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buddycloud-http-api's Issues

Test case are failing

It seems as if the session-related test cases in the test suite are broken. @abmargb Simon said you reorganized the session handling code, so I'm assigning to you.

Server restart should preserve sessions

Right now it is not practical to restart the HTTP API server in production settings because doing so causes all clients' sessions to be lost. It would be better if sessions were stored in a database or memcached. This would also make API server crashes less noticeable.

HTTP API should not send broadcast presence

When the HTTP API opens a session for a user, it sends 2 <presence/> stanzas: one is a broadcast, the other is only to the channel domain.
I'm pretty sure the broadcast one is useless. But it causes the session to become visible in regular Jabber clients (tested with Gajim on, which is annoying (and did not happen with the old webclient).

Invalid 500 response - we should use something better

When the user is not running services such as the 'channel-directory' service or the media server we really should be returning better error codes than a 500, e.g.

501 Not Implemented
502 Bad gateway
503 Service unavailable

similar channels

i just updated my webclient/api-server on the only thing that gets displayed after login is the sidebar. the posts/comments load for ever and are not displayed. (just the small "wheel").
i think this has something to do with the new "similar channels" feature. i am using as suggested in the config.

here is my http-api log:

OUT xmpp: <iq type="get" from="[email protected]/0fdeb61c-7a38-4dae-a616-19bed2dada6a" to="" id="66ad2d8abf6b109bf0057f1c1d11cfe6"><query xmlns=""><channel-jid>[email protected]</channel-jid></query></iq>
IN xmpp: <iq id="66ad2d8abf6b109bf0057f1c1d11cfe6" type="error" to="[email protected]/0fdeb61c-7a38-4dae-a616-19bed2dada6a" from="" xmlns:stream=""><error type="cancel"><remote-server-not-found xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Server-to-server connection failed: host-unknown (This host does not serve</text></error></iq>

for full log:

Crash due to uncaught exception: Can't set headers after they are sent

On December 24th my API server crashed with the following at the end of the log:

            if (!process.listeners('uncaughtException').length) throw e;
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent.
    at ServerResponse.OutgoingMessage.setHeader (http.js:645:11)
    at ServerResponse.res.setHeader (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/patch.js:62:20)
    at ServerResponse.res.header (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:280:8)
    at ServerResponse.res.send (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:85:10)
    at reportXmppError (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/api.js:91:7)
    at checkError (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/api.js:70:3)
    at exports.sendQuery (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/api.js:46:5)
    at Cache.Session._setupExpirationHandler._replyHandlers.onexpired (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/session.js:151:5)
    at Object._onTimeout (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/cache.js:49:12)
    at Timer.list.ontimeout (timers.js:101:19)

There was no activity in the log for several hours before that.

atom/uri not returned in JSON results

In the Atom items, author/uri is set by the bc server to acct:<JID of the poster>, but author/name is left untouched (see Content normalization in the XEP). This way clients can use a prettier name (your full name or a nickname) if you want.

But one should not trust author/name to be the real JID of the poster, nor to be a JID at all. If present, it may be used to print a pretty name, but for finding an avatar and displaying the real JID clients must use author/uri. So this really should be included in responses from the HTTP API. (I just posted an example in [email protected], as "Bad Atom forger" ;))

Vhosts support

Users on servers hosting several domains need to use their full JID to login.

Server error when not using pusher

I'm not using a pusher component on my domain.

$ curl -I --basic --user [email protected]
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

A quick workaround is to make getSettings() in src/user_settings.js send an empty JSON dictionary... but it's a little less than optimal.

recommendations - unauthorized

i run my own server but use the searchComponent.

if i click on "find channels" it doenst load.
here is my http-api log for that action: - - [Sat, 10 Nov 2012 19:25:10 GMT] "GET /most_active?max=5& HTTP/1.1" 401 12 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/12.10 Chromium/22.0.1229.94 Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4"
IN xmpp: Communication with remote servers is not allowed - - [Sat, 10 Nov 2012 19:25:10 GMT] "GET /recommendations?max=5& HTTP/1.1" 401 12 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/12.10 Chromium/22.0.1229.94 Chrome/22.0.1229.94 Safari/537.4"

Connect to XMPP server by IP

There's a little problem with Tigase clusters: the HTTP API need to connect to the same node as the channels server in order to be able to communicate with it.
Until it's fixed in Tigase, we should make it possible to have the HTTP API connect to a configurable IP as a workaround.

server crashing when replying to a request


I've been trying to set up the http api server. I've built it on the webhost I'm using, and started it with npm start. I've been testing it by sending the following request:

