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FFmpeg.NET provides a straightforward interface for handling media data, making tasks such as converting, slicing and editing both audio and video completely effortless.

Under the hood, FFmpeg.NET is a .NET wrapper for FFmpeg; a free (LGPLv2.1) multimedia framework containing multiple audio and video codecs, supporting muxing, demuxing and transcoding tasks on many media formats.

Some major parts are taken from Many features have been refactored. The library has been ported to Netstandard and made threadsafe.

You need to provide the ffmpeg executable path to the Engine constructor.

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Package NuGet
xFFmpeg.NET NuGet


  1. Features
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  3. Samples
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  • Resolving metadata
  • Generating thumbnails from videos
  • Transcode audio & video into other formats using parameters such as:
    • Bit rate
    • Frame rate
    • Resolution
    • Aspect ratio
    • Seek position
    • Duration
    • Sample rate
    • Media format
  • Convert media to physical formats and standards such as:
    • Standards include: FILM, PAL & NTSC
    • Mediums include: DVD, DV, DV50, VCD & SVCD
  • Supports custom FFmpeg command line arguments (NEW in v2.1.0)
  • Raising progress events

Get started!

Install FFmpeg.NET from Package Source using the Package Manager Console with the following command

PM> Install-Package xFFmpeg.NET


Grab thumbnail from a video

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_Image.jpg");

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
// Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) };
await ffmpeg.GetThumbnailAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);

Retrieve metadata

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
var metadata = await ffmpeg.GetMetadataAsync(inputFile);


Basic conversion

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4");

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile);

Convert Flash video to DVD

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_New_DVD.vob");

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
    Target = Target.DVD,
    TargetStandard = TargetStandard.PAL

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile, conversionOptions);

Transcoding options FLV to MP4

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4");

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
    MaxVideoDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
    VideoAspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.R16_9,
    VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd1080,
    AudioSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.Hz44100

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile, conversionOptions);

Cut video down to smaller length

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_ExtractedVideo.flv");

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
var options = new ConversionOptions();

// This example will create a 25 second video, starting from the 
// 30th second of the original video.
//// First parameter requests the starting frame to cut the media from.
//// Second parameter requests how long to cut the video.
options.CutMedia(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25));
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);

Subscribe to events

public async Task StartConverting()
    var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
    var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_New_Video.mp4");

    var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe");
    ffmpeg.Progress += OnProgress;
    ffmpeg.Data += OnData;
    ffmpeg.Error += OnError;
    ffmpeg.Complete += OnComplete;
    await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile);

private void OnProgress(object sender, ConversionProgressEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("[{0} => {1}]", e.Input.FileInfo.Name, e.Output.FileInfo.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Bitrate: {0}", e.Bitrate);
    Console.WriteLine("Fps: {0}", e.Fps);
    Console.WriteLine("Frame: {0}", e.Frame);
    Console.WriteLine("ProcessedDuration: {0}", e.ProcessedDuration);
    Console.WriteLine("Size: {0} kb", e.SizeKb);
    Console.WriteLine("TotalDuration: {0}\n", e.TotalDuration);

private void OnData(object sender, ConversionDataEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("[{0} => {1}]: {2}", e.Input.FileInfo.Name, e.Output.FileInfo.Name, e.Data);

private void OnComplete(object sender, ConversionCompleteEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Completed conversion from {0} to {1}", e.Input.FileInfo.FullName, e.Output.FileInfo.FullName);

private void OnError(object sender, ConversionErrorEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("[{0} => {1}]: Error: {2}\n{3}", e.Input.FileInfo.Name, e.Output.FileInfo.Name, e.Exception.ExitCode, e.Exception.InnerException);

Licensing's People


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 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

Decimal separator in durations

Currently, FFmpeg.NET is parsing durations from metadata using TryParse without specifying an IFormatProvider. On machines with a non-default locale (e.g. having comma as a decimal separator), this will lead to a mismatch with FFmpeg which still uses the universal dot as a separator. Instead, we should use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture. Will open a pull request for this.

