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spidertest's Introduction


Test HTTP responses from URLs obtained by requesting, discovering and spidering URLs and selecting requests and their response tests based on URL patterns and request headers.


SpiderTest is NodeJS module designed for lazy people - like me - who prefer to have a machine not only run a bunch of web tests but also to kind of implement them too.

For example my website might have lots of different pages with links to other pages and resources like images, css, javascript - whatever. Assuming all of those pages and resources are accessible via URLs from some starting page (e.g. the home page) then I would like to make sure that all of those URLs work and that they return the correct headers in the response. I might also want to ensure that common features on every html page like headers, footers and menus are in the page and as expected. There might a subset of pages that should have the same content and I might want to check this is true. I might want to run some tests against CSS or Javascript content that is accessed also.

Ideally I don't want to write the same tests multiple times for common features. Also, I don't really want to have to keep checking that all my tests cover all the links available especially since someone else could be modifying the site. I want the machine to do these things for me.

Finally, I want to have test reporting flexibility. I don't want my reporters to be coupled to the tests. I would like to be able to write reporters against a flexible API that don't have to worry about running tests and I would like to provide more than one if I want.

SpiderTest aims to provide these features. It takes as input a start URL and a path to a folder containing test definitions (it's BDD by the way so tests can be nice and descriptive). If it gets a response from the start URL it looks for any tests matching the URL and executes the ones that it finds. Then it looks at the response to find more links that it can request. If it finds any that match any of its tests then it requests them, gets a response and executes any matching tests and so the cycle continues until there are no more URLs to test. Each matching test that it finds it associates with the corresponding URL. By discovering URLs and pairing them up with tests SpiderTest could be said to be automating test generation. The test results for each URL tested are encapsulated within a test suite result set.

SpiderTest reporters are event driven - or at least event driven in the way SAX parsers are event driven (I'm not saying that reporters are SAX parsers btw just that they operate in the same way). When all the tests have been executed the test results are iterated. Test results are structured as a hierarchy that comprises of test suites, topics and tests. Each visited URL that has one or more associated tests defines a test suite. Within a test suite (i.e. a matched URL) there may be multiple topics and each topic may contain multiple individual tests.

Each reporter implements an interface defined within Reporter.js (this is documented below and in the code). The reporter callback methods are invoked as the tests are iterated providing the necessary information to generate test reports in a variety of formats at different levels of detail as required.


  • Consider implementing automated tests by deducing response expectations from requests
  • Allow multiple sets of request headers to be specifed for a given topic,
  • Try to include the URL from which a failing test is called from - referer maybe?
  • Allow path variables in topic names
  • Expose more options
  • Allow request parameters to be specified in test definitions
  • Allow tests to be selected based on response header values
  • Better support JSON and XML responses (e.g. like finding URLs in these docs and using them)
  • Maybe support other kinds of HTTP request (other than GET)
  • Fix cross domain spidering - currently it isn't possible because the host routes are always based on start url
  • Describe how to use the API in this README
  • Update ConsoleReporter to allow an option to be specified to only display failing tests


npm install spidertest

By default spidertest installs globally.


Some examples:

  1. Spider test a website using default options and the tests defined in the examples/tests folder:

    spidertest --testDir=/Users/aboyd/github/spiderTest/examples/tests --spiderStart=

  2. Same as above but this time specify a the JUnitReporter:

    spidertest --testDir=/Users/aboyd/github/spiderTest/examples/tests --spiderStart= --reporters=/Users/aboyd/github/spidertest/lib/reporters/JUnitReporter

  3. Same as above but this time specify both a ConsoleReporter and a MultiFileJUnitReporter and have the JUnit test report files placed into /tmp:

    spidertest --testDir=/Users/aboyd/github/spiderTest/examples/tests --spiderStart= --reporters=/Users/aboyd/github/spidertest/lib/reporters/MultiFileJUnitReporter,/Users/aboyd/github/spidertest/lib/reporters/ConsoleReporter --reporterOptions='{"outputDir":"/tmp"}'

  4. Multiple start urls (2 in this case):

    spidertest --spiderStart=, --testDir=/Users/aboyd/github/spidertest/examples/tests/

Output of spidertest --help:

Usage: spiderTest [configOption] (see spiderTest -h for more detail)

