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conference-website's Issues

Conference website doesn't render properly on Firefox

Describe the bug

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹
I've noticed that the website renders incorrectly on Firefox 101.0, and, in a result, I cannot click the "Start" button nor any other clickable elements (text boxes, buttons). It looks like a problem with one of SVGs (CSS selector: .sm\:w-12) that comes in front of everything on the website (when I delete the svg element, I am able to fill up the form). However, everything renders properly in Chrome.

I've tried to disable uBlock Origin which I use, but it is not the case here. Same with the Firefox private mode.

How to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to the on Firefox
  2. See the result:

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 18 50 12

Screenshot 2022-06-06 at 18 50 14

  1. Try to click any of the clickable item (it won't work)

Expected behavior

The website works and displays the same as in Google Chrome.

Speaker cards

As identified on last conference-org meeting -> we need speaker cards

Examples of speaker cards from 2021 conf:


We need similar but just with current conference branding

Some key facts:

  • sometimes there is one and sometimes 2 speakers
  • all talks are listed in
  • all speakers are listed in when you click on Speakers link. Some speakers provided profile picture.
  • as you can see, speaker card without a speaker profile picture is not the nicest. @derberg contacted all speakers to provide their profile picture

cc @Mayaleeeee @mcturco

BUG : Unhandled Runtime Error

Describe the bug

There is Unhandled Runtime Error that pops up . This happens beacause we are trying to access the classList property of a DOM element that is null at the time of access.

If you ever conditionally render the elements that the refs are attached to, there might be cases where the element isn't in the DOM, and thus, the ref would be null.

How to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the issue.

  • Click on venue button present on Navabar.
  • Choose any location.
  • Then click on AACoT'23 logo which has "./' route for home page. An error message pop-up.

I have shared a screenshot so that you can better understand the bug

๐Ÿ“Œ Request for Assignment:

I'd like to work on this issue. Please assign it to me. Please add hacktober fest label for me. Thanks.

Expected behavior

There should not be any Unhandled Runtime Errors.

fix: typos in speaker cards for AsyncAPI Conference 2022

1/3 of our speaker cards this year have typos. This issue lists the speaker cards with typos/punctuation errors that must be fixed. (a couple of these were speaker submission errors)

Please carefully select the CORRECTED text below to address all typos:

  1. "How AsyncAPI Got a Facelift: GSoD 2022 Contributions" (
  2. "How Contributing to AsyncAPI Tools Inspired a Career in OSS" (
  3. "From Discovery to Implementation: Using the AsyncAPI Ecosystem for your Event-Driven Architecture" (
  4. "The Future of Messaging? Store-Carry-Forward (SCF) Protocols, Delay Tolerant Networks, and AsyncAPI" (
  5. "The Intricacies of a Single Keyword in AsyncAPI" (
  6. "Contract Driven Development in AsyncAPI: Tools and Procedures" ( This one the speaker submitted with wrong punctuation
  7. "Automating Governance for Asynchronous APIs" (
  8. "A Beginner's Guide to Generator Tool Use-Cases" ('s_guide_to_generator_tool_use_cases.png)
  9. "AsyncAPI and Event API Products: a Match Made in Heaven" (

Add new sponsor


It has been announced that Postman is the sponsor for the Bangalore Edition, which means we need to include Postman on the list of sponsors on the homepage and as the primary sponsor on the Bangalore page.


Add the Postman logo to the list of images in the following section

<Sponsors imgs={['/img/sngular.png', '/img/IBM.png']} />

Update the following object to include the following key-val sponsors: ['postman logo']

"name": "Bangalore",
"country": "India",
"date": "November 30, 2023",
"description": "Join us in Bengaluru for the AsyncAPI Conference and decode the language of APIs! Let's crack the language of APIs and ignite a tech revolution with some spice you'll remember!",
"img": "",
"address": "310, 6th Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038, India"

Update `Get Free Tickets` on main page to link to proper google form

Tickets button in leads to London tickets. IMHO we should promote Madrid conf there ->

Suggested changes:

Add Sponsors PDF in website


Please try answering few of those questions

  • Why we need this improvement?
    We need to add PDF in the website.

