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Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub

Home Page:

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Ruby 94.02% Liquid 5.98%

explore's Introduction

GitHub Explore

This repository houses all of the community-curated content for GitHub Topics and Collections.

Topics help you explore repositories in a particular subject area, learn more about that subject, and find projects to contribute to.

Collections help you discover hand-picked repositories, developers, organizations, videos, and articles that share a common theme.

If you want to suggest edits to an existing Topic page or Collection, or curate a new one, read our contributing guide to get started. You can also review a list of popular Topics that need more context to get an idea of where to start.

Running tests

There are some lint tests in place to ensure each Topic is formatted in the way we expect. GitHub Actions will run the tests automatically. If you want to run the tests yourself locally, you will need Ruby and Bundler installed.

You can run the tests using:

bundle install
bundle exec rubocop


Content is released under CC-BY-4.0 which gives you permission to use content for almost any purpose (but does not grant you any trademark permissions). See notices for complete details, including attribution guidelines, contribution terms, and software and third-party licenses and permissions.

explore's People


actions-user avatar adamraichu avatar ahpook avatar ayushshahh avatar blakewilliams avatar carlosdelfino avatar cheshire137 avatar danieljancar avatar dependabot-preview[bot] avatar dependabot-support avatar dependabot[bot] avatar gallexi avatar himanshu1603 avatar ipc103 avatar kenyonj avatar kkrishguptaa avatar kolappannathan avatar leereilly avatar luois45 avatar mikemcquaid avatar nholden avatar octokatherine avatar serjan-nasredin avatar shaedrich avatar sidx8 avatar smallpepperz avatar smashwilson avatar talsafran avatar tomthorogood avatar zkoppert avatar

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