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akceph-build's Introduction

README for akceph-build

This is a simple Dockerised Ceph build on an Ubuntu 20.04 base. This makes the generated binaries suitable for running on systems we have, natively or in a container. It also builds standard Debian packages.

This is a container with a standard (Ceph version-dependent) build image that you can use to build standard packages, but can also use as a playground. In developer mode you can trash your working copy, because that's mounted into the container, but you can't hurt the host system at all. (Avoid the pain of trashing your working copy by pushing your changes.)

Note this doesn't work with Podman at the moment. It needs real Docker. With Podman a lot more care is required with permissions for mounted directories, and since Akamai is an Ubuntu house there's no clear incentive.

A separate repository based on upstream code will build final containers for use external to the development team. This is a developer tool.


# Copy the configuration file and customise for your setup. For standard
# builds, this will likely not need any changes.
$ cp
$ vim  # Edit to match reality.

# Build from an existing source dir into Linux binaries in
# build.RelWithDebInfo/bin.
$ ./

# Same, but clone the source directly. You must provide a git ref. On job completion, the clone will be deleted.
$ ./ -s v18.2.1

# All-in-one: Clone, build debs using Ceph's This is great
# for CI jobs. The double hyphens matter. Packages will be in the
# release_v18.2.1 subdirectory on completion. (It's useful to be able to
# change the output directory in the case of multiple builds out of the same
# working copy.)
$ ./ -s v18.2.1 -- -D

# You can override the Debian output directory if you prefer.
$ ./ -s v18.2.1 -r release_foo -- -D

# Get an interactive shell on the build container (existing source).
$ ./ -i

# Same, but with a clean clone. The clone will be in a tmp. subdirectory, and
# the script may not be able to delete it if running as non-root.
$ ./ -i -s v17.2.7

# Same, but push the Docker build image to the remote repository for others
# to use. You will probably have to log in to the remote repository for this
# to work, and that's outside the scope of this tool.
$ ./ -p -i -s v18.2.1

# Run a Debug build in build.Debug/bin. I recommend a preexisting source
# tree if you're debugging, otherwise it's going to be very tiresome to
# make changes.
$ ./ -- -b Debug

# Build Debian packages using ``. This will *torch*
# anything not in git inside your working copy - beware!
# Outputs go to release/ (relative to your akceph-build working copy) in
# the host.
$ ./ -- -D

# Build Debian packages using `dpkg-buildpackage`. This too may wreak
# havoc in your working copy, be careful. '-d' outputs go into the debian/
# folder of the source.
$ ./ -- -d
#  '-d' is sometimes more helpful than -D because you can add extra
# options that will be passed to dpkg-buildpackage(1), which can drastically
# shorten build time. E.g.
$ ./ -- -d -- --build=binary

# Both debian builds take the -o option to set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
$ ./ -- -d -O "nostrip"
# Of course these can be combined.
$ ./ -- -D -O "nostrip" -- --build-binary

# Run the unit tests. This is unreliable, because the unit tests are
# themselves unreliable.
$ ./ -- -t

# Build the doxygen docs.
$ ./ -- -x
# View the doxygen HTTP site. The server here defaults to localhost:8000.
$ cd SRCDIR/build-doc/doxygen/html && python -m http.server

# Just construct the build image. Note this will be customised to your
# source tree, as defined in It won't clone or run anything.
$ ./

The script running (by default) inside the container has some useful help.

# Get command help. Note the double-hyphens - you're passing options to a
# script that runs inside the container.
$ ./ -- -h

Which gives:

... lots of Docker stuff ...

Usage: /tools/ [-b CMAKEBUILDTYPE] [-c CMAKEOPTION [...]] [-C] [-d|-D|-t] [-E] [-j NPROC] [-n] [-O DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS] [NINJA_TARGET...]

        Do not set -march, let the compiler decide the architecture. This will
        result in slower generated code.
        Set the CMake build type (default: RelWithDebInfo).
        Pass a CMake option to the build, e.g. -DWITH_ASAN=ON, "-GUnix Makefiles".
        Disable use of ccache. This has a brutal build-time penalty.
        Build a Debian package using raw dpkg-buildpackage.
        Build Debian packages using SRC/
        Use the file in the script directory to configure the environment
        for the build. Keep the file simple, and use it sparingly.
        Show this help message.
    -j NPROC
        Override the number of processors to use for the build. Default is half
        the value returned by nproc(1).
        Disable our override of the linker. Normally we will explicitly set
        the build to use as it is a great deal faster and less
        Do not build, just configure. Only useful for source and unit test builds,
        not for Debian package builds.
        Pass options to the Debian build system.
        Normally we patch RocksDB to disable PORTABLE build mode. This option
        leaves it as-is.
        Run the unit tests.
        Build doxygen documentation. Builds into /src/build-doc, so will be visible
        outside the container.