Thumbnail size

Hi @yagotome. Great library! Is it possible to set the thumbnail size when you call this?

var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) };
await ffmpeg.GetThumbnailAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);


Is FFmpeg.NET library support linux server?

I want to convert wave file to 128Kbps, i can add new enum in AudioSampleRate as Hz4000, so that it will compress the file size and convert it to 128Kbs, but my question is this library support in Linux server.

Cancel does not cancel ffmpeg.exe

If I pass a CancellationToken to ConvertAsync (for example), and then call Cancel() on the Token, the ffmpegnet library throws an exception with the message "A task was cancelled". That is good. However, the ffmpeg.exe process is not cancelled, and it continues to run in the background to completion, which can of course take a long time and consume large resources depending on the task.

I suggest that the library should catch the cancel exception, and abort the ffmpeg.exe process, and then rethrow the exception or throw one of your own exceptions. I believe you can abort the ffmpeg.exe process by sending "q" to the input stream of the process. This is better than just killing the process because "q" will leave the output file in a valid state.

Nuget package for .NET Core 3.1

Hi, I want to use this repository in my a project via Nuget xFFmpeg.NET, but it don't supported .NET Core 3.1.
Can you include .NET Core 3.1 verion into the nuget package, please.

Bug Report


Last update (v.3.3.3) seems not to update the e.ProcessedDuration.TotalSeconds value

The e.fps works.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Missing progress events

I am writing a program to split a large audio file into smaller segments. I use the ExecuteAsync method and pass the -f segment and -segment_time options in the arguments parameter. This works, but I do not get any Progress events from

The problem is that ffmpeg produces a minimal progress data line when using the segment option. In this configuration, the progress data lines look like this:

size=N/A time=00:11:00.11 bitrate=N/A speed=1.32e+03x

The "N/A" values confuse the parser in, and it does not see these as valid progress lines.

I am able to work around the problem by subscribing to the Data event and performing my own parsing to check for progress lines. But it would be nice if ffmpeg could handle these lines and produce Progress events itself.

Get Unable to cast object of type 'FFmpeg.NET.MediaFile' to type 'FFmpeg.NET.InputFile' error when trying to cut video file.

I want to see if I can use this repo to cut one video (mp4 format).
I created one C# WinForms project (target .NET 5.0), add nuget package:
Install-Package xFFmpeg.NET -Version 6.0.0
The following is my C# code:
using FFmpeg.NET;
using System.IO;

public static async Task FFMPEG_Cut_Video1(string input_file1, string output_file1)
if (!File.Exists(input_file1))
Debug.Print("Input video not found, quit!");
return "FileNOTFound";
MediaFile video_in = new(input_file1);
MediaFile video_out = new(output_file1);
Engine ffmpeg = new(FFMPEG_Engine);
ConversionOptions options = new();
options.CutMedia(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25));
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync((InputFile)video_in, (OutputFile)video_out, options);
catch (InvalidCastException ex)
return "Cut_OK";

private async void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
await FFMPEG_Cut_Video1("C:\Videos\1.mp4", "C:\Videos\cut1.mp4");

However, when I run my code, I got the following error:
Message=Unable to cast object of type 'FFmpeg.NET.MediaFile' to type 'FFmpeg.NET.InputFile'.
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CastHelpers.ChkCast_Helper(Void* toTypeHnd, Object obj)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CastHelpers.ChkCastClassSpecial(Void* toTypeHnd, Object obj)
at B20VideoSeekerSportRadarForm.Form1.<FFMPEG_Cut_Video1>d__7.MoveNext() in C:\Videos\VideoCut\Form1.cs:line 89
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1.GetResult()
at B20VideoSeekerSportRadarForm.Form1.<Form1_Load>d__8.MoveNext() in C:\Videos\VideoCut\Form1.cs:line 97

