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User should be able to select the target repos for a migration


A user has selected a saved backlog and is presented with the associated migration view


The user enters their github credential (they must have write access on all of the source repos), creates a list of target repos and performs a gesture on an affordance to migrate the tickets


On each of the target repos, the issues will be migrated over, a new project will be created that is named after the saved backlog, 4 Columns will be created in that project (Backlog, To Do, Ready For Testing, Done), and cards will be added to the Backlog column in the order they were specified in the groomed backlog saved to the application


A user has begun migrating tickets


The user is waiting during the long automation process


The user will be presented with something to signify that the process is ongoing


The user has migrated the tickets


The process is complete


The user will be redirected to a view that signifies successful migration

Provide ability to edit blog articles


As an article author, I should be able to edit the title and content after it's been published.

Acceptance Criteria

Given an article author wants to edit an existing article
When the author performs a gesture on the article edit affordance (e.g. button or hyperlink)
Then the article form should be populated with that articles values

Given an article author has chosen to edit an existing article
When the author performs a gesture on the article save affordance (e.g. button or hyperlink)
Then the existing article object in the database should be modified with the new values
And the database should be saved to local storage

Create column on target project

After the new project has been created, create 4 columns for it.

  1. Backlog
  2. Doing
  3. Ready for Testing
  4. Done


Accept: application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json
Content-Type: application/json

    "name": "Backlog"

You may need to ensure that they appear in the proper order by moving them after creation.


User should be able to confirm successful migration


The user has successfully migrated tickets from a saved backlog into the desired source repos and the user is redirected to a success view



The user should be presented with the Backlog of tickets migrated and the source repos the tickets were migrated to

User should see your story

Given a user visits your personal site
When the user views the home page
Then the user should be able to read information about you, including your personal story of why you chose to become a software developer

Deploy site to Github

Once you are happy with the content of your site, push it to you Github Pages repository on Github and send the link to the instruction team for review.

User should be able to migrate a saved backlog


The user has created and saved a groomed backlog of tickets


The user selects the migrate option from the home page / detail page / create page


The user will be redirected to the migration view

User should see your resume / CV

Given a user visits your personal site
When the user clicks on the Resume link in the navigation bar
Then they will see your professional history

User should be able to select the target repos for a migration


A user has selected a saved backlog and is presented with the associated migration view


The user enters their github credential (they must have write access on all of the source repos), creates a list of target repos and performs a gesture on an affordance to migrate the tickets


On each of the target repos, the issues will be migrated over, a new project will be created that is named after the saved backlog, 4 Columns will be created in that project (Backlog, To Do, Ready For Testing, Done), and cards will be added to the Backlog column in the order they were specified in the groomed backlog saved to the application


A user has begun migrating tickets


The user is waiting during the long automation process


The user will be presented with something to signify that the process is ongoing


The user has migrated the tickets


The process is complete


The user will be redirected to a view that signifies successful migration

User should be able to Delete a saved backlog


The user wishes to delete a backlog and is viewing the home page or detail page


The user has selects the delete affordance


The user will be prompted to Confirm Deletion


The user is being prompted to confirm after selecting the Delete affordance


The user preforms a gesture to confirm


The backlog and associated issues will be deleted from the database


The user does not wish to delete a backlog but is being prompted to confirm after selecting the Delete affordance


The user preforms a gesture to cancel the deletion


The modal will close and nothing will have been deleted

Populate your resume page with data in the database

Using the database you have in local storage for your professional history, follow the ETL process.

  1. Extract the professional history data
  2. Transform each position into an <article> element string.
  3. Load that string into the DOM

You may want to create a section element in your HTML file to contain each article.

    <section id="professional-history">
        // Each new <article> will be inserted here.

User should be able to edit a saved backlog


The user is viewing the detail page on an order and wishes to add / edit / delete and issue or change their saved order


They preform a gesture on an EDIT affordance


They are redirected to the create view where the values have been filled in to match the selected backlog

User should be able to Delete a saved backlog


The user wishes to delete a backlog and is viewing the home page or detail page


The user has selects the delete affordance


The user will be prompted to Confirm Deletion


The user is being prompted to confirm after selecting the Delete affordance


The user preforms a gesture to confirm


The backlog and associated issues will be deleted from the database


The user does not wish to delete a backlog but is being prompted to confirm after selecting the Delete affordance


The user preforms a gesture to cancel the deletion


The modal will close and nothing will have been deleted

Student team can register as a Bangazon team

Provide an endpoint that student teams can use to register their organization as an active team. Ideally, the URL would be customized per cohort, and automatically add the new team to a Cohort collection that can be visualized in instructor dashboard.

