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Comments (46)

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024 3

@utam0k I can take it up.

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024 2

Note: Devices will be more challenging to implement than the other ones because there is no support from cgroups yet. This requires an ebpf based solution.

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024 2

@gattytto Thanks for the detailed report. The pod is specified without resource restrictions but still the config.json that is created by CRI-O for youki sets a value for quota/period and somehow this causes a value to be written to the cgroup file that is outside of the accepcted range. Can you build youki with the changes from here? Would like to know what we are trying to write here.

from youki.

tsturzl avatar tsturzl commented on June 14, 2024 1

I'd like to start on the memory controller.

from youki.

bobsongplus avatar bobsongplus commented on June 14, 2024 1

I'd like to start on the pid controller.
/assgin pid

from youki.

bobsongplus avatar bobsongplus commented on June 14, 2024 1

if the device controller no assigned, I would like to take the challenge to finish this.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024 1

@tsturzl Thanks for the advice. I'm sorry, I didn't understand this issue very well. I am ignorant in this area, so can I leave it to you, the trustworthy one?

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024 1

@utam0k Yes, we have this issue for devices.

from youki.

tsturzl avatar tsturzl commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto runc claims to support v2 so I think we can probably pick apart what they are doing. In fact quickly glancing through the implementation it would seem that Rust would be more capable in this regard than Golang, so we'll probably have a better and less hack-y time on this implementation than they did. Given you're certainly right, it's a much larger effort.

Useful links:

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@tsturzl Sure. I assigned you it.

from youki.

lizhemingi avatar lizhemingi commented on June 14, 2024

I'd like to take freezer v2 too.

And if this finished, should we also add pause and resume command?

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

Sure! I assinged you it.

I'd like to take freezer v2 too.

The commands pause and resume are not described in oci-spec, so I don't understand these two commands. However, I think these two commands can be implemented by using freezer. If you are interested, why don't you try to implement these commands? Perhaps you can refer to runc.
I think @Furisto knows more about this area.

And if this finished, should we also add pause and resume command?

from youki.

lizhemingi avatar lizhemingi commented on June 14, 2024

The commands pause and resume are not described in oci-spec, so I don't understand these two commands. However, I >think these two commands can be implemented by using freezer. If you are interested, why don't you try to implement these >commands? Perhaps you can refer to runc.

Yep, I already check in runc, it's implemented by using freezer.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

I have created an issue regarding these commands. Could you please comment on the issue to assign you?

from youki.

tsturzl avatar tsturzl commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong thanks for your interest! I'll assign you.

from youki.

bobsongplus avatar bobsongplus commented on June 14, 2024

io controller /assgin

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong Sure! I'll assign you.

from youki.

kmpzr avatar kmpzr commented on June 14, 2024

Hi @utam0k

I could take huge tlb. You can assign it to me if it is still available.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@0xdco Of course! I have assigned you.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong Sure! I am looking forward to your PR!

from youki.

tsturzl avatar tsturzl commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong @utam0k it might be worth starting a discussion over how the device controller is going to manage eBPF. I don't have any experience with it, but as far as I know eBPF is an actual program that needs to compile to eBPF bytecode. I think there are probably a couple of ways to approach this. Surface level search shows rbpf and redbpf are common libraries in Rust. Redbpf seems more mature, but it seems as though you need LLVM 11 and then there are some build steps for building and debugging eBPF programs. So we might need some build tooling around this, and just in general maybe make some decisions up front before @TinySong gets too far along. Like it might be useful, based on what I'm seeing for redbpf, to stick then entire eBPF program and build tooling into a new crate, and then maybe even for the sake of simplicity for development put the entire devices cgroup v2 implementation into it's own feature that's enabled by default but easy to turn off with the cargo flag --no-default-features. Just some things to think about here. I'd hate for @TinySong to get a lot of work done on this and then we ask him for a lot of large changes.

from youki.

tsturzl avatar tsturzl commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong we should talk about how to manage the eBPF program we'll need for the device controller. I'm curious what you have been working with so far if you've started this work already.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong Are you busy or...? I don't want to rush you, but if you have any problems, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll do my best to help you.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@TinySong Sorry, you seem to be busy, so I'll unassign it. Please let me know when you have more time!

