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ark-cpp's Introduction


This Repo is archived for historical reference

You can find the current Ark Cpp SDK's at the following links:

Ark for Machines v0.8

language version License: MIT

Build Status

Build status

Not production ready.

Supported Boards

What can this do?

GET information from the Ark Blockchain using Arduino boards.
Create models of basic Ark "types." (e.g. Accounts, Blocks, Delegates, Peers, etc)

What CAN'T this do (yet)?

Generate Ark Addresses & Signatures.
Create Signed transaction for broadcast to the Ark Ecosystem.

How to use this

  1. Define the network

ARK::Network devnet = ARK::Constants::Networks::Devnet::model;


ARK::Network devnet {

  1. Create the manager instance

ARK::API::Manager arkManager(devnet)

  1. Use manager to get info from the Ark Blockchain

auto status = arkManager.loaderStatus() Serial.print(status) prints {


Get VendorField of a given Transaction ID using the ESP8266

* demo_sketch.ino

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const char* ssid = "yourSSID";
const char* password = "yourWiFiPassword";

void testVendorField()
  Network devnet = Constants::Networks::Model::Devnet;
  ARK::API::Manager arkManager(devnet);

  Hash txID = "4e68a917d06382ce335656eef5560a537fc806ecadf3972c5221b86babecc63e";

  auto vendorField = arkManager.getVendorField(txID);
    Serial.print("\nvendorField: ");

void setup()
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)


void loop(){}

vendorField: 1ARK-GOLang is saying whoop whooop

Get Ark Account from a given Ark Address

  Address darkAddress("DHQ4Fjsyiop3qBR4otAjAu6cBHkgRELqGA");
  auto account = arkManager.account(darkAddress);
    Serial.print("\naccount: ");

address: DHQ4Fjsyiop3qBR4otAjAu6cBHkgRELqGA
unconfirmedBalance: 106914.85341862
balance: 106914.85341862
publicKey: 0275776018638e5c40f1b922901e96cac2caa734585ef302b4a2801ee9a338a456
unconfirmedSignature: 1
secondSignature: 1
secondPublicKey: 03ad2a481719c80571061f0c941d57e91c928700d8dd132726edfc0bf9c4cb2869


  • API

    • add models & constants
    • add static endpoints
    • Network manager
    • Network Client
    • API Gets
    • API Posts
      • test api posts
      • finish api posts
    • Error Handling
      • test error handling
      • finish error handling
  • Crypto

    • Test Crypto
      • test sha256
      • test bigint
      • test secp256k1 ECDSA
      • test ripemd160
      • test base58
      • test Address generation
      • test Signing/Signature Generation
    • Add Crypto
      • add sha256
      • add bigint
      • add secp256k1 ECDSA
      • add ripemd160
      • add base58
      • add Address generation
      • add Signing/Signature Generation
  • TODO

    • Documentation
    • Handle Large Callbacks

ark-cpp's People


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ark-cpp's Issues

improve on Hash Type

Improve on the concept of a Hash type in the Ark-Cpp wrapper

The aim of this issue is to open the discussion of storing hash-types as bytes with optional retrieval as a hex-string.


  • improve the storage size of hashable types
  • improve handling of hashable types
  • improve ability to model new hash-types
  • introduce a clean way to check for hash-type conformance

POC Implementation available in

Tested implementation uses Hashable as a temple such that hashes, keys, and signatures may be defined via

#define Hash Hashable<HASH_STORAGE_BYTE_COUNT>
#define Publickey Hashable<PUBKEY_STORAGE_BYTE_COUNT>
#define Privatekey Hashable<PRIVKEY_STORAGE_BYTE_COUNT>
#define Signature Hashable<SIGNATURE_BYTE_COUNT>

Sample class implementation

template <size_t COUNT>
class Hashable :
	public Printable
	* Constructor 
	* @brief: default empty constructor
	Hashable() : bytes_() {};

	* Constructor 
	* @param: const char *const newHash
	* @brief: also checks if Hash is empty before storage
	Hashable(const char *const newHash)
		strlen(newHash) != 0 ?
			this->set(newHash) :
			void(this->bytes_[0] = '\0');

	* Deconstructor 
	* @brief: fill this->bytes_ with random data before deconstruction
	~Hashable() {
		Sanitize(this->bytes_, COUNT);

	* @brief: returns element count of Hashable object
	size_t count() const { return COUNT; };

	* @brief: returns size of Hashable object
	size_t size() const { return sizeof(this->bytes_); };

	* @brief: returns vector of stored bytes
	const inline std::vector<uint8_t> vBytes() const
		return std::vector<uint8_t>(this->bytes_);

