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simddistance's Introduction


The primary aim of this project is to serve as a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) that demonstrates the enhancement of processing performance in certain conditions. Specifically, it focuses on the optimization of the task of locating the longest sequence of 0 in a binary input, such that replacing a 0 with 1 maximizes the distance between two 1s.

General Approach (Slow)

  • The input is given as std::vector<bool>.
  • The longest sequence of 0s is found using a loop.
size_t longestSeqSize = 0;
size_t longestSeqPos = 0;
size_t currentSeqSize = 0;

for (auto i = 0u; i != input.size(); ++i) {
    auto t = input[i];
    if (t == 1) {
        if (longestSeqSize < currentSeqSize) {
            longestSeqSize = currentSeqSize;
            longestSeqPos = i - currentSeqSize;
        currentSeqSize = 0;
    } else {

This approach, however, poses certain issues:

  • If the input follows a Bernoulli distribution with p=0.5, the numerous branch mis-predictions can lead to inefficient computation.
  • input[i] involves bit manipulations which add extra CPU cycles.

The std::vector<bool> is a specialized vector that packs multiple boolean values into a single byte. Although this conserves memory, the additional operations required often degrade the performance. As such, it is not recommended for low-latency code without suitable validation.

Note: std::vector<bool> does not provide a .data() method to access raw memory.

Approach using std::vector<uint8_t> (UintS)

A standard solution that doesn't compress the input vector involves storing each character in a single byte as std::vector<uint8_t>. This generally provides faster processing, especially when the input data fits into the L1 cache.

  • For *_1 test cases where the input is smaller than the L1 cache, the improvement in speed is approximately double.
  • For *_30 test cases, where the std::vector<bool> inputs fit into L1 cache while std::vector<uint8_t> inputs fit into the L2 cache, the speed improvement is significantly lower.
  • For *_120 test cases, where the std::vector<bool> inputs fit into L2 cache while std::vector<uint8_t> inputs fit into the L3 cache, the speed improvement is further reduced.

Please note that comparisons between std::vector<bool> and std::vector<uint8_t> depend largely on the specific setup used.

Memoized Approach

Our optimization strategy involves processing characters in batches by grouping 8 values together, representing them as one uint8_t. By doing so, we can create a lookup table for all 2^8 possible values and subsequently merge the results.

In this approach, merging results from adjacent batches involves requiring the next uint8_t value to provide:

  • Count of 0s before the first 1.
  • Size of the tail made up of 0s.
  • The longest sequence of 0s within the batch.

Table Generation

Since the table is generated only once at compile-time, our code can afford to be both straightforward and simple.

Functions are marked as consteval

struct alignas(16) MemoizedData {
    uint8_t l, m, r;

consteval MemoizedData analyzeBits(uint8_t value) {
    assert(value != 0); // we use fixed value for 0 as {8, 8, 8}
    uint8_t firstOne = 0, longestZero = 0, lastOne = 0;
    uint8_t currentZero = 0;
    bool foundOne = false;

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        if (value & (1 << i)) {
            if (!foundOne) {
                firstOne = i;
                foundOne = true;
            longestZero = std::max(longestZero, currentZero);
            currentZero = 0;
            lastOne = i;
        } else {
            if (foundOne) {

    return {firstOne, longestZero, static_cast<uint8_t>(7 - lastOne)};

static constexpr auto UINT8_SIZE = (1 << 8) - 1;

consteval auto gen() {
    std::array<MemoizedData, UINT8_SIZE + 1> out{};
    out[0] = {8, 8, 8};
    for (uint8_t i = UINT8_SIZE; i != 0; --i) {
        out[i] = analyzeBits(i);
    return out;

decltype(auto) process8(uint8_t n) {
    static constexpr auto cached = gen();
    return cached[n];


As std::vector<bool> does not provide access to a raw pointer, we require a wrapper vector for such functionality.