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto Are you interested in devices? This is probably not a good first issue.

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

@utam0k I do not have experience with epbf, could be an interesting challenge though. My current understanding is that none of the ebpf rust projects support generating an ebpf program on the fly at the moment. This would be required because the device configuration can be different for every container. We would need to write a library that can write ebpf bytecode directly, maybe we can interest one of the existing ebpf rust projects in adding this.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto An ebpf foundation has recently been established and I think it will be an interesting challenge. Do you want to start another issue?

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto I've assigned you.

from youki.

MoZhonghua avatar MoZhonghua commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto @utam0k

I created a PoC pr for cgroup v2 devices controller, see #208

I'm newbie to rust and want to learn it by writing some code for real project. This PR is not expected to
be merged (the code is not satisfying), but should be helpful for you to implement this feature.

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@MoZhonghua Excellent! If you're interested, you can have @Furisto continue this if he hasn't already started developing it. It may be a little challenging for a first-time contributor.

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

This is great @MoZhonghua. I will take a look at this over the weekend.

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

@MoZhonghua I think your code is fine. I have made changes so that it passes CI and some other stuff (will update your PR later), but basically I think we should take this, hide it behind a feature flag and then work on the remaining FIXMEs. Are you interested?

from youki.

MoZhonghua avatar MoZhonghua commented on June 14, 2024

@MoZhonghua I think your code is fine. I have made changes so that it passes CI and some other stuff (will update your PR later), but basically I think we should take this, hide it behind a feature flag and then work on the remaining FIXMEs. Are you interested?

@Furisto I'm glad to contribute more to this feature. You can create a list of tasks, and assign some tasks to me. Should we create a dedicated tracking issue for this feature?

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@MoZhonghua I think your code is fine. I have made changes so that it passes CI and some other stuff (will update your PR later), but basically I think we should take this, hide it behind a feature flag and then work on the remaining FIXMEs. Are you interested?

@Furisto I'm glad to contribute more to this feature. You can create a list of tasks, and assign some tasks to me. Should we create a dedicated tracking issue for this feature?

Can I ask you to create an issue for devices, because it is too different from other resource controllers?

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto Since the devices controller is the only special implementation, can I cut it out with another issue about handling devices and this issue complete?

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

Special Thanks @Furisto @tsturzl @0xdco @TinySong @duduainankai

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024

this is what I get when I try youki rust runtime in cri-o engine for kubernetes, trying to run a native rust-only binary pod using the runtimeClass yaml flag in a kube pod yaml:

apiVersion:  # RuntimeClass is defined in the API group
kind: RuntimeClass
  name: youki  # The name the RuntimeClass will be referenced by
  # RuntimeClass is a non-namespaced resource
handler: youki  # The name of the corresponding CRI configuration

this is the pod template:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: rustest
    name: rust
  runtimeClassName: youki
  - name: rust

this is the source for the container image

this is crio.conf relevant sections:

runtime_path = "/usr/bin/youki"
runtime_type ="oci"
runtime_root = "/run/youki"
cgroup_manager = "cgroupfs"
conmon_cgroup = "pod"
kubectl describe pod/rustest
Name:         rustest
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         sol4/2001:----:----:----:----:----:----:ff13
Start Time:   Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:23:45 -0300
Labels:       name=rust
Annotations: 294d201a4b507f3b67871f5e42e15ec03835a5283c51797dba102d12629e9406
Status:       Pending
IP:           1100:200::78:5240
  IP:  1100:200::78:5240
    Container ID:
    Image ID:
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CreateContainerError
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-hfbj5 (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age   From               Message
  ----     ------     ----  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  26s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/rustest to sol4
  Normal   Pulling    25s   kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Normal   Pulled     2s    kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 23.797168146s
  Warning  Failed     1s    kubelet            Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.949959886-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63/userdata/pidfile", "0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.963460485-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.963531332-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63" } in "/run/youki/0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.963752694-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.963818616-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.963974423-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.964830286-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.964906149-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.967299156-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod1d77c698-5ae1-49e8-92a3-d12b6ea41aff/crio-0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.968453669-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-22T16:24:10.968495644-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod1d77c698-5ae1-49e8-92a3-d12b6ea41aff/crio-0bdf8c885c67f72917adef6a3911fac11e78b5df44b5ea3d606527aabf038d63"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Normal  Pulled  1s  kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024

