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packcc's Issues

Memory usage compared to gcc compiler

Looking for a ready to use C peg grammar I found this one and needed to make some changes (see attached) to build and parse the generated C file using packcc then I did a comparison of time and memory usage against gcc compiling it and got the result shown bellow, the generated parser compiled with -O2 uses 12x more memory than gcc compiling without optimization and 6.6x more when compiling with -O2.

packcc -l -o c99-mouse c99-mouse.peg

gcc -E c99-mouse.c > c99-mouse.pp.c

/usr/bin/time gcc -g -o c99-mouse c99-mouse.c
0.55user 0.02system 0:00.58elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 60484maxresident)k
0inputs+568outputs (0major+16781minor)pagefaults 0swaps

/usr/bin/time gcc -g -O2 -o c99-mouse c99-mouse.c
2.79user 0.07system 0:02.86elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 110656maxresident)k
0inputs+1304outputs (0major+36607minor)pagefaults 0swaps

/usr/bin/time ./c99-mouse c99-mouse.pp.c
1.16user 0.21system 0:01.38elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 740176maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+184749minor)pagefaults 0swaps

C predicates

Would it be possible to allow C predicates to participate in matching?

For example:

foonumber <- <[0-9]+> ?? { atoi($1) > 50 }

Questions not answered in the README


These are things that I've been wondering. Other people probably have the same questions, so they should probably be covered in the README.

  1. What is the storage duration of $$? There's actually a StackOverflow question about this.

  2. How can I read from a file instead of stdin?

  3. Suppose I want to generate an AST. Am I supposed to generate it with $$ inside the rules manually? Is there some way to make this easier? Or is generating an AST beyond the scope of this parser generator?

  4. Can I define an action and an error action on the same rule?

  5. What's the deal with whitespace? It seems to be ignored. What if my language were whitespace-sensitive? Does it suck the whitespace out of string literals?

  6. My language has C style single and multi-line comments in it. How can I ignore those like whitespace seems to be ignored?

Thanks, and you've got a very impressive project.

Strange bad generated parser

When trying to build a parser for lpeg-re grammar to use with packcc, packcc accepts the grammar without any error and generate the parser but when trying to compile the parser there is the error shown bellow, it seems to have trouble with the S rule in the grammar.

gcc -o lpeg-re lpeg-re.c
lpeg-re.c: In function ‘pcc_evaluate_rule_suffix’:
lpeg-re.c:1286:25: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token
 1286 |                         )) goto L0005;
      |                         ^

The grammar:

%prefix "lpeg_re"

pattern         <- exp !.
exp             <- S (grammar / alternative)

alternative     <- seq ('/' S seq)*
seq             <- prefix*
prefix          <- '&' S prefix / '!' S prefix / suffix
suffix          <- primary S (([+*?]
                            / '^' [+-]? num
                            / '->' S (string / '{}' / name / num)
                            / '=>' S name) S)*

primary         <- '(' exp ')' / (string / keyword) / class / defined
                 / '{:' (name ':')? exp ':}'
                 / '=' name
                 / '@' exp
                 / '{}'
                 / '{~' exp '~}'
                 / '{|' exp '|}'   # missing table capture
                 / '{' exp '}'
		 / '~?' # Expected match
		 / '~>' S ( 'foldleft' / 'foldright' / 'rfoldleft' / 'rfoldright' )
		 / '$' (string / name / num) # Arbitrary capture
                 / '.'
                 / name S !(asttag / arrow )
                 / '<' name '>'          ## old-style non terminals
		 / '^' name
		 / '%{' S name S '}'

grammar         <- definition+
definition      <- name S (asttag S)? arrow exp

class           <- '[' '^'? item (!']' item)* ']'
item            <- defined / range / .
range           <- . '-' [^\]]

S               <- ([ \t\f\r\n]  /  '--' [^\r\n]*)*  # spaces and comments
name            <- [A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_] / '-' !'>' )*
arrow           <- (  '<--' / '<==' / '<-|'  / '<-' )
num             <- [0-9]+
string          <- '"' [^"]* '"' / "'" [^']* "'"
defined         <- '%' name
keyword     <-  '`' [^`]+ '`'
asttag         <- ':' S name

int main() {
    lpeg_re_context_t *ctx = lpeg_re_create(NULL);
    while (lpeg_re_parse(ctx, NULL));
    return 0;

raising error from action?

