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inperson-sdk-ios's Issues

Unable to install sample app on Ipad

When I try to debug the sample app on a real iPad to be able to test the chip reader, I get an error during compilation because Xcode could not find a provisioning profile for the app.

Feature Request: Remove Card Step

For the QuickChip flow, part of the customer facing flow should include the "remove card" screen, too, that waits for them to take their card back before continuing... obviously not applicable if they swipe or tap, but you should remove the possibility of starting a second transaction with a card still in the reader.

EMV Reader firmware update required during busiest holiday shopping time of the year

Today, we received a notice informing us that our EMVReaders require a firmware update before Jan 1, 2022. Without the firmware update, the credit card readers will stop processing credit cards on Jan 1, 2022. We received this update 9 business days (11 calendar days) before the imposed deadline.

This is the busiest holiday shopping time of the year and the time of year when businesses like ours are juggling limited resources and employee vacation requests.

Why would a firmware update be required on such short notice at this time of year, when any updates that we apply will require extensive testing with our custom app before deploying to our production systems? Is there something urgent that justifies the risk to our production systems with such rapid action?

Is there any way to relax this immediate firmware update requirement to provide us with more time to schedule and to test?

[AuthNet issueSSLPost:withURL:withSoap:] errors


I'm getting this error when trying to log-in
[__NSCFNumber isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

This is what I'm seeing from the stack trace:
[AuthNet issueSSLPost:withURL:withSoap:] + 372 -[AuthNet makeRequest:] + 224

using just standard login:

      NSString *uuid = [[[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@"_"];
       MobileDeviceLoginRequest *mobileDeviceLoginRequest =
       [MobileDeviceLoginRequest mobileDeviceLoginRequest]; = @"username";
       mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.password = @"password";
       mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.mobileDeviceId = uuid;
       AuthNet *an = [AuthNet getInstance];
       [an setDelegate:self];
       [an mobileDeviceLoginRequest: mobileDeviceLoginRequest];

dyld: Library not loaded

When I run the project after pod install, I get below error.

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/XCTest Referenced from: <Project_Path> Reason: image not found

AuthorizeNet: 1.9.3
Cocoapods: 0.39.0
Xcode: 7.1.1
Deployment Target: 9.1

Why "emv data is not supported with this market type" error appears when card transaction is processed?

I'm developing an iPad application. I have integrated unperson sdk in my project. Running app with ENV_LIVE environment and process card transaction, gives me this error. What is the reason for this error to pop? Below is my code:

    LineItemType *anItem = [LineItemType lineItem];
    anItem.itemID = @"0";
    anItem.itemPrice = self.tfTotalAmount.text;
    anItem.itemName = @"AuthDemo";
    anItem.itemTaxable = NO;
    anItem.itemQuantity = @"1";
    anItem.itemDescription = @"goods";
    AnetEMVTransactionRequest *aRequest = [[AnetEMVTransactionRequest alloc] init];
    aRequest.lineItems = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:anItem];
    aRequest.emvTransactionType = EMVTransactionType_Payment;
    aRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.sessionToken = self.strSessionToken;
    aRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.mobileDeviceId = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString];
    aRequest.amount = self.tfTotalAmount.text;
    [emvManager startEMVWithTransactionRequest:aRequest presentingViewController:self completionBlock:^(AnetEMVTransactionResponse * _Nullable response, AnetEMVError * _Nullable error) {
        NSLog(@"Response: %@", response.responseCode);
        NSLog(@"Response: %@", error);
        UIAlertView *alert=[[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"" message:response.responseCode delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil, nil];
        [alert show];
    } andCancelActionBlock:^{


Unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer

Hello Team,
I am facing the issue while creating a build and running app on the device too

