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mandoputer's Introduction


What is a MandoPuter?

A basic electronics system that will display Mandalorian characters on a small display (I'm paying homage to Lego Batman with the name "Puter"). Use this as a starting point for adding displays to your costume (like a gauntlet). Feel free to copy the design, modify it, or make feature requests.

If you need help, have questions or feature requests please click on the Issues link near the top of the page. File an issue and I'll receive an email notification.


Improvements in V2:

  • More supported boards (including a Raspberry Pi). This should help with price and availability
  • New configurable startup sequence where you can display your name and up to 2 images
  • New non-proportionately spaced Mandalorian font for a smoother character transition (no more characters shifting left or right)
  • Configurable low battery icon shown on the LCD so you can tell when your battery is running low
  • Configurable LCD backlight brightness
  • Disabled the onboard LED to save power. You can't see it anyway when installed in a gauntlet
  • Refactored the code to make it more RAM efficient and simpler code

Features under development

Parts list

  1. One supported display (please contact me if you need other displays):
  1. One microcontroller board that supports CircuitPython (see Which board should I use? below)
  2. 3.7V LiPoly Battery, 500 mAh or 1200 mAh are good choices. You can also use a USB battery bank and power the board via the USB port (battery level monitoring not supported through USB power).
  3. Optional Backpack Add-On if you are using an ItsyBitsy or a Raspberry Pi and you want to connect a LiPoly battery to them. This will also charge the battery when the USB port has power. This is not needed if you plan to power the board from a USB power pack.
  4. Small Gauge wire. I use 26 gauge silicone 4 conductor wire
  5. Optional Switch for a LiPoly battery. Also available at Mouser (thanks Aldo Andrei for the find)

Which board should I use?

Board CPU & RAM Flash storage Battery Connector Battery Charger Fuel Gauge WiFi & Bluetooth*
Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather Dual Core Tensilica processor @ 240MHz, 2 MB RAM 4 MB Yes Built-in Yes Yes / Yes
Adafruit Feather M4 Express Cortex M4 core @ 120 MHz, 192 KB RAM 512 KB Yes Built-in No No
Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express Cortex M4 core @ 120 MHz, 192 KB RAM 512 KB No No No No
Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040 Cortex M0+ dual core @ 125 MHz, 264 KB RAM 8 MB No No No No
Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 Dual ARM Cortex-M0+ @ 133MHz, 264 KB RAM 2 MB No No No No

* WiFi & Bluetooth are currently not used, but considering Bluetooth in the future.

Bigger RAM and flash storage space means you can add bigger graphics to the startup sequence. When loading those images it will attempt to load in RAM. If there is not enough RAM then it will load directly from flash to the screen which is slower (looks like a wipe effect).

The ESP32-S3 Feather has a built-in LiPoly battery fuel gauge which monitors the battery and can give an accurate level of charge (and currently has a bug). All other boards (except Feather M4 Express) need an additional jumper wire to measure the LiPoly battery voltage and is a rough approximation of battery level (because LiPoly batteries are relatively flat when discharging).

Suggested Tools

  1. Fine tip Soldering Iron (They also offer a kit with solder and tools)
  2. Solder (what I'm using)
  3. Micro Cutters
  4. Wire Strippers
  5. Tweezers
  6. Isopropyl Alcohol for cleaning solder flux

Installation Steps

You'll follow 4 main steps to get things setup:

  1. Install the software and files on the board (drag and drop)
  2. Customize options (your name, startup graphics, and Mandalorian sequence)
  3. Solder the LCD
  4. Power the board

That's it, no need to write any code or use any other fancy tools. All of the code is in the file (which is in the ZIP file), so you can install CircuitPython and modify the code to suit your needs. I have an older video that walks through the steps of updating CircuitPython and copying the MandoPuter files.

1. Install the software and files on the board

You will likely need to update the CircuitPython that is on your board to the latest version. Once you do that then download the ZIP file that matches your setup and copy them to the board (details below).

