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build-bonita's Issues

Improve prerequisites error messages


  • except for the missing X Server, the messages are written to stdout instead of stderr
  • the messages don't show this is a prerequisite error


  • all error message written to stderr
  • always prefix prerequisite error message by something like [PREREQUISITE ERROR] ....
  • provide more context about why the prerequisites are needed
    • for the missing X Server: needed by Studio
    • maven needed by some connectors

UIDesigner is not building due to missing artifact

ui-designer-backend-webapp step is failing because org.bonitasoft.web:ui-designer-backend-contract:jar:tests:1.9.53is not build before (may be due to "skip test")

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ui-designer ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.218 s]
[INFO] ui-designer-frontend ............................... SUCCESS [01:27 min]
[INFO] ui-designer-backend ................................ SUCCESS [ 11.872 s]
[INFO] ui-designer-backend-contract ....................... SUCCESS [  8.951 s]
[INFO] ui-designer-backend-webapp ......................... FAILURE [ 13.304 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:01 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-09-26T11:36:22+02:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 28M/369M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ui-designer-backend-webapp: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.bonitasoft.web:ui-designer-backend-webapp:war:1.9.53: Could not find artifact org.bonitasoft.web:ui-designer-backend-contract:jar:tests:1.9.53 in central ( -> [Help 1]

Improve git commit detection

Depending on the way the clone/checkout is done, the current commit is currently inacurate

Example taken from

  > Use git version 2.25.0
fatal: ambiguous argument 'FETCH_HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git  [...] -- [...]'
  > Commit: FETCH_HEAD

We could also provide a dedicated information when the repository has not been clone i.e. no git files because the source zip has been downloaded from GitHub

build fails on bonita-ui-designer


The build script ceases on bonita-ui-designer.
it seems that on some npm dependency :

[INFO] [16:33:42] Finished 'bundle:html' after 6.11 s [68/40449]
[INFO] [16:33:42] Starting 'pot'...
[INFO] [16:33:42] Starting 'bundle:js'...
[ERROR] /home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/frontend/node_modul
[ERROR] (function (exports, require, module, __filename, _dirname) { var Module;if(!Module)Module=(typeo
f Module!=="undefined"?Module:null)||{};var moduleOverrides={};for(var key in Module){if(Module.hasOwnPro
perty(key)){moduleOverrides[key]=Module[key]}}var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB=typeof window==="object";var ENVIRON
MENT_IS_NODE=typeof process==="object"&&typeof require==="function"&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB;var ENVIRONMENT

_NODE&&!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER;if(ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE){if(!Module["print"])Module["print"]=function print(
x){process["stdout"].write(x+"\n")};if(!Module["printErr"])Module["printErr"]=function printErr(x){proces
s["stderr"].write(x+"\n")};var nodeFS=require("fs");var nodePath=require("path");Module["read"]=function
[ERROR] Error: Failed to call done in a stream handler before 30000ms timeout.
[ERROR] at null._onTimeout (/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-desi
[ERROR] at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)
[ERROR] npm ERR! Linux 4.4.8-300.fc23.x86_64
[ERROR] npm ERR! argv "/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/node
/node" "/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/node/node_modules/n
pm/bin/npm-cli.js" "run" "build"
[ERROR] npm ERR! node v4.4.7
[ERROR] npm ERR! npm v2.15.8
[ERROR] npm ERR! [email protected] build: gulp --dist
[ERROR] npm ERR! Exit status 7
[ERROR] npm ERR!
[ERROR] npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build script 'gulp --dist'.
[ERROR] npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the page-builder package,
[ERROR] npm ERR! not with npm itself.
[ERROR] npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
[ERROR] npm ERR! gulp --dist
[ERROR] npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
[ERROR] npm ERR! npm bugs page-builder
[ERROR] npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
[ERROR] npm ERR!
[ERROR] npm ERR! npm owner ls page-builder
[ERROR] npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
[ERROR] npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
[ERROR] npm ERR! /home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/fronte
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] ui-designer ........................................ SUCCESS [ 0.340 s]
[INFO] ui-designer-frontend ............................... FAILURE [06:37 min]
[INFO] ui-designer-backend ................................ SKIPPED
[INFO] ui-designer-backend-contract ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ui-designer-backend-webapp ......................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 06:37 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-01-28T16:34:43-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 15M/179M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.0:npm (npm build) on project u
i-designer-frontend: Failed to run task: 'npm run build' failed. (error code 1) -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn -rf :ui-designer-frontend