It is unclear to me if it is possible to raise an error from the action. In your example calculator it would make sense for example for division by zero or (int_min / -1).

thank you for this awesome project!

stop parser on error

i'm trying to implement errors like this:

     <- <term> _ { printf("expression: >%s< \n", $1); }
     / <(!EOL .)*> .* { printf("line %d: error: expected expression: %s\n", ((State*)auxil)->line, $0); }

but of course ocassionally the .* doesn't consume the entire input to the end, so you get multiple errors for the same line.
is there a way to just stop the parser immediatly?

How to do good syntax error handling?

I can use special rules to catch common errors and point out which row they occur on. I keep track of rows and store it in auxil:

_ <- (WS / Comments)*
__ <- (WS / Comments)+
WS <- [ \t\r\n] {
    if ($0[0] == '\n') {
Comments <- SingleLineComment / BlockComment
SingleLineComment <- "//" (!EOL .)* EOL?
EOL <- ("\r\n" / "\n" / "\r") { auxil->row++; }
BlockComment <- "/*" (BlockCommentContent / EOL)* "*/"
BlockCommentContent <- (!("*/" / EOL) .)

I can then use a special rule to catch a common error, e.g.

Block <- e:Expr { $$ = CN(BLOCK, 1, e); } ( _ CommaSeparator _ e:Expr { AC($$, e); })*
CommaSeparator <- ("," / ";") {
    if (strcmp($0, ";") == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%d: Use ',' to separate expressions in blocks", auxil->row);

But with unexpected syntax errors everything breaks down and I cannot point out which row the error occured on.

As a workaround I added the following:

    static int ROW = 1;

    static int satie_getchar(satie_auxil_t* _auxil) {
        int c = getchar();
        if (c == '\n') {
        return c;

    static void satie_error(satie_auxil_t* auxil) {
        panic("Syntax error near line %d", ROW);

It works and I have re-invented awk-like error handling. :-) It's crude though.

Ideally I would like to point out syntax errors very precisely with both row and column info.

I haven't been able to figure out how to do that? Any hints?


Peg only mode?

I was benchmarking leg vs packcc for and saw that leg is both 10x faster and uses 10x less ram for my examples - I think in many cases the overhead of packrat parsing might not be worth it.

I was wondering if there is any chance for a peg only mode or peg only port, as packcc has many other advantages over peg/leg.

Segfaulting parser


%source {
static const char *dbg_str[] = { "Evaluating rule", "Matched rule", "Abandoning rule" };
#define PCC_DEBUG(event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length) \
    fprintf(stderr, "%*s%s %s @%d [%.*s]\n", level * 2, "", dbg_str[event], rule, pos, length, buffer)

file <- (a / _)+
a <- "A;"
_ <- [ \t\n]*



Expected output:

Syntax error should be reported.

Debugger session:

(gdb) run < tmp.d/input.txt
Starting program: /home/h/prog/packcc/tests/tmp.d/parser < tmp.d/input.txt
Evaluating rule file @0 []
  Evaluating rule a @0 []
  Matched rule a @0 [A;]
  Evaluating rule a @2 []
  Abandoning rule a @2 []
  Evaluating rule _ @2 [
  Matched rule _ @2 [
  Evaluating rule a @3 [A]
  Abandoning rule a @3 []
  Evaluating rule _ @3 [A
  Matched rule _ @3 []
Matched rule file @0 [A;
Evaluating rule file @0 [A
  Evaluating rule a @3 [A
  Abandoning rule a @3 []
  Evaluating rule _ @3 [A
  Matched rule _ @3 []
Matched rule file @0 [A


