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crosspy's Issues

Slices of 1D arrays seem to be treated as 2D Arrays.

Slices of 1D arrays seem to be treated as 2D Arrays.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work2/06081/wlruys/frontera/workspace/parla-experimental/", line 38, in <module>
  File "/work2/06081/wlruys/frontera/workspace/parla-experimental/", line 31, in main
    print("First Element: ", slicedA[0])
  File "/work2/06081/wlruys/frontera/mambaforge/envs/parla/lib/python3.10/site-packages/crosspy/core/", line 412, in __getitem__
    raise NotImplementedError("Only implemented for 1-D")

Minimal Example

# from parla import Parla, spawn, TaskSpace
import argparse
import cupy as cp
import crosspy as xp

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-dev_config", type=str, default="devices_sample.YAML")
parser.add_argument("-num_gpus", type=int, default=2)
args = parser.parse_args()

def main(T):

    # Per device size
    m = 3

    # Initilize a CrossPy Array
    cupy_list_A = []
    cupy_list_B = []
    for i in range(args.num_gpus):
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):
            random_array = cp.random.randint(0, 100, size=m)
            random_array = random_array.astype(cp.int32)

            cupy_list_B.append(cp.zeros(m, dtype=cp.int32))

    xA = xp.array(cupy_list_A, dim=0)
    xp.array(cupy_list_B, dim=0)

    slicedA = xA[slice(0, 1)]
    print("First Element: ", slicedA[0])
    print("First Element on CPU: ", slicedA[0].get(-1))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    T = None

Full Example Script

# from parla import Parla, spawn, TaskSpace
import argparse
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import crosspy as xp

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-dev_config", type=str, default="devices_sample.YAML")
parser.add_argument("-num_gpus", type=int, default=2)
args = parser.parse_args()


# TODO(wlr): Fuse this kernel
def partition_kernel(A, B, comp, pivot):
    comp[:] = (A < pivot)
    mid = comp.sum()
    B[:mid] = A[comp]
    B[mid:] = A[~comp]
    return mid

def partition(xA, xB, pivot):
    n_partitions = len(xA.values())
    mid = np.zeros(n_partitions+1, dtype=np.uint32)

    for i, (array_in, array_out) in enumerate(zip(xA.values(), xB.values())):
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):
            comp = cp.empty_like(array_in, dtype=cp.bool_)
            mid[i+1] = partition_kernel(array_in, array_out, comp, pivot)
    return mid

# TODO(wlr): Fuse this kernel, pack this better?
def scatter(splits, xA, xB):
    :param xA, xB,  sliced crosspy arrays for the active element set
    :param splits, a host ndarray of how many left elements are in each partition 

    n_partitions = len(xA.values())

    sizes = np.zeros(n_partitions+1, dtype=np.uint32)
    for i, array in enumerate(xB.values()):
        sizes[i+1] = len(array)
    size_prefix = np.cumsum(sizes)
    left_prefix = np.cumsum(splits)

    right_prefix = size_prefix - left_prefix
    local_split = np.sum(splits)

    right_prefix += local_split

    print("Size Prefix: ", size_prefix)
    print("Left Prefix: ", left_prefix)
    print("Right Prefix: ", right_prefix)

    for i in range(n_partitions):

        print(f"Performing left copy from Partition {i}: ", (left_prefix[i], left_prefix[i+1]), (size_prefix[i], size_prefix[i] + splits[i+1]))

        # Write left
        if splits[i+1] > 0:
            xA[left_prefix[i]:left_prefix[i+1]] = xB[size_prefix[i]:size_prefix[i]+splits[i+1]]

        print(f"Performing right copy from Partition {i}: ", (right_prefix[i], right_prefix[i+1]), (size_prefix[i]+splits[i+1], size_prefix[i+1]))
        # Write right
        if (sizes[i+1] - splits[i+1]) > 0:
            xA[right_prefix[i]:right_prefix[i+1]] = xB[size_prefix[i]+splits[i+1]:size_prefix[i+1]]

    return local_split

def quicksort(xA, xB, active_slice, T):

    print("Starting Partition on Slice: ", active_slice)
    n_partitions = len(xA.values())
    print("CrossPy has n_partitions: ", n_partitions)

    active_A = xA[active_slice]
    active_B = xB[active_slice]

    pivot_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(active_A))

    print("Active partition has shape: ", active_A.shape)
    print("Active partition has len: ", len(active_A))

    print("The chosen pivot index is: ", pivot_idx)
    pivot = (int)(active_A[pivot_idx].to(-1))

    print("The chosen pivot is: ", pivot)

