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devise_ldap_authenticatable's Introduction

Devise LDAP Authenticatable

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Devise LDAP Authenticatable is a LDAP based authentication strategy for the Devise authentication framework.

If you are building applications for use within your organization which require authentication and you want to use LDAP, this plugin is for you.

Devise LDAP Authenticatable works in replacement of Database Authenticatable. This devise plugin has not been tested with DatabaseAuthenticatable enabled at the same time. This is meant as a drop in replacement for DatabaseAuthenticatable allowing for a semi single sign on approach.

For a screencast with an example application, please visit:


  • devise ~> 3.0.0 (which requires rails ~> 4.0)
  • net-ldap ~> 0.6.0

Note: Rails 3.x / Devise 2.x has been moved to the 0.7 branch. All 0.7.x gems will support Rails 3, where as 0.8.x will support Rails 4.

If you are transitioning from having Devise manage your users' passwords in the database to using LDAP auth, you may have to update your users table to make encrypted_password nullable, or else the LDAP user insert will fail.


In the Gemfile for your application:

gem "devise_ldap_authenticatable"

To get the latest version, pull directly from github instead of the gem:

gem "devise_ldap_authenticatable", :git => "git://"


Run the rails generators for devise (please check the devise documents for further instructions)

rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise MODEL_NAME

Run the rails generator for devise_ldap_authenticatable

rails generate devise_ldap_authenticatable:install [options]

This will install the ldap.yml, update the devise.rb initializer, and update your user model. There are some options you can pass to it:


[--user-model=USER_MODEL]  # Model to update
                           # Default: user
[--update-model]           # Update model to change from database_authenticatable to ldap_authenticatable
                           # Default: true
[--add-rescue]             # Update Application Controller with rescue_from for DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::LdapException
                           # Default: true
[--advanced]               # Add advanced config options to the devise initializer

Querying LDAP

Given that ldap_create_user is set to true and you are authenticating with username, you can query an LDAP server for other attributes.

in your user model you have to simply define ldap_before_save method:

def ldap_before_save = Devise::LDAP::Adapter.get_ldap_param(self.username,"mail").first


In initializer config/initializers/devise.rb :

  • ldap_logger (default: true)
    • If set to true, will log LDAP queries to the Rails logger.
  • ldap_create_user (default: false)
    • If set to true, all valid LDAP users will be allowed to login and an appropriate user record will be created. If set to false, you will have to create the user record before they will be allowed to login.
  • ldap_config (default: #{Rails.root}/config/ldap.yml)
    • Where to find the LDAP config file. Commented out to use the default, change if needed.
  • ldap_update_password (default: true)
    • When doing password resets, if true will update the LDAP server. Requires admin password in the ldap.yml
  • ldap_check_group_membership (default: false)
    • When set to true, the user trying to login will be checked to make sure they are in all of groups specified in the ldap.yml file.
  • ldap_check_attributes (default: false)
    • When set to true, the user trying to login will be checked to make sure their attributes match those specified in the ldap.yml file.
  • ldap_check_attributes_presence (default: false)
    • When set to true, the user trying to login will be checked against all require_attribute_presence attributes in the ldap.yml file, either present (attr: true),or not present (attr: false).
  • ldap_use_admin_to_bind (default: false)
    • When set to true, the admin user will be used to bind to the LDAP server during authentication.
  • ldap_check_group_membership_without_admin (default: false)
    • When set to true, the group membership check is done with the user's own credentials rather than with admin credentials. Since these credentials are only available to the Devise user model during the login flow, the group check function will not work if a group check is performed when this option is true outside of the login flow (e.g., before particular actions).

Advanced Configuration

These parameters will be added to config/initializers/devise.rb when you pass the --advanced switch to the generator:

  • ldap_auth_username_builder (default: {|attribute, login, ldap| "#{attribute}=#{login},#{ldap.base}" })
    • You can pass a proc to the username option to explicitly specify the format that you search for a users' DN on your LDAP server.
  • ldap_auth_password_build (default: {|new_password| Net::LDAP::Password.generate(:sha, new_password) })
    • Optionally you can define a proc to create custom password encrption when user reset password


Using a "username" instead of an "email": The field that is used for logins is the first key that's configured in the config/initializers/devise.rb file under config.authentication_keys, which by default is email. For help changing this, please see the Railscast that goes through how to customize Devise. Also, this documentation from Devise can be very helpful.

SSL certificate invalid: If you're using a test LDAP server running a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure the appropriate root certificate is installed on your system. Alternately, you may temporarily disable certificate checking for SSL by modifying your system LDAP configuration (e.g., /etc/openldap/ldap.conf or /etc/ldap/ldap.conf) to read TLS_REQCERT never.

Discussion Group

For additional support, questions or discussions, please see the discussion forum on Google Groups

Development guide

Devise LDAP Authenticatable uses a running OpenLDAP server to do automated acceptance tests. You'll need the executables slapd, ldapadd, and ldapmodify.

On OS X, this is available out of the box.

On Ubuntu, you can install OpenLDAP with sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils. If slapd runs under AppArmor, add an exception like this to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.slapd to let slapd read our configs (reload using sudo service apparmor reload afterwards).

