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3d-tiles-tools's Introduction

3D Tiles Tools


The 3D Tiles Tools are a collection of tools and utilities for converting, optimizing, processing, and analyzing 3D Tiles data.


To install the 3D Tiles Tools locally into a directory, run

npm install 3d-tiles-tools

If you want to work directly with a clone of the Git repository, see Developer Setup.

Command Line Usage

Note: All input- and output paths for the 3D Tiles Tools are case sensitive. Even though some operating systems (like Windows) usually do not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase, the file- and directory names that are given at the command line must exactly match the actual names.

Common command line options for each function:

Flag Description Required
-i, --input Input file or directory Yes
-o, --output Output file or directory Yes
-f, --force Overwrite output if it exists No, default false
--logLevel The log level. Valid values are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, and silent No, default info
--logJson Print log messages as JSON instead of pretty-printed No, default false

Command line tools for tilesets


Gzips the input tileset.

npx 3d-tiles-tools gzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
-t, --tilesOnly Only gzip tiles. No, default false

(Note: The exact set of files that are covered with tilesOnly is not specified yet)


Ungzips the input tileset.

npx 3d-tiles-tools ungzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-ungzipped/


Combines all external tilesets into a single tileset.

Note about the difference between merge and combine: The combine command takes a tileset that already refers to external tilesets. And it creates a new tileset where the former external tilesets are "inlined". So the result will be a single tileset, without external references.


npx 3d-tiles-tools combine -i ./specs/data/combineTilesets/input -o ./specs/data/combineTilesets/output


Merge multiple tilesets into a single one that refers to the input tilesets as external tilesets.

Note about the difference between merge and combine: The merge command creates a new tileset that refers to the given ones as external tilsets. This means that the resulting tileset is not complete without the ones that are used as the inputs for the merge command.


npx 3d-tiles-tools merge -i ./specs/data/mergeTilesets/TilesetA -i ./specs/data/mergeTilesets/sub/TilesetA -o ./specs/data/mergeTilesets/output


Upgrade a tileset to the latest 3D Tiles version.

npx 3d-tiles-tools upgrade -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/tileset.json -o ./output/upgraded

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
--targetVersion The target version to upgrade to. May be 1.0 or 1.1. No. Default: 1.0
--options All arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline. No

By default, this will upgrade legacy tilesets to comply to the 3D Tiles 1.0 specification.

These upgrades include:

  • The asset version will be set to '1.0'.
  • Tile content that uses a url will be upgraded to use uri.
  • The refine value will be converted to be in all-uppercase.
  • glTF 1.0 models in B3DM or I3DM will be upgraded to glTF 2.0.

Implementation note:

Internally, the conversion of glTF 1.0 assets into glTF 2.0 assets is performed by processing the GLB data with gltf-pipeline. This will include the attempt to convert materials that are given with the KHR_technique_webgl extension into PBR materials. Options that are given after the --options parameter are passed to gltf-pipeline. These options may include the names of uniform variables that should indicate whether a certain texture is used as the "base color" texture of a PRB material. For example, when a tileset contains B3DM or I3DM data that contains GLB with the KHR_technique_webgl extension where the uniform names u_diff_tex and u_diffuse indicate that a texture should be a base color texture, then the command line

npx 3d-tiles-tools upgrade -i ./input/tileset.json -o ./output/tileset.json --options --baseColorTextureNames u_diff_tex --baseColorTextureNames u_diffuse

can be used.

When --targetVersion 1.1 is given, then this will upgrade legacy tilesets to comply to the 3D Tiles 1.1 specification, including an attempt to convert PNTS, B3DM, and I3DM tile content into glTF assets. The upgrades then include:

  • The asset version will be set to '1.1'.
  • Tile content that uses a url will be upgraded to use uri.
  • The refine value will be converted to be in all-uppercase.
  • glTF 1.0 models in B3DM or I3DM will be upgraded to glTF 2.0.
  • The 3DTILES_content_gltf extension declaration will be removed.
  • PNTS, B3DM, I3DM, and CMPT content will be converted to glTF.

Implementation note:

The conversion of the legacy tile formats to glTF should be considered as a preview feature. There are corner cases where the conversion is not possible generically - for example, when I3DM tile content contains glTF data that contains animations, or when a CMPT (indirectly) contains multiple glTF assets that already use the EXT_structural_metadata extension. The conditions under which the conversion is possible may be specified more explicitly in the future.


(This replaces the databaseToTileset and tilesetToDatabase commands)

Convert between tilesets and tileset package formats.

npx 3d-tiles-tools convert -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/tileset.json -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets.3tz

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
--inputTilesetJsonFileName The name of the input file that should be considered to be the top-level tileset JSON file No

The input- and output arguments for this command may be

  • The name of a directory that contains a tileset.json file (or the full path to a tileset JSON file)
  • The name of a .3tz file
  • The name of a .3dtiles file

The input may also be a .zip file that contains a tileset.json file.

When the input is a .zip file or a directory that contains multiple tileset JSON files, and none of them is called tileset.json, then the --inputTilesetJsonFileName argument can be used to define the JSON file that should be considered to be the top-level tileset JSON. For example, when there is an tile that does contain two JSON files called tilesetA.json and tilesetB.json, the following command can be used to designate tilesetA.json as the top-level tileset JSON file:

npx 3d-tiles-tools convert -i ./specs/data/convert/ -o ./output/ambiguous.3tz --inputTilesetJsonFileName tilesetA.json


Deprecated. This functionality is now offered via the convert command.


Deprecated. This functionality is now offered via the convert command.

Command line tools for tile content


Creates a b3dm from a glb with an empty batch table.

npx 3d-tiles-tools glbToB3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.b3dm


Creates a i3dm from a glb with a single instance at position [0, 0, 0] and an empty batch table.

npx 3d-tiles-tools glbToI3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.i3dm


Extracts the glb from a b3dm.

npx 3d-tiles-tools b3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb


Extracts the glb from a i3dm.

npx 3d-tiles-tools i3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb


Extracts the glb models from a cmpt tile. If multiple models are found a number will be appended to the output file name.

npx 3d-tiles-tools cmptToGlb -i ./specs/data/composite.cmpt -o ./output/extracted.glb


Split a cmpt tile into its inner tiles. The output file name for each inner tile will be determined by appending a number to the given output file name, and an extension that depends on the type of the inner tile data.

npx 3d-tiles-tools splitCmpt -i ./specs/data/compositeOfComposite.cmpt -o ./output/inner --recursive

For an input file compositeOfComposite.cmpt that contains a composite tile that contains one B3DM and one I3DM content, this will generate the files inner_0.b3dm and inner_1.i3dm in the output directory.