  --config              Path to a json configuration file defining custom
                        options. All command line options - except this one
                        and --help - will be used if present. Options
                        specified directly on the command line override file
                        loaded options.
  --failOnMissingRoute  Set to true if spidering should stop when a route to
                        an encountered link is not available
                                                             [default: "false"]
  --failOnNoResponse    Set to true if spidering should stop when a HTTP
                        request fails to get a response      [default: "false"]
  --help, -h            This message.
  --reporters           Comma separated list of paths to reporter.js Reporter
                        implementations for reporting test results.
                                  [default: "../lib/reporters/ConsoleReporter"]
  --reporterOptions     String of options passed into the createReporter()
                        Reporter function. If the given string is a JSON
                        object it is converted into a JSON object before being
                        passed to the reporters. It is up to the reporter to
                        determine what to do with it.
  --retainCookies       Retain cookies for future requests i.e. cookies
                        returned by a response will be resent on the request
                        to subsequent spidered URLs.          [default: "true"]
  --spiderCrossDomain   Allow spidering to continue across different domains
                                                             [default: "false"]
  --spiderStart         The full http url(s) from which to start spidering.
                        This can be a single url or comma separated list of
  --testDir             Absolute path to folder containing javascript test

Test Definition

Tests can use any third party assertion library (at least there are no deliberate restrictions). They are defined as an exported javascript object named topics. The topics object is composed of a collection of topics. Each topic has an associated collection of tests as well as some additional attributes that determine things like the URL patterns against which to apply the topic tests. Each test within a topic is composed of a test name (which can be descriptive) and an associated function that performs the test. The test assert property is a function that receives a single parameter called the spiderPayload.

Here is a very basic example:

var should = require("should");
exports.topics = {
    "Common HTTP Tests" : {
        urlPattern: "/",
        tests: {
            "HTTP responses should have a statusCode of 200": {
                assert: function(spiderPayload) {
                    should.equal(spiderPayload.response.statusCode, 200)

The above test definition defines only a single topic with a single test - there can be multiple of each within the topics object. The test asserts:

For any URL that includes a "/" run the associated tests. In this case the associated test is a single test that verifies that the HTTP status code of the response is equal to 200.

The name of the topic in the above example is Common HTTP Tests and the name of the test is HTTP responses should have a statusCode of 200.

The urlPattern attribute specifies a regular expression to use to match URLs. Each matched URL has the associated tests run against its response. A single URL may be matched multiple times in which case all associated tests are run.

Request Headers

Test definitions can include request headers to use when performing requests of matching URLs. Request headers are specified with with a requestHeaders attribute. For example:

"Common HTTP Tests With Headers" : {
    urlPattern: "/",
    requestHeaders: {
        "accept-language": "ja-jp",
        "user-agent": "Android"
    tests: {
        "The accept-language request header should be ja-jp": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                should.equal("ja-jp", spiderPayload.response.request.headers["accept-language"]);
        "The user-agent request header should be Android": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                should.equal("Android", spiderPayload.response.request.headers["user-agent"]);

Tests are only executed if the associated request used the specified set of headers. If no headers are specified then a default set is used. The default request headers and their values are as follows:

  • 'accept': "application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,image/jpg,/;q=0.5",
  • 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
  • 'accept-charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
  • 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/534.7'
  • 'referer': current url

The following headers are ignored when matching requests with their corresponding headers (i.e. when deciding which test topics should be selected for a given request):

  • content-length
  • cookie
  • referer

Spider Payload

The Spider Payload an the object that is provided to each test assert function upon execution. It contains lots of data concerning the response of the associated HTTP request. A sample payload is provided in the examples folder as a full description is beyond the scope of this README. However, some of the more obviously useful properties are listed below:

Response Headers


Provide the values of HTTP response headers.



Request URL


Provide the URL of the associated HTTP request.


Response Status


Provide the HTTP response status code.

Response Body


Provide the entire response document as a string.


Along with the spider payload, $ is also provided to each test assert function. $ is a subset of JQuery (i.e cheerio that allows JQuery commands to be executed against the response. E.g.:

"Index tests" : {
    urlPattern: "testIndex.html",
    tests: {
        "The first css reference should be a link to testCss/some.css": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload, $) {
                var link = $("head").find("link")[0];
                var linkHref = link.attribs.href;

Path Variables

Sometimes it is useful to specify path variables in the urlPattern associated with a topic and to subsequently have access to the values of these path variables within a test. Path Variables provide this feature and enable path variable values to be included within test names and incorporated within test assertions.