Upon further reading the npm log :
204708 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '_baseExtremum.js', 420, 436 ]
204709 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry templateSettings.js
204710 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'templateSettings.js', 420, 436 ]
204711 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry _baseFilter.js
204712 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '_baseFilter.js', 420, 436 ]
204713 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry templateSettings.js
204714 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'templateSettings.js', 420, 436 ]
204715 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry _baseFilter.js
204716 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '_baseFilter.js', 420, 436 ]
204717 error error rolling back Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/backend/webapp/node_modules/karma-babel-preprocessor/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babel-register/node_modules/core-js/fn/string'
204717 error error rolling back at Error (native)
204717 error error rolling back { [Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/backend/webapp/node_modules/karma-babel-preprocessor/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babel-register/node_modules/core-js/fn/string']
204717 error error rolling back errno: -39,
204717 error error rolling back code: 'ENOTEMPTY',
204717 error error rolling back syscall: 'rmdir',
204717 error error rolling back path: '/home/gab/prj/bonita_tomcat/bonita_source/Build-Bonita-BPM/bonita-ui-designer/backend/webapp/node_modules/karma-babel-preprocessor/node_modules/babel-core/node_modules/babel-register/node_modules/core-js/fn/string' }

trying to rmdir on a non empty dir...

feedback on 7.9.4

here's my feedback:

  1. JAVA_HOME tweaks:
  • shall be set to openjdk 8 path in "":

otherwise it ends like this:

corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ bash 
Using Maven version: 3.6.0
Using curl version: 7.64.0
Check if Java version is compatible with Bonita
  > JAVA_HOME is not set. Use java in path
  > Java command path is java
  > Java full version: 11.0.4
  > Java version: 11
Invalid Java version 11 not 8. Please set JAVA_HOME environment variable to a valid JDK version, and/or add the java executable to your PATH
  • openjdk8 is only available from oracle, it's not on debian buster itself (11 only)
  1. GRADLE FAILED this way:
corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ bash 
Using Maven version: 3.6.0
Using curl version: 7.64.0
Check if Java version is compatible with Bonita
  > JAVA_HOME is set
  > Java command path is /home/corrado/BonitaStuff/jdk-8u231-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_231/bin/java
  > Java full version: 1.8.0_231
  > Java version: 8
Java version is compatible
Processing bonita-engine 7.9.4
Cloning into 'bonita-engine'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 464, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (464/464), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (233/233), done.
remote: Total 507364 (delta 115), reused 362 (delta 78), pack-reused 506900
Ricezione degli oggetti: 100% (507364/507364), 94.04 MiB | 1.50 MiB/s, done.
Risoluzione dei delta: 100% (224115/224115), done.
HEAD ora si trova a 91af9b16bd tr(Github Actions): add Engine Community build file (#1426)
[DEBUG] Running build command: ./gradlew clean -x test publishToMavenLocal

Welcome to Gradle 5.3!

Here are the highlights of this release:
 - Feature variants AKA "optional dependencies"
 - Type-safe accessors in Kotlin precompiled script plugins
 - Gradle Module Metadata 1.0

For more details see

Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
[Fatal Error] commons-io-2.5.pom:2:10: Doctype già presente.
[Fatal Error] commons-parent-39.pom:2:10: Doctype già presente.
[Fatal Error] groovy-all-2.4.16.pom:2:10: Doctype già presente.
[Fatal Error] jackson-databind-2.9.8.pom:2:10: Doctype già presente.
<=============> 100% CONFIGURING [3m 25s]