CodeSign /Users/anupg/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AnetEMVDemo-hjoehckyfylytocrjupaofpnhxot/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ (in target 'AnetEMVDemo' from project 'AnetEMVDemo')
    cd /Users/anupg/Downloads/inperson-sdk-ios-master/SampleAppWithFramework/AnetEMVDemo
    export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE\=/Applications/
    Signing Identity:     "Apple Development: Anup Gupta (AAABBBBCCC)"
    Provisioning Profile: "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *"
    /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign 7BA7800822F72D05414****************--timestamp\=none --preserve-metadata\=identifier,entitlements,flags --generate-entitlement-der /Users/anupg/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AnetEMVDemo-hjoehckyfylytocrjupaofpnhxot/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: Anup Gupta (AAABBBBCCC)"
/Users/anupg/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AnetEMVDemo-hjoehckyfylytocrjupaofpnhxot/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ errSecInternalComponent
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

CM Terminal mode not listening the swipe

Terminal mode is CM (User can insert or swipe a card), here insert card only works when I try to swipe a card it is saying you have moved the card faster try swipe a card slower and keep on displaying the same message even if I slowly swipe a card. But when I try to set the mode to M (Swipe) I can able in success the swipe.

Invalid `Podfile`


pod try 'authorizenet-sdk'

gives the following error:

[!] Invalid Podfilefile: [!] Unsupported options{:exclusive=>true}for targetAuthnetLab..

I'm using version 1.0.1.

Can I use transaction key instead of password to login the mobile device?

Hello. I'm using this library for my iOS application which accepts card payments. I already have integrated code in my app but have some queries regarding authorisation with merchant account. I think it is compulsory to login the device using 'mobileDeviceLoginRequest' for performing transactions. This app will be used by our employees which must not know about the merchant credentials. So can't just I use API login id and transaction key to login the mobile device so it can perform transactions? I tried using transaction key in stead of password with no luck. I guess most of the SDKs don't need merchant credentials in the app, they just allow some key to authorise. How should I approach this?

Invalid Input Error code 18


I was able to login successfully, however when i try to charge an account, i keep getting
Error Code
Transaction failed, invalid input.
Error Code 18

-(void)mobileDeviceLoginSucceeded:(MobileDeviceLoginResponse *)response{
NSString *sessionToken=[response sessionToken];
KioskUtils *myUtils=[[KioskUtils alloc]init];
NSMutableDictionary *tableDict=[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"ticketData"] mutableCopy];
NSString *totalStr=@"0.01";//[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",[[tableDict objectForKey:@"total"] doubleValue] ];
NSString *tipAmtStr=@"0.01";//[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",[[tableDict objectForKey:@"tip"] doubleValue] ];
NSString *taxAmtStr=@"0.00";//[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",[[tableDict objectForKey:@"tax"] doubleValue] ];
AnetEMVManager *manager= [AnetEMVManager initWithCurrecyCode:@"USD" terminalID:@"xxxxxx" skipSignature:TRUE showReceipt:FALSE];
[manager setLoggingEnabled:TRUE];
[manager setTerminalMode:AnetEMVModeInsertOrSwipe];
LineItemType *lineItem=[LineItemType lineItem];
[lineItem setItemName:@"Test"];
[lineItem setItemID:@"1"];
[lineItem setItemQuantity:@"1"];
AnetEMVTransactionRequest *request=[AnetEMVTransactionRequest transactionRequest];
NSMutableArray *lineItems=[NSMutableArray new];
[lineItems addObject:lineItem];
[request setLineItems:lineItems];
ANetApiRequest *apiRequest=[ANetApiRequest anetApiRequest];
MerchantAuthenticationType *auth=[MerchantAuthenticationType merchantAuthentication];
[auth setSessionToken:sessionToken];
[auth setMobileDeviceId:[myUtils getMacAddress]];

[apiRequest setMerchantAuthentication:auth];
[request setAnetApiRequest:apiRequest];
int r = arc4random_uniform(1000000000) + 1;
OrderType *orderType=[OrderType order];
[orderType setInvoiceNumber:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",r]];
[orderType setOrderDescription:@"Gold Coast valet"];
[request setOrder:orderType];
[request setAmount:totalStr];
ExtendedAmountType *tip=[ExtendedAmountType extendedAmountType];
[tip setAmount:tipAmtStr];
[tip setName:@"tip"];
ExtendedAmountType *tax=[ExtendedAmountType extendedAmountType];
[tax setName:@"tax"];
[tax setAmount:taxAmtStr];
//[request setTip:tip];
//[request setTax:tax];
[request setEmvTransactionType:EMVTransactionType_Payment];
[manager setConnectionMode:AnetEMVConnectionModeBluetooth];

