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fcnpc's Introduction

FCNPC - Fully Controllable NPC

GitHub version Build Status Build status

Fully Controllable NPC (FCNPC) is a plugin for SA-MP servers which adds a lot of capabilities to the existing standard NPCs.

The latest version can be found in the releases section.

This is a fork of the original repository by OrMisicL.

If you encounter a bug or a crash, create an issue in the issues section with your crashlog and your Pawn script.

For more elaborate discussions see the forum thread (isn't working now, but we hope), or the Russian forum thread.

See the wiki for documentation.

MapAndreas and ColAndreas support

FCNPC supports working with MapAndreas or ColAndreas, for better NPC height positioning. Just add these plugins before FCNPC on the plugins line in the server.cfg file.


To download the sources, use the following git command:

git clone --recursive

Note the use of the --recursive argument, because this repository contains submodules.


To build the project you can use Visual Studio. To generate the project you can use CMake.
On Windows, execute the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -A Win32

On Linux, execute the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Special thanks

  • SA-MP Team: SA-MP
  • OrMisicL: FCNPC creator
  • Zeex: Subhook library
  • kurta999: YSF plugin
  • Lorenc_, kurta999, Neutralneu, therainycat, Freaksken, karimcambridge: Contributors
  • urShadow, Incognito: Code samples in their plugins
  • Freaksken: Creating and updating the wiki
  • Whole SA-MP community: Testing


#define FCNPC_INCLUDE_VERSION		The current FCNPC include version.



#define FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_AUTO		(-1)
#define FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_RUN		(1)

#define FCNPC_MOVE_MODE_AUTO		(-1)


#define FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_AUTO		(-1.0)
#define FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_WALK		(0.1552086)
#define FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_RUN		(0.56444)
#define FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_SPRINT		(0.926784)

#define FCNPC_MAX_NODES			(64)




forward FCNPC_OnCreate(npcid);
forward FCNPC_OnDestroy(npcid);
forward FCNPC_OnSpawn(npcid);
forward FCNPC_OnRespawn(npcid);
forward FCNPC_OnDeath(npcid, killerid, reason);
forward FCNPC_OnUpdate(npcid);

forward FCNPC_OnTakeDamage(npcid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
forward FCNPC_OnGiveDamage(npcid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);

forward FCNPC_OnReachDestination(npcid);

forward FCNPC_OnWeaponShot(npcid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);
forward FCNPC_OnWeaponStateChange(npcid, weapon_state);

forward FCNPC_OnStreamIn(npcid, forplayerid);
forward FCNPC_OnStreamOut(npcid, forplayerid);

forward FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete(npcid, vehicleid, seatid);
forward FCNPC_OnVehicleExitComplete(npcid, vehicleid);
forward FCNPC_OnVehicleTakeDamage(npcid, issuerid, vehicleid, Float:amount, weaponid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ);

forward FCNPC_OnFinishPlayback(npcid);

forward FCNPC_OnFinishNode(npcid, nodeid);
forward FCNPC_OnFinishNodePoint(npcid, nodeid, pointid);
forward FCNPC_OnChangeNode(npcid, newnodeid, oldnodeid);

forward FCNPC_OnFinishMovePath(npcid, pathid);
forward FCNPC_OnFinishMovePathPoint(npcid, pathid, pointid);

forward FCNPC_OnChangeHeightPos(npcid, Float:newz, Float:oldz); // disabled by default, see FCNPC_SetMinHeightPosCall


native FCNPC_GetPluginVersion(version[], const size = sizeof(version));
native FCNPC_SetUpdateRate(rate);
native FCNPC_GetUpdateRate();
native FCNPC_SetTickRate(rate);
native FCNPC_GetTickRate();
native FCNPC_UseMoveMode(mode, bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsMoveModeUsed(mode);
native FCNPC_UseMovePathfinding(pathfinding, bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsMovePathfindingUsed(pathfinding);
native FCNPC_UseCrashLog(bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsCrashLogUsed();

native FCNPC_Create(const name[]);
native FCNPC_Destroy(npcid);
native FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, skinid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_Respawn(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsSpawned(npcid);
native FCNPC_Kill(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsDead(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsValid(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsStreamedIn(npcid, forplayerid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsStreamedInForAnyone(npcid);
native FCNPC_GetValidArray(npcs[], const size = sizeof(npcs));

