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complete-sql's Introduction


Table of Contents 📋

SNo. Topic Sub Topic
1. Retrieving Data From a Single Table SELECT Clause
WHERE Clause
AND, OR & NOT Operators
IN Operators
BETWEEN Operators
LIKE Operators
REGEXP Operators
IS NULL Operators
ORDER BY Operators
LIMIT Clause
2. Retrieving Data From a Multiple Table INNER Joins
Joining Across Databases
Self Joins
Joining Multiple Tables
Compound Join Conditions
Implicit Join Syntax
Outer Join Between Multiple Tables
Self Outer Joins
The USING Clause
3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data

1. Retrieving Data From a Single Table

  • 1.1 SELECT Clause

    SELECT *
    FROM customers;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT first_name, last_name
    FROM customers;
    first_name last_name
      (points % 10) AS 'discount factor'
    FROM customers;
    first_name last_name points discount factor


    • Return All the Products

      • name
      • unit price
      • new price (unit price * 1.1)


        (unit_price * 1.1) AS new_price
      FROM products;
      name unit_price new_price
  • 1.2 WHERE Clause

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE points > 3000;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE state = 'va';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Get the orders places this years


      SELECT *
      FROM orders
      WHERE order_date >= '2022-01-01';
      order_id customer_id first_name last_name points status order_date
  • 1.3 AND, OR & NOT Operators

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01' AND points > 1000;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01' OR points > 1000 AND state = 'va';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE NOT (birth_date > '1990-01-01' OR points > 1000);
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE birth_date <= '1990-01-01' AND points <= 1000;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • From the order_items table, get the item

      • For order #6
      • where the total price is greater than 30


      SELECT *
      FROM order_items
      WHERE order_id = 6 AND unit_price * quantity > 30;
      order_id product_id unit_price quantity order_item
  • 1.4 IN Operators

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE state = 'va' OR state = 'ga' OR state = 'fl';
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE state IN ('va', 'ga', 'fl');
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE state NOT IN ('va', 'ga', 'fl');
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Return products with

      • quantity in stock equal to 49, 38, 72


      SELECT *
      FROM products
      WHERE quantity_in_stock IN (49, 38, 72);
      order_id product_id unit_price quantity_in_stocks order_item
  • 1.5 BETWEEN Operators

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE points >= 1000 AND points <= 3000;
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE points BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Return customers born

      • between 1/1/1990 AND 1/1/2000


      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE birth_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01` AND `2000-01-01`;
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
  • 1.6 LIKE Operators

    • % -----> Any number of characters
    • _ -----> Single Character
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE 'b%';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE 'brush%';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE '%b%';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE '%y';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE '_y';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE '_______y';  
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE 'b_______y';  
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Get the customers whose

      • addresses contain TRAIL or AVENUE
      • phone number end with 9


      • addresses contain TRAIL or AVENUE
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
         address LIKE '%trail%' OR 
         address LIKE '%avenue%';  
      customer_id first_name last_name points address phone_no birth_date
      • phone number end with 9
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE  phone_no LIKE '%9';  
      customer_id first_name last_name points address phone_no birth_date
  • 1.7 REGEXP Operators

    • ^ -----> beginning
    • $ -----> end
    • | -----> logical or
    • [gim]e -----> ge, ie, me
    • e[faq] -----> ef, ea, eq
    • [a-f]g -----> ag, bg, cg, dg, eg, fg
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name LIKE '%brush%';
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP '^brush';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush$';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush|mac';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush|mac|field';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP '^brush|mac|field';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'brush$|mac|field';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP '[gim]e';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP 'e[abc]';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE last_name REGEXP '[a-h]e';
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Get the customers whose

      • first names are ELKA or AMAR
      • last names end with EY or ON
      • last names start with MY or contains SE
      • last names contain B followed by R or U


      • first names are ELKA or AMAR
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE first_name REGEXP 'elka | amar';
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
      • last names end with EY or ON
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE last_name REGEXP 'ey$ | on$';
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
      • last names start with MY or contains SE
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE last_name REGEXP '^my | se';
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
      • last names contain B followed by R or U
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE last_name REGEXP 'b[ru]';
      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      WHERE last_name REGEXP 'br | bu';
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
  • 1.8 IS NULL Operators

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE phone_no IS NULL;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    WHERE phone_no IS NOT NULL;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Get the orders that are not shipped


      SELECT *
      FROM orders
      WHERE shipped_date IS NULL;
      order_id customer_id first_name last_name points status shipped_date order_date
  • 1.9 ORDER BY Operators

    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY first_name;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY first_name DESC;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY first_name, state;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY first_name DESC, state DESC;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT first_name, last_name
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY birth_date;
    first_name last_name
    SELECT first_name, last_name, 10 AS points
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY first_name, points;
    SELECT first_name, last_name, 10 AS points
    FROM customers
    ORDER BY 1, 3;
    first_name last_name points
  • 1.10 LIMIT Clause

    • LIMIT 6 -----> print first 6 rows(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    • LIMIT 6, 3 -----> Skip first 6 rows(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) then print 3 rows(7, 8, 9)
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    LIMIT 6;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM customers
    LIMIT 6, 3;
    customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date


    • Get the top three loyal customers


      SELECT *
      FROM customers
      ORDER BY points DESC
      LIMIT 3;
      customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date