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7f46801 in __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms () from /usr/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff7f46801 in __memmove_avx_unaligned_erms () from /usr/lib/
#1  0x00005555555571c0 in pcc_commit_buffer (ctx=0x55555555c2a0) at tmp.d/parser.c:820
#2  0x0000555555558581 in pcc_parse (ctx=0x55555555c2a0, ret=0x7fffffffe8ac) at tmp.d/parser.c:1128
#3  0x0000555555558623 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe9b8) at main.c:17
(gdb) f 1
#1  0x00005555555571c0 in pcc_commit_buffer (ctx=0x55555555c2a0) at tmp.d/parser.c:820
820	    memmove(ctx->buffer.buf, ctx->buffer.buf + ctx->pos, ctx->buffer.len - ctx->pos);
(gdb) p *ctx
$1 = {pos = 3, level = 0, buffer = {buf = 0x55555555c310 "A\n\nA\n", max = 256, len = 2}, lrtable = {buf = 0x55555555c420, max = 256, len = 4}, lrstack = {buf = 0x55555555cc30, max = 2, 
    len = 0}, auxil = 0x0}

Somehow, ctx->pos > ctx->buffer.len, which leads to segfault, because size_t is unsigned, so this overflows and it effectively tries to copy 18446744073709551615 bytes of memory, which is waaaay outside of the allocated memory.

AST Mode

Continues the discussion from #51.

The main use case for a parser-generator is to build an Abstract Syntax Tree, or AST. Therefore, it would be nice if there were a cleaner way to do so built into packcc. Right now the user must, for each grammar rule which should be part of the structure, write boilerplate code to allocate and return an AST node using the return values from the other grammar rules that make it up. There is also not an easy way to associate extra information with these nodes, which would be useful for type checking and semantic analysis. These concerns could be taken care of by the parser-generator.

It's still unclear exactly how this should be done.

Changes made in Universal Ctags project

I should make pull requests. However, I cannot find time for doing it now.
So, allow me just listing some of them here:

If possible, could you cherry-pick some of them?
If you know the same change is already introduced, let me know. I will remove the associated item from the list.

Error Recovery


Sorry for opening two "issues"- they are not really issues but relate to different topics!

What is your thinking concerning re-syncing after a parse/recognition error. I am thinking of a strategy of maybe trying to insert "the" missing token (rule, I guess), and then if that doesn't help immediately trying to find a sync point where the inputs meets a rule.

Happy to look at this - but what are your thoughts / advice / thinking on how relevant this might be for you and its feasibility?



Null pointer error on broken grammar

Hello @arithy,

I have noticed very small bug that might crash PackCC, but only on some very broken grammars.

If there is only one rule and it contains syntax error, then null pointer is dereferenced at packcc.c:3148.

Grammar to test:

main <- ( "A"

If the grammar contains two or more rules, than it fails correctly (returns non-zero code, but doesn't crash).

I am aware that this is pretty far fetched corner case (I have only found it due to another bug in my application 🙂) and it's up to you if you want to fix it or not. I just wanted to let you know.

Characters higher than \x7f are being changed to \xff during parser generation

Hi, I had a rule in my grammar that referred to characters higher than 127 ('\x7f'), and it changed all the character escape codes in my rule to \xff.
This is the rule I started out with:

id_uc <-
	[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf] /
	[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf][\x80-\xbf] /

As I kept simplifying it to track down the problem, the generator kept changing the escape codes to \xff, and leaving lower ones (e.g. \x41) as they are.

I found the cause of the problem too:
On line 487, in the function escape_character, you have a bit that says (unsigned)ch instead of (unsigned char)ch.
Here is the code block that's in:

        if (ch >= '\x20' && ch < '\x7f')
            snprintf(*buf, 5, "%c", ch);
            snprintf(*buf, 5, "\\x%02x", (unsigned)ch);

In your code, it seems you are using the unsigned cast to make sure the higher char values are being fed properly to snprintf, but the C type unsigned is equal to unsigned int, so snprintf is writing strings like \xffffffc0 into the string buffer.
Changing the cast to (unsigned char) makes write them do it correctly (e.g. \xc0).