The MandoPuter code is based on CircuitPython which is very easy to setup (simplicity was the primary reason I selected it). Once you receive the board you will need to connect it to your computer via USB and update CircuitPython via drag and drop. Installing the MandoPuter code is as simple as downloading the ZIP file, and copying all of the files to the MandoPuter (drag and drop).

CircuitPython v8.0.0-Beta6 is the latest release when I wrote created V2 (your board may need to be updated). See the guides below for updating your specific board. When they make future releases of CircuitPython then I'll probably need to update the libraries in the lib directory. If you update CircuitPython in the future to a new release (like V9) there's a chance that the code will need to be changed.

Guides for updating CircuitPython on your board (version 8.x.x is supported - beta version is OK)

Mandoputer ZIP file downloads for Pre-Beskar displays (1.14")

These files were tested with CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6

Mandoputer ZIP file downloads for Beskar displays (1.3")

These files were tested with CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6

Mandoputer ZIP file downloads for other displays (1.44")

These files were tested with CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6

Mandoputer ZIP file downloads for other displays (0.96" LED)

These files were tested with CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6

Update your board and install the Mandoputer ZIP file before you start soldering anything. Make sure the basics work just in case you damage the board during soldering. Plugging the Feather into USB will power the board, you don't need a battery yet. If you have the battery connected when powered via USB it will charge (if your board has a charger). Do not use alkaline or NiMH batteries and connect to the battery port - this will destroy the LiPoly charger and there's no way to disable the charger. Do not use 7.4V RC batteries on the battery port - this will destroy the board. If you do not have a LiPoly battery then consider using a USB power bank.

When you plug the board into your computer, it should show up just like a USB key and you copy file to it in the same way. No need to download anything, drag and drop.

2. Customize options

All of the configuration options are located in the file called (in the ZIP file you downloaded). should be located in the root directory of your board once you connect it to your computer. You can edit it with any text editor, or you can download a nice program called Mu. More details about Mu located here. Edit the file before you copy it, or directly from the CIRCUITPY drive. You'll be commenting some lines out, and uncommenting others. A comment is a line that starts with a # character.

The board and display types should already be setup if you downloaded the correct ZIP file. The contents of those ZIP files are all basically the same, the difference is in the board and display configurations so you don't have to set those up.

You can make selections for:

  • Board type (boards have different capabilities) - should already be set for you in the ZIP file
  • Display type (Beskar - 1.3", or Pre-Beskar 1.14") - should already be set for you in the ZIP file
  • Your name (if you want to display your name on boot)
  • Banner graphic (If you want 1 or 2 images displayed after your name before the sequence starts)
  • Customize the Mandalorian character sequence (if you want something different)
  • Customize the LCD backlight level (if you have the pink LIT wire connected to the LCD)
  • Turn on the low battery icon if you want that feature. You must have the battery monitor wire soldered (not needed on Feather M4 and ESP32-S3). The ESP32-S3 library currently has a bug where communications to the battery monitor chip fails occasionally. I would disable battery monitoring until that bug is fixed. Monitoring of a USB battery pack is not supported.

Some of the settings have many options, but only one of them should be active (like the DISPLAY setting below). Inactive options have the # character at the beginning of the line. The active setting does not have the # character at the beginning. If you have multiple active lines (without the #) then the last one is what the program will use.

Display Settings

Make a selection for the type of display that you are using. In the example below the Pre-Beskar display is selected. This should already be set if you downloaded the right ZIP file.

# Set the display type
DISPLAY        = "Pre-Beskar"           # Adafruit 1.14" LCD display
#DISPLAY       = "Beskar"               # Adafruit 1.3" LCD display

Set the backlight level if you want something other than the default 80%. Lower settings will save a bit of power, or set it to 100% like the original MandoPuter. You'll need to have a wire going to the LIT pin of the LCD (pink wire in the diagrams below) in order to change the brightness. Without the wire the display will stay at 100% brightness. You'll also need that wire in a future deep sleep feature (on select boards).

# Set the display type
DISP_BRIGHT    = 80                     # How bright to make the display - 0% to 100%


Make a selection for the type of board that you are using. In the example below the Feather ESP32-S3 is selected. This should already be set if you downloaded the right ZIP file.