	* @brief: returns vector of hex-string representation of stored bytes
	const inline std::vector<char> vHex() const
		return (this->bytes_[0] != '\0') ?
				std::vector<char>(this->hex().c_str()) :

	* @brief: returns hex-string representation of stored bytes
	std::string hex() const
		if (this->bytes_[0] != '\0')
			char hexBuffer[(COUNT * 2) + 1];
			BytesToHex(this->bytes_, hexBuffer, COUNT);
			return std::string( hexBuffer );
			return std::string("");

	* @brief: returns hex c-string ('\0' or NULL Terminated string) representation of stored bytes
	operator const char *() const
		return this->hex().c_str();

	* @param: Print& p 
	* @brief: prints Hashable object
	virtual size_t printTo(Print& p) const
		size_t size = 0;
		size += p.print( this->hex().c_str() );
		return size;

	uint8_t bytes_[COUNT];

	* @param: const char *const newHash 
	* @brief: Sets new Hash, copying byte-values to internal storage
	void set(const char *const newHash)
		if (isHex(newHash))
			HexToBytes(newHash, this->bytes_);
			std::memmove(this->bytes_, newHash, COUNT);


note: Sanitize method introduced to randomize byte data before deconstruction.
This will necessarily have to use proven T/RNG functions in the crypto libraries,
but is currently implemented as follows:

static uint8_t getRandomDigit()
#ifdef USE_IOT
	randomSeed(random(0, 1024));
	return random(0, 255);
	std::default_random_engine generator;
	std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> distribution(0, 255);
	return distribution(generator);

static void Sanitize(uint8_t* buffer, size_t size)
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		buffer[i] = getRandomDigit();

Update Travis CI to have dedicated PlatformIO builds.

Currently every configuration (Linux-GCC, Linux-Clang, OSX 10.12, OSX 10.13) builds platformIO.

This needs to be changed to the following configurations:

  • Linux-GCC
  • Linux-Clang
  • Linux-PlatformIO
  • OSX-10.12
    *OSX-PlatformIO (10.12 since that is Travis CI's stable image)

improve API file structure

Improve the file structure of API files in the Ark-Cpp wrapper

The aim of this issue is to open the discussion of how to reduce the complexity and count of the API files


  • reduce complexity and overhead
  • improve readability
  • improve overall size of the Ark-Cpp wrapper

POC Implementation available in

The *_gettable classes have now been streamlined to the point where is appears ready for merging into the *able class prototypes/protocols.

This will leave each API "type" (Account, Block, etc) with only its implementation and applicable API Callback Models (*_respondable).

Also proposed for discussion is an improved naming convention for *_respondable's to better convey that they are indeed callback models.
ex account_model.h

Sample header/declaration implementation


#include "utilities/platform.h"
#include "api/accountable/account_respondable.h"
#include "models/account.h"
#include "models/delegate.h"
#include "types/address.h"
#include "types/balance.h"
#include "types/crypto/eckey.h"
#include "utilities/connector.h"
#include "api/paths.h"
#include "utilities/json.h"

namespace ARK
namespace API
*	PUBLIC: ARK::API::Accountable
*	public API::Account::Gettable
*	virtual ARK::Utilities::Network::Connectable
*	API's Account Model
class Accountable :
	virtual ARK::Utilities::Network::Connectable
	*	/api/accounts/getBalance?address=arkAddress
	*	@param:	Address arkAddress
	*	@return:	ARK::API::Account::Respondable::Balances
	*	@brief:	Uses Ark Address to get an Accounts Confirmed	and Unconfirmed Balances from a Node via API.
	ARK::API::Account::Respondable::Balances accountBalance(const Address &arkAddress);


	*	api/accounts/getPublickey?address=arkAddress
	*	@param:	Address arkAddress
	*	@return:	Publickey
	*	@brief:	Uses Ark Address to get an Accounts Publickey from a Node via API.
	Publickey accountPublickey(const Address &arkAddress);


	*	/api/accounts/delegates/fee?address=arkAddress
	*	@param:	Address arkAddress
	*	@return:	Balance
	*	@brief:	Uses Ark Address to get Delegate Registration Fee from a Node via API.
	Balance accountDelegatesFee(const Address &arkAddress);


	*	/api/accounts/delegates?address=arkAddress
	*	@param:	Address arkAddress
	*	@return:	ARK::Delegate
	*	@brief:	Uses Ark Address to get Delegate Object from a Node via API.
	ARK::Delegate accountDelegates(const Address &arkAddress);


	*	/api/accounts?address=arkAddress
	*	@param:	Address arkAddress
	*	@return:	ARK::Account
	*	@brief:	Uses Ark Address to get Account Object from a Node via API.
	ARK::Account account(const Address &arkAddress);



Sample cpp/definition implementation

#include "api/accountable/accountable.h"