So can you change that line to this for me?:

            snprintf(*buf, 5, "\\x%02x", (unsigned char)ch);

(Actually it would be for other users, because I've already fixed it in my downloaded copy.)

And thanks for the great tool.

Need additional conditions to not shift by 32 on additional 32 bit platforms

From this ifndef only Windows 32bit will not include the x |= x >> 32 code.

Other 32 bit platforms will include this code. On FreeBSD 32 bit clang 10, and 11 (and it appears all other) result in a crashing program.

For example after building packcc, universal-ctags attempts to run packcc with sample tag file. Output from FreeBSD ports on a 32 bit system building universal-ctags port using arinty/packcc:

In this case populate_bits() returns -1 with optimized compiling.

I believe this is undefined behavior for x >> 32 on 32 bit systems where x is 4 bytes resulting in a compiler warning:

./misc/packcc/src/packcc.c:914:12: warning: shift count >= width of type [-Wshift-count-overflow]
x |= x >> 32; 
           ^  ~~  
1 warning generated.

assuming x is > 0

Optimized gcc appears to do the right thing resulting in 0 however unoptimized gcc will result in x's original value.

Optimized clang will result in max value of the given type or -1 on 32bit and unoptimized clang like gcc will result in the original value.

I'm not totally sure if this is a FreeBSD only problem. It's possible you can get lucky with gcc compiling optimized or unoptimized and it will run without issue?

I don't know if there's a single ifndef or macro that could be used to handle all platforms? Would it make sense to check the sizeof x during runtime and put the x |= x >> 32 in an if block?

For the short term for FreeBSD at I can patch it out on 32bit systems.

Parser seems to be successful but doesn't returns 0.

Hello I'm testing this nice project with a minimal example.

%prefix "w"

test <-
    word   {puts("OK");}

word <-


int main()
        w_context_t  * ctx = w_create(NULL);
        printf("parse res: %d\n", w_parse(ctx, NULL));
       return 0;

When this parser reads a word and prints "OK" I guess the "test" rule is successful. But the "print" prints 1. There is no "Syntax error" default message.
Is a kind person can explain what I'm doing wrong if it is not an issue ?

parser reads more data than necessary

If you have a grammar like:

foo <- "foobar\n" / "foo\n"

and input the string "foo\n..........", then packcc will read 8 bytes for this rule when it really only needed to read 4.

As an example of where this is a problem, consider an interactive parser where the user enters data line by line, if the user types "foo\n", the parser will request two or more lines of input from the user when only one was actually needed.

[Bug] Conflict caused by FALSE, TRUE macros and bool_tag enum using same name

I am unabled to build packcc on AIX 7.2 using gcc version 8.3.0. The details are described here


This issue was closed/rejected because I thought this is a bug in universal-ctags, which is not the case. This is the complete output of the make run

mkdir -p debug/bin/ && gcc -std=gnu89 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-overlength-strings -pedantic -O0 -g2 -o debug/bin/packcc ../../src/packcc.c
In file included from /opt/freeware/lib/gcc/powerpc-ibm-aix7.2.0.0/8.3.0/include-fixed/stdio.h:503,
                 from ../../src/packcc.c:40:
../../src/packcc.c:94:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
     FALSE = 0,
../../src/packcc.c: In function 'unescape_string':
../../src/packcc.c:621:31: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type [-Wtype-limits]
                         if (d < 0) break;
../../src/packcc.c:647:31: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type [-Wtype-limits]
                         if (d < 0) break;
../../src/packcc.c:672:39: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type [-Wtype-limits]
                                 if (d < 0) break;
../../src/packcc.c: In function 'populate_bits':
../../src/packcc.c:914:12: warning: right shift count >= width of type [-Wshift-count-overflow]
     x |= x >> 32;
make: *** [Makefile:34: debug/bin/packcc] Error 1

Adding example of how to use generated parser

Hi, sorry to ask, but is it possible to add an example of how to produce output from applying parser to a file? I tried to look at the test scripts, but it's a bit confusing. Adding something like with examples with few steps would be enough. Thank you so much for this project!

