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rnaseq_mm's Introduction


Sample Description

Samples sequenced on DATE

The Rna-Seq Illumina sequencing Library used was:

** Total RNA Stranded (read2 strand) **

With this library the Read 2 follows the sense of the transcript instead of the first read

NB The strand of the library does not follow the sense of the transcript

Install packages

STAR installation on EMAGLINUX

Do all the command as SuperUser

cd /opt
git clone

# Compile it
cd STAR/source
sudo make

# Add /opt to PATH
cd ~
vi .bashrc
# Add this line to the bottom of the files

Project Procedures

Unify the reads chunks deriving from PTP sequencing

# Entering in the FASTQ dir
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/FASTQ.files

# Aggregate READ 1
for i in `ls`; do
  echo "Entering $i dir";
  date ;
  cd $i;
  cat *R1*.fastq.gz* > "$i"_R1.fastq.gz ;
  cat *R2*.fastq.gz* > "$i"_R2.fastq.gz ;
  echo "$i finished"  ;
  date ;
  cd .. ;

# Aggregate READ 2
for i in `ls`; do
  echo "Entering $i dir";
  cd $i;
  cat *R2*.fastq.gz > "$i"_R2.fastq.gz ;
  echo "$i finished"  ;
  cd .. ;

# Remove previous fastq files
for i in `ls`; do
  echo "Entering $i dir";
  cd $i;
  rm *R1_* ; rm *R2_* ;
  echo "$i finished"  ;
  cd .. ;




# summarize analysis FASTQC / STAR / DESEQ-HTSEQ etc
multiqc .

Genome index

# run on xlabserver6

# STAR --runThreadN 1 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeFastaFiles /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa --sjdbGTFfile /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88

./STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /storage/fastq_luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeFastaFiles /storage/fastq_luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa --sjdbGTFfile /storage/fastq_luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88 >> stderr_STAR.log &

#Fatal INPUT FILE error, no valid exon lines in the GTF file: /storage/fastq_luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf
#Solution: check the formatting of the GTF file. Most likely cause is the difference in chromosome naming between GTF and FASTA file.

# Rerun after changing fasta indexing from "1" to "chr1", etc
sed '/>[1-9][XYM]/s/>/>chr/g' Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa > Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa
sed 's/chrMT/chrM/g' Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa > temp.fa; mv temp.fa Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa

./STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /storage/fastq_luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeFastaFiles /storage/fastq_luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa --sjdbGTFfile /storage/fastq_luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88 &

# run on xlabserver4

./STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /storage/luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeFastaFiles /storage/luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa --sjdbGTFfile /storage/luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88 >> stderr_STAR.log &
## Fatal INPUT FILE error, no valid exon lines in the GTF file: /storage/luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf
## change fasta indexing file

./STAR --runThreadN 12 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir /storage/luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeFastaFiles /storage/luca/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.renamed.fa --sjdbGTFfile /storage/luca/genome/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88

the pre-compiled binary on server is too much memory consuming >>> try compiling from source using a stand-alone gcc installation


tar -zxvf gsrc-2014.10.11.tar.gz
cd gsrc-2014.10.11/
./bootstrap                       # to create the configure script
./configure --prefix=$HOME/gnu    # --prefix is directory to install the packages
                                  # Pick your --prefix by your wishes.
. ./                      # This just sets some ENV variables and appends to PATH
                                  # and other variables to allow GSRC to work seamlessly.
                                  # Put this line in your .bashrc.
cd gsrc
make -C gnu/gcc MAKE_ARGS_PARALLEL="-j12"
#(or make -C gnu/gcc MAKE_ARGS_PARALLEL="-jN" to speed up for a N-core system)
### error extracting /storage/luca/gsrc-2014.10.11/gnu/gcc/download/gcc-4.9.1.tar.gz
### do it manually. create "work" dir
tar -zxvf /storage/luca/gsrc-2014.10.11/gnu/gcc/download/gcc-4.9.1.tar.gz  --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -C work
### doesn't work!
make -C gnu/gcc install



