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boca's Issues

Incorrect user IP when running BOCA with a reverse proxy

What is this issue about?

The incorrect IP is obtained for all users when BOCA runs behind a reverse proxy (e.g., Traefik).

The problem occurs because in the part of the code in which the user IP is obtained only the environment variable REMOTE_ADDR is taken into account. It's important to keep in mind that running BOCA with a reverse proxy, REMOTE_ADDR will be always the proxy's IP (even though users have logged in from different machines), thus BOCA will show the same IP for all users.

This issue allows to bypass the MultiLogins option set to 'No' when using BOCA + reverse proxy (that means that the same user account could be potentially used to log in from different machines).

How to test it?

git clone --branch test_fix_getip_proxy
cd boca
# Launch application (it may take a while)
docker compose up -d
# Open a web browser and visit the URL http://localhost/boca.
# First, create and activate a BOCA contest (user: system | password: boca).
# Then, login as admin (user: admin | password: boca).
# Visit the users' page to see that the admin IP is
# To stop the application:
docker compose down

Feature Request: Add Message Bus to Boca


I'm interested on working on different clients to publish information about the 
contest - following the rules of the Tournament - and it would be helpful to 
have a Message Bus, where my clients could connect to have real time event 
notifications for  important events, like when a problem was solved, when the 
contest was stopped and so on. 

I'm willing to help with the implementation details. But i would like to 
discuss first if is a good idea before starting to code anything.


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 Jul 2013 at 5:07

User full name shown as if it was the username in header

What is this issue about?

The User Interface (UI) shows the user full name instead of the username.

Screen Shot 2023-09-25 at 15 37 27

Screen Shot 2023-09-25 at 15 38 12

The problem occurs in the following files:

How to test it?

git clone --branch test_master
cd boca
# Launch application (it may take a while)
docker compose up -d
# Open a web browser and visit the URL http://localhost:8000/boca.
# First, create and activate a BOCA contest (user: system | password: boca).
# Then, login as admin (user: admin | password: boca).
# To stop the application:
docker compose down

Autojudge (Jail) does not judge submissions (runs) if it is started before a contest is activated

What is this issue about?

If the autojudge is started before a contest is created and activated, it is necessary to kill the process and restart it in order to have the runs of that contest judged. The problem also happens if one creates and activates yet another contest, jail (autojudge) will not judge runs of the just activated contest until it is restarted.

The problem occurs because in the autojudge code the variable that holds the active contest is set here...

but it's never updated inside the infinite loop. Thus the autojudge gets stuck here...

This seems to be an unexpected behavior (at least from a contest creator perspective) and, more importantly, it requires human intervention to make it work (that is, autojudge needs to be restarted) every single time another contest is activated. Although creating and activating different contests on the same host machine might not be a frequent use case, this imposes a caveat.

How to test it?

In order to demonstrate the problem, a dockerized version of BOCA is used.

  1. Open a Terminal window and make sure Docker Desktop/CE is up and running;

    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 00 11 07
  2. Download/save the docker-compose.yml file and place it in the shell current directory (~/Downloads in the example);


    version: '3.8'
        # web app
                - boca-db
            restart: unless-stopped
                # database configuration
                # privileged user password
                - BOCA_DB_SUPER_PASSWORD=dAm0HAiC
                - 8000:80
        # online judge
                - boca-db
            restart: unless-stopped
        # database
            image: postgres:14-alpine
                # database configuration
                # privileged user password
                - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dAm0HAiC
  3. Then, run:

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 40 28

    NOTE: In this example the autojudge (downloads-boca-jail-1) is started alongside the web service (downloads-boca-web-1). Therefore, $activecontest=DBGetActiveContest(); will be set to 0 (Fake contest) as soon as autojudge is up and running (and before a new contest is created via the web interface).

  4. Open a Web browser, visit localhost:8000/boca and log in with the credentials Name: system | Password: boca;

  5. Click on the 'Contest' menu (top/left) and select 'new' in the ComboBox;

  6. Leave the form as it is, click on the button 'Send' (confirm it) and then on 'Activate' (confirm it). You will be automatically logged out;

    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 43 44

    NOTE: The id (Contest number) of this contest is 1, which is different from the value of the aforementioned $activecontest variable at the autojudge.

  7. Log in with the credentials Name: admin | Password: boca;

  8. Click on the 'Problems' menu and fill in the form with the information below. Download the problem file from here and choose it in the 'Choose File' button. Click on the 'Send' button and confirm ('OK'). The new problem must appear in the list;

    Number:	1
    Short Name (usually a letter, no spaces): abacaxi
    Problem package (ZIP):
    Color name: green
    Color (RGB HTML format): 00FF00
    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 46 23
  9. Click on the 'Users' menu and fill in the form with the information below. Click on the 'Send' button and confirm ('OK'). The new user must appear in the list. After that, just log out;

    User Site Number: 1
    User Number: 2000
    Username: topcoder
    ICPC ID: 
    Type: Team
    Enabled: Yes
    MultiLogins (local teams should be set to No): No
    User Full Name: 
    User Description: 
    User IP: 
    Password: boca
    Retype Password: boca
    Allow password change: No
    Admin (this user) Password: boca
    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 48 09
  10. Next, log in with the credentials Name: topcoder | Password: boca. Once the contest starts, click on the 'Runs' menu and fill in the form with the information below. It doesn't really matter the source code file, just pick a file, click on the 'Send' button and confirm ('OK'). The new run must appear in the list. After that, just log out;

