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conda-dot-org's Issues

Home Page: Design it


The home page is special. It unifies the site and makes it easy for people to quickly find what they are looking for. It won't look like most content or index pages.


  • Create wire frame using a tool like Figma or Adobe Illustrator (this will be handed to our implementation team later who will actually create the CSS/HTML)
  • Share this wire frame here and get approval from the design team

News Page: Design the news item index page


The news page will be our first "index" page. These pages list items of a particular type (e.g., news, blog, events, etc.).

We need to figure out what news item metadata (#8) should be presented on the index pages, and how. Should this be a table, a list, cards, what?


  • Create wire frame using a tool like Figma or Adobe Illustrator (this will be handed to our implementation team later who will actually create the CSS/HTML)
  • Share this wire frame here and get approval from the design team

Setup the initial Docusaurus website


Set up the initial Docusaurus website. We need this so that the designers and content creators can begin adding and modifying the website. When setting this up, we need to make sure that there are clear instructions for would-be developers to run this locally on their own computers. Running this website locally will be the primary way that we preview the work we are doing.

This will be a bare bones Docusaurus site and should use customizable friendly theme if one is available.


  • Add Docusaurus to this repository with a theme designed for customizing
  • Add instructions for how to run this locally

Change top level "Docs" menu to "Learn"

Description is no documentation website. Therefore, we want to change the "Docs" menu item to "Learn" instead. This will be an area for us to educate our users on the conda ecosystem.


  • Change the top level menu item from "Docs" to "Learn"
  • Make sure other menus that reference "Docs" have been updated too
  • Change "Get Started" button text on front page to say "Learn More"

Create and implement a design for the "community" page


Many open-source projects provide a "community" page where visitors can learn about how to get involved and which there project are. We want a similar page where people can learn about how to get involved with the conda community.

One example of this is the Jupyter Project's Community Page.


  • Come up with a layout (create a wireframe if you'd like first); use placeholder content if necessary
  • Implement this in HTML/CSS and share preview with a pull request

Add a conda installer selector widget


We would like to have a widget on the website for people to use to figure out which conda installer is right for them. Here are just a few ways to install conda:


  • Knowledge of HTML/CSS
  • Knowledge of React JS


  • Conduct a complete survey of all the ways that you install conda/mamba (most should be listed above already; let's make sure we haven't forgotten anything)
  • Propose a list of conda/mamba installers to include in the selection widget (post that list here and get approval from the conda dot org maintainers; come find us in our Matrix chat)
  • Create the widget; this will involve coding something in React JS
  • Create a pull request and get approval

Good to know ☝️

There will most likely be a little back-and-forth on the design. It's okay to begin prototyping something before we know all the installers we want to include.

Front page tweaks and improvements


This issue is a follow up to the work initially done by @asmitbm in:


  • Adjust the size of the tagline text
  • Add image to the first featured blog post
  • Adjust the layout of blog cards on the front page, adding icons to the date

Home Page: Implement Final Design


The home page is special. It unifies the site and makes it easy for people to quickly find what they are looking for. It won't look like most content or index pages. Issue #16 will establish the design of the home page. This issue implements the approved design.


  • Using the final design from the design team, implement the home page using the site style sheet.
  • Submit this for review via a pull request and iterate until everyone is satisfied.

Code of conduct


Decide on a code of conduct strategy and add it to the site.


  • Discuss options for a Code of Conduct in a community meeting
  • Decide on a strategy
  • Add it to the site

Create a base site style sheet and decide CSS framework


This style sheet will form the base that we use for This style sheet should define the following:

  • Fonts
    • Header tag fonts
    • Paragraph/body tag fonts
  • Colors
    • Background color
    • Primary/secondary

Everything above will be determined by this issue:

Most other decisions (e.g. margin, padding, etc.) should be left up to the CSS framework we decide on using (e.g. Bootstrap). Please decide on and add this CSS framework to the site while working on this issue.

I believe Docusaurus comes with some defaults for CSS, but it may be worth investigating whether we want to use another CSS framework entirely. This should be possible to override.