[manager startQuickChipWithTransactionRequest:request forPaperReceiptCase:false presentingViewController:self completionBlock:^(AnetEMVTransactionResponse * _Nullable response, AnetEMVError * _Nullable error) {
if([response isTransactionSuccessful]){
NSLog(@"failed ..");
} andCancelActionBlock:^{
NSLog(@"failed ..");


Demo won't run

I'm not sure if this should be here or in the cocoa pods repository, but I'm getting errors trying to run pod try 'authorizenet-sdk'

Here's the error log:

――― MARKDOWN TEMPLATE ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――


/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/bin/pod install


  • What did you do?
  • What did you expect to happen?
  • What happened instead?


   CocoaPods : 0.37.1
        Ruby : ruby 2.1.4p265 (2014-10-27 revision 48166) [x86_64-darwin14.0]
    RubyGems : 2.4.2
        Host : Mac OS X 10.10.3 (14D136)
       Xcode : 6.3.1 (6D1002)
         Git : git version 2.2.1
Ruby lib dir : /Users/michael/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.4/lib
Repositories : master - @ 105c7dec8bd9c321666d3e760938d0edef9b51fb


cocoapods-plugins : 0.4.2
cocoapods-trunk   : 0.6.0
cocoapods-try     : 0.4.4


target 'AuthnetLab', :exclusive => true do
  pod "authorizenet-sdk", :path => "../"

target 'AuthnetLabTests', :exclusive => true do
  pod "authorizenet-sdk", :path => "../"


Errno::EACCES - Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - /private/tmp/CocoaPods/Try/authorizenet-sdk/Example/Pods/Manifest.lock
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-core-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods-core/lockfile.rb:300:in `initialize'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-core-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods-core/lockfile.rb:300:in `open'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-core-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods-core/lockfile.rb:300:in `open'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-core-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods-core/lockfile.rb:300:in `write_to_disk'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer/migrator.rb:66:in `block in migrate_to_0_36'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/user_interface.rb:110:in `message'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer/migrator.rb:53:in `migrate_to_0_36'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer/migrator.rb:16:in `migrate'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:106:in `block in prepare'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/user_interface.rb:110:in `message'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:103:in `prepare'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/installer.rb:90:in `install!'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/command/project.rb:71:in `run_install_with_update'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/command/project.rb:101:in `run'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/claide-0.8.1/lib/claide/command.rb:312:in `run'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/lib/cocoapods/command.rb:46:in `run'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/gems/cocoapods-0.37.1/bin/pod:44:in `<top (required)>'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/bin/pod:23:in `load'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/bin/pod:23:in `<main>'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `eval'
/Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.4/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:15:in `<main>'

――― TEMPLATE END ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――

[!] Oh no, an error occurred.

Automated Recurring billing support

Hello Guys, I have implemented this library in my app and I have been using it and it works really fine. I have one question does this library supports Automated Recuring billing. Thanks.

SDK not working in swift 4.1

i am using this cocoapods for the sdk.when i m going to declare import AcceptSDK on my view controller. i got error like this Module compiled with Swift 4.0 cannot be imported in Swift 4.1: /Users/imac/Desktop/Test/Pods/AuthorizeNetAccept/AcceptSDK-Framework/AcceptSDK.framework/Modules/AcceptSDK.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule

Please give me solution for above problem
Thank you

README fixes

I'm following along with the setup instructions for "Including the Framework." 2.c should be $SDKROOT/usr/include/libxml2.

3.a There's no OTAUpdate.png that I can see in the framework.

Should I be including the last released version of the Framework from Oct 2016 or is this project intended to be used from HEAD? I'm currently doing the former.

In another issue, you mention test vs. production devices. But the portal to which you link and at which we're supposed to purchase devices seems to make no distinction between test and production (I haven't ordered one yet). Assuming that portal is selling the production devices, where do we get a test device?

Also... bitcode please. Maybe a BLE device in the near future.