@gattytto Thanks for the detailed report. The pod is specified without resource restrictions but still the config.json that is created by CRI-O for youki sets a value for quota/period and somehow this causes a value to be written to the cgroup file that is outside of the accepcted range. Can you build youki with the changes from here? Would like to know what we are trying to write here.

 kubectl describe pod/rustest
Name:         rustest
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         beloved-oryx/2001:----:----:----:----:----:----:91f5
Start Time:   Fri, 24 Dec 2021 13:14:52 -0300
Labels:       name=rust
Annotations: 67ee4f8aafea297cbcf7046d9bd64e522d0b8b0413a19ae6a433796df3a25ce8
Status:       Pending
IP:           1100:200::fa:fc82
  IP:  1100:200::fa:fc82
    Container ID:
    Image ID:
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CreateContainerError
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-jnt9g (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age    From               Message
  ----     ------     ----   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  5m37s  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/rustest to beloved-oryx
  Warning  Failed     5m37s  kubelet            Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.168007314-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18/userdata/pidfile", "8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.174469147-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.174535649-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18" } in "/run/youki/8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.174822568-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.174894136-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.174946117-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.175587777-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.175641589-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.176346261-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.177124402-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:53.177174265-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-8c419a4cda428b8ed9dc3e80105797da165b3179010bfa332cfba0ab8b556a18"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  5m36s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.079767059-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae/userdata/pidfile", "4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.086783576-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.086851768-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae" } in "/run/youki/4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.087160663-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.087223574-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.087273420-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.087913476-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.087972395-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.103514274-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.104299474-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:54.104335238-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-4fda1ba8b62a4a7f984417d0868a51deb3db6f2b124398e008a9b2691ccdb7ae"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  5m35s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.053121626-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287/userdata/pidfile", "e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.059382711-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.059434997-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287" } in "/run/youki/e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.059621071-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.059677779-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.059727485-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.060345380-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.060404307-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.078089309-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.078950431-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:14:55.079003514-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-e20dce8d1e758115f823d23847e7127cf42df43e1ae82f170f19cb98c0f9f287"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  5m21s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.284729308-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9/userdata/pidfile", "5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.291114376-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.291175070-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9" } in "/run/youki/5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.291366060-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.291423148-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.291472472-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.294094499-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.294150697-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.314076029-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.315596180-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:09.315638771-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-5daddf6faa2daa243e2a44345ce6f8e6d36414e922f1ce7e474d89edacabe5b9"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  5m8s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.294559304-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365/userdata/pidfile", "3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.301704143-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.301769771-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365" } in "/run/youki/3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.301964490-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.302022241-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.302071315-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.302691964-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.302746671-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.318001099-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.318836813-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:22.318871902-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-3cbcec4819bdfaecc9d3527ec64b32006d42358d9d4440d2d033b56292e60365"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  4m53s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.294448092-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50/userdata/pidfile", "6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.301610234-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.301702493-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50" } in "/run/youki/6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.301923376-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.301984076-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.302036520-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.302642183-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.302702012-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.326143371-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.327558701-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:37.327619102-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-6df10ce94730ea6973209fbf3bd451915a8ec4881bdc8abff413716f64b27f50"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  4m42s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.288602158-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971/userdata/pidfile", "58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.298739405-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.298805042-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971" } in "/run/youki/58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.299000608-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.299059276-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.299109716-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.299810440-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.299863432-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.318147456-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.318922094-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:15:48.318961056-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-58133dacaaa8cddc9f19e1e8ea9f144e830e9902b9be2504fe921c2674e42971"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  4m28s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.771862592-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6/userdata/pidfile", "b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.778693663-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.778768341-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6" } in "/run/youki/b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.779027389-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.779099193-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.779196757-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.780030258-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.780088365-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.798124513-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.799037404-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:02.799106472-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-b6d83bb0804fc1038482ccf36c9f7e4951abc95c5f3c05d90624912e8b3c29c6"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  4m14s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.292715158-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3/userdata/pidfile", "deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.300474788-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.300555303-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3" } in "/run/youki/deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.300773318-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.300838510-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.300890836-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.301568227-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.301634839-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.322795092-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.323684020-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:16.323760977-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-deff443eda98d0e212c1f5a7f4bc1ccfbf56fdbb5651fc04f769311c9bbd9fe3"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  3m37s (x3 over 4m1s)  kubelet  (combined from similar events): Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.304737030-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498/userdata/pidfile", "46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.311219842-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.311383211-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498" } in "/run/youki/46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.311639540-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.311777752-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.311887035-03:00 Set OOM score to 1000
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.312721638-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.312785461-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.326117360-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply cpu resource restrictions
    2: failed to write 0 100000 to "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498/cpu.max"
    3: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.327927594-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-24T13:16:53.327989626-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/besteffort/pod11e5cb2c-c067-49ca-91d1-e2bc09338f5c/crio-46d967e42146cfc90d524df3a7f88b42ed7e554ec34df91bf7c73f8e47f14498"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Normal  Pulled  32s (x26 over 5m37s)  kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine
youki version 0.0.1
commit: 0.0.1-0-4dc8863