/path/to/devise_ldap_authenticatable/spec/ldap/** rw,

To start hacking on devise_ldap_authentication, clone the github repository, start the test LDAP server, and run the rake test task:

git clone
cd devise_ldap_authenticatable
bundle install

# in a separate console or backgrounded

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate # first time only
bundle exec rake spec


Released under the MIT license

Copyright (c) 2012 Curtis Schiewek, Daniel McNevin, Steven Xu

devise_ldap_authenticatable's People


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devise_ldap_authenticatable's Issues

Add compatibilty with Devise 2.0.0

Change the gemspec/Gemfile line from:
gem 'devise', '~> 1.5.0'
gem 'devise', '>= 1.5.0'

Devise 2 should mantain retro-compatiblity so I don't think there are too many problems (from the devise homepage => "be sure that your application is fine running on Devise 1.5.x and that you are running on at least Rails 3.1")


Does not seem to work when non-default Sessions controller is used

LDAP Authenticatable does not seem to work when non-default SessionsController is used.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a controller (i.e., sessions_controller.rb)

  • Make controller inherit from Devise::SessionsController

    class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  • Update devise_for entry in routes.rb to specify the new controller

    devise_for :users, :controllers => { :sessions => "sessions" }
  • Attempt to authenticate a user

These seem to be the offending lines:


Error on install

steven-spriggss-macbook-pro:slate3 spspriggs$ rails generate devise_ldap_authenticatable:install
   create  config/ldap.yml
      inject  config/initializers/devise.rb
/Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb:94:in `binread': No such file or directory - /Users/spspriggs/Sites/rails3/slate3/config/initializers/devise.rb (Errno::ENOENT)
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb:94:in `replace!'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb:59:in `invoke!'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/actions.rb:93:in `action'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb:31:in `inject_into_file'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.4.4/lib/generators/devise_ldap_authenticatable/install_generator.rb:16:in `create_default_devise_settings'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/task.rb:22:in `run'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:118:in `invoke_task'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:124:in `block in invoke_all'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:124:in `each'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:124:in `map'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:124:in `invoke_all'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/group.rb:226:in `dispatch'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/thor-0.14.0/lib/thor/base.rb:389:in `start'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.0/lib/rails/generators.rb:163:in `invoke'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.0/lib/rails/commands/generate.rb:10:in `'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `require'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `block in require'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:225:in `block in load_dependency'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:591:in `new_constants_in'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:225:in `load_dependency'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/activesupport-3.0.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:239:in `require'
    from /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/railties-3.0.0/lib/rails/commands.rb:17:in `'
    from script/rails:6:in `require'
    from script/rails:6:in `'

make the in_required_groups? method more flexible


uniqueMember attribute doesn't exist in my ldap repository for group, also I propose to add an extra parameter into the ldap config yaml file. It should be an array of attribute names in order to specify a different attribute for each group. The current in_required_groups method should be modified accordingly
here is a possible implementation

@required_groups.each_with_index do |group,index| => group, :scope => Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject) do |entry|
unless entry[@attribute_group_required[index]].include? dn
DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::Logger.send("User #{dn} is not in group: #{group}")
return false


Compatibility Issue with Mongoid

ldap_authenticatable doesn't seem to play nicely with Mongoid. I get an "undefined local variable or method scoped' for User:Class" error in "devise_ldap_authenticatable (0.4.6) lib/devise_ldap_authenticatable/model.rb:57:inauthenticate_with_ldap'
Seems that "scoped" is an ActiveRecord call, which Mongoid doesn't support.

No check for blank passwords

Thank you for your work with this plugin.

Here's a minor issue: devise_ldap_authenticatable does not check for blank passwords. This is usually not a problem, because you would do that validation in your model, but the LDAP specification authenticates users with blank passwords as anonymous, and thus a user with a blank password will authenticate, even though it has a password set.

I discovered this while fiddling around with making devise_ldap_authenticatable http_authenticatable.

  config.ldap_use_admin_to_bind = false
  config.ldap_auth_username_builder = {|attribute, login, ldap| "#{login}"}

curl tests:

# first, with an invalid password
ezri:~ kn$ curl -v -u 'domain\myuser:invalid' http://localhost:3000/posts
* About to connect() to localhost port 3000 (#0)
*   Trying ::1... Connection refused
*   Trying fe80::1... Connection refused
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 3000 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'domain\myuser'
> GET /posts HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGRjaFxrbjppbnZhbGlk
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3
> Host: localhost:3000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized 
* Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
< WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Application"
< Content-Type: */*; charset=utf-8
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge
< X-Runtime: 0.155226
< Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2010-12-25)
< Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:58:55 GMT
< Content-Length: 26
< Connection: Keep-Alive
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection #0