Apple Mach-O Linker Error


I am getting this error after linking the static library to my project. I followed the steps from the instructions. Please let me know what I am missing.


Apple Mach-O Linker Error
OBJC_CLASS$_AuthNet”, reference from:
Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

IOS Simulator not supported (x86_64 architecture)

The library does not include the x86_64 architecture, which is required to run the projects on a simulator.

I understand that the actual functionality of the library will not work on the simulator, but we should be able to at least to build and run the aps on the simulator, as there are usually many other parts of our aps that we should be able to test on a simulator.

Please include the x86_64 architecture in the library.

SDK Api's doen't match documentation

In Documentation code is as follows

// Set the fingerprint data, this would have been generated on your server.
FingerPrintObjectType *fpData = [FingerPrintObjectType
fpData.hashValue = fingerprintHash;
// Set the merchant authentication data. = @"5KP3u95bQpv"; //
Note this is API Login ID
request.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.fingerPrint = fpData;

Whereas merchantAuthentication as no property named "fingerPrint", hence don't know how to pass fingerprint to

UUID is removed in iOS7

mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.mobileDeviceId =
[[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@""];
mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.mobileDeviceId = [[[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@"


Any chance we can get a pod spec so we can integrate this using cocoa pods?

AuthNet Error Conflicts with Swift Error Definiton

The Authorize.NET definition of Error conflicts with the Error protocol defined In Foundation.

Foundation Error (Found in Swift->Misc):

public protocol Error {
// AuthNetSDK->Error.h
@interface Error : NSObject {

	NSString *errorCode;
	NSString *errorText;

This has appeared in the past and it seems not enough care has been taken to avoid the naming collisions, see #24

This is a critical conflict since it conflicts with a Foundation protocol.

Using SDK v4.2, Targeting iOS 12, using Swift 5.

Transaction Failed because of POS Device no detected

Transaction got failed for very first time when we try to purchase something in the sample app.

After downloading the SDK tried changing username, password and mobile device id. Since the account is live one I disabled sandbox switch. After successful login, the sample app is online liquor sale application I selected SAM ADAMS $3 (Product) -> Pay -> Quick Chip Transaction (I set terminal mode as Bluetooth) -> Here on the next page showing device not detected but I connected my POS device with iPhone as soon as I am receiving an alert message with the message "Transaction Failed" after repeated ON and OFF the POS device and try reconnected with the device only I can able to success the transaction.

Duplicate symbol __Z13iOSDeviceNamev for architecture armv7 in libAnetEMVLibrary.a

I'm attempting to use the iOS libAnetEMVLibrary.a archive in a Visual Studio Xamarin iOS project. After experiencing an '+[NSString stringWithXMLTag:andValue:]: unrecognized selector' exception, I found a suggestion to add the 'ObjC' linker argument to my Visual Studio 'additional mtouch arguments.'

Unfortunately, after adding the ObjC linker argument for my Visual Studio Xamarin build, I get an error indicating a duplicate symbol __Z13iOSDeviceNamev for architecture armv7. Using 'nm libAnetEMVLibrary.a' I have confirmed that the symbol is defined twice. I can't use -dead_strip because the dead_strip linker argument breaks other aspects of my build.

Is the duplicate definition of symbol __Z13iOSDeviceNamev intentional? Would it be possible for you to fix this duplicate symbol and release a new version of the library?

EMV solution

I saw the inperson-sdk is supported EMV payment transaction. But I have a question. This sdk is running for customized POS device?

Transaction failed. Audio failed to start and may be activated by another application.

I have got above error while trying to do payment using AnetEMVSdk for iOS. I have used the latest SDK version 4.0.

And I have checked there are no other apps open.

I have used AnywhereCommerce card for transaction. And I have got this issue in iOS 12.2 OS version and it's work fine when I have test with iOS 9.3.5.

I have used AnetEMVConnectionModeAudio for setting a connection mode

emvManager = [AnetEMVManager initWithCurrecyCode:@"840" terminalID:@"" skipSignature:NO showReceipt:NO]; [[AuthNet getInstance] setDelegate:self]; [emvManager setLoggingEnabled:YES]; [emvManager setConnectionMode:AnetEMVConnectionModeAudio]; [emvManager setTerminalMode:AnetEMVModeInsertOrSwipe];

Here I have attached screenshots for reference.