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

@gattytto You have hit one of these areas where the runtime spec does not specify the expected behavior and leaves it up to the interpretation of the implementer. I have already noted down a few of these areas as I implement the runtime tests for cgroup v2 and once I am finished I plan to address this on the runtime spec repository, so that we can get it incorporated into the spec.

Some background info: The cpu.max file that we try to write to consists of two values, the quota (which is the amount of cpu time in microseconds processes in the cgroup can use during one period) and the period (which specifies the length of the period in microseconds). Processes in the cgroup can also be unrestricted (i.e. they can use as much cpu time they want) in which case the quota would be displayed as 'max'.

The runtime spec defines quota as an signed integer, which we interpret as follows:

  • If quota is not specified do nothing
  • If quota is a negative value write 'max' to the cgroup file
  • If quota is zero or a positive value just write the value to the file

The problem you have observed happens because the cpu controller requires that quota and period have to be at least 1ms, so any value from 0 - 999 will not be accepted. I do not handle this invalid values in any special way as my options are to fail when I detect these values (which will happen anyway when you try to write them to the cgroup file as you have encountered) or to set some default value.

Runc currently uses the latter approach and sets quota to 'max' if zero is specified. I did not do this as I figured that someone might be tempted to suspend processes in a cgroup by specifying a quota of zero, unaware that this is not the way to do that. Returning an error instead of silently setting the quota to 'max' which is really the opposite of the desired outcome seemed the better option to me.

Considering that CRI-O now depends on this behavior and it would break any pod that is specified without resource restrictions, we should follow the behavior of runc, at least until this has been clarified in the spec. Until I have implemented the new behavior, you can specify resource restrictions for the pod which should prevent this problem.

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024

@gattytto You have hit one of these areas where the runtime spec does not specify the expected behavior and leaves it up to the interpretation of the implementer. I have already noted down a few of these areas as I implement the runtime tests for cgroup v2 and once I am finished I plan to address this on the runtime spec repository, so that we can get it incorporated into the spec.

Some background info: The cpu.max file that we try to write to consists of two values, the quota (which is the amount of cpu time in microseconds processes in the cgroup can use during one period) and the period (which specifies the length of the period in microseconds). Processes in the cgroup can also be unrestricted (i.e. they can use as much cpu time they want) in which case the quota would be displayed as 'max'.