# then, with an empty password
ezri:~ kn$ curl -v -u 'domain\myuser:' http://localhost:3000/posts
* About to connect() to localhost port 3000 (#0)
*   Trying ::1... Connection refused
*   Trying fe80::1... Connection refused
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 3000 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'domain\myuser'
> GET /posts HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGRjaFxrbjo=
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3
> Host: localhost:3000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Etag: "3de62547f5190f1209c2f2245ad1e824"
< Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
< X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge
< X-Runtime: 0.201555
< Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2010-12-25)
< Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 20:00:25 GMT
< Content-Length: 1257
< Connection: Keep-Alive
< Set-Cookie: _authtest_session=BAh7CEkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRiIlNzkyZTg1MTJmZGYxZTI0OTIwYTNlZGMwMzYwM2VhYWNJIhl3YXJkZW4udXNlci51c2VyLmtleQY7AFRbB0kiCVVzZXIGOwBGaQhJIhBfY3NyZl90b2tlbgY7AEZJIjFzVCtBamx5MDhqUEF6SWxJVkhreEttR2s4NW5uNGR0MXlSVkFLcFQ2MEpFPQY7AEY%3D--3636f25afabd175878325309971123449eda33dc; path=/; HttpOnly

# finally, with the correct password
ezri:~ kn$ curl -v -u 'domain\myuser:mypass' http://localhost:3000/posts
* About to connect() to localhost port 3000 (#0)
*   Trying ::1... Connection refused
*   Trying fe80::1... Connection refused
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 3000 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'domain\myuser'
> GET /posts HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic dGRjaFxrbjo=
> User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8l zlib/1.2.3
> Host: localhost:3000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Etag: "3de62547f5190f1209c2f2245ad1e824"
< Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
< X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge
< X-Runtime: 0.201555
< Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2010-12-25)
< Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 20:00:25 GMT
< Content-Length: 1257
< Connection: Keep-Alive
< Set-Cookie: _authtest_session=BAh7CEkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRiIlNzkyZTg1MTJmZGYxZTI0OTIwYTNlZGMwMzYwM2VhYWNJIhl3YXJkZW4udXNlci51c2VyLmtleQY7AFRbB0kiCVVzZXIGOwBGaQhJIhBfY3NyZl90b2tlbgY7AEZJIjFzVCtBamx5MDhqUEF6SWxJVkhreEttR2s4NW5uNGR0MXlSVkFLcFQ2MEpFPQY7AEY%3D--3636f25afabd175878325309971123449eda33dc; path=/; HttpOnly

Naturally one could ague that validation belongs elsewhere, but I would say that an authentication module should at least make sure that one cannot authenticate simply by using a blank password :)

Typo on ./


Just a quick note about a typo in the documentation: ./ should be ./
Also you might add that all this happens in the ./test/ldap directory (saves 15s ;-)

And BTW, devise_ldap_authenticatable is a great plugin. Good work !

Best regards,

Unable to override "devise/sessions"


I'm using version 0.4.6 and I may have found an issue about overriding devise/sessions controller for a specific project. When doing it, it's no more possible to auth.

Here is what I've found :
file strategy.rb => valid_controller? validates only "devise/sessions" so returns false when we use another controller.

Maybe it's possible to check if params[:controller] references a subclass of Devise::SessionsController ?

I'm new to ror so I may be wrong ... "monkey hacking" this point resolves my issue.



backslash escaping may be causing get_ldap_param to break

I've got:

devise_ldap_authenticatable (0.5.1)
devise (> 1.5.0)
net-ldap (
> 0.2.2)

Hmm, seems to be more than arrays i have problems with:

Getting displayname works:
LDAP: Requested param displayname has value ["Bloggs, Joe"]
=> "Bloggs, Joe"

Might be that my groups/dn have a "," in them causing it to blow up, you can see in the debug log it gets the value, but it returns nil

LDAP: Requested param dn has value CN=Bloggs, Joe,OU=Dev,OU=Euro,DC=example,DC=com
=> nil

and its not the same as getting an invalid attribute...

NoMethodError: undefined method `invalidfakething' for #Net::LDAP::Entry:0x000000036d57b0

NoMethodError for self.ldap_attributes (v 0.1.6)

NoMethodError (undefined method ldap_attributes' for #<User:0x4608198>): c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.1.6/lib/devise _ldap_authenticatable/model.rb:28:invalid_ldap_authentication?'
_ldap_authenticatable/model.rb:45:in try' c:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/devise_ldap_authenticatable-0.1.6/lib/devise _ldap_authenticatable/model.rb:45:inauthenticate_with_ldap'
_ldap_authenticatable/strategy.rb:16:in authenticate!' warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/strategies/base.rb:53:in_run!'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/proxy.rb:286:in _run_strategies_for' warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/proxy.rb:281:ineach'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/proxy.rb:281:in _run_strategies_for' warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/proxy.rb:258:in_perform_authentication'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/proxy.rb:82:in authenticate' devise (1.0.8) lib/devise/controllers/helpers.rb:36:inauthenticate'
devise (1.0.8) app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb:19:in create' warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/manager.rb:35:incall'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/manager.rb:34:in `catch'

Offending portion in model.rb
def valid_ldap_authentication?(password)
Devise::LdapAdapter.valid_credentials?(self.login, self.ldap_attributes, password)

Any ideas?

Rails 2.3.8 & 1.0.6 - LDAP authenticates, but stays on the same login screen

Previous use of Devise database_authenticable, after successful login, pushed the user to the root page I defined in Devise.

I installed 1.0.6 for Rails 2 - Got it to Auth after some mods to remove the ldap_authenticable requirement from the handler (no need to create the field in my db then)
I have it set to create the user, it gets created fine. but now it will not go to the root page on success.

Devise/Warden updates the flash notice to say success, but still on the login page.
If I login after the user is created the first time, I get pushed to the root I expect.