Issue after update iOS 15.1 - BBPOS device shows -Transaction Failed.Please try again checking the bluetooth connection with POS reader

Last week we have updated our iPad Device with 15.1 version. Unfortunately, our app not working. It works perfectly before update.
It shows following error after inserting a card for payment.

"Transaction Failed.Please try again checking the bluetooth connection with POS reader"

even though iPad and BBPOS device connected with Bluetooth.

Can any one help or guide us to resolve this issue.

on ios 10.15 and xcode 10 error


I'm trying the recompile the project on new IOS 10.15 and it giving me this error after processing the card and signature confirmation and performing a segue inside out app.

Warning: Attempt to present <CreateCustomerProfileViewController: 0x1778a7c0> on <AnetQuickChipViewController: 0x18355c00> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!

I need help very urgent. Please assist


iOS SDK Example app always displays "Transaction was unsuccessful" even though transaction succeeds

Example app included with iOS in-person SDK and our custom app both always generates "Transaction was unsuccessful" alert dialog when operating in LIVE Mode (not Sandbox). Despite the "Transaction was unsuccessful" alert message, the transaction ends in state "AuthorizedPendingCapture" (which is what we want). Details are below and are repeatable and consistent.

We have developed a custom app with the iOS in-person SDK. When we switched from Sandbox testing to Live Mode testing, the SDK always displays the alert dialog "Transaction was unsuccessful" after the credit card is inserted in the EMV chip reader and processed. Despite this "unsuccessful" message, we confirm that the client transaction always ends in state "AuthorizedPendingCapture" (which is what we want, since our server completes the transaction by submitting a Capture request).

We have confirmed that this same "Transaction was unsuccessful" message is displayed by the Example app that is included with the iOS in-person SDK, so we know that this is not a problem specific to our custom app. When the Example app is run in Live mode with Live Transaction Manager credentials, the Example app displays "Transaction was unsuccessful" after the credit card is inserted in the chip reader. This behavior is repeatable and consistent. It happens during EVERY credit card transaction and happens with both our custom app and the iOS SDK Example app when configured in LIVE mode with LIVE Transaction Manager credentials.

How do we eliminate the "Transaction was unsuccessful" alert dialog displayed by the SDK? Note that we want the finished client transaction to remain with status AuthorizedPendingCapture, because we need to complete the transaction with a Capture request from our server. We do not want the client to submit CapturedPendingSettlement transactions. We only want to eliminate the "Transaction was unsuccessful" message.

Details about our system are below.

  • Client devices / operating systems: iPhone 4s (iOS 9.3.6), iPhone 5s (iOS 12.5.5), iPhone SE Generation 1 (iOS 13.7) (all of these devices / iOS versions exhibit the "unsuccessful" behavior described above)
  • Credit card reader (from BBPOS Chipper 2X Audio Jack (all devices ordered in March 2019 and August 2021 exhibit the "unsuccessful" behavior described above)
  • Authorize.Net operation mode: Live (NOT Sandbox). We are testing and producing this error with a LIVE system and real credit cards
  • Authorize.Net user type for the client (mobile) app: Transaction Manager with the only processing permission "Create charge transactions" - the configured user has no other transaction processing permissions
  • Credit card type: Visa EMV (we are only testing the chip reader and we are not swiping credit cards)

Thank you for your help.

iOS9 removed SenTestingKit. SDK won't build


I haven't been able to use the SDK in Xcode 7, as SenTestingKit has been deprecated and removed by Apple.

How should I proceed. I've tried the manual install and the Podfile.


Not able to integrate the SDK

Not even the sample provided by you gets build and not either when i am integrating to my app it gives so many errors. Will you please help me out with this how to integrate your SDK manually. I have already read your README documentation but it is of no use for me.

GPL License?

"The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs."

This is a harsh license for the iOS SDK. Can this be changed?

uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSString stringWithXMLTag:andValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to class

I am getting the following error when trying to register.

