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oberon-type-case-statement-without-loopholes's Introduction


Type case statement without type loopholes for the Oberon-07 programming language

Note: In this repository, the term "Project Oberon 2013" refers to a re-implementation of the original "Project Oberon" on an FPGA development board around 2013, as published at

PREREQUISITES: A current version of Project Oberon 2013 (see

This repository modifies the semantics of the type case statement of Oberon-07

   T1: S1
 | T2: S2
 | T3: S3

such that the following rules and restrictions apply:

  • The case variable must be a simple identifier that cannot be followed by a selector for structured variables, i.e. it cannot be an array element or a record field.

  • The case variable must be either a local variable or value parameter of pointer type (pointing to a record) or a variable parameter of record type.

  • A case variable of pointer type cannot be assigned a different value or passed as a variable parameter to a procedure within the scope of the type case statement. However, individual elements (fields) of a case variable may be modified or passed as variable parameters.

This eliminates a number of type loopholes. See the test program TestTypeCase.Mod.

Preparing your system to use the modified Oberon compiler

If Project Oberon 2013 is used, follow the instructions below:

Convert the downloaded files to Oberon format (Oberon uses CR as line endings) using the command dos2oberon, also available in this repository (example shown for Mac or Linux):

 for x in *.Mod ; do ./dos2oberon $x $x ; done

Import the files to your Oberon system. If you use an emulator (e.g., to run the Oberon system, click on the PCLink1.Run link in the System.Tool viewer, copy the files to the emulator directory, and execute the following command on the command shell of your host system:

 cd oberon-risc-emu
 for x in *.Mod ; do ./ $x ; sleep 0.5 ; done

Compile the downloaded files as follows:

 ORP.Compile ORG.Mod/s ORP.Mod/s ~  # build the MODIFIED compiler
 System.Free ORP ORG ~              # unload the ORIGINAL compiler

 ORP.Compile TestTypeCase.Mod/s ~   # compile the test program with the MODIFIED compiler


First, we implement the two rules

  • The case variable must be a simple identifier that cannot be followed by a selector for structured variables, i.e. it cannot be an array element or a record field.

  • The case variable must be either a local variable or value parameter of pointer type (pointing to a record) or a variable parameter of record type.

The first rule is implemented by simply not calling ORP.selector after calling qualident when the case variable is parsed. The second rule is implemented by adding the check

IF (obj.lev <= 0) OR
  (obj.type.form = ORB.Pointer) & ((obj.class # ORB.Var) OR (obj.type.base.form # ORB.Record)) OR
  (obj.type.form = ORB.Record) & (obj.class # ORB.Par)

to procedure ORP.StatSequence, which now reads:

PROCEDURE StatSequence;
  ELSIF sym = THEN  (*case statement*)
    IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
      qualident(obj);  (*no call to selector here*)
      IF (obj.type.form IN {ORB.Pointer, ORB.Record}) THEN  (*type case statement*)
        IF (obj.type.form = ORB.Pointer) & ((obj.class # ORB.Var) OR (obj.type.base.form # ORB.Record)) OR
          (obj.type.form = ORB.Record) & (obj.class # ORB.Par) OR (obj.lev <= 0)
        THEN ORS.Mark("invalid case expression")
        END ;

Second, we implement the rule

  • A case variable of pointer type cannot be assigned a different value or passed as a variable parameter to a procedure within the scope of the type case statement. However, individual elements (fields) of a case variable may be modified or passed as variable parameters.

To do so, we need a way to detect whether any object obj encountered during compilation is in fact a case variable of a type case statement.

Recall that in the official Oberon-07 compiler, the following invariant holds for all declared objects obj during compilation:

obj.lev > 0  =>  ~obj.expo & (obj.exno = 0)

This simply means that if an object is a local variable or a formal parameter, it cannot have an export mark (asterisk).

Since the case variable of a type case statement must be either a local variable or procedure parameter (obj.lev > 0 always), we can "abuse" either the field obj.expo or the field obj.exno (or both) to indicate that we are inside a type case statement.

For example, we may define

(obj.lev > 0) & (obj.exno > 0)  =>  we are inside a type case statement (and obj is the case variable)

and let the code implementing the type case statement temporarily set obj.exno to a value different that 0.

Recall that the type case statement represents the singular case where a symbol table entry - the type of obj - is temporarily modified during compilation (but only until the end of the statement, where the change is reverted). With the above change, we add another temporary modification to the (same) symbol table entry (namely the field obj.exno).