This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
B20VideoSeekerSportRadarForm.Form1.FFMPEG_Cut_Video1(string, string) in Form1.cs
[External Code]
B20VideoSeekerSportRadarForm.Form1.Form1_Load(object, System.EventArgs) in Form1.cs
Please advise how I can fix this?
Using ffmpeg command, I can cut the video file, but I would like to use API in my C# program.
PS: I am using Windows 10 (Version 21H1), and Visual Studio 2019 (Version 16.10.4)

Add support for input as URL

Currently the library does support for only local file. Please add new method ConvertAsync that accepts URL as string.

Found conflicts between different versions of "System.ValueTuple"

After build project I get below warning:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning Found conflicts between different versions of "System.ValueTuple" that could not be resolved. These reference conflicts are listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed.

Project runs, but how solve this?

  • VS 2017
  • Target framework: 4.6.1

How I can use -stream_loop parameter in this repo?

I have made one small mp4 video with duration of only 1 second, it was made of many images. And I want to make one big mp4 video with duration of 1 minute, I think I can repeat the 1 second video 60 times, to make one minute mp4 video.
And I tried the following ffmpeg command directly in my PC (Windows 10), it works:
C:\Videos>ffmpeg -stream_loop 60 -i Second1.mp4 -c copy Minute1.mp4
I want to know how I can do the same using this repo?

How add Audio Track to Video?

Hello i want to use this inside my Youtube Downloader to add an Audio Track to a Video so they could download with highest resolution + audio. How to do this? (without mixing, the audio should be a seperate track if opening the video in Vegas or similar)

.net 4.0 is not available

My project is developed 4.0, now nuget cannot be used, install-package xffmpegnet-version 3.4.0 cannot be installed。

The severity code indicates that the project file line forbids display status

The warning failed to resolve the main reference "netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51", Because it is the framework assemblies "System. Diagnostics. Tracing, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a" indirect dependencies, and in the frame of the current target failed to resolve the assembly. ". NETFramework, Version = v4.0 ". To resolve this issue, remove references to "netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51", Or the application of the goal to contain "System. Diagnostics. Tracing, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a" framework Version. FFmpegDemo

ConvertAsync converted movie from mobile phone is expanded

In my application I converted movie from 3gp to mp4. 3gp movie is recorded on mobile phone and it is tall and narrow like screen of mobile phone.
After convertion the movie is tall but isn't narrow, it's wide. The resolution in both cases is 1920x1680
My code looks like that:
var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
MaxVideoDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
VideoAspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.R16_9,
VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd1080,
AudioSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.Hz44100,

                  //  CustomWidth = 200
                await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFileMp4, conversionOptions);
How to keep shape of the movie to be like from mobile phone?

Add more tests

There are still missing many tests for this library.
Any contribution is very welcome.
Tests are implemented via XUnit which is included in the dotnet sdk by default.

You can run tests via cmd:
dotnet test tests\FFmpeg.NET.Tests\FFmpeg.NET.Tests.csproj

Or just open the Testexplorer in Visual Studio 2017 / 2019:
Tests -> Windows -> Test Explorer
You should see all implemented tests after rebuilding the project.

how to use custom arguments?

Hello how exactly can i use custom arguments?

i was doing await ffmpeg.ExecuteAsync(args) where args are arguments which normally work when writing them in concole after ffmpeg.exe

When i start it just does nothing. Also if i write a total nonsene argument, it does not throw an error or something, it just does nothing :/

Example code not working in .NET 6.0 for Windows 10.