    # local partition
    print("Performing local partition...")
    splits = partition(active_A, active_B, pivot)
    print("Found the following splits: ", splits)

    # Scatter to other partitions
    print("Performing local scatter...")
    local_split = scatter(splits, active_A, active_B)

    #form slices to pass to children
    previous_start = active_slice.start 
    previous_end = active_slice.stop

    left_start = (int)(previous_start)
    left_end = (int)(previous_start + local_split)
    left_slice = slice(left_start, left_end)

    right_start = (int)(previous_start + local_split)
    right_end = (int)(previous_end)
    right_slice = slice(right_start, right_end)

    quicksort(xA, xB, left_slice, T)
    quicksort(xA, xB, right_slice, T)

def main(T):

    # Per device size
    m = 3

    # Initilize a CrossPy Array
    cupy_list_A = []
    cupy_list_B = []
    for i in range(args.num_gpus):
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):
            random_array = cp.random.randint(0, 100, size=m)
            random_array = random_array.astype(cp.int32)

            cupy_list_B.append(cp.zeros(m, dtype=cp.int32))

    xA = xp.array(cupy_list_A, dim=0)
    xB = xp.array(cupy_list_B, dim=0)

    print("Original Array: ", xA)
    quicksort(xA, xB, slice(0, len(xA)), T)

    print("Sorted: ", xA)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    T = None

Copying a slice into a CrossPy array.


There might be a bug in __setitem__ if I'm using this correctly.

For slicing into an array, neither:
A[a_start:a_end] = B[b_start:b_end] where the slices have the same length for A and B CrossPy
A[a_start:a_end] = cupy_b[b_start:b_end] where those slices have the same length

Seem to work reliably.


# from parla import Parla, spawn, TaskSpace
import argparse
import cupy as cp
import numpy as np
import crosspy as xp
from crosspy import cpu, gpu

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-dev_config", type=str, default="devices_sample.YAML")
parser.add_argument("-num_gpus", type=int, default=2)
args = parser.parse_args()


# TODO(wlr): Fuse this kernel

def partition_kernel(A, B, comp, pivot):
    comp[:] = (A < pivot)
    mid = comp.sum()
    B[:mid] = A[comp]
    B[mid:] = A[~comp]
    return mid

def partition(xA, xB, pivot):
    n_partitions = len(xA.values())
    mid = np.zeros(n_partitions+1, dtype=np.uint32)

    for i, (array_in, array_out) in enumerate(zip(xA.values(), xB.values())):
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):
            comp = cp.empty_like(array_in, dtype=cp.bool_)
            mid[i+1] = partition_kernel(array_in, array_out, comp, pivot)
    return mid

# TODO(wlr): Fuse this kernel, pack this better?
def scatter(xA, xB, mid):

    sizes = np.zeros(len(xA.values())+1, dtype=np.uint32)
    for i, array in enumerate(xB.values()):
        sizes[i+1] = len(array)

    size_prefix = np.cumsum(sizes)
    left_prefix = np.cumsum(mid)
    right_prefix = size_prefix - left_prefix
    global_left = np.sum(mid)
    right_prefix += global_left
    print(size_prefix, left_prefix, right_prefix, mid, global_left)

    for i, array in enumerate(xB.values()):
        # Write left
        print("left", left_prefix[i], left_prefix[i+1], mid[i+1])
        if mid[i+1] > 0:
            print("A", xA[left_prefix[i]:left_prefix[i+1]],
            print("B local", array[:mid[i+1]], len(array[:mid[i+1]]))
            print("B global", xB[size_prefix[i]:size_prefix[i+1]+mid[i+1]], len(xB[size_prefix[i]:size_prefix[i+1]+mid[i+1]]))

