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modules's Introduction

Caffeinated Modules

Source Latest Stable Version License Total Downloads Travis (.org)

Extract and modularize your code for maintainability. Essentially creates "mini-laravel" structures to organize your application. Originally developed for FusionCMS, an open source content management system.


You will find user friendly and updated documentation on the Caffeinated website.


Simply install the package through Composer. From here the package will automatically register its service provider and Module facade.

composer require caffeinated/modules


To publish the config file, run the following:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Caffeinated\Modules\ModulesServiceProvider" --tag="config"


You will find a complete changelog history within the CHANGELOG file.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Run tests with PHPUnit:



If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] directly instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

modules's People


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modules's Issues

Error when composer update


I installed caffeinated and realized that it gives "exception 'ErrorException' with message 'array_multisort(): Argument #3 is expected to be an array or a sort flag' in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/myproject/vendor/caffeinated/modules/src/Caffeinated/Modules/Modules.php:264" error when i try to use composer update command.

Is it a bug?


[bug] when update, a 'PHP Fatal error' occurred.

PHP Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /data/www/ on line 171

if ( empty($this->finder->files($folder)) && empty($this->finder->files($folder)) ) {

App namespace is hardcoded in stub files

The following error appears after installation from modules package:

"App\Modules\Users\Providers\UsersServiceProvider not found"

Reason (I think):

I've change the app name from "app" to "cms". So this produce an error. Please fix this! Thanks.

Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany ,)

Different Folder, modules not working

I created a modules with modules:make but I defined the path in the config as
I created the config file in config/caffeinated/modules.php. I looked around in the code and seemed config needed to be there.

This is my config file. The creation worked and the module is created as expected in the defined folder.

return [
    'path'      => './components/modules',
    'namespace' => 'App\Modules\\'

the module was created in the right path but when I do module:list it says not modules defined
Your application doesn't have any modules.
and the routes.php inside the folder is not being read. the route defined in the default routes.php in the newly created module is not working.

I thought may be the files are not being loaded so I added components/modules in the autoload in composer.json file but that is not also working.

Module not loading


i have created a module, enabled it, put a dd('Test') in the ServiceProvider and did a dump-autoload.

However, it does not seem to load the module. Also the routes are not accessible, so it is surely not loading the module.What am I doing wrong?


json write issue with Facade method -- permission denied

Trying to fire the enable/disable facades but get permission errors.

module:disable Profiles

Works, but


errors out.


file_put_contents(/Users/school/Sites/l5/app/Modules/Profiles//module.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied

I haven't tried changing and reverting permissions from my model/repository yet.

[enhancement] composer.json

Could you / Are you thinking of adding the ability to let modules have their own composer.json files?
Which would also mean some way to automatically add Service Providers and Aliases to config/app.php or have the module be able to autoload them.

Call to undefined method [package]


With the latest commit of Laravel 5 the following problem occurs:

BadMethodCallException in ServiceProvider.php line 111: Call to undefined method [package]

    in ServiceProvider.php line 111
    at ServiceProvider->__call('package', array('caffeinated/modules')) in ModulesServiceProvider.php line 24
    at ModulesServiceProvider->package('caffeinated/modules') in ModulesServiceProvider.php line 24
    at ModulesServiceProvider->register() in Application.php line 360
    at Application->register(object(ModulesServiceProvider)) in ProviderRepository.php line 83
    at ProviderRepository->load(array('App\Providers\AppServiceProvider', 'App\Providers\EventServiceProvider', 'App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\FoundationServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordResetServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider', 'Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider', 'Caffeinated\Modules\ModulesServiceProvider')) in Application.php line 336
    at Application->registerConfiguredProviders() in RegisterProviders.php line 15
    at RegisterProviders->bootstrap(object(Application)) in Application.php line 141
    at Application->bootstrapWith(array('Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\DetectEnvironment', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\ConfigureLogging', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterFacades', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders', 'Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\BootProviders')) in Kernel.php line 139
    at Kernel->bootstrap() in Kernel.php line 102
    at Kernel->sendRequestThroughRouter(object(Request)) in Kernel.php line 82
    at Kernel->handle(object(Request)) in index.php line 53

This is because there is no method package in \vendor\caffeinated\modules\src\Caffeinated\Modules\ModulesServiceProvider.php and there is also not such method in vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider.php

Not loading module config


Doesnt appear to load module config files?