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
--recursive Whether the split operation should be applied to inner tiles that are composite No, default: false


Convert a b3dm file into a glTF asset that uses glTF extensions to represent the batch- and feature table information.

npx 3d-tiles-tools convertB3dmToGlb -i ./data/example.b3dm -o ./data/example.glb


Convert a pnts file into a glTF asset that uses glTF extensions to represent the point properties and batch- and feature table information.

npx 3d-tiles-tools convertPntsToGlb -i ./data/example.pnts -o ./data/example.glb


Convert an i3dm file into a glTF asset that uses glTF extensions to represent the batch- and feature table information. This conversion may be lossy if the GLB of the input i3dm contains animations.

npx 3d-tiles-tools convertI3dmToGlb -i ./data/example.i3dm -o ./data/example.glb


Optimize a b3dm using gltf-pipeline.

npx 3d-tiles-tools optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
--options All arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline. No


To use Draco compression, pass the draco flags

npx 3d-tiles-tools optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/Textured/batchedTextured.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm --options --draco.compressMeshes --draco.compressionLevel=9

This example optimizes the b3dm and compresses the meshes using Draco, with a high compression level.


Optimize an i3dm using gltf-pipeline.

npx 3d-tiles-tools optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm

See optimizeB3dm for further examples.


Update a B3DM, I3DM, PNTS or CMPT file to ensure that the alignment requirements for the batch- and feature tables and the tile data as a whole are met. For CMPT tile data, the data of inner tiles will be updated recursively.

npx 3d-tiles-tools updateAlignment -i ./specs/data/updateAlignment/testComposite.cmpt -o ./output/testCompositeFixed.cmpt


Analyze the input file, and write the results to the output directory.

npx 3d-tiles-tools analyze -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/analyzed/

This will accept B3DM, I3DM, PNTS, CMPT, and GLB files (both for glTF 1.0 and for glTF 2.0), and write files into the output directory that contain the feature table, batch table, layout information, the GLB, and the JSON of the GLB. This is primarily intended for debugging and analyzing tile data. Therefore, the exact naming and content of the generated output files are not specified.


Create a tileset JSON file from a given set of tile content files.

Additional command line options:

Flag Description Required
--cartographicPositionDegrees An array of either two or three values, which are the (longitude, latitude) or (longitude, latitude, height) of the target position. The longitude and latitude are given in degrees, and the height is given in meters. No

If the input is a single file, then this will result in a single (root) tile with the input file as its tile content. If the input is a directory, then all content files in this directory will be used as tile content, recursively. The exact set of file types that are considered to be 'tile content' is not specified, but it will include GLB, B3DM, PNTS, I3DM, and CMPT files.


npx 3d-tiles-tools createTilesetJson -i ./input/ -o ./output/tileset.json --cartographicPositionDegrees -75.152 39.94 10

This creates the specified tileset JSON file, which will refer to all tile content files in the given input directory as its tile contents. The root node of the tileset will have a transform that will place it at the given cartographic position.


Execute a sequence of operations that are described in a JSON file.

Note: The pipeline execution feature is preliminary. Many aspects of the pipeline definition, including the JSON representation and the exact set of operations that are supported as parts of pipelines may change in future releases.

The basic structure of a pipeline JSON file is summarized here:

  • A pipeline has an input and output, which are the names of a tileset directory or package
  • A pipeline has an array of 'tileset stages'
  • A tileset stage has a name and a description
  • A tileset stage can carry information about the content types that it is applied to
  • A tileset stage has an array of 'content stages'
  • A content stage has a name and a description

A simple example pipline may therefore look like this:

  "input": "./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesetsWithUris",
  "output": "./output/TilesetOfTilesetsWithUris.3tz",
  "tilesetStages": [
      "name": "_b3dmToGlb",
      "description": "Convert B3DM to GLB",
      "contentStages": [
          "name": "b3dmToGlb",
          "description": "Convert each B3DM content into GLB"

The name of a tileset- or content stage can refer to a predefined set of operations that can be executed. If a name is not one of the known operations, it should start with an _ underscore.

The description of a tileset- or content stage is intended as a human-readable summary, to be shown as log output.

The predefined operations largely correspond to the command-line functionality.

The known tileset stages are:

  • Modification:
    • upgrade: Upgrade the input tileset to the latest version. Details about what that means are omitted here.
    • combine: Combine all external tilesets of the input tileset, to create a single tileset
  • Compression:
    • gzip: Apply GZIP compression to all files (with optional filters)
    • ungzip: Uncompress all files that are compressed with GZIP

The known content stages are:

  • Conversion:

    • glbToB3dm: Convert all GLB tile contents into B3DM
    • glbToI3dm: Convert all GLB tile contents into I3DM (with the GLB being the only instance)
    • b3dmToGlb: Convert all B3DM tile contents into GLB (assuming that the B3DM is only a wrapper around GLB)
    • i3dmToGlb: Convert all I3DM tile contents into GLB (assuming that the I3DM is only a wrapper around GLB)
    • separateGltf: Convert all GLB tile contents into .gltf files with external resources
  • Optimization:

    These operations receive an options object, which is an untyped object carrying the options that are passed to gltf-pipeline for the optimization.

    • optimizeGlb: Optimize GLB tile content, using gltf-pipeline
    • optimizeB3dm: Optimize the GLB payload of a B3DM tile content, using gltf-pipeline
    • optimizeI3dm: Optimize the GLB payload of a I3DM tile content, using gltf-pipeline

An example of a pipeline that combines a sequence of multiple operations is shown in examplePipeline.json.

Developer Setup

When the tools are not installed as a package from NPM, but supposed to be used directly in a cloned repository, then the command line usage is as follows:

  • Clone the repository into the current directory:
    git clone
  • Change into the directory of the cloned repository:
    cd 3d-tiles-tools
  • Install the tools and all dependencies:
    npm install

After this, the tools can be executed using the same command line options as described above - for example:

npx ts-node .\src\cli\main.ts gzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/

See the implementation notes for details about the project structure.

3d-tiles-tools's People


bagnell avatar ggetz avatar huiyiqun avatar javagl avatar jo-chemla avatar judyweng avatar lasalvavida avatar likangning93 avatar lilleyse avatar loshjawrence avatar mramato avatar ottaviohartman avatar pjcozzi avatar sanjeetsuhag avatar shehzan10 avatar


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3d-tiles-tools's Issues

Consider pinning the Node version to a specific number

Right now, the package.json specifies

"engines": {
  "node": ">=16.0.0"

There might be benefits in being more specific. The exact node version could be specified in an .nvmrc file, which could also be picked up by the CI script. I'm a bit on the fence here: On the one hand, it could avoid random build failures that are caused by random changes in some Node version. On the other hand, it should be possible to compile and run the tools on every Node version (>=16), and if there is an issue with one version, then this should be detected and fixed.

The implications for users/contributors also have to be investigated. (E.g. would pinning the version to 20.10 mean that someone couldn't even compile it without having this exact version?).



Create "content" object for single contents in traversal code

While testing out ImplicitToExplicitDemo I noticed that the output tileset uses "contents" instead of "content". This is similar to the issue that was fixed in #30.

I think this would be a matter of updating ImplicitTraversedTile::asFinalTile, ExplicitTraversedTile::asFinalTile, and ImplicitToExplicitDemo::buildExplicitHierarchy.