  • How will this change help?
    Sponsors can download Sponsorship details and share to their team before making decision.

  • What is the motivation?
    Discussed in asyncapi/community#74


Please try answering few of those questions

  • What changes have to be introduced?
    A file to be uploaded in attachments folder.

  • Will this be a breaking change?

  • How could it be implemented/designed?
    A button will be added below sponsors heading and above WANT TO BECOME A SPONSOR? text

Support opengraph tags


I shared the link on Twitter, and noticed we didn't have any open graph tags.

Be great to get some open graph tags for the conference for nice media sharing on things like Slack, Twitter etc.

Add Gallery Section to AACoT'24 Conference Website


The section should include a button labeled 'Browse All' or 'See All', and

  • will have a header titled 'Our Events Gallery'.
  • a button labeled 'Browse All', and

When users click on the button, they should be directed to a

  • Google Drive folder with all the images,
    Or to a
  • new page with cards displaying the location, year, and a 'View Gallery' button for each event.

Since AACoT'23 was our first in-person conference, there will be three cards (for each of the locations) with a 'View Gallery' button that leads to a Google Drive folder.

Expected Behavior

Users should be able to easily browse through the gallery of images from past events by clicking on the 'Browse All' or 'See All' button.

Why we should have this

This feature will enhance the user experience by providing a visual representation of past events.

Hamburger menu does not close by clicking outside of it

Describe the bug

The hamburger menu does not close by clicking Escape button or clicking outside of the menu. The only way currently is to click on the close button.

How to Reproduce

Go to homepage on smaller screens to make hamburger icon to appear.
Click on hamburger icon.
Click outside of opened window, it does not close.

Expected behavior

For a better user experience, it should get closed by clicking outside or Esc key press.

Missing Code of Conduct on landing page

Describe the bug

A link to the event's Code of Conduct (CoC) is not available on the event landing page.

How to Reproduce


Expected behavior

A link to the Code of Conduct (CoC) should be available on the landing page and every subpage once they get created. Please aim at enabling visitors to one-click reach the CoC. A CoC exists and is linked in the CfP process. Ideally, the link on the landing page is prominently placed in a top-bar navigation style way. Footer links also work and have become the sub-optimal standard for linking to the CoC.

Attendees, speakers and sponsors more and more look for signs of inclusivity. People from marginalised groups have to be able to identify safe conferences and know what they can rely on in case they experience harassment, discrimination or other undesired behavior.

Update The Conference Website To 2024

It's a New year; it's time to update our website to reflect the changes and additions for 2024. These are some of the necessary updates and improvements needed on the website, i.e., archiving the 2023 content, adding new venue information, speaker slides from the previous event, and incorporating a sponsorship page.

  1. I would like us to archive and preserve the 2023 content for historical reference while making room for the new year's updates.
  • On the 2023 content, we add speaker slides, especially for the locations that never had live streaming #204
  1. Update the website to 2024
  • Start adding confirmed venues on the website

  • Add a sponsorship page on the website that details the tiers we have, benefits information and redirects to the open collective page

  • Structure our Call for Speaker form early

There is plenty to mention; additionally, we can still maintain the current designs and improve from what we have.

cc @Mayaleeeee @AceTheCreator

add contributors section to readme


  • Why we need this improvement?

    • Acknowledge and credit individuals who contribute to the project, fostering community and transparency.
  • How will this change help?

    • Centralized contributors section promotes collaboration, positive environment, and encourages more participation.
  • What is the motivation?

    • Honor contributors' time and effort, creating a more inclusive and appreciative project culture.
  • What changes have to be introduced?

    • Add a "Contributors" section in the README, listing names and contributions without disrupting existing content.
  • Will this be a breaking change?