I am now using Visual Studio 2022, and I want to test the sample code for WinFrom project using the latest version (7.0.1)
PM> Install-Package xFFmpeg.NET -Version 7.0.1

var inputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_ExtractedVideo.flv");

var ffmpeg = new Engine("C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe");
var options = new ConversionOptions();

// This example will create a 25 second video, starting from the
// 30th second of the original video.
//// First parameter requests the starting frame to cut the media from.
//// Second parameter requests how long to cut the video.
options.CutMedia(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25));
await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);

But I got compiler error:
Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'FFmpeg.NET.MediaFile' to 'FFmpeg.NET.InputFile'
Error CS1503 Argument 2: cannot convert from 'FFmpeg.NET.MediaFile' to 'FFmpeg.NET.OutputFile'
Error CS1503 Argument 3: cannot convert from 'FFmpeg.NET.ConversionOptions' to 'System.Threading.CancellationToken'
It seems the new version 7.0.1 is rather different from previous version, at least for the code examples.
Please advise on how to fix it!

Desktop Capture

Would it be possible to use this for Desktop Capture on Windows?
the demo command is "ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" output.mkv"

Edit: "-f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder" output.mkv" does not work since I don't have "screen-capture-recorder" installed. There was no error thrown though.

"-f gdigrab -framerate 30 -i desktop output.mkv" Does work but I am not sure how to stop it.

Documentation needed - please :-)

I need more information how to use the wrapper in more different situations. For example I want to convert every frame from a video to a single picture. As a workaround i use the ffmpeg direct with the process.start("ffmpeg"," -i inputfile.mp4 -o output.bmp") (macOS) but I know this procedure works on windows, too. Thank you.

VideoCodec.libvpx__vp9 unsupported

Attempting to set the ConversionOptions VideoFormat to VideoCodec.libvpx__vp9 results in FFMpeg being called with the argument libvpx__vp9 instead of libvpx-vp9, which FFMpeg rejects as an unknown codec.

As a temporary workaround I'm leaving the VideoCodec unspecified and passing ExtraArguments = "-c:v libvpx-vp9"



Could you update sound volume option with FFmpeg.NET wrapper ?
I would like to down or up the audio volume or convert a file with no audio.

For volume, The FFmpeg command is like this :
" -af "volume=-5dB" " (here it decrease for -5db)

For no audio, The FFmpeg command is like this :
" -an "

Thanks for your help.

Great work

Provide possibility to specify codec (lossless cut)

I would like to be able to cut video (using ConvertAsync) but with lossless codec (-codec copy).
I know I can use prepare the full, custom path and call ExecuteAsync but it would be nice ConvertAsync also supports custom parameters (or at least codec specification). Or maybe it is possible already somehow?


ConvertAsync never returns

I am trying to convert a file from .webm format to .gif using streams. I have been testing and the engine works fine if I use files. However, if I use streams, the engine freezes when I call the ConvertAsync function, no event or error is raised in the process. Here is the code that I am using.

I am using the version 7.1.3

Engine ffmpeg = new Engine();
ffmpeg.Progress += OnProgress;
ffmpeg.Data += OnData;
ffmpeg.Error += OnError;
ffmpeg.Complete += OnComplete;
var options = new ConversionOptions
    ExtraArguments = "-f gif -vf \"fps=30,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse\" -loop 0 -y"
InputFile input = new InputFile("");
Stream stream = await ffmpeg.ConvertAsync(input, options, default);

Exit code -1073741515

I'm getting the following exit code: -1073741515. I downloaded ffmpeg from the link on and extracted ffmpeg.exe from the bin directory to a local directory. My thoughts are that windows security gets in the way of write permissions for the app, but that's just a guess. Any insights you might have on this would be greatly appreciated. Generating .mp4 thumbnails by hand sucks! :-(