The tileset JSON is not zipped when running `gzip`

The previous version of the tools contained a mechanism for some operations that caused the tileset.json to be written in zipped form when it was zipped in the input, and to be written in non-zipped form when it was not zipped in the input. (See, for example, the previous combineTilesets function).

The current state of the tools tried to emulate this behavior, by keeping track of whether the input tileset.json was zipped. This causes a bug where the tileset.json will not be zipped, even when running gzip.

To solve this: The zippedness of the input should not matter. The tools should always be able to read zipped input, but write the output in un-zipped form, unless zipping was the actual operation that should be performed. This can either be via the gzip command, or via a gzip pipeline stage.

(The (legacy) tilesOnly flag for the gzip operation has to be taken into account here, but that has already been generalized, and should be easy to handle)

deflate64 is unsupported

  • Windows Explorer always uses deflate64 for zip files over 2 GB
  • node-stream-zip does not support deflate64, so any zip file using it fails.

Properly support URIs to GLB in Instanced 3D Models

The TileData payload field carries a note that it can either contain the GLB data or an URI.

Functions like glbToI3dm or the (internal) extractGlbBuffers always assume that the payload is an embedded GLB. But this should be generalized. This will include some minor implementations for on-the-fly resolving of the GLB data from the URI and the corresponding error handling. It may also involve extending the CLI. For example, one could consider to offer an option like

... glbToI3dm -i input.glb -o output.i3dm -useUriForGlb
                                           ^--- this

at the command line.

glTF 2.0 Draco compression

Is it possible to apply draco compression to glTF 2.0 b3dms?

When using the draco branch, I just get "Binary glTF version is not 1".
With the 2.0-tools branch, this error occurs:

$ node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i "[...].b3dm" -o ./output/optimized.b3dm -f --options -q
SyntaxError: Unexpected token )

And after deleting the faulty line 34, the output is also "Binary glTF version is not 1". Am I doing something wrong?

How to generate tileset.json

When I am using the command line to convert .gltf models to .b3dm, it does not generate a tileset.json file. How can I generate a tileset.json file?

pnts to glb with clasification

I have a classified point cloud dataset in .pnts format.
I tried using the upgrade command to convert pnts dataset to glb, but it seems that I've lost the classification attribute in the process.

When I use the analyse tool on .glb file, it mentions classification attribute, but when I open the dataset in Cesium viewer, I get no preview when I apply the classification style.

Is there another way to convert point cloud to glb, or is this the issue with Cesium viewer?

Thank you

I did conversion using following command:
npx 3d-tiles-tools upgrade --targetVersion 1.1 -i path/to/pnts/dataset/tileset.json -o ./output/upgraded

This is the result of analyse command:

  "asset": {
    "generator": "glTF-Transform",
    "version": "2.0"
  "accessors": [
      "type": "VEC3",
      "componentType": 5126,
      "count": 8277,
      "max": [
      "min": [
      "bufferView": 0,
      "byteOffset": 0
      "type": "SCALAR",
      "componentType": 5121,
      "count": 8277,
      "bufferView": 0,
      "byteOffset": 12
  "bufferViews": [
      "buffer": 0,
      "byteOffset": 0,
      "byteLength": 132432,
      "byteStride": 16,
      "target": 34962
  "buffers": [
      "byteLength": 132432
  "materials": [
      "pbrMetallicRoughness": {
        "metallicFactor": 0
  "meshes": [
      "primitives": [
          "attributes": {
            "POSITION": 0,
            "_CLASSIFICATION": 1
          "mode": 0,
          "material": 0,
          "extensions": {
            "EXT_structural_metadata": {
              "propertyAttributes": [
  "nodes": [
      "rotation": [
      "mesh": 0
  "scenes": [
      "nodes": [
  "extensionsUsed": [
  "extensions": {
    "EXT_structural_metadata": {
      "schema": {
        "id": "ID_batch_table",
        "name": "Generated from batch_table",
        "classes": {
          "class_batch_table": {
            "name": "Generated from batch_table",
            "properties": {
              "Classification": {
                "name": "Classification",
                "description": "Generated from Classification",
                "type": "SCALAR",
                "componentType": "UINT8",
                "required": true
      "propertyAttributes": [
          "class": "class_batch_table",
          "properties": {
            "Classification": {
              "attribute": "_CLASSIFICATION"

3D Tiles Tools roadmap

More ideas to come...



  • gzip/unzip all tiles in a tileset
  • Fusion: Merge tileset with external tileset.json references into one tileset.json
  • Fission: Separate a monolithic tileset.json into several tileset.json based on different criteria: e.g., n tiles per tileset.json, m levels per tileset.json, etc.
  • Generate stats like gltf-statistics.
    • Given a tileset or tile, how memory is used: total memory, geometry memory, texture memory, batch table memory, other memory (e.g., JSON)
  • Add the ability to apply per-tile stages to all tiles in a tileset. For example: CesiumGS/3d-tiles-validator#30

As Needed

  • Visualize a tileset's spatial data structure, perhaps even an interactive tileset explorer using Cesium with D3 overlay
  • Separate composites, i.e., separate a composite tile into several tiles
    • Separate out into separate tilesets if useful, e.g., one for buildings, one for trees, etc.
    • Combine tiles into composites
  • Merge multiple tilesets into one tileset


Extend `analyze` command to include bounding volume information

The analyze command currently generates information about the structure of B3DM, I3DM, PNTS, CMPT, and GLB files. This information is low-level, technical, for analysis and debugging.

The output could be extended to contain information about the bounding boxes of the respective tiles. This could be added to the output once in the (min,max) representation, but also in the (center,halfAxes) representation.

How I can convert lot of b3dm to one gltf/glb file?

Hello everyone!

I have this structure:

├─ tileset.json
├─ Data/
│  ├─ a.b3dm
│  ├─ b0.b3dm
│  ├─ b1.b3dm
│  ├─ ... and other 620 .b3dm files

I tried to convert it, but I can only do it one file at a time (using 3d-tiles-tools b3dmToGlb). But unfortunately it will be very long and laborious, because I have 20 such folders, in which there are 500-1000 such tiles that need to be converted. And even if I suddenly do it manually, then I don’t understand how then I can correctly combine all these glbs into one model.

I also tried 3d-tiles-tools merge and 3d-tiles-tools combine, but it does not lead to anything, it just creates an output folder that contains exactly the same set of files, but tileset.json changes to this:

   "asset": {
     "version": "1.1"
   "geometricError": 10000,
   root: {
     "boundingVolume": {
       "sphere": [
     "refine": "ADD",
     "geometricError": 10000,
     "children": [
         "boundingVolume": {
           "sphere": [
         "content": {
           "uri": "Model/tileset.json"
         "geometricError": 4.56985088,
         "refine": "REPLACE"

What am I doing wrong? Can someone suggest me what needs to be done?

