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diasporadocker_ynh's Issues

Can not upload images


I installed my pod Diaspora under YunoHost with docker with this link: 1

I am on YunoHost 3.0.1 with the Debian 9 distribution.

When I want to upload an image I have an internal server error and no image is downloaded. The folder Public/uploads/images is well configured with the diaspora account and write but it still does not work. I can write text but not upload images.

I tested with Firefox 60 under Ubuntu 18.04 and on IE 11 with Windows 7.

I encountered the same problem on debian 8.

I tested several tracks but without success:

I’m getting a 500 error page

Oh noes, you might have hit a bug in diaspora *! But this can also be caused by a setup problem, like an incorrectly setup custom landing page, an old Redis version or a database connectivity issue.

I did a tail -f log/production.log and here is the result:

[2018-06-20T21:05:34] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Parameters: {""=>“1529528734575”}
[2018-06-20T21:05:34] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Completed 200 OK in 116ms (Views: 40.3ms | ActiveRecord: 44.3ms)
[2018-06-20T21:05:36] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: Started GET "/stream?max_time=1529452845&=1529528734576" for at 2018-06-20 21:05:36 +0000
[2018-06-20T21:05:36] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Processing by StreamsController#multi as JSON
[2018-06-20T21:05:36] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Parameters: {“max_time”=>“1529452845”, “"=>“1529528734576”}
[2018-06-20T21:05:36] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Completed 200 OK in 53ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 26.9ms)
[2018-06-20T21:05:37] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: Started GET "/stream?max_time=1529452845&=1529528734577” for at 2018-06-20 21:05:37 +0000
[2018-06-20T21:05:37] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Processing by StreamsController#multi as JSON
[2018-06-20T21:05:37] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Parameters: {“max_time”=>“1529452845”, “_”=>“1529528734577”}
[2018-06-20T21:05:37] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Completed 200 OK in 62ms (Views: 0.6ms | ActiveRecord: 36.3ms)
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: Started POST “/photos” for at 2018-06-20 21:06:00 +0000
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Processing by PhotosController#create as JSON
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Parameters: {“authenticity_token”=>“dRXE+LKagPPFOIi6WSwMcRIS7d0hbZsKrFvtZ37ed4aTHX147DQ5ToJfKCoz5tfufc8w+q88SFN4aBoEj5216Q==”, “photo”=>{“pending”=>“true”}, “qquuid”=>“c8931439-896a-4ba0-94ce-f74d6c4e4796”, “qqfilename”=>“ed833f4e6207f723.jpg”, “qqtotalfilesize”=>“4171”, “qqfile”=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00557075bd88d8 @tempfile=#Tempfile:/tmp/RackMultipart20180620-352-1d7sbwa.jpg, @original_filename=“ed833f4e6207f723.jpg”, @content_type=“image/jpeg”, @headers=“Content-Disposition: form-data; name=“qqfile”; filename=“ed833f4e6207f723.jpg”\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n”>}
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] INFO PID-352 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 261ms (ActiveRecord: 2.6ms)
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] FATAL PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails:
[2018-06-20T21:06:00] FATAL PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: NoMethodError (undefined method match' for nil:NilClass): [2018-06-20T21:06:00] FATAL PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: [2018-06-20T21:06:00] FATAL PID-352 TID-46970689171260 Rails: app/models/photo.rb:101:inupdate_remote_path’
app/models/photo.rb:91:in diaspora_initialize' app/models/user.rb:235:inbuild_post’
app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:138:in legacy_create' app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:47:inblock in create’
app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:168:in rescuing_photo_errors' app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:46:increate’
[2018-06-20T21:06:39] INFO PID-349 TID-46970689171260 Rails: Started POST “/status_messages” for at 2018-06-20 21:06:39 +0000
[2018-06-20T21:06:39] INFO PID-349 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Processing by StatusMessagesController#create as JSON
[2018-06-20T21:06:39] INFO PID-349 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Parameters: {“status_message”=>"[FILTERED]", “aspect_ids”=>“all_aspects”, “location_coords”=>"", “poll_question”=>"", “poll_answers”=>["", “”]}
[2018-06-20T21:06:40] INFO PID-349 TID-46970689171260 ActionController::Base: Completed 403 Forbidden in 532ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 448.5ms)



Diaspora est à la version

Est-ce possible que la mise à jour soit faite ?

Merci pour le taf effectué.

Missing check on docker-compose

If docker is installed but not docker-compose, the check on docker will succeed, but the will fail.

Info: Installing application diasporadocker…
Warning: docker/ line 11: docker-compose: command not found
Warning: sorry, waiting 300s for startup
Warning: Sorry ! App cannot start with docker. Please check docker logs.
Warning: /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/logging: line 90: args_array: readonly variable
Info: The operation 'Install 'diasporadocker' application' has failed! To get help, please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20191102-104650-app_install-diasporadocker --share'
Info: /etc/nginx/conf.d/ wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Success! The SSOwat configuration has been generated
Error: The operation 'Install 'diasporadocker' application' has failed! To get help, please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log display 20191102-104650-app_install-diasporadocker --share'

Possible solution


This is just an inquiry into the status of this? Is it working? has it marked as "In Progress". I'm willing to help get this working if it's not.

How to install this version of Diaspora ?

Excusez mon ignorance mais est-ce que l'on doit installer Docker avant d'installer cette version de Diaspora
Désolé, mais je ne suis pas un spécialiste de docker
Merci de votre aide

Excuse my ignorance but should we install Docker before installing this version of Diaspora?
Sorry, but I'm not a docker specialist
Thank you for your help

Mise à jour vers la version


La mise à jour est sortie. Pourras tu quand tu auras le temps faire la mise à jour afin qu'on puisse le faire de notre côté.
Malheureusement, je ne suis pas développeur et je ne peux pas t'aider. Bien dommage
Mais peut être que je vais m'y mettre bientôt.