The runtime spec defines quota as an signed integer, which we interpret as follows:

  • If quota is not specified do nothing
  • If quota is a negative value write 'max' to the cgroup file
  • If quota is zero or a positive value just write the value to the file

The problem you have observed happens because the cpu controller requires that quota and period have to be at least 1ms, so any value from 0 - 999 will not be accepted. I do not handle this invalid values in any special way as my options are to fail when I detect these values (which will happen anyway when you try to write them to the cgroup file as you have encountered) or to set some default value.

Runc currently uses the latter approach and sets quota to 'max' if zero is specified. I did not do this as I figured that someone might be tempted to suspend processes in a cgroup by specifying a quota of zero, unaware that this is not the way to do that. Returning an error instead of silently setting the quota to 'max' which is really the opposite of the desired outcome seemed the better option to me.

Considering that CRI-O now depends on this behavior and it would break any pod that is specified without resource restrictions, we should follow the behavior of runc, at least until this has been clarified in the spec. Until I have implemented the new behavior, you can specify resource restrictions for the pod which should prevent this problem.

thank you so much for explaining, I Will try with pod resource restrictions and come back

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024

I have tried both "1200ms" and "1" for cpu values with the same results:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: rustest
    name: rust
  runtimeClassName: youki
  - name: rust
        memory: "64Mi"
        cpu: 1
        memory: "128Mi"
        cpu: 1

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

@gattytto That's odd. The only explanation I can think of at the moment is that CRI-O is creating a pause container for the pod and that container does not have resource restrictions. Can you try it with #569?

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024
kubectl describe pod/rustest

Name:         rustest
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         sweeping-bulldog/2001:----:----:----:----:----:----:8fc1
Start Time:   Tue, 28 Dec 2021 22:45:53 -0300
Labels:       name=rust
Annotations: f871c998580ef65a8571602bf324025424372c053f220a166135afa80faadc24
Status:       Pending
IP:           1100:200::c2:6f48
  IP:  1100:200::c2:6f48
    Container ID:
    Image ID:
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CreateContainerError
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
      cpu:     1
      memory:  128Mi
      cpu:        1
      memory:     64Mi
    Environment:  <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-m4dpq (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   Burstable
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age   From               Message
  ----     ------     ----  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  26s   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/rustest to sweeping-bulldog
  Warning  Failed     25s   kubelet            Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.946342499-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f/userdata/pidfile", "b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.952851511-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.952911359-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f" } in "/run/youki/b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.953094156-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.953148700-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.953203875-03:00 Set OOM score to 983
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.953892966-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.953948025-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.955352343-03:00 Apply hugetlb cgroup v2 config
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.955448602-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply hugetlb resource restrictions
    2: failed to open "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f/hugetlb.2MB.limit_in_bytes"
    3: No such file or directory (os error 2)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.956397477-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:53.956449146-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-b3adcbee75de7b5061a0192ec1bbbe2bfca110d447f51c618d4f00a5e216ae4f"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Warning  Failed  24s  kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.143457765-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241/userdata/pidfile", "99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.151946532-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.152071574-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241" } in "/run/youki/99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.152426505-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.153108500-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.153218001-03:00 Set OOM score to 983
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.154087491-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.154151527-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.155547152-03:00 Apply hugetlb cgroup v2 config
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.155707909-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply hugetlb resource restrictions
    2: failed to open "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241/hugetlb.2MB.limit_in_bytes"
    3: No such file or directory (os error 2)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.156568462-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:45:55.156604357-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-99e77e16ea6330932fb71ef9b33c7a94118eaa8bfa6fa256afd6de9a46e2c241"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
  Normal   Pulled  11s (x3 over 26s)  kubelet  Container image "" already present on machine
  Warning  Failed  10s                kubelet  Error: container create failed: [DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.122208345-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e/userdata/pidfile", "792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.129530335-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.129603052-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e" } in "/run/youki/792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.129804631-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.129859059-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.129917478-03:00 Set OOM score to 983
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.130584468-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.130638589-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.155361888-03:00 Apply hugetlb cgroup v2 config
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.155487801-03:00 failed to run fork: failed to apply cgroups