# Board being used
BOARD_TYPE     = "ESP32-S3"             # ESP32-S3        
#BOARD_TYPE     = "FeatherM4"           # Feather M4 Express
#BOARD_TYPE    = "ItsyBitsyM4"          # ItsyBitsy M4 Express
#BOARD_TYPE    = "ItsyBitsyRP2040"      # ItsyBitsy RP2040
#BOARD_TYPE    = "PiPicoRP2040"         # Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

Mandalorian character sequence

The sequence is already set for you and matches the show as close as we could make it (thank you Aldo Andrei for all of the help). The messages variable contains all of the character sequences. If you add letters you'll need to add a corresponding delay in the delays variable, so both have the same nunber of entries.

The TEXT_COLOR option is red by default, but if you are using a red filter over the display you may want this to be white (0xFFFFFF). Use this website to create a custom color.

# Mandalorian charater sequence that is shown on the display
messages       = [ "MLM", "JBM", "SAS", "JAS", "JBM", "MLM", "SAS", "AJS", "SAS"]
# Time that each character group is shown 0.50 is 500 milliseconds, or 1/2 of a second
delays         = [  0.75,  0.75,  0.650,  0.75, 0.50,  0.84,  1.00,  0.35,  0.84]
TEXT_COLOR     = 0xFF0000               # Red on black (you can chose colors here -

Customize your name

If you want your name to be shown on the display on startup enable the SHOW_NAME variable by setting it to 1 (the default). If you would not like a name to be displayed then set SHOW_NAME to 0.

Customize your name inside of the quotes in OWNER_NAME.

The name is shown in green by default, but you can change it to any color with NAME_COLOR. Use this website to create a custom color.

The NAME_HOLD variable specifies how long to show the name before moving on. Set to 3 seconds by default.

# Name of the owner shown after startup and before the sequence starts
SHOW_NAME      = 1                      # Set to 1 to display the name, or 0 to not display a name
OWNER_NAME     = "Your Name Here"       # Name of the owner to be shown
NAME_COLOR     = 0x00FF00               # Green on black (you can chose colors here -
NAME_HOLD      = 3.0                    # How many seconds to display the name

Please follow this guide if you would like to create a custom font.

Banner graphics at startup

You can display up to 2 graphics at startup and you need to specify the file names and how long to display the image(s). CircuitPython supports uncompressed BMP files (8 bit indexed color). There is currently a bug with displaying compressed BMP files. You can convert image files using Photoshop or Gimp, and this page shows an example creating a BMP with Gimp. Copy your custom BMP file to the root of the CIRCUITPY drive. Some boards have limited space, so you might need to pick an image with fewer color changes. The Pre-Beskar display is 240 wide by 135 tall, and the Beskar display is 240 x 240.

Set SHOW_IMG to the number of images that you want to display (0, 1 or 2).

The variables IMG1 and IMG2 contain the file names of the graphics you want to display (BMP format only).

The variables IMG1_HOLD and IMG2_HOLD specify how many seconds to show each image. The shortest time the last image can be displayed is about 4.5 seconds. That is about how long it takes to initialize the fonts and start the Mandalorian sequence.

# Banner graphic(s) shown after the owner's name and before the sequence starts
SHOW_IMG       = 2                      # How many images to show. 0 = no images, 1 = 1 image, 2 = 2 images
IMG1           = "TheMandalorian135.bmp"         # File name of the first 8 bit BMP graphic to be shown after each text sequence
IMG1_HOLD      = 5.00                   # How long the first image is displayed in seconds
IMG2           = "BabyYoda135.bmp"      # File name of the second 8 bit BMP graphic to be shown after the first image
IMG2_HOLD      = 5.00                   # How long the second image is displayed in seconds

Battery and other settings

Set BATTERY_SZ to the size (in mAh) of the battery you are using (LiPoly only, USB not supported). For example, 500 for the Adafruit 500 mAh LiPoly battery. This is only used on boards like the ESP32-S3 which have a battery monitor chip.