# gcc infrastructure

# install GMP
bunzip2 gmp-4.3.2.tar.bz2
tar xvf gmp-4.3.2.tar
cd gmp-4.3.2
./configure --prefix=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc
make && make check && make install

# install MPFR
bunzip2 mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2
tar xvf mpfr-2.4.2.tar
cd mpfr-2.4.2
./configure --prefix=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-gmp=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc
make && make check && make install

# install MPC
tar zxvf mpc-0.8.1.tar.gz
cd mpc-0.8.1
./configure --prefix=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-gmp=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-mpfr=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc
make && make check && make install

# install ELF
tar zxvf libelf-0.8.13.tar.gz
cd libelf-0.8.13
./configure --prefix=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc
make && make check && make install

# install GCC - different scratch dir in/storage/luca   
mkdir tmp2
tar zxvf gcc-4.8.5.tar.gz
mkdir -p tmp2/gcc-4.8.5-scratch
cd tmp2/gcc-4.8.5-scratch

 ./../gcc-4.8.5/configure --disable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-languages=all --enable-libgomp --enable-lto --enable-threads=posix --enable-tls --with-gmp=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-mpfr=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-mpc=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-libelf=/storage/luca/tmp/gcc --with-fpmath=sse
make && make install

# error >> checking for suffix of object files... configure: error: in `/home/manu/gcc/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libgcc':
# see
# try suggested solution
mkdir gcc-build
# Then run the configure either by fully qualified path or by relative path while in the the gcc-build current working directory.
# A makefile will be created in the gcc-build directory. Run make in the gcc-build current working directory to begin the build of GCC.

# In the meanwhile, Alex Dobin indicized genome for us! So kind.


# dir on EMAGLINUX

cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping

# load files from Alex Dobin's genome index directory
STAR --genomeDir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/STAR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeLoad LoadAndRemove --runThreadN 8 --readFilesIn ../../FASTQ.files/Sample_MM-431/Sample_MM-431_R1.fastq.gz ../../FASTQ.files/Sample_MM-431/Sample_MM-431_R2.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix Sample_MM-431_ --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN 8 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --limitBAMsortRAM 16000000000 --outWigType bedGraph > Sample_MM-431.STAR_mapping.log &

# cycle for all fastq WITH bedGraph output
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping
ls ../../FASTQ.files/ > elenco
head -10 elenco > elenco.part1
for i in `cat elenco.part1` ; do
  echo "Mapping $i" ;
  mkdir "$i";
  STAR --genomeDir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/STAR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeLoad LoadAndKeep --runThreadN 8 --readFilesIn ../../FASTQ.files/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz ../../FASTQ.files/"$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix "$i"_  --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN 8 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --limitBAMsortRAM 16000000000 --outWigType bedGraph > "$i".STAR_mapping.log ;
  echo "$i mapped" ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.STARmapping.13012016.log &

# cycle for all fastq WITHOUT bedGraph output
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping
ls ../../FASTQ.files/ > elenco
head -10 elenco > elenco.part1
for i in `cat elenco.attempt3` ; do
  echo "Mapping $i" ;
  date ;
  mkdir -p "$i" ;
  cd "$i" ;
  STAR --genomeDir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/STAR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeLoad LoadAndKeep --runThreadN 8 --readFilesIn ../../../FASTQ.files/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz ../../../FASTQ.files/"$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix "$i"_  --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN 8 --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted > "$i".STAR_mapping.log ;
  echo "$i mapped" ;
  cd .. ;
  date ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.STARmapping.13012016.log &

# create elenco.part.2
ls ../../FASTQ.files/ > elenco
tail -22 elenco > elenco.part2
sed '/Sample_MM-431/d' elenco.part2 > temp ; mv temp elenco.part2
# relaunch previuos w elenco.part2
### error >> could not shut down?
cat elenco.part1 elenco.part2 > elenco.attempt3

Sorting and indexing BAM files

Example with Sample_KMS-11

  • Sorting Procedure using samtools

Limiting memory size to 200Mb to better handle the RAM limit because the sorting process is RAM consuming

samtools sort -@ 5 -m 200M Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.bam Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted
[bam_sort_core] merging from 140 files...