Path variables are specified by prefixing a path segment in the urlPattern with a ':'. Path variables can only be associated with a complete path segment. Path variables cannot include a path separator (i.e. '/') and can only be associated with a single path segment - though multiple path variables can be used in the urlPattern. Any path separators that are present before or after the path variable in the real URL must also be included in the urlPattern in order to match the real URL.

Here is a contrived example:

var should = require("should");

exports.topics = {
    "Tests with URL path substitutions": {
        urlPattern: "/:parentFolder/yetAnotherPage.html",
        tests: {
            "The parent folder should be :parentFolder": {
                assert: function(spiderPayload, $, pathVariables) {
                    should.equal('testFolder', pathVariables.parentFolder);

The above example while not completely realistic does illustrate the use of a single path variable. The path variable is named parentFolder and is declared in the urlPattern. The test will run against all URLs that match the pattern '/.*/yetAnotherPage.html'. Note that the initial '/' is significant. Without it then the test will still run but the parentFolder variable will not be assigned a value because the real URL path starts with a '/' and path variables cannot traverse path separators.

Path variables can be included within test names. In this case when the test name is passed to the reporter its variables are replaced by their corresponding values.

Path variables are passed into test assert functions as the third parameter after $. The pathVariables object contains the names and associated values for all path variables. Path variable names within the pathVariables object have the same name as their declaration without the ':' prefix.

In the above example the path variable declared as :parentFolder is referenced using 'pathVariables.parentFolder' from within the test assert function.


Mixins provide a means to re-use one or more test assertions across multiple different topics. Mixins are defined within the test file containing the topics within which they are used. Using a @include directive as a test name one or more mixins can be included within a topic. The simplest way to explain them and show the syntax is with an example:

var should = require("should");

 * Define some mixins.
exports.mixins = {
    commonHTMLTests: {
        "HTML responses should have a statusCode of 200": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                should.equal(spiderPayload.response.statusCode, 200)
        "HTML responses should have a content type of text/html; charset=UTF-8": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                should.equal("text/html; charset=UTF-8", spiderPayload.response.headers['content-type']);
    headerTests: {
        "There should be a header section in the page": {
            assert: function (spiderPayload, $) {

 * Define the topics whose tests may reference one or more mixins.
exports.topics = {
    "Index Page Tests" : {
        urlPattern: "testIndex.html",
        tests: {                                                // specify multiple mixins for the tests
            '@include': ['commonHTMLTests', 'headerTests']
    "Another Page Tests" : {
        urlPattern: "anotherPage.html",
        tests: {                                                // include multiple mixins and an inline test
            '@include': ['commonHTMLTests', 'headerTests'],
            'some test': {
                assert: function() {
                    should.equal(1, 1);
    "Yet Another Page Tests": {
        urlPattern: "yetAnotherPage.html",
        tests: {                                                // specify a single mixin for the tests
            '@include': 'commonHTMLTests'

Limit Spidering within Test Definition

Using the @continueSpidering directive from within a topic.tests definition, spidering can be halted at the level of the topic. When a @continueSpidering directive whose value is false (boolean) is encountered the spider that hit that topic will not spider further down its current path.

In the example below the testIndex.html page contains a link to anotherPage.html. Normally this would cause the spider to go to anotherPage.html. However, in this instance that does not happen because there is a @continueSpidering directive that prevents the spider from traversing links within the testIndex.html page.

exports.topics = {
    "Index tests" : {
        urlPattern: "testIndex.html",
        tests: {
            '@continueSpidering': false,                        // don't continue spidering
            "The first css reference should be a link to testCss/some.css": {
                assert: function (spiderPayload, $) {
                    var link = $("head").find("link")[0];
                    var linkHref = link.attribs.href;
    "Another Page tests" : {                                    // this topic is not executed because spidering has stopped
        urlPattern: "anotherPage.html",
        tests: {
            "Ensure that when spidering is stopped be a previous test, that spidering does indeed stop": {
                assert: function () {
                    ("This test should not be executed");


Have topic tests executed based on the value of a provided cookie?