class BoolVector {
    explicit BoolVector(size_t size)
        : m_size(size)
        , m_data((size + 7) / 8, 0) {}

    bool get(size_t index) const {
        size_t byteIndex = index / 8;
        size_t bitIndex = index % 8;
        return (m_data[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) != 0;

    void set(size_t index, bool value) {
        size_t byteIndex = index / 8;
        size_t bitIndex = index % 8;
        if (value) {
            m_data[byteIndex] |= (1 << bitIndex);
        } else {
            m_data[byteIndex] &= ~(1 << bitIndex);

    const uint8_t* rawData() const {

    size_t size() const {
        return m_size;

    size_t chunks() const {
        return m_data.size();

    size_t fullChunks() const {
        return m_data.size() - (size() % 8 != 0);

    size_t m_size;
    std::vector<uint8_t> m_data;

    void checkRange(size_t index) const noexcept {
        if (index >= size()) {
//            throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range");


void findInChunk(BoolVector& input, size_t pos) {
    assert(pos % 8 == 0);
    size_t longestSeqSize = 0;
    size_t longestSeqPos = 0;
    size_t current = 0;
    for (auto i = pos; i != pos + 8; ++i) {
        auto t = input.get(i);
        if (t == 1) {
            if (longestSeqSize < current) {
                longestSeqSize = current;
                longestSeqPos = i - current;
            current = 0;
        } else {
    assert(longestSeqPos + longestSeqSize / 2);
    input.set(longestSeqPos + longestSeqSize / 2, true);

void distanceMemoized(BoolVector& input) {
    auto const size = input.size();
    auto const chunks = input.fullChunks();

    size_t current = 0;
    size_t longestSeqSize = 0;
    size_t longestSeqPos = 0;
    bool inChunk = false;

    for (auto i = 0u; i != chunks; ++i) {
        auto [np, longest, ns] = process8(input.rawData()[i]);
        if (np == 8) {
            current += 8;
        } else {
            auto lp = np + current;
            if (lp > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]] {
                longestSeqSize = lp;
                assert(i * 8 + np >= longestSeqSize);
                longestSeqPos = i * 8 + np - longestSeqSize;
                inChunk = false;
            if (longest > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]] {
                inChunk = true;
                longestSeqSize = longest;
                longestSeqPos = i * 8;
            current = ns;

    if (size % 8 != 0) {
        for (auto j = chunks * 8; j != size; ++j) {
            auto t = input.get(j);
            if (t == 1) {
                if (longestSeqSize < current) {
                    longestSeqSize = current;
                    assert(j >= current);
                    longestSeqPos = j - current;
                    inChunk = false;
                current = 0;
            } else {

    if (longestSeqSize < current) {
        assert(input.get(size - 1) == false);
        input.set(size - 1, true);
    } else if (longestSeqPos == 0) {
        if (!inChunk) {
            assert(input.get(0) == false || longestSeqSize == 0);
            input.set(0, true);
        } else {
            findInChunk(input, longestSeqPos);
    } else {
        if (!inChunk) {
            assert(input.get(longestSeqPos + longestSeqSize / 2) == false);
            input.set(longestSeqPos + longestSeqSize / 2, true);
        } else {
            findInChunk(input, longestSeqPos);

Batch processing contributes to a substantial speed improvement, as it combines the benefits of small input size, fewer cache misses, and reduced operations per character.

Using [[unlikely]] noticeably improves the speed due to resulting changes in code layout and limitations on updating the longest position to O(sqrt(N)).

The code under [[unlikely]] is relocated to the end of the function, thereby reducing cycle size.

The FindInChunk function allows us to omit the need for locating the exact position within each batch during processing and perform this task only once.

Although FindInChunk could be substituted by a table lookup, I decided against it as call to this function is minimal, resulting in limited cycles.

Using uint16_t does not offer any advantage as the extra memory needed for the lookup table amounts to 2^64 ~ 65kb, which is larger than the L1 cache capacity.


