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redditsharp-deprecated-'s Issues

Please document how to get this library


The note about the fork in the readme makes me wonder if this is available in the Microsoft NuGet gallery. There's a mention of some MyGet gallery URL in one of the closed issues, but not obvious what it is.

Can you please document how users are supposed to obtain this library?

Like stating the name of the package in the NuGet gallery, or the MyGet feed URL if the users are supposed to get it from there, or specify that users need to download the repository and compile the code to use it, if this is really how this fork is available.

A very nice bonus would be also to document the framework support as well, that is whether .NET Standard (.NET Core etc.) is supported or not.

Thanks a lot for maintaining this project.

Support for .NET Core

.NET Core is supposedly the future of C#/.NET, and currently the package is incompatible with it.

From a cursory check, this is mainly because the dependency on HttpAgilityPack which does not support the runtime. This is not saying anything about the code of the RedditSharp code itself.

Null posts after submitting

This problem has been reproducible so far on both build 1.1.12 and 2.0.0-CI00020 for me. The steps I have taken to cause the issue are as follows:

  1. Create a new user which my script runs under, verified with email.
  2. Make them a moderator of the subreddit they run on.
  3. Create a link post to the desired content (this returns a null post, even though the post was submitted)
  4. Attempt to set a flair on a null post and fail.

Not much information is shown when the error occurs (This is a stack trace from the 2.0-.Net-Core branch):

Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) ---> System.NullR
eferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.<SubmitAsync>d__176.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.<SubmitTextPostAsync>d__178.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at youtube_updates_multi.Program.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<<Main>b__1>d.MoveNext()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
   at youtube_updates_multi.Program.Main(String[] args)

However, I know for a fact the post task succeeded because the post exists. I've currently altered my process to include a step between the post submission and setting the flair, which simply filters down to all of the posts in the subreddit which were created after or at the time the YouTube video (link I am posting) was created, and then checking URLs to make sure it ended up being posted. However I would like to know why this issue is occurring in the first place.

Invalid cast when trying access _reddit.User.Inbox

To duplicate:

Given the following scenario with regards to the user's inbox:

  1. Add user as a moderator of a sub and do not read the notification.
  2. Reply to a post with the user.
  3. Reply to the above comment with a different user.
  4. As a different user, toss out a username mention.

And the following code:

var x = _reddit.User.Inbox.ToList();

The following error is produced:

System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'RedditSharp.Things.Comment' to type 'RedditSharp.Things.PrivateMessage'.'
at RedditSharp.Listing`1.ListingEnumerator`1.get_Current() in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Listing.cs:line 177
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

I suspect the issue is line 128 of AuthenticatedUser.cs and should look something like the following:

public Listing<RedditSharp.Things.Thing> Inbox

Though admittedly I haven't had the opportunity to dig through everything yet.

How do I convert a Thing into a more specific RedditSharp object (like Comment)?

Hi, just wondering how to do what the title says. I'm pretty much trying to turn comment.Parent (comment is an instance of RedditSharp.Things.Comment) of type RedditSharp.Things.Thing into an object of type RedditSharp.Things.Comment. I'm assuming there is probably some async function I need to call somewhere to convert it? Or use its fullname? I really don't know. Any help is appreciated :D

List of things that need to be done

  • create a unit test
  • update the example project
  • more async methods and synchronous
  • ToDo for me: Unscrewing what i recently did
  • Nuget packaging figured out

SubmitPost and SubmitTextPost doesnt work most of the time

Hello there, I've found something, that looks like a bug.
I've tried subreddit.SubmitPost() and subreddit.SubmitTextPost() like 20 times, it worked 2 or 3 times. Other times, it throws this error (System.NullReferenceException):
at RedditSharp.Things.Thing.Init(JToken json) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Thing.cs:line 19 at RedditSharp.Things.CreatedThing.Init(Reddit reddit, JToken json) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\CreatedThing.cs:line 20 at RedditSharp.Things.VotableThing.Init(Reddit reddit, IWebAgent webAgent, JToken json) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\VotableThing.cs:line 74 at RedditSharp.Things.Post.Init(Reddit reddit, JToken post, IWebAgent webAgent) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Post.cs:line 49 at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.Submit(SubmitData data) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Subreddit.cs:line 1066 at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.SubmitTextPost(String title, String text, String captchaId, String captchaAnswer) at D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Subreddit.cs:line 1151 at RedditBot.Program.Main(String[] args) at C:\Users\petrs\OneDrive\Programovani\C#\Console projekty\RedditBot\RedditBot\Program.cs:line 27
(exception translated from another language, but should be correct)

Here's my code:

var webAgent = new BotWebAgent(...);
Reddit reddit = new Reddit(webAgent, false);
AuthenticatedUser user = reddit.LogIn(...);
Console.WriteLine("Logged In");
Subreddit sub_BotTest = reddit.GetSubreddit("/r/bottesting");

