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crates-io-cli's Issues

Please bump dependencies

Hi, me again ...

Would it be possible to bump the crate dependencies here?
There is an issue building libgit2-sys-0.14.2+1.5.1 that has been fixed on the 1.6.x series.
Currently our package is broken :(


Allow copying versions from cli

Maybe some shortcut for copying 0-9 would be nice, like Ctrl+(0-9) or maybe another subcommand of search. This would make the web interface absolete as you could easily look for versions from the terminal.

Remove openssl dependency!

Instead, use Rustls - tokio-hyper should be working just fine!

Right now, the dependency to openssl of the system easily breaks the binary.

crates list by-user <user>

See subject.
A good exercise as it includes implementing proper paging.
The latter must be generic enough to be able to retrofit the search with it. That way, it can deal with more than 100 search results, which it would try to do on high-enough screens.

Dep package `prodash` doesn't compile: error[E0599]: no method named `send` found for struct `futures_channel::mpsc::Sender<termion::event::Key>` in the current scope

With latest stable rustc/cargo:

~$ cargo --version
cargo 1.47.0 (f3c7e066a 2020-08-28)
~$ rustc --version
rustc 1.47.0 (18bf6b4f0 2020-10-07)

Installing crates-io-cli fails b/c of prodash failure.

~$ cargo install crates-io-cli
    Updating index
  Installing crates-io-cli v3.3.0
   Compiling libc v0.2.80
   Compiling cfg-if v0.1.10
   Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
   Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
   Compiling log v0.4.11
   Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.24
   Compiling version_check v0.9.2
   Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.1
   Compiling syn v1.0.48
   Compiling memchr v2.3.4
   Compiling slab v0.4.2
   Compiling byteorder v1.3.4
   Compiling pkg-config v0.3.19
   Compiling fnv v1.0.7
   Compiling bitflags v1.2.1
   Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
   Compiling futures-core v0.3.7
   Compiling maybe-uninit v2.0.0
   Compiling pin-project-lite v0.1.11
   Compiling futures v0.1.30
   Compiling semver-parser v0.7.0
   Compiling bytes v0.5.6
   Compiling serde v1.0.117
   Compiling once_cell v1.4.1
   Compiling futures-io v0.3.7
   Compiling itoa v0.4.6
   Compiling getrandom v0.1.15
   Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.19
   Compiling futures-sink v0.3.7
   Compiling core-foundation-sys v0.7.0
   Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
   Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0
   Compiling pin-project-internal v0.4.27
   Compiling unicode-width v0.1.8
   Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.9
   Compiling tinyvec v0.3.4
   Compiling matches v0.1.8
   Compiling getrandom v0.2.0
   Compiling crc32fast v1.2.1
   Compiling hashbrown v0.9.1
   Compiling smallvec v1.4.2
   Compiling cache-padded v1.1.1
   Compiling percent-encoding v2.1.0
   Compiling ryu v1.0.5
   Compiling remove_dir_all v0.5.3
   Compiling httparse v1.3.4
   Compiling native-tls v0.2.4
   Compiling parking v2.0.0
   Compiling either v1.6.1
   Compiling const_fn v0.4.2
   Compiling event-listener v2.5.1
   Compiling adler v0.2.3
   Compiling numtoa v0.1.0
   Compiling try-lock v0.2.3
   Compiling serde_derive v1.0.117
   Compiling waker-fn v1.1.0
   Compiling fastrand v1.4.0
   Compiling atomic-waker v1.0.0
   Compiling parking v1.0.6
   Compiling serde_json v1.0.59
   Compiling httpdate v0.3.2
   Compiling nix v0.18.0
   Compiling tower-service v0.3.0
   Compiling cassowary v0.3.0
   Compiling encoding_rs v0.8.24
   Compiling regex-syntax v0.6.21
   Compiling unicode-segmentation v1.6.0
   Compiling linked-hash-map v0.5.3
   Compiling quick-error v1.2.3
   Compiling mime v0.3.16
   Compiling dtoa v0.4.6
   Compiling scoped-tls v1.0.0
   Compiling async-task v3.0.0
   Compiling humantime v2.0.1
   Compiling base64 v0.12.3
   Compiling take_mut v0.2.2
   Compiling horrorshow v0.8.3
   Compiling strsim v0.8.0
   Compiling ansi_term v0.11.0
   Compiling curl v0.4.34
   Compiling vec_map v0.8.2
   Compiling dia-semver v8.0.1
   Compiling adler32 v1.2.0
   Compiling ipnet v2.3.0
   Compiling fallible-streaming-iterator v0.1.9
   Compiling bytesize v1.0.1
   Compiling rle-decode-fast v1.0.1
   Compiling fallible-iterator v0.2.0
   Compiling scoped-tls v0.1.2
   Compiling termcolor v1.1.0
   Compiling glob v0.3.0
   Compiling encode_unicode v0.3.6
   Compiling open v1.4.0
   Compiling urlencoding v1.1.1
   Compiling tracing-core v0.1.17
   Compiling thread_local v1.0.1
   Compiling lock_api v0.3.4
   Compiling lock_api v0.4.1
   Compiling futures-channel v0.3.7
   Compiling standback v0.2.11
   Compiling unicase v2.6.0
   Compiling proc-macro-error-attr v1.0.4
   Compiling proc-macro-error v1.0.4
   Compiling time v0.2.22
   Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.7.2
