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crylia-theme's Introduction

Crylia Theme



Welcome to my dotfiles

An AwesomeWM theme inspired by everything I could find online and thought "Hey, that looks good!".

This repository holds mainly my AwesomeWM theme but also some other rice's I've done over the years.

Everything you see is done purely because I hate myself and like to give myself a hard time.


My system setup:


Here are three levels of what you need

  1. Dependencies you need to have in order for the rice to work
  2. Important dependencies but can be replaced, the theme might behave weird without these or without proper reconfiguration!
  3. Nice to have and are the default. Can be easily changed without any worries!

Using the install script (Thanks to @JulianGR)


git clone
cd crylia-theme
chmod +x


git clone
cd crylia-theme
chmod +x
1. Dependencies



yay -S awesome-git


sudo apt build-dep awesome
git clone
make package
sudo dpkg -i awesome*.deb



yay -S rofi-git


Check HERE for how to build from source. Note DO NOT INSTAL ROFI FROM APT IT WONT WORK



yay -S picom-jonaburg-git


git clone
cd picom
meson --buildtype=release . build
sudo ninja -C build install



sudo apt install nvidia-smi

2. Important Dependencies

Papirus - Icon Theme

Make sure the theme is located at /usr/share/icons/


sudo pacman -S papirus-icon-theme


sudo apt install papirus-icon-theme

pactl - PulseAudio Controler

All audio scripts depends on this


sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa


sudo apt install pulseaudio-utils

upower - Battery Info


sudo pacman -S upower


sudo apt install upower

bluez/bluetoothctl - Bluetooth


sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils


sudo apt install bluez bluez-utils

setxkbmap - Change Keyboard Layout


sudo pacman -S xorg-setxkbmap


sudo apt install xorg

xfce4-power-manager - Backlight


sudo pacman -S xfce4-power-manager


sudo apt install xfce4-power-manager

playerctl - Media control


sudo pacman -S playerctl


sudo apt install playerctl

LightDM - Login/Logout/ScreenLock


sudo pacman -S lightdm light-locker


sudo apt install lightdm light-locker

MesloLGS NF Font


sudo pacman -S ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k


3. Optional Dependencies

Alacritty - Default terminal


sudo pacman -S alacritty


sudo apt install alacritty

Thunar - Default file manager


sudo pacman -S thunar


sudo apt install thunar

Flameshot - Screenshots


sudo pacman -S flameshot


sudo apt install flameshot


Make sure to backup any data before you copy my theme over!

git clone
cd crylia-theme
cp -r awesome ~/.config/.
cp -r picom.conf ~/.config/.
cp -r rofi ~/.config/.


cp -r alacritty ~/.config/.


Some notable features

  • Multi screen support
  • Interactive task/taglist and dock (left, right click and hover over)
  • Session option to reboot, shutdown etc
  • Multi keyboard layout support + switch widget
  • Rofi application launcher and window switcher
  • Volume / Brightness control widget
  • Configurable Dock
  • Systray
  • GPU/CPU/RAM Temperature, Usage and Clock widget
  • Full audio device selector
  • Easy to configure dots
  • Interactive notifications

Some stuff planned for the future

  • Calendar OSD
  • More bugs
  • I3 like layout / manual tiling

There are many widgets to choose from

Widget List:

  • Battery
  • Network (Wifi, Ethernet)
  • Bluetooth
  • Volume
  • Keyboardlayout
  • Date
  • Time
  • Session options
  • Taglist
  • Tasklist
  • Layoutswitcher
  • GPU/CPU/RAM Temperature/Usage and Clock speed.



Entire Desktop with two terminal open




Volume OSD (Backlight looks similar)


Switch In/Output devices easily


Spotify example notification with working media control


Top Left bar closeup


Top Center bar closeup


Top Right bar closeup


Dock closeup

Known bugs

Please note, the config could easily break since I can only test it on so many systems. Every installation is different

If you encounter any bug or question you can't solve, feel free to open a new issue or PR

  • The dock may not work with most flatpaks, snaps, appimages and Icons wont work when a path instead of a program is specified
  • The Volume and Backlight keys will be really laggy when changed too fast
  • Not every program will use the Icon's pack icon in the taglist and tasklist
  • The Volume OSD wont go over 100% even if the volume is higher(the regular widget works)

crylia-theme's People


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crylia-theme's Issues

[FEATURE] Add dock config variable to user_variables.lua

It would make sense to put a table into user_variables where a user can specify which widget he wants to use in which bar

The user then only has to put in strings representing each widget


"Battery", "CPU_Temp" or "Taglist"

Bar = {
  screen_1 = {
    left_bar = {"Battery"},
    center_bar = {"Taglist"},
    right_bar = {"CPU_Temp"}
  screen_2 = {
    left_bar = {"Battery"},
    center_bar = {"Taglist"},
    right_bar = {"CPU_Temp"}

The init.lua in the crylia_bar folder would then take care of making sure the correct bar receives the correct widget.

