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atlrug's Introduction

atlrug Web Site (atlrug)

This is a Ruby-on-Rails web application for the ATLRUG (Atlanta Ruby User Group).



On 12/27/2017, the requirements were: Ruby 2.5.0 and Rails 5.1.4.

Note: Install Ruby 2.5.0 via RVM checkout

  1. To install gems, run: bundle install

  2. Create databases and tables:

    rake db:create rake db:migrate

  3. Run the tests by typing rake (when we write them -- smile)

  4. Project is on Github at

  5. Follow these instructions regarding Heroku and Rails 4 (avoid "bundle --binstubs"):

  6. There are five variables to set

  • AR4_S_K_B (secret key base),
  • MEETUP_KEY (ENV var for API key),
  1. To set AR4_S_K_B variable, run rake secret command.

  2. Get an API key ofr MEETUP_KEY at:

  3. Use GITHUB_KEY and GITHUB_SECRET when setting up talk proposal submittals.

  4. Grab a developer API key from Google at:

  5. You can put these 5 variables in a .env file and it is NOT checked into Github.

  6. For more detail about Guard LiveReload, go to:

To Contribute

  1. Sign in at and click "I Wanna Help!" button at top.

  2. Find a project you like.

  3. Fork project on Github.

  4. Clone it locally.

  5. Make change.

  6. Push it back to Github.

  7. The following command will encrypt and add it to atlrug/.travis.yml file. Note, you may have to do this twice. The first time may create $HOME/.travis/config.yml and if that has your repos in it, it will lock down your key to only your repos. So delete or edit that config.yml in your home directory and rerun this command:

    travis encrypt MEETUP_KEY=your_meetup_key_here --add

  8. Create a Pull Request to original repo.

To Contribute to Wiki

  1. Clone

  2. Add your information.

  3. Push it back to Github.


If you have questions, please use this Linkedin group


atlrug is released under the MIT License. Reference:

atlrug's People


alindeman avatar bpcuong2013 avatar emilymerwin avatar garettarrowood avatar ghalley avatar jamesdabbs avatar jasnow avatar jennifer-shehane avatar jesscxc avatar kyfast avatar rietta avatar rupakg avatar samsm avatar scottbartell avatar sherrimitchell avatar vanstee avatar


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atlrug's Issues

UrlGenerationError after upgrading to Rails 4.0.1.rc3

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run "git clone"
    • This is the web site for the Atlanta Ruby Users Group (
  2. Run "rake" with no changes (4.0.0). It runs cleanly (green).
  3. Change rails from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1.rc3 inside Gemfile.
  4. Run "bundle update rails".
  5. Run "rake" and you get this error 5 times:
    • Failure/Error: post :create
    • ActionController::UrlGenerationError:
    • No route matches {:controller=>"sessions", :action=>"create"}
  6. Here is complete output from rake:
  7. When I ran "rake routes", I found this:
    • GET /auth/:provider/callback(.:format) sessions#create
  8. I check the release notes but did not see this new feature.

Is this a bug or a new feature?

Sass in lieu of LESS

I wanted to get a feel if anyone has any opinion on using Sass over LESS. The twitter-bootstrap-rails gem uses LESS by default but the 'bootstrap-sass' uses Sass. I just wanted to see if there is any objection to using Sass. It is more popular and has a better community support than LESS. Also, we already have a 'sass-rails' gem dependency. Also, I see Sass being used in the assets folder.

I can do a full pull request in switching out and keep the functionality and UI as it is.

RAILS_ENV=production rails server causes "Dalli::RingError (No server available)" in log

When I run RAILS_ENV=production rails server, it get the following and I do not under stand the "Dalli::RingError (No server available): error message. Any help or comments would be appreciated.