  • Determine a CSS framework
    • Add and configure this to the project if not using the Docusaurus default
  • Create a style sheet defining the fonts we want to use as well as our color palette
    • Add and configure any extra font files you decide on

Blog: Implement final design


This is a task for collecting all the work on creating the layouts for the blog pages. This work also covers other places on the website where a blog teasers will be shown (e.g. the front page).


  • Create a layout for the main blog page; this will include creating layouts for the individual blog list items on this page.
  • Create a layout for the a blog page
  • Create a layout for blog teasers (i.e. last two blog posts) and then put this on the front page

Home Page


The home page is special. It unifies the site and makes it easy for people to quickly find what they are looking for. It won't look like content or index pages. This is a mixture of design, content and technology to implement, but I suspect it is mostly Design.


  • Design Team: draw up proposals for layouts
  • Design Team: Pick a proposal to implement
  • Implementation: Work with Design team to implement that proposal.
  • Content Team: Replace boilerplate text or refine text on home page.

Write a beginner friendly article on how to use conda-build


In order to help spread educational content on conda-build, we would like to add a new blog post on how to use it. The blog post should describe how to build a non-trivial Python package with conda-build. By non-trivial, I mean a package that includes a C/C++ dependency to show the benefits of using conda.


  • Write a new blog article on how to use conda-build.

Conda logo needs a redesign!


The current "C" from the Conda logo when viewed in the deployment has many inconsistencies. We will need a new/refreshed version of this logo to replace on the website and other marketing material. Attaching an image here for reference:

Screenshot (448)


  • Redesign the Conda (C) logo.

News Page: Decide on front matter (metadata) content for news items


The news page will be our first "index" page. These pages list items of a particular type (e.g., news, blog, events, etc.).

To generate the index page we need common metadata for each item. This is implemented in YAML at the front of each page. This issue is about coming up with what the metadata should be for news items.


  • Determine what the "standard" front matter is in Docusaurus.
    • Examples show title, id and tags but it's not clear what is required or what each does.
  • Determine and document what any additional metadata should be on this issue. This will be done in conjunction with issue #23

Site Search: Implement search


Implement site search functionality using the technology decided on in issue #20. If we support searching multiple sites, then also include the sites from issue #19 in the search results.


  • Implement site search proof of concept
  • Ask entire team on slack to test it.
  • Refine results accordingly.

Blog Post: Publish late 2022 Conda survey


Anaconda ran a community survey in November 2022. That announcement says:

The results of the survey will be summarized and published, and then used to help guide future directions for conda.

We haven't done that yet, and it seems to me this would be a great blog post. Around the same time, the Python community also published the results of the Python Packaging User Survey. It might be good to include relevant insights from that too.

It's also a great time to work out best practices for putting images inline in pages on the site. I suggest we use this blog post to work out those best practices.


  • Submit a PR with an initial blog post draft. This first draft will have text and images in it. The images may be poorly handled, and they may be handled in different ways throughout the document. (See PR #66 )
  • Work with the Implementation Team to figure out the best ways to include different types of images inline, inside of website pages.
  • Prepare the blog post for final publication
  • Publish it. (Note this could happen before the site itself is up. We could update the publication date when the site is actually launched.

Implement Search


The website needs a search function. Ideally that search function would also search an identified list of other conda-related sites as well. See here for how Galaxy does this with Google Programmable Engine Search.


  • Content Team: Identify list of sites / subsites / URLs to include
  • Implementation Team: Identify search technology to use
  • Implementation Team: Implement proof of concept
  • Implementation and Design Teams: iterate over presentation


First release πŸŽ‰ πŸš€


This is an epic that will hold all the different steps we must take to get to our first release.



These are supporting tasks that need to be completed before launch.

Home page

Other pages


FAQ - Add What is a dependency graph? question


Add the question "What is a dependency graph?" to the FAQ (docs/ and answer it.

Dependency graphs are mentioned in a number of the FAQ questions and should be defined in a way that is accessible to novices.

Contributing HowTo(s) Framework


We need how to contribute documentation. This would cover how to create content, and how to improve and contribute to the site in general. This documentation could reside just in GitHub, anchored at or entirely in, or in the published site, or both, depending on the HowTo content.