Also update the docs after this is done and give a better explanation with examples.

[QUESTION] Not Really, Just A Complement

If you frequent r/unixporn, you may or may not have seen me giving the mods hell and since I use the same avi, I am just emerging myself from a deep exploration of awesomewm, which I could probably write a book on honestly, thus have seen and maintain a comprehensive list of configurations that use more than a single rc.lua or modular configurations and am somewhat tired of a certain psuedo-skeudomorphic appearance in vogue on that sub and why if this was posted there, why I missed it as I am somewhat over the same thing redundantly you get with its mod's questionable choices for what is worthy of the sidebar.

Clearly You Have the Most Interesting Config of 2022

Clearly the most original and well written (like me, you also use comments which alone puts you into your own league) which I find highly impressive and love the attention to detail and use of your own unique elements like the titlebar buttons, etc. I am not the most easy person to impress in terms of awesome, as I like originality, the reason that awesome even acquired its reputation in the ricing scene. You show that with this work and I look forward to seeing this evolve in the future.

Thomas Leon Highbaugh

[BUG] network widget non-functional

The network widget on hover simply displays "Loading" and does nothing on click. I don't get any errors popping up, for now I've been changing networks with nmcli.

The issue is probably related to the fact that my laptop has six Ethernet interface's (for some reason, probably docker fuckery). Correcting the network interface logical names in user_variables.lua (from wlo1 to wlp0s20f3 and eno1 to vethc7a3aaf) doesn't change anything.

I also would suggest such a vital widget is moved to screen one and less important information such as cpu / gpu temps %'s are moved to the second monitor alongside the memory usage.


Nice theme, please ask why my layout is so compact

[QUESTION]Hide / show wibox

Sorry to bother again , I want to hide the crylia_bar(the 3 top bars) with a shortcut, I tried what the arch wiki said:

awful.key({ modkey }, "b", function () myscreen = awful.screen.focused() myscreen.mywibox.visible = not myscreen.mywibox.visible end, {description = "toggle statusbar"} ),
but I got the error:

attempt to index a nil value (field 'mywibox')

[QUESTION] Lacking alacritty terminal config

Hey, Your theme is really nice, but when I try to use it following README file, I found that alacritty config file is missing. it looks like you have change your terminal to kitty? could you please put alacritty config on this repo again? I really like your original config.


Describe the bug
all icons are not working

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
just on the desktop

Expected behavior
I expected the icons to be visable

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Information (please complete the following information):

  • EndeavorOS
  • Awesome Version
  • Error

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

[QUESTION] Could you please tell me about your lightdm and light-locker config?

Hello, I'm a little bit confused with the lightdm and light-locker config.
According to Arch wiki, I need to install a greeter then I can start lightdm. Which greeter do you use and where can I find the theme? I have searched your repo for many times, but I didn't find one.
Forgive me, it seems it's not easy to run this theme fully correct since time past so long, there're so many changes, I could only ask you for some help.

[BUG] Probably missing some setting or dependency

Describe the bug
I cannot get Alacritty to actually use the font or rice that is set in the config file.
I can also not get the mod+w rofi bind to work


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Used Archinstall to get a fresh awesomewm install, switched to zsh.
installed dependencies including nerd-fonts-complete.
copied dotfiles.

Information (please complete the following information):

  • Arch
  • awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e43 (Too long)
    • Compiled against Lua 5.4.4 (running with 0.9.2)

[ENHANCEMENT] Init script


I've been trying to install the theme and everything seems to work just fine, but not without a couple of days testing. There were missing steps in the installation of awesome, rofi and picom. I have created a script that automates everything, just in case someone wants to quickly get the theme working without all the hassle that I went through. Here it is:

Tested in latest version of Pop_os! as of June 8th 2022. Perhaps you could add it in the repo as an "" script or sth.