Caused by:
    0: failed to apply resource limits to cgroup
    1: failed to apply hugetlb resource restrictions
    2: failed to open "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e/hugetlb.2MB.limit_in_bytes"
    3: No such file or directory (os error 2)
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.156413188-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-28T22:46:09.156455311-03:00 remove cgroup "/sys/fs/cgroup/kubepods/burstable/pod7e75cc29-b776-4b74-a78a-f76c6718f6cd/crio-792be1ed9a80d17826baa8e26a0f9f7b456d61026ce19a3ea93732a55fc6cb8e"
Error: failed to create container

Caused by:
    0: failed to receive a message from the intermediate process
    1: channel connection broken
youki --version
youki version 0.0.1
commit: 0.0.1-0-21c9d09

from youki.

Furisto avatar Furisto commented on June 14, 2024

@gattytto The name of the interface file was wrong. Fixed with #579.

from youki.

gattytto avatar gattytto commented on June 14, 2024

Thank you for your answer, now it gives a different outcome

@gattytto The name of the interface file was wrong. Fixed with #579.


###kubectl describe pod/rustest#

kubectl describe pod/rustest
Name:         rustest
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         driven-lizard/2001:----:----:----:----:----:----:1bda
Start Time:   Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:43:16 -0300
Labels:       name=rust
Annotations: c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795
Status:       Running
IP:           1100:200::3e:2340
  IP:  1100:200::3e:2340
    Container ID:   cri-o://e06d3df94150a466707beca53cb3840d8b0b3373eba66bfbb092cb76601ccd0b
    Image ID:
    Port:           <none>
    Host Port:      <none>
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Error
      Exit Code:    255
      Started:      Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:43:37 -0300
      Finished:     Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:43:37 -0300
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  1
      cpu:     1
      memory:  128Mi
      cpu:        1
      memory:     64Mi
    Environment:  <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-xdwtg (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True
  Ready             False
  ContainersReady   False
  PodScheduled      True
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   Burstable
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age                From               Message
  ----     ------     ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  35s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/rustest to driven-lizard
  Normal   Pulling    34s                kubelet            Pulling image ""
  Normal   Pulled     15s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "" in 19.361145627s
  Normal   Created    14s (x2 over 14s)  kubelet            Created container rust
  Normal   Pulled     14s                kubelet            Container image "" already present on machine
  Normal   Started    13s (x2 over 14s)  kubelet            Started container rust
  Warning  BackOff    12s (x2 over 13s)  kubelet            Back-off restarting failed container