I have added the libAnetEMVLibrary static library and the IOS required libraries:
AudioToolbox.framework * CoreAudio.framework * MediaPlayer.framework * AVFoundation.framework * CoreBluetooth.framework and libxml2

  • (void) loginToGateway {

    [AuthNet authNetWithEnvironment:ENV_LIVE];

    MobileDeviceLoginRequest *mobileDeviceLoginRequest = [MobileDeviceLoginRequest mobileDeviceLoginRequest]; = @"User name";
    mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.password = @"User password";
    mobileDeviceLoginRequest.anetApiRequest.merchantAuthentication.mobileDeviceId = @"unique mobile id";

    AuthNet *an = [AuthNet getInstance];

    [an setDelegate:self];

    // Process a mobile device login request.
    [an mobileDeviceLoginRequest: mobileDeviceLoginRequest];


+[NSString stringWithXMLTag:andValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1b39b8ae8
2017-08-16 16:49:25.316886-0400 PingAnetT300[1088:777135] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '+[NSString stringWithXMLTag:andValue:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1b39b8ae8'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x18d6d6fe0 0x18c138538 0x18d6dde34 0x18d6daf54 0x18d5d6d4c 0x100058ec8 0x10004d2bc 0x10005ac08 0x100049444 0x100040ef0 0x100040b48 0x193807ec0 0x193807a9c 0x19380e31c 0x19380b7b8 0x19387d224 0x193a857ec 0x193a8b1e0 0x193a9fd18 0x193a88474 0x18f27f884 0x18f27f6f0 0x18f27faa0 0x18d68542c 0x18d684d9c 0x18d6829a8 0x18d5b2da4 0x193872384 0x19386d058 0x1000413f0 0x18c5c159c)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

An error occurred while decrypting the EMV data.

Every time I try to process a card (any card) I get this error back. I get this error with both my project and with the sample project included in the SDK. I'm testing with an AnywhereCommerce device against a account. Any suggestions?

Obj-C example of startQuickChipWithTransactionRequest


Do you have an Obj-C example of how to complete a successful startQuickChipWithTransactionRequest method call? The sample app is in Swift and is no good to me as my entire app is in Objective-C.

Many thanks,

"Error.errorCode = 8\nError.errorText = The credit card has expired.\n"

Hello Guys,

I have successfully integrated the SDK in my project, I am using the sample code provided in this link
in the "Putting it all together - the sample app" section.

The "loginToGateway" method runs succesfully but the "createTransaction" method returns an error.

"Error.errorCode = 8\nError.errorText = The credit card has expired.\n"

Should i use real credit card info, I have tried using dummy credit card info but it does not works.

Any help would be appreciated.


dyld: Library not loaded

Hello – This issue was closed by @brianmc on May 6 but I am still encountering it and can't figure out how to re-open the issue myself.

Here is the exact output I receive when I attempt to run a sample app with the Authorize.Net CocoaPod added to the Podfile but with no application code whatsoever:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/XCTest
  Referenced from: /Users/kenmhaggerty/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/19B60B49-7EDB-4A89-8F8B-4DB32AB095AD/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/2F5C6EAE-0CE6-40C4-9636-A051CCE2DD4C/
  Reason: image not found

Not that the above error message is only printed to the console when the app is run; simply building the app will not cause any error.

Here are the contents of my Podfile, trying to make it as simple as possible:

target 'MyProject'
pod 'authorizenet-sdk'

MyProject is a mixed Objective-C and Swift project. I am using Xcode 7.3.

I have tried adding libxml2.dylib to "Link Binary with Libraries" build phase as recommended in the CocoaPods documentation but the issue still persists.

Please let me know what other details I can include to help resolve this issue.

Demo does not work


I have downloaded the demo project but it wont compile, ANetSolution.h this file is missing.

Can someone please guide me how to resolve this issue.


BT Mode searching for AD (audio device)

Set Connection mode to BT (Bluetooth) in settings bundle, try to do an EMV transaction it is searching for an audio device and after some time it is throwing time out error with no audio device is found.
Why SDK is searching for audio device when I connected with bluetooth device.

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