# dependencies for meson, ninja, rofi, awesome and all extra optional packages
sudo apt -y install meson ninja-build cmake cmake-data pkg-config papirus-icon-theme xorg build-essential git vim make autoconf automake pkg-config flex bison check go-md2man doxygen cppcheck ohcount pulseaudio-utils upower bluez xorg xfce4-power-manager playerctl lightdm light-locker

# fonts

# awesome-git (awesome from apt does NOT work)
sudo apt  build-dep -y awesome
git clone
cd awesome
make package
cd build/
sudo dpkg -i awesome*.deb

# rofi (rofi  from apt does NOT work)
git clone
meson setup build
sudo ninja -C build install

# picom  (picom from apt does NOT work)
git clone
cd picom
meson --buildtype=release . build
sudo ninja -C build install

git clone
cd crylia-theme
cp -r awesome ~/.config/.
cp -r picom.conf ~/.config/.
cp -r rofi ~/.config/.
cp -r alacritty ~/.config/.

[BUG] Spotify notification buttons don't work

Describe the bug
Pressing the buttons (prev, play/pause, next) of spotify notification cuases the notification to disapear instead of doing the right action.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. fresh install of the theme

Expected behavior
Buttons should not close the notification and instead they should do their corresponding action (prev, play/pause, next). also i think the notification timer should freeze when user is intracting with the buttons for some seconds.



  • Distro Arch
  • Awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e4

Additional Context
im using the AUR version of spotify and not the flatpack version

[BUG] Round corners on fullscreen

Describe the bug
Corners are round when the app is fullscreen

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Fresh install of awesomewm and picom

Expected behavior
fullscreen application with right corners


Information (please complete the following information):

  • Distro Arch
  • Awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e4

Additional context

[QUESTION] polybar colors

seems some colors are missing

error: Invalid value for "module/date.label-foreground", using default value (reason: The reference ${} does not exist (no fallback set))
error: Invalid value for "module/cpu.label-foreground", using default value (reason: The reference ${colors.bluegreen} does not exist (no fallback set))

also I am trying polybar tho it looks not same as screenshot here


[BUG] Duplicate status bar icon + broken battery percentage display

Describe the bug

  • My battery capacity panel is completely non-functional and displays.... something. Not quite sure what it is.
  • There's a duplicate CPU status icon with an empty space where the percentage value should be

My device (Thinkpad X260) has an internal (primary) battery as well as an external (secondary) battery. Could that be part of the problem?

I still receive notifications from the power manager when my laptop switches to the secondary battery or when either battery is low.

To Reproduce
I'm not too sure... It might be my OS, or it could be the power manager.

  1. Download my Arch version
  2. Install the theme as usual
  3. ???
  4. profit(?)

Expected behavior
Battery icon should show a percentage, and the CPU icon shouldn't be duplicated



  • Arch Linux x64 5.17.9-arch-1
  • xfce4-power-manager 4.16.0-3
  • Awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e43
  • Compiled against Lua 5.4.4 (running with 0.9.2)
  • No error message (How???)

[BUG] attempt to concatenate a nil value

Describe the bug
As in the screenshot, this error occurs
Related lines of code (battery.lua:85:)

battery_tooltip:set_text("Remaining battery time: " .. stdout:match("%d+,%d") .. " " .. rem_time)
elseif stdout:match("time to full") then
battery_tooltip:set_text("Battery fully charged in: " .. stdout:match("%d+,%d") .. " " .. rem_time)

dk why it's not working
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
When hovering to the battery icon this occurs


[BUG] AwesomeWM crash on startup

Just a note I am a complete noob and this is my first time working with any WM so I know nothing and treat me as such :)

Describe the bug
When logging in with AwesomeWM on my Fedora 35 (linux-surface) I get the following error:
error: /home/NAME/.config/awesome/src/core/notifications.lua/:29: attempt to call a nil value (field 'connect_signal')

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Select 'awesome' when logging in
  2. Enter password and log in
  3. See error

Expected behavior
Honestly no idea I probably made a really dumb mistake

Sorry no screenshots

Information (please complete the following information):

  • Fedora 35 on linux-surface kernel
  • Idk the version of awesome? How do I check

[QUESTION] Unsure how to change the affects of from a keybinding

The title isn't super great but I am not entirely sure how to sum the problem up. Basically when I hit the Windows key and Backspace my mouse turns into a plus icon and I can't get it go away without clicking on a window. When I click on a window though it goes into this bordered mode and I can't get it out of that. I am also having a hard time finding out what this is called because I can't find what the keybinding is actually doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[BUG] layout_box does not work on secondary screen

Describe the bug
Layout_box does not work on multiple monitors, it works properly only on the first monitor. Visually it is the same on every screen as on the first screen.