%value and memory management

I'm trying to parse some input into a struct but I don't understand how to use %value to get a pointer in and out of the parser. A very stripped-down example of what I'd like to do:

enum STATE {
typedef struct {
    enum STATE state;
} cmds_t;
//the grammar
%header {
    #include "thing.h"

%value "cmds_t*"

    "foo" { $$->state = FOO; } /
    "bar" { $$->state = BAR; } /
    "baz" { $$->state = BAZ; }
//main.c fragment
cmds_t* commands;
pcc_context_t* ctx = pcc_create(NULL);
int ret = pcc_parse(ctx, &commands);
//use *commands
//free(*commands) maybe?

but obviously no memory is allocated so the FOOBARBAZ actions are null pointer derefs. Even if I pre-allocate memory or insert a dummy rule before FOOBARBAZ that allocates some memory that pointer only lives for the lifetime of the action and then leaks. I don't see a way to propagate a single pointer throughout rules without using methods that make all the subsequent rules significantly more complex. The simplicity of the actions is a huge positive for me.

I see in the TinyC example that a second data structure is passed around in auxil that looks like it holds the AST. Is this the intended approach for all applications? I certainly could use %auxil cmds_t* and then have all my actions use auxil->... but I feel like I'm missing something simple that would allow the above.

Parsing a "switch { case n: m }"

I tried to write a grammar to parse the following toy example:

switch 1 {
  case 2:
  case 4:

I tried with the following but it is not the way to do it:

SwitchStmt <- "switch" _ Expr _ "{" _ CaseStmt+ _ "}"
CaseStmt <- "case" _ Expr _ ":" _ ExprList
ExprList <- Expr (_ "," _ Expr)*
Expr <- [0-9]+
_ <- WS*
WS <- " " / "\t" / "\n" / "\r"

Any hints?


value passthrough

is it possible to have something like this

expression <- x:(a / b / c / d) { $$ = x; }

instead of this

expression <- a { $$ = a; } / b { $$ = b; } / c { $$ = c; } / d { $$ = d; }


`$n` should be independent across alternatives

The sequence of $n is successive across the alternatives.

start <- <rule_y> <rule_x> { printf("%s: rule_y(%s) rule_x(%s)\n", $0, $1, $2); }
       / <rule_x>          { printf("%s: rule_x(%s)\n", $0, $3); }  # <- not $1, but $3
       / <rule_y>          { printf("%s: rule_y(%s)\n", $0, $4); }  # <- not $1, but $4
rule_x <- 'xxx'
rule_y <- 'yyy'

This is unnatural, we expect the numbers are independent:

start <- <rule_y> <rule_x> { printf("%s: rule_y(%s) rule_x(%s)\n", $0, $1, $2); }
       / <rule_x>          { printf("%s: rule_x(%s)\n", $0, $1); }
       / <rule_y>          { printf("%s: rule_y(%s)\n", $0, $1); }
rule_x <- 'xxx'
rule_y <- 'yyy'

Lexical state support

JFlex has nice support for controlling lexical state. I assume that Flex does as well. In JFlex you call yybegin(int state) to start a new state, and then any rules that are wrapped by the state will get invoked:

{myrule} { only gets recognized if state==MYSTATE }

Go here and search for "lexical state":

This is really useful. Does PEG or Packcc have a similar concept?

Uninitialized variables

Hello @arithy,

I have tested my application that uses PackCC generated parser with valgrind and I have noticed, that it reports conditional jumps depending on uninitialised values. Here is a simplified grammar to reproduce:

%value "int"

%source {
#include <stdio.h>

integer <- u:unary? d:digit {
    if (u) {
        printf("RESULT: %d\n", u * d);
    } else {
        printf("RESULT: %d\n", d);

unary <- "-" { $$ = -1; } / "+" { $$ = 1; }
digit <- [0-9]+ { $$ = atoi($0); }

int main() {
    pcc_context_t *ctx = pcc_create(NULL);
    pcc_parse(ctx, NULL);
    return 0;

If you compile this and run echo 42 | valgrind ./example, it reports (ignoring the uninteresting parts for brevity):

Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
   at 0x10BD4F: pcc_action_integer_0 (example.c:1045)
   by 0x10BCF2: pcc_do_action (example.c:1026)
   by 0x10BD13: pcc_do_action (example.c:1029)
   by 0x10C5D3: pcc_parse (example.c:1252)
   by 0x10C667: main (example.c:1266)

So far I'm using an ugly workaround, checking whether the optional part matched something:

integer <- <u:unary?> d:digit {
    if ($1s != $1e) {

But it's not very nice. Would it be possible to make sure that the variable is initialized to 0 (or another appropriate value, e.g. NULL if it is a pointer)? Or alternatively, would it be possible to add some syntax to check whether the variable is actually present in the rule? I mean something like if ($u) ..., that would return true if the optional variable is present.

By the way: Another place where similar problem pops up is in alternations:

ruleA <- (b:ruleB / c:ruleC) EOF {
    // do something with b or c, depending on which one was matched

This can be usually worked around by moving the alternation into separate rule, but if we could simply do if (b) ... (or if ($b)), then it would make the grammar easier to read.

cannot match backslash

matching backslash doesn't seem to be possible

file <- '\\' EOL
EOL <-  ("\r\n"  / "\n" / "\r" )



Passing auxil to PCC_DEBUG

To control what should be printed or not in PCC_DEBUG definition, I would like to pass auxil to the definition of PCC_DEBUG.

#define PCC_DEBUG(event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length) baseDebug(event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length)
static void baseDebug(int event, const char *rule, size_t level, size_t pos, const char *buffer, size_t len)
	if (strcmp(rule, "Identifier") != 0)

PCC_DEBUG can print too many things. In the example, the rule is examined to limit the output only about "Identifier".
In the example, I have to do hardcode ("Identifier").

What I would like to do:

PCC_DEBUG(auxil, event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length) baseDebug(auxil, event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length)

static void baseDebug(struct parserCtx *auxil, int event, const char *rule, size_t level, size_t pos, const char *buffer, size_t len)
       if (!isMember(parserCtx->debug_rules_dict, rule))

PCC_DEBUG is already explained in the README file. So I wonder whether extending it is acceptable or not.

Memory-exhaustion, and infinite loops, on certain grammars

Certain grammars result in the generation of a parser which may enter an infinite loop. I've noticed that in version 1.2.2 (but not in 1.2.1), a warning is shown: packcc: Warning: Infinite loop detected in generated code.

Also, certain grammars result in the generation of a parser which may quickly exhaust memory and then terminate. I saw no warning this time.

Can these be fixed? Needless to say these possibilities are offputting.

Here's a minimal example to recreate both:

Usage: echo -n -e "aaaa" | ./kaboom

%prefix "kaboom"

  static void my_pcc_error(void);
  #define PCC_ERROR(auxil) my_pcc_error()

# top <- ( "a" ([ \t]*) * ) ## Infinite loop

top <- ( "a" ws * ) ## Out-of-memory error

ws  <- [ \t]*


// #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static void my_pcc_error(void) {
    fputs("Syntax error.\n", stderr);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    kaboom_context_t *ctx = kaboom_create(NULL);

    puts("Time to call kaboom_parse...");

    const int textRemains = kaboom_parse(ctx, NULL);

    /* We never get this far */

    puts(textRemains ? "Text remains" : "No text remains");

    return 0;

edit: enabled syntax highlighting

Consider add support for UCD(Unicode Character Database) rule pattern

I think it would be good to add unicode support either by using builtin rules (eg. UPPERCASE_LETTER | LOWERCASE_LETTER) like pest or using unicode property regex pattern (eg. \p{Lu} | \p{Ll}).

I guess an external library like pcre will be added or an embeddable code header file will be needed.

Actions that runs before the end of parsing.

I want to count the lines and columns in order to display better error messages. But when a syntax error occurs the line/col count doesn't happens because actions doesn't run.
The older "peg/leg" tool have expression predicate that runs at parse time, I don't found a similar solution in packcc.