####kubectl logs pod/rustpod####

[DEBUG crates/youki/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.223858793-03:00 started by user 0 with ArgsOs { inner: ["/usr/bin/youki", "--root=/run/youki", "create", "--bundle", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601/userdata", "--pid-file", "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601/userdata/pidfile", "cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601"] }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.231029905-03:00 container directory will be "/run/youki/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.231082509-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601", status: Creating, pid: None, bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601/userdata", annotations: Some({}), created: None, creator: None, use_systemd: None }, root: "/run/youki/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601" } in "/run/youki/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.231328266-03:00 This is NOT a rootless container
[INFO crates/libcgroups/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.231384218-03:00 cgroup manager V2 will be used
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.231434156-03:00 Set OOM score to 978
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.232052462-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.232102612-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248156252-03:00 Apply hugetlb cgroup v2 config
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248258705-03:00 Apply io cgroup v2 config
[DEBUG crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248288706-03:00 Apply pids cgroup v2 config
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248364965-03:00 Controller rdma is not yet implemented.
[WARN crates/libcgroups/src/v2/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248397320-03:00 Controller misc is not yet implemented.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248437761-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Pid, path: None }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.248673957-03:00 sending init pid (Pid(31045))
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249624262-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Uts, path: Some("/var/run/utsns/8d7fc62f-718c-4ab6-acf3-e8089764ac3c") }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249697505-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Ipc, path: Some("/var/run/ipcns/8d7fc62f-718c-4ab6-acf3-e8089764ac3c") }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249723808-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Network, path: Some("/var/run/netns/8d7fc62f-718c-4ab6-acf3-e8089764ac3c") }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249744874-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Mount, path: None }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249813376-03:00 unshare or setns: LinuxNamespace { typ: Cgroup, path: None }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.249834864-03:00 Prepare rootfs: "/etc/containers/storage/driven-lizard/overlay/f445b1472b515a65e86ddd97b4cdb7068d7d7f310078669559206d032721ff6b/merged"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252266089-03:00 mount root fs "/etc/containers/storage/driven-lizard/overlay/f445b1472b515a65e86ddd97b4cdb7068d7d7f310078669559206d032721ff6b/merged"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252309015-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/proc", typ: Some("proc"), source: Some("proc"), options: Some(["nosuid", "noexec", "nodev"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252452830-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/dev", typ: Some("tmpfs"), source: Some("tmpfs"), options: Some(["nosuid", "strictatime", "mode=755", "size=65536k"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252556693-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/dev/pts", typ: Some("devpts"), source: Some("devpts"), options: Some(["nosuid", "noexec", "newinstance", "ptmxmode=0666", "mode=0620", "gid=5"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252638548-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/dev/mqueue", typ: Some("mqueue"), source: Some("mqueue"), options: Some(["nosuid", "noexec", "nodev"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252689048-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/sys", typ: Some("sysfs"), source: Some("sysfs"), options: Some(["nosuid", "noexec", "nodev", "ro"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252758427-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/sys/fs/cgroup", typ: Some("cgroup"), source: Some("cgroup"), options: Some(["nosuid", "noexec", "nodev", "relatime", "ro"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252795374-03:00 Mounting cgroup v2 filesystem
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252813100-03:00 Mount { destination: "/sys/fs/cgroup", typ: Some("cgroup2"), source: Some("cgroup"), options: Some([]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252863028-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/dev/shm", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795/userdata/shm"), options: Some(["rw", "bind"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.252932483-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/etc/resolv.conf", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795/userdata/resolv.conf"), options: Some(["rw", "bind", "nodev", "nosuid", "noexec"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253056981-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/etc/hostname", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795/userdata/hostname"), options: Some(["rw", "bind"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253142886-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/etc/hosts", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/etc-hosts"), options: Some(["rw", "rbind", "rprivate", "bind"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253224861-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/dev/termination-log", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/containers/rust/17b3e2ac"), options: Some(["rw", "rbind", "rprivate", "bind"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/rootfs/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253297279-03:00 Mounting Mount { destination: "/var/run/secrets/", typ: Some("bind"), source: Some("/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/volumes/"), options: Some(["ro", "rbind", "rprivate", "bind"]) }
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253806957-03:00 readonly path "/proc/bus" mounted
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253836447-03:00 readonly path "/proc/fs" mounted
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253857709-03:00 readonly path "/proc/irq" mounted
