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Amplication brings order to the chaos of large-scale software development by creating Golden Paths for developers - streamlined workflows that drive consistency, enable high-quality code practices, simplify onboarding, and accelerate standardized delivery across teams.

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License: Other

JavaScript 0.18% Dockerfile 0.16% TypeScript 95.40% HTML 0.61% CSS 0.51% Shell 0.03% SCSS 3.06% Batchfile 0.01% PLpgSQL 0.04%
nodejs nestjs prisma low-code code-generation javascript typescript api web hacktoberfest graphql csharp csharp-code dotnet dotnet-core

amplication's Introduction

Transform platform engineering with tailor-made live templates and service catalog 🚀



Amplication enables you to quickly build, maintain, and scale backend services that embed your company’s best practices and standards.

With Amplication you can create your own live templates embedding your organization’s best practices and standards, to ensure consistency and compliance from the start. 

Leveraging AI-powered automation, Amplication will generate microservices in no time, with everything that is needed to support your business domain: APIs, data models, DTOs and more, allowing engineers to focus on business logic.

Now your live applications will be always up-to-date. Amplication automatically handles package updates, patches, and versioning, reducing technical debt and ensuring consistency across your services. 


apis   data-models

plugins   microservices

own-your-code   customize-code


To get started with Amplication, the hosted version of the product can be used. You can get started immediately at After the login page, you will be guided through creating your first service. The website provides an overview of the application, additional information on the product and guides can be found in the docs.



Alternatively, instead of using the hosted version of the product, Amplication can be run locally for code generation purposes or contributions - if so, please refer to our contributing section.

To be able to start development on Amplication, make sure that you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js
  • Docker
  • Git
Running Amplication

Note It is also possible to start development with GitHub Codespaces, when navigating to < > Code, select Codespaces instead of Local. Click on either the +-sign or the Create codespace on master-button.

Amplication is using a monorepo architecture - powered by Nx Workspaces - where multiple applications and libraries exist in a single repository. To setup a local development environment the following steps can be followed:

BEFORE you run the following steps make sure:

  1. You have typescript installed locally on you machine npm install -g typescript

  2. You are using a supported node version (check engines node in the package.json)

  3. You are using a supported npm version (check engines npm in the package.json)

  4. You have docker installed and running on your machine

  5. Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone && cd amplication && npm install
  1. Run the setup script, which takes care of installing dependencies, building packages, and setting up the workspace:
npm run setup:dev
  1. Option 1: Running the required infrastructure - view infrastructure component logs
npm run docker:dev
  1. Option 2: Running the required infrastructure - run the infrastructure components in background
npm run docker:dev -- -d
  1. Apply database migrations
npm run db:migrate:deploy
  1. To start developing, run one or more of the applications available under serve:[application] scripts of the package.json.
# running the server component
npm run serve:server

# running the client component
npm run serve:client

# running the data-service-generator component
npm run serve:dsg

# running the git-sync-manager component
npm run serve:git

# running the plugin-api component
npm run serve:plugins

Note In order to run the Amplication client properly, both the client and server need to be started by the npm run serve:[application] command, as well as an additional component for development on a specific component.

The development environment should now be set up. Additional information on the different application components can be found under packages/[application]/ file. Happy hacking! 👾


  • Website overview of the product.
  • Docs for comprehensive documentation.
  • Blog for guides and technical comparisons.
  • Discord for support and discussions with the community and the team.
  • GitHub for source code, project board, issues, and pull requests.
  • Twitter for the latest updates on the product and published blogs.
  • YouTube for guides and technical talks.


The majority of Amplication code is open-source. We are committed to a transparent development process and highly appreciate any contributions. Whether you are helping us fix bugs, proposing new features, improving our documentation or spreading the word - we would love to have you as a part of the Amplication community. Please refer to our contribution guidelines and code of conduct.

  • Bug Report: If you see an error message or encounter an issue while using Amplication, please create a bug report.

  • Feature Request: If you have an idea or if there is a capability that is missing and would make development easier and more robust, please submit a feature request.

  • Documentation Request: If you're reading the Amplication docs and feel like you're missing something, please submit a documentation request.

Not sure where to start? Join our discord and we will help you get started!



