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clipmenu's Introduction

clipmenu is a simple clipboard manager using dmenu (or rofi with CM_LAUNCHER=rofi) and xsel.





Start clipmenud, then run clipmenu to select something to put on the clipboard. For systemd users, a user service called clipmenud is packaged as part of the project.

For those using a systemd unit and not using a desktop environment which does it automatically, you must import $DISPLAY so that clipmenud knows which X server to use. For example, in your ~/.xinitrc do this prior to launching clipmenud:

systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY


You may wish to bind a shortcut in your window manager to launch clipmenu.

All args passed to clipmenu are transparently dispatched to dmenu. That is, if you usually call dmenu with args to set colours and other properties, you can invoke clipmenu in exactly the same way to get the same effect, like so:

clipmenu -i -fn Terminus:size=8 -nb '#002b36' -nf '#839496' -sb '#073642' -sf '#93a1a1'

For a full list of environment variables that clipmenud can take, please see clipmenud --help.


The behavior of clipmenud can be customized through environment variables. Despite being only <300 lines, clipmenu has many useful features, including:

  • Customising the maximum number of clips stored (default 1000)
  • Disabling clip collection temporarily with clipctl disable, reenabling with clipctl enable
  • Not storing clipboard changes from certain applications, like password managers
  • Taking direct ownership of the clipboard
  • ...and much more.

Check clipmenud --help to view all possible environment variables and what they do. If you manage clipmenud with systemd, you can override the defaults by using systemctl --user edit clipmenud to generate an override file.

Supported launchers

Any dmenu-compliant application will work, but here are CM_LAUNCHER configurations that are known to work:


Several distributions, including Arch and Nix, provide clipmenu as an official package called clipmenu.

Manual installation

If your distribution doesn't provide a package, you can manually install using make install (or better yet, create a package for your distribution!). You will need xsel and clipnotify installed, and also dmenu unless you plan to use a different launcher.

How does it work?

clipmenud is less than 300 lines, and clipmenu is less than 100, so hopefully it should be fairly self-explanatory. However, at the most basic level:


  1. clipmenud uses clipnotify to wait for new clipboard events.
  2. If clipmenud detects changes to the clipboard contents, it writes them out to the cache directory and an index using a hash as the filename.


  1. clipmenu reads the index to find all available clips.
  2. dmenu is executed to allow the user to select a clip.
  3. After selection, the clip is put onto the PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD X selections.

clipmenu's People


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clipmenu's Issues

Configurable polling?

I was wondering if allowing the polling interval of clipmenud to be configured was within the scope of this project?
Currently I have:

--- clipmenu/clipmenud
+++ clipmenu/
@@ -1,11 +1,29 @@

+while getopts ":w:" opt; do
+  case $opt in
+    w)
+      wait="$OPTARG"
+      ;;
+    \?)
+      echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+    :)
+      echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+  esac
 mkdir -p -m0700 "$cache_dir"

 declare -A last_data

-while sleep 1; do
+while sleep "$wait"; do
     for selection in clipboard primary; do
         if type -p xsel >/dev/null 2>&1; then
             data=$(xsel --"$selection"; printf x)

Your thoughts?

rofi quirk

I use rofi as a replacement for dmenu and noticed if more then 8 clips in the list, clipmenu will start when called, selecting the 9th line. Editing dmenu_lines=${CLIPMENU_LINES} solved the selector starting allways from first line. Guess it's a tiny headsup for any rofi users:)
Thanks for a great clipboard alternative!

returning from suspend linux

After returning from suspend climenud appears to be running but calling clipmenu is not populated with newly highlighted/copied items

copy is lost when application is closed

If you close the application from which you copied text, you need to open clipmenu to retrieve the copied text: in other words, you can’t Ctrl-v on a new application if you have closed the one from witch you Ctrl-c.

fpm2 and clipnotify

I'm testing out clipnotify and it works great, but I noticed that while using figaro's password manager there is a setting to copy both user and password on enter, however while using clipnotify I'm only able to capture user but not the password, if I return to sleep it works ok. Unshure how to resolve this, any ideas?

how to set a keybinding to use clipmenu with rofi switch?

oh sorry I see it's easy to just edit the clipmenu script and change line 3 to
: "${CM_LAUNCHER=rofi}" then the first keybinding I show below works

I use the hotkey program sxhkd and making a keybinding like
alt + y
works fine but not if I try to use with rofi i.e.
alt + y
CM_LAUNCHER=rofi clipmenu
although the above command typed in terminal works.

