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grunt-ssh-deploy's Issues

deployment not possible to *nix from a Windows machine

First of all, thank you for this amazing plugin!

We are running into a problem where a member of our team is unable to deploy from his Windows machine, to our server. It fails because the release path that's being constructed at deploy is using the platform-specific "path.join". This means that if path.join is run on Windows, which is the case here, the release path gets separated by backslashes, instead of a forward slash, creating an invalid "mkdir" command on the server:

--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE
--- mkdir -p \home\user\apps\app\releases\2015070709492140

Running the same process from Mac runs fine:

--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE
--- mkdir -p /home/user/apps/app/releases/2015070709492140

Caused by ssh_deploy.js, line 60:

var releasePath = path.join(options.deploy_path, 'releases', options.release_subdir, timestamp);

Any idea how to get around this?

Task won't run

When I try to run my task, I keep getting:

Running "ssh_deploy:staging" (ssh_deploy) task
Warning: Cannot read property 'staging' of undefined Use --force to continue.

I am using load-grunt-config and my config file looks like this:

module.exports = {
  environments: {
    staging: {
      options: {
        host: '<%= %>',
        username: '<%= secret.staging.username %>',
        password: '<%= secret.staging.password %>',
        port: '<%= secret.staging.port %>',
        deploy_path: '<%= secret.staging.deployPath %>',
        local_path: '<%= secret.staging.localPath %>',
        current_symlink: 'current',
        debug: true

Any Ideas, I'm completely stumped.

Bug in scp2 v0.1.4

I need to deploy files to 2 locations on the target machine however due to a bug in scp2 v0.1.4 the server connection isn't closed properly after the 1st deploy, which causes the 2nd deploy to fail, see this spmjs/node-scp2#10

Apparently this has been fixed in v0.2.0 so it would be good to update to this.

Cannot call method 'join' of undefined

Hi Dustin,

With the latest version (0.3.1), I always get this error Cannot call method 'join' of undefined. I tried both on Ubuntu 15 and Windows 10, same problem.

pasted image at 2015_09_10 12_00 pm

I tried with an older version of this plugin (0.2.6) and the deployment worked without changing anything in my Gruntfile.js (just updating the content of /node_modules/grunt-ssh-deploy) . But I need the features that have been recently introduced (options.release_subdir + options.release_root).

I tried running grunt ssh_deploy:digitalocean --debug but it didn't help me figure out what's wrong. Please let me know what debug information I should provide you to help me solve this.


PS: I'm cc'ing @julien731

Ignore files during deployment

Hello there,

In most projects I use grunt-dploy to deploy my local projects. It has an option to exclude stuff. Normally, I exclude the following files and folders: like *.less, *.coffee, */node_modules.

What's the workflow with grunt-ssh-deploy? Also, I don't understand how you deal with the different releases folders that are created. I'd be grateful if you can provide further explanation :)


Uploading synchoniously

Suggestion: replace var childProcessExec = require('child_process').exec; with var childProcessExec = require('exec-sync');

This way post execution actions would execute after all the files are uploaded.

Getting "Cannot call method 'join'" warning

When I run the command 'grunt ssh_deploy:staging' command, I'm getting the error...

Warning: Cannot call method 'join' of undefined Use --force to continue.

I fixed this by replacing all instances of 'path.posix.join' to 'path.join' in ssh_deploy - I can put in a pull request with this fix if you want.

Use git instead of uploading files

Hi there,

First of all. Thank you!

I am using your module with grunt-build-control also.

Wouldn't it be helpful that, instead of uploading the files straight from the local filesystem, the module clones the repository while logged on the server?

Basically all it's needed in the configuration is the repository url and the branch to pull from. And the command to do that obviously.

What do you think?

Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake

Connecting with ssh manually works for me,
when i try to deploy using ssh_deploy i get

Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake

My config:

secret: grunt.file.readJSON('secret.json'),

environments: {
    theme: {
        options: {
            host: '<%= %>',
            username: '<%= secret.theme.username %>',
            password: '<%= secret.theme.password %>',
            port: '<%= secret.theme.port %>',
            deploy_path: '/public_html/newfolder',
    readyTimeout: 99999,
            local_path: '../wp-content/themes/mytheme/',
            current_symlink: 'current',
            debug: console.log 

The command:
grunt ssh_deploy:theme

The Output:
Running "ssh_deploy:theme" (ssh_deploy) task

Connecting ::

Symlink at a different level than releases

Is there any way to have the symlinked folder and the releases folder at a different level on the server? And if not, is there any way to get the name of the folder that's just been created for the new release so that I can manually create a symlink after deployment?

scp2 v0.1.4 is indirectly vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service


Current version of grunt-ssh-deploy depends on version 0.1.4 of scp2 which is vulnerable to the Regular Expression Denial of Service, as per npm audit output:

High           Regular Expression Denial of Service
Package        minimatch
Patched in     >=3.0.2
Dependency of  grunt-ssh-deploy [dev]
Path           grunt-ssh-deploy > scp2 > glob > minimatch
More info

Upgrading scp2 from 0.1.4 to 0.5.0 would fix it.