Set up CI with GitHub actions

This should be easy, but opened to keep track of it: There should be a GitHub action for CI.

Most of the build infrastructure was taken from the 3d-tiles-validator, so it should mainly be a matter of copying the validator CI file here.

Cannot extract data from GLB without BIN chunk

The GltfUtilities class has a method extractDataFromGlb that can be used to extract the JSON- and binary data from a GLB file, covering glTF 1.0 as well as glTF 2.0.

However, it currently assumes that the BIN chunk is present, and throws a RangeError when this is not the case. According to the Binary buffer section of the specification:

When the binary buffer is empty or when it is stored by other means, this chunk SHOULD be omitted.

meaning that the implementation has to anticipate the case that there is no BIN chunk.

A quick test (which may be used in a similar form in the specs when this is fixed): It creates a GLB buffer that does not include a BIN chunk, and throws an error when trying to read it:

import { Accessor, Document } from "@gltf-transform/core";
import { NodeIO } from "@gltf-transform/core";
import { GltfUtilities } from "./src/contentProcessing/GltfUtilities";

async function createExampleDocument(): Promise<Document> {
  const document = new Document();

  const root = document.getRoot();
  const scene = document.createScene();

  const node = document.createNode();

  // When creating a buffer, it DOES work...
  const buffer = document.createBuffer();
  const positions = [
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
    1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 
    1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 
  const positionsAccessor = document.createAccessor();
  positionsAccessor.setArray(new Float32Array(positions));

  const primitive = document.createPrimitive();
  primitive.setAttribute("POSITION", positionsAccessor);

  const mesh = document.createMesh();

  return document;

async function runTest() {
  const inputDocument = await createExampleDocument();
  const io = new NodeIO();
  const glb = await io.writeBinary(inputDocument);
  const data = GltfUtilities.extractDataFromGlb(Buffer.from(glb));
  console.log("jsonData", data.jsonData);
  console.log("binData", data.binData);


Convert command should check for tileset.json or rename a supplied .json file

When using the convert command to convert a 3d tiles file based dataset to a .3dtiles database, the convert command should check either:

a) A tileset.json exists in the supplied folder before converting
b) If the user supplies a specific path a to a tilesets json (eg. example.json) it should rename to tileset.json on conversion

Otherwise, the user is able to generate a .3dtiles dataset that does not include a tileset.json. When uploaded to hosting services such as Cesium ion, this tileset is not able to be used as the expectation is a tileset.json is present.

Binary representations of enum values are not translated

The diagram that is currently shown in the shows the relationship of the PropertyModel and MetadataEntityModel classes.

What is not made explicit in this diagram (and could also be pointed out more clearly in some of the TSDoc comments):

  • The PropertyModel provides "raw" values. It does not take into account normalized, noData, offset, and other modifiers of the property, most importantly because the actual property that appears in the metadata entity may override the offset/scale properties that have defined in the class property. This also implies that the values are numeric when the property type is ENUM, as pointed out in the TSDoc of the PropertyModel
  • The MetadataEntityModel provides convenience access to the property values, as in "Now what do we really have here?" - including possible offset/scale considerations and their overrides, as well as noData and default handling. This is described in (and handled by) the MetadataValues processValue method

However, ENUMs are a special beast. For ENUM types, the noData and default values are given as the strings of the enum values, like noData: "ENUM_VALUE_A". This was not properly considered until now. It does raise some questions about where and how to translate between the numeric representation and the string representation. But in any case, the implementation should be changed so that the MetadataEntityModel always returns the string representations of ENUM values, and properly takes the noData and default values into account.

This is already addressed as part of #70 (the first/main commit being f6d0d7b , still to be reviewed and cleaned up), because it originally came up during the validation of ENUM types in property textures for CesiumGS/3d-tiles-validator#280

Decide on a logging approach

There currently are a few places where "log messages" are printed - using console.log. In some cases, this is already "funneled" into a single, internal log function (similar to the logCallback in the previous version). But there should be something that offers more fine-grained control over what is logged, and where the log output goes.

Of course, one could just go to and pick the first result. But maybe there are reasons to put more thought into that, and maybe even reasons to pick one specific library.

Obvious places where this should come in handy:

When upgrading a tileset, it currently prints something like this:

Upgrading asset version number
  Upgrading asset version from 1.0 to 1.1
Upgrading refine to be in uppercase
Upgrading content.url to content.uri
  Renaming 'url' property for content parent.b3dm to 'uri'
  Renaming 'url' property for content ll.b3dm to 'uri'
  Renaming 'url' property for content lr.b3dm to 'uri'
  Renaming 'url' property for content ur.b3dm to 'uri'
  Renaming 'url' property for content ul.b3dm to 'uri'
Upgrading extension declarations
  Upgrading GLB in ll.b3dm
  Upgrading GLB in lr.b3dm
  Upgrading GLB in parent.b3dm
  Upgrading GLB in ul.b3dm
  Upgrading GLB in ur.b3dm

So it prints

  1. what it is upgrading on a "task level"
  2. what it is upgrading on an "instance level"

These could just be different log level (as in INFO and FINE, or FINE and FINER).

When executing a "pipeline", things become ... nested:

Executing pipeline
  Executing tilesetStage 0 of 6: upgrade
  Executing tilesetStage : upgrade
    currentInput:  ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets
    currentOutput: C:\<temp>\tilesetStage-0-upgrade

<The output from `upgrade`, as above>
  Executing tilesetStage 1 of 6: combine
  Executing tilesetStage : combine
    currentInput:  C:\<temp>tilesetStage-0-upgrade
    currentOutput: C:\<temp>tilesetStage-1-combine
  Executing tilesetStage 2 of 6: _b3dmToGlb
  Executing tilesetStage : _b3dmToGlb
    currentInput:  C:\<temp>tilesetStage-1-combine
    currentOutput: C:\<temp>tilesetStage-2-_b3dmToGlb
    Executing contentStage 0 of 1: b3dmToGlb
Processing source: parent.b3dm with type CONTENT_TYPE_B3DM
        to target: parent.glb
Processing source: tileset3/ll.b3dm with type CONTENT_TYPE_B3DM
        to target: tileset3/ll.glb
Processing source: lr.b3dm with type CONTENT_TYPE_B3DM
        to target: lr.glb
Processing source: ur.b3dm with type CONTENT_TYPE_B3DM
        to target: ur.glb
Processing source: ul.b3dm with type CONTENT_TYPE_B3DM
        to target: ul.glb
Processing source: tileset.json with type CONTENT_TYPE_TILESET
        to target: tileset.json
  Executing tilesetStage 3 of 6: _optimizeGlb
  Executing tilesetStage : _optimizeGlb
    currentInput:  C:\<temp>tilesetStage-2-_b3dmToGlb
    currentOutput: C:\<temp>tilesetStage-3-_optimizeGlb
    Executing contentStage 0 of 1: optimizeGlb
Processing source: parent.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: parent.glb
Processing source: tileset3/ll.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: tileset3/ll.glb
Processing source: lr.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: lr.glb
Processing source: ur.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: ur.glb
Processing source: ul.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: ul.glb
Processing source: tileset.json with type CONTENT_TYPE_TILESET
        to target: tileset.json
  Executing tilesetStage 4 of 6: _separateGltf
  Executing tilesetStage : _separateGltf
    currentInput:  C:\<temp>tilesetStage-3-_optimizeGlb
    currentOutput: C:\<temp>tilesetStage-4-_separateGltf
    Executing contentStage 0 of 1: separateGltf
Processing source: parent.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: parent.gltf
Processing source: tileset3/ll.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: tileset3/ll.gltf
Processing source: lr.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: lr.gltf
Processing source: ur.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: ur.gltf
Processing source: ul.glb with type CONTENT_TYPE_GLB
        to target: ul.gltf
Processing source: tileset.json with type CONTENT_TYPE_TILESET
        to target: tileset.json
  Executing tilesetStage 5 of 6: gzip
  Executing tilesetStage : gzip
    currentInput:  C:\<temp>tilesetStage-4-_separateGltf
    currentOutput: ./output/result

