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consoleutil's Introduction


A HEADER FILE project with macros that can change text color/style and move cursor in CONSOLE by ANSI Escape Codes, and some utility macros for CUDA and Qt.



author: BH2WFR


Reference of Ansi Escape Codes:


  • features using Ansi Escape code (like color customizing, or cursor moving macros in this header file) DO NOT SUPPORT Windows version lower than Windows 10 1511, otherwise it can't display properly in windows cmd.

    • If you are using these operating systems, pls #define CONSOLE_UTIL_ANSI_ESCAPE_UNSUPPORTED 1 before #include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> to disable features by printing Ansi Escape Code.
  • C language version ≥ C99, C++ language ≥ C++98, with ##__VA_ARGS__ extension support.

    (MSVC supports ##__VA_ARGS__ since VS2015 Update 3. if your MSVC or VS version is older, pls delete "##", MSVC eats trailing comma before __VA_ARGS__ by default without /Zc::preprocessor command)

  • Pls #include the header file <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> after other header files, especially those from libraries such as Qt/fmtlib. DO NOT #include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> in header files.

  • You can include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h> in header files. No need to include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h> in source files if you already included <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>, because it has been included in <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>.

Major Features:

#include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> // already wrapped in <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>
  1. Set Front Color, Back Color, and font style for messages to print by printf/cout.

    Forecolors: FBlack, FRed, FGreen, FYellow, FBlue, FMagenta, FCyan, FWhite, FDefault, FRgb(66, 66, 66)

    Bright Forecolors: FGray(=FGrey,FLBlack), FLRed, FLGreen, FLYellow, FLBlue, FLMagenta, FLCyan, FLWhite;

    Backcolors: BBlack, BRed, BGreen, BYellow, BBlue, BMagenta, BCyan, BWhite, BDefault, BRgb(66, 66, 66);

    Bright Backcolors: BGray(=BGrey,BLBlack), BLRed, BLGreen, BLYellow, BLBlue, BLMagenta, BLCyan, BLWhite;

    Font Styles: CBold, CWeak, CItalic, CUnderLine, CFlash, CQFlash, CInvert(swap fg and bg colors), CHide;

    Reset to Default: CRst or CReset, you must append this to the end of the string literal to revert console style back to default.

    printf(BRed FLGreen CQFlash "test" CReset "\n");
    	// Red Background, Light Green Text Forecolor, and flashing quickly
    std::cout << CCyan "test" CReset << "\n"; // Text forecolor: cyan
    fmt::println(CYellow "test" CReset);      // Text forecolor: yellow
  2. Control text cursor location in console, or erase text.

    Move cursor: CUp(2), CDown(3), CFwd(4), CBack(5), CNextLn(1), CPrevLn(1),

    CHorzPos(12)(column X, absolute), CPos(44, 55)(move the cursor to row 44, column 55)

    Just print them, use individual or append to string literals.

    printf(CForward(2)); // move thr cursor 2 characters right
    printf(CCursorPos(15, 20)); // move the text cursor to (15, 20) position
    CUTIL_CONSOLE_CURSOR_POS(15, 20); // equivalent, calls SetConsoleCursorPosition() in win32.
  3. set console encoding, console window size (in windows), or console title, also with pause program and force abort the program.

    CUTIL_CHCP_ENCODING_UTF8(); 	// switch console encoding to UTF-8 (windows)
    CUTIL_CONSOLE_TITLE("MyProject"); // set console window title (calls SetConsoleTitleA() or SetConsoleTitleW() for windows, and print ansi escape code "\033]0;%s\007" for linux)
    // CUTIL_CONSOLE_TITLE(_TEXT("MyProgram"));
    // CUTIL_CONSOLE_TITLE_A("MyProgram");
    // CUTIL_CONSOLE_TITLE_W(L"MyProgram");
    CUTIL_CONSOLE_SIZE(100, 30);	// set console window size to with of 30 chars and height of 30 lines (only available in windows)
    CUTIL_CONSOLE_CLEAR();			// clear console (calls system("cls") )
    printf("中文한글\n");	// you can correctly display this when the code saved in UTF-8 Encoding, especially in MSVC Compiler.
    // available encodings:
  4. Print Text only in Debug Build, and do Not Print in Release Build.

    pls make sure that macro "_DEBUG" is defined in Debug Build, or macro "NDEBUG" is defined in Release Build.

    int a{1};
    CUTIL_DEBUG_PRINTLN("debug text {}", a); 		// calls fmt::println()(fmtlib) or std::println()(C++23)
    CUTIL_DEBUG_COUT("debug text " << a << '\n'); 	// calls std::cout <<
    CUTIL_DEBUG_PRINTF("debug text %d", a); 		// calls printf()
    // these function-like macros will DO NOTHING IN RELEASE BUILD.
    CUTIL_DEBUG_PRINTLN_ERR("debug stderr text {}", a); // print to stderr
    CUTIL_DEBUG_CERR("debug stderr text " << a << '\n');
    CUTIL_DEBUG_PRINTF_ERR("debug stderr text %d", a);
  5. Flush the input buffer to ensure that subsequent "scanf()" or "cin" calls receive valid input.