(dev-master 7ed243e) problems

on route:clear


PHP Warning:  Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'require(/Kagi/Http/routes.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory' in /Users/
Stack trace:

do you need more info?

Automatically set the default controler namespace for each module

A nice enhacement could be to automatically set the default controler namespace for each module.
Then you can call directly Module controller without specify the full namespace

namespace Test\Modules\Blog\Http\Controllers;

class BlogController extends \Test\Http\Controllers\Controller 
    public function index() {
        // You can call directly Module controller without specify the
        // full namespace \Test\Modules\Blog\Http\Controllers\BlogController@index
        return \URL::action('BlogController@index');


Is there a command to publish the config files for this package (and themes) or do we just copy and paste them?


Frontend and Backend strategy

What do you suggest in order to have Frontend and Backend Modules? Should I have a common controller, route file, middleware, etc? Maybe separate in diferent modules like blog and blogAdmin?


Module order

Is there a way to set the loading order of the modules? Maybe a order option in the module.json file?
Something like this would work:


public function getByEnabled($enabled = true)
        $data    = [];
        $modules = $this->all();
        $order = [];

        if (count($modules)) {
            foreach ($modules as $module) {
                if ($enabled === true) {
                    if ($this->isEnabled($module['slug']))
                        $data[] = $module;
                        $order[] = $module['order'];
                } else {
                    if ($this->isDisabled($module['slug']))
                        $data[] = $module;

        array_multisort($order, SORT_ASC, $data);

        return $data;


    "name": "Pages",
    "slug": "pages",
    "version": "1.0",
    "description": "This is the description for the Pages module.",
    "enabled": true,
    "order": 0

codex-facades: correction

Module::getProperty('blog::description', 'This is a new description for the blog module.');

probably should be:

Module::setProperty('blog::description', 'This is a new description for the blog module.');

no module created

Mybe I miss some things, but when i create a module..nothing is created...even i have message that module was created.....when i list module...nothing is listed...

view not found exception

when I keep the view file in original L5 views directory it works fine
but if I move the module specific views to module's view directory
and use
return view('messenger.index', compact('threads', 'currentUserId'));
it gives me error like:
View [messenger.index] not found.
Am I doing anything wrong here?

Class 'Caffeinated\Modules\ModulesServiceProvider' not found

After fresh install of Laravel 5 and adding Caffeinated provider and alias to app.php, I have added another package to composer.json and after running composer update there was an error:

vagrant@homestead:~/code/fs$ composer dump-autoload
Generating autoload files
vagrant@homestead:~/code/fs$ php artisan route:list
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Caffeinated\Modules\ModulesServiceProvider' not found in /home/vagrant/code/fs/storage/framework/compiled.php on line 5019
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /home/vagrant/code/fs/artisan:0
PHP   2. require_once() /home/vagrant/code/fs/artisan:30
PHP   3. require() /home/vagrant/code/fs/bootstrap/start.php:56
PHP   4. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->load() /home/vagrant/code/fs/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php:195
PHP   5. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->createProvider() /home/vagrant/code/fs/storage/framework/compiled.php:4988
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Class 'Caffeinated\\Modules\\ModulesServiceProvider' not found","file":"\/home\/vagrant\/code\/fs\/storage\/framework\/compiled.php","line":5019}}

I have fixed id by adding below code to autoload section in composer.json

"psr-0": {
    "Caffeinated\\": "vendor/caffeinated/modules/src/"

Also another bug was in RouteServiceProvider.php in generated module.
Now there should be:

use Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

instead of:

use Illuminate\Routing\RouteServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

possible? set route controller using a module controller

The title probably doesn't make sense so this is what I'm trying to do.


    'home_controller'                   => 'ModuleXYZController@index',


Route::get('/', Config::get('general.home_controller'));

Basically I'm trying to set up a way to have a module control what the "/" base route is.
However, laravel doesn't want to do this since it's looking for the controller automatically app/Http/Controllers directory.

For now, I just don't have "/" base route in app/Http/ directory.

example module?