Team table

  1. TeamId
  2. TeamName
  3. GithubOrgURL
  4. CohortId

Cohort table

  1. CohortId
  2. CohortName

User should be able to confirm successful migration


The user has successfully migrated tickets from a saved backlog into the desired source repos and the user is redirected to a success view



The user should be presented with the Backlog of tickets migrated and the source repos the tickets were migrated to

Store contact information database in local storage

  1. Create a contact.js file and include it in your contact.html file.
  2. Build a database object to store the pertinent information about each of your social media profiles.
  3. Stringify the database object and store it in local storage.

The first step is to design what each object's properties should be - name of service, your name/handle, URL to profile, perhaps the icon of the service. Each object should have those properties.

User should be able to view the details of a saved backlog


A user has navigate to the home page of the app and been presented with the collection of all saved backlogs with options to View Details | Migrate Backlog | Delete


The user selects the View Details affordance


The user will be redirected to a detail view of the backlog that displays the Source Repo and all associated tickets in the correct order with the option to delete or migrate

Populate your projects page from data in the database

Using the database you have in local storage for your projects, follow the ETL process.

  1. Extract the projects data
  2. Transform each project into an <article> element string.
  3. Load that string into the DOM

You may want to create a section element in your HTML file to contain each article.

    <section id="projects">
        // Each new <article> will be inserted here.

Instructor dashboard

  1. Use Github OAuth to restrict to current staff owners of each org. Staff would need to be added to secret Managers team to differentiate them from students.
  2. See tickets in backlog/done columns for each active team
  3. Link to each repo's milestone
  4. See most recent 10 PRs for each team

Store contact information database in local storage

  1. Create a contact.js file and include it in your contact.html file.
  2. Build a database object to store the pertinent information about each of your social media profiles.
  3. Stringify the database object and store it in local storage.

The first step is to design what each object's properties should be - name of service, your name/handle, URL to profile, perhaps the icon of the service. Each object should have those properties.

Populate your contact page from data in the database

Using the database you have in local storage for your contact links, follow the ETL process.

  1. Extract the contact data
  2. Transform each social media object into an <article> element string.
  3. Load that string into the DOM

You may want to create a section element in your HTML file to contain each article.

    <section id="social-media-links">
        // Each new <article> will be inserted here

User should be able to view the details of a saved backlog


A user has navigate to the home page of the app and been presented with the collection of all saved backlogs with options to View Details | Migrate Backlog | Delete


The user selects the View Details affordance


The user will be redirected to a detail view of the backlog that displays the Source Repo and all associated tickets in the correct order with the option to delete or migrate

User should be able to "groom" a backlog of tickets from a selected source repo


The user has entered a valid source repo and been presented with a view that displays all of the tickets from that repo


The user enters a name for the backlog (which will become the project name upon migration, grooms the tickets by dragging and dropping the desired issues, and performing a gesture on an affordance to save the backlog


The user will be presented a modal providing options to return home, migrate the backlog, or create a new backlog


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to create an additional backlog


The modal will close and the NAME text box and ticket drag and drop containers will reset to the original state allowing for an additional backlog to be created


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to return home


The user will be redirected to the home page


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to migrate the backlog


The user will be redirected to the migration page for the newly created backlog

Paginate your blog articles

Given a user visits your blog page
When the page loads
Then the user should see the first 5 articles of your blog
And there should be numbered pagination links at the bottom of the page so the user can view subsequent sets of five articles

User should be able to migrate a saved backlog


The user has created and saved a groomed backlog of tickets


The user selects the migrate option from the home page / detail page / create page


The user will be redirected to the migration view

Student can join cohort

  • Instructor sends out URL of individual cohort
  • Student can see a "Join" button
  • Student can enter in URL for their personal site repo after instructor has been made a collaborator (alert student that this must be done first)
  • Project board, and swimlanes created when student enters their personal site

Group tickets together into Phases

On projects that have multiple sprints, I don't want to assign all issues to the teams' backlogs. I need the ability to group tickets into Phases. Each Phase should have an assign button that, when clicked, will add each issue to the backlog of active teams.

Blog article form


As the user, I should be able to create a blog article with a form.