Whether or not log libraries offer a functionality to keep track of indentation levels has to be investigated. (Maybe the indentation has to be tracked manually - right now, the indentation for the pipeline itself here is just "fixed", but this hits some limits when a certain stage creates own log messages...)

Offer function to just extract elements of a composite tile

There should be a command line function to extract the elements of a CMPT file. Right now, there only is cmptToGlb, which walks through the CMPT "recursively", and extracts all GLB that are found. So for a CMPT that has a structure like


the function will extract the GLBs from both I3DMs, and the GLB from the B3DM. But there is no easy way to just etract that (inner) CMPT and B3DM from the top-level one.

The implementation should be fairly trivial, with only a few degrees of freedom. For example, one could consider a recurse:boolean parameter, to decide whether the result for the example should be the (inner)CMPT+B3DM, or all the "leaves" (I3DM, I3DM, B3DM).

Create tighter bounding volume for JSON from content files

The functionality for creating a tileset JSON file from a set of tile content files was requested in #47 and implemented in #51 .

Until now, the bounding volumes that are put into the tileset are computed from points of a point cloud or from the glTF content (with wrappers for handling B3DM or I3DM, the RTC center etc). These bounding volumes are computed as axis-aligned bounding volumes. As pointed out in #47 (comment) , this does not necessarily result in a tight bounding volume. It would be preferable to compute tighter bounding volumes as actual oriented bounding boxes . A first shot of just using OrientedBoundingBox::fromPoints did not result in valid bounding volumes (details in #51 (comment) ), so this is deferred for now.

This issue is intended for ...

  • keeping track of the goal to implement better bounding volumes
  • investigating why OrientedBoundingBox::fromPoints did not yield valid results
  • considering to integrate a dedicated library for computing OBBs from given geometry

The issue after merging 3dtiles

Hello, I would like to ask how to solve the problem of merging two 3DTiles data and loading them in Cesium. However, there is clearly a gap in the merged 3DTiles. Have you ever encountered this problem?

npx 3d-tiles-tools merge -i C:\Users\xxj\Desktop\newobj\obj\test_obj1\tileset.json -i C:\Users\xxj\Desktop\newobj\obj\test_obj2\tileset.json -o C:\Users\xxj\Desktop\newobj\obj\3dtiles

I use this command to merge

Unknown argument: convertB3dmToGlb error while executing 3d-tiles-tools

Hi I'm trying to convert B3dm file to glb using 3d-tiles-tools.

I tried using the convertB3dmToGlb command as I wanted to convert the batch table information to feature table, I used the following command:
npx 3d-tiles-tools convertB3dmToGlb -i ./data/example.b3dm -o ./data/example.glb

But when I execute the above command it throws the following error:

Usage: npx 3d-tiles-tools <command> [options]

  convert            Convert between tilesets and tileset package formats. The
                     input and output can be paths to tileset JSON files,
                     '.3tz', or '.3dtiles' files.
  glbToB3dm          Repackage the input glb as a b3dm with a basic header.
  glbToI3dm          Repackage the input glb as a i3dm with a basic header.
  b3dmToGlb          Extract the binary glTF asset from the input b3dm.
  i3dmToGlb          Extract the binary glTF asset from the input i3dm.
  cmptToGlb          Extract the binary glTF assets from the input cmpt.
  optimizeB3dm       Pass the input b3dm through gltf-pipeline. To pass options
                     to gltf-pipeline, place them after --options. (--options -h
                     for gltf-pipeline help)
  optimizeI3dm       Pass the input i3dm through gltf-pipeline. To pass options
                     to gltf-pipeline, place them after --options. (--options -h
                     for gltf-pipeline help)
  gzip               Gzips the input tileset directory.
  ungzip             Ungzips the input tileset directory.
  combine            Combines all external tilesets into a single tileset.json
  merge              Merge any number of tilesets together into a single
  upgrade            Upgrades the input tileset to the latest version of the 3D
                     Tiles spec. Embedded glTF models will be upgraded to glTF
  pipeline           Execute a pipeline that is provided as a JSON file
  analyze            Analyze the input file, and write the results to the output
                     directory. This will accept B3DM, I3DM, PNTS, CMPT, and GLB
                     files (both for glTF 1.0 and for glTF 2.0), and write files
                     into the output directory that contain the feature table,
                     batch table, layout information, the GLB, and the JSON of
                     the GLB
  tilesetToDatabase  Create a sqlite database for a tileset. (Deprecated - use
                     'convert' instead)
  databaseToTileset  Unpack a tileset database to a tileset folder. (Deprecated
                     - use 'convert' instead)

      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -f, --force    Output can be overwritten if it already exists.
                                                      [boolean] [default: false]

Unknown arguments: i, o, convertB3dmToGlb

As per the help convertB3dmToGlb is not listed in options but it is listed in readme file. May I know know to use this functionality.

Runtime error thrown from WASM part when encoding KTX

The KtxUtility class is a thin convenience layer around the BinomialLLC Basis Universal encoder. It mainly offers that function convertImageData, where the caller can throw in some arbitrary image data, and receive the resulting KTX image data. This is hiding all the nitty-gritty bits of (compiling!)/loading/initializing/configuring the underlying WASM module.

When calling this method many (many) times, it eventually causes a RuntimeError to be thrown from the WASM part:

RuntimeError: Aborted(). Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.

(+ some stack trace into the WASM). The tooling and debugging possibilities around WASM are ... ... ... have a lot of room for improvement. But the observed behavior is a hint at ~"some sort of memory leak".

The WASM module has a delete() function. The documentation of this function is:

 * Just kidding. It is not documented...

But calling this function at the right place and time might resolve this issue.

Consider convenience functions to create instanced models

There currently is a glbToI3dm command that takes a GLB file and generates an I3DM from that. This I3DM contains a single instance. This is of somewhat limited use, considering that I3DM is now considered a 'legacy' format, and there is no longer any benefit of wrapping a GLB into such an I3DM.