=> Booting Thin
=> Rails 4.0.0.beta1 application starting in production on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server

Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
I, [2013-04-27T15:45:42.774369 #1074] INFO -- : Started GET "/" for at 2013-04-27 15:45:42 -0400
I, [2013-04-27T15:45:43.062928 #1074] INFO -- : Processing by ContentController#index as HTML
D, [2013-04-27T15:45:43.064732 #1074] DEBUG -- : Dalli::Server#connect
I, [2013-04-27T15:45:43.065338 #1074] INFO -- : failed (count: 0)
I, [2013-04-27T15:45:43.076549 #1074] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 13ms
F, [2013-04-27T15:45:43.080544 #1074] FATAL -- :
Dalli::RingError (No server available):
** lib/cacheable.rb:8:in memcached'** app/models/meetup_event.rb:8:inget_next_month_events'
app/controllers/content_controller.rb:17:in load_meetings' app/controllers/content_controller.rb:3:inindex'

TravisCI now failing with SSLError error

Two days ago (March 5, 2017), TravisCI started failing new builds with this error:
SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=unknown state (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
./app/models/meetup_event.rb:7:in get_next_month_events' ./app/controllers/content_controller.rb:35:in load_meetings'
./app/controllers/content_controller.rb:9:in meetings' ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:18:in /^(?:|I )follow "([^\"]*)"$/'
features/main_page.feature:32:in `When I follow "Go to Meetings"'

This is the build URL:
The build runs cleanly locally. Website Ticket Ideas Website Ticket Ideas

     -T4- Research/Fix mobile experience.
     -T6- Decide if Youtube test should be stubbed. (also related to -T15-)
     -T7- Add "https" support.
     -T8- Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.
     -T9- Add tests for unset environment variables.
     -T10- Fix JobsController and ResumesController "C"s from CodeClimate.
     -T11- Add Giveback group page to
     -T12- Add a poll/survey capability.
     -T15- Restore Video-related cucumber specs in features/main_page.feature file (4/18/2016: Commented out).
     -T16- Convert the last erb file to haml.
     -T18- Issue #71: Embedded video does not work with Firefox when flash is not installed
     -T19- Upgrade repo to Ruby 2.4.0.
     -T20- Fix embedded video on "/video" web page. (#71)

If you like one of the above, create a GitHub issue for it and enjoy.
If you have other ideas, leave comments.

None of these ideas are required.

Active/DONE Tickets:

     -T1- Remove resume tab. (#60: DONE)
     -T2- Rename repo from atlrug4 to atlrug (probably after Rails 5 upgrade). (#69:DONE)
     -T3- Upgrade to Rails 5. (#61: DONE)
     -T5- Add job posting expiration strategy. (#62)
     -T13- Fix bullet (bullet on separate line) on "jobs" page under "Current jobs". (#67, #68)
     -T14- Indent job postings in under "Current jobs" on "jobs" page. (#66)
     -T17- Fix "Presentations" link web page's header - not formated as other pages. (5/7/2016: Fixed)

Cleanup Gemfile

Right now it takes about 20 min. to bundle install the project. Reviewing the Gemfile, I feel that there are a lot of gems that are leftover from earlier hacks, and we need to look at these and prune them as needed. Like 'quiet_assets' is not required anymore, as this has been incorporated in latest Rails. Gems like 'pry', and 'thin' are individual choices so we can take them out as well.

I believe we can look at the real dependencies and development tools we need and prune the Gemfile. We can always add things as we go along.


Decide what to do with the legacy lines.

Decide what to do with the "legacy" lines. They are prefixed with "#U#".
Currently we have only three left:

  • config/environments/test.rb
  • config/environments/production.rb
  • config/application.rb

Add atlrug3's non-admin version of "Give a talk?" feature to atlrug4

Add atlrug3's "Give a talk?" feature to atlrug4

  • Mike's words:
    • The ability to sign up for a talk. A user would propose a topic and small description, along with select how long the talk would be (15 or 30 minute, but perhaps current and past group leaders have better thoughts on this).
    • (Unclear if this is part of this feature or should be separate feature) Admins would be able to pick which talks happen during which events, making scheduling easier
  • atlrug3 "Give a talk?" link goes to a form containing Title, Desc, Duration, Email, and Twitter username.
  • Issue history can be found at here.

-T3- Upgrade to Rails 5.

-T3- Upgrade to Rails 5.

3/16/2016: Created "rails5" branch. Did initial upgrades. Works locally but not on TravisCI.