In order to handle nested type case statements correctly, we increase the value of obj.exno by 1 when entering a type case statement and decrease it by 1 when exiting it, i.e. the current value of the field obj.exno effectively represents the nesting level of type case statements.

  VAR p: P0;       (*obj is the local variable p => obj.lev = 1 & ~obj.expo & obj.exno = 0*)
  p := p1;         (*correct, since we are outside ANY type case statements*)
  CASE p OF        (*increase obj.exno from 0 to 1*)
      p := p2;     (*"read-only" compile-time error*)
      CASE p OF    (*increase obj.exno from 1 to 2*)
        p := p1    (*"read-only" compile-time error*)
      END ;        (*decrease obj.exno from 2 to 1 = the value before entering the inner case statement*)
      p := p1      (*"read-only" compile-time error, since we are still inside the outer case statement*)
  END ;            (*decrease obj.exno from 1 to 0 = the value before entering the outer case statement*)
  p := p1          (*correct again, since we are now outside ANY type case statements again*)
END Sample;

This leads to the following code:

 PROCEDURE TypeCasePart(obj: ORB.Object);
 BEGIN Check(ORS.of, "OF expected"); L0 := 0; INC(obj.exno);  (*<---*)
   WHILE (sym < ORS.end) OR (sym = DO
     IF sym = THEN ORS.Get(sym) ELSE TypeCase(obj, L0) END
   END ;
   IF sym = ORS.else THEN ORS.Get(sym); StatSequence END ;
   ORG.FixLink(L0); DEC(obj.exno)  (*<---*)
 END TypeCasePart;

Since this is the only place where obj.exno is modified, it is easy to see that the only place where the condition

 (obj.lev > 0) & (obj.exno > 0)

can ever be true is inside a type case statement.

Note: It is absolutely necessary to reset the value of obj.exno back to its original value after compiling a type case statement, because it will be used during the export process (see ORB.Export and ORB.OutType, which both output the value of obj.exno to the symbol file).

We must also be able to recognize whether the identified case variable is a simple identifier that is not followed by a selector for structured variables, i.e. that it is not an array element or a record field.

To achieve this, we introduce an additional item field x.sel in module ORG and

a) initialise it to FALSE in ORG.MakeItem:

x.sel := FALSE

b) set it to TRUE in ORP.selector:

 WHILE (sym = ORS.lbrak) OR (sym = ORS.period) OR (sym = ORS.arrow)
    OR (sym = ORS.lparen) & (x.type.form IN {ORB.Record, ORB.Pointer}) DO x.sel := TRUE;

c) add the check for ~x.sel to the above condition, leading to:

~x.sel & (obj.lev > 0) & (obj.exno > 0)  =>  we are inside a type case statement (and obj is the case variable)

d) and finally, we must be able to recognize whether the case variable is of pointer type. This adds the condition obj.type.form = ORP.Pointer to the above expression. Putting all together, wo obtain:

PROCEDURE CheckTypeCase(VAR x: ORG.Item; obj: ORB.Object);
  IF ~x.sel & (obj.lev > 0) & (obj.exno > 0) & (obj.type.form = ORB.Pointer) THEN x.rdo := TRUE END
END CheckTypeCase;

We now add this check when assignments and procedure parameters are parsed:

1. Assignments to case variables

PROCEDURE StatSequence;
  IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
    qualident(obj); ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level);
    IF x.mode = ORB.SProc THEN StandProc(obj.val)
    ELSE selector(x);
      IF sym = ORS.becomes THEN (*assignment*)
        ORS.Get(sym); CheckTypeCase(x, obj); CheckReadOnly(x); expression(y);  (*CheckTypeCase may set x.rdo*)

2. Passing case variables as procedure parameters

PROCEDURE Parameter(par: ORB.Object);  (*par is the formal parameter, x the actual parameter*)
  VAR x: ORG.Item; varpar: BOOLEAN;
BEGIN expression(x);                               (*calls ORP.factor, which calls CheckTypeCase, which in turn may set x.rdo*)
  IF par # NIL THEN
    varpar := par.class = ORB.Par;
    IF CompTypes(par.type, x.type, varpar) THEN
      IF ~varpar THEN ORG.ValueParam(x)
      ELSE (*par.class = Par, i.e VAR parameter*)
        IF ~par.rdo THEN CheckReadOnly(x) END ;    (*issues an error message if CheckTypeCase has set x.rdo*)
        ORG.VarParam(x, par.type)