We could consider to create utility functions for creating real instanced models.

(The output should preferably be GLBs with EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing extension, but we could also look at creating I3DM (maybe with URI as payload), if it's considered to be worth the effort)

In terms of implementing the functionality itself, this could be a pretty low-hanging fruit. The ExtInstanceFeaturesDemo.ts already shows that creating such a GLB from a bunch of translations is trivial.

The main degree of freedom is: Where does the instancing information come from?

A pragmatic (and generic) first shot could be to just use some JSON file with information like

    translations: [
    rotations: [
    scales: [

Apparently, there are sources for data that could be relevant for creating such instanced models. For example, @bertt mentioned in the forum that could be a source for creating instanced tree models. Other sources of instancing information could be databases with the locations of wind power plants, for example. Maybe there could even be a thin convenience layer that takes longitude/latitude/height information and converts that into the low-level translation/rotation/scale information.

[Feature Request] allow for `merge` Tileset utility to only produce root tileset json and avoid tile contents copy

Using the merge utility as presented in the docs starts by producing an output tileset.json root file which references the input tilesets in children directories. Then it continues by copying all the tile contents to the output folder.

npx 3d-tiles-tools merge -i tileset_1/n_0.json -i tileset_2/n_0.json -o ./_merged_tileset

Since there are lots of files to copy, this copy operation can take a lot of time. Having an option to disable tiles copying (json + b3dm) would be great! Therefore, the output tileset would only reference the input tilesets - probably via a uri relative to the output tileset file. eg in the case above, the output tileset would look like

  "asset": {"version": "1.1"},
  "geometricError": 1,
  "root": {
    "boundingVolume": {...},
    "refine": "ADD",
    "geometricError": 1,
    "children": [
        "boundingVolume": {...},
        "content": {
         // Important line: relative reference to merged tilesets
          "uri": "../tileset_1/n_0.json"
        "geometricError": 1,
        "refine": "REPLACE"
     // ...

Note: this might be what the combine utility is made for, but since it does not process in my case because of a Content does not have a URI error (properties are url), I could not check, see this feature request #43

How to generate tileset.json

I converted glb file to B3dm by glbToB3dm.
However tileset.json does not created.
Could you tell me how to generate tileset.json file for converted B3dm file?

To-do list for upgrade command

Tentative changes for 1.0 that should be handled in the upgrade command

Progress is in

Decide on the library usage, packaging, and API

This may have to be broken down into smaller issues at some point, but some context is summarized here:

Much of the functionality of version 0.2.0 of the tools was built by extracting "generic" functionality from the 3d-tiles-validator. Nearly all of this functionality is exposed by the 3d-tiles-tools on an API level, because it is supposed to be used by the validator, as an internal project. Therefore, all of the API is marked as @internal in the documentation.

The overarching question is now: What should be made 'public', and how?

This refers to the API level for each part, but also to the structure of the libraries. There are some "low-level" functionalities that are basic enough so that one could justify offering them as a dedicated library. (Note: The directory structure in the current state of the tools already reflects a possible way to break down the tools into smaller libraries....). Such libraries could be, for example:

  • A library for the "structure" classes (related: #20 ) - that could be useful for other TypeScript users in general
  • Basic operations like the "content type detection" that detect whether given content data is, for example, a B3DM or a PNG file
  • The functionalities for reading/writing 3D Tiles package files (3TZ and 3DTILES)
  • Basic functions for reading/writing tile formats (B3DM, CMPT...)
  • ...

In many ways, this boils down to the question of the intended granularity of the libraries.

For each library itself, there's still the quesition about the exact API.

(From my Java backround, I'm a fan of the purist approach, which can be summarized as: "No public constructors, period". But I'm not (yet) sure whether this is considered to be "idiomatic" in TypeScript).

The importance of this question is already apparent: The 3d-tiles-validator is supposed to use nearly everything of the 3d-tiles-tools. So the tools will be a dependency of the validator. On the other hand, it would make a lot of sense to use the validator to check whether input/output tilesets of the tools are really valid, meaning that the validator would be a dependency of the tools. This shows that there is a line that should be drawn, but it's not yet clear where to draw this line.

Upgrading causes GLB to become invalid

Edit: Note that the following refers to the branch!

This is the result of diving into a rabbit hole of debugging, and I'll try to provide some context, but keep it short:

There are some "legacy features" in 3D Tiles that are still used by other tools and existing assets, for example, the gltfUpAxis property in the asset. The fact that Cesium for Unreal does not honor this property caused some issues with rotated models, at . The recommendation was to upgrade the tileset with 3d-tiles-validator. The upgrade seems to work, but the resulting B3DMs contain GLBs that are invalid (and are not rendered by Cesium for Unreal and other tools - some viewers still manage to render them, though)

To reproduce: (Note: Example output files will be given below)

  • Unpack the data set that is linked in the forum thread
  • Delete the tileset.json files in all subdirectories (otherwise, the conversion will complain with "More than one root tileset found in directory" - that should probably be fixed as well...)
  • Upgrade the data set with
    node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js upgrade --input C:/Data/3dtiles/ --output C:/Data/3dtiles_Upgraded
  • Extract GLBs from one B3DM from the OLD and the NEW data set with
    node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js b3dmToGlb --input C:\Data\3dtiles\Tile_+000_+001\Tile_+000_+001_L20_00000t3.b3dm --output C:\Data\Tile_+000_+001_L20_00000t3-OLD.glb
    node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js b3dmToGlb --input C:\Data\3dtiles_Upgraded\Tile_+000_+001\Tile_+000_+001_L20_00000t3.b3dm --output C:\Data\Tile_+000_+001_L20_00000t3-NEW.glb
  • Drag the resulting GLBs into the glTF validator at

For the OLD version, it prints an unrelated error about the buffer view target. For the NEW one, the validator reports

            "code": "GLB_CHUNK_TOO_BIG",
            "message": "Chunk (0x004e4942) length (906568) does not fit total GLB length.",
            "severity": 0,
            "offset": 1528
            "code": "GLB_LENGTH_MISMATCH",
            "message": "Declared length (908100) does not match GLB length (908104).",
            "severity": 0,
            "offset": 908104
            "code": "BUFFER_GLB_CHUNK_TOO_BIG",
            "message": "GLB-stored BIN chunk contains 4 extra padding byte(s).",
            "severity": 1,
            "pointer": "/buffers/0"

(omitted unrelated warnings here).

Since the data set was shared publicly in the forum, I hope that it is OK to attach the relevant files here. (OLD and NEW referring to before and after the upgrade).

Upgraded New York City b3dm tiles, but data not rendered using CesiumJS v1.113

When using CesiumJS v1.113 for New York City b3dm dataset, I ran into this issue:

RuntimeError: Fragment shader failed to compile. Compile log: ERROR: 0:236: '=' : dimension mismatch ERROR: 0:236: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'highp 2-component vector of float' to 'highp 3-component vector of float'

Then I used this tool and upgraded the dataset with this command:
npx ts-node src/main.ts upgrade -i ..\\NewYork\\tileset.json -o ..\\upgradedNY --targetVersion 1.1

The RuntimeError is gone, glb tiles are fetched, but no 3d buildings rendered on the map.