SCP Upload not working when authenticating using a privateKey

Tried to figure out the reason for that problem and found -i Parameter and path to key file is missing.
In ssh-deploy configuration is only an option to import appropriate key files content.

In ssh_deploy.js task file on line 112:

var command = 'scp -P ' + options.port + ' -r ' + options.local_path + '/ ' + remote_string;

Adding a new option (privateKeyPath) solves the issue for me with a fix on scp command
var command = 'scp -i ' + options.privateKeyPath + ' -P ' + options.port + ' -r ' + options.local_path + '/ ' + remote_string;

Releases To Keep - Add Natural Sort Flag

When sorting the releases directory to determine which releases to keep, it would be great if it listed the contents of the directory in a reversed natural sort order by adding the -v flag to the existing ls -r command.

This should get over the naming issue when using version numbers for release directories.

releases_to_keep not working

In the documentation the option for deleting old releases is named releases_to_keep. But in the code it is called number_of_releases. This makes this functionality not to work.

ssh_deploy:prod -> Fatal error: must start with number, buffer, array or string

Have a simple conf:

environments: {
    prod: {
        options: {
              hosts: '',
              username: 'username',
              privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/id_rsa'),
              deploy_path: '/srv/www/mywebsite',
              local_path: 'dist',

When I launch grunt ssh_deploy:prod I got this error:

Running "ssh_deploy:prod" (ssh_deploy) task

Connecting ::
Fatal error: must start with number, buffer, array or string

Best regard

slow upload speed

hi guys,
maybe you do have an idea:
I have a rather big release (150mb, gzipped with max compression). If I upload it from the shell via SCP, I get ~1.5 mb/sec. but if I upload it with grunt-ssh-deploy, I only get ~100 kb/sec which makes the deployment painfully long...

have you ever experienced something like this?

this is my config:

 environments: {
            options: {
                local_path: "atlas-release.tar.gz",
                deploy_path: "~/releases"
            aws_test: {
                options: {
                    host: "xxx",
                    username: "devenv",
                    port: 2222,
                    agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
                    debug: true,
                    releases_to_keep: 1,
                    after_deploy: "cd ~/releases/current && tar -zxf release.tar.gz"

Add to the README a notice to advice that node 0.12.^ needed

Source code uses extensively path.posix which is only available from node 0.12.0 up. While this is not worth a pull request, you should add this info to the README as the error message that comes out of the console does not state it clear the problem.

Not executing after_deploy, nor releases_to_keep

I have an after_deploy command that is not being triggered correctly.
Output says it is


--- kill -KILL `ps o pid= -C main`

--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE

--- cd /var/www && mkdir -p releases/20150320151525912

--------------- UPLOADING NEW BUILD


--------------- UPDATING SYM LINK

--- rm -rf /var/www/current && cd /var/www && ln -s releases/20150320151525912 current


--- cd /var/www/current && go build main.go && nohup ./main &

But I am not getting anything on the directory.

And releases_to_keep is not removing any releases.

The Gruntfile

enviroments: {
  options: {
    privateKey: key,
    username: username,
    host: host,
    deploy_path: '/var/www',
    local_path: 'dist',
    releases_to_keep: 2
  production: {
    options: {
      before_deploy: 'kill -KILL `ps o pid= -C main`',
      after_deploy: 'cd /var/www/current && go build main.go && nohup ./main &',

options.exclude not working

Hi I'am setting up grunt-ssh-deploy at the moment, however I can't figure out why my excluded folders and files still getting uploaded. Here are my Grunt settings:

environments: {
    options: {
        local_path: './',
        current_symlink: 'current',
        deploy_path: '/apps'
    production: {
        options: {
            host: '<%= %>',
            username: '<%= secret.production.username %>',
            password: '<%= secret.production.password %>',
            port: '<%= secret.production.port %>',
            releases_to_keep: '3',
            release_subdir: 'zahnarzt',
            exclude: [
                // Exclude Folders
                // Files
                // Secrets

Symlink not being created in version 0.2.9

With version 0.2.8 evertything is fine.
But in version 0.2.8 thing going wrong:

  1. Release dir created successfully (mkdir)
  2. Release uploaded successfully (scp)
  3. Symlink creation (ln -s) is done silently without errors.
  4. But no symplink in place, where it supposed to be!

Log of success execution of grunt-ssh-deploy v0.2.9:

[4m Running "ssh_deploy:example_deploy" (ssh_deploy) task
[35m Task source: c:\path_to_project\node_modules\example-gruntproject\node_modules\grunt-ssh-deploy\tasks\ssh_deploy.js

[1mConnecting ::[22m
[1mConnected ::[22m

[1m--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE[22m

[1m--- cd /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2 && mkdir -p releases/20150729104953742
[35m REMOTE: cd /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2 && mkdir -p releases/20150729104953742
[1m--------------- UPLOADING NEW BUILD
[35m SCP FROM LOCAL: build/example_deploy
 TO REMOTE: /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/releases/20150729104953742/

[1m--------------- UPDATING SYM LINK
[1m--- rm -rf /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9 && ln -s /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/releases/20150729104953742 /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9
[35m REMOTE: rm -rf /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9 && ln -s /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/releases/20150729104953742 /home/example/www/example_deploy/v2/3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9
[32mDone, without errors.