Acceptance Criteria

Given the user wants to create a new blog article
When the user visits the admin/blog.html URL
Then the user should be presented with a form that accepts all required information for a blog article
And the user should see a button to save the article

Given the user has filled out all fields for a new blog article
When the user clicks on the Save button
Then the article should be saved in persistent local storage

Given the user wants to view the new article
When the user visits the /blog URL
Then all articles, including the newly created one should be extracted from local storage, and be presented in descending chronological order

Technical Requirements

  1. Use forEach() to display the blog articles instead of a for loop.
  2. Your directory structure should be modular. Your projects page should be projects/index.html. Your blog should be blog/index.html. Your resume should be resume/index.html.
  3. You should still be paginating your blog articles.

Project searching


As a user, I should be able to search projects on title and content

Acceptance Criteria

Given the user wants to view your projects
When the user clicks on the Projects navigation item
Then the projects should be displayed in descending chronological order
And there should be a text input at the top of the first article with a "Search:" label

Given a user wants to search your projects
When the user types 3, or more, characters in a search bar at the top of the screen
Then the projects should be filtered to any that have those characters in the title, or description of the project

Instructor can deactivate cohort teams

Provide an option in instructor dashboard to set the entire Cohort, and therefore each team, as inactive. This would be done the day after the final sprint retrospective is done.

Populate your blog page from data in the database

Using the database you have in local storage for your blog articles, follow the ETL process.

  1. Extract the blog article data
  2. Transform each blog article into an <article> element string.
  3. Load that string into the DOM

You may want to create a section element in your HTML file to contain each article.

    <section id="articles">
        // Each new <article> will be inserted here

User should be able to edit a saved backlog


The user is viewing the detail page on an order and wishes to add / edit / delete and issue or change their saved order


They preform a gesture on an EDIT affordance


They are redirected to the create view where the values have been filled in to match the selected backlog

Instructor dashboard

  1. Use Github OAuth to restrict to current staff owners of each org. Staff would need to be added to secret Managers team to differentiate them from students.
  2. See tickets in backlog/done columns for each active team
  3. Link to each repo's milestone
  4. See most recent 10 PRs for each team

User should see contact information

Given a user visits your personal site
When the user clicks the Contact navigation link
Then the user should see at least two links of yours on social media (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)

User should be able to "groom" a backlog of tickets from a selected source repo


The user has entered a valid source repo and been presented with a view that displays all of the tickets from that repo


The user enters a name for the backlog (which will become the project name upon migration, grooms the tickets by dragging and dropping the desired issues, and performing a gesture on an affordance to save the backlog


The user will be presented a modal providing options to return home, migrate the backlog, or create a new backlog


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to create an additional backlog


The modal will close and the NAME text box and ticket drag and drop containers will reset to the original state allowing for an additional backlog to be created


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to return home


The user will be redirected to the home page


The backlog was successfully saved to the database and the user has been presented the modal


The user selects the option to migrate the backlog


The user will be redirected to the migration page for the newly created backlog

Store project database in local storage

  1. Create a projects.js file and include it in your projects.html file.
  2. Build a database object to store the pertinent information about your software projects. At this point, you only have one of note - your personal site.
  3. Stringify the database object and store it in local storage.

The first step is to design what each object's properties should be - name, date completed, technologies used, teammates (if applicable). Each object should have those properties.

Store professional history database in local storage

  1. Create a resume.js file and include it in your resume.html file.
  2. Build a database object to store the pertinent information about your professional history.
  3. Stringify the database object and store it in local storage.

The first step is to design what each object's properties should be. Consider your written resume, and think about what information your provide to describe each job - title, company, dates, responsibilities. Each object should have those properties.

Blog searching


As a user, I should be able to search blog article on title and content

Acceptance Criteria

Given the user wants to read the blog articles
When the user clicks on the Blog navigation item
Then the blog articles should be displayed in descending chronological order
And there should be a text input at the top of the first article with a "Search:" label

Given a user wants to search your blog articles
When the user types 3, or more, characters in a search bar at the top of the screen
Then the articles should be filtered to any that have those characters in the title, or body of the article

User should see articles for your blog

Given a user visits your personal site
When the user clicks on the Blog navigation link
Then the user should see a list of blog articles

Make sure you post at least one blog article per week

Store blog article database in local storage

  1. Create a blog.js file and include it in your blog.html file.
  2. Build a database object to store the each of your blog articles.
  3. Stringify the database object and store it in local storage.

The first step is to design what each object's properties should be - title, date of publication, tags, author, and content. Each article object should have those properties.

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

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    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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