I have fixed the problem and included the patch on bottom of the post, just so you get the idea.
If you think this patch should be added to your repo, I can make a pull request.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
prerequisity: Connect more screens/monitors to your PC.

  1. Change layout with shortcut or click layout_box widget on the secondary monitor
    -> clicking doesn't do anything, changing layout by shortcut doesn't visually change the icon on the screen


  1. Change layout on screen 1
    -> layout_box icon changes on all screens (unexpected), but layout changes only on screen 1 (as expected)

Expected behavior
Layout_box functionality should be linked to specific screen and to work on each screen.

Information (please complete the following information):

  • Distro: Arch Linux
  • Awesome Version awesome v4.3-1551-g5077c8381

Additional context
git diff of my fix, line numbers might not match.

diff --git a/crylia_bar/init.lua b/crylia_bar/init.lua
index f8b83c2..de6779d 100644
--- a/crylia_bar/init.lua
+++ b/crylia_bar/init.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen( = require("")()
   s.clock = require("src.widgets.clock")()
   --s.bluetooth = require("src.widgets.bluetooth")()
-  s.layoutlist = require("src.widgets.layout_list")()
+  s.layoutlist = require("src.widgets.layout_list")(s)
   s.powerbutton = require("src.widgets.power")()
   s.kblayout = require("src.widgets.kblayout")(s)
   s.taglist = require("src.widgets.taglist")(s)
diff --git a/src/widgets/layout_list.lua b/src/widgets/layout_list.lua
index bb28d1c..1fc4149 100644
--- a/src/widgets/layout_list.lua
+++ b/src/widgets/layout_list.lua
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ local wibox = require("wibox")

 -- Returns the layoutbox widget
-return function()
+return function(s)
   local layout = wibox.widget {
-        awful.widget.layoutbox(),
+        awful.widget.layoutbox(s),
         id = "icon_layout",
         widget =
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ return function()
     shape = function(cr, width, height)
       gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, 5)
-    widget = wibox.container.background
+    widget = wibox.container.background,
+    screen = s

   -- Signals
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ return function()
+, s)

P.S. I really like your awesome wm theme, thanks for sharing!

Firefox not behaiving unexpectedly

Describe the bug
Bear with me here as I'm totally new to Awesome so some of my terminology might be off. When I launch Firefox it doesn't seem to follow the same style guidelines as anything else I launch. I've attached a couple of screenshots to show what other programs look like (example is Alacritty) but Firefox doesn't appear the same way. By this I mean that the corners aren't rounded and it seems to take up more of the screen by default. Also, if you look at the bottom of the Firefox screenshot it has a rectangular box which shows the wallpaper instead of showing the Firefox window.

If I launch something else in the same workpace, it never appears side-by-side with Firefox even when the tiling formatting is changed (top left button).



To Reproduce
Launch Firefox

Expected behavior
I would expect Firefox to have rounded corners and take up similar space to everything else.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Information (please complete the following information):

  • EndeavorOS
  • awesome v4.3-1588-gb54e50ad6 (Too long)

Additional context
None that I can think of.

[is a Fix] is not a Issue

i fix the Battery Bug

u need to edit the init file in .config/awesome/crylia_bar/init.lua

and s.battery to require()
Like this (My Panel):
require("crylia_bar.right_bar")(s, { s.battery, s.bluetooth,, s.cpu_usage, s.ram_info, s.clock, s.powerbutton })

i hope i can help you :D

Remove the -- here ->
--s.battery = require("src.widgets.battery")

Used install script - awesome doesn't change from base setup on arch [BUG]

I installed all the dependencies and ensured they were on my system.
I used your and let the script move everything / double check everything was installed
I verified the required config folders were moved to the right directories.
However when I switch into awesome, it gives me the original layout / design of awesome without an ability to open terminal or right click on screen to quit awesome.
Running on up to date Arch Linux

Great Project; A Couple of Questions:

Just want to preface this with the fact that I love this theme.
The top bar, though has caused me some issues. The widgets that I want are overlapping with the top center bar. Is there any way that I can shift the top center bar to the left? Secondly, what program do you use to detect GPU usage/temp? I have attached a picture of my current status bar setup. I'm a noob, so sorry if these questions are dumb. Thanks!