    Problem: abacaxi
    Language: C
    Source code: teste.c
    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 54 41
  11. Log in once again with the credentials Name: admin | Password: boca and click on the 'Runs' menu. Although the autojudge is up and running, it will not judge the submitted run due to the problem described above;

    Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 23 56 26
  12. In order to 'fix' that it is necessary to restart the autojudge. In this example, this is achieved restarting the container with the command below (change the container name accordingly):

    docker restart downloads-boca-jail-1
    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 00 01 17
  13. Just reload the current web page (that is 'Runs' logged in as admin), click on the run number and you will be able to see that it was judged by the autojudge;

    Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 00 03 37
  14. To stop the application (considering that the shell is in the same directory):

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

User multi-login does not work when running BOCA with a reverse proxy

What is this issue about?

Teams (users) cannot log in from different Web browsers (User Agents) when BOCA runs behind a reverse proxy (e.g., Traefik), which allows for a custom URL like, even though the MultiLogins option is set to 'Yes'.

The problem occurs because in the part of the code in which the User Agent is considered the usermultilogin flag is not taken into account. It's important to keep in mind that running BOCA with a reverse proxy, all User IPs will be always the same (actually, they will have the proxy's IP).

This issue does not allow using BOCA + reverse proxy to host remote programing contests, in which even the team members are non-collocated (considering all of them would be able to log in with the same account credentials).

How to test it?

In order to rapidly demonstrate the problem, a dockerized version of BOCA is used.


version: '3'


        image: "traefik:v2.6"
        container_name: "traefik"
              #- "--log.level=DEBUG"
              - "--api.insecure=true"
              - "--providers.docker=true"
              - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
              - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
              - "80:80"
              - "8080:8080"
            - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"

        privileged: true
        restart: unless-stopped
            - boca-postgres
            # Database configuration
            - DB_HOST=boca-postgres
            - DB_PORT=5432
            - DB_NAME=bocadb
            # unprivileged boca user
            - DB_USER=bocauser
            - DB_PASSWORD=dAm0HAiC
            # privileged boca user
            - DB_SUPER_USER=bocauser
            - DB_SUPER_PASSWORD=dAm0HAiC
            # initial password that is used by the admin user (web app)
            # If not set, the default value is 'boca'
            - BOCA_PASSWORD=boca
            # secret key to be used in HTTP headers
            # MUST set it with any random large enough sequence
            - BOCA_KEY=GG56KFJtNDBGjJprR6ex
            - "traefik.enable=true"
            - "traefik.http.routers.boca.rule=Host(`localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/boca`)"
            - "traefik.http.routers.boca.entrypoints=web"
            - ""

        privileged: true
        restart: unless-stopped
            - boca-postgres
            # Database configuration
            - DB_HOST=boca-postgres
            - DB_PORT=5432
            - DB_NAME=bocadb
            # unprivileged boca user
            - DB_USER=bocauser
            - DB_PASSWORD=dAm0HAiC
            - PASSWD=dAm0HAiC

        image: postgres
        container_name: boca-postgres
        restart: unless-stopped
            # Database configuration
            # privileged boca user
            POSTGRES_USER: bocauser

  1. Open a Terminal window and make sure Docker Desktop/CE is up and running;

  2. Download/save the file docker-compose.yml and place it in the shell current directory (~/Downloads in the example). Then, run:

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 10 38 06

  1. Open a Web browser, visit localhost/boca and log in with the credentials Name: system | Password: boca;
  2. Click on the 'Contest' menu (top/left) and select 'new' in the ComboBox;
  3. Leave the form as it is, click on the button 'Send' (confirm it) and then on 'Activate' (confirm it). You will be automatically logged out;
  4. Log in with the credentials Name: admin | Password: boca;
  5. Click on the 'Users' menu and fill in the form with the information below (IMPORTANT: the MultiLogins field must be set to YES). Click on the 'Send' button. The new user must appear in the list. After that, just log out.
    User Site Number: 1
    User Number: 2000
    Username: topcoder
    ICPC ID: 
    Type: Team
    Enabled: Yes
    MultiLogins (local teams should be set to No): Yes
    User Full Name: 
    User Description: 
    User IP: 
    Password: boca
    Retype Password: boca
    Allow password change: No
    Admin (this user) Password: boca
  1. In order to reproduce the problem, it is necessary to log in using 2 different User Agents (Web browsers) using the credentials Name: topcoder | Password: boca;

    Example: First, logging in Google Chrome and then trying to do the same in Safari.

    Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 07 13 58 Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 07 13 42 Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 07 14 52 Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 07 15 02
  2. To stop the application (considering that the shell is in the same directory):

     docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down



I'm really interestedin contributing to your project developing new features. Please let me know if you need some help with that.
Best Regards!

C# language

"safeexec.c" isn't compatible with mono .NET framework

Reorder runs on /team/run.php

Maybe it would be best to order runs with recent runs first and place the submission form as the first item on that page. That way teams with a lot of submissions won't need to scroll to submit.

Feature Request: Add an API to BOCA


I'm interested on working on different clients to publish information about the 
contest - following the rules of the Tournament - and it would be helpful 
having a API to query all the information of the contest. For simplicity I 
recommend an REST API. 

I'm willing to help with the implementations details. But i would like to 
discuss first if is a good idea before starting to code anything. 


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 Jul 2013 at 5:00

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