Your strategy is the same as Devise's - success! to Warden

   # to sign in page.
  def authenticate!
    if resource =[scope])

I know Devise uses this after sign-in:

def after_sign_in_path_for(resource_or_scope)
scope = Devise::Mapping.find_scope!(resource_or_scope)
home_path = "#{scope}_root_path"
respond_to?(home_path, true) ? send(home_path) : root_path

is there something you have seen blocking this to progress thru to the root known by Devise?


undefined method `to_sym' for true:TrueClass in ldap_adapter.rb:67:in `initialize'

Encountered this error with the following ldap.yml:

  ssl: true

Here's the error:

undefined method `to_sym' for true:TrueClass

/Users/cairo140/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bundler/gems/devise_ldap_authenticatable-87b47c5fe0bc/lib/devise_ldap_authenticatable/ldap_adapter.rb:67:in `initialize'

It's obviously expecting something like ssl: simple_tls, since that's the only acceptable argument to the :encryption option. I'll put in a fix.

Allow encrypted_password to be set on the devise model

Currently, devise_ldap_authenticatable overwrites the #password= method that mixes into the class that calls Devise::Models.devise (usually something like User).

In devise:

def password=(new_password)
  @password = new_password
  self.encrypted_password = password_digest(@password) if @password.present?

In devise_ldap_authenticatable:

def password=(new_password)
  @password = new_password

Taking out that line allows devise_ldap_authenticatable to (as expected) run even if the models don't respond to #encrypted_password=.

However, this change prevents devise_ldap_authenticatable from layering on top of database_authenticatable. While this gem is explicitly designed to replace database_authenticatable, I found that adding the call back in allows it to work, at least in my (fairly vanilla) use of the two strategies.

Something like this seems like it'd do fine (I'm currently doing this on my model class itself):

def password=(new_password)
  @password = new_password
  self.encrypted_password = password_digest(@password) if @password.present? && respond_to?(:encrypted_password=)

Is there a reason it was implemented as is? If there's interest, I can prepare a patch and test.

Database authenticatable compatibility

I am interested to have database authentication with LDAP fall back (if database auth fails try LDAP).

Currently, from the README, simultaneous usage is not supported.

Anyone else interested in making it work?
Is it feasible to try and push this feature?
Any major impediments that had made it not supported in the first place?
I am willing to contribute work on this, with a little help.

How should this be approached better?

  1. Shove code from database_authenticatable in ldap_authenticatable and use only the later strategy.
  2. Have database_authenticatable cascade to ldap_authenticatable somehow.
    I would prefer the latter.

Update for testing on 1.9.x and on non-OSX machines

So I'm trying to update to devise ~>1.5.0 and so I thought I'd clone the repo, make the changes, run the tests and submit a pull request for the change.

Then i entered dependency hell. Using Ubuntu I'm having problems getting the specific version of gherkin to compile, and rbx-require-relative isn't needed for 1.9.x rubies. I use the gem just fine with 1.9.3 on Ubuntu.

Getting it to run for me is going to mean updating the Gemfile.lock in test/rails_app so I can install tools that actually work on Ubuntu. And I'm more than a little afraid of going through that work to find the tests not passing because there's other hidden gotchas when I'm not testing using REE and OSX.

I don't mind doing the work, but wanted to check in and see if you had any concerns with me making those kind of changes. I'm a very long way from being an expert in TDD, but I'm also trying to jump in contribute more to the gems I use.

User test seems to refer to delete_authorization_role.ldif, which doesn't exist

It's making a test fail:

Steven-Xus-Macbook-Pro:rails_app sxu$ rake test
(in /Users/sxu/Sites/devise_ldap_authenticatable/test/rails_app)
Loaded suite /Users/sxu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
............/ldap/delete_authorization_role.ldif: No such file or directory
Finished in 20.142101 seconds.

  1) Failure:
test: With default settings use groups for authorization should not be validated if group with different attribute is removed. (UserTest)
    [/test/unit/user_test.rb:10:in `should_not_be_validated'
     /test/unit/user_test.rb:109:in `__bind_1317766759_810311']:
Password is not properly set.
<false> is not true.

18 tests, 32 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
Loaded suite /Users/sxu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake/rake_test_loader
Finished in 0.079987 seconds.

4 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors

0.4.5 is not tagged in git

Please tag the commit from which you built the 0.4.5 gem. The others are tagged and it makes debugging a lot easier.


Please release 0.4.9 to

Hi there,

I am building a wrapper gem to integrate devise_ldap_authenticatable with a Rails 3 application, and need to use the Devise::LdapAdapter.get_ldap_param() method. This method is not available in the current version on
During development, I can tell bundler to get the gem from github, but rubygems doesn't support that.
Would you please be able to release a new version soon?


Populate User fields with LDAP values

Not so much an issue as a plea for help... I have been able to get the authentication piece working well with AD 3.0. Users populate correctly into my table; however, I have added a few custom fields like mail, cn, title, phone, etc that I want to update upon account creation. After digging through the code (and bear with me, I'm a Ruby newbie... or nuby I suppose) I thought the best place to put this would be inside Model.rb in devise_ldap_authenticatable. I ended up adding a require 'net/ldap' and then adjusted authenticate_with_ldap as follows. I am still able to log in, but none of the values update in the user table. Any help?

    def authenticate_with_ldap(attributes={}) 
      @login_with = ::Devise.authentication_keys.first
      return nil unless attributes[@login_with].present? 