PROCEDURE factor(VAR x: ORG.Item);
  IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
    IF obj.class = ORB.SFunc THEN StandFunc(x, obj.val, obj.type)
    ELSE ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level); selector(x); CheckTypeCase(x, obj);  (*CheckTypeCase may set x.rdo*)

Writing the actual error message is deferred to CheckReadOnly. In the case of ORP.Parameter, this is necessary, because ORP.factor does not return the object designating the case variable. We use the field x.rdo to transport the result of the call to CheckTypeCase back to the caller.



--- FPGAOberon2013/ORG.Mod	2019-05-30 17:58:14.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-type-case-statement-without-loopholes/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORG.Mod	2021-09-26 07:11:27.000000000 +0200
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
       mode*: INTEGER;
       type*: ORB.Type;
       a*, b*, r: LONGINT;
-      rdo*: BOOLEAN  (*read only*)
+      rdo*, sel*, deref*: BOOLEAN  (*read only, selected, dereferenced*)
     END ;
   (* Item forms and meaning of fields:
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
   END MakeStringItem;
   PROCEDURE MakeItem*(VAR x: Item; y: ORB.Object; curlev: LONGINT);
-  BEGIN x.mode := y.class; x.type := y.type; x.a := y.val; x.rdo := y.rdo;
+  BEGIN x.mode := y.class; x.type := y.type; x.a := y.val; x.rdo := y.rdo; x.sel := FALSE;
     IF y.class = ORB.Par THEN x.b := 0
     ELSIF (y.class = ORB.Const) & (y.type.form = ORB.String) THEN x.b := y.lev  (*len*) ;
     ELSE x.r := y.lev