A common approach to optimizing branchy code is to make it branchless. The body of the loop:

auto [np, longest, ns] = process8(input.rawData()[i]);
if (np == 8) {
    current += 8;
} else {
    auto lp = np + current;
    if (lp > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]] {
        longestSeqSize = lp;
        assert(i * 8 + np >= longestSeqSize);
        longestSeqPos = i * 8 + np - longestSeqSize;
        inChunk = false;
    if (longest > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]] {
        inChunk = true;
        longestSeqSize = longest;
        longestSeqPos = i * 8;
    current = ns;

can be replaced by:

auto const& [np, longest, ns] = process8(input.rawData()[i]);

auto leftValue = np + current;

using StateT = std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>;
StateT all{current + 8, longestSeqSize, longestSeqPos};
StateT noChanges{ns, longestSeqSize, longestSeqPos};
StateT leftUpdate{ns, leftValue, i * 8 - current};
StateT insideUpdate{ns, longest, i * 8 | IN_CHUNK_BIT};

std::array<StateT, 5> results{all, noChanges, leftUpdate, insideUpdate, insideUpdate};

auto hasOnes = np != 8;
auto leftTrigger = np + current > longestSeqSize;
auto triggerInside = longest > longestSeqSize && longest > np + current;
std::tie(current, longestSeqSize, longestSeqPos)
    = results[hasOnes * (1 + leftTrigger + triggerInside * 2)];

However, in our specific case, this may not prove to be the most efficient solution. As we need to modify three uint8_t variables in the loop, and we have four possibilities to do so, this approach would require us to utilize a five-dimensional answer, consuming sizeof(uint32_t) * 3 * 5. This results in an excessive amount of mov-like instructions and subsequently leading to a considerable bulk in assembly output:

movzx	eax, BYTE PTR [rdi+rax]
lea	ecx, 0[0+rbx*8]
vmovd	xmm4, r8d
mov	r10d, ecx
sub	ecx, r9d
or	r10d, -2147483648
vmovd	xmm5, ecx
mov	ecx, r8d
vmovd	xmm2, r10d
lea	r10d, 8[r9]
sal	rax, 4
vmovd	xmm3, r10d
add	rax, r13
vpunpckldq	xmm3, xmm3, xmm0
vpinsrd	xmm0, xmm0, r8d, 1
movzx	edx, BYTE PTR [rax]
movzx	esi, BYTE PTR 2[rax]
vpunpcklqdq	xmm0, xmm0, xmm3
movzx	eax, BYTE PTR 1[rax]
mov	r15d, edx
add	edx, r9d
vpinsrd	xmm4, xmm4, esi, 1
vmovd	xmm3, esi
cmp	edx, r8d
vpinsrd	xmm1, xmm5, edx, 1
vmovd	xmm5, eax
mov	DWORD PTR 72[rsp], esi
cmovnb	ecx, edx
vpunpcklqdq	xmm1, xmm4, xmm1
cmp	ecx, eax
vinserti128	ymm0, ymm0, xmm1, 0x1
vpunpckldq	xmm1, xmm3, xmm2
vpinsrd	xmm2, xmm2, eax, 1
setb	cl
xor	eax, eax
cmp	r8d, edx
vmovdqu	YMMWORD PTR 16[rsp], ymm0
setb	al
movzx	ecx, cl
cmp	r15b, 8
vpinsrd	xmm0, xmm5, esi, 1
lea	eax, 1[rax+rcx*2]
vpunpcklqdq	xmm0, xmm1, xmm0
vmovq	QWORD PTR 64[rsp], xmm2
cmove	eax, ebp
vmovdqu	XMMWORD PTR 48[rsp], xmm0



AMD Ryzen 7 5700U, linux clang 18.0-pre (trunk)
100 repetitions, median value, cv < 1.5%
Run on (16 X 4369.92 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB (x8)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x8)
  L2 Unified 512 KiB (x8)
  L3 Unified 4096 KiB (x2)
* BM_process/EQ_1 BM_process/R_1 BM_process/EQ_30 BM_process/R_30 BM_process/EQ_120 BM_process/R_120 BM_process/RR_120
Slow 7765ns 7561ns 880.889us 421.309us 3541.31us 1653.81us 786.595us
UintS 7505ns 7284ns 799.938us 371.4us 3218.47us 1456.31us 740.281us
UintBranchLess 28.147us 28.131us 680.196us 680.128us 2719.86us 2719.91us 2719.76us
MemoizedS 935ns 947ns 26.63us 30.815us 105.747us 229.453us 381.315us
MemoizedSAligned 918ns 927ns 29.025us 31.438us 113.777us 215.995us 355.219us
MemoizedBranchLess 5340ns 5340ns 128.145us 128.099us 512.331us 512.296us 512.204us