Decide what to do with MEMCACHED code.

What do do with the MEMCACHED code from atlrug3 repo?

  • config/environments/production.rb:81: #4/27/2013: HID FOR NOW: MEMCACHED = rescue nil
  • lib/cacheable.rb:5: # MEMCACHED.flush if params[:flush_cache]
  • lib/cacheable.rb:6: if Object.const_defined? :MEMCACHED
  • lib/cacheable.rb:8: MEMCACHED.fetch(cache_key, 1.hour) do

Fix "data too large for key size" error message when using

  • Current repo on
  • Stuck on setting config.secret_key_base in config/initializers/secret_token.rb file.
  • Using "travis encrypt -r jasnow/atlrug4 KEY=VALUE --add" and get error message: "data too large for key size"
  • Wrote up error message as issue #41 and got this response: "This is a known issue. 128 characters is too long for the encryption, not for an env var."

Admin dropdown menu broken

I'm assuming it was broken in the update to Bootstrap 3. Possibly related to the error being thrown by .popover()

T1- Remove resume tab

Remove the 'Hire Someone' tab. No resumes have been uploaded, and it's not being utilized.

Ruby 2.0

Any reason for not moving to ruby 2.0?

Decide if we add atlrug3's Twitter Bootstrap code

Have not ported the Twitter Bootstrap code from **atlrug3" to "atlrug4". Files include at least the following:

  • app/assets/javascripts/
  • app/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap_and_overrides.css.less
  • app/assets/javascripts/application.js (1 new line)
  • config/locales/en.bootstrap.yml
  • app/assets/stylesheets/application.css (comment with 2 require_*'s)

Do we use Slim?

I saw a 'slim' gem dependency but I found 'Haml' being used in the project i.e. haml files under views. If we are using Haml, then we should get rid of the 'slim' dependency.

Add back app/assets/stylesheets/components/navigation.css.scss file

Add back app/assets/stylesheets/components/navigation.css.scss file to application.css.scss file.

  • Removed these two lines from application.css.scss file:
    • @import "twitter/bootstrap/responsive";
    • @import "components/navigation";

Found the responsive is default for bootstrap 3.x so probably not needed anymore but
without navigation the styling changes.

If I add navigation import line back, I get this:

  • Undefined mixin 'border-radius'.

"cucumber --profile default" gets "invalid option: --profile" for 4.1.0.beta1 but not 4.0.2

Steps to reproduce

  • Fork then clone this branch.
    • Only change in this branch is changed Rails gem from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0.beta1.
  • Run bundle and then "rake" or "rake cucumber" or "rake features" and you will get this:
    • invalid option: --profile
    • minitest options:
      • -h, --help Display this help.
      • -s, --seed SEED Sets random seed
      • -v, --verbose Verbose. Show progress processing files.
      • -n, --name PATTERN Filter run on /pattern/ or string.
      • Known extensions: pride
      • -p, --pride Pride. Show your testing pride!
  • Easiest way to reproduce it is to do this: cucumber --profile default
  • NOTE: This does not happen with Rails 4.0.2.

Change Blips Rails code to ATLRUG Talk Series YourTube channel

Convert current Rails code to the Atlanta Ruby Users' Group Talk Series YourTube channel ( ):

app/controllers/content_controller.rb:39:      @videos            = BlipVideo.all
app/models/blip_video.rb:3:class BlipVideo
app/models/blip_video.rb:7:     RestClient.get '
app/models/blip_video.rb:9:    result.sub!("blip_ws_results([[{", "[{")
app/views/content/_videos.html.haml:17:      = link_to '', ''
features/main_page.feature:46:    Then I should see "See more older stuff on"

Embedded video does not work with Firefox when flash is not installed

Now when you click on "Find Presentations" link at the top of the
"" window and go to "" window, you
get a "Macromedia Flash data (compressed), version 17" file downloaded
When I went to chrome, the embedded video works.

GOAL: Create Wiki page for static data.

Add a way to have "wiki" pages on the web site. Guess this might be a link to existing tool or a gem that adds wiki feature. Alternative approaches are welcome.

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