  • Decide on structure and home for the contributing documentation. Post that decision and structure to this issue.
  • Publish a first version in the location decided on in the first task.
    • Include basic content about creating news items in the first version. This will include a discussion of whatever page metadata we decide on for news pages (see #8).

Add CSS and JS Linter


In order to ensure a consistent coding style, we will add both a CSS and JS linter to our website. This will be run via GitHub actions for each pull request. We will not be using a tool like pre-commit because we want to make it as easy as possible to contribute.


  • Decide on JS linter and choose reasonable rules (stick mostly with defaults; check out other projects for inspiration)
  • Decide on CSS linter and choose reasonable rules
  • Add a GitHub action to run these checks for each new pull request

Frequently Asked Questions


An FAQ needs to be added to the Docs section of the website. There will be an initial push of the following answered questions:

  • What is conda-forge?
  • What is a feedstock?
  • How can I search for packages?
  • What is the difference between conda create and conda env create?
  • Why should I use conda and not just install everything with pip?
  • Why is it not recommended to install everything into the base environment?
  • How do I submit a blog post to
  • I see a problem with the website. How do I report it?

After that initial merge, this ticket will be an umbrella issue for other questions, as we fill in the FAQ more. If you want to add a question to the FAQ and this ticket is still open, please create a separate issue and link it in the checklist below.


Design website

I’ll be working on designing a website so that there is a consolidated and easy-to-find resource for the basics related to Conda’s community. This issue will record the process and feedback.

To provide a foundation for discussion and ensuring the website serves its purpose, here are the main reasons I think someone might visit this website once it exists:

  • To understand what the Conda community and/or incubator is
  • To answer questions about Conda community and/or an incubator project
  • To find a project
  • To find people working on these projects or leadership in general
  • To find out how/what ways they are welcome to contribute

Please feel free to give feedback on these use cases or add more. These will be some of my main criteria for making design decisions, so the more accurate the goals, the better.

Home Page: Replace/refine placeholder text on implemented page


Issue #17 creates the infrastructure for the site home page. This issue is responsible for the text content of the home page.

Everyone is invited to post their ideas to this issue.


  • Populate or refine the draft text used to create the prototype home page.
  • Submit this for review via a pull request and iterate until everyone is satisfied.

Figure out how to setup pull request previews


In order to make collaborating easier, it would be nice for us to be able to instantly preview the work of others. For example, Vercel offers pull request previews to achieve this.

As part of this issue, we would like you to set this up for conda-dot-org. You can either use Vercel (free of cost) or find another similar free service.

Keep in mind that this issue depends on: #3


  • Using Vercel or another service set up these pull request previews
  • Demonstrate this works by creating a "dummy" pull request for this issue ("dummy" here means making a small, arbitrary change to the existing website)

Create a site style guide


After completing this issue, we will have a site style guide that will contain a color palette and a set of fonts that will inform the rest of the design work for The goal of this issue is to pick the colors and fonts we will use for the website and to accordingly update the CSS files for the website.

Items we need:

  • Primary color (obviously green, but which green? πŸ˜… 🟒 )
  • Secondary color (basically a contrast color to our primary)
  • Fonts
    • Header
    • Body/paragraph
  • Background color (probably white, but again which one?

The color palette should be accessible. So please check it with a tool similar to this:


  • Pick a font combination (header and body text)
  • Create a site color palette and update the site custom.css with this
    • Primary and secondary colors should be updated accordingly

Site Search: Settle on search technology


The website needs a search function. Ideally that search function would also search an identified list of other conda-related sites as well.


  • Create a document in the team's HackMD space for listing and discussing options. Post a link to that here. Created. Link.
  • Discuss and decide on a search technology to use. Post that decision here.