Ryzen 7 3700X, windows MinGW 11
100 repetitions, median value, cv < 1.3%
Run on (16 X 3593 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x8)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x8)
L2 Unified 512 KiB (x8)
L3 Unified 16384 KiB (x2)
Category BM_process/EQ_1 BM_process/R_1 BM_process/EQ_30 BM_process/R_30 BM_process/EQ_120 BM_process/R_120 BM_process/RR_120
Slow 10986ns 10603ns 962.182us 465.21us 3840.78us 1804.36us 836.68us
UintS 5390ns 5580ns 854.492us 399.013us 3446.69us 1586.91us 634.766us
UintBranchLess 36.901us 36.83us 878.514us 899.431us 3605.77us 3523.28us 3525.64us
MemoizedS 1256ns 1256ns 29.82us 34.816us 119.629us 254.981us 376.607us
MemoizedSAligned 1283ns 1378ns 32.958us 35.313us 117.188us 253.906us 376.607us
MemoizedBranchLess 7847ns 7847ns 184.168us 184.168us 749.86us 749.86us 732.422us

Test cases

Test cases are generated in accordance with the following distributions:

  • EQ_* represents benchmark tests with strings that contain equal counts of 0 and 1. (bernoulli_distribution(0.5)).
  • R_* represents tests with strings that contain more 0s than 1s (bernoulli_distribution(0.2)).
  • RR_* represents tests with strings that contain significantly more 0s than 1s (bernoulli_distribution(0.05)).

The sizes of the test cases are characterized as follows:

  • *_1: 45 symbols, allowing several iterations of the loop for any solution
  • *_30: ~30 Kb, L1-cache for all solutions, except Uint*
  • *_120: ~120 Kb, L2-cache for all solutions, except Uint*

Speedup across test cases

Speedup comparison from the EQ_120 to the *_120 categories. The first value corresponds to the speedup on Linux; the second corresponds to the speedup on Windows.

Category R_120 RR_120
Slow x2.14 # x2.13 x4.50 # x4.59
UintS x2.21 # x2.17 x4.35 # x5.43
UintBranchLess x1.00 # x1.02 x1.00 # x1.02
MemoizedS x0.46 # x0.47 x0.28 # x0.32
MemoizedSAligned x0.53 # x0.46 x0.32 # x0.31
MemoizedBranchLess x1.00 # x1.00 x1.00 # x1.02

Speedup across implementations

Speedup comparison between the Slow implementation and other ones. The first value corresponds to the speedup on Linux; the second corresponds to the speedup on Windows.

Category EQ_120 R_120 RR_120
Slow x1 x1 x1
UintS x1.10 # x1.11 x1.14 # x1.14 x1.06 # x1.32
UintBranchLess x1.30 # x1.07 x0.61 # x0.51 x0.29 # x0.24
MemoizedS x33.49 # x32.11 x7.21 # x7.08 x2.06 # x2.22
MemoizedSAligned x31.13 # x32.77 x7.66 # x7.11 x2.21 # x2.22
MemoizedBranchLess x6.91 # x5.12 x3.23 # x2.41 x1.54 # x1.14


NAIVE std::vector<bool>

The naive solution processes only one element per cycle, and it includes if (t == 1), which is a branch condition. For EQ_*, a high number of mispredicted branches arises, resulting in inefficiency. However, if the input data has a higher count of 0 (or 1), this solution sees a performance boost due to more successful branch predictions. Thus, mispredictions cause a drastic increase in processing time; without them, the time difference is x2.15, with mispredictions, it escalates to x4.50.