    (吸收输入缓存区内的其余字符, 以便下次 scanf 或 cin 时能够获取到正确的输入内容)

    // #define CUTIL_FLUSH_INPUT_BUFFER()	{char ch; while((ch = getchar()) != '\n') continue;}
    int num1, num2;
    scanf("%d", &num1); // you inputed "123ss", then still remains characters "ss" in the input buffer
    CUTIL_CONSOLE_FLUSH_INPUTBUFFER(); // flush input buffer (clear)
    scanf("%d", &num2); // you can normally input other contents.
  6. print argc and argv arguments of main(int argc, char* argv[]) function in sequence.

    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    CUTIL_PRINT_ARGV(argc, argv);// print all argc and argv[n] of main() function
    	return 0;
  7. Print custom Error Message with filename, line number and function name


  8. Other useful C/C++ Macros

    #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
    // already wrapped in <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>, you can include the latter instead in source files.
    // <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h> can be included in header files.
    • decide if the project is under debug build or Release build mode.

      in MSVC, macro _DEBUG is defined under debug build; in GCC, macro NDEBUG is defined under release build.

      you can add add_compile_definitions("$<IF:$<CONFIG:Debug>,_DEBUG,NDEBUG>") in CMake.

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      #if CUTIL_DEBUG_BUILD // Debug
      #else // Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel
    • set bit to a unsigned integer variable in some hardware projects; rotate bits

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      uint16_t num {0b00000000'00000001}; // C++14
      // operate bit by index, starts at 0. use them in a seperate line, and returns nothing
      CUTIL_BIT_SET_IDX(num, 0);		// equals to {num |=  (1u << 0));}
      CUTIL_BIT_CLEAR_IDX(num, 2);	// equals to {num &= ~(1u << 2));}
      CUTIL_BIT_TOGGLE_IDX(num, 3);	// equals to {num ^=  (1u << 3));}
      if(CUTIL_BIT_GET_IDX(num, 0) != 0){ // reading bit, if bit is 1, returns (1<<BIT_IDX), NOT 1
      	printf("%x\n", num);
      if(CUTIL_BIT_CHK_IDX(num, 0) == 1){ // reading bit, if bit is 1, returns 1, != CUTIL_BIT_GET_IDX()
      	printf("%x\n", num);
      // operate bit by mask
      CUTIL_BIT_SET_MASK(num, 0x2B00); 	// equals to {num |=  0x2B00;}
      CUTIL_BIT_CLEAR_MASK(num, 0x2B00); 	// equals to {num &= ~0x2B00;}
      CUTIL_BIT_TOGGLE_MASK(num, 0x1100); // equals to {num ^=  0x1100;}
      if(CUTIL_BIT_GET_MASK(num, 0x0022) != 0){ // returns (num & 0x0022)
      	printf("%x\n", num);
      // rotate bits. use them in a seperate line, and returns nothing
      uint16_t var{0x1234};
      CUTIL_BIT_ROTATE_LEFT_SIZE(8*sizeof(uint16_t), var, 1); // rotate bits of `var` by 1 bit step
      CUTIL_BIT_ROTATE_RIGHT_SIZE(8*sizeof(uint16_t), var, 1);
      CUTIL_BIT_ROTATE_LEFT_TYPE(decltype(var), var, 1); // equivelent, also `typeof` for GNU C or C23
      CUTIL_BIT_ROTATE_RIGHT_TYPE(decltype(var), var, 1);
      CUTIL_BIT_ROTATE_LEFT(var, 1); // equivelent, C++, GNU C, C23 only
    • swap variables in C (types of _VAR1 and _VAR2 should be strictly equal; do not use in C++, pls replace with std::swap()),

      or get the maximum or minimum item between two numbers;