Hi Kai,
I'm wondering if you have an example module?


default RouteServiceProvider overrides the root controller namespace

The default RouteServiceProvider generated overrides the root controller namespace of Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\UrlGenerator

Then when Url Generator is invoked,


Exception occurs

FatalErrorException in UrlGenerator.php line 440: Call to a member function domain() on null

    1. in UrlGenerator.php line 440
    2. at HandleExceptions->fatalExceptionFromError(array('type' => '1', 'message' => 'Call to a member function domain() on null', 'file' => '/home/vagrant/www/laravel5/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/UrlGenerator.php', 'line' => '440')) in HandleExceptions.php line 116
    3. at HandleExceptions->handleShutdown()

because UrlGenerator is looking for \App\Modules\Blog\Http\Controllers\WelcomeController@index

InvalidArgumentException on install

Laravel version: 5.0.1
html package added!

composer require caffeinated/modules

Could not find package caffeinated/modules at any version for your minimum-stability (stable). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability

Laravel function actioin()

First I created Module "System" then "Administration" and when in any view in any module call action(controllerName@method) I get namespace of first onyl Module System (App\Modules\System\Http\Contrllers)

Is there any way to change that or namspace or ti tis a bug

Modules only as needed

Hi Kai,

I have been worried about Laravel workbenches since Taylor removed them from Laravel 5.0. I was using workbenches for something they were never really intended to be used as; modules. Basically my CMS allows users to create "apps" on the fly, these apps are actually workbenches. Now users can code "apps" in true Laravel, which was the entire point because we all love Laravel. My CMS has a custom URL parser with a Mysql router table, if the route has a "app" tied to it, only then do I actually Add the apps workbench service provide, mod the views path...actually fire up the "app". This allows me to have thousand of workbenches (apps) that are ONLY registered when needed based on the url...very efficient.

Your new modules project looks like a perfect replacement to exactly what I need and I was wondering how it works with thousands of modules. Are all 1000 registered always, or only as needed and can I take control of when they are registered (via URL analysis) instead of your module.json file ??

[question] extend a module through another module

I was wondering but having a feeling that you can't but anyways,

Is there any to extend a module based on another module?

For example, adding relationships: You start of with a typical user model but then decide to split out the blog functionality into it's own module. But you are left with the issue of adding the relationship back to the blog within the user module.

the place of modules folder?

the app folder is the default for Laravel, so I think that the modules folder should be place out of app folder, it is good and easy to manage for my idea.


Composer's packages


You created very interesteing way to create L5 modules.The only thing that I don't like is the necessity of keepeing all that modules stuff within the main app structure.

Why can't modules be like regular composer's packages?

Migrations ignore module ordering

I'd like to launch migrations in proper order (using module.json order property), and i doesn't work. I suggest you should read all migartions from all modules first then you should sort them by name and launch in proper order (not module by module like you're doing now).

The Facade method Module::exists($slug) allways return false

The Facade method Module::exists($slug) allways return false
This happens because the method don't search by slug, the method check if module exists using directory basename.
This causes that I have to search modules converting first letter to uppercase

I create a module with slug blog

vagrant@homestead:~/www/laravel5$ php artisan module:make blog
Module [Blog] has been created successfully

When I execute this code:

echo 'shoud return true, returns '.(Module::exists('blog')? 'true': 'false')."\n";
echo 'shoud return false, returns '.(Module::exists('Blog')? 'true': 'false')."\n";

I don't get the expected results:

shoud return true, returns false
shoud return false, returns true 

Class not found exception

I did a fresh installation for this and created a new module with

php artisan module:make blog like in example

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Blog;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class BlogController extends Controller{

function home() {

    return "hello";

This is my blog controller inside the module

and this is my route file

Route::group(['prefix' => 'blog'], function() {
Route::get('/', function() {
    dd('This is the Blog module index page.');


but when i hit blog/home i get this Blog\BlogController not found error

what am I missing?
am i supposed to include any folder for autoload?

How To Call View in Controller

Hi, I just start using this package and its cool. What I didnt figure out is how to call View in Controller I have folder structure App\Components\System on example and how to call view in controller and is it possible to view layout in Module extend a main laravel view layout master on example and how to do it I dont have any ideas more.

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