NAIVE std::vector<uint8_t>

This implementation performs slightly better than std::vector<bool> because it carries out fewer instructions per loop. However, it presents a problem with cache lines: by taking 8 times more memory, the *_30, *_120 tests could not fit into the same cache level. In comparison with std::vector<bool>, the speed-up in small tests is roughly x1.95 for Windows and x1.0 for Linux.

The std::vector<bool> performance under Linux warrants further investigation.

For Windows, the speed-up appreciably decreases as the size increases. The speed-up for long strings is just about 10%.

This implementation also encounters issues with branch mispredictions, similar to the NAIVE std::vector<bool>.

NAIVE Branch-less

As the branch-less implementation does not use if conditions in the main loop, this method shows a highly consistent duration for any test case distribution, making its speed independent of the test. Nonetheless, the assembly code used in the loop cannot be accommodated in a single cache line. Consequently, we observe a high rate of back-end idleness and iTLB cache misses.

For a more optimized variant, refer to Memoized branch-less.

Memoized Implementation

This version processes 8 symbols in a single loop cycle, contributing greatly to its speed-up. The code for merging results is efficient and requires only a few instructions. However, there are three branch conditions present in the loop:

  • if (np == 8): This case pertains to having 8 0s in a batch, and it primarily contributes to branch misprediction, particularly for non EQ_* test cases:
    1. Rarely for EQ_* (0.3%)
    2. Infrequently for R_* (16.7%)
    3. Frequently for RR_* (66.34%)
  • if (longest > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]]: This case is for when the longest sequence resides within the batch. As this can occur only about 6 times, the impact of misprediction is minimal.
  • if (lp > longestSeqSize) [[unlikely]]: This case is for when the left sequence ends within the batch, and it's rare for any test case.

For EQ_120, branch-misses are at 0.03%, while for RR_120, they're at 11.64%.


perf stat -ddd

         15,779.15 msec task-clock                       #    1.000 CPUs utilized             
                45      context-switches                 #    2.852 /sec                      
                 0      cpu-migrations                   #    0.000 /sec                      
             1,036      page-faults                      #   65.656 /sec                      
    68,073,803,810      cycles                           #    4.314 GHz                         (33.34%)
        45,545,604      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.07% frontend cycles idle        (33.35%)
     2,468,310,925      stalled-cycles-backend           #    3.63% backend cycles idle         (33.35%)
   313,033,620,392      instructions                     #    4.60  insn per cycle            
                                                  #    0.01  stalled cycles per insn     (33.35%)
    82,264,951,313      branches                         #    5.214 G/sec                       (33.35%)
        24,416,726      branch-misses                    #    0.03% of all branches             (33.34%)
    66,441,914,696      L1-dcache-loads                  #    4.211 G/sec                       (33.33%)
       257,591,068      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.39% of all L1-dcache accesses   (33.33%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                             
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                       
       698,109,507      L1-icache-loads                  #   44.243 M/sec                       (33.33%)
           500,054      L1-icache-load-misses            #    0.07% of all L1-icache accesses   (33.33%)
           364,695      dTLB-loads                       #   23.112 K/sec                       (33.33%)
            22,643      dTLB-load-misses                 #    6.21% of all dTLB cache accesses  (33.33%)
             7,240      iTLB-loads                       #  458.833 /sec                        (33.33%)
             1,050      iTLB-load-misses                 #   14.50% of all iTLB cache accesses  (33.33%)
       256,416,974      L1-dcache-prefetches             #   16.250 M/sec                       (33.33%)
   <not supported>      L1-dcache-prefetch-misses