2. Retrieving Data From a Multiple Table

  • 2.1 INNER Joins

    • In INNER JOIN keyword, INNER is optional both INNER JOIN & JOIN are same
    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    INNER JOIN customers
       ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
    SELECT *
    FROM orders
    JOIN customers
       ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT order_id, first_name, last_name
    FROM orders
    JOIN customers
       ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
    order_id first_name last_name
    SELECT order_id, customer_id, first_name, last_name
    FROM orders
    JOIN customers
       ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;

    Error ⬆ because of customer_id

    SELECT order_id, orders.customer_id, first_name, last_name
    FROM orders
    JOIN customers
       ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;
    SELECT order_id, o.customer_id, first_name, last_name
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id first_name last_name


    • JOIN the order_items table with products table

      • each order returns all product_id as well as its name follewed by quantity and unit price from order_items table


      SELECT *
      FROM order_items oi
      JOIN products p
         ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
      order_id product_id quantity unit_price name quantity_in_stock unit_price
      SELECT order_id, oi.product_id, quantity, unit_price
      FROM order_items oi
      JOIN products p
         ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
      • both unit_price are different
      order_id product_id quantity unit_price unit_price
      SELECT order_id, oi.product_id, quantity, oi.unit_price
      FROM order_items oi
      JOIN products p
         ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
      order_id product_id quantity unit_price
  • 2.2 Joining Across Databases

    USE sql_store;
    SELECT *
    FROM order_items oi
    JOIN sql_inventory.products p
       ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
    USE sql_inventory;
    SELECT *
    FROM sql_store.order_items oi
    JOIN products p
       ON oi.product_id = p.product_id;
    order_id product_id quantity unit_price product_id name quantity_in_stock unit_price
  • 2.3 Self Joins

    USE sql_hr;
    SELECT *
    FROM employees e
    JOIN employees m
       ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
    employee_id first_name last_name job_title salary reports_to office_id employee_id first_name last_name job_title salary reports_to office_id
    USE sql_hr;
    FROM employees e
    JOIN employees m
       ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
    employee_id first_name first_name
    USE sql_hr;
       m.first_name AS manager
    FROM employees e
    JOIN employees m
       ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
    employee_id first_name manager
  • 2.4 Joining Multiple Tables

    USE sql_store;
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    JOIN order_statuses os
       ON o.status = os.order_status_id;
    order_id customer_id order_date status order_status_id comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    USE sql_store;
       c.last_name, AS status
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    JOIN order_statuses os
       ON o.status = os.order_status_id;
    order_id order_date first_name last_name status
  • 2.5 Compound Join Conditions

    SELECT *
    FROM order_items oi
    JOIN order_item_notes oin
       ON oi.order_id = oin.order_id
       AND oi.product_id = oin.product_id;
    order_id product_id order_date status comments product_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
  • 2.6 Implicit Join Syntax

    • Explicit Inner Join Syntax
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
    • Implicit Inner Join Syntax
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o, customers c
    WHERE o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
  • 2.7 OUTER Joins

    • OUTER Joins are two types
    • And here also OUTER keyword is optional so write syntax as
      • LEFT JOIN
      • RIGHT JOIN
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    LEFT OUTER JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    LEFT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    RIGHT OUTER JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    SELECT *
    FROM orders o
    RIGHT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id orderr_date status comments customer_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
    FROM orders o
    LEFT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id first_name
    FROM orders o
    RIGHT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id first_name
  • 2.8 OUTER Join Between Multiple Tables

    FROM orders o
    LEFT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    JOIN shippers sh
       ON o.shipper_id = sh.shipper_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id first_name
       c.first_name, AS shipper
    FROM orders o
    LEFT JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id
    LEFT JOIN shippers sh
       ON o.shipper_id = sh.shipper_id
    ORDER BY c.customer_id;
    order_id customer_id first_name shipper
  • 2.9 Self Outer Joins

    USE sql_hr;
       m.first_name AS manager
    FROM employees e
    LEFT JOIN employees m
       ON e.reports_to = m.employee_id;
    employee_id first_name manager
  • 2.10 The USING Clause

    • use USING keyword if same column name in both tables
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       ON o.customer_id = c.customer_id;
    FROM orders o
    JOIN customers c
       USING (customer_id);
    order_id first_name
    SELECT *
    FROM order_items oi
    JOIN order_item_notes oin
       ON oi.order_id = oin.order_id
       AND oi.product_id = oin.product_id;
    SELECT *
    FROM order_items oi
    JOIN order_item_notes oin
       USING (order_id, product_id);
    order_id product_id order_date status comments product_id first_name last_name points state phone_no birth_date
  • 2.11 NATURAL Joins

    FROM orders o
    NATURAL JOIN customers c;
    order_id customer_id first_name
  • 2.12 CROSS Joins

    • Explicit Inner Join Syntax
       c.first_name AS customer, AS product
    FROM customers c
    CROSS JOIN product p
    ORDER BY c.first_name;
    • Implicit Inner Join Syntax
       c.first_name AS customer, AS product
    FROM customers c, product p
    ORDER BY c.first_name;
    customer product
  • 2.13 Unions

       'Bronze' AS type
    FROM customers
    WHERE points < 2000;
       'Silver' AS type
    FROM customers
    WHERE points BETWEEN 2000 AND 3000;
       'Gold' AS type
    FROM customers
    WHERE points > 3000
    ORDER BY first_name;      
    customer_id first_name points type

3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data

complete-sql's People


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