/dev/stderr and /proc/self/fd/2 unknown in systemd unit

In #49 (comment) and onwards, @markstos reports a problem which I do repro:

% systemctl --user status clipmenud                     
● clipmenud.service - Clipmenu daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/clipmenud.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-10-29 10:19:04 GMT; 4min 26s ago
 Main PID: 30101 (clipmenud)
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/[email protected]/clipmenud.service
           ├─ 4514 sleep 0.5
           └─30101 /bin/bash /usr/bin/clipmenud

Oct 29 10:19:04 roujiamo systemd[430]: Started Clipmenu daemon.
Oct 29 10:19:04 roujiamo clipmenud[30101]: xsel: error opening logfile /proc/self/fd/2 for writing: No such device or address
Oct 29 10:19:40 roujiamo clipmenud[30101]: xsel: error opening logfile /proc/self/fd/2 for writing: No such device or address
Oct 29 10:20:32 roujiamo clipmenud[30101]: xsel: error opening logfile /proc/self/fd/2 for writing: No such device or address
Oct 29 10:21:19 roujiamo clipmenud[30101]: xsel: error opening logfile /proc/self/fd/2 for writing: No such device or address
Oct 29 10:22:57 roujiamo clipmenud[30101]: xsel: error opening logfile /proc/self/fd/2 for writing: No such device or address

That said, I'm not entirely sure what's happening here, since I don't repro when taking on those namespaces:

% q nsenter -m -p -r -t $(pgrep -ox clipmenud) sudo -i -u cdown
% echo foo > /proc/self/fd/2 

wish: configurable limit of the number clipboard items stored

For privacy and security, it would be nice to have an explicit limit of how many items are stored in the clipboard, so old are rotated out after a while. This help passwords and other sensitive items from persisting in storage for longer than intended.

Perhaps this feature exists in the source code and I missed it. If it's there, it would be helpful to have it documented.

Add oneshot mode to sync clipboard

When I copy from my terminal, I've noticed that sometimes the default sleep of 0.5 is not quick enough to synchronize, leaving my clipmenu-url to act on the wrong URL for example.

Clipmenud's loop needs to be refactored into a function so I can call clipmenu from st directly.

Ignore binary selections

Something like that broke all the history:

$ cat ~/Pictures/star.jpg | xclip -i -selection clipboard

clipmenu "missing list" if new file is blank

I use st terminal with the "old clipboard way" patch and I noticed clipmenu would not list anymore older files in list if newest file is empty, this happens when I change window to st with mouse and sometimes dubble click inside, ops selected and copied space.
So I change clipmenud line 40 to [[ $data == [^[:space:]] ]] || continue
this solves my issue and no more accidental empty files created.

Wish: native Wayland support

It would nice to able to interact with the clipboard directly on Wayland, without the need to run XWayland to proxy traffic through an X server.

The Sway window manager is Wayland-native, and has already implemented a CLI to get the clipboard contents from Wayland. (Looks like swaymsg -t get_clipboard). Perhaps it could serve as inspiration for what's needed here.

Clean duplicates in clipmenu list (solved)

I find myself copying same stuff over and over and this fills my list, so I'm wondering if it's possible to implement a removal of duplicates and keep only latest timestamped copy.
I'm using "fdupes -qdN /../tmp/clipmenu.user/" and this works as long I exec it standalone, but not inside clipmenud - it keeps the oldest copy not the newest,
(I'll take this up with fdupes dev to delete by timestamp). But maybe there is a nicer way doing this?

Menu to delete clipboard entries

Hi there,

just tried out your tool. Great work 👍

Would it be possible to remove (also via rofi/dmenu) specific entries manually. This is because of the following reasons.