A large part of this project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The only exception are the components under the ee (enterprise edition) directory, these are licensed under the Amplication Enterprise Edition license.

amplication's People


yuval-hazaz avatar abrl91 avatar iddan avatar tupe12334 avatar overbit avatar morhag90 avatar mulygottlieb avatar barshimi avatar eugenetseitlin avatar arielweinberger avatar mshidlov avatar germanilia avatar shaharblanksela avatar galcegla avatar levivannoort avatar renovate-bot avatar dependabot[bot] avatar allcontributors[bot] avatar amplication-engineering avatar belkind27 avatar gitstart avatar amplication-bot avatar shurtu-gal avatar jainpawan21 avatar g-traub avatar lalit8347 avatar alonram avatar muhsinkamil avatar rrorrros avatar ognjenjevremovic avatar


brunoKim avatar ivanzz.eth avatar  avatar צעד אחד בכל פעם avatar  avatar Bryte Morio avatar Valerian Brumari avatar Patryk Kępa avatar MUGISHA Pascal avatar Hoàng Công Thành Nhân avatar Pavel Novotný avatar  avatar Muhammad Hadi avatar Tejas Kutnikar  avatar  avatar  avatar Ionut Cenac avatar 怎么学都学不会的何同学 avatar  avatar Xavier avatar Vishnu Sujeesh (@vscodes) avatar Manish Demblani avatar Ville Autio avatar ci1ver avatar  avatar Sidon Amedyaz avatar Syed Jaffer Sunny avatar Edison Guo avatar ReedThaHuman avatar Emin Kokdemir avatar  avatar Emran Kamil avatar  avatar Lu R A avatar  avatar  avatar Docker avatar JakeKang avatar  avatar Arvid Uebelacker avatar  avatar Théo avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Yayan avatar Ning Wei avatar Muthu Krishnan avatar liugu avatar Kelly F. avatar Stefan  avatar  avatar Ben White avatar Arcticn avatar  avatar Matheus Ribeiro dos Santos avatar RoyB avatar  avatar Antônio Moraes avatar Chris Lees avatar  avatar Ivan Korbakov avatar Thanh Dat Nguyen avatar sivagao avatar Mateusz Ciuła avatar Somyos Jin avatar  avatar Marcello avatar Jevgeni avatar  avatar Ivan Kalashnik avatar Jack Pang avatar Sharik  avatar  avatar Neha Prasad avatar iLLeniumStudios avatar  avatar Bayram Arslan avatar  avatar CQZ avatar Bedo Nassef avatar Emmanuel Ketcha Bepa avatar E Emin avatar EŞREF ZEYDAN avatar Jinghong Zhang avatar Trần Hoàng Sơn avatar Amir Adel avatar Alexander Nekrasov avatar 『     』 avatar  avatar Modather Salah avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Aniket Kumar Ghosh avatar Vladimir avatar  avatar  avatar Newlife Marangwanda avatar


Luca G. Soave avatar  avatar Adeel Ahmad avatar  avatar viperasi avatar Vladimir Minkin avatar Nasreddine avatar Josias dos Santos Cavalcanti avatar James Cloos avatar akbarwibawa avatar Raúl López avatar Steve Pinero avatar Tam Nguyen avatar Wasim Akhtar avatar Bayram Muhiyev avatar  avatar Rodrigo Missagia Hulle avatar aqing avatar Krishnamurthy G B avatar 0xbc avatar Eduardo Aguilar Pelaez avatar  avatar John Balladares avatar Noel Koutlis avatar Abdulrahman Al-Qahtani avatar Justin avatar  avatar  avatar Nikonic Imagery avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Amoun avatar KaranJariwala avatar ammyl33t avatar Rahul Y Gupta avatar JozeMario avatar Ngok avatar Qu Hang avatar Aurthur Musendame avatar #SpecialForces avatar Dean Lofts avatar Victor Ramirez avatar hangzaizai avatar Kostas Georgiou avatar Mohsin Shaikh avatar Richard avatar Surya U avatar  avatar DVIJ PAREKH avatar  avatar Yasmani Ledesma Valdes avatar Karthik avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Motsumi avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Chandu Paladugu avatar  avatar  avatar Turki avatar The Real avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Tej avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Philip Daudu avatar Himanshu Singh avatar  avatar  avatar Venesa Okuna avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Dan Zulla avatar Mirza avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

amplication's Issues

open issues for discussion in next sessions

We should use this issue to track items for open discussion in any of the future sessions:

  • How to create API endpoints for actions that are needed in screens. Should we automatically create the API with all the requested features? should these API be editable in the APIs section? should we use the same roles from the page on the API?