   Compiling memoffset v0.5.6
   Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.8.2
   Compiling indexmap v1.6.0
   Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
   Compiling miniz_oxide v0.4.3
   Compiling semver v0.9.0
   Compiling futures-task v0.3.7
   Compiling instant v0.1.8
   Compiling textwrap v0.11.0
   Compiling http v0.2.1
   Compiling unicode-bidi v0.3.4
   Compiling concurrent-queue v1.2.2
   Compiling unicode-normalization v0.1.13
   Compiling itertools v0.9.0
   Compiling humantime v1.3.0
   Compiling lru-cache v0.1.2
   Compiling tokio-sync v0.1.8
   Compiling heck v0.3.1
   Compiling rustc_version v0.2.3
   Compiling async-channel v1.5.1
   Compiling tracing v0.1.21
   Compiling want v0.3.0
   Compiling futures-lite v0.1.11
   Compiling aho-corasick v0.7.14
   Compiling csv-core v0.1.10
   Compiling idna v0.2.0
   Compiling quote v1.0.7
   Compiling smallvec v0.6.13
   Compiling regex-automata v0.1.9
   Compiling http-body v0.3.1
   Compiling jobserver v0.1.21
   Compiling libflate v0.1.27
   Compiling iovec v0.1.4
   Compiling num_cpus v1.13.0
   Compiling net2 v0.2.35
   Compiling socket2 v0.3.15
   Compiling security-framework-sys v0.4.3
   Compiling core-foundation v0.7.0
   Compiling atty v0.2.14
   Compiling termion v1.5.5
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.8.0
   Compiling time v0.1.44
   Compiling xattr v0.2.2
   Compiling filetime v0.2.12
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.7.2
   Compiling dirs v1.0.5
   Compiling parking_lot_core v0.6.2
   Compiling parking_lot v0.9.0
   Compiling blocking v0.4.7
   Compiling mime_guess v2.0.3
   Compiling url v2.1.1
   Compiling regex v1.4.2
   Compiling tokio-executor v0.1.10
   Compiling crossbeam-queue v0.2.3
   Compiling flate2 v1.0.18
   Compiling cc v1.0.61
   Compiling const-random-macro v0.1.11
   Compiling rmp v0.8.9
   Compiling bytes v0.4.12
   Compiling rand_core v0.5.1
   Compiling mio v0.6.22
   Compiling clap v2.33.3
   Compiling env_logger v0.7.1
   Compiling security-framework v0.4.4
   Compiling parking_lot v0.11.0
   Compiling tui v0.9.5
   Compiling tar v0.4.30
   Compiling term v0.5.2
   Compiling parking_lot v0.10.2
   Compiling bstr v0.2.14
   Compiling toml v0.5.7
   Compiling serde_urlencoded v0.6.1
   Compiling tokio-timer v0.2.13
   Compiling tokio-current-thread v0.1.7
   Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.7.3
   Compiling async-compression v0.3.5
   Compiling rmpv v0.4.5
   Compiling rmp-serde v0.14.4
   Compiling const-random v0.1.11
   Compiling rand_chacha v0.2.2
   Compiling tokio-io v0.1.13
   Compiling tokio v0.2.22
   Compiling mio-uds v0.6.8
   Compiling libz-sys v1.1.2
   Compiling openssl-sys v0.9.58
   Compiling libgit2-sys v0.12.14+1.1.0
   Compiling libsqlite3-sys v0.17.3
   Compiling curl-sys v0.4.38+curl-7.73.0
   Compiling ctrlc v3.1.7
   Compiling prettytable-rs v0.8.0
   Compiling tui-react v0.4.1
   Compiling globset v0.4.6
   Compiling csv v1.1.3
   Compiling tokio-threadpool v0.1.18
   Compiling ahash v0.3.8
   Compiling rand v0.7.3
   Compiling tokio-codec v0.1.2
   Compiling pin-project-internal v1.0.1
   Compiling time-macros-impl v0.1.1
   Compiling async-trait v0.1.41
   Compiling structopt-derive v0.4.13
   Compiling tokio-fs v0.1.7
   Compiling dashmap v3.11.10
   Compiling tokio-util v0.3.1
   Compiling tempfile v3.1.0
   Compiling pin-project v1.0.1
   Compiling time-macros v0.1.1
   Compiling pin-project v0.4.27
   Compiling tokio-reactor v0.1.12
   Compiling futures-util v0.3.7
   Compiling tracing-futures v0.2.4
   Compiling tokio-tls v0.3.1
   Compiling tokio-uds v0.2.7
   Compiling tokio-udp v0.1.6
   Compiling tokio-tcp v0.1.4
   Compiling structopt v0.3.20
   Compiling tokio v0.1.22
   Compiling git2 v0.13.12
   Compiling tokio-core v0.1.17
   Compiling criner-waste-report v0.1.4
   Compiling tokio-curl v0.1.11
   Compiling crates-index-diff v7.1.2
   Compiling h2 v0.2.7
   Compiling smol v0.1.18
   Compiling piper v0.1.3
   Compiling prodash v4.1.0
error[E0599]: no method named `send` found for struct `futures_channel::mpsc::Sender<termion::event::Key>` in the current scope
   --> /Users/behnam/.cargo/registry/src/
147 |             smol::block_on(key_send.send(key)).ok();
    |                                     ^^^^ method not found in `futures_channel::mpsc::Sender<termion::event::Key>`
   ::: /Users/behnam/.cargo/registry/src/
125 | pub struct Sender<T>(Option<BoundedSenderInner<T>>);
    | ----------------------------------------------------
    | |
    | doesn't satisfy `_: futures_util::SinkExt<_>`
    | doesn't satisfy `_: futures_util::sink::Sink<_>`
    = note: the method `send` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
            `futures_channel::mpsc::Sender<termion::event::Key>: futures_util::sink::Sink<_>`
            which is required by `futures_channel::mpsc::Sender<termion::event::Key>: futures_util::SinkExt<_>`

