you get the idea...

let server = Kakapo.server()

server.get("/users/:id") (params) {
    return server.db.find("user",
}, 401

Factory proposal

We need to provide an easy way to define Factories

public class User: KakapoFactory {
   var name =
   var profileImg = Kakapo.image.avatar
   var friends = Kakapo.random(['paco', 'pepe']) 


public class Comment: KakapoFactory {
   var author = Kakapo.Factories.User //TODO: is worth to support relationships in the first version?
   var message = Kakapo.lorem(50) 

Again, not sure if is worth it to implement scenarios now, but I think it can be useful...

let server = Kakapo.Server()
let defaultScenario = {
 users: server.create('user', 20),
 comments: server.create('comment', 50)
let performanceCheckScenario = {
 users: server.create('user', 1000)


Other solution... just use create method and don't support scenarios:

let server = Kakapo.Server()
server.create('user', 20),
server.create('comment', 50)

Once we have defined and seeded the DB Kakapo should just use the Factories and create as many instances as needed for the scenario...

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