Add meetings calendar to "community" page


The community page should have an embedded calendar listing all conda community meetings (conda, conda-forge, etc.). This will be a simple Google Calendar and should be execute very similarly to Nebari's community page:


  • Create a Google Calendar for these meetings; initially we can just list the conda and conda-forge community meetings
  • Embed it on the "community" page

Setup DNS for


Before launching the website, we will need to configure Netlify to properly serve our website from


  • Add an entry in the DNS records for to point at Netlify; this should be configured to serve content from the "main" branch

FAQ - Add What is conda? question


Add the question "What is conda?" to the FAQ (docs/ and answer it. The answer could start with "conda is a packaging ecosystem made of... (link to Community)"

Update/Complete the "What is conda?" Info Page


The "Learn" page opens with a page that asks "What is conda?". This intro page is still a WIP which needs to be fully written out and polished.


  • Write out copy for the page
  • Reformat/update the page with the new text
  • [optional] Move it all to the home page

FAQ - Add How can I start using conda? question


Add the question "How can I start using conda?" to the FAQ (docs/ and answer it. This answer could start with "There are several ways of getting conda in your computer... (link to Installation page)"

Site Search: Create list of sites / subsites / URLs to include in search


The website needs a search function. Ideally that search function would also search an identified list of other conda-related sites as well. See here for how Galaxy does this with Google Programmable Engine Search.


  • Create list of of sites to index, post that list in the team's HackMD Space, and post a link to it in this issue. Created. See here.
  • Get input and approval from whole team, and then pass it to the Implementation team.

News Page: Implement final design


The news page will be our first "index" page. These pages list items of a particular type (e.g., news, blog, events, etc.).

The implementation team needs to write the code that generates the news item index page, using the metadata (#8) in the news items (#10) to generate the design (#11) that the design team proposes.


  • Using the final design from the design team, implement the news page using the site style sheet.
  • Submit this for review via a pull request and iterate until everyone is satisfied.
  • Also create the front page news layout.

[feature]: Docker file and Docker Compose file


The Conda docs repo does not have a docker file. A Docker file can be added to the docs repo along with the Docker Compose file.

Why should this be worked on?

Would be easier to set up and deploy this website.

News Page: Create several news items to test different cases


The news page will be our first "index" page. These pages list items of a particular type (e.g., news, blog, events, etc.).

We need news items that test the different cases for the news index page. All of these items should also include the metadata we deem important from this issue:


  • Create a news item that resides within this website. (See here.)
  • Create a news item that points to an item in another website.
  • Create two news items with the same date.
  • Create a news item with a date in the future (and decide what should be done with it).

News Page: Decide on file/directory structure for news items and other items that feed index pages


The news page will be our first "index" page. These pages list items of a particular type (e.g., news, blog, events, etc.).

This issues asks: How are news items stored in the directory structure? Are news items stored in their own directory/place, or are they stored in the same place as blog posts, events, etc, and identified through tags? Is there a directory hierarchy within news items (e.g., each year gets a new subdirectory?

Are there naming conventions for files/directories containing news items? Should it be

  • something-descriptive
  • YYYY[-MM[-DD]]-something-descriptive
  • or something else?


  • Create a proposal for how this should be laid out and get a yes or no approval from the implementation team (either in slack or during our regular meetings).
  • Decide on file/directory structure, and the use of tags (or not) to define different content types (news, blog, event, etc).
  • Store this proposal in an accessible place (preferably our HackMD workspace) so that we will be able to reference it later.
  • Post a link to this proposal on this issue

News - our first index page.


The website will feature several index/feed pages that summarize a particular type of post. This includes a news page, and events page, blog posts and so on. These index pages will be built programmatically from metadata about these news items / events / blog posts, that is stored in the web site source. The index pages should be able to link to items that are native to this website, as well as to items that live on other sites.

I propose a news page as our first index page.


This will require

  • Negotiate metadata content and format between implementation and content teams.
  • Implementation team decides on file/directory structure of news items: Are news items stored in their own directory/place, or are they stored in the same place as blog posts, events, etc, and identified through tags? Other options?
  • Content team creates several news items, including at least
    • An item that lives on this site
    • An item that lives on another site
  • Design team decides on high level presentation: A table, a list, cards, what?
  • Implementation team writes the code that generates the index page.
  • Design and Implementation teams iterate a few times.

The code to generate the page can be used as a model to create other index pages.


Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    πŸ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.