      # resource = find_for_ldap_authentication(conditions)
      resource = scoped.where(@login_with => attributes[@login_with]).first

      if (resource.blank? and ::Devise.ldap_create_user)
        resource = new
        resource[@login_with] = attributes[@login_with]
        resource.password = attributes[:password]

      if resource.try(:valid_ldap_authentication?, attributes[:password])
        ldap = = ""
        ldap.auth = "ldap_query_cn", "password"
        treebase = "OU=San Antonio,DC=corp,DC=domain,DC=com"
        filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq("samaccountname", attributes[@login_with])
        attrs = ["cn", "title", "mail", "phone"] :base => treebase, :filter => filter, :attributes => attrs ) do |entry|
          resource.title = entry.title
          resource.mail = entry.mail
        return resource
        return nil

Isseu with ldap_param_value


At line 97 in lib/devise_ldap_authenticatable/ldap_adapter.rb their is a to_s on the LDAP attribute (v. 0.4.9 and master branch):


However, when the attribute is multiple, send(param) returns an array:

ruby-1.9.2-p136 :032 > Devise::LdapAdapter.get_ldap_param('dominique.broeglin',"mail")
=> "["[email protected]"]"

which is not the result I expected. I would gladly have provided a patch but I'm really not sure how to solve the issue. May be just not do the to_s ?


case sensitive login


as of Devise 1.2 there is an option for case insensitive user input which works fine by enabling

config.case_insensitive_keys = [:email]

in config/initializers/devise.rb which doesn't seem work with devise_ldap_authenticatable, when creating new users with the

config.ldap_create_user = true

option. Using the same username with different capital letters ends up creating a new user. I tried using the .downcase method on the login variable, which doesn't seem to have any effect.

Active Directory howto

Is anyone willing to share the ldap.yml configuration they use to authenticate against Active Directory? I have tried to configure devise_ldap_authenticatable with the same configuration that works for me in omniauth-ldap, but I am getting nowhere.

This is what I am using right now:

  host: IP ADDRESS
  port: 389 
  attribute: sAMAccountName 
  base: dc=domain,dc=example,dc=com
  admin_user: cn=User\, Name,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=example,dc=com 
  admin_password: Password
  ssl: false

Right now I just want to allow any user to log in. I'll worry about group membership after I get over this hurdle. Also, is there any way to put devise_ldap_authenticatable into a debug mode so I can get more detailed logging?

trying to use ldap_use_admin_to_bind


I just tried out your ldap gem. using the version from your git repo.

Using it against my AD i needed the ldap_use_admin_to_bind
It did not work however, until i did the following in ldap_adapter.rb

Added :admin => true manually
options = {:login => login, :password => password_plaintext, :admin => true}
and removed the line:
options.merge({ :admin => true }) if ::Devise.ldap_use_admin_to_bind

I am no ruby-programmer but i think you need to look at the line i commented out...

ldap search not returning a value


Having some trouble understanding how this is supposed to work. I have the user authenticating against AD as discussed in #40 & #57 but I cannot get the ldap to perform a search. When I attempt to perform a search through the console it is returning false or nil, depending on how I perform the search. Below is what i think should be working:

@login = "#{login}@#{ldap.base.gsub('dc=', '').gsub(',', '.')}"
filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('dn', @login)
ldap_entry = nil => filter) {|entry| ldap_entry = entry}

ldap_entry is nil after doing this.

Any ideas?

Active Directory Authentication Issue

@gamafranco @cairo140

Thought I would create a separate issue to resolve my problem.

I modified my connection to match what i thought should be right. When i run the following command in rails console it returns true.

Devise::LdapAdapter.valid_credentials?('myusername', 'mypassword')

However, when i attempt to put these details in the login page of my application it does not log in. When I look at the rails server log it doesn't seem to be doing anything against LDAP. See the POST action below.

Started POST "/users/sign_in" for at 2011-10-20 08:46:25 +1000
  Processing by Devise::SessionsController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"Γ£ô", "authenticity_token"=>"u86KVD938HZreSoF2UJHW5A+M/U
kRh/1fKHEaQI28o8=", "user"=>{"username"=>"stittc", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "re
member_me"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"Sign in"}
  ←[1m←[35mUser Load (1.2ms)←[0m  EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (1) [users].*
FROM [users] WHERE [users].[username] = N''stittc'''
Completed   in 124ms
  Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"Γ£ô", "authenticity_token"=>"u86KVD938HZreSoF2UJHW5A+M/U
kRh/1fKHEaQI28o8=", "user"=>{"username"=>"stittc", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "re
member_me"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"Sign in"}
Rendered devise/shared/_links.erb (0.0ms)
Rendered devise/sessions/new.html.erb within layouts/application (16.7ms)
Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 17.8ms | ActiveRecord: 3.6ms)

Should it be showing a line or 2 where it checks against LDAP?

Thanks in advance.

Specify how the LDAP auth username should be built


I needed to specify how the username used for ldap.auth(username, password) is built to allow my users to sign in with my compagny's LDAP server.