perf stat -ddd

         14,834.29 msec task-clock                       #    1.000 CPUs utilized             
                60      context-switches                 #    4.045 /sec                      
                 0      cpu-migrations                   #    0.000 /sec                      
             1,035      page-faults                      #   69.771 /sec                      
    64,193,351,934      cycles                           #    4.327 GHz                         (33.31%)
     2,125,627,177      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    3.31% frontend cycles idle        (33.34%)
       531,394,385      stalled-cycles-backend           #    0.83% backend cycles idle         (33.37%)
    68,818,904,389      instructions                     #    1.07  insn per cycle            
                                                  #    0.03  stalled cycles per insn     (33.39%)
    15,076,700,227      branches                         #    1.016 G/sec                       (33.40%)
     1,755,532,928      branch-misses                    #   11.64% of all branches             (33.39%)
    20,437,895,169      L1-dcache-loads                  #    1.378 G/sec                       (33.36%)
        79,155,655      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.39% of all L1-dcache accesses   (33.33%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                             
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                       
       779,452,307      L1-icache-loads                  #   52.544 M/sec                       (33.31%)
           521,228      L1-icache-load-misses            #    0.07% of all L1-icache accesses   (33.30%)
           334,151      dTLB-loads                       #   22.526 K/sec                       (33.30%)
            18,330      dTLB-load-misses                 #    5.49% of all dTLB cache accesses  (33.30%)
             9,582      iTLB-loads                       #  645.936 /sec                        (33.30%)
             1,576      iTLB-load-misses                 #   16.45% of all iTLB cache accesses  (33.30%)
        73,412,388      L1-dcache-prefetches             #    4.949 M/sec                       (33.30%)
   <not supported>      L1-dcache-prefetch-misses

Memoized Aligned

Manually aligning the main loop address by 64 bytes yields only a minor speed improvement for biased tests and this is only applicable to Linux. As this practice makes the code harder to read and disables certain internal compiler alignments (which might depend on other code or be based on profiles: -fprofile-instr-use for clang, -fprofile-use for gcc), this optimization might not be necessary.

Clang18 supports [[clang::code_align(64)]] for easy loop alignment.

Memoized Branch-less

With branch-less implementation not utilizing if conditions in the main loop, we achieve a highly stable processing time independent of the test case distribution. For any test case, branch-misses are at a low 0.07% of all branches. However, the assembly code in the loop is quite extensive. This forces the code to load a considerable amount of instruction cache, leading to an increase in Instruction Translation Lookaside Buffer (iTLB) usage. As an example, on Linux, we see a 75% back-end idle time and 30% iTLB cache misses.

There are 26k iTLB-loads compared to 8k iTLB-loads for the common memoized (branchy) code

         64,227.86 msec task-clock                       #    1.000 CPUs utilized             
               284      context-switches                 #    4.422 /sec                      
                 0      cpu-migrations                   #    0.000 /sec                      
             1,039      page-faults                      #   16.177 /sec                      
   277,520,035,010      cycles                           #    4.321 GHz                         (33.32%)
        77,234,745      stalled-cycles-frontend          #    0.03% frontend cycles idle        (33.33%)
   206,204,882,500      stalled-cycles-backend           #   74.30% backend cycles idle         (33.33%)
   833,882,609,154      instructions                     #    3.00  insn per cycle            
                                                  #    0.25  stalled cycles per insn     (33.34%)
    25,840,323,282      branches                         #  402.323 M/sec                       (33.34%)
        18,482,933      branch-misses                    #    0.07% of all branches             (33.35%)
   357,661,562,915      L1-dcache-loads                  #    5.569 G/sec                       (33.35%)
       134,092,044      L1-dcache-load-misses            #    0.04% of all L1-dcache accesses   (33.35%)
   <not supported>      LLC-loads                                                             
   <not supported>      LLC-load-misses                                                       
     1,492,519,001      L1-icache-loads                  #   23.238 M/sec                       (33.34%)
         1,809,506      L1-icache-load-misses            #    0.12% of all L1-icache accesses   (33.34%)
         1,004,434      dTLB-loads                       #   15.639 K/sec                       (33.33%)
            58,516      dTLB-load-misses                 #    5.83% of all dTLB cache accesses  (33.33%)
            25,909      iTLB-loads                       #  403.392 /sec                        (33.32%)
             7,933      iTLB-load-misses                 #   30.62% of all iTLB cache accesses  (33.32%)
       130,458,746      L1-dcache-prefetches             #    2.031 M/sec                       (33.32%)
   <not supported>      L1-dcache-prefetch-misses

simddistance's People


balashovad avatar



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  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.