    • No, it's a non-disruptive enhancement to the README, improving documentation and community engagement.
  • How could it be implemented/designed?

    • Open README, create "Contributors" section, list contributors with names and roles in markdown format.

Incomplete command in Readme file

Describe the bug

some commands are missing readme file

How to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the issue. Attach all resources that can help us understand the issue:

  • Screenshots

Expected behavior

command npm install must be there

update twitter icon and add interactions


  1. The current Twitter icon in the footer has become obsolete and should be replaced with a new "X" icon to align with the latest branding guidelines.

  2. The footer lacks user interaction, with neither icons nor text responding to user actions, such as hover or click events.


  1. Update the Twitter icon in the footer to the new "X" icon and ensure the new icon maintains the website's visual consistency and branding.
  2. Implement hover and click interactions for icons and text in the footer. Icons and text elements like the "Code of Conduct" and the "logo " should provide visual feedback when users interact with them.

Screenshot 2023-10-13 115349

cc @AceTheCreator, please label it as an hacktoberfest issue.

Implement visual states for images on location cards (hovered and clicked)


There is no effect when users hover or click on the location cards.


Implement visual states for images to improve user experience. This enhancement will help users understand what's happening by elevating the cards when hovered over and appropriately responding when clicked on.

Here's a short recording of how the section looks:


Add Madrid Details

  • Add the remaining Madrid speakers to the conference page
  • Add Tickets Form Button Link
  • Add Madrid Schedule

Add all speakers button


When you're in the speaker's section on the homepage, it initially loads all the speakers for all venues, and then you can filter by venue. The problem is you can't go back to view all speakers because there's no "All" button after filtering.

AsyncAPI-Conference (3)


Add an "All" button to the list and it should be active by default.

Update event details, hide form


I believe we have a final decision on a conference date and location based on the responses from the survey, (per announcement on slack: so I believe we should be able to make the following changes to the website for now until we roll out a new design:

  • Add conference dates: November 3-5, 2022
  • Add event location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Hide survey and Click the button to start survey button

introducing a section on the conference website for upcoming and past events


  • Why do we need this improvement? To enhance user experience and streamline the process.

  • How will this change help? This section will simplify users' interaction by providing easy access to event details, registration information, and resources from previous events.

  • What is the motivation? To improve efficiency and user satisfaction.


  • What changes have to be introduced? Minor UI adjustments for clarity.
  • Will this be a breaking change? No, it's not.
  • How could it be implemented/designed? Refine UI elements and update user flows.

I have created a rough sketch on paper to guide what we expect for the design below. However, if you have a better idea, please share it.

Some speakers appear more than once

In the speakers section on the main page, some speakers appear more than once when you click on all speakers button which shouldn't be the case.

Inconsistent styling of the subscribe button on the conference website

Describe the bug

There is a bug in styling the "Subscribe" button on the conference website. It looks different from the other buttons on the site, causing issues with the size of the button and the spacing of the text inside it.

Screenshot 2023-10-11 032035

Expected behavior

Ensure the "Subscribe" button is styled consistently with other buttons on the website.

Epic Roadmap to new 2022 conference website

@mcturco and @AceTheCreator have decided to take the AsyncAPI 2022 conference website to the next level. This overarching goal here is that we want the website to look astonishing and give an outstanding impression to visitors.

The following is a list of proposed features for the new conference website:
Target release date: TBA

  • New art direction for the conference
  • Provision of design mockup
  • Design implementation
  • Speaker/Attendee card generator
  • Events based attendee notifier for interested sessions(using AsyncAPI)
  • Google analytics integration
  • Code of Conduct implementation

Kindly let me know if there's something you'd love to add.

CC @derberg @mcturco

Add ticket form button for Madrid page

Since we won't be introducing a ticket fee for AACoT'23 Madrid, we need to add a button that links to this form where we will collect the information for interested participants who want to attend the conference, as we have a limited number of tickets.