Post newPost = sub_BotTest.SubmitTextPost("Beep beep, I'm the great bot!", $"Hello there! This post was submitted: {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("HH:mm:ss dd.MM.yyyy")} (UTC)");
//Post newPost = sub_BotTest.SubmitPost("Test", "");
newPost = sub_BotTest.Posts.First(); // I need to select the post by using this, the Post object returned by .SubmitTextPost() is null (even if the post is submitted)
newPost.Comment($"Hello there, this post author has subscribed {newPost.Author.SubscribedSubreddits.Count()} subreddits.");

I think, this is a bug and it's not beacuse of my code, because sometimes it works and sometimes not. Could someone please try submitting few posts and tell me, if it works to him?

I'm using RedditSharp v 1.1.12 (installed via NuGet)

Thanks, Soptik

Reddit.GetPost(Uri uri) throws 403 when logged in with oauth

var wa = new BotWebAgent("","","","",null);
var reddit = new Reddit(wa,true);

var url = "";

var post = reddit.GetPost(new Uri(url));

GetPost() should replace the domain with '' when appropriate.

Doesn't work on Linux - mono

Removing all instances of RedditSharp clears errors and it works fine on my Windows PC.

I have no idea what the error means.

Unhandled Exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateRequest (System.String url, System.String method) <0x41fbdfc0 + 0x00177> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.BotWebAgent.CreateRequest (System.String url, System.String method) <0x41fbdec0 + 0x000b7> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateGet (System.String url) <0x420396a0 + 0x00022> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit.InitOrUpdateUser () <0x42039400 + 0x0007b> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit..ctor (IWebAgent agent, Boolean initUser) <0x420390a0 + 0x00157> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.RedditAccount.startup () <0x41f936e0 + 0x000e3> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.Program.Start () <0x41f92150 + 0x000e3> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x41f90d50 + 0x00033> in <filename unknown>:0
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateRequest (System.String url, System.String method) <0x41fbdfc0 + 0x00177> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.BotWebAgent.CreateRequest (System.String url, System.String method) <0x41fbdec0 + 0x000b7> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateGet (System.String url) <0x420396a0 + 0x00022> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit.InitOrUpdateUser () <0x42039400 + 0x0007b> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit..ctor (IWebAgent agent, Boolean initUser) <0x420390a0 + 0x00157> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.RedditAccount.startup () <0x41f936e0 + 0x000e3> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.Program.Start () <0x41f92150 + 0x000e3> in <filename unknown>:0
  at botname.Program.Main (System.String[] args) <0x41f90d50 + 0x00033> in <filename unknown>:0

CommentStream Comments not loaded

Trying to iterate replies to a comment yields nothing.

IEnumerable<Comment> comments = subreddit.CommentStream.Where(c => c.Comments.All(x => x.AuthorName != redditName));

In this case, no items should be returned when redditName has replied, but it still returns the comment object and drilling into comment.Comments yields no results.

Messages should be able to have mod actions applied to them.

Moderator actions (including reporting, approving, removing, and marking as spam) should be present on PrivateMessages. They can be approved/removed/spammed by users who have the appropriate permissions (posts permissions) in a subreddit's modmail.

Side note: Possibly moving the moderator actions to a ModeratableThing class and place the Approve(), Remove(), RemoveSpam() methods in there may not be a bad idea. PrivateMessage could inherit directly from ModeratableThing and VotableThing could inherit from ModeratableThing.

I could try and implement this if you want.

Inheritance issues.

Right now we have to do things like this:

var queue = sub.ModQueue.Take(100);

foreach (var item in queue)
   switch (item.Kind)
      case "t1":
         var c = item as Comment;
      case "t3":
         var p = item as Post;

Instead of this:

foreach (var item in queue)

These are some methods that we could move around. We can do it with making any breaking changes.

// methods common to Thing and Post.  Move to VotableThing
public void Approve()
public void Remove()
public void RemoveSpam()
public void Del()
public void IgnoreReports()
public void UnIgnoreReports()
public string BannedBy { get; set; }
public string ApprovedBy { get; set; }
public string AuthorFlairCssClass { get; set; }
public string AuthorFlairText { get; set; }

// inconsistent naming between Thing and Post
public int? Reports { get; set; } // Post
public int? NumReports { get; set; } // Comment
public string AuthorName { get; set; } // Post
public string Author { get; set; } // Comment
public string SubredditName { get; set; } // Post
public string Subreddit { get; set; } // Comment

// These private methods could be turned into virtual methods of VotableThing
private void RemoveImpl(bool spam)

// These private methods could be turned into virtual methods of Thing
private void SimpleAction()

// These properties could be made internal properties of Thing
private Reddit Reddit { get; set; }
private IWebAgent WebAgent { get; set; }

CommentStream not working?

static void Main(string[] args)
			var webAgent = new BotWebAgent(/*my credentials*/);
			var reddit = new Reddit(webAgent, true);
			var subreddit = reddit.GetSubreddit("/r/askreddit");
			int i = 0;
			foreach (var comment in subreddit.CommentStream)


Always gets to 25 comments then never yields any more. Am I misunderstanding this API?