The username has to be "#{compagnyname}#{username}" instead of "#{attribute}=#{login},#{ldap.base}"

so I forked the project, added an optionnal config param named "ldap_auth_username_builder" that takes a proc that construct the username.

it goes like this in the devise config file :

config.ldap_auth_username_builder ={ |attribute ,login, ldap| "compagnyname\\#{login}" }

Unfortunately I haven't been able to run the test app because it depends on a version of linecache that is not ruby 1.9.2 ready.

No network traffic, no ldap_logging

I'm trying to set this module up with AD auth, per Dan's famous HOWTO video. I tried using both the DNS name and IP address of the LDAP server with Wireshark running, but I'm not even seeing LDAP traffic going out to the LDAP server.

In addition, I have ldap_logging enabled, but it's not printing out anything. What gives?

Net::BER::BerError in Devise::SessionsController#create


I'm not sure it's an issue with devise_ldap_authenticatable as such but I thought it would be worth sharing here in case anyone else runs in to this problem:

After upgrading to 0.4.9 I started getting the following exception when authenticating against LDAP:

Net::BER::BerError in Devise::SessionsController#create

Unsupported object type: id=139

with the following in the Terminal window:

Started POST "/d/users/sign_in" for at 2011-07-11 11:58:45 +0100 Processing by ?>Devise::SessionsController#create as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", >"authenticity_token"=>"T+ttL/6YPK1A/HE4XRukI7SKHDTVr553/hOD+5UyYUk=", "user"=>{"username"=>"admin", >"password"=>"[FILTERED]", "remember_me"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"Sign in"} SQL (0.4ms) SELECT name FROM sqlite_master >WHERE type = 'table' AND NOT name = 'sqlite_sequence'

User Load (1.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."username" = 'admin' LIMIT 1 LDAP: LDAP search: >uid=admin Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 659ms

Net::BER::BerError (Unsupported object type: id=139)

After a bit of digging the problem seems to be related to net-ldap 0.2.2, so I've created a fork to restore the old 0.1.1 dependency. I'm sure this fork will break at some point in the future (but it seems OK for my basic usage at the moment).

If there's anything I can do to help come up with a more permanent fix then I'm happy to help.


Add a public method to determine whether and LDAP search yields a result

The current Devise::LdapAdapter::LdapConnect#dn method conducts a search and returns a dn that depends on whether the attribute search yielded any results:

def dn
  DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::Logger.send("LDAP search: #{@attribute}=#{@login}")
  filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(@attribute.to_s, @login.to_s)
  ldap_entry = nil => filter) {|entry| ldap_entry = entry}
  if ldap_entry.nil?,@login,@ldap)

Would it be advisable to split it up so that we could have a simple way to find whether the search yielded a result?

The specific user case I'm working through is one in which I'm layering LDAP auth on top of Database auth, and I need to check whether a user exists through LDAP before allowing someone to register using the database method.

Devise::LdapAdapter.get_ldap_param return nil when array passed

I have in ldap user with two 'mail' attribute

When I try to search it using get_ldap_param I get nil. When user has only one attribute all ok.

Here is a little test i wrote in irb:

irb(main):006:0> a = [1,2]
=> [1, 2]
irb(main):007:0> a = a.first if false
=> nil
irb(main):008:0> a
=> [1, 2]

So 'a' got a right result but return result is 'nil'.
File: ldap_adapter.rb, line: 103

Incorrect dn in in_required_groups? if base != group_base

If i use a ldap configuration with

# config/ldap.yml
  base: ou=people,dc=test,dc=com 
  attribute: uid
  group_base: ou=groups,dc=test,dc=com
    - ["moreMembers", "cn=users,ou=groups,dc=test,dc=com"]

and I have my dn like


in the log the LDAPLogger write

  LDAP: LDAP search: uid=gmgp
  LDAP: Authorizing user uid=gmgp,ou=developpers,ou=people,dc=test,dc=com
  LDAP: LDAP search: uid=gmgp
  LDAP: LDAP search: uid=gmgp
  LDAP: LDAP search: uid=gmgp
  LDAP: User uid=gmgp,ou=people,dc=test,dc=com is not in group: cn=users,ou=groups,dc=test,dc=com

my simple workaround is to create a local attribute

27  class LdapConnect
29        attr_reader :ldap, :login, :login_dn
54      def dn
55        DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::Logger.send("LDAP search: #{@attribute}=#{@login}")
56        filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(@attribute.to_s, @login.to_s)
57        ldap_entry = nil
58 => filter) {|entry| ldap_entry = entry}
59        if ldap_entry.nil?
61        else       
62          @login_dn = ldap_entry.dn
63        end
64      end
84      def in_required_groups?     
85        return true unless ::Devise.ldap_check_group_membership
 99 => group_name, :scope => Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject) do |entry|
100            unless entry[group_attribute].include? @login_dn
101              DeviseLdapAuthenticatable::Logger.send("User #{@login_dn} is not in group: #{group_name }")
102              return false
103            end
104          end
105        end

This workaround works even if it does not solve the underlying problem
I prepare a commit as it should if I find a moment of time

No support for http_authenticatable

This patch to strategy.rb might be a solution:

<         (valid_for_http_auth? || (valid_controller? && valid_for_params_auth?)) &&

>         valid_controller? && valid_params? &&
<         if resource = => password))

>         if resource =[scope])

more finegrained authorization?

devise_ldap_authenticatable supports authorization by existing Active Directory groups (see authorization section in ldap.yml). This way, I have successful restricted access to my whole Rails app to users which are member of (a) certain AD group(s). This far, this good.