The topic selection process ignores the cookie request header (content-length and referer are also ignored). This means that setting a cookie header won't affect whether or not the topic tests are executed. The reason is primarily because the server might be setting cookies and the retainCookies option may be enabled (it is by default) and this makes including cookie headers in test selection I think unnecessarily complicated given that there is a simple workaround:

Adding any custom header along with the cookie header will ensure that the associated tests are only executed when that custom header is in the request and since the cookie header is also there the same effect is achieved. Here is an example:

exports.topics = {
    "Specific cookie based test number 1: hello" : {
        urlPattern: "testIndex.html",
        requestHeaders: {
            "myCustomHeader": 'hello',
            "cookie": "greeting=hello"
        tests: {
            "The request greeting cookie should be set to 'hello'": {
                assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                    var cookieHeader = spiderPayload.response.request.headers["cookie"];
                    should.equal("greeting=hello", cookieHeader);
    "Specific cookie based test number 2: ohaiyo" : {
        urlPattern: "testIndex.html",
        requestHeaders: {
            "myCustomHeader": 'ohaiyo',
            "cookie": "greeting=ohaiyo"
        tests: {
            "The request greeting cookie should be set to 'ohaiyo'": {
                assert: function (spiderPayload) {
                    var cookieHeader = spiderPayload.response.request.headers["cookie"];
                    should.equal("greeting=ohaiyo", cookieHeader);

In future there may be an enhancement that allows test selection to be specifically controlled from within the test definition itself rather than rely on request headers as in the above example. Until then use of custom request headers is a possibly alternative.


Out of the box SpiderTest comes with 3 reporters:

  • ConsoleReporter : output to the console in formatted text (this is the default reporter)
  • JUnitReporter : output to the console all test results as a single XML document in JUnit format
  • MultiFileJUnitReporter : output to the file system each test suite result set as an individual file

Any of these (or all of them) can be specified as the reporters for a spidertest run. If no reporter is specified as an option then the ConsoleReporter is used.

New reporters can be created either by extended/editing any of the existing reporters or extending Reporter.js.

Reporters are specified using the reporters option which should be a comma separated string of paths to the reporter modules to use. See spidertest --help for details.

The Reporter API is described below.


Defines an interface (and abstraction) that should be implemented by SpiderTest Reporter implementations to report on the results of a SpiderTest test run.

Reporter instances are provided to a 'spidertest' invocation via command line or file based options. Each Reporter instance will have its callback methods invoked when the reporting phase of SpiderTest kicks in subsequent to completion of all test executions.

The reporting phase of SpiderTest iterates over all tests result components in the same way a SAX Parser iterates over all the nodes of an XML document. Test result components consist of: testsuites, testsuite, topic, test, testSuccess, testFailure, testError. These form a hierarchy with testsuites at the root.

When a test result component is encountered during the results phase of SpiderTest one or more corresponding callback methods within each provided reporter are invoked. These callback invocations provide the reporter with the means to report on the test results.

Each Reporter implementation should extend this Reporter class and override those methods that it needs to perform its required reporting function. There is no requirement to override every method.

Here is an example of a custom reporter definition that does nothing except provide the empty Reporter functions.

 var CustomReporter = function() {};
 CustomReporter.prototype = Reporter.createReporter();
 CustomReporter.prototype.constructor = CustomReporter;
 exports.createReporter = function () {
     return new CustomReporter();

###Reporter.prototype.suitesStart = function ()###

Invoked at the beginning of the reporting phase of SpiderTest. Indicates the start of the reporting phase.

###Reporter.prototype.suitesEnd = function(testCount, successCount, failedCount, errorCount, suitesTime)###

The final method to be invoked during the reporting phase of SpiderTest. Indicates the end of the reporting phase.


  • testCount Number the combined total number of tests executed
  • successCount Number the combined total number of tests that passed
  • failedCount Number the combined total number of tests that failed
  • errorCount Number the combined total number of errors that were generated by tests
  • suitesTime Number the combined total time in seconds that it took to execute tests. (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered responses.)