Time elapsed **~ 33min**

The BAM SortedByCoordinate is largely reduced in size respect to the Unsorted one

Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.bam Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam
9.2G 6.1G

NB : Think about removing the Unsorted after sorting completed

  • Indexing always using samtools
samtools index Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam

No Normalization

# Reverse Strand
bamCoverage -p 3 -b Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam --filterRNAstrand reverse -o &

# Forward Strand
bamCoverage -p 3 -b Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam --filterRNAstrand forward -o

With RPKM normalization allowed by bamCoverage

# Reverse Strand
bamCoverage -p 7 -b Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam --normalizeUsing RPKM --filterRNAstrand reverse -o

# Forward Strand
bamCoverage -p 7 -b Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam --normalizeUsing RPKM --filterRNAstrand forward -o

-p is the number of processor used

Cycle for all the samples

cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping/
for i in `ls`; do
  echo "Start $i" `date`
  echo "Sorting BAM file.."
  samtools sort -@ 5 -m 3GB "$i"/"$i"_Aligned.out.bam "$i"/"$i".out.sorted
  echo "Indexing sorted file.."
  samtools index "$i"/"$i".out.sorted.bam
  echo "Creating bigWig.."
  bamCoverage -p 3 -b "$i"/"$i".out.sorted.bam --normalizeUsingRPKM --filterRNAstrand forward -o "$i"/"$i" &
  bamCoverage -p 3 -b "$i"/"$i".out.sorted.bam --normalizeUsingRPKM --filterRNAstrand reverse -o "$i"/"$i"
  echo "End sample"


# check if remove unannotated
# test whether STAR create BWig or similar formats
# or: convert BAM to BED

Counts per gene


# bam files sorted by pos. stranded

htseq-count -r pos -f bam ../STAR_mapping/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_Aligned.out.sorted.bam /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf 2> Sample_KMS-11.count.stats > Sample_KMS-11.count &

htseq-count -r pos -s reverse -f bam ../STAR_mapping/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11.out.sorted.bam /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf 2> Sample_KMS-11.REV.count.stats > Sample_KMS-11.REV.count &

cut -f1,7 Sample_KMS-11.union.featureCounts > Sample_KMS-11.featureCounts

### check warning:
### Warning: Mate pairing was ambiguous for 24853 records; mate key for first such record: ('HWI-1KL157:151:C4H67ACXX:5:1104:14343:23511', 'first', 'chr1', 28530, 'chr1', 28741, 312).
### 44056929 SAM alignment pairs processed.


SuperSpeed!!! No cycle needed, because it takes multiple input file on the command-line

dir featurecounts --> ENSG dir featurecounts.v2 --> ENSG + WHSC2-2 dir featurecounts.v3 --> ENST

cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/
mkdir featureCounts

# Create sample index for featureCounts
ls STAR_mapping/*/*.bam > Samples_list.featureCounts

# Run featureCounts multiple samples
featureCounts -p -a /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -s 2 -T 5 -O -o featureCounts/RNA-SEQ_30MM.paired.union.featureCounts `cat Samples_list.featureCounts` &> RNA-SEQ_30MM.featureCounts.log &

# Run modified GRCh38_Gencode25 (gencode.v25.annotation.v2.gtf) WITH WHSC2-2
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/
mkdir featureCounts.v2
cp /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.v2.gtf
### added lncWHSC-2 entry
### REMEMBER: in gtf file mandatory structure is: gene > transcript > exon entries