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253877810-03:00 readonly path "/proc/sys" mounted
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253899506-03:00 readonly path "/proc/sysrq-trigger" mounted
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253968378-03:00 masked path "/proc/latency_stats" not exist
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.253995193-03:00 masked path "/proc/timer_stats" not exist
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254012268-03:00 masked path "/proc/sched_debug" not exist
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254107018-03:00 reset all caps
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254162817-03:00 reset all caps
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254201415-03:00 dropping bounding capabilities to Some({DacOverride, Setuid, NetBindService, Kill, Fsetid, Fowner, Setgid, Chown, Setpcap})
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/syscall/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254266346-03:00 CAP_BPF is not supported.
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/syscall/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254290257-03:00 CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE is not supported.
[WARN crates/libcontainer/src/syscall/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254301861-03:00 CAP_PERFMON is not supported.
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254581233-03:00 init pid is Pid(31045)
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/container/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.254632621-03:00 Save container status: Container { state: State { oci_version: "v1.0.2", id: "cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601", status: Created, pid: Some(31045), bundle: "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601/userdata", annotations: Some({"io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePolicy": "File", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.ResolvPath": "/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795/userdata/resolv.conf", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.TTY": "false", "io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Stdin": "false", "": "rust", "io.kubernetes.container.hash": "8200690c", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.ImageRef": "d61b000cca08f105c6675916613dc295c707965b75c2f7880615b47a1fbee4dd", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.IP.0": "1100:200::3e:2340", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.MountPoint": "/etc/containers/storage/driven-lizard/overlay/f445b1472b515a65e86ddd97b4cdb7068d7d7f310078669559206d032721ff6b/merged", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Annotations": "{\"io.kubernetes.container.hash\":\"8200690c\",\"io.kubernetes.container.restartCount\":\"2\",\"io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePath\":\"/dev/termination-log\",\"io.kubernetes.container.terminationMessagePolicy\":\"File\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.terminationGracePeriod\":\"30\"}", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.SandboxName": "k8s_rustest_default_278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9_0", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.SeccompProfilePath": "", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.StdinOnce": "false", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Name": "k8s_rust_rustest_default_278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9_2", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Labels": "{\"\":\"rust\",\"\":\"rustest\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace\":\"default\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.uid\":\"278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9\"}", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.LogPath": "/var/log/pods/default_rustest_278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/rust/2.log", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.SandboxID": "c269c49be507d20f07dc7ecdecd78db2b382cb6d4d16cfd16114d2d09b10a795", "io.kubernetes.pod.namespace": "default", "io.container.manager": "cri-o", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerType": "container", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Image": "d61b000cca08f105c6675916613dc295c707965b75c2f7880615b47a1fbee4dd", "": "rustest", "": "2021-12-31T14:43:16.285819888-03:00", "": "api", "io.kubernetes.container.restartCount": "2", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Volumes": "[{\"container_path\":\"/etc/hosts\",\"host_path\":\"/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/etc-hosts\",\"readonly\":false},{\"container_path\":\"/dev/termination-log\",\"host_path\":\"/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/containers/rust/17b3e2ac\",\"readonly\":false},{\"container_path\":\"/var/run/secrets/\",\"host_path\":\"/var/lib/kubelet/pods/278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9/volumes/\",\"readonly\":true}]", "io.kubernetes.pod.terminationGracePeriod": "30", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerID": "cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Metadata": "{\"name\":\"rust\",\"attempt\":2}", "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Pod\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"name\":\"rust\"},\"name\":\"rustest\",\"namespace\":\"default\"},\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"image\":\"\",\"name\":\"rust\",\"resources\":{\"limits\":{\"cpu\":1,\"memory\":\"128Mi\"},\"requests\":{\"cpu\":1,\"memory\":\"64Mi\"}}}],\"runtimeClassName\":\"youki\"}}\n", "io.kubernetes.pod.uid": "278b7de9-61d0-430f-aa67-1e0f88a860b9", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.Created": "2021-12-31T14:43:55.178340341-03:00", "io.kubernetes.cri-o.ImageName": ""}), created: Some(2021-12-31T17:43:55.254626102Z), creator: Some(0), use_systemd: Some(false) }, root: "/run/youki/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601" } in "/run/youki/cfc87eda48734d53b66b9a7bbe44dab1cd435f8a88d1f17fc27769fa821be601"
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.341628903-03:00 received: start container
[DEBUG crates/libcontainer/src/process/] 2021-12-31T14:43:55.341786911-03:00 failed to run fork: EACCES: Permission denied
youki version 0.0.1
commit: 0.0.1-0-597a0f0

from youki.

utam0k avatar utam0k commented on June 14, 2024

@Furisto @gattytto Hi! I'm sorry for the delay to take care of this problem. As this problem is very interesting and exciting for youki, I created the issue about this problem. To make it easier for other persons who is interesting in youki and cri-o to find and view later, we can continue in this issue. If you have any ideas on how to recreate this using kind or others, please comment this issue.

from youki.

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