Below is my code (if you need the dataset, please let me know):

    <!--from repo server-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="cesiumContainer"   style="position:absolute; width:80%; height:80%"></div>
        const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
        try {
            const tileset = Cesium.Cesium3DTileset.fromUrl('upgradedNY/tileset.json');
                    new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0.5,-0.2,tileset.boundingSphere.radius * 4.0)
        } catch (error) {

        // v113 error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateTransform')
        //viewer.zoomTo(tileset, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, -0.5, 0));

        // Remove default base layer

        var wmts = new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({
            url : '',
            layer : 'World_Topo_Map',
            style : 'default',
            tileMatrixSetID : 'default028mm',
        var arcgis = viewer.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(wmts);
        arcgis.alpha = 1.0; // 0.0 is transparent.  1.0 is opaque.
        arcgis.brightness = 1.0; // > 1.0 increases brightness.  < 1.0 decreases.


Texture transform is not written for property textures

The block at

const basicTextureDef = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
(or the corresponding block in the state after merging #64 ) has to be replaced with a block like this, which also contains some information about what went wrong there:

    // The 'textureInfoDef' that is created here will be stored 
    // by glTF-Transform internally. If there are extensions for
    // this object (e.g. a KHR_texture_transform extension), then
    // the extension information will be added to THE exact object.
    // Creating and returning a new object here would cause this
    // information to be omitted. So the object that is returned here
    // has to be THE exact object that was created internally, but
    // extended with the structural metadata extension information.
    const basicTextureDef = context.createTextureInfoDef(texture, textureInfo);
    const propertyTexturePropertyDef = basicTextureDef as any; 
    propertyTexturePropertyDef.channels = propertyTextureProperty.getChannels();
    propertyTexturePropertyDef.offset = propertyTextureProperty.getOffset();
    propertyTexturePropertyDef.scale =  propertyTextureProperty.getScale();
    propertyTexturePropertyDef.max =  propertyTextureProperty.getMax();
    propertyTexturePropertyDef.min =  propertyTextureProperty.getMin();
    return propertyTexturePropertyDef as PropertyTexturePropertyDef;

[Feature Request] `TilesetCombiner` fails for older tilesets with content adressed by `url` property instead of `uri`

When using the combine method on tilesets produced by ContextCapture, then an error Content does not have a URI is raised. This is probably because the tile contents in the tileset root json file (plus subsequent tiles) are referred to via the url property rather than the uri property - which references either b3dm or json tile contents.

I know I can use the 3d-tiles-tools upgrade utility on local tilesets I do manage - although it will take a lot of time to upgrade loads of tilesets.
But for tilesets I do not manage, which are stored online on different servers and that I'd like to combine, then the easiest way would be for the combine utility to allow for tilesets which use either the url or the uri property to reference tile content.

External tilesets are sometimes not processed by default

One part of #61 was removing the quiet:boolean parameter that determined whether certain console.log messages should be printed, and replacing that with the logger. This flag was supposed to be removed in 42c0436 , but unfortunately, there's another boolean flag for the tile content processing, namely processExternalTilesets:boolean, and this led to a state where in some places, a quiet:false was passed in, and now interpreted as processExternalTilesets:false (for example, in the TileContentProcessing class).

(This is already fixed with 90a7b04 as part of #75 )

Clearly define the behavior for package entry compression

Some questions about the compression of tileset package entries are still open. This refers to the specification as well as the implementation.

Regarding the specification:

  • Details about the entry compression may have to be added to the 3DTILES specification proposal at CesiumGS/3d-tiles#727

  • The 3TZ specification at already covers the entry compression, and says

    For optimal read performance, files in the archive should be stored without compression, however, for a good trade of read performance and file size, use the Zstandard compression method. For best compatibility with legacy software, choose the standard deflate compression method, noting that this is the slowest of the three methods.

    (The question of whether entries may be compressed with other methods - e.g. with GZIP - remains unanswered here)

Regarding the implementation:

The implementation here (i.e. the TilesetSource and TilesetTarget interface) is supposed to handle different package types (and the file system) as transparently as possible. This does raise questions about the intended behavior. For example, with (pseudocode) lines like

// Read the "tileset.json":
const buffer ="tileset.json");

// Write the "tileset.json"
target.write("tileset.json", buffer);

it is not clear at which point the buffer may contain compressed data, how to detect the compression method when reading it, or how to define the compression method when writing it.

For many use-cases, it would be nice if the client didn't have to care about compression. This could largely be achieved by establishing a simple contract for the TilesetSource and TilesetTarget:

  • When reading data from a source, the resulting data will always be returned in its UNcompressed form
  • When passing data to a target, then the given data should always be given in its UNcompressed form

This would allow very convenient handling of compression on the API level.

When reading data, then the responsibility for detecting the compression method and uncompressing the data could solely be in the TilesetSource implementation.

This is important. If the client had to do something like

let buffer="tileset.json");
if (compressionMethodOf(buffer) === "gzip") {
    buffer = gzip.uncompress(buffer);
} else if (compressionMethodOf(buffer) === "zstd") {
    buffer = zstd.uncompress(buffer);
} else if (compressionMethodOf(buffer) === "brotli") {
    buffer = brotli.uncompress(buffer);
} else {
    // May be DEFLATE - this cannot be detected
    let uncompressed = undefined;
    try {
        uncompressed = deflate.uncompress(buffer);
    } catch (e) {
        // Nope, that wasn't deflate...
    return buffer;

then this would require the client to detect the compression methods and (imprtant:) integrate all the compression libraries as dependencies.

The client should be able to just do a

const buffer ="tileset.json");

and be done.

When writing data, then the responsibility for compressing the data could solely be in the TilesetTarget implementation. It would be trivial to have code like

// Write uncompressed data
const target = createTarget();
target.write("tileset.json", buffer);

// Write compressed data by wrapping the target into a compressing one
const compressingTarget = Targets.wrapGzip(target);
compressingTarget.write("tileset.json", buffer);

There may be cases where the client would like to access the compressed data. For example: When the data from a source is supposed to be served over the network, then the client may want to access the compressed data (if it is compressed with a method that can be used as the Content-Encoding).

This may make it necessary to add the corresponding functionality to the TilesetSource, like

// By default, always read uncompressed data
const uncompressedData ="tileset.json");

// But allow determining the compression method
const method = source.getMethod("tileset.json"); // Can return "gzip" or "zstd" or... (what else?)