Best regards,

John Carnegie
[email protected]
mobil: 972 567 1422

public async Task HowToAsync(string file, string thumb)
var inputFile = new MediaFile(file);
var outputFile = new MediaFile(thumb);

        var ffmpeg = new Engine(@"C:<path>\64bit\ffmpeg.exe");	//path excluded
        ffmpeg.Error += OnError;
        // Saves the frame located on the 5th second of the video.
        var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) };
        var result = await ffmpeg.GetThumbnailAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options); 
        return thumb;			// code incomplete

    private void OnError(object sender, ConversionErrorEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("[{0} => {1}]: Error: {2}\n{3}", e.Input.FileInfo.Name, e.Output.FileInfo.Name, e.Exception.ExitCode, e.Exception.InnerException);

Code update needed

You should update the code samples on the main page, because MediaFile is now an abstract class and can't be used directly.

var inputFile = new InputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new OutputFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_Image.jpg");


How I can use this repo to reset video starting and ending time?

I have downloaded quite a number of videos, all the videos are in M3U8 format, and I have saved them as MP4 format videos.
But I found that almost all the videos, their starting time is not 0.
For example, I have one video file (C:\Videos\1.mp4), its duration is 2 hours, but when I used VLC player to play this mp4 video file, I can see that the starting time is: 01:00:00, and ending time is: 03:00:00. It has actual duration of 2 hours, but not from 00:00:00 to 02:00:00.
Can I use the repo to convert this mp4 video using the same format (not changing other parameter), but change the starting time to 00:00:00 and ending time to its duration?
If yes, please let me know where I can find code sample (C#) to do this?

Is it possible to specify a max filesize limit in ConversionOptions?

When specifying conversion options, FFmpeg.NET allows me to do something like the following:

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions()
    AudioBitRate = Encoding.AudioBitrate,
    RemoveAudio = Encoding.EnableAudio,
    VideoBitRate = Encoding.VideoBitrate,
    VideoFormat = FFmpeg.NET.Enums.VideoFormat.webm,
    VideoSize = FFmpeg.NET.Enums.VideoSize.Custom

My assumption is that the VideoSize property is what controls how big or small the output file's size will be, as there's no docstring specifying the behavior. There's an enum for VideoSize that allows us to declare a custom size, but I don't know how I can specify it outside of providing it via ExtraArguments.

All async+await calls need ConfigureAwait(false)

Unless there is a good reason to have the thread SynchronizationContext preserved, all of your await ...calls throughout the library should have .ConfigureAwait(false) appended.

Not having this causes deadlocks when having to call your library in a synchronous manner such as:
var meta = ffmpeg.GetMetaDataAsync(input).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

Obviously you would ideally not call it this way using .GetAwaiter().GetResult() and instead use async+await 'all the way down'. But sometimes this is not an option.

GetThumbnailAsync does not create output file

Using default ConversionOptions instance (since using null throws a null reference exception), using valid source path, using valid target path. GetThumbnailAsync executes without errors but the target file is not created.

TotalDuration always show 00:00:00

hello i try follow up the code with "Subscribe to events" tutorial everything fine only the "TotalDuration", While convert the video file it always show 00:00:00

Files longer than 24 hours are not handled correctly

I am processing audio files that are 6 days long. When I call GetMetaDataAsync, the duration is returned as zero. Also I do not get Progress events after 24 hours of audio have been processed.

This happens because the code uses TimeSpan.TryParse to parse the duration string that is output by ffmpeg. TimeSpan.TryParse does not handle hours that are greater than 23 (it expects days). Ffmpeg however produces a duration in h:mm:ss.fff format where the hours field can grow as large as necessary.

Video Size (Resolution) not working

I want to change the quality of the video but when I try and use the:

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions {
    VideoCodec = VideoCodec.nvenc_h264,
    HWAccel = HWAccel.cuda,
    VideoFps = fps,
    VideoBitRate = bitrateValue,
    VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd720

the resulting video is corrupted, ive tried removing the a few of the option and it seems that VideoSize is making the issue. how can I fix that?