# Run featureCounts to obtain TRANSCRIPTS
featureCounts -p -a /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -s 2 -T 5 -O -g "transcript_id" -f -o featureCounts.v3/RNAseq.30MM.paired.union.featureCounts `cat Samples_list.featureCounts` &> RNA-SEQ_30MM.featureCounts.log &

featureCounts -p -a /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.v2.gtf -s 2 -T 5 -O -o featureCounts.v2/RNA-SEQ_30MM.paired.union.featureCounts.v2 `cat Samples_list.featureCounts` &> RNA-SEQ_30MM.featureCounts.v2.log &
### try on single sample unstranded
featureCounts -p -a /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -s 2 -T 5 -O -g "transcript_id" -f -o featureCounts.v3/Sample_MM-263.featureCounts.v3 STAR_mapping/Sample_MM-263/Sample_MM-263.out.sorted.bam &

Cufflinks quantification

cufflinks -o -G /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -p 4 --library-type fr-secondstrand  /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11.out.sorted.bam

cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/cufflinks
ls ../Samples_list.ID > elenco
for i in `cat elenco` ; do
  cufflinks -o $i -G /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -p 4 --library-type fr-secondstrand  /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/STAR_mapping/"$i"/"$i".out.sorted.bam ;
  echo "$i assembled" ;
  date ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.cufflinks.21042017.log &

awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print "./"$0"/transcripts.gtf"}' elenco > assemblies.txt
cuffmerge -g /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -s /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa -p 4 assemblies.txt

# merge cufflinks results in R
fpkm.transcripts <- c()
fpkm.genes <- c()
# create directory names
dirnames <- dir(pattern="Sample")
# loop through all directories and grab fpkm columns
for( i in 1:length(dirnames) ){
  gname <- paste(dirnames[i], "/genes.fpkm_tracking",sep="")
  tname <- paste(dirnames[i], "/isoforms.fpkm_tracking",sep="")
  x <- read.table(file=gname, sep="\t", header=T,
  x = x [order(x$tracking_id ),]
  y <- read.table(file=tname, sep="\t", header=T,
  y = y [order(y$tracking_id ),]
  if (i==1) {
    fpkm.transcripts <- y[,c("gene_id", "gene_short_name", "FPKM")]
    fpkm.genes <- x[,c("gene_id", "gene_short_name", "FPKM")]
    } else {
    fpkm.transcripts <- cbind(fpkm.transcripts, y[,"FPKM"])
    fpkm.genes <- cbind(fpkm.genes, x[,"FPKM"])
# name the columns
colnames(fpkm.transcripts) <- c("gene.ID","gene.symbol",dirnames)
colnames(fpkm.genes) <- c("gene.ID","gene.symbol",dirnames)
# name the rows
fpkm.transcripts = fpkm.transcripts [ order(fpkm.transcripts$gene.ID ), ]
y = y[order(y$gene_id),]  
all(y$gene_id == fpkm.transcripts$gene.ID)
rownames(fpkm.transcripts) <- y[,1]
# rownames(fpkm.genes) <- x[,1]


# test
cat /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/*R1*.fastq.gz* > /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/Sample_MM-021_R1.fastq.gz
cat /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/*R2*.fastq.gz* > /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/Sample_MM-021_R2.fastq.gz
STAR --genomeDir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --genomeLoad LoadAndRemove --runThreadN 8 --readFilesIn /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/Sample_MM-021_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_MM-021/Sample_MM-021_R2.fastq.gz --readFilesCommand zcat --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --quantMode GeneCounts --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFileNamePrefix Sample_MM-021_ --outBAMsortingThreadN 8 --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted > Sample_MM-021.test_STAR_circ.log ;

# install STARchip according to
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/software/starchip/starchip/
./ /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa ./../genome/


# indexing
kallisto index -i Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.idx Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa.gz
# running quantification
kallisto quant -i /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.idx -o /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/kallisto/quantification/U266_prova --pseudobam -t 7 --plaintext --fusion --rf-stranded /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/FASTQ.files/Sample_U-266/Sample_U-266_R1.fastq.gz /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/FASTQ.files/Sample_U-266/Sample_U-266_R2.fastq.gz
# N.B. Error: pseudobam is not compatible with running on many threads.