// Read the "raw" (compressed) data
const compressedData = source.readRaw("tileset.json");

But the decision here will depend on the decisions that are made on the specification level.

b3dmToGlb leaves ending padding bytes in glb file

For example, on the BoxTextured GLB sample model (, packing and unpacking creates a different GLB:

$ npx 3d-tiles-tools glbToB3dm -i BoxTextured.glb -o BoxTextured.b3dm
$ npx 3d-tiles-tools b3dmToGlb -i BoxTextured.b3dm -o BoxTexturedOut.glb
$ stat -c "%s %n" BoxTextured*.glb
6540 BoxTextured.glb
6544 BoxTexturedOut.glb

According to the Khronos glTF Validator website, the resulting GLB file is valid with warnings. Unfortunately some other tools and validators are less lenient and reject a GLB that doesn't conform to its own stated length.

The b3dm spec states

The actual binary glTF data does not include possible trailing padding bytes. Clients must take into account the length from the binary glTF header, and use this length to determine the part of the tile data that actually represents the binary glTF.

so I would argue that 3d-tiles-tools should also strip out these bytes.


If this looks valid, I think I can create a pull request sometime in the coming weeks.

Fix legacy oct-encoded normals in glTF as part of `upgrade`

Some lagacy B3DMs may contain glTF 1.0 (!) that contain oct-encoded normals. In glTF 1.0, they had been decoded with the shader that was part of the glTF file itself. When gltf-pipeline upgrades them to glTF 2.0, these oct-encoded normals result in "invalid data" (i.e they are seen as "2D normals").

More details are described at #95 (comment) , including a small glTF-Transform-based "post-processing" step that should become part of the upgrade functionality.

Consider auto-generating the `structure` classes

The structure directory contains very basic structures for the handling of 3D Tiles data. These classes are plain old objects, without any functionality (i.e. no functions - only plain properties). These classes had been created manually in the 3d-tiles-validator, and then moved into the 3d-tiles-tools for the 0.2.0 release.

The structure of these classes directly corresponds to the 3D Tiles specification JSON schema. Therefore, it would probably make sense to replace these classes by classes that are auto-generated from the schema. The benefits here would be to

  1. be sure that the structures match the schema (although I'm pretty sure that they already do, and if they don't, that's usually intentional, and done for a reason, and may require tweaking any auto-generation proces...)
  2. have documentation for these classes

Of course, quick websearches show that there are tools for that, e.g. - but ... further tests may be necessary before tackling this - for example, this library links to "json-schema-04", and we'll need one that supports much more recent schema versions.

Documentation for noobs on NPM?


I found your tool when searching for ways to convert .b3dm into .gltf.
Apparently it needs some other piece of software called NPM?

Can you perhaps add just some introduction on what is actually needed to run your tool?
E.g. what is this NPM and where do I get it? That would help a noob like me a lot.


Consider a command to change the metallic value of GLBs in B3DM

Apparently, FME creates 3D Tiles tilesets where the metallicFactor in the glTF assets in B3DMs is set to 1.0 (the default value). In an ideal world, we'd open an issue in their repo, and this would be fixed in the next release. But in reality, poeple seem to stumble over that, because it shows up as textures being "too dark" and surfaces being "too shiny", e.g.

The first thread ended with a snippet that is based on a certain commit state of the 3D Tiles tools, using and internal API, and that may break at any point in time. It was just intended as a workaround that the user had with one particular tileset.

If this comes up more frequently, we could consider offering a more stable (maybe even command-line) functionality for modifying the metallicFactor in all tile contents of a tileset.

Merged tileset resolution

I used the tool to merge two tilesets. However, some parts of the merged tileset are always rendered in low resolution regardless zooming levels. The original two tilesets can be rendered nicely before being merged.

I've found that by replacing "refine": "ADD" with refine": "REPLACE" or removing it from the top level tileset.json will solve the problem.

I think, in this case, because the parent tile has no contents by its own, using the REPLACE refinement should work. For some unknown reason, the ADD refinement might cause some rendering issues.

Any thought on the behaviour?

merge creates boundingVolume.sphere

Hi, I'm trying to merge (using 3.0) 2 tileset's with implicit tiling. When viewing the result in Cesium the following error occurs: "Only box, region, 3DTILES_bounding_volume_S2, and 3DTILES_bounding_volume_cylinder are supported for implicit tiling".
The resulting tileset.json file has boundingVolume.Sphere, in the input tileset.json files I've used boundingVolume.region.

Is it possible the merge tool creates boundingVolume.region instead of boundingVolume.sphere?

Questions about how to respond to errors during installation using yum in CentOS 7

CentOS 7 attempted to install 3d-tiles-tools through yum.
node JS was installed using the default values

yum install nodejs npm

The installed versions are as follows.

# node -v
# npm -v

The installation was performed using the commands provided in the guide.

yum install 3d-tiles-tools

The following error occurred during installation.

npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! path /home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command sh -c -- prebuild-install || node-gyp rebuild --release
npm ERR! make: Entering directory `/home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3/build'
npm ERR!   TOUCH ba23eeee118cd63e16015df367567cb043fed872.intermediate
npm ERR!   ACTION deps_sqlite3_gyp_locate_sqlite3_target_copy_builtin_sqlite3 ba23eeee118cd63e16015df367567cb043fed872.intermediate
npm ERR!   TOUCH Release/
npm ERR!   CC(target) Release/
npm ERR!   AR(target) Release/
npm ERR!   COPY Release/sqlite3.a
npm ERR!   CXX(target) Release/
npm ERR! rm ba23eeee118cd63e16015df367567cb043fed872.intermediate
npm ERR! make: Leaving directory `/home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3/build'
npm ERR! prebuild-install warn install /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node)
npm ERR! gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected]
npm ERR! gyp info using [email protected] | linux | x64
npm ERR! gyp info find Python using Python version 3.6.8 found at "/usr/bin/python3"
npm ERR! gyp info spawn /usr/bin/python3
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/gyp/',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-f',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'make',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/config.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/addon.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-I',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '/root/.cache/node-gyp/16.20.2/include/node/common.gypi',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=/root/.cache/node-gyp/16.20.2',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_gyp_dir=/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_lib_file=/root/.cache/node-gyp/16.20.2/<(target_arch)/node.lib',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=/home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_engine=v8',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   'build',
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.'
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args ]
npm ERR! gyp info spawn make
npm ERR! gyp info spawn args [ 'BUILDTYPE=Release', '-C', 'build' ]
npm ERR! g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=gnu++14’
npm ERR! g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++17’
npm ERR! make: *** [Release/] 오류 1
npm ERR! gyp ERR! build error
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack Error: `make` failed with exit code: 2
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/build.js:201:23)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:513:28)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:293:12)
npm ERR! gyp ERR! System Linux 3.10.0-1160.102.1.el7.x86_64
npm ERR! gyp ERR! command "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--release"
npm ERR! gyp ERR! cwd /home/bnt/3d-tiles-tools/node_modules/better-sqlite3
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node -v v16.20.2
npm ERR! gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v9.1.0
npm ERR! gyp ERR! not ok

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2024-02-19T13_15_36_907Z-debug-0.log

Can you give me a guide to fix this error and install it?

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