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incubator-weex-loader's Introduction

Weex Loader

A webpack loader for Weex.


npm install weex-loader babel-loader --save


  1. Can load .we file.
  2. Can load parted files(.js/.css/.html) via src attribute.
  3. Can specify a custom language to chain any loader.
  4. Can specify name when require .we file.
  5. Can write es2015 in script.

Upgrade to v0.3

  • Use a different way to load parted files. The old way is deprecated.
  • If you dependent weex-components under v0.1, please update it to v0.2.
  • Just enjoy the new features!
  • Use some hack way to require @weex-module/xxxx in .js file. see issue


How to load a .we file.

make a webpack config

module.exports = {
  entry: './main.we?entry',
  output: {
    path: './dist',
    filename: 'main.js'
  module: {
    loaders: [
        test: /\.we(\?[^?]+)?$/,
        loader: 'weex'

How to write parted files

specify src attribute

<template src="./main.html"></template>
<style src="./main.css"></style>
<script src="./main.js"></script>

add some custom language for loaders

append a weex config in webpack config

  weex: {
    lang: {
      jade: ['jade-html'] // a jade langauge will chain "jade-html-loader"


<template lang="jade">
  text Hello Weex

How to require .we file as component element

  1. first, require a path/to/component.we in script like require('./foo.we') or write inline element like <element name="foo" src="./foo.we"></element>.
  2. second, use it in template like <foo></foo>.
<element name="foo" src="./foo.we"></element>



How to specify the name of a component

  1. By default, the name is the basename without extname of component path.
  2. Give a name query in require request, like require('./foo.we?name="fooo"'). Or specify a name attribute in element, like <element name="fooo" src="./foo.we" ></element>
  3. use the name in template like <fooo></fooo>.
<element name="fooo" src="./foo.we"></element>




npm run test

will run mocha testing.

And you can check the specs in test/spec folder.


Knew Issues

incubator-weex-loader's People


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incubator-weex-loader's Issues

[bug][email protected]无法加载独立css文件

先前版本的weex-loader(v0.2.3)能够正确加载独立css文件,而0.3.0-alpha在处理过程中 会提示 template区块找不到,然后就无法正确输出js文件了,忘排查解决,谢谢!

不能像 vue-loader 那样自动加载 postcss 的配置文件?

postcss 是可以通过 .postcssrc.js 或者 postcss.config.js 配置参数的

vue-loader 也是支持配置文件的:

我将 postcss 插件配置在 .postcssrc.js 中,vue-loader 可以正确读取,但 weex-loader 一定要配置在 webpack loader 的 options 中才生效

How to use scss And vue-i18n in weex-loader

There is no problem using stylus
in .vue

<style lang='stylus'>

in webpack.conf.js

      test: /\.vue$/,
      loader: loader + '-loader'  // loader will be 'vue' or 'weex'

seems it will auto find stylus-loader
but scss use sass-loader , how to alias it?

And how to use vue-i18n?
the vue way is

      test: /\.vue$/,
      loader: 'vue-loader',
     options: {
         loaders: {
             i18n: '@kazupon/vue-i18n-loader'


[BUG] weex-loader 0.7.2 sass 变量支持有问题

sass 中变量的写法原来项目中没有问题,现在项目中会报Selector $base-color: #1da1f2;
.header is not supported. Weex only support single-classname selector


<style lang="sass" scoped>
$base-color: #1da1f2;

.header {
  padding-top: 45px;
  width: 750px;
  height: 117px;
  background-color: $base-color;
  color: #FFFFFF;


在 0.5.x的版本,是支持此写法的。






     export from './index.css'
     export from './index.js'

[Proposal] A more robust way to distinguish the type of the bundle

weex-loader support both Weex and Vue now, it should also offer a way to distinguish the bundle type.

Currently, Weex is using a banner comment to distinguish the type of the bundle, and find the corresponding framework to create instance. It's neither elegant nor robust.

I think we should offer a function (e.g. getWeexBundleType) or a global variable (e.g. WEEX_BUNDLE_TYPE) to get the type of current bundle.

Doesn't work with other loaders ?

Doesn't work with other loaders like: string-replace-loader.

Webpack config file:

use: [
    loader: 'weex-loader',
    loader: 'string-replace-loader',
    query: {
      search: 'old-var-name',
      replace: 'new-var-name',

Hot Module Replacement?