###Reporter.prototype.suiteStart = function(suiteName, suiteDescription, testCount, successCount, failedCount, errorCount, suiteTime)###

Invoked when a new test suite is encountered. ####Parameters####

  • suiteName String name of the suite. This is the URL that is associated the the tests within the suite.
  • suiteDescription String description of the suite. This is available if defined within the test definition.
  • testCount Number the number of tests in the suite
  • successCount Number the number of tests that passed in the suite
  • failedCount Number the number of tests that failed in the suite
  • errorCount Number the number of tests that generated an error (to be clear this refers to errors during test execution as defined within the tests definitions and not to errors encountered spidering URLs)
  • suiteTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the tests in the test suite. (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered responses within the suite.)

###Reporter.prototype.suiteEnd = function()###

Invoked at the end of a testsuite. Merely indicates that a transition to the next suite is about to occur having invoked all the callbacks for all the tests within the current test suite.

###Reporter.prototype.topicStart = function(topicName, topicDescription, testCount, successCount, failedCount, errorCount, topicTime)###

Invoked for each topic within a test suite. A topic allows several related tests to be grouped together. ####Parameters####

  • topicName String the topic name as defined by the associated test definition
  • topicDescription String the description of the topic as defined by the associated test definition
  • testCount Number the number of tests in the topic
  • successCount Number the number of tests that passed in the topic
  • failedCount Number the number of tests that failed in the topic
  • errorCount Number the number of topic tests that generated an error (to be clear this refers to errors during test execution as defined within the tests definitions and not to errors encountered spidering URLs)
  • topicTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the tests in the topic. (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered responses within the topic.)

###Reporter.prototype.topicEnd = function()###

Invoked at the end of a topic. Merely indicates that a transition to the next topic is about to occur having invoked all the callbacks for all the tests within the current topic.

###Reporter.prototype.testStart = function(testName, testTime, testFile)###

Invoked for each test within a topic. ####Parameters####

  • testName String the name of the test as defined by the associated test definition
  • testTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the test. (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered response.)
  • testFile String the name of the file containing the associated test definition from which the test was drawn

###Reporter.prototype.testEnd = function()###

Invoked at the end of a test. Merely indicates that a transition to the next test is about to occur having invoked all the callbacks associated with the current test.

###Reporter.prototype.testSuccess = function(testName, testTime, testFile)###

Invoked for each successful test. ####Parameters####

  • testName String the name of the test as defined by the associated test definition
  • testTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the test (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered response.)
  • testFile String the name of the file containing the associated test definition from which the test was drawn

###Reporter.prototype.testFailure = function(testName, error, testTime, testFile)###

Invoked for each failed test. ####Parameters####

  • testName String the name of the test as defined by the associated test definition
  • testTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the test (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered response.)
  • testFile String the name of the file containing the associated test definition from which the test was drawn

###Reporter.prototype.testError = function(testName, error, testTime, testFile)###

Invoked for test that resulted in an error (to be clear this refers to errors during test execution as defined within the tests definitions and not to errors encountered spidering URLs) ####Parameters####

  • testName String the name of the test as defined by the associated test definition
  • testTime Number the time in seconds that it took to execute the test (Note that this does not include the time that it takes to obtain responses from a web site - just the time for test execution against the spidered response.)
  • testFile String the name of the file containing the associated test definition from which the test was drawn


###exports.createReporter = function (options)###

Reporter implementations should implement this method to return a new instance of their Reporter. ####Parameters####

  • options String to pass into the reporter. It is up to the reporter to determine what to do with these options.


Reporter a new instance of Reporter that would be expected to override at least some of the Reporter prototype methods.


First download. Then install dependencies with:

npm link

After that to run the tests:

npm test


Contributions are welcome. Please create tests for any updates and ensure jshint is run on any new files. Currently npm test will run jshint on all lib and test javascript as well as running all the tests.

Bugs & Feature Suggestions

spidertest's People


allanmboyd avatar blakmatrix avatar


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spidertest's Issues

Provide configurable expectation for handling all routes

At the moment if spider cannot find a route for a given URL then it just silently ignores that URL. This is fine and something that it useful. However, there are times when it is useful to know if spider has not found a route for a URL. If for example I am expecting a URL to be handled then it would help if spider told me that it was not.

A suggested solution to this is to provide a configuration option to spider such that if enabled spider will throw an exception if a route is not found for a given URL.

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