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORP.Mod	2021-05-24 10:06:15.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-type-case-statement-without-loopholes/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/ORP.Mod	2021-09-26 07:18:49.000000000 +0200
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@
   END CheckExport;
+  PROCEDURE CheckCase(VAR x: ORG.Item; obj: ORB.Object);
+    IF ~x.sel & (obj.lev > 0) & (obj.exno > 0) & (obj.type.form = ORB.Pointer) THEN x.rdo := TRUE END
+  END CheckCase;
   PROCEDURE IsExtension(t0, t1: ORB.Type): BOOLEAN;
   BEGIN (*t1 is an extension of t0*)
     RETURN (t0 = t1) OR (t1 # NIL) & IsExtension(t0, t1.base)
@@ -121,7 +126,7 @@
     VAR y: ORG.Item; obj: ORB.Object;
     WHILE (sym = ORS.lbrak) OR (sym = ORS.period) OR (sym = ORS.arrow)
-        OR (sym = ORS.lparen) & (x.type.form IN {ORB.Record, ORB.Pointer}) DO
+        OR (sym = ORS.lparen) & (x.type.form IN {ORB.Record, ORB.Pointer}) DO x.sel := TRUE;
       IF sym = ORS.lbrak THEN
         REPEAT ORS.Get(sym); expression(y);
           IF x.type.form = ORB.Array THEN
@@ -130,7 +135,8 @@
         UNTIL sym # ORS.comma;
         Check(ORS.rbrak, "no ]")
-      ELSIF sym = ORS.period THEN ORS.Get(sym);
+      ELSIF sym = ORS.period THEN
+        ORS.Get(sym);
         IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
           IF x.type.form = ORB.Pointer THEN ORG.DeRef(x); x.type := x.type.base END ;
           IF x.type.form = ORB.Record THEN
@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@
     IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
       IF obj.class = ORB.SFunc THEN StandFunc(x, obj.val, obj.type)
-      ELSE ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level); selector(x);
+      ELSE ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level); selector(x); CheckCase(x, obj);
         IF sym = ORS.lparen THEN
           IF (x.type.form = ORB.Proc) & (x.type.base.form # ORB.NoTyp) THEN
@@ -462,21 +468,31 @@
   PROCEDURE StatSequence;
     VAR obj: ORB.Object;
-      orgtype: ORB.Type; (*original type of case var*)
       x, y, z, w: ORG.Item;
       L0, L1, rx: LONGINT;
-    PROCEDURE TypeCase(obj: ORB.Object; VAR x: ORG.Item);
-      VAR typobj: ORB.Object;
-    BEGIN
+    PROCEDURE TypeCase(obj: ORB.Object; VAR L0: LONGINT);
+      VAR typobj: ORB.Object; x: ORG.Item;
+        orgtype: ORB.Type;  (*original type of case var*)
+    BEGIN (*obj.lev > 0 & obj.exno > 0*)
       IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
-        qualident(typobj); ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level);
+        qualident(typobj); ORG.MakeItem(x, obj, level); orgtype := obj.type;
         IF typobj.class # ORB.Typ THEN ORS.Mark("not a type") END ;
         TypeTest(x, typobj.type, FALSE); obj.type := typobj.type;
-        ORG.CFJump(x); Check(ORS.colon, ": expected"); StatSequence
-      ELSE ORG.CFJump(x); ORS.Mark("type id expected")
-      END
-     END TypeCase;
+        ORG.CFJump(x); Check(ORS.colon, ": expected"); StatSequence;
+        ORG.FJump(L0); ORG.Fixup(x); obj.type := orgtype;
+      ELSE ORS.Mark("type id expected"); Check(ORS.colon, ": expected"); StatSequence
+      END
+    END TypeCase;
+    PROCEDURE TypeCasePart(obj: ORB.Object);
+      VAR L0: LONGINT;
+    BEGIN Check(ORS.of, "OF expected"); L0 := 0; INC(obj.exno);
+      WHILE (sym < ORS.end) OR (sym = DO
+        IF sym = THEN ORS.Get(sym) ELSE TypeCase(obj, L0) END
+      END ;
+      ORG.FixLink(L0); DEC(obj.exno)
+    END TypeCasePart;
     PROCEDURE SkipCase;
@@ -495,7 +511,7 @@
         IF x.mode = ORB.SProc THEN StandProc(obj.val)
         ELSE selector(x);
           IF sym = ORS.becomes THEN (*assignment*)
-            ORS.Get(sym); CheckReadOnly(x); expression(y);
+            ORS.Get(sym); CheckCase(x, obj); CheckReadOnly(x); expression(y);
             IF CompTypes(x.type, y.type, FALSE) THEN
               IF (x.type.form <= ORB.Pointer) OR (x.type.form = ORB.Proc) THEN ORG.Store(x, y)
               ELSE ORG.StoreStruct(x, y)
@@ -569,13 +585,13 @@
       ELSIF sym = THEN
         IF sym = ORS.ident THEN
-          qualident(obj); orgtype := obj.type;
-          IF (orgtype.form = ORB.Pointer) OR (orgtype.form = ORB.Record) & (obj.class = ORB.Par) THEN
-            Check(ORS.of, "OF expected"); TypeCase(obj, x); L0 := 0;
-            WHILE sym = DO
-              ORS.Get(sym); ORG.FJump(L0); ORG.Fixup(x); obj.type := orgtype; TypeCase(obj, x)
+          x.sel := FALSE; qualident(obj);
+          IF (obj.type.form IN {ORB.Pointer, ORB.Record}) THEN
+            IF (obj.type.form = ORB.Pointer) & ((obj.class # ORB.Var) OR (obj.type.base.form # ORB.Record)) OR
+              (obj.type.form = ORB.Record) & (obj.class # ORB.Par) OR (obj.lev <= 0)
+            THEN ORS.Mark("invalid case expression")
             END ;
-            ORG.Fixup(x); ORG.FixLink(L0); obj.type := orgtype
+            TypeCasePart(obj)
           ELSE ORS.Mark("numeric case not implemented");
             Check(ORS.of, "OF expected"); SkipCase;
             WHILE sym = DO SkipCase END
@@ -603,12 +619,12 @@
         IF sym = ORS.ident THEN ORB.NewObj(obj,, class); ORS.Get(sym); CheckExport(obj.expo)
         ELSE ORS.Mark("ident?")
-      END ;
+      END;
       IF sym = ORS.colon THEN ORS.Get(sym) ELSE ORS.Mark(":?") END
     ELSE first := NIL
   END IdentList;
   PROCEDURE ArrayType(VAR type: ORB.Type);
     VAR x: ORG.Item; typ: ORB.Type; len: LONGINT;
   BEGIN NEW(typ); typ.form := ORB.NoTyp;

oberon-type-case-statement-without-loopholes's People


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