Failed to get gpu temp

.config/awesome/src/widgets/gpu_info.lua:119: attempt to compare nil with number


bash -c "nvidia-smi -q -d TEMERATURE"

gives me

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

I currently have the proprietary tested nvidia-driver-510 installed

Different DPI / Font size for bar [QUESTION]

How would I go about changing the size of the font / wording for the top right bar?
I see it pulls from .Xresources to resize it - however due to my native resolution being 3072 x 1980 I sort of need to remain at a dpi of 192 to make general use tolerable.
if it's not easily fixable I can live with it for now until I trouble shoot
dpi issue

my previous bug and this issue aside - I love the setup!
I've been wanting to get away from a full DE to a window manager setup and all things considered this is great

[BUG] Dock stays on sometimes

Describe the bug
The dock stays on when the cursor is out

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open dock
  2. alt+tab to a window
  3. Move cursor around
  4. Dock there until you put your cursor in and out of it.
  5. Might have to try a few times

Expected behavior
Dock closes.



  • Archlinux
  • v4.3-1586-gee0663459

[BUG] Inconsistent dock behavior between 1080p and 2160p

Describe the bug
On my 4k TV the activation area for the dock shows through fullscreen content, such as mpv or firefox.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
xrandr to switch to only the 4k tv, then fullscreen something

Expected behavior
Content should show above the dock area


Information (please complete the following information):
awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e43

[BUG] When i write `neofetch` on my fish config, i have a topbar like this

When i first installed the theme i dont have window things (close, maximize, minimize). After i just add neofetch on my fish config, the window things come but my topbar looks like this:

(This is what i mean by window things, sorry my english isnt very good.)

Arch linux

awesome v4.3-1588-gb54e50ad6 (Too long)
• Compiled against Lua 5.4.4 (running with 0.9.2)
• API level: 4
• D-Bus support: yes
• xcb-errors support: no
• execinfo support: yes
• xcb-randr version: 1.6
• LGI version: /usr/share/lua/5.4/lgi/version.lua
• Transparency enabled: yes
• Custom search paths: no


How can I eliminate the gaps between the center, left and right bar and the current window?

I alredy set Theme.useless_gap = dpi(0), but I want no gap between the bar and the window

[BUG] Volume issues

Trying to change my volume via the keyboard resulted in 'ERROR attempt to compare number with nil'. I soon noticed from the top bar's volume button that I don't have an output device selected which is likely the problem. However trying to select the only output device in the list resulted in 'ERROR .config/awesome/src/modules/volume_controller.lua:58: attempt to concatenate a nil value (upvalue 'node')

[BUG] Awesomewm doesnt startup

Describe the bug
On awesomewm login shows error: /home/cephetir/.config/awesome/src/core/notifications.lua/:29: attempt to call a nil value (field 'connect_signal') and nothing works (buttons, terminal, etc)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Log in to awesome
  2. See error

Expected behavior
Well I'm not sure but awesomewm startup obviously


Information (please complete the following information):

  • Linux Mint
  • awesome v4.3 (Too long)

Additional context
Just installed clean fork of crylia theme

[BUG] Application bar stays hidden if all open windows are minimized

Information (please complete the following information):

  • Arch Linux x64 5.17.9-arch-1
  • Awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e43
  • Compiled against Lua 5.4.4 (running with 0.9.2)
  • No error message (How???)

To Reproduce

  1. Open any two applications
  2. If you minimize one and not the other, the application bar still works
  3. If you minimize both, the Application bar stays hidden

Expected behavior
I was under the impression the bar should only hide itself if applications are open, but reappear without hovering over it when everything is minimized.

Additional context
I don't expect you to fix this, Kievits, I'm just putting it here in case I got something wrong before I start debugging it myself. :)

[BUG] Rofi not able to parse .rasi file

Describe the bug
When running rofi -show drun -theme ~/.config/rofi/rofi.rasi
and rofi -show drun -theme ~/.config/rofi/window.rasi I encounter the same issue where rofi is not able to parse the config file correctly
Specifically lines with @ to another variable such as border-color: @accent;
don't seem to work, and instead tells me "The following errors were detected when starting rofi: failed to resolve variable 'border' in: 'window { border-color: var(border);}'" in a large white box that covers the entire image.

Expected behavior
Rofi runs with correct theme applied

Information (please complete the following information):

  • Arch
  • awesome v4.3-1360-gc539e0e43
    "The following errors were detected when starting rofi: failed to resolve variable 'border' in: 'window { border-color: var(border);}'"

Good proyect, but..

-It contains shorcuts to apps that are not necessarily installed (firefox, discord, arduino, etc)
-Removes some features

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