            # QUESTION: How can I perform this copy?
            # xA[left_prefix[i]:left_prefix[i+1]] = array[:mid[i+1]]
               ] = xB[size_prefix[i]:size_prefix[i+1]+mid[i+1]]
        # Write right
        print("right", right_prefix[i], right_prefix[i+1])

        if (sizes[i+1] - mid[i+1]) > 0:
            print("A", xA[right_prefix[i]:right_prefix[i+1]], len(xA[right_prefix[i]:right_prefix[i+1]]))
            print("B local", array[mid[i+1]:], len(array[mid[i+1]:]))
            print("B global", xB[size_prefix[i]+mid[i+1]:size_prefix[i+1]],

            # QUESTION: How can I perform this copy?
            # xA[right_prefix[i]:right_prefix[i+1]] = array[mid[i+1]:]
               ] = xB[size_prefix[i]+mid[i+1]:size_prefix[i+1]]

    if global_left > 0:
        print("Array left", xA[:global_left])
    if (len(xA) - global_left) > 0:
        print("Array right", xA[global_left:])

def quicksort(xA, xB, slice, T):

    n_partitions = len(xA.values())

    active_A = xA[slice]
    active_B = xB[slice]

    N = len(active_A)
    pivot = (int)(active_A[N-1].to(-1))

    print(N, n_partitions, pivot)

    # local partition
    mid = partition(active_A, active_B, pivot)

    # Scatter to other partitions
    scatter(active_A, active_B, mid)

def main(T):

    # Per device size
    m = 5

    # Initilize a CrossPy Array
    cupy_list_A = []
    cupy_list_B = []
    for i in range(args.num_gpus):
        with cp.cuda.Device(0):
            random_array = cp.random.randint(0, 100, size=m)
            random_array = random_array.astype(cp.int32)

            cupy_list_B.append(cp.zeros(m, dtype=cp.int32))

    xA = xp.array(cupy_list_A)
    xB = xp.array(cupy_list_B)

    xA = xA.values()[0]
    xB = xB.values()[0]

    quicksort(xA, xB, slice(0, len(xA)), T)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    T = None

Interoperability with Parla Array type.


I can't seem to create a CrossPy array of PArrays and get consistent slicing support.
We need a way to return slices of PArrays as the underlying type on CrossPy arrays.
Do you have any advice on this?

Example - Output

Testing PArray Construction
Converted Parray:  {0: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), -1: None}
New PArray:  {0: None, -1: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])}

Testing CrossPy Construction

Case 1: Partitioning Init w/ Wrapper
Partition Init:  array {((0, 5),): <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122a5f0>, ((5, 10),): <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122a8f0>}
Partition 0: {0: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), -1: None} : <class 'parla.common.parray.core.PArray'>
   Parent: 140546112923120
Partition 1: {0: array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), -1: None} : <class 'parla.common.parray.core.PArray'>
   Parent: 140546112923888

Case 2: Cupy Init w/ Wrapper
Cupy Init:  array {((0, 10),): array {((0, 5),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), ((5, 10),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])}}
//Not PArray type (this type of init doesn't work)
Partition 0: array {((0, 5),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), ((5, 10),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])} : <class 'crosspy.core.ndarray.CrossPyArray'>
Failed!  'CrossPyArray' object has no attribute 'parent_ID'

Case 3: PArray Init w/o wrapper
PArray List:  [<parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122a1d0>, <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122aa70>]
Failed!  Can't create this 

Case 4: PArray Init w/ wrapper
PArray List:  [<parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122acb0>, <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122ae00>]
Failed!  Can't create this 

Testing Slicing

Test slicing with Case 1. (Partitioning Input)
Test  Slice: slice(0, 3, None)
Sliced:  array {((0, 3),): <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122a5f0>}
Partition 0: {0: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), -1: None} : <class 'parla.common.parray.core.PArray'>

//The type is correct, but slicing across PArrays doesn't work. 
Test  Slice: slice(0, 7, None)
Failed!  can't convert negative value to uint64_t

Test slicing with Case 2. (Cupy Input)
Test  Slice: slice(0, 3, None)
Sliced:  array {((0, 3),): <parla.common.parray.memory.MultiDeviceBuffer object at 0x7fd37122a5f0>}
Partition 0: array {((0, 3),): array([0, 1, 2])} : <class 'crosspy.core.ndarray.CrossPyArray'>
Partition Partition 0 : [0 1 2] : <class 'cupy.ndarray'>