Merci en tout cas pour le taf que tu fais pour nous...


Mise à jour


La mise à jour est sortie. Pourras tu quand tu auras le temps faire la mise à jour afin qu'on puisse le faire de notre côté.

Merci à toi...


Diasporadocker redemarre sans cesse


Je viens d'installer Diaspora sur mon Yunohost. L'installation se fait en et elle a fonctionné.
Quand j'ai fait une mise à jour vers la version 0.7.11, diaspora redemmare sans cesse. Cela me met le status : Restarting (127)

La version 0.7.12 est sortie. Est-ce que cela pourrait resoudre le problème ?
Sinon, comment faire pour que Diaspora 0.7.11 fonctionne ?

Merci pour ton aide...

Mise à jour vers la 0.7.10


La mise à jour est sortie. Pourras tu quand tu auras le temps faire la mise à jour afin qu'on puisse le faire de notre côté.

Merci pour ton implication...


Updated to

J'ai voulu faire la mise à jour vers la version avec la commande : docker pull koehn/diaspora et j'ai redémarrer docker mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Je reste en
Comment peut-on faire la mise à jour avec docker ?
Merci de votre aide

I wanted to upgrade to version with the command: docker pull koehn/diaspora and I restart docker but it does not work. I stay in
How can we update with docker?
Thank you for your help

Uploading images don't work


I tried to send images on diaspora * but the upload does not work because there is no camo server. To add it you can use this image docker

EDIT: I have found the problem it was just the permissions of the public folder in the Diaspora* docker container

For fix it:

sudo docker exec -u 0 -it diasporadocker_diaspora_1 bash
cd diaspora
chown -R diaspora public 

Mise à jour vers la version


Savez-vous quand vous pourrez mettre à jour Diaspora. Apparemment on est limité à 4.2M pour le téléchargement de photos. La version introduit un rééchantillonnage automatique des fichiers d’image de plus de 4 Mo côté client. Ce qui est interessant.

Merci d'avance

Avenir du projet et mise à jour ?


je souhaiterais savoir si le projet a été abandonné. Diaspora est passé en mais la mise à jour n'a pas été faites et tous mes messages sont restés sans réponse. J'ai donc pas la possibilité d'utiliser Diaspora sur mon YunoHost.

Merci encore pour ce que tu fais.

[Maintenance ping] Is this app still maintained ?

Hello !

This is a friendly automatic notice from the Yunohost Apps team : our tool noticed that this app is listed in the community/official app lists - but this app appears to be inactive.

Hence, this issue was created automatically to check if this app is still actively maintained.

You are the current maintainer ? 👷‍♂️ 👷‍♀️

You still actively maintain this app ? 🎉

Please close this issue to signify that you still actively maintain this app. Nothing else, and thank you for your work ❤️ !

You don't intend to maintain this app anymore ? 😢

Either don't do anything, or add a comment to explicitly state that you do not intend / have time / ... to maintain this app (but thanks for your work so far ! 😘). After 15 days, if this issue is still opened, the app will be considered unmaintained.

You wish to become the new maintainer of this app ? 😄

You are welcome and free to comment in this thread that you wish to become the new maintainer, and/or to create the corresponding pull request to fix this issue ! (If you do not already have commit rights on this repo, we can then arrange things with the rest of the app team. 😉) Once this issue is closed, the app will then be flagged again as maintained !

Invalid CSRF Token

If I want to use Chrome or my smartphone, I can not sign in or create an account. I have this error every time: the CSRF token is invalid. The site only works with Firefox (ubuntu and Windows) and IE (windows)
I looked on the web, but I can not find a solution.

Si je veux utiliser Chrome ou mon smartphone, je n'arrive pas à me connecter ni à créer de compte. J'ai cette erreur à chaque fois : le jeton CSRF est invalide. Le site ne fonctionne qu'avec Firefox (ubuntu et Windows) et IE (windows)
J'ai regardé sur le web, mais je ne trouve pas de solution.

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console bash: bundle : commande introuvable

J'ai enfin réussi a installer Diaspora sur mon yunohost et créé un compte. J'utilise également Mastodon sur le même serveur. Maintenant faut que je change le rôle de mon compte en administrateur mais j'ai une erreur quand je tape la commande : RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console et l'erreur est commande introuvable. Diaspora est apparement dans 2 dossiers et j'ai essayé la commande sur les 2 dossiers :

  • /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/9448.../home/diaspora/diaspora
  • /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/9448.../home/diaspora/diaspora

Quand je tape la commande je suis en tant que root.
Merci pour votre aide

I finally managed to install Diaspora on my yunohost and created an account. I also use Mastodon on the same server. Now I have to change the role of my account into administrator but I have an error when I type the command: RAILS_ENV = production bundle exec rails console and the error is not found. Diaspora is apparently in 2 files and I tried the command on the 2 files:

  • /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt/9448.../home/diaspora/diaspora
  • /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/9448.../home/diaspora/diaspora

When I type the command I am root.
Thanks for your help

Commit is not up to date in apps.json

Same as collaboradocker :

  • commit in apps.json is from 2018, consider using HEAD
  • app is also flagged as "in progress", consider switching it to "working" if the app can be deployed in production

Error 500 with Twitter

Quand j'essaie de me connecter sur twitter j'arrive sur une page error 500. J'ai bien créé l'api sur Twitter et activais Twitter dans diaspora.yml en indiquant bien la clé et l'api secret

When I try to connect on twitter I arrive on a page error 500. I created the API on Twitter and activated Twitter in diaspora.yml indicating the key and the API secret

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