I have a pretty technical pickle I've waded myself into. I've gotten myself in an insane project of trying to get hot loading working in Weex. I'm so close I can taste it - but I'm missing something fundamental and I've already spent more time than I can justify. The steps I've already done:

  1. Patched an existing ObjC eventsource client to support HMR (It didn't work with large frames. sigh).

  2. Created a "Weex" target mode for Webpack (by cloning the webworker target and changing things around to use the stream.fetch() mechanism) so that the webpack modules can fetch things reasonably.

  3. Created a weex-aware HMR client (pretty easy, if you throw away all checks & safety)

  4. Created a layer on top of the weex-loader that turns on hot reloading on a per-file basis

  5. Copypasta'd vue-hot-reload-api, and am trying to modify it to work. I'm stuck trying to understand what's going on here:

if (version[1] < 2) {
  // preserve pre 2.2 behavior for global mixin handling
  record.Ctor.extendOptions = options

var newCtor = record.Ctor.super.extend(options);
// var newCtor = Vue.extend(options)

record.Ctor.options = newCtor.options

I don't understand the "pre 2.2 behavior" note, and I cant find any references to extendOptions in the docs. I also don't understand why the super.extend( call doesn't work - the render call in newCtor.options afterwards is the same as record.Ctor, not the same as options.render. What's going on? What am I missing? How soon is someone competent going to add hot-module-replacement-aware Weex support?

It occurs to me after sleeping on it, that part of the issue could be that I'm using the version of the WeexSDK that ships with weex-hackernews, and not the latest (presumably newer versions of WeexSDK come with more modern versions of Vue).

关于 jade/pug 的一个疑问

为什么只能使用 jadejade-html-loader
使用 pugpug-loader 会显示空白?

weex: {
  lang: {
    pug: ['pug'],
    jade: ['pug'],
    stylus: ['stylus?sourceMap'],


如题,loadBabelModule的实现在某些情况下会出现以下错误(出错环境: mac, node v8.0.0, npm v5.0.3),


const defaultLoaders = {
  none: '',
  main: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'loader.js'),
  extract: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'extract.js'),
  template: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'template.js'),
  style: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'style.js'),
  script: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'script.js'),
  json: path.resolve(loaderPath, 'json.js'),
  babel: loadBabelModule('babel-loader')

function loadBabelModule (moduleName) {
  try {
    const filePath = require.resolve(moduleName)
    return filePath.slice(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(moduleName) + moduleName.length)
  } catch (e) {
    return moduleName


  name: defaultLoaders.babel,
  query: {
    presets: [loadBabelModule('babel-preset-es2015')],
    plugins: [loadBabelModule('babel-plugin-transform-runtime')],
    comments: 'false'

此处为什么特意写了一个loadBabelModule, 而不直接使用字符串? @exolution @terrykingcha

refer: weexteam/weex-loader@76cf603

`` doesn't work = { ... }

will be converted into:

__weex_define__("@weex-component/xxx", [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__){ = { ... }
  __weex_module__.exports.template = ... = ...
__weex_bootstrap__("@weex-component/xxx", ...)

The won't match __weex_exports__



[Proposal] Support original `define` and `require`

Currently, weex-loder will generate __weex_define__ instead of the original define. But the old version of weex js framework doesn't support this variable.

  • __weex_define__ is supported since v0.13.8.
  • __weex_bootstrap__ is supported since v0.13.8.
  • __weex_require__ is supported since v0.15.3.

The js bundle generated by weex-loader couldn't run on js framework below v0.13.8. This problem should be fixed to improve the compatibility.



    module.exports = {
        style: require('../css/common.css'),

现在升级成了0.3.1后,虽然可以通过<style src="./css/common.css"></style>引用外部样式文件,但没法同时再在we文件中定义<style></style>的样式了,试了很多办法,都没法将外部css和内部css共存。

this.options nolonger support in webpack 4

in src/loader.js line 205, this.options nolonger support in webpack 4.
it will come up as undefined and go error.
same bug in weex-vue-loader
const options = this.options.weex || {}

replace by

const options = this._compiler.options.weex || {}
this will work in webpack 4 and older version

自定义脚手架用webpack打包时出现Cannot resolve module 'babel-loader'



执行自定义的打包工具命令spon build,打包工具的目录层级为以下:



ERROR in ./src/pages/shop-info/shop-info.we?entry=true
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'babel-loader' in /Users/lvdada/Desktop/WorkGit/showjoy-assets/shop-m/src/pages/shop-info
 @ ./src/pages/shop-info/shop-info.we?entry=true 2:22-553


      test: /\.we(\?[^?]+)?$/,
      loader: require.resolve('weex-loader')