Set BATTERY_MON to 1 if you want the system to monitor the LiPoly battery level and display the low battery icon on the LCD. The ESP32-S3 has a bug in the library code where it returns an error occasionally while talking to the battery monitoring chip. I would keep this disabled until the bug is fixed. The Feather M4 Express has an analog voltage monitor, so no extra wire is needed. For all other boards you will need an additional wire to monitor the battery voltage level. Note - due to the discharge voltage curve it is hard to get an accurate reading of a LiPoly battery using just voltage. For that reason the battery level is approximate, and not very accurate.

Set LOW_BATT_LEVEL to the battery percentage when the low battery icon should be shown (10% by default). When the battery is below this level you will see a low battery icon on the screen. Once the battery level is above this number the icon will go away. Note - if you are using a USB power bank then the battery level will always be 100%.

ENABLE_LEDS and SPI_SPEED are just for debugging, so please leave those at their default values.

# Other settings for debugging and battery monitoring
BATTERY_SZ     = 500                    # Size of battery in mAh (only for the ESP32-S3 board)
BATTERY_MON    = 0                      # Set to 1 to enable the battery monitor, 0 to disable it
LOW_BATT_LEVEL = 10                     # Show the low battery icon when the battery goes below this percentage
ENABLE_LEDS    = 0                      # Set to 1 to turn on LEDs for debugging, set to 0 to save battery
SPI_SPEED      = 48000000               # How fast the SPI bus to the LCD operates

Copy the files to the Feather

Download and extract the MandoPuter zip file. Copy all files to the CIRCUITPY drive with the board connected to your PC or MAC. It is OK to overwrite existing files. Copy your modified to the CIRCUITPY drive that has your customizations (or you can edit it directly from the CIRCUITPY drive).

The CIRCUITPY drive should look something like this:

Make sure you let the copy finish before you remove the USB cable or reset the board, or your system could be corrupted. It could take up to 90 seconds or more on some systems. If that happens, please read the troubleshooting page

3. Solder the LCD

You will need to solder 8 wires to the LCD, and both LCDs have the same pinout. This is low power, so 26 gauge wire will do just fine. Adafruit has a great soldering guide if you are new to soldering. Use a good solder with flux in it. That makes it much easier to make a good solder joint, and you only need to touch the parts for a second or two.

The pink wire to the LIT pin on the display is optional, and only needed if you want to control the backlight level. It will be required in the future deep sleep feature which will need to turn off the display (only supported on the ESP32-S3 Feather).

3a. Pre-Beskar LCD Wiring

Wiring the 1.14" Display to the Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather
Wiring the 1.14" Display to the Adafruit Feather M4 Express
Wiring the 1.14" Display to the Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express
Wiring the 1.14" Display to the Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040
Wiring the 1.14" Display to the Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

3b. Beskar LCD Wiring

Wiring the 1.3" Display to the Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather
Wiring the 1.3" Display to the Adafruit Feather M4 Express
Wiring the 1.3" Display to the Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express
Wiring the 1.3" Display to the Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040
Wiring the 1.3" Display to the Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

For the Beskar display you will need to cut off the mounting tabs with a pair of side cutters. Be careful that you do not cut the main board in the process.

4. Power the board

You have a couple of different options to power the board:

  • Connect a USB power source to the USB port on the board. Boards with an onboard charger will not charge anything connected to USB. Battery monitoring will not work when powered via USB.
  • Connect a LiPoly battery to the board

If you choose a board that does not have an on-board battery charger you will have to buy a separate charger to charge the battery (unless you use the backpack board in the next paragraph). With an on-board charger it will charge when you have power to USB.

For boards that do not have a battery connector you can solder on a battery backpack board which will also charge the battery. If you don't want an onboard charger simply solder a battery pigtail to the board (match the red and black wires in the diagram below). Another option is power the board via any USB battery or power device if you prefer that (connected to the USB port).

Here's a wiring diagram for the ItsyBitsy (all versions are the same wiring) or the Raspberry Pi with the Backpack Add-on.