Add documentation to public methods

Hundreds of warnings for public methods not documented with the XML option turned on. Methods either need access modifiers changed, or documentation added preferably.

Package will not install on Xamarin forms solution.

Trying to install the package on a Xamarin forms app gives the following error message -

Could not install package 'RedditSharp 1.1.6'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v6.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.

As there a workaround for this?

Use as installed app rather than script?

Is there any way to use RedditSharp without the use of a client secret? New to it so if I have to create a app with type script I will. I am just planning for others to be able to use my application.

request.GetRequestStream() stops responding after 3 wiki get/set calls

I've had this issue awhile back, and I earlier assumed it was due to not knowing how to use Oauth2 here. Now that it seems a bit clearer, I gave it a second shot, but still running into the same issue.

After calling Wiki.EditPage and Wiki.GetPage a combined total of 3 times, request.GetRequestStream() stops responding.

The code ends up getting stuck on line 121 of Wiki.cs (if it stopped on Editing a page) or line 56 if it stopped while getting a page. The actual process of getting and editing is successful the first 3 tries. After that, it just pauses forever.

Edit: Tried a delay of 10 seconds between each call, which doesn't fix it. I've even tried moving all reddit calls to their own thread, but the same issue persists.

Broken Methods and Properties REDDITSHARP 2.0

It seems as though Subreddit.GetRSlashAll and Reddit.RSlashAll both always return null. Same thing with Reddit.GetSubredditAsync("/r/all"). I think this was a change on Reddit's side as has a 404 error (which is what is thrown when trying to do this in RedditSharp). Though is there and functional.

Is there a way around this somehow? How can I get a Stream of new comments on r/all? Thanks so much!

JsonConvert.PopulateObjectAsync method no longer in (10.0+)

Hi there,

I'm using RedditSharp in conjunction with Discord.Net to make a reddit-scraping discord bot. Unfortunately, Discord.Net requires 10.0.2 or newer, and Newtonsoft removed their async methods from because they're apparently not 'truly async'.

Is there any chance this is going to be updated in RedditSharp? If it's not 'truly async' as Newtonsoft says, I'd think the methods using it could use the synchronous method instead.

(Forgive me if this is something that can be easily worked around, I'm pretty new to all this stuff.)

Write XUnit Tests

2.0 branch has with some basic instructions now and a test project.

Tests don't have to be exhaustive at the moment, but with all the changes to IAsyncEnumerables etc, there's quite a few broken things that I'm finding.

ListingStream doesn't yield replies to modmail

calling .ListingString() for modmail or PM endpoints doesn't yield new replies, only top level messages in new threads.

When a new message is received against an existing thread that thread moves to the top of the listing and the reply is added to the end of the "replies" collection.

I've got some code to fix this but I haven't had time to test and wanted to keep track.

Change anything requiring additional web requests to be a method instead of a property

Historically things have been pulled via Properties on an object like Subreddit.Moderators. Changing everything over to async, this doesn't always work the best as it can't actually call an async method in the getter of a property. You can get around this by calling Task.Run(), but you lose performance benefits from async if I am understanding everything correctly.

Thoughts on how this should be designed going forward? 2.0 is going to break enough stuff that we can safely redesign it however we want most likely.

Lots of null Subreddit fields?

I'm trying to get a subreddit's subscriber count using the .NET Core branch.

var subreddit = await new Reddit().GetSubredditAsync("pics");
Console.WriteLine(subreddit.Subscribers); // null

I'm not understanding why this returns null. I can see the actual number when navigating to

The same thing happens with other properties like Created, Description, and ActiveUsers.

Post does not inherit proper Subreddit when made

Steps to Reproduce:
1, Get a Subreddit object via RedditSharp.GetSubredditAsync(), assign to sub
2. Create a post using sub.SubmitPostAsync(), assign to post
3. Set the post flair using post.SetFlairAsync().

Expected Result: The post should be flaired.
Actual Result: The post is not flaired due to a web exception.

This last step will 404, here's a Fiddler screenshot which shows why:
Error Image

It appears the SubredditName field is not set based on line 25 in Post.cs.

What is the appropriate way to retrieve username mentions?

I apologize for this not really being an issue, but not sure where to discuss.

I've recently rewritten /u/LocationBot to use RedditSharp. It's incredibly handy as I can use EF6 to store a true relational history of posts and comments. So thank you for the work in continuing to maintain this project.