支持多个 <style> 标签

目前如果存在多个 <style> 标签只有第一个生效,希望能够支持多个 <style> 的样式同时生效,靠后的样式会覆盖前面的。



目前 <style> 标签支持 src 属性,能够从 CSS 文件读取样式。不过使用 src 属性后,内部定义的样式会被忽略(这个特性没有问题)。如果想实现多个组件能使用公共样式,可以有如下写法:

<style src="../css/common.css"></style>

  .specific {
    font-size: 66


可以实现针对不同平台、横竖屏幕写样式。目前 weex 没有这个功能,后期会考虑加入这种特性。

<style platform="desktop">
  .banner {
    height: 80;

<style platform="mobile" orientation="portrait">
  .banner {
    font-size: 45;

<style platform="tablet" orientation="landscape">
  .banner {
    color: blue;

cannot compile `we` file type in `node_modules`

When I npm run dev & npm run serve in my project, it return message below, which there seems to be somethings wrong.

    ERROR in ./~/weex-chart/chart.we
    Module parse failed: /Users/NoraChan/Desktop/ Unexpected token (4:0)
    You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
    | * Created by godsong on 16/11/3.
    | */
    | <template>
    |     <gcanvas id="wxc_gcanvas" style="width:{{width}};height:{{height}};background-color:#ffffff"></gcanvas>
    | </template>
     @ ./~/weex-chart/index.js 4:0-21
     @ ./~/babel-loader/lib!./~/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/components/pivot.vue
     @ ./src/components/pivot.vue
     @ ./src/router.js
     @ ./src/entry.js

However, my config should be right.
My webpack.config.js is a default one.

const webConfig = {
  context: pathTo.join(__dirname, ''),
  entry: entry,
  output: {
    path: pathTo.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: '[name].web.js',
  module: {
    // webpack 2.0 
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'babel-loader'
        exclude: /node_modules/
        test: /\.vue(\?[^?]+)?$/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'vue-loader'
  plugins: plugins
const weexConfig = {
  entry: weexEntry,
  output: {
    path: pathTo.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: '[name].js',
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'babel-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules(?!\/.*(weex).*)/
        test: /\.vue(\?[^?]+)?$/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'weex-loader'
        test: /\.we(\?[^?]+)?$/,
        use: [{
          loader: 'weex-loader'
  plugins: plugins,

var exports = [webConfig, weexConfig];

if (fileType === '.we') {
  exports = weexConfig;
module.exports = exports;



components: {
    'Title': () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "index" */ "./title.vue"),

weex-vue-loader Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token,


components: {
    'Title': resolve => {require(['./title.vue'], resolve)},


`0.3.2` 版本 dependencies 变动问题

0.3.2 版本开始把 babel-plugin-transform-runtime 从 devDependencies 挪到 dependencies,但是如果在项目下 package.json 里已经有了 babel-plugin-transform-runtime 的 devDependencies 的依赖,就会导致 npm install 之后,weex-loader 下的 node_modules 目录下其实并不存在 babel-plugin-transform-runtime 而是位于项目目录的 node_modules 目录下,
导致 报错。

解决办法:当加载 babel-plugin-transform-runtime 失败时需要同时检查 path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules') 下是否存在 babel-plugin-transform-runtime



<we-element name="foo">
      <image src="{{imageUrl}}" onclick="test"></image>
    module.exports = {
      data: {
        title: '',
        imageUrl: ''
      methods: {
        test: function () {
          this.$dispatch('notify', {a: 1})

  <foo title="..." image-url="..."></foo>

  module.exports = {
    created: function () {
      this.$on('notify', function(e) {
        //  when <foo> image tag  be clicked ,the function will be executing.
        // e.detail is  `{a: 1}`


weexpack run android时显示render error:null。
查看weex-loader里面是有引入babel-preset-es2015的,照理应该支持es6 module,这种情况要如何解决呢?



throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'parse5'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:337:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:287:25)
at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
at require (module.js:385:17)
at Object. (/Users/qiaofu/Sites/mtb/weex-pro/node_modules/weex-loader/lib/parser.js:12:14)
at Module._compile (module.js:435:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)