# cycling all samples
cd /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/kallisto
less ../Samples_list.ID > elenco
for i in `cat elenco` ; do
  echo "Mapping $i" ;
  mkdir ./quantification/"$i"
  kallisto quant -i /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.idx -o /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/kallisto/quantification/"$i" -t 8 --plaintext --fusion --rf-stranded /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz ;
  echo "$i mapped" ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.kallisto.09052017.log &

# generating bam file
kallisto quant -i /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.idx -o /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/kallisto/quantification/Sample_U-266 -t 1 --pseudobam --plaintext --rf-stranded /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/Sample_U-266/Sample_U-266_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/Sample_U-266/Sample_U-266_R2.fastq.gz > Sample_U-266.sam ;
# sam files in current dir. why not in -o dir?!?  
samtools view -bS Sample_U-266.sam > Sample_U-266.bam
samtools sort Sample_U-266.bam > Sample_U-266.sorted.bam
samtools index Sample_U-266.sorted.bam > Sample_U-266.sorted.bai

for i in `cat elenco` ; do
  echo "Mapping $i" ;
  kallisto quant -i /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.idx -o /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/kallisto/quantification/"$i" -t 1 --pseudobam --plaintext --fusion --rf-stranded /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz > "$i".sam ;
echo "$i mapped" ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.kallisto.10052017.log &


# follow documentation on ericscript website to install dependencies. be care: ES requires samtools-0.1.19
# set PATH to compiled samtools-0.1.19 in ~/.profile (not only in ~/.bashrc!!!)
# let's try...
mkdir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/ericscript
./ -db ./lib -name Sample_KMS-11 -v -p 6 -o /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/ericscript/Sample_KMS-11 /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R2.fastq.gz
## ok it works
## cycle it on all samples
less /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/Samples_list.ID > elenco
for i in `cat elenco` ; do
  echo "Working on $i" ;
  date ;
  ### mkdir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/Rshared/RNA-SEQ_30MM/Analisi/ericscript/"$i" ; ### warning: not to be done, ericscript create dir on its own
  ./ -db ./lib -name "$i" -p 6 --remove -o /media/disk2/DATA/RNASEQ_ANALYSIS/30MM/ericscript/"$i" /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz /media/disk2/DATA/FASTQ/RNAseq.30MM/"$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz ;
  echo "$i analyzed" ;
  date ;
done > RNA-SEQ_30MM.ericscript.15052017.log &


# installed ada package in R 3.3.1
# installed blat as in
# instelled seqtk
# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/software/seqtk' >> ~/.bashrc
# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/software/seqtk' >> ~/.bashrc
# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/software/seqtk' >> ~/.bashrc
# echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/software/seqtk' >> ~/.bashrc
# source ~/.bashrc

qsub -A uMI17_OncAgP -I -l select=15:ncpus=8:mem=64Gb;walltime=48:00:00 -q parallel -- /bin/bash

module load intel/pe-xe-2016--binary
module load r/3.3.1
module load bwa/0.7.10
module load gnu/4.8.3
module load zlib/1.2.8--gnu--4.8.3
module load samtools/0.1.19
module load bedtools/2.21.0

# rm -fr $WORK/Analisi/ericscript/Sample_KMS-11
./ -db ./lib -name Sample_KMS-11 -v -p 120 -o $WORK/Analisi/ericscript/Sample_KMS-11 $CINECA_SCRATCH/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R1.fastq.gz $CINECA_SCRATCH/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R1.fastq.gz