*	/api/accounts/getBalance?address=arkAddress
*	{
*		"success":true,
*		"balance":  "Balance",
*		"unconfirmedBalance": "Balance"
*	}
ARK::API::Account::Respondable::Balances ARK::API::Accountable::accountBalance(
		const Address &arkAddress
	char uri[68 + 1] = { '\0' };
		strcpy(uri, ARK::API::Paths::Account::getBalance_s);
		strcat(uri, "?address=");
		strcat(uri, arkAddress.getValue());
	auto callback = netConnector.callback(uri);
	auto parser = ARK::Utilities::make_json_string(callback);
	return {


*	api/accounts/getPublickey?address=arkAddress
*	{
*		"success":true,
*		"publicKey":  "Publickey"
*	}
Publickey ARK::API::Accountable::accountPublickey(
		const Address &arkAddress
	char uri[94 + 1] = { '\0' };
		strcpy(uri, ARK::API::Paths::Account::getPublickey_s);
		strcat(uri, "?address=");
		strcat(uri, arkAddress.getValue());
	auto callback = netConnector.callback(uri);
	auto parser = ARK::Utilities::make_json_string(callback);
	return {


*	/api/accounts/delegates/fee?address=arkAddress
*	{
*		"success":true,
*		"fee":2500000000
*	}
Balance ARK::API::Accountable::accountDelegatesFee(
		const Address &arkAddress
	char uri[95 + 1] = { '\0' };
		strcpy(uri, ARK::API::Paths::Account::delegatesFee_s);
		strcat(uri, "?address=");
		strcat(uri, arkAddress.getValue());
	auto callback = netConnector.callback(uri);
	auto parser = ARK::Utilities::make_json_string(callback);
	return Balance(parser->valueFor("fee").c_str());


*	/api/accounts/delegates?address=arkAddress
*	{
*		"success":true,
*		"delegates":
*		[
*			{
*				"username": "sleepdeficit",
*				"address":  "Address",
*				"publicKey":  "Publickey",
*				"vote": "Balance",
*				"producedblocks": const char*,
*				"missedblocks": String,
*				"rate": int,
*				"approval": double,
*				"productivity": double
*			}
*		]
*	}
ARK::Delegate ARK::API::Accountable::accountDelegates(
		const Address &arkAddress
	char uri[91 + 1] = { '\0' };
		strcpy(uri, ARK::API::Paths::Account::delegates_s);
		strcat(uri, "?address=");
		strcat(uri, arkAddress.getValue());
	auto callback = netConnector.callback(uri);
	auto parser = ARK::Utilities::make_json_string(callback);
	return {
		parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "username").c_str(),
		parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "address").c_str(),
		parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "publicKey").c_str(),
		parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "vote").c_str(),
		convert_to_int(parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "producedblocks").c_str()),
		convert_to_int(parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "missedblocks").c_str()),
		convert_to_int(parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "rate").c_str()),
		convert_to_float(parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "approval").c_str()),
		convert_to_float(parser->subarrayValueIn("delegates", 0, "productivity").c_str())


*	/api/accounts?address=arkAddress
*	{
*		"success":true,
*		"account":
*		{
*			"address":  "Address",
*			"unconfirmedBalance": "Balance",
*			"balance":  "Balance",
*			"publicKey":  "Publickey",
*			"unconfirmedSignature": int,
*			"secondSignature":  int,
*			"secondPublicKey":  "Publickey",
*			"multisignatures":[],
*			"u_multisignatures":[]
*		}
*	}
ARK::Account ARK::API::Accountable::account(
		const Address &arkAddress
	char uri[81 + 1] = { '\0' };
		strcpy(uri, ARK::API::Paths::Account::accounts_s);
		strcat(uri, "?address=");
		strcat(uri, arkAddress.getValue());
	auto callback = netConnector.callback(uri);
	auto parser = ARK::Utilities::make_json_string(callback);
		*	FIXME 
		* multisignatures & u_multisignatures returns an array of Transaction ID's (Hash type)
	return {
		parser->valueIn("account", "address").c_str(),
		parser->valueIn("account", "unconfirmedBalance").c_str(),
		parser->valueIn("account", "balance").c_str(),
		parser->valueIn("account", "publicKey").c_str(),
		convert_to_int(parser->valueIn("account", "unconfirmedSignature").c_str()),
		convert_to_int(parser->valueIn("account", "secondSignature").c_str()),
		parser->valueIn("account", "secondPublicKey").c_str(),
		// parser->subarrayValueIn("account", 0, "multisignatures").c_str(),	//	FIXME
		// multisigsArray,																										//	FIXME
		// parser->subarrayValueIn("account", 0, "u_multisignatures").c_str()	//	FIXME
		// u_multisigsArray																										//	FIXME

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