Test  Slice: slice(0, 7, None)
Sliced:  array {((0, 7),): array {((0, 5),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), ((5, 7),): array([0, 1])}}
Partition 0: array {((0, 5),): array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), ((5, 7),): array([0, 1])} : <class 'crosspy.core.ndarray.CrossPyArray'>

//These should be PArray
Partition Partition 0 : [0 1 2 3 4] : <class 'cupy.ndarray'>
Partition Partition 1 : [0 1] : <class 'cupy.ndarray'>

Example - Source

import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
import crosspy as xp
from crosspy import gpu
from parla import parray

as_parray = parray.asarray

cupy1 = cp.arange(5)
cupy2 = cp.arange(5)

print("Testing PArray Construction")
convert_parray_test = as_parray(cupy1)
print("Converted Parray: ", convert_parray_test)

new_parray_test = parray.array(np.arange(5))
print("New PArray: ", new_parray_test)

print("Testing CrossPy Construction")
print("Case 1: Partitioning Init w/ Wrapper")
    A = xp.array(range(10), placement=[gpu(0), gpu(0)], wrapper=as_parray)
    print("Partition Init: ", A)
    print("Internals: ")
    for i, array in enumerate(A.values()):
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")

except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

print("Case 2: Cupy Init w/ Wrapper")
    B = xp.array([cupy1, cupy2], wrapper=as_parray)
    print("Cupy Init: ", B)
    print("Internals: ")

    for i, array in enumerate(B.values()):
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

# Case 3: Parray Init
    "Case 3: PArray Init w/o wrapper (not needed I was just curious if this was valid)"
    parray_list = parray.asarray_batch([cupy1, cupy2])
    print("PArray List: ", parray_list)

    C = xp.array(parray_list)
    print("PArray List Init: ", C)
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

# Case 4: Parray Init
    "Case 4: PArray Init w/ wrapper (not needed I was just curious if this was valid)"
    parray_list = parray.asarray_batch([cupy1, cupy2])
    print("PArray List: ", parray_list)

    D = xp.array(parray_list, wrapper=as_parray)
    print("PArray List Init: ", C)
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

print("Testing Slicing")

# Slicing PArrays
print("Test slicing with Case 1. (Partitioning Input)")
    s = slice(0, 3)
    print("Test  Slice:", s)
    sliced_A = A[s]
    print("Sliced: ", sliced_A)

    print("Internals: ")
    for i, array in enumerate(sliced_A.values()):
        # This does not print what I expect it references the original unsliced parts?
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        # print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")

except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)


    s = slice(0, 7)
    print("Test  Slice:", s)
    sliced_A = A[s]
    print("Sliced: ", sliced_A)

    print("Internals: ")

    for i, array in enumerate(sliced_A.values()):
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        # print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")

except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

# Slicing PArrays
print("Test slicing with Case 2. (Cupy Input)")
    s = slice(0, 3)
    print("Test  Slice:", s)
    sliced_B = B[s]
    print("Sliced: ", sliced_A)

    print("Internals: ")
    for i, array in enumerate(sliced_B.values()):
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        # print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")
        for j, subarray in enumerate(array.values()):
            print(f"Partition Partition {j} : {subarray} : {type(subarray)}")

            # This should still be PArray type so automatic movement can be handled.
            # assert type(subarray) == type(new_parray_test)
            # print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")

except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)


    s = slice(0, 7)
    print("Test  Slice:", s)
    sliced_B = B[s]
    print("Sliced: ", sliced_B)

    print("Internals: ")
    for i, array in enumerate(sliced_B.values()):
        print(f"Partition {i}: {array} : {type(array)}")
        for j, subarray in enumerate(array.values()):
            print(f"Partition Partition {j} : {subarray} : {type(subarray)}")

            # This should still be PArray type so automatic movement can be handled.
            # assert type(subarray) == type(new_parray_test)
            # print(f"   Parent: {array.parent_ID}")

except Exception as e:
    print("Failed! ", e)

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