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':bpm:bonita-server:javadoc'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':bpm:bonita-server:compile'.
   > Could not resolve org.springframework:spring-context:5.1.5.RELEASE.
     Required by:
         project :bpm:bonita-server > project :bpm:bonita-core:bonita-process-engine
         project :bpm:bonita-server > project :bpm:bonita-core:bonita-process-engine > project :services:bonita-commons
         project :bpm:bonita-server > project :bpm:bonita-core:bonita-process-engine > project :platform:platform-resources
      > Could not resolve org.springframework:spring-context:5.1.5.RELEASE.
         > Could not get resource 'http://repositories.rd.lan/maven/all/org/springframework/spring-context/5.1.5.RELEASE/spring-context-5.1.5.RELEASE.pom'.
            > Could not GET 'http://repositories.rd.lan/maven/all/org/springframework/spring-context/5.1.5.RELEASE/spring-context-5.1.5.RELEASE.pom'.
               > Connect to repositories.rd.lan:80 [repositories.rd.lan/] failed: connect timed out

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 4m 33s
  1. my environment is the following:
corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ uname -a
Linux powerdesk 4.19.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u1 (2019-09-20) x86_64 GNU/Linux

corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ which java
corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ /usr/bin/java -version
openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.4+11-post-Debian-1deb10u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.4+11-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing)

corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ /home/corrado/BonitaStuff/jdk-8u231-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_231/bin/java -version
java version "1.8.0_231"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)

  1. my "Maven Toolchains configuration file" is below: I defined both v11 and v8 there:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
      <!-- Set the appropriate path to your OpenJDK 11 installation folder -->
      <!-- Set the appropriate path to your OpenJDK 11 installation folder -->

both seems correctly defined:

corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -version
openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.4+11-post-Debian-1deb10u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.4+11-post-Debian-1deb10u1, mixed mode, sharing)
corrado@powerdesk:~/BonitaStuff/Build-Bonita-master$ /home/corrado/BonitaStuff/jdk-8u231-linux-x64/jdk1.8.0_231/bin/java -version
java version "1.8.0_231"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)

any hints?

Document available environment variables in README

Environment variables have been introduced to allow build configuration (mainly for CI builds) but nothing is documented.
At least point the CI configuration files as examples of available configurations if we think maintaining the environment variables list is too costly.

Unable to build Bonita 7.9.2

Various issues with current master branch (see e7372f1)

  • engine still builds with maven instead of gradle
  • connectors
    • some tags are wrong
    • some connectors depends on bonita-engine:7.9.0-SNAPSHOT
    • connector-database depends on the oracle jdbc driver which is not available in public repository
  • web-pages: depends on the com.bonitasoft.deployer.bonita-resources-deployer: 0.1.25 plugin which is not available publicly
  • studio
    • required a toolchains.xm file for JDK11
    • p2 repository is still 7.7 instead of 4.10

build fail using a non public p2 repository

The build fail at bonita-studio :
[INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Computing target platform for MavenProject: @ /opt/Bonita/Build-Bonita/bonita-studio/patched-plugins/org.eclipse.emf.edapt.migration/pom.xml [INFO] Adding repository http://repositories.rd.lan/p2/7.7 [ERROR] Failed to resolve target definition /opt/Bonita/Build-Bonita/bonita-studio/platform/ Failed to load p2 metadata repository from location http://repositories.rd.lan/p2/7.7: Unknown Host: http://repositories.rd.lan/p2/7.7/content.xml: Unknown host repositories.rd.lan -> [Help 1]

[feature] allow to build the dev branch

The current solution only allows to build a tagged version of Bonita.
People who want to make contributions need to base their work on a branch, generally master or dev.
They need to be able to build Bonita components the targeted project requires so letting them build the whole Bonita solution will help doing that.

In addition, letting build a dedicated branch could also ensure that the master and dev branch are buildable. We could setup a Travis CI cron and GitHub actions schedule to verify it

add a MariaDb connector to bonita-connector-database

this would actually refer to the non-community core repo:

Given BonitaPortal lives in Tomcat and I could quite easily replace a MySql connection with a MariaDb connection in a Tomcat application, why not adding MariaDb to the db-connector-set?

That would allow Debian 10 ("buster") too, within the "supported OSes" (no more mysql there):

Any chance to see that soon?