The bot uses a plugin architecture and I've written a wrapper around RedditSharp to allow for a number of different things, including handling various username mentions in various subs that are in the configuration for the bot (similar to how AutoModerator is configured.)

One of the areas where I spend a good amount of time in execution is determining whether or not I've already processed a username mention. I do this by querying my EF6 context to determine if I have a record of this mention, and if not I perform a various action (or actions.)

I get username mentions as follows (this is in my RedditSharp service wrapper):

var result = _reddit.User.UnreadMessages
    .Where(m => m is RedditSharp.Things.Comment && ((RedditSharp.Things.Comment)m).Body.ToLower().Contains(string.Format("/u/{0}", this.Username.ToLower())))

I then iterate over the enumeration and use the context to determine if I need to do something.

Is this the intended way to get username mentions? Is there a mechanism in place to allow me to mark messages as read? It may be obvious and there is a good chance I'm overlooking something.

Thank you.

Edit --


I have no idea how I missed that.

Comment Listing doesn't behave as expected

Comment listings return More comment objects instead of After like other listings breaking the generic listing process.

Needs to be overrode for comments or documented.

Is count parameter being used correctly?

I don't know if this is an issue or not.

I am using the 2.0.0-CI00028 NuGet package.

When requesting popular subreddits and paging through them, I noticed the count parameter is always off by one in the request URLs:

The reddit documentation says the count parameter is: "the number of items already seen in this listing. on the html site, the builder uses this to determine when to give values for before and after in the response."

So should the counts be 25, 50, etc. or am I reading this incorrectly?

Target .Net Standard 1.3

Checking the dependencies, and a quick local test on the project, it appears that RedditSharp can target .Net Standard 1.3 without any errors (Read as: It builds)

It would be nice if it built for the lowest possible .Net Standard version, which would mean that it could be used on more platforms without people having to custom compile a version.

[Mono.Runtime] "System.NullReferenceException" occurs in "RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateRequest" under mono runtime

I already have a potential fix for this issue. I am logging this for tracking purposes.

When running my bot using the mono runtime, I get the following error:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateRequest (System.String url, System.String method) <0x4faabc8 + 0x00299> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.WebAgent.CreateGet (System.String url) <0x4faaba0 + 0x0001f> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit.InitOrUpdateUser () <0x4faa990 + 0x00069> in <filename unknown>:0
  at RedditSharp.Reddit..ctor (System.String accessToken) <0x4faa278 + 0x0004f> in <filename unknown>:0

This appears to occur regardless of whether RedditSharp was obtained via nuget, compiled locally in Visual Studio, or Compiled in Xamarin Studio targeting the Mono Framework.

Mono version is 4.4.1

Rate limit obsolete

The rate limit for the API was changed to 60/min from 30/min for requests made using OAuth2. The EnforceRateLimit method is still based on the old limit.

Allow setting max QPS

I am working on a distributed Reddit Crawler. I need to set lower QPS limits on each machine. At least in the current stable version this is not possible. Can you please add this feature at least in v2?

Remove support for ModHashes and cookie auth

Unless someone can give some compelling reasons to keep the legacy stuff in, I'm starting to remove support for relying on ModHashes as it will help clean up some code and they aren't necessary with OAuth.

One of the main complaints about OAuth was that it was harder to use with bots, now that there is an implementation BotWebAgent which handles token expiration for you, I don't think this should be a major issue any more.

Can not post more than once using DiscordSharpPlus command

I have this for code:
await subreddit.SubmitTextPostAsync(title, ctx.Member.Username + "#" + ctx.Member.Discriminator + " on a Discord server posted:\n\n" + content);

This works once, however trying again will give this as the exception (a part is cut off, but I can't look through the code in VS 2017):

at RedditSharp.Things.Thing.Init(JToken json) in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Thing.cs:line 19 at RedditSharp.Things.CreatedThing.Init(Reddit reddit, JToken json) in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\CreatedThing.cs:line 20
at RedditSharp.Things.VotableThing.Init(Reddit reddit, IWebAgent webAgent, JToken json) in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\VotableThing.cs:line 74
at RedditSharp.Things.Post.Init(Reddit reddit, JToken post, IWebAgent webAgent) in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Post.cs:line 49
at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.<SubmitAsync>d__181.MoveNext() in D:\temp\b263835\RedditSharp\Things\Subreddit.cs:line 1100
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at RedditSharp.Things.Subreddit.<SubmitTextPostAsync>d__185.MoveNext() in D:\ - ends here

Sorry for any cloudliness, I'm not that great with C#.

Spam and edited queue

The spam and edited queues allow moderators to get Things that have been removed by a moderator (or the spam filter or the admins) and the things that have been edited, respectively.

This is useful for me when queuing up items that may be potentially needed to be removed, or already have.

See also: #88

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