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      uint32_t a = 1, b = 2; // type of `a` and `b` must be strictly equal.
      CUTIL_SWAP(a, b); // use in C++(decltype), GNU C(typeof), or C23(typeof)
      CUTIL_SWAP_TYPE(uint32_t, a, b); 	// equivelent, specify the type.
      CUTIL_SWAP_TYPE(typeof(a), a, b); 	// equivelent, in GNU C or C23
      CUTIL_SWAP_TYPE(decltype(a), a, b); // equivelent in C++, but prefer to use `std::swap()`
      int max_ab = CUTIL_MAX(a, b); // maximum number between a and b
      int min_ab = CUTIL_MIN(a, b); // minimum number between a and b
    • check if two floating-point numbers are equal (float, double, long double) by checking diff of two numbers is within epsilon limit.

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      float a = -1.00000f, b = -0.99999f; // they can regarded as equal
      double c = 1.000000000, d = 1.0000000001;
      bool isEqual1 = CUTIL_EQUAL_F(a, b); // fabs(a-b) within (-epsilon, +epsilon), epsilon == FLT_EPSILON in <float.h>
      bool isEqual2 = CUTIL_EQUAL_D(c, d); // epsilon == DBL_EPSILON in <float.h>
      bool isEqual3 = CUTIL_EQUAL(c, d, 0.0001); // custom epsilon value
    • count amount of arguments (up to 35)

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      int a = CUTIL_VA_CNT(); 			// -> 0
      int b = CUTIL_VA_CNT(b1); 			// -> 1
      int c = CUTIL_VA_CNT(c1, c2); 		// -> 2
      int c = CUTIL_VA_CNT(c1, c2, c3); 	// -> 3
    • match C++ language version, especially if you want to let the project build both by MSVC and G++.

      CUITIL_CPP_LANG equals to "_MSVC_LANG" for MSVC, and "__cplusplus" for other compilers.

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 199711L	// C++98
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 201103L	// C++11
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 201402L	// C++14
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 201703L	// C++17
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 202002L	// C++20
      #if CUTIL_CPP_LANG >= 202302L	// C++23 (temporary unsupported)
    • set C++11 class constructor/moving/copying to disabled/default

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      class MyClass{
          CUTIL_CLASS_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR(MyClass) // generates MyClass(), ~MyClass() = default;
          CUTIL_CLASS_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(MyClass) // cannot move or copy this class
          // =delete: MyClass(const MyClass&), operator=(const MyClass&), MyClass(MyClass&&), operator=(MyClass&&),
      class MyClass{
          // generates 6 functions =default: MyClass(), ~MyClass(), MyClass(const MyClass&),
          //     operator=(const MyClass&), MyClass(MyClass&&), operator=(MyClass&&)
      /* available macros:
    • memory allocation and operations for C (wrapped malloc() free() memset() memcpy() with typename to macros. use AMOUNT of variables to substitute length in bytes.) CUTIL_TYPE_FREE() macro also sets pointer to nullptr.

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      const size_t amount = 20; // amount of variables ( length in bytes! )
      uint32_t* aD1 = CUTIL_TYPE_MALLOC(uint32_t, amount);
      	// std::vector<uint32_t> v1(20); -> elements == 0xCDCDCDCD in heap
      uint32_t* aD2 = CUTIL_TYPE_CALLOC(uint32_t, amount); // std::vector<uint32_t> v1(20, 0x00000000);
      uint32_t aD3[amount]; // C99 VLA, unsupported in C++, -> elements == 0xCCCCCCCC in stack
      uint32_t* aD3 = CUTIL_TYPE_MEMSET(uint32_t, aD1, 0x66, amount);
      	// set all elements of aD1 to 0x66666666, returns aD3 == aD1
      uint32_t* aD4 = CUTIL_TYPE_MEMMOVE(uint32_t, aD2, aD1, amount); // copy aD1 elements to aD2, returns aD4==aD2
      uint32_t* aD5 = CUTIL_TYPE_MEMCPY(uint32_t, aD2, aD1, amount);  // equivalents to above.
      int compResult = CUTIL_TYPE_MEMCMP(uint32_t, aD1, aD2, amount); // returns 0, contents of mem blocks equal.
      CUTIL_TYPE_FREE(aD1); // element values -> 0xDDDDDDDD (deleted heap); then set `aD1` to `nullptr`
      CUTIL_TYPE_FREE(aD2); // set `aD2` to `nullptr`
      // you need't add `aD1 = NULL`.
    • delete or delete[] pointer to heap created by new or new[], then set to nullptr.