Use classes instead of json schema

I think we should consider to use classes with validation attributes (like all other model classes) instead of using json schema for all json fields.

in the current scenario (entity field properties) where we are dealing with just simple fields the json schema works well. But looking ahead on the pages and other very complex structures that we use json for I think json schema wont be enough.

I assume that when we'll build the ui editor or any other block like Connector, we will anyway use classes to describe the object - so we may as well use the objects to validate the request and more.

what do you think?

Schema Validation

When saving entity fields, or blocks, or pages we need to save a list of properties in a JSON field in the DB.
We should validate the JSON schema before we save it to the DB.
for example:
EntityField.Properties is a JSON field that holds the special properties for each dataType.
When data type is "Single Line Text" the properties should only include "Max Length"
When data type is "Whole Number" the properties should include "Min Value" and "Max value".

In order to do that we can use a JSON schema validation package

for each datatype we should have an hard-coded schema and use it both on the client side and server for validation and presentation.

REST API Connector and OpenAPI spec

I found this project with types for OpenAPI documents.

Theoretically we could use these types to create and save the configurations for our REST API Connectors but there are few issues:

  1. GraphQL will not allow Union Types in the Input and many of the OpenAPI types are Union types.
  2. Our configuration includes several extra functional features like "context parameters", permissions and visibility per specific fields and more....

For the above reason, I suggest that we use our own types to create REST API Connectors and only in runtime or build time we will convert our types to OpenAPI schema.

@iddan, your thoughts pleases

DB migrations process and best practices

we need to set a process on how to use prisma migrations.
Too often we have conflicts and need to hack around it.
There are probably best practices that can help us.
We should also think of how to use it later down the road on production to update live DBs.

@iddan if you have any input please share

remove Is Persistent from the UI

The field IsPersistent determine whether the entity represents a table in the DB or just a DTO.
This is actually done using to different types of "entities" in the UI - Entity and Structure.

When the user creates "Entity" the field IsPersistent equals True
When the user creates "Structure" the field IsPersistent equals False

"Name" Fields validation

Entities and Entity Fields have a Name and a Display Name.
The Display name is used for display purposes throughout the system. The Name field is used for code and reference purposes.
for example, when a developer wants to assign a value from the Last Name field to the First Name field he will use the Name property in the following way:
customer.FirstName = customer.LastName

We should add validation both on the server side and client side for the correct format.

1, Choose format to be used (no spaces, dots, and such). Is there any common format for such fields?
2. Implement this on the server side (decorators with regex on the model? in the service?both?)
3. Implement this on the client side

UI - Entities Page - Option Set

I created a new page in Figma called "Option Set" with an example of how the UI should looks like when creating a new option set.
Please merge the functionality into the main Figma page

GraphQL naming conventions

We should revisit all mutations and queries in graphQL and rename then with the entity name first and then the actions.
Instead of
createEntityField or CreateOneEntityField
we should use

Instead of
we should use
entityCreateVersion or entitySaveVersion

@iddan, I know that with graphQL it is usually recommended to use the action first, but i dont like it. What do you think?
See this post for more info

Split ResourceBasedAuth Decorator

@iddan, as per out talk -
please split the decorator and create two seperate decorators. suggested names:

InjectContextValue Decorator
ContextAuthorize Decorator

Entities Page - Behaivour

  • The side panel should always stay open and visible.
  • When creating a new Entity Field, all the properties on the screen should show a default value (e.g. max length)
  • A text field should be available on the entity box to add new fields without using the side panel
    • the user clicks on the + sign
    • a textbox is shown on the entity box, while the side panel shows a "new field" state.
    • The user types in the field name and clicks on Enter (he can also use the side panel for full features)
    • The new field is created with default values
    • The focus remains on the textbox to allow the user to create more Fields
  • when the user types in a new entity name, the display name should be automatically created with spaces based on CamelCase format.
    The same for entities, including Plural Display Name.
  • the Name field should only be limited to a specific set of characters. no spaces, no dots, etc (TBD)

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