GetThumbnailAsync doesn't handle croping and scaling in the same task

Given a crop and resize applied to a 640x480 video:

var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
    CustomHeight = 100,
    CustomWidth = 100,
    SourceCrop = new CropRectangle {Width = 480, Height = 480}
await engine.GetThumbnailAsync(mediaFile, outputFile, conversionOptions)

I would expect both the crop and the resize would be applied.

But only the crop is applied.

I suspect this is because the above results in:

ffmpeg.exe -y -ss 1.0 -i  -vframes 1 -filter:v "crop=480:4809::" -vf "scale=100:100" output.jpg

Rather than:

ffmpeg.exe -y -ss 1.0  -i  -vframes 1 -filter:v "crop=480:4809::, scale=100:100" output.jpg

With the filters appended together, see

Duplicate error events

When ffmpeg.exe reports an error (via a non-zero exit code) , this library raises the Error event twice with the same message.

Output buffer not flushed

When I'm using GetMetadataAsync, it turns out the output/error streams are not flushed before we mark the task as completed. In my case this means the library only receives the first FFmpeg result line, which just contains the header. The fix seems relatively easy - I added process.WaitForExit(); in the process.Exited += ... handler which forces the streams to be flushed. Putting the call there should be safe since we know the process itself is already finished. I'll open a pull request for this issue too.

Get converting progress

I am converting files from webm to mp3's and i can't quite figure out how to get the overall progress of the process to display in a progress bar.

I have subscribed to the progress event and thats about how far i got.
How would i properly get the overall progress?

NETFramework 4.6.1Unable to install

NET Framework 4.6.1Unable to install
Severity Code Description Item File Line Prohibited display status
Error The package "xFFmpeg.NET 7.0.1" could not be installed. You are trying to install this package into a project whose target is ".NETFramework, Version=v4.6.1", but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with the framework. For more information, please contact the package author.

GetMetaDataAsync not thread-safe?

I have observed that occasionally Engine.GetMetaDataAsync() is returning null. I can replicate this in a test, running this method a number of times in parallel for different mp4 files.

I was previously sharing the same Engine instance but am observing the same behaviour when creating an instance per invocation.

Is this method not thread-safe? Or is the actual issue that the underlying FFMpeg executable itself isn't thread-safe? I'm using the latest official Windows build; configuration below:

ffmpeg version 4.1.3 Copyright (c) 2000-2019 the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 8.3.1 (GCC) 20190414
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-sdl2 --enable-fontconfig --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-zlib --enable-gmp --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libmysofa --enable-libspeex --enable-libxvid --enable-libaom --enable-libmfx --enable-amf --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-cuvid --enable-d3d11va --enable-nvenc --enable-nvdec --enable-dxva2 --enable-avisynth

I am using FFmpeg.NET version 3.3.1.

Generation of video thumbnail makes ffmpeg spawn 6mb-sized processes infinitely

I am following a posted example to generate poster frame for an mp4 video of 50 megabytes in size (without using direct reference to ffmpeg executable).
I am using ffmpeg 4.3.1. and this is the only installed version.

var inputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Video.flv");
var outputFile = new MediaFile (@"C:\Path\To_Save_Image.jpg");

var ffmpeg = new Engine();
// Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) };
await ffmpeg.GetThumbnailAsync(inputFile, outputFile, options);

The above code results into infinite loop somewhere in ffmpeg on the last line.
At the same time command below works perfectly, so ffmpeg should not be an issue.

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05.01 -i random.mp4 -frames:v 1 myimage.jpg

By any chance does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong?
Is this a library-related issue or an issue related to ffmpeg executable?

Use hardware accelerated encoding (NVENC)

Is there a way to make use of NVENC with this wrapper without having to switch to executeasync.
I'm fond of being able to attach event handlers to report progress as this is running on a server for me. But without setting custom attributes using execute I can't see a way to switch to NVENC encoding.

Is this possible?

Use on Ubuntu

Hello! I want to deploy my app on Ubuntu, but i need to set engine path to Engine type. How i can use this in ubuntu? Can you help me, please

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