This will be similar to ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฟ

But we will rename it to Tickets Form

Card text is unreadable

  • The texts on the location images are difficult to read.


Instead, we could have something like the one below; you can check it in the Figma file here.

Potential improvements for 2022 Conference landing page


It is great that we have a conference website already up, thank you to @AceTheCreator for fixing that together! I have a few ideas/suggestions on how we might be able to improve the site to better communicate to new visitors what the conference is and how they can get involved.

๐Ÿ’ก Ideas

  • I'm not sure if the title "Building the future of Event-Driven APIs Together." fully communicates that the website is for a conference. Maybe it would be better to have the actual words "AsyncAPI Conference 2022" as the biggest text and then we can have this line as a subheader?
  • I'm thinking we can add a section below the top section that communicates a little bit about what the conference is, like a little more detail of the topics and such. I know we don't know yet what the topics are, but we could maybe write a little bit of copy that vaguely states the context and what to expect
  • I think instead of the text Click the button to start the survey maybe we have some better call to action that says Help us decide on a date and location for the 2022 conference
  • It might be a good idea to add links to our social media to "stay tuned for updates"
  • I'm not sure what the process is like for getting speakers, but should we add a call to action to sign up to be a speaker?
  • It would probably be a good opportunity on this website to show or have a link to some of the 2021 conference recordings
  • If we have any sponsors lined up for this year, should we add sponsor logos to the site or are we waiting until all of that is confirmed?

Let me know what you all think about these ideas. If we like them, I would be happy to propagate them in a design mock-up. Keep in mind that every year we will have a "brand" or visual style to represent the conference, so I might ideate on some visuals that we can add to this website. I like the direction of this so far though! ๐Ÿ˜„

cc: @derberg @AceTheCreator

Need for urgent changes in GitHub Actions automation

This issue defines a list of tasks that need to be performed in this repo to make sure it's ci/cd automation works long term without any issues.

It is up to maintainers to decide if it must be addressed in one or multiple PRs.

Below are 3 different sections describing 3 different important ci/cd changes.

For GitHub workflows that contain This workflow is centrally managed in you do not have to perform any work. These workflows were already updated through the update in .github. The only exception is the workflows related to nodejs release. More details in Upgrade Release pipeline - in case of nodejs projects section

Deprecation of way data is shared between steps

Every single GitHub Action workflow that has echo "::set-output name={name}::{value}" need to be updated to follow echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

We do not yet know when set-output will stop working. Previous disable date was 31.05 but now then say community needs more time.

For more details read official article from GitHub

Deprecation of node12

2nd bullet point is still relevant for you even if your projects in not nodejs project

  • Every single workflow that uses setup-node action needs an update to follow v3 version of this action, and make sure minimum node 14 is used
  • Now this part is more complex. Problem with node12 is that node-based GitHub Actions were using it in majority as a runtime environment. Look for example at this action.yaml file for setup-node action v2. So the job that you have to do is go through all the workflows, and verify every single action that you use, make sure you are using the latest version that is not based on node12. I already did review a lot of actions as part of this PR so maybe you will find some actions there and can copy from me. For example action/checkout needs to be updated to v3.

Node12 end of support in action is probably September 27th.

For more details read official article from GitHub

Upgrade Release pipeline - in case of nodejs projects

ignore this section if your project is not nodejs project

You have 2 options. You can:

A. choose to switch to new release pipeline using instruction from asyncapi/.github#205

B. stay with old release pipeline, and manually update GitHub workflows and actions used in it, you can inspire a lot from this PR asyncapi/.github#226

I definitely recommend going with A

Workflows related to release:

  • .github/workflows/if-nodejs-release.yml
  • .github/workflows/if-nodejs-version-bump.yml
  • .github/workflows/bump.yml

Fonts are not loading in properly on mobile devices

Describe the bug

Looking at the website on my phone and the fonts aren't loading properly :/

We should look into the tailwind config settings to see if there is anything we need to adjust to make sure they are loading in correctly.


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