If you are not using an Adafruit battery then you need to check the polarity of the battery wiring. The black wire should be closest to the USB connector, see the picture below for the correct polarity on boards that have a LiPoly connector.

Jumper for monitoring battery voltage

The ItsyBitsy and Raspberry Pi boards need an extra jumper wire to read the LiPoly battery voltage. Change the BATTERY_MON setting to 1 to enable reading the battery voltage and display the low battery icon.

Here are the jumper wire locations for the ItsyBitsy M4 Express, ItsyBitsy RP2040, and Raspberry Pi Pico boards

Latest Mandalorian Font

I have an in depth page on the fonts and sequence here.

The font used on the show is different from the font in the original Star Wars movies. The best match for the font is the Mando AF font. The L characters is not correct (should look like the inverted V character), and the J and X characters are duplicates of characters before them. I have modified this font and fixed the characters - MandoPuter.sfd. Bitmap fonts in the ZIP file are now correct with non-proportional spacing as of 1/17/2023.

Adafruit has a guide on how to convert TTF or OTF fonts to BDF (bitmap) fonts that MandoPuter uses. Custom Fonts for CircuitPython Displays

Maybe we will find hidden meaning in the sequence. Mandalorian language reference here :

Where can I get help?

Click the Issues link at the top of this page and file a new issue.


If you do not see anything on the display, check the onboard LED to see if the code is running properly. If you see a blue or red flashing LED then there is an error in the code. If that happens try updating CircuitPython, and extract all of the files from the ZIP release to the CIRCUITPY drive. You might also have an error in the code ( if you have made a mistake, so try using the unmodified one from the ZIP file.

You can also power the board from the USB port, so try running it with the battery removed to isolate a battery related problem.

Other brands of LCDs may require different polarity in the SPI communication signaling. Please contact me if you need help programming an alternate display.

If you need help click the Issues link at the top of this page and file a new issue.

Want to know more?

Check out this getting started guide on CircuitPython. There's also a CircuitPython essentials guide that good to read through.

You should be ready to go. The system should run once the file is saved, and you should see the font look like this:

mandoputer's People


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mandoputer's Issues

Attempting project

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

I was just wondering if a wiring diagram would be possible for a Raspberry Pico RP2040 and this screen
( )?

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

To know if this screen is a useable option

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Buying the screen suggested, it's just more expensive.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Raspbery Pi Pico

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Raspbery Pi Pico support

Describe the solution you'd like
I believe most of the tutorial will work fine, but the Pi needs the adafruit libraries copied per

The available I/O is similar but obviously placed slightly differently

Describe alternatives you've considered
I am going to try this out myself. I'd be happy to send a pull request or fork depending on how it works out. I'm new to circuitpython and embedded work in general but I'm looking to learn.

Additional context
I already have a pico laying around and it seems to be cheaper and easier to find right now that Adafruit boards.

I have trouble conecting the LCD

Hello, I'm trying to do the Mando Puter for the beskar guantlet, but i didn't find the same display that the one show in this github.

i'm working with Adafruit Feather M4 Expres and a random LCD
and I'm not sure how to connect the different ports.
IDK if it is possible to do it with this screen...


Burned out a Feather M4 Express

Having a hard time finding a Feather M4 Express to replace the one that burned out. Apparently the charging feature had stoped working and when I put a charged battery in one of the chips burned out . Any ideas of available bords or should I just wait for restock.

Support for Feather RP2040

Describe the solution you'd like
Add support for the Feather RP2040

Additional context
I have loaded the correct version of CircuitPhython for the RP2040 but I only getting a flashing red LED when trying to run it.

Wrong Board

Hello, first of all congratulations for the work done. Everything very detailed and very clear.
However I have to ask you something. I mistakenly bought the wrong board, didn't read "(get the 2MB PSRAM version)" and bought the "Feather ESP32S3 No PSRAM" version. I tried to load it anyway, everything ok but when I try to power the board it makes 2 screens and then total darkness.
Is there a way to fix it somehow or did I just throw away the board?