  1. 在0.6.*版本之前,以下配置还是可用的:
var weexConfig = getBaseConfig();
weexConfig.output.filename = '[name].weex.js';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].loader = 'weex-loader';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].options = {
    lang: {
        less: ['less-loader']
  1. 在最新版本中报Cannot read property 'map' of undefined,没文档、没参考,只能自己一点一点用console.log去判断,最后发现weex-loader的options中的lang已经弃用改用loaders了。就将代码修改为:
var weexConfig = getBaseConfig();
weexConfig.output.filename = '[name].weex.js';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].loader = 'weex-loader';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].options = {
    loaders: {
        less: ['less-loader']
  1. 但还没完,实际使用过程中才发现,对于在.vue文件中配置的<style lang='less' scoped>,不能用mixins,最后又是一通console.log,靠猜和试才得出以下暂时可用的配置:
const less = require('postcss-less');
var weexConfig = getBaseConfig();
weexConfig.output.filename = '[name].weex.js';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].loader = 'weex-loader';
weexConfig.module.rules[2].options = {
    loaders: {
        less: ['less-loader']
    postcss: {
        options: { syntax: less }


不支持 js 文件内 require 内置模块

目前仅支持在 .we 文件内 require('@weex-module/modal') 这样的内置模块的加载,如果在 .we 文件内 require 的 js 模块内部,有 require('@weex-module/modal') 这样内置模块的加载,就会报错:

wx-car ➤ weex debug src/pages/search/index.we --qr                                                                                                                       git:master*
 [webpack errors]
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module '@weex-module/modal' in /Users/hongshu/dev/gitlab/wx-car/src/widgets/utils
resolve module @weex-module/modal in /Users/hongshu/dev/gitlab/wx-car/src/widgets/utils
  looking for modules in /Users/hongshu/dev/gitlab/wx-car/node_modules
    /Users/hongshu/dev/gitlab/wx-car/node_modules/@weex-module doesn't exist (module as directory)
 @ ./src/widgets/utils/common.js 34:16-45  
@(    at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/weex-toolkit/node_modules/weex-devtool/lib/components/Builder.js:43:24

即使在 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/weex-toolkit/node_modules/weex-devtool/lib/components/Builder.js 内把 webpack config 加上 externals: [/@weex\-module/] 这样的配置规避掉报错,在手淘内仍然无法正常工作。


详细可见 apache/incubator-weex-ui#175

1.Your development environment(weex、weex-toolkit、system and more).
  • weex-ui 0.5.1
  • weex 0.18.0
  • weex-toolkit
weexpack : v1.1.5
weex-debugger : v1.0.3
weex-builder : v0.3.15
weex-previewer : v1.4.4

环境:mac os 10.13.2
import {WxcButton, WxcDialog} from 'weex-ui'
components: {'base_list': BaseList, WxcButton, WxcDialog},

        <base_list :isShowResult="isShowResult"
            <cell slot="item" v-for="item in list" :key="item.orderId">
                <div class="order_item" v-on:click="orderItemClick(item.orderId)">
                    <div class="order_div_header">
                        <div class="order_div_shop_name">
                            <text class="order_text_shop_name" v-on:click="orderShopClick(item.shopName,item.shopId)">{{item.shopName}}</text>
                            <image class="order_img_shop_name"
                        <text class="order_text_status_name">{{item.statusName}}</text>
                    <div class="order_line"/>
                    <div class="order_div_content">
                        <div class="order_div_content_products">
                            <div v-for="(product,index) in item.orderItems" :key="">
                                <image class="order_img_product" :src="product.imageUrl" v-if="index<3"/>
                        <image resize="contain" class="order_img_product_arrow" v-if="item.orderItems.length>3"
                        <div class="order_div_product_detail">
                            <text class="order_text_product_amount">¥{{item.totalAmount}}</text>
                            <text class="order_text_product_num">共{{item.goodsCount}}件</text>
                            <text class="order_text_product_arrive" v-if="item.deliveryTypeName">{{item.deliveryTypeName}}</text>
                    <div class="order_line"/>
                    <div class="order_div_footer">
                        <text class="order_text_time">{{formatOrderTime(item.orderTime)}}</text>
                        <div class="order_div_button">
                            <div v-for="button in item.buttonAction" :key="">
                                <wxc-button :text=""

        <wxc-dialog title="提示"
        <wxc-dialog title="提示"

发现一个问题 ,同时使用两个WxcDialog后,会编译速度变慢,电脑风扇疯狂运转,并且一直卡在13%,如下图:



Can not use pug

"weex-loader": "^0.6.14"
<template lang="pug">


ERROR in ./node_modules/weex-loader/node_modules/weex-vue-loader/lib/template-compiler.js?id=data-v-2964abc9!./node_modules/weex-loader/node_modules/weex-vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=template&index=0!./src/index.vue
    (Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) template syntax error Component template requires a root element, rather than just text.
     @ ./src/index.vue?entry=true 12:23-205

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