# submit PBS files (~/Dropbox/pico.cineca/

#PBS -A uMI17_OncAgP             
#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -l select=15:ncpus=8:mem=64Gb
#PBS -q parallel    
cd $HOME/software/ericscript-0.5.5
module load intel/pe-xe-2016--binary
module load r/3.3.1
module load bwa/0.7.10
module load gnu/4.8.3
module load zlib/1.2.8--gnu--4.8.3
module load samtools/0.1.19
module load bedtools/2.21.0
echo The following nodes will be used to run this program:
rm -fr $WORK/Analisi/ericscript/Sample_KMS-11
./ -db ./lib -name Sample_KMS-11 -v -p 120 -o $WORK/Analisi/ericscript/Sample_KMS-11 $CINECA_SCRATCH/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R1.fastq.gz $CINECA_SCRATCH/RNAseq.30MM/Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11_R1.fastq.gz > Sample_KMS-11.log
exit 0
# qsub



Check mean fragment size

samtools view sample.bam | awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c


Install RSEM and prepare reference genome. By default RSEM uses Bowtie. Use star to customize alignments.

rsem-prepare-reference --gtf /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf -p 8 --star media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/FASTA/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa ref/Gencode.v25 --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM --sjdbGTFfile /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/Genome/Annotation/gencode.v25.annotation.gtf --sjdbOverhang 88

### need running star only if re-run alignments on fastq files

Calculate expression based on STAR_mapping

rsem-calculate-expression --paired-end --alignments -p 6 --bam Sample_KMS-11/Sample_KMS-11.out.sorted.bam ref/Gencode.v25 Sample_KMS-11.out.sorted  
### doesn't work > should re-run star with '--quantMode TranscriptomeSAM' option?

FPKM - TPM calculation

deseq.analysis.R script


Move FASTQ with "mv" command

NB Do as SuperUser

sudo su

for i in `ls` ; do
   echo "$i"_R1;
   split -b2G --numeric-suffixes=1 "$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz "$i"/"$i"_R1.fastq.gz.part- ;
   echo "$i"_R2 ;
   split -b2G --numeric-suffixes=1 "$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz "$i"/"$i"_R2.fastq.gz.part- ;
   mkdir /media/NAS/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i" ;
   mv "$i"/*.part* /media/NAS/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/"$i" ;

Note and others

rsync syntax

#   rsync -ah --progress --exclude "*.gz" "$i"/ /media/NAS/RNAseq.30MM/FASTQ/ ;


Method 1:
download fastq files from SRA repository:
extract fastq files

Method 2:
#   Search in NCBI
#   Click Send to on the top of the page, check the File radiobutton, select Accession List.
#   Save this file in the location from which you are running the SRA Toolkit. >> SraAccList.txt

prefetch --option-file SraAccList.txt
fastq-dump -I --split-files /media/disk2/PUBLICDATA/downloaded/sra/*
# then: create sub dir with all _1.fastq and _2.fastq files for each Sample
cat *_1.fastq > SRXnumber1.R1.fastq
cat *_2.fastq > SRXnumber1.R2.fastq

# cat *_1.fastq > SRX1721420.R1.fastq
# cat *_2.fastq > SRX1721420.R2.fastq

# Mapping:
STAR --genomeDir /media/emaglinux/0DBF12730DBF1273/DATA/STAR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.release.87_GENECODE.v25/ --genomeLoad LoadAndRemove --runThreadN 8 --readFilesIn *R1.fastq *R2.fastq --outFileNamePrefix SRX1721420. --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN 8 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --limitBAMsortRAM 16000000000 --outWigType bedGraph > SRX1721420.STAR_mapping.log ;

# BigWig
# Reverse Strand
bamCoverage -p 3 -b SRX1721420.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam --filterRNAstrand reverse -o &
# Forward Strand
bamCoverage -p 3 -b SRX1721420.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam --filterRNAstrand forward -o

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