native FCNPC_SetPosition(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GivePosition(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GetPosition(npcid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_SetAngle(npcid, Float:angle);
native Float:FCNPC_GiveAngle(npcid, Float:angle);
native FCNPC_SetAngleToPos(npcid, Float:x, Float:y);
native FCNPC_SetAngleToPlayer(npcid, playerid);
native Float:FCNPC_GetAngle(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetQuaternion(npcid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GiveQuaternion(npcid, Float:w, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GetQuaternion(npcid, &Float:w, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_SetVelocity(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:update_pos = false);
native FCNPC_GiveVelocity(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:update_pos = false);
native FCNPC_GetVelocity(npcid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_SetSpeed(npcid, Float:speed);
native Float:FCNPC_GetSpeed(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetInterior(npcid, interiorid);
native FCNPC_GetInterior(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetVirtualWorld(npcid, worldid);
native FCNPC_GetVirtualWorld(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetHealth(npcid, Float:health);
native Float:FCNPC_GiveHealth(npcid, Float:health);
native Float:FCNPC_GetHealth(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetArmour(npcid, Float:armour);
native Float:FCNPC_GiveArmour(npcid, Float:armour);
native Float:FCNPC_GetArmour(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetInvulnerable(npcid, bool:invulnerable = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsInvulnerable(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetSkin(npcid, skinid);
native FCNPC_GetSkin(npcid);
	native FCNPC_GetCustomSkin(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetWeapon(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_GetWeapon(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetAmmo(npcid, ammo);
native FCNPC_GiveAmmo(npcid, ammo);
native FCNPC_GetAmmo(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetAmmoInClip(npcid, ammo);
native FCNPC_GiveAmmoInClip(npcid, ammo);
native FCNPC_GetAmmoInClip(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponSkillLevel(npcid, skill, level);
native FCNPC_GiveWeaponSkillLevel(npcid, skill, level);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponSkillLevel(npcid, skill);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponState(npcid, weapon_state);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponState(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetWeaponReloadTime(npcid, weaponid, time);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponReloadTime(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponActualReloadTime(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponShootTime(npcid, weaponid, time);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponShootTime(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponClipSize(npcid, weaponid, size);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponClipSize(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponActualClipSize(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponAccuracy(npcid, weaponid, Float:accuracy);
native Float:FCNPC_GetWeaponAccuracy(npcid, weaponid);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponInfo(npcid, weaponid, reload_time = -1, shoot_time = -1, clip_size = -1, Float:accuracy = 1.0);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponInfo(npcid, weaponid, &reload_time = -1, &shoot_time = -1, &clip_size = -1, &Float:accuracy = 1.0);
native FCNPC_SetWeaponDefaultInfo(weaponid, reload_time = -1, shoot_time = -1, clip_size = -1, Float:accuracy = 1.0);
native FCNPC_GetWeaponDefaultInfo(weaponid, &reload_time = -1, &shoot_time = -1, &clip_size = -1, &Float:accuracy = 1.0);

native FCNPC_SetKeys(npcid, ud_analog, lr_analog, keys);
native FCNPC_GetKeys(npcid, &ud_analog, &lr_analog, &keys);

native FCNPC_SetSpecialAction(npcid, actionid);
native FCNPC_GetSpecialAction(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetAnimation(npcid, animationid, Float:fDelta = 4.1, loop = 0, lockx = 1, locky = 1, freeze = 0, time = 1);
native FCNPC_SetAnimationByName(npcid, const name[], Float:fDelta = 4.1, loop = 0, lockx = 1, locky = 1, freeze = 0, time = 1);
native FCNPC_ResetAnimation(npcid);
native FCNPC_GetAnimation(npcid, &animationid = 0, &Float:fDelta = 4.1, &loop = 0, &lockx = 1, &locky = 1, &freeze = 0, &time = 1);
native FCNPC_ApplyAnimation(npcid, const animlib[], const animname[], Float:fDelta = 4.1, loop = 0, lockx = 1, locky = 1, freeze = 0, time = 1);
native FCNPC_ClearAnimations(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetFightingStyle(npcid, style);
native FCNPC_GetFightingStyle(npcid);