[highfellow@web225 ~]$ curl -v --basic -u [email protected]:xxx localhost:22024/[email protected]/content/posts?max=1
* About to connect() to localhost port 22024
*   Trying connected
* Connected to localhost ( port 22024
* Server auth using Basic with user '[email protected]'
> GET /[email protected]/content/posts?max=1 HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic *(removed)*
> User-Agent: curl/7.15.5 (i686-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
> Host: localhost:22024
> Accept: */*
* Empty reply from server
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
* Closing connection #0

The server contacts the xmpp server, which replies with a response, at which point the http server seems to crash:

[highfellow@web225 buddycloud-http-api]$ npm start

> [email protected] start /home/highfellow/build/buddycloud-http-api
> node ./server.js

Cannot load StringPrep-0.1.0 bindings. You may need to `npm install node-stringprep'
Warning: program compiled against libxml 209 using older 206
Server started with configuration profile "production"
Listening on port 22024

OUT xmpp: <iq type="get" from="[email protected]/220069a8-cff7-488d-acbf-821833740bec" to="" id="f341a31022293a4cc62840bbc7cfe110"><pubsub xmlns=""><items node="/user/[email protected]/posts" max_items="1"/><set xmlns=""><max>1</max></set></pubsub></iq>
IN xmpp: <iq id="f341a31022293a4cc62840bbc7cfe110" type="result" to="[email protected]/220069a8-cff7-488d-acbf-821833740bec" from="" xmlns:stream=""><pubsub xmlns=""><items node="/user/[email protected]/posts"><item id="4d92da42-aaa1-4374-80b5-dce5d5575809"><entry xmlns=""><content>Glad you like it :-)</content><author><name>[email protected]</name><uri>acct:[email protected]</uri></author><in-reply-to xmlns="" ref="6376aa0d-5d95-4fa1-a37f-976ac429113e"/><id>4d92da42-aaa1-4374-80b5-dce5d5575809</id><published>2012-10-13T00:51:01.442Z</published><updated>2012-10-13T00:51:01.442Z</updated><link rel="self" href=";action=retrieve;node=/user/[email protected]/posts;item=4d92da42-aaa1-4374-80b5-dce5d5575809"/><verb xmlns="">post</verb><object xmlns=""><object-type>comment</object-type></object></entry></item></items><set xmlns=""><first index="0">4d92da42-aaa1-4374-80b5-dce5d5575809</first><last>4d92da42-aaa1-4374-80b5-dce5d5575809</last><count>590</count></set></pubsub></iq>
[highfellow@web225 buddycloud-http-api]$ 

The response from the xmpp server is never returned as an http request (see the first pasted section).

The only thing I remember doing differently when built the server was that I downgraded the version of node-stringprep to 0.1.4 to get it to build (with 0.1.5 it gave a build error).

If you have any ideas what is happening, or how to debug this further, that would be helpful.


[email protected]

Avatar requests

If user is not running a media server, or media server is not running for some reason then rather than respond with a 503 then HTTP API should return 302 to a gravatar URL.

Actually this should be a config option (useGravatarFallback or something).

This prevents the build up of lots of identical avatars and helps quick identification of users in channels.

Enhanced logging mechanism

At this moment, the API is simply logging to the console. We need a better logging mechanism that should be able to write to a file, including timestamps and different log levels.

support status node

yep, the http api and new webclient don't know about /status nodes at all

we should really have the API server as node-agnostic: /:channel/content/

Post updated and published fields sometimes are null

Sometimes, when a new post/comment is created, the response from the HTTP API is like:

{"id":"c3474716-8878-45dd-af89-540f1b4823f7","author":"[email protected]","published":null,"updated":null,"content":"buggy post"}

Posted here because it is the server used by the webclient, but this can be a bc-server issue.

Account deletion

A possible future functional test suite would have to be able to delete accounts which were created for or during test cases. Thus, it would be nice if the HTTP API would allow this with DELETE /account, even if only for admins.

crazy memory consumption

Looks like there is a memory lear in the API server.

Currently using 1.6GB virtual memory and 775MB resident memory on a lightly loaded

This seems like a lot of memory for a few concurrent sessions.

Warning in log

I've been seeing the following warning message a lot lately (on crater, in the log file):

(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.
    at Client.<anonymous> (events.js:139:15)
    at Client.once (events.js:160:8)
    at Session.onStanza (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/session.js:254:20)
    at listenForNextItem (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/notifications_posts.js:39:15)
    at callbacks (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:272:11)
    at provideSession (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/session.js:61:3)
    at /opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/session.js:47:7
    at callbacks (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/router /index.js:272:11)
    at param (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:246:11)
    at pass (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:253:5)

Should we do something about it?