  1. I use a password manager from where i regularly copy passwords in order to paste them somewhere. Now when using clipmenu and someone else is sitting next to me, he/she will see my passwords. I'd really like to clear that out before. Some examples could be:
    • Clear all entries
    • Clear currently selected entry (current selectoin with rofi/dmenu and some key-combo to clear)
  2. Second thought I had is that I don't want my passwords to be permanently stored somewhere. So I want to make sure they will be removed.

wish: for improved security and performance, default storage to in-memory filesystem

Sometimes passwords and other sensitive details pass through the clipboard manager and could end up getting logged to disk through this tool, increasing the chance that they are discovered there, or potentially backed up.

This risk can be minimized while also improving performance by defaulting the cache directory to /run/user/$uid if it exists and is writable, and the current value of /tmp as a fallback.

This directory exists as part of the systemd standard and is created as a tmpfs in-memory file system. References:

Since /tmp remains a fallback, this change would be backwards compatible. The change would also pair well with the feature to limit the clipboard history, to avoid unbounded memory usage for clipboard storage.

Slows down on extremely long lines

It's a great lightweight tool, but really slows down when copying a single line that is extremely long.
Would like to propose to cut the first N character of the selection:

    first_line=$(sed -n '/./{p;q}' "$file" | cut -c1-100)

files copy/paste stopped working

I am using arch linux with i3 and pcmanfm.
clipmenu 1.2.1 update broke files copy/paste. I also tried thunar and the problem persists.
If I kill clipmenud the copy/paste are working again.
Did I miss some config option?

Thanks for the great tool!

[feature] add clipboard entry on mouse BottonRelease event rather than by polling

clipmenud polls the clipboard every 0.5 seconds (or another interval as configured with the CM_SLEEP environment variable). Unfortunately there's no interface to subscribe for changes in X11, so we must poll.


xev -event button | grep ButtonRelease can monitor mouse ButtonRelease event. But I don't know whether there is any pipe event listener in shell so that clipboard update could be triggered.

However the good news is that xbindkeys is able to bind a shell command with keyboard/mouse event.
For instance, this xbindkeys config will add a new clipboard entry on the event of left button release.

  b:1 + Release

clipmenu will be way much better with this (not really tested the above yet).

when clipmenud is active, can't ctrl+c and ctrl+v in MATLAB


loving clipmenu and have it always running in the background...I noticed that when I use MATLAB, if clipmenud is active, ctrl+c and ctrl+v won't copy and paste text. This happens for any shortcuts I set, not only for the specific combination of ctrl+c and ctrl+v. The only way I can copy and paste text is by highlighting it and then press the middle cursor on mouse...any idea why this happens, why this is specific to matlab and how to overcome this little problem?



I'm measuring with time and pressing enter repeatedly to trigger a dmenu selection. 1.2.2 is a bit slow for me when it's >1sec

/tmp/clipmenu.hendry$ ls -1 | wc -l
/tmp/clipmenu.hendry$ time clipmenu

real    0m1.773s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.110s
/tmp/clipmenu.hendry$ time clipmenu

real    0m1.727s
user    0m0.130s
sys     0m0.073s

Do not show duplicates

Sorry, I have dejavu with this. Couldn't find a past issue. Basically I want my default behaviour not to show duplicates when I open clipmenu. Thanks!

Additional cli client for daemon

Hello are there any plans on implementing some simple cli interface to daemon? It would be really useful for scripting and stuff like that.

Won't run correctly when launched outside of a X terminal

I'm certain this is an issue with my environment, but recently clipmenud stopped working with my systems user service. Specifically, it runs, but while it is running none of the selection buffers contain anything and I cannot copy or paste anything. xsel -o outputs nothing and xclip actually gives an error.

Running clipmenud from .xinitrc has the same issues. Running clipmenud from a terminal in X works fine.

I've gone through /proc/$pid/environ when clipmenud is working, and I tried to put all of those variables in the systemd unit. Didn't help.

I'm on archlinux- anyone have any idea what's happening?

Not getting all my selections due to blank selections

Issue on 3d079ab I've seen a couple of times now whereby I don't get all my selections anymore?

Not sure why this is happening. I added an echo $files and exit to show there is only one file being picked up.

+ files=(/tmp/clipmenu/*)
+ echo /tmp/clipmenu/2015-04-29-13-32-44-f4d5d0c0671be202bc241807c243e80b
+ exit

Also noticed clipmenu: line 25: selections[$first_line]: bad array subscript... think it's unrelated.

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