native FCNPC_UseReloading(npcid, bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsReloadingUsed(npcid);
native FCNPC_UseInfiniteAmmo(npcid, bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsInfiniteAmmoUsed(npcid);

native FCNPC_GoTo(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, type = FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_AUTO, Float:speed = FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_AUTO, mode = FCNPC_MOVE_MODE_AUTO, pathfinding = FCNPC_MOVE_PATHFINDING_AUTO, Float:radius = 0.0, bool:set_angle = true, Float:min_distance = 0.0, stop_delay = 250);
native FCNPC_GoToPlayer(npcid, playerid, type = FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_AUTO, Float:speed = FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_AUTO, mode = FCNPC_MOVE_MODE_AUTO, pathfinding = FCNPC_MOVE_PATHFINDING_AUTO, Float:radius = 0.0, bool:set_angle = true, Float:min_distance = 0.0, Float:dist_check = 1.5, stop_delay = 250);
native FCNPC_Stop(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsMoving(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsMovingAtPlayer(npcid, playerid);
native FCNPC_GetDestinationPoint(npcid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);

native FCNPC_AimAt(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:shoot = false, shoot_delay = -1, bool:set_angle = true, Float:offset_from_x = 0.0, Float:offset_from_y = 0.0, Float:offset_from_z = 0.0, between_check_mode = FCNPC_ENTITY_MODE_AUTO, between_check_flags = FCNPC_ENTITY_CHECK_ALL);
native FCNPC_AimAtPlayer(npcid, playerid, bool:shoot = false, shoot_delay = -1, bool:set_angle = true, Float:offset_x = 0.0, Float:offset_y = 0.0, Float:offset_z = 0.0, Float:offset_from_x = 0.0, Float:offset_from_y = 0.0, Float:offset_from_z = 0.0, between_check_mode = FCNPC_ENTITY_MODE_AUTO, between_check_flags = FCNPC_ENTITY_CHECK_ALL);
native FCNPC_StopAim(npcid);
native FCNPC_MeleeAttack(npcid, delay = -1, bool:fighting_style = false);
native FCNPC_StopAttack(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsAttacking(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsAiming(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsAimingAtPlayer(npcid, playerid);
native FCNPC_GetAimingPlayer(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsShooting(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsReloading(npcid);
native FCNPC_TriggerWeaponShot(npcid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, bool:is_hit = true, Float:offset_from_x = 0.0, Float:offset_from_y = 0.0, Float:offset_from_z = 0.0, between_check_mode = FCNPC_ENTITY_MODE_AUTO, between_check_flags = FCNPC_ENTITY_CHECK_ALL);
native FCNPC_GetClosestEntityInBetween(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:range, between_check_mode = FCNPC_ENTITY_MODE_AUTO, between_check_flags = FCNPC_ENTITY_CHECK_ALL, Float:offset_from_x = 0.0, Float:offset_from_y = 0.0, Float:offset_from_z = 0.0, &entity_id = -1, &entity_type = -1, &object_owner_id = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, &Float:point_x = 0.0, &Float:point_y = 0.0, &Float:point_z = 0.0);

native FCNPC_EnterVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid, type = FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_WALK);
native FCNPC_ExitVehicle(npcid);

native FCNPC_PutInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid);
native FCNPC_RemoveFromVehicle(npcid);
native FCNPC_GetVehicleID(npcid);
native FCNPC_GetVehicleSeat(npcid);
native FCNPC_UseVehicleSiren(npcid, bool:use = true);
native bool:FCNPC_IsVehicleSirenUsed(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetVehicleHealth(npcid, Float:health);
native Float:FCNPC_GetVehicleHealth(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetVehicleHydraThrusters(npcid, direction);
native FCNPC_GetVehicleHydraThrusters(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetVehicleGearState(npcid, gear_state);
native FCNPC_GetVehicleGearState(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetVehicleTrainSpeed(npcid, Float:speed);
native Float:FCNPC_GetVehicleTrainSpeed(npcid);