      #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h>
      uint32_t* p1 = new uint32_t(123);
      uint32_t* p2 = new uint32_t[50];
      CUTIL_DELETE(p1);		// delete p1; p1 = nullptr;
      CUTIL_DELETE_ARR(p2); 	// delete[] p2; p2 = nullptr;
      // you need't add `p1 = nullptr`.
  9. Some Macros for Qt Projects:

    #include <ConsoleUtil/QtUtil.h>
    // already wrapped in <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>, you can include the latter instead.
    • Enable High DPI Support for Qt5 programs (enable since Qt5.6.0, and fractional scaling since Qt5.14.0). Qt6 supports it by default.

    • Set Qt5 TextCodec Encoding, like UTF-8 or GBK to let qDebug() correctly displays Chinese characters with UTF-8 code page and MSVC compiler.

      #include <qglobal.h>
      #include <QApplication>
      #include <QDebug>
      #include <QTextCodec> // include Qt headers first
      #include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> // <ConsoleUtil/QtUtil.h> has been wrapped in this header.
      int main(int argc, char* argv[])
          CUTIL_QT5_HIGH_DPI(); 	  	//* enable Qt5 high DPI support
          CUTIL_QT5_TEXTCODEC_UTF8(); //* set Qt default text encoding to UTF-8
          QApplication app(argc, argv); // you must create QCoreApplication after these macros.
          return app.exec();
      /* available encodings:
  10. Some Macros for CUDA Programs:

    #include <ConsoleUtil/CudaUtil.h>
    // already wrapped in <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h>, you can include the latter instead.


How To Use for CMake Projects:

  1. use find_package() in CMakeLists.txt of your project to find "ConsoleUtil" CMake package.

    Set variable "ConsoleUtil_DIR" previously to the folder ConsoleUtil/cmake, with file ConsoleUtilConfig.cmake inside.

    set(ConsoleUtil_DIR "D:/3rdlibs/ConsoleUtil/cmake") # there's file `ConsoleUtilConfig.cmake`
    find_package(ConsoleUtil REQUIRED) # find ConsoleUtil package
  2. link "ConsoleUtil::ConsoleUtil" to your target.

    project(myProject LANGUAGES CXX)
    add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp") # create a app target
    target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME}
    	ConsoleUtil::ConsoleUtil 	# this header-only Library
        # fmt::fmt-header-only 		# other 3rd libraries
  3. include "ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h" in your source file, and check if there's macro CONSOLE_UTIL_VERSION equals to version number.

    #include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> // wrapped all 3 below inside
    // #include <ConsoleUtil/CppUtil.h> // you can include this alone within header files
    // #include <ConsoleUtil/QtUtil.h>
    // #include <ConsoleUtil/CudaUtil.h>

Example 使用样例:

#include <print.h>			// C++23
#include <windows.h>		// include other headers first
#include <fmt/core.h>		// include other headers first
#include <ConsoleUtil/ConsoleUtil.h> 	// include this header at last
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	CUTIL_CHCP_ENCODING_UTF8(); 	// switch console encoding to UTF-8 (windows)
	CUTIL_CONSOLE_TITLE("MyProject"); // set console window title
	CUTIL_CONSOLE_SIZE(100, 30);		// set console window size to with of 30 chars and height of 30 lines.
	CUTIL_CONSOLE_CLEAR();			// clear console (system("cls"))
	CUTIL_PRINT_ARGV(argc, argv);	// print all argc and argv[n] of main() function
	printf(FLGreen "Hello World!\n" CReset);   // print "Hello World" with light yellow console color formatting
													you should put "CReset" at the end of string to RESET console font color to DEFAULT
	printf(CStyle(FLGreen, "Hello World!\n")); // Equivalent
	std::cout << FLRed "ERROR\n" CReset;  // print "ERROR" with font color light red, "CReset" is also needed to revert font color to default
	std::cout << CStyle(FLRed, "ERROR\n");// Equivalent
	printf(BRed FGreen CQFlash "test\n" CReset);  // Print text with green font and red background, and quickly flashing
	printf(CStyle(BRed FGreen CQFlash, "test\n"));// Equivalent
	printf(CForward(2)); // move thr cursor 2 characters right
	CUTIL_ERROR_MESSAGE("error occurred!"); // print an error message with filename, function name and line number ATTACHED.
	CUTIL_CONSOLE_PAUSE(); 			 // system("pause");
	return 0;

Console Effects 控制台效果 :

![image-20231205152753735](./assets/Example Effects.png)


consoleutil's People


bh2wfr avatar





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