        The target to build with Ninja (if run without -d, -D or -t), e.g. radosgwd
        to build just RGW.

There's an interactive mode where you can do more or less whatever you want in relative safety. Most of the time you'll speak to the script that runs, /tools/

## Once inside the build image by using '-i'...

# Run normal commands.
root@eb10eda81490:/src% cd /src/build.Debug
root@eb10eda81490:/src% ninja
# Once you've build things, you can run on the outputs

# Build fully.
root@eb10eda81490:/src% /tools/

# Build for debug (default is RelWithDebInfo).
root@eb10eda81490:/src% /tools/ -b Debug
# Build with ASAN enabled.
root@eb10eda81490:/src% /tools/ -c -DWITH_ASAN=ON
# Build with make(1) instead of Ninja. (Notice the quotes.)
root@eb10eda81490:/src% /tools/ -c "-GUnix Makefiles"
# Build with the GOLD linker.
root@eb10eda81490:/src% /tools/ \
  -c "" \
  -c "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-fuse-ld=gold"
# etc.

Recommended use

For development, I recommend running in interactive mode (./ -i). You can run whatever CMake you like that way.

If you want the standard invocation, you can do ./ -- -n -b Debug which will stop before running ninja, and configure in Debug mode. Then you can run in interactive mode with -i and change to the build directory and build whatever you like - ninja radosgwd (ninja radosgw for Ceph 18) is a personal favourite.

For runs, you can do the development build as above. You can run as you normally would, with the only constraint that the ports it opens won't by default be visible outside the container. If you know you're going to do this, you can add port forwards to docker run and fix the ports used by - this is a quite powerful way to run a dev cluster.

You can also run or anything else it builds in the host, though - you'll have to do export LD_LIBARY_PATH=<SRCDIR>/build.Debug/lib (and probably have run in the host) before this will work.

For standard builds, do ./build-ceph -s TAG -- -D. This will clone Ceph, set up the environment, run and build Debian packages.

Source changes and Debian builds

The Debian build process for -D builds, involving, means that you can't just change the source tree without committing and expect the change to be reflected in the build. uses git archive to essentially copy the source tree to the release directory, and this will ignore working copy changes that aren't committed.

Warning for Debian builds

Note that anything involving -D or -d (Debian builds) will trash anything non-standard in your working copy! Commit (and ideally push) anything in your local working copy before doing this, or you'll lose it. I mean it.


This is designed to be a build tool that can be run by multiple users simultaneously without problems, so long as the users are using separate working copies. (It won't work if you do multiple builds from the same checked-out source - sorry.)

If you're building Debian packages from a git reference rather than a working copy, you can have as many concurrent builds as you like if and only if their outputs are to a separate release directory. FWIW I recommend using a CI system that does a separate clone for each simultaneous build because it makes everything simpler to understand.

Build image

The build image consists of a bootstrap build environment for Ceph. It is based on Ubuntu 20.04, and it installs basic tools and custom binary dependencies before calling out to from the Ceph source to bring everything it needs in.

Container builds for the uninitiated

A few notes for anyone not used to building in Docker containers.

It's important to know the difference between the build image and the build container. The build image is a pre-built set of commands and configuration layers used to save time when starting a container. The build image is constructed using a Dockerfile and is configured by the script. This is run automatically by so unless you're working on the build image you don't normally need to run it yourself.

The image build process is aggressively cached by Docker, so if there are no changes the image build is really quick and can be safely run every time. However, knowing what constitutes a 'change' in this context can be subtle; we'll speak more of this later.

A container is where actual Ceph builds are performed. It's the job of the build image to cache as much up-front work as we can, so repeated builds can be started as quickly as possible, but each time with a clean OS environment regardless of the host you're running on. This is what makes container builds so useful - they allow every user to have identical build environments everywhere they're used, with very little effort.

The build image installs a basic OS environment, builds from source some things we need, and then runs Ceph's very slow script in the build image so we don't have to do it every time. Note that the build image can't mount volumes from the host, and by design doesn't (without extra effort) inherit environment variables etc. from the caller.

The container starts where the build image ends. In this environment, the container mounts some volumes (including the ccache directory and the Ceph source working copy), then by default runs a build script that knows how to build Ceph itself. Every time you run the container you get a fresh start. This might confuse initially but actually is a real benefit once you're used to it.

Note, however, that we're mounting the source code into the container, so anything you change in the source tree you mount in will persist after the container has stopped. For example, a Debian build will wipe any files from the working copy not seen by Git. Commit your changes before doing a Debian build!