native FCNPC_SetSurfingOffsets(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GiveSurfingOffsets(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_GetSurfingOffsets(npcid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_SetSurfingVehicle(npcid, vehicleid);
native FCNPC_GetSurfingVehicle(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetSurfingObject(npcid, objectid);
native FCNPC_GetSurfingObject(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetSurfingPlayerObject(npcid, objectid);
native FCNPC_GetSurfingPlayerObject(npcid);
#if defined _streamer_included
	native FCNPC_SetSurfingDynamicObject(npcid, objectid);
	native FCNPC_GetSurfingDynamicObject(npcid);
native FCNPC_StopSurfing(npcid);

native FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback(npcid, const file[] = "", recordid = FCNPC_INVALID_RECORD_ID, bool:auto_unload = false, Float:delta_x = 0.0, Float:delta_y  = 0.0, Float:delta_z  = 0.0, Float:delta_qw = 0.0, Float:delta_qx = 0.0, Float:delta_qy = 0.0, Float:delta_qz = 0.0);
native FCNPC_StopPlayingPlayback(npcid);
native FCNPC_PausePlayingPlayback(npcid);
native FCNPC_ResumePlayingPlayback(npcid);
native FCNPC_LoadPlayingPlayback(const file[]);
native FCNPC_UnloadPlayingPlayback(recordid);
native FCNPC_SetPlayingPlaybackPath(npcid, const path[]);
native FCNPC_GetPlayingPlaybackPath(npcid, path[], const size = sizeof(path));

native FCNPC_OpenNode(nodeid);
native FCNPC_CloseNode(nodeid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsNodeOpen(nodeid);
native FCNPC_GetNodeType(nodeid);
native FCNPC_SetNodePoint(nodeid, pointid);
native FCNPC_GetNodePointPosition(nodeid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_GetNodePointCount(nodeid);
native FCNPC_GetNodeInfo(nodeid, &vehnodes, &pednodes, &navinode);
native FCNPC_PlayNode(npcid, nodeid, type = FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_AUTO, Float:speed = FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_AUTO, mode = FCNPC_MOVE_MODE_AUTO, Float:radius = 0.0, bool:set_angle = true);
native FCNPC_StopPlayingNode(npcid);
native FCNPC_PausePlayingNode(npcid);
native FCNPC_ResumePlayingNode(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsPlayingNode(npcid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsPlayingNodePaused(npcid);

native FCNPC_CreateMovePath();
native FCNPC_DestroyMovePath(pathid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsValidMovePath(pathid);
native FCNPC_AddPointToMovePath(pathid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native FCNPC_AddPointsToMovePath(pathid, Float:points[][3], const size = sizeof(points));
native FCNPC_AddPointsToMovePath2(pathid, Float:points_x[], Float:points_y[], Float:points_z[], const size = sizeof(points_x));
native FCNPC_RemovePointFromMovePath(pathid, pointid);
native bool:FCNPC_IsValidMovePathPoint(pathid, pointid);
native FCNPC_GetMovePathPoint(pathid, pointid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
native FCNPC_GetNumberMovePathPoint(pathid);
native FCNPC_GoByMovePath(npcid, pathid, pointid = 0, type = FCNPC_MOVE_TYPE_AUTO, Float:speed = FCNPC_MOVE_SPEED_AUTO, mode = FCNPC_MOVE_MODE_AUTO, pathfinding = FCNPC_MOVE_PATHFINDING_AUTO, Float:radius = 0.0, bool:set_angle = true, Float:min_distance = 0.0);

native FCNPC_SetMoveMode(npcid, mode);
native FCNPC_GetMoveMode(npcid);
native FCNPC_SetMinHeightPosCall(npcid, Float:height);
native Float:FCNPC_GetMinHeightPosCall(npcid);

native FCNPC_ShowInTabListForPlayer(npcid, forplayerid);
native FCNPC_HideInTabListForPlayer(npcid, forplayerid);

Vendor Natives

For some reasons FCNPC includes some another plugins. You don't need to use this plugins separately.


MapAndreas 1.2.1 included.


Latest ColAndreas version included.

fcnpc's People


0x416c69 avatar amyrahmady avatar brainersp avatar fairuz-afdhal avatar is4code avatar karimcambridge avatar ormisicl avatar prineside avatar southclaws avatar vsergeenko777 avatar woutprovost avatar yousha avatar ziggi avatar



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