But can I use devise_ldap_authenticatable to do a more finegrained authorization?

For example:
Members of AD group foo are allowed to access the route foo#index, while members of AD group bar are allowed to access bar#index.

If the answer is 'No': What might be a more appropriate gem?

Doubly escaping ldap strings

In our AD database, the user DNs have the format "Surname, Firstname", by the time it makes it through devise_ldap_authenticatable its got an extra \ escape.


ruby-1.9.3-p0 :001 > Devise::LdapAdapter.get_ldap_entry('jbloggs')['dn']
LDAP: LDAP search for login: sAMAccountName=jbloggs
=> ["CN=Bloggs\, Joe,OU=Dev,OU=Euro,DC=sample,DC=com"]

its actually two blackslashes here, but github is unescaping them... so i've put four in this comment

primary_key problem resulting in NoMethodError (undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass): in activerecord-3.0.3/persistence.rb


I am a new user of the module. I am able to successfully sign in and jump from page to page as usual. When I sign out and then try to sign in again though, I would get the following exception:

NoMethodError (undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass): 
activesupport (3.0.3) lib/active_support/whiny_nil.rb:48:in`method_missing'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/persistence.rb:255:in `update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/locking/optimistic.rb:77:in`update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb:68:in `update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/timestamp.rb:60:in`update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:285:in `update'
activesupport (3.0.3) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:413:in`_run_update_callbacks'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:285:in `update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/persistence.rb:246:in`create_or_update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:277:in `create_or_update'
activesupport (3.0.3) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:413:in`_run_save_callbacks'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:277:in `create_or_update'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/persistence.rb:39:in`save'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/validations.rb:43:in `save'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/attribute_methods/dirty.rb:21:in`save'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:237:in `save'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:289:in`with_transaction_returning_status'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/database_statements.rb:139:in `transaction'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:204:in`transaction'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:287:in `with_transaction_returning_status'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:237:in`save'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:248:in `rollback_active_record_state!'
activerecord (3.0.3) lib/active_record/transactions.rb:236:in`save'
devise (1.1.2) lib/devise/models/trackable.rb:26:in `update_tracked_fields!'
devise (1.1.2) lib/devise/hooks/trackable.rb:7

Line 255 of persistence.rb is self.class.unscoped.where(self.class.arel_table[self.class.primary_key].eq(id)).arel.update(attributes_with_values)
. I put in a debugging output in persistence.rb's update method:
puts "update: #{self.class.inspect}; #{self.class.primary_key.inspect}; #{self.class.primary_key}"

and it turns out that at this point, the primary_key of User class is now 'userid', not 'id' as before. I tried using a different user_model name (such as 'member') and the same problem occurs. I could fix it by putting set_primary_key "id" explicitly in app/model/user.rb after devise :ldap_authenticatable, ... line, but this is just kludgy and looks to be a bug. (Am I the first one that runs into this bug?)


Cannot sign in with a differente attribute

Hi guys,

On my application, I just can use the gem with cn (not really working with other attributes).

When it looks up for my attribute (such as "mail") it doesn't find cause it doesn't sign in as admin before search (and I think it is required by my ldap server).

I've done this change:

But as I couldn't run the tests (the ldap server didn't run on my pc for some reason), I don't know if it breaks the tests. Even tough works pretty well on my application.

Issue with multiple requests

We are seeing an issue when multiple requests (threads?) that are accessing the ldap.yml file. Looking at the stack trace, the problem occurs in ldap_adapter.rb--in the initializer of LdapConnect where it performs the YAML.load() call. Not sure if an ldap connection pool is needed, or more protection around the loading of the YAML file?

This can be replicated by using the following test in a rails console:
threads = []
100.times {threads << {p YAML.load( || "#{Rails.root}/config/ldap.yml")).result)[Rails.env]}}

Running ruby 1.9.2, rails 3.0.9 on Jruby 1.6.6 (same result on 1.6.7); Devise ldap authenticatable 0.4.9.


I've followed the instructions to install as best as I can an I must be missing something.

Any ideas?

NoMethodError (undefined method `new_user_session_path' for Devise::FailureApp:0x14bb878):

Rendered /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_trace.erb (1.4ms)
Rendered /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/_request_and_response.erb (45.8ms)
Rendered /Users/spspriggs/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/gems/actionpack-3.0.0/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/diagnostics.erb within rescues/layout (72.0ms)