Details of the build process.

The container build takes a long time if building from scratch. The best thing to do is try to keep things that change infrequently but take a long time to the 'top' of the Dockerfile, so that fewer large layers need to be built.

This is complicated by the fact that later stages of the container build are actually Ceph version-dependent, as explained above.

The current practice is to construct a two-stage build image. The first stage deps installs enough software to install all our custom dependencies into known directories. The second stage build copies the outputs of those builds into the final build image. This isn't necessary, but it's neater - the build stage can evolve away from the deps stage as much as it likes, as long as it doesn't change anything about how the custom deps are built, and the huge compilation steps can be skipped.

However, if you change the deps stage in the Dockerfile or anything in the build/ directory, the deps stage will be rebuilt too.

Multistage Dockerfiles keep potentially complicated dependency chains together without too much extra effort. In the past the same result would have been achieved by having multiple Dockerfiles. It's more convenient this way.

Binary dependency compilation and install

Scripts in build/ are run to configure various dependencies. Most are configured via config.env.

Script Tool Used by Notes ccache Compilation cache tool. abseil-cpp gRPC, OpenTelemetry Google C++ utility library. The Go language The Ceph build CMake Golang itself.
buf The Ceph build CMake Used to manage protocol buffer code generation. grpc The Ceph build CMake Google gRPC C++ libraries and tools. OpenSSL 3.x Nothing yet A recent version of OpenSSL.

These are simple, standalone scripts that can do anything they like in the build environment. If we at some point decide to use e.g. Artifactory for the binaries for these things, the scripts can use the cli tools to pull them into the build image here. and multiple versions varies from release to release and we have to have the appropriate version in the build image. My solution is to checksum everything from the source that we need, and use that checksum as the tag to the Docker build image. Then, when the builder goes to compile the source, it constructs the same checksum and selects the appropriate Docker image.

This way, if we have two builds with different versions of Ceph, the build scripts will automatically select the correct image, with pre-run. This is significant; the deps installer script is very slow, and for an incremental build cycle it would be an intolerable nuisance.

Adding inputs to the preinstall checksum

Currently the checksum is just over and the debian/ toplevel source folder. This is actually incomplete; calls make-dist and uses bin/ These in turn can call out to other items.

The process of checksumming and its dependencies is a safety feature, so it needs to detect changes in the source. I don't expect us to change these items much, but if we do change them they need to be featured in the checksum calculation somehow.

There's one function in that handles the checksum calculation, used by both and Adding files is straightforward. speed hack

If you find yourself running the script often, perhaps because you're working on the image itself, you can speed this up a lot by having an HTTP proxy and pointing it at that. The Debian packages are very cacheable and after a single normal speed run they will in future come at line speed from the local proxy. I configure this using ~/.docker/config.json:

  "proxies": {
    "default": {
      "httpProxy": "",
      "httpsProxy": "",
      "noProxy": "*,"
} - the build script.

The build script takes a few command line options, but essentially runs either a source build (./ && ... && ninja) or a Debian build (./ or dpkg-buildpackage).

By design the script is opinionated in how it builds. However, you can pass as many -c options (to specify CMake options) to the build script as you like, as shown in the examples above.

Power options

You can tweak how dpkg-buildpackage operates by using the -O option to set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. If you don't know what this does, don't use it.

More powerfully still, you can pass in arbitrary environment variables via file tools/env. These can make substantial differences to the output, and if you try you can totally break things, so use this sparingly. - the container builder

This is mostly a wrapper around docker build, with some subtleties described above with regard to running the proper version of - the Ceph builder script inside the container

Most of the intelligence of the build is in tools/ This is run from inside the container. It's the default ENTRYPOINT, which means if you don't override it, Docker will run this script when a container is started via docker run, and any options passed on the command line will be passed through to the entrypoint.

(The -i option to overrides the ENTRYPOINT to be /bin/bash so you can have an interactive shell instead of running the build script.) takes many options, but most are fairly niche. The -h help explains what each option does, and the examples above should help.

Once in an interactive shell, it's often useful to run /tools/ yourself. It has help (-h) and you'll find lots of examples above.


What's this for?

This is to help Ceph developers. It builds consistently and automatically (with good ccache support) into binaries and into Debian packages.

The aim is that the build machine or one's own machines can be used to build consistent images. In particular, it needs to be possible to have multiple builds of multiple versions of Ceph in flight at the same time.

This doesn't yet build the 'final' container that will be used by Gen2.

Why is it in a separate directory to the Ceph source?

Largely because running a Debian build will obliterate anything that isn't committed to git in the working copy. This is the voice of experience; you are looking at the second version of this tool.

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