I can create many rules that try to handle all the possible errors, so the parsing is always successful. It's tedious and it's so sad to not use the errors actions " ~{} ".

My question is probably very noob because counting line/col is pretty common, so If you know the regular packcc solution fell free to answer .

Parser very slow with repeated parse calls


%prefix "asm"

%earlyheader {
typedef struct {int x; int y; int z;} Parsev;

%value "Parsev"

# Uncomment for 10X speed.
# file <- line+

line <- s:stmt eol
      / eol
      / .

stmt <- d:directive 
      / i:instr
      / l:label

directive <- ".glob" "o"? "l" ws i:ident
           / ".data"
           / ".text"
           / ".balign" ws n:number 
           / ".byte" ws n:number

label <- i:ident ':'

instr <- "nop"
       / "leave"
       / "ret"
       / i:jmp
       / i:add

jmp <- "jmp" ws i:ident

add <- "add" 'q'? ws s:m ws? ',' ws? d:r64
     / "add" 'q'? ws s:imm ws? ',' ws? d:r64
     / "add" 'q'? ws s:r64 ws? ',' ws? d:m
     / "add" 'q'? ws s:r64 ws? ',' ws? d:r64
     / "addq" ws s:imm ws? ',' ws? d:m

m <- '(' ws? r:r64 ws? ')'
   / <'-'?[0-9]+> ws? '(' ws? r:r64 ws? ')'
   / i:ident  ws? '(' ws? r:r64 ws? ')'

r64 <- "%rax"
     / "%rcx"
     / "%rdx"
     / "%rbx"
     / "%rsp"
     / "%rbp"
     / "%rsi"
     / "%rdi"
     / "%r8" 
     / "%r9" 
     / "%r10"
     / "%r11"
     / "%r12"
     / "%r13"
     / "%r14"
     / "%r15"

imm <- '$' i:ident
     / '$' <'-'?[0-9]+>

ident <- <[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*>

number <- <'-'?[0-9]+>

ws <- [ \t]+

eol <- ws? ("\n" / (! .))

int main() {
    asm_context_t *ctx = asm_create(NULL);
    while (asm_parse(ctx, NULL));
    return 0;


for i in `seq 100000`;  do  echo "addq %rax, (%rax)"  >> bench.txt ; done

First run, one parse call per line:

$ ./packcc ./bench.peg && clang -O2 -g bench.c -o bench

$ time ./bench  < bench.txt
real    1m22.178s
user    1m21.425s
sys     0m0.428s

Now uncomment the file <- line+ part of the benchmark:

$ ./packcc ./bench.peg && clang -O2 -g bench.c -o bench
$ time ./bench  < bench.txt

real    0m1.221s
user    0m1.026s
sys     0m0.192s

If I benchmark the first case, I find the majority of work is memmove of the internal packcc arrays, my intuition is this extra work does not seem correct.

packcc-1.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz isn't gzipped

packcc-1.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz should be named packcc-1.3.0-linux-x64.tar as it is a tarball, not a gzipped tarball.

It's only a minor issue, as the GNU tar command typically copes fine. (I only noticed as I explicitly passed -z which isn't really necessary.)

Lookahead woes and more

I have been trying to write a small PEG to parse the following in a file named

a = 42,
a = b + c * d,
a.b(1, 2),

It works except for the last a[777].foo.

At times I think there must be a bug in packcc's lookahead pattern support and then I realize it must be me misunderstanding something central. I wish there was more documentation on how to successfully use positive and negative lookahead. I'm stumped. Can anyone have mercy on me and point out what I need to do to the PEG below to work as expected?