And fail execution of grunt-ssh-deploy v0.2.8:

[4mRunning "ssh_deploy:example_deploy" (ssh_deploy) task
[35m Task source: C:\path_to_project\example-gruntproject\node_modules\grunt-ssh-deploy\tasks\ssh_deploy.js
[1mConnecting ::
[1mConnected ::
[1m--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE
[1m--- mkdir -p \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023
[35mREMOTE: mkdir -p \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023
[1m--------------- UPLOADING NEW BUILD
[35mSCP FROM LOCAL: build/example_deploy
 TO REMOTE: \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023
[1m--------------- UPDATING SYM LINK
[1m--- rm -rf \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9 && ln -s \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023 \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9
[35mREMOTE: rm -rf \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9 && ln -s \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023 \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9
[32mDone, without errors.

Suppose, ploblem here:

[35mREMOTE: rm -rf \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9 && ln -s \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\releases\20150729110150023 \home\example\www\example_deploy\v2\3eec74c8097f713f897650a8d4ad7ec9

Backslashes instead of straight slashes!

deploy with agent


i just tried to deploy with thesse settings - but it did not work:

      environments: {
          staging: {
              options: {
                  host: '',
                  port: 22,
                  agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK,
                  deploy_path: '/var/www/test/',
                  local_path: 'dist',
                  current_symlink: 'current',
                  debug: true

The only errormessage was:

Warning: Password or private key required.

I thought, the input of password or key was not necessary with agent?

using ssh in terminal works as expected..

thx for your help!


Tar doesn't work on OSX

When using the zip option on OSX the deployment falls over because of the --ignore-failed-read flag.

Running multiple ssh_deploy deployments within one task: Fatal error: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Awesome library. I'm trying to deploy to 2 servers, behind an ELB. Since I cannot add an array of hosts to 1 environment, I have to make 2 environments (e.g. prod1, prod2), and combine them into 1 "deploy-prod" task. Unfortunately, I get a "Maximum call stack size exceeded". Running grunt with --verbose, everything looks clean.

Does not work: grunt.registerTask('deploy-prod', ['default', 'ssh_deploy:prod1', 'ssh_deploy:prod2']);

(1) Would be great to allow an array of hosts
(2) Would be great to fix the Max call stack size exceeded if deploying multiple environments

--------- logs below -----------

Connecting ::
Connected ::
--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE
--- mkdir -p /var/www/xxxxx/prod/releases/20151027130346310
--------------- UPLOADING NEW BUILD
--------------- UPDATING SYM LINK
--- rm -rf /var/www/xxxxx/prod/v1 && ln -s /var/www/xxxxx/prod/releases/20151027130346310 /var/www/xxxxx/prod/v1
--------------- REMOVING OLD BUILDS
--- cd /var/www/xxxxx/prod/releases/ && rm -rfv `ls -r /var/www/xxxxx/prod/releases/ | awk 'NR>3'`
Running "ssh_deploy:prod2" (ssh_deploy) task
Closed ::

Connecting ::
Connected ::
--------------- CREATING NEW RELEASE
--- mkdir -p /var/www/xxxxxt/prod/releases/20151027130349350
--------------- UPLOADING NEW BUILD
Fatal error: Maximum call stack size exceeded

ssh key auth

May be it is worth to put in documentation that ssh key authorisation works if you put in options:

privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/private/key'),

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

I get this unhelpful error message when trying to deploy with the below config:

  environments: {
      options: {
        current_symlink: 'current',
        deploy_path: '/webapps/<%= %>',
        local_path: './dist'
      dev: {
        options: {
          host: '',
          privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/key'),
          tag: '<%= appConfig.package.version %>',
          releases_to_keep: '3'

Adding a username to the options causes the connection to fail with Error: Authentication failure. Available authentication methods: publickey

stdout maxBuffer exceeded error when zip_deploy option set

When I set the zip_deploy option to true i get the following error.

Running "ssh_deploy:test" (ssh_deploy) task

Connecting :: xyz
Connected :: xyz

--------------- ZIPPING FOLDER

--- tar -czvf ./deploy.tgz --directory=. . --exclude=deploy.tgz
>> exec error: Error: stdout maxBuffer exceeded.

Error deploying. Closing connection.

--------------- DELETING RELEASE

--- rm -rf /.../releases/20150317153853388/
Fatal error: undefined is not a function

I am using the latest version (0.2.4).

Not able to connect to windows server machine for deploy

I am trying to deploy an artifact to a remote Windows machine. It gives me a connection error.

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Fatal error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect as oncomplete

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