The script generates silent error at startup when running on macOS

Seen in

  > Use curl version: 7.85.0
  > Java prerequisites
      Check if Java version is compatible with Bonita
      JAVA_HOME is set
      Java command path is /Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Java_Temurin-Hotspot_jdk/11.0.16-101/x64/Contents/Home/bin/java
      JVM details
        openjdk version 2022-08-12
        OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin- (build
        OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin- (build, mixed mode)
      Java full version:
./ line 316: [[: 11.0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".0")
      Java version: 11.0
./ line 323: [[: 11.0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".0")
      Java version is compatible with Bonita

Build failed

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 55.784 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-10-29T11:41:02-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.5:yarn (yarn build) on project bonita-portal-js: Failed to run task: 'yarn run build' failed. org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.5:yarn (yarn build) on project bonita-portal-js: Failed to run task

Document that non official binaries are temporarly available

Bonita Bundle and Bonita Studio binaries are regularly built by GitHub workflows and are available for downloads for 90 days (the retention duration is now configurable:
This could be interesting for people that want to test the dev branch i.e. in progress developments

For instance, from, studio and bundle binaries built on macos and windows are available


Setup PR and issue templates


Issues: we could setup categories and for "problems" ask requester to provide the environment info generated in the logs, attached the full log as file, request to ensure the build is done in "non quiet" mode (current default) to have all logs

Examle of build info, extracted from a Travis CI build

$ ./
OS information
 > Run on Linux
 > Generic information: Linux travis-job-f151c66d-021c-4869-9bfb-43e5a524ead3 4.15.0-1037-gcp #39~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 4 09:29:23 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Build environment
 > Use git version 2.22.0
 > Commit: 887746b678fad1a8ccb3d6ebfa256a5ab05a0215
Build settings
 > Use Maven version: 3.6.0
 > Use curl version: 7.47.0
 > Java prerequisites
     Check if Java version is compatible with Bonita
     JAVA_HOME is set
     Java command path is /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
     JVM details
       openjdk version 1.8.0_222
       OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_222-8u222-b10-1ubuntu1~16.04.1-b10)
       OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.222-b10, mixed mode)
     Java full version: 1.8.0_222
     Java version: 8
     Java version is compatible with Bonita

Reduce gradle logs on Travis CI builds

When building the bonita-engine and bonita-web-pages component, some logs are emitted by gradle whereas we configure it to run quietly

Example taken from build of commit 887746b
bonita-engine build part (inital logs only)

> Starting Daemon> Starting Daemon > Connecting to Daemon<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [0s]> Building buildSrc > Evaluating settings> Building buildSrc > Loading projects<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [1s]> Building buildSrc<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [2s]> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc> Building buildSrc<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [3s]> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:compileJava> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:compileGroovy > Resolve dependencies of :buildS<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [4s]> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:compileGroovy<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [5s]<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [6s]<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [7s]> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:jar> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:pluginUnderTestMetadata > Resolve files of :bui<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [8s]> Building buildSrc > :buildSrc:validateTaskProperties<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [9s]> Building buildSrc> Evaluating settings > Compiling /home/travis/build/Bonitasoft-Community/Build<-------------> 0% INITIALIZING [10s]> Evaluating settings> Evaluating settings > Compiling /home/travis/build/Bonitasoft-Community/Build<-------------> 0% CONFIGURING [10s]> Loading projects> root project> root project > Resolve dependencies of detachedConfiguration1

This does not occurs with the Travis CI build in the bonita-engine repository which also configure gradle to run quietly
For instance, see

The differences between the 2 configurations

  • bonita-engine repository: trusty oraclejdk8
  • Build-Bonita repository: xenial openjdk8

I have setup a PR on the engine repository to change the Ubuntu version to see if this is releavant, see bonitasoft/bonita-engine#273 --> gradle still doesn't emit logs

The other difference is that here, we call gradle from a bash script.
We could force (via env variable) usage of --console=plain and see what is going on.

Otherwise, search if someone has the same issue

Move linux CI build to GitHub actions

The Bonitasoft-Community has no more minutes left and we don't want to ask the travis support for a refill each time minutes are fully consumed.


The build minutes limit has been added on november 2020, see

Travis CI provided great feedbacks in addition to Github Actions, and I wanted to keep it as described in #74 (comment).
Alternatively, we could also use another CI provider in addition to GH actions.

Notice that the studio build as specific requirements (like xvfb).

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