Full Trace

devise (1.1.1) lib/devise/failure_app.rb:67:in `redirect_url'
devise (1.1.1) lib/devise/failure_app.rb:50:in `redirect'
devise (1.1.1) lib/devise/failure_app.rb:30:in `respond'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:150:in `process_action'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:119:in `process'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:133:in `dispatch'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_controller/metal/rack_delegation.rb:14:in `dispatch'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_controller/metal.rb:173:in `block in action'
devise (1.1.1) lib/devise/failure_app.rb:17:in `call'
devise (1.1.1) lib/devise/failure_app.rb:17:in `call'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/manager.rb:114:in `call_failure_app'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/manager.rb:100:in `process_unauthenticated'
warden (0.10.7) lib/warden/manager.rb:47:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/best_standards_support.rb:17:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/head.rb:14:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:24:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/params_parser.rb:21:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/flash.rb:182:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/abstract_store.rb:149:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:287:in `call'
activerecord (3.0.0) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:32:in `block in call'
activerecord (3.0.0) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/query_cache.rb:28:in `cache'
activerecord (3.0.0) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:12:in `cache'
activerecord (3.0.0) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:31:in `call'
activerecord (3.0.0) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:355:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:46:in `block in call'
activesupport (3.0.0) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:415:in `_run_call_callbacks'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:44:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/sendfile.rb:107:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb:48:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb:46:in `call'
railties (3.0.0) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:13:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/runtime.rb:17:in `call'
activesupport (3.0.0) lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache.rb:72:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `block in call'
:10:in `synchronize'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/lock.rb:11:in `call'
actionpack (3.0.0) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:30:in `call'
railties (3.0.0) lib/rails/application.rb:168:in `call'
railties (3.0.0) lib/rails/application.rb:77:in `method_missing'
railties (3.0.0) lib/rails/rack/log_tailer.rb:14:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/content_length.rb:13:in `call'
rack (1.2.1) lib/rack/handler/webrick.rb:52:in `service'
/Users/spspriggs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:111:in `service'
/Users/spspriggs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/httpserver.rb:70:in `run'
/Users/spspriggs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webrick/server.rb:183:in `block in start_thread'

Querying LDAP Search


using your querying function in my user model for retrieving the surname

before_save :get_ldap_sn

def get_ldap_sn = Devise::LdapAdapter.get_ldap_param(, "sn")

results in an error:

NoMethodError in Devise::SessionsController#create

undefined method `sn' for #<Net::LDAP::Entry:0x103b483c8>

probably due to the search restriction on the LDAP Server. Maybe an authentication to bind before the search query could fix the problem like bobek suggested in his commit.

Cannot validate against an LDAP server

I have followed the instructions as per the screencast and the Readme of version 0.4.0 and so far I did not manage to validate against our LDAP server. I suspect some problem with the devise_ldap_authenticatable gem as I tried the following order of steps:

  • created a new prestine Rails3 application (simple blog/notebook containing one model with title:string and body:text) and verified that it is working
  • added devise (version 1.1.rc2) to that app and got it working according to its Readme and Railscast #209
  • replaced email with login column in devise as a preparation to LDAP, analogous to the instructions in Railscast #210 and got that working
  • added devise_ldap_authenticatable (either version 0.4.0 or by tracking the rails3 branch, which currently gives the same version)
  • ran rails generate devise_ldap_authenticatable:install
  • verified that :database_authenticatable got replaced by :ldap_authenticatable in the user model
  • configured config/ldap.yaml to use our LDAP server
  • started the rails application and ran a tcpdump for LDAP requests
  • tcpdump observed a request to modify the password with an blank user
  • if I choose config.ldap_update_password = false in config/initializers/devise.rb then tcpdump observes no LDAP connection at all

At this point I have no clue what the problem might be. Obviously I got the configuration right at least as far as it connects to our LDAP server even though it's a password change request when signing in. Any clue which configuration parameter I should look at?

I did start the debugger and added a break point in Devise::LdapAdapter::LdapConnect.initialize. When allowing password changes this break point triggers just before the password change request is sent to the LDAP server. Without allowing password changes the break point is never triggered.

Support domain for Active Directory


I'm currently integrating with AD, and I need to login a user in a specific domain.

I had to put this in the devise.rb:

config.ldap_auth_username_builder = {|attribute, login, ldap| "#{login}@imaginarycloud.lab.local" }

It would be nice for the domain to be supported in ldap.yml.

Does it make sense? I can make a pull request to support this.


Doesn't sign in by the first time

Hi guys,

When I sign in the first time (my user doesn't exist yet) the system redirects to next page but doesn't sign me in. So I come back to login page and need to fill the information again. Then it starts to work.

I am using the devise_ldap_authenticatable's rails3 version.

Does it happen for you?

hardcoded sha1 in update_password


it would be nice if the user could change between sha1 and md5, should not be a big change because the net-ldap function you use, does already support it. it would just be a new configuration option and a little change in ldap_adapter.rb, where you did hardcode it to sha1.

best regards

Investigate adding more details to LDAP logger

I'm trying to log use our LDAP server as authentication for my RAILS app, however it is not working and Devise provides no logging to help me troubleshoot.
The LDAP connection is SSL+anon auth.
The below config works perfectly with a PHP LDAP auth lib as well as an LDAP explorer tool I've tested it with.

port: 636
attribute: mail
base: ou=ldap,
ssl: simple_tls

LDAP: LDAP dn lookup: mail=[email protected]
LDAP: LDAP search for login: mail=[email protected]
LDAP: Authorizing user mail=[email protected],ou=ldap,
LDAP: LDAP dn lookup: mail=[email protected]
LDAP: LDAP search for login: mail=[email protected]
Completed 401 Unauthorized in 4043ms

Whats not working? Is search returning nothing? The dn lookup?

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