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
error: could not compile `prodash`.

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile `crates-io-cli v3.3.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/var/folders/27/zbpxp72j1kxbyz2xj6jrfq380000gn/T/cargo-installnfxgAo`

Caused by:
  build failed

I've filed a bug report with prodash already. (Byron/prodash#5) However, this project probably wants to extend CI or Cargo Locks to ensure this doesn't happen.

Cannot install 4.0.0 using cargo install

Feel free to close this issue, if it isn't the case for others. I have a bit of a weird setup โ€”ย e.g. maybe clap is some weird version.

But in any case, if I run cargo install crates-io-cli, I get the following:

    Updating index
  Installing crates-io-cli v4.0.0
   Compiling criner-cli v0.3.0
error: cannot find derive macro `Clap` in this scope
 --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
8 | #[derive(Debug, Clap)]
  |                 ^^^^
note: `Clap` is imported here, but it is only a trait, without a derive macro
 --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
1 | use clap::Clap;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
 --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
9 | #[clap(about = "Interact with from the command-line")]
  |   ^^^^
  = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
10 | #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::ColoredHelp)]
   |   ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
11 | #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::ColorAuto)]
   |   ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
13 |     #[clap(subcommand)]
   |       ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find derive macro `Clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
17 | #[derive(Debug, Clap)]
   |                 ^^^^
note: `Clap` is imported here, but it is only a trait, without a derive macro
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
1  | use clap::Clap;
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
20 |     #[clap(display_order = 0)]
   |       ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
21 |     #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::DisableVersion)]
   |       ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
24 |         #[clap(long)]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
28 |         #[clap(long, name = "frames-per-second", default_value = "6.0")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
32 |         #[clap(short = 's', long, default_value = "100")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
41 |         #[clap(long, alias = "io", value_name = "io", default_value = "10")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
51 |         #[clap(long, alias = "cpu-o", value_name = "cpu-o", default_value = "20")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
58 |         #[clap(long, alias = "cpu", value_name = "cpu", default_value = "4")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
62 |         #[clap(short = 'c', long, name = "REPO")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
66 |         #[clap(long, short = 't')]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
70 |         #[clap(long, short = 'f', default_value = "5min")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
74 |         #[clap(long, short = 'F')]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
78 |         #[clap(long, short = 'p', default_value = "5min")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
82 |         #[clap(long, short = 'P')]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
86 |         #[clap(long, short = 'r', default_value = "5min")]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
90 |         #[clap(long, short = 'R')]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
  --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
98 |         #[clap(long, short = 'd', parse(try_from_str = parse_local_time))]
   |           ^^^^
   = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
   --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
104 |         #[clap(long, short = 'g')]
    |           ^^^^
    = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
   --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
108 |         #[clap(default_value = "criner.db")]
    |           ^^^^
    = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
   --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
118 |     #[clap(display_order = 1)]
    |       ^^^^
    = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: cannot find attribute `clap` in this scope
   --> /Users/robertbalicki/.cargo/registry/src/
119 |     #[clap(setting = clap::AppSettings::DisableVersion)]
    |       ^^^^
    = note: `clap` is in scope, but it is a crate, not an attribute

error: could not compile `criner-cli` due to 27 previous errors
error: failed to compile `crates-io-cli v4.0.0`, intermediate artifacts can be found at 

error[E0512]: cannot transmute between types of different sizes, or dependently-sized types

error[E0512]: cannot transmute between types of different sizes, or dependently-sized types
   --> /usr/ports/devel/crates-io-cli/work/crates-io-cli-4.0.0/cargo-crates/socket2-0.3.15/src/
176 |         mem::transmute::<SocketAddrV4, sockaddr_in>(v4);
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = note: source type: `SocketAddrV4` (48 bits)
    = note: target type: `sockaddr_in` (128 bits)

FreeBSD 13.1

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