# File: simple.peg
# Test: packcc simple.peg && gcc -o simple simple.c && ./simple <

%prefix "satie"

%earlysource {
    static const char *dbg_str[] = { "Evaluating rule", "Matched rule", "Abandoning rule" };
    #define PCC_DEBUG(auxil, event, rule, level, pos, buffer, length) \
        fprintf(stderr, "%*s%s %s @%zu [%.*s]\n", (int)((level) * 2), "", dbg_str[event], rule, pos, (int)(length), buffer)

Program            <- _ TopLevelExpr (_ "," _ TopLevelExpr)* EOF
TopLevelExpr       <- Binding / Expr

Binding            <- MatchPattern _ "=" _ Expr
MatchPattern       <- Literal / FieldAccess / Symbol

Expr               <- Add
Add                <- Multiplicate (_ "+" _  Multiplicate)*
Multiplicate       <- Indexing (_ "*" _  Indexing)*
Indexing           <- Symbol _ "[" _ Expr _ "]"  / FunctionCall
FunctionCall       <- Symbol _ "(" _ ExprSequence? _ ")" / FieldAccess
FieldAccess        <- HasField (_ "." _ HasField)* / Primary
HasField           <- Symbol !(_ ("(" / "[")) / Literal / Indexing / FunctionCall
Primary            <- Literal / Symbol
ExprSequence       <- Expr (_ "," _ Expr)*
Literal            <- NumberLiteral
NumberLiteral      <- [0-9]+
Symbol             <- [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9_]*

_                  <- WS*
WS                 <- [ \t\r\n]
EOF                <- _ !.

int main() {
    satie_context_t *context = satie_create(NULL);
    satie_parse(context, NULL);
    return 0;

Make generated code easier to read

Hello @arithy.

The README file states:

The generated code is beautified and as ease-of-understanding as possible

However, with the latest changes, each rule that matches character classes has about 40 lines dealing with unicode. I believe the code for converting bytes to unicode codepoints could (and should) be easily separated into a function. That would make the generated code significantly shorter and much easier to read.

What do you think? I can send PR if you're interested.


For probably irrational reasons, I have got a rough port of packcc running on a VM/370 mainframe (emulated). All good :-)

I need to change some of the code to support EBCDIC - e.g. [A-Z] is weird in EBCDIC. I am assuming that you would not be too interested in "polluting" your code with EBCDIC - however I will also try and do it in way that may support UNICODE (but perhaps this is already done). Again just interested in your thoughts.



Simple grammar goes into an infinite loop instead of erroring

I have a simple grammar like so:

root <- foo*
foo <- "foo"

If I give the parser something like 0, fo, or bar it goes into an infinite loop instead of exiting. I'm using the example main code like this:

int main() {
    pcc_context_t *ctx = pcc_create(NULL);
    while (pcc_parse(ctx, NULL));
    return 0;

Pre type checking possible?

I tried to build a simple PEG grammar that should accept these:


But fail on these:


Below is my latest approach. It is almost there but fails on, for example, a*1;
I'm starting to believe that it's impossible and that I just should let my compiler do type analysis in a later state. It would be nice to catch these errors early on though.


%prefix "test"
Program <- Statement+
Statement <- Assignment / Expression ';'
Assignment <- Variable '=' Expression

# Expressions
Expression <- LogicalExpr / ArithmeticExpr

# Logical expressions
LogicalExpr <- OrExpr
OrExpr <- AndExpr ('||' AndExpr)*
AndExpr <- NotExpr ('&&' NotExpr)*
NotExpr <- '!' LogicalPrimary / LogicalPrimary
LogicalPrimary <- BooleanLiteral / NonArithmetic / Variable / FunctionCall
NonArithmetic <- (Variable / FunctionCall) !NumberLiteral

# Arithmetic expressions
ArithmeticExpr <- AdditiveExpr
AdditiveExpr <- MultiplicativeExpr (('+' / '-') MultiplicativeExpr)*
MultiplicativeExpr <- UnaryExpr (('*' / '/') UnaryExpr)*
UnaryExpr <- ('+' / '-')? ArithmeticPrimary
ArithmeticPrimary <- NumberLiteral / NonLogical / Variable/ FunctionCall
NonLogical <- (Variable / FunctionCall) !BooleanLiteral

# Handling of literals and variables
NumberLiteral <- [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?
BooleanLiteral <- 'true' / 'false'
Variable <- [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
FunctionCall <- Variable '(' (Expression (',' Expression)*)? ')'

int main() {
test_context_t *context = test_create(NULL);
test_parse(context, NULL);
return 0;

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