Adafruit CircuitPython 8.2.3 on 2023-08-11; Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 No PSRAM with ESP32S3
Board ID:adafruit_feather_esp32s3_nopsram

Thank you

Source for complete Mandalorian alphabet/numerals

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A better source for the alphabet

Describe the solution you'd like
I am including said source below

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Characters not showing up

hello, I just need some help, in no way is this an actual issue with Breaziles files or anything!

I have wired and coded everything up, but none of the Mandalorian symbols are showing up on my screen. the screen does turn on though. I am using an Itsy-Bitsy M4 Express wired to a 1.14-inch LCD screen from adafruit website. any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Button to toggle display between different display graphics


I've seen another version of this, where the guy added a button, and it toggles between the scrolling display of the characters, and other graphics. A waveform, a globe GIF, etc.

I'm not that smart, but is there any code like this that exists, or can you update your source to support this kind of function, and just leave it commented out.

Each time the button is pushed, it just cycles round robin through the individual displays, and you could just incrementally add new sections, and it would just cycle through them.



Typo on wiring table for Feather

Describe the bug
Wiring table, column 1 (Feather), row 3 - states to solder CLK to SCK on the LCD panel. However, the image below shows SCK on the feather being wired to SCK on the panel. As there is no CLK pin on the Feather, I assume the intention is to connect SCK to SCK.

Expected behavior
Connect pin SCK on the feather to SCK on the LCD

LCD display not displaying images.

I am using the Feather M4 Express and the Adafruit 1.14 LCD screen. I could not get Circuit Python 4, so I had to install Version 6 on the Express. I have double checked that my wiring is correct, and my solder joints are solid, and made sure that I had the code properly adjusted for the M4 and the proper screen. I did not change anything else to the base code.

The weird: When the board was connected to the computer, the program runs great and LCD displays the rotating letters. As soon as I disconnected the feather from the computer, the display froze on the last three letters displayed. I hit the reset button and the screen went blank. The LCD screen has power and you can tell it is on. I disconnected the battery, let the feather rest for 10 minutes, before plugging the battery back in... still nothing will display on the monitor, but the monitor is on.

I wiped the feather and re installed everything to the letter on your instructional video, and it will not display anything on the screen. The only think I can think of is that you used Circuit Python 4, and I had no choice but to use Circuit Python 6. That is the only thing that could be the issue. Let me know what else I can try to get this to work. Thanks!

Wiring for the IPS 1.3 SPI Display - ST7789

I'm using a Raspberry Pi Pico and an IPS 1.3 SPI Display - ST7789, as they are the only products I found in Brazil.

However, the display pins are different, it has:

I would like to know if you could help me connect this display to the board, and if I need to make any changes to the code.


driver for ST7735

Hey Breazile,
first of all; thanks for your work, from what i've seen it looks awesome!

I have a question for making my own mandoputer.
I'm trying to run it on a "Wemos Lolin s3 pro" with a breakout shield with SD (ST7735) without sd connection.
I happened to have these around and wanted to see if i could get it to work.
Unfortunately i havent been able to get it running just yet.
My screen is connected correctly, but it doesnt show anything.
Could this be driver related? I'm not very familiar with microcontrollers.

Thanks in advance!

Issue with display using Waveshare 1.3inch LCD Module

Hello Breazile,
Im trying to wire up this Mandoputer and I've gotten to the point where i believe I've adjusted the code correctly and I've plugged all the pins in correctly(i think) but the LCD is not displaying. The backlight is coming on but nothing is there. Ill attach some pictures of what I have.

Does this fit in the gauntlet by Galactic Armory?

I'm currently printing these files by Galactic Armory and I was wondering if either of the screens are a good size fit for the gauntlets. Measuring diagonally, the opening seems to be just over 1.5" and I know the larger of the two screens is 1.3". Should I use that one and leave some potential wiggle room or is there a different screen you'd recommend? If it needs a different screen, would that affect the installation process?

Support for Feather 32U4 WITH RFM69

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm hoping this set up can be used with a different feather rather than the m4 express. I have the 32U4 WITH RFM69 left over from another project.
Describe the solution you'd like
Set up for use with feather 32U4 WITH RFM69.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

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