Anon session used for fetching posts in a private channel

When scrolling down on a private channel in the webclient, eventually the API uses an anonymous connection to fetch posts of the channel, which obviously leads to a "Requires affiliation member (you are none)" error.

// First request for posts
OUT xmpp: <iq type="get" from="[email protected]/da70e837-461e-4b14-906b-8ac0da57a653" to="" id="cca93122bdf7065ce48afe2e0852c155"><pubsub xmlns=""&gt;&lt;items node="/user/[email protected]/posts" max_items="51"/><set xmlns=""&gt;&lt;max&gt;51&lt;/max&gt;&lt;/set&gt;&lt;/pubsub&gt;&lt;/iq>
// Successfully replied
IN xmpp: <iq id="cca93122bdf7065ce48afe2e0852c1 ....

// Second request for posts
OUT xmpp: <iq type="get" from="[email protected]/e7382733-4f27-46ca-965b-bff031dc6de8" to="" id="b90d9c078c24abcabc5b6a5fa98b9483"><pubsub xmlns=""&gt;&lt;items node="/user/[email protected]/posts" max_items="51"/><set xmlns=""&gt;&lt;max&gt;51&lt;/max&gt;&lt;after&gt;ae3fdb09-a345-42c7-bae4-e6f86d56789f&lt;/after&gt;&lt;/set&gt;&lt;/pubsub&gt;&lt;/iq>
// Replied with error
IN xmpp: <iq id="b90d9c078c24abcabc5b6a5fa98b9483" type="error" to="[email protected]/e7382733-4f27-46ca-965b-bff031dc6de8" from="" xmlns:stream=""&gt;&lt;error type="auth"><forbidden xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Requires affiliation member (you are none)</text></error></iq>

Lots of errors in logs when not running media server

In config I have media server URL commented out (so config key would be undefined) as I'm not running one. I therefore see lots of this in the http-api server logs

TypeError: Parameter 'url' must be a string, not undefined
    at Object.urlParse [as parse] (url.js:96:11)
    at getMediaUrl (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/media.js:63:22)
    at proxyToMediaServer (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/media.js:51:18)
    at callbacks (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:272:11)
    at exports.mediaServerDiscoverer (/opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/api.js:199:5)
    at /opt/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/dns.js:42:7
    at asyncCallback (dns.js:68:16)
    at Object.onanswer [as oncomplete] (dns.js:149:9)

api dies with error message

Running against a Tigase environment:

var entry = items.get('p:item/a:entry', {
TypeError: Cannot call method 'get' of undefined
at extractItem (/usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/src/notifications_posts.js:68:21)
at /usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/src/notifications_posts.js:42:18
at Client.Session.onStanza (/usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/src/util/session.js:257:5)
at Client.g (events.js:192:14)
at Client.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)
at Client.onRawStanza (/usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/node-xmpp/lib/xmpp/client.js:159:14)
at Client.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)
at Client.Connection.onStanza (/usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/node-xmpp/lib/xmpp/connection.js:237:14)
at StreamParser.Connection.startParser (/usr/share/buddycloud-http-api/node_modules/node-xmpp/lib/xmpp/connection.js:136:14)
at StreamParser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)

Crazy number of connections to XMPP server

A little earlier today the http api server on crater had 767 open C2S connections to Prosody (as per netstat -anpe | grep <http-api-PID> | grep ':5222' | wc -l). Because of that Prosody went spinning and had to be restarted.

I'm not sure what's causing this -- could it be failed anon connections that aren't expired correctly? Anyway, this has already happened before. I'll try to grab more details from the log file next time.

Sessions should be expired when the XMPP server becomes unavailable

Earlier today, after we had to restart Prosody on crater, the http api server started to use a lot of CPU for a few minutes. There were many error messages in log: some about the XMPP <stream/> being closed, and others "unable to call write on undefined" (or something like this) with stack traces.
(Sorry I can't be more specific, the http api server was then restarted and its log was truncated before I could copy-paste it here...)

I suspect the stack traces are from cached sessions being invalidated when the XMPP server becomes unavaiable, causing trouble later. Would it be possible to detect such cases and fail more "cleanly"?


Hi Denis,

Been trying to debug a 500 error message and am unable to find logs.

Please log to /var/log/buddycloud-http-api.log

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