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vue2vis's Introduction


This monorepo hosts Vue2 component wrapper for the visjs libraries. If you are looking for the old [email protected] please use the branch 0.x

Build Status Coverage Status Software License Latest Version Issues lerna


Please visit individual packages for installation and usage

For more details please check the full VisJs documentation.

List of currently implemented modules

  • Timeline
  • Graph2d
  • Graph3d
  • Network

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.

Build Setup

# Once you have cloned this repo, install dependencies
yarn install
yarn lerna bootstrap

# build for development and production with minification
yarn prepare


yarn test:unit

Run demo locally

# Run demo at localhost:8080
yarn serve:graph2d


yarn serve:network


yarn serve:timeline

Go to http://localhost:8080/ to see running examples

NOTE: If you make changes to the library you should run yarn prepare again in the root folder. The dev server should detect modification and reload the demo


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

vue2vis's People


alexcode avatar glandos avatar m-hoogie avatar menighin avatar skystar-p avatar


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vue2vis's Issues

How to use "select" event when an element on timeline is selected?

I am trying to add a "select" event so whenever user selects an element on the timeline, it adds a css class to a v-card that holds the details of that element.

<timeline ref="timeline" :items="events" :options="{}" :events="['select']" @select="highlightSelected" :groups="[{id: 0, content: ''}]"></timeline>

<v-card v-for item in messages>{{item.title}} </v-card>

highlightSelected(props){ console.log(props.items) }, It returns the item.title of the selected element. Now I want to check this item.title with the one in v-card and if they were the same, I want to highlight the card. I appreciate your help

How to get start and end time on drop in vis.js timeline?

I implemented the vis.js timeline in my vue.js project, but I have a problem with the drop. First of all I think the drop does not works in that library, second how can i get the start and the end time and date when I drag one item and then drop it?

Because the drop event is not working I'm trying to do it with


and I'm getting the data back with.

let properties = this.$refs.timeline.getEventProperties(event)

But I'm getting the time where the mouse pointer stops.

So is there any way to get the start time and end time after drop I mean after I stop dragging the item?

Because I need to save start time and the end time into my database for that dragged item.


Dependency not found

Upon updating to 0.0.17 (the release from 2 days ago) I can no longer import the vue2vis library.

I get this:

This dependency was not found:

vue2vis in ./src/main.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save vue2vis

I think the way to use the component changed to:

Vue.component('timeline', vue2vis.Timeline);

when before I was including the components like this:

import { Timeline, DataSet } from 'vue2vis';

@alexcode could you explain if the include process has changed with the updates?

@stabilization-progress does not run sometimes

I want to add a loding-bar when vis network is loading, so I add this

     startStabilizing() {
        this.topoloading = true;
      }, // to control loading status hidden or appear
     stablelizingDone(progress) {
        // this.topoloading = false;

if I remove this method:this.topoloading = true; it will print both "startStabilizing" & "done" .
If I add this this.topoloading = true; it will only print "startStabilizing" but no "done" ... It is wired.

Timeline: on item click show menu with options

Currently, when I click on an item the delete button is showing.
I would like to replace this delete button with options button and after click on it mini menu pops up near the item.

Any advice on how to do this?

Webpack problem

After upgrading this package to 0.0.14, Vue fail to load vue2vis, saying window is not defined (even if the SSR is off).

I solved this problem by adding config.output.globalObject = 'this' in ./scripts/webpack.js. But I want to inspect this issue more detailed.

Can you take a look at this issue?

Trying to getTime on Graph2d

Error when I am not actually using dates or time
Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of undefined"

Using without groups parameter

Can we use timeline without groups parameter like in the example at

It does not render when groups parameter not given as in the example. I would not prefer showing a Group name at the left part of timeline.

     <timeline ref="timeline_ref"
         :options="options"> </timeline>
    data() {
      return {
        items: [
          {id: 1, content: 'A', start: '2018-11-09T00:00:00'},
          {id: 2, content: 'B', start: '2018-11-10T00:00:00'},
          {id: 3, content: 'B', start: '2018-11-12T00:00:00'},
        options: {
          editable: true

Best Regards,

Multiple instance


I'm trying to add multiple instance of network on the same page. This almost works, but calling methods via $refs.networkA.... gets mixed up.

As far as I can see, the reason is the module variable "network" inside Network.vue. It will point to the last instance created.

Wind feature is missing from physics option

Hi Guys!

First of all thanks for your great work everything works fine! The only thing what I missing is the wind feature from physics option. This one:

Is there a chance you will add that to the component?

Custom template for network

The code provided on the master branch via this fiddle shows a custom component for a timeline item.

How can custom elements be added to a network? I tried to do it a similar way to the fiddle, but it doesn't seem to have that option.

Here is an example using raw vis. JS Bin found from this issue in Vis issue #3436

currentTimeTick event not firing for version > 0.0.13

Hi guys,

I have a simple Timeline component with few items..
one of them has to keep refreshing to maintain the end, right on the "currentTime" red line.

To do that I need the event currentTimeTick.
Everything works perfectly with version 0.0.13 but if I update to the latest 0.0.16 it stop working.
Doesn't look like much changed across the versions.. am I doing something wrong?

My component:

            <timeline ref="timeline" class="timeline"


            getDataSet(dataSet) {
                this.dataSet = dataSet
            currentTimeTick() {

                var lastItem = this.items[this.items.length - 1]
                if (lastItem != null) {
                     lastItem.end = moment().toDate();

Edit: version 0.0.14 doesn't work. as soon as I switch back to 0.0.13 everything is fine.

How to create Streaming Data Graph

I would like to generate streaming data graph as in the official samples: (Static selected)

How can I create such a graph with vue2vis graph2d component. In the official sample, it uses a renderStep function where it invokes a getWindow function to proceed. But vue2vis graph2d component does not involve a getWindow method.

Could you provide help to build a streaming data example?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Erhan Saydam

Infinite update loop with hierarchical

The console is reporting

You may have an infinite update loop in watcher with expression "options"

When using the following code.

<network class="network" ref="network" :nodes="this.vue2vis.nodes" :edges="this.vue2vis.edges" :options="options"

options: { layout: { hierarchical: { direction: "LR" } }, nodes: { shape: "square" }, }

When ever "hierarchical" is used even while empty, this message appears.

Not able to import the module.

I tried importing this.
import { Timeline } from 'vue2vis';
But it is giving me same error
This dependency was not found:

* vue2vis in ./src/main.js

To install it, you can run: npm install --save vue2vis
> Listening at http://localhost:8080


There's a link in the readme to a changelog, but I don't see it anywhere. The link 404's. Am I missing something?

Marker Support

From what I can tell changes were added in the 0.0.17 release to support customTimeMarkers. But I don't think markers where added in the visjs library until after 4.21.0.

@alexcode do you know if 0.0.18 should support markers or will this not be until #52 has been addressed?

New release?

I wonder when does new release comes out. It would be great if there's new version of vue2vis with bug-fixed version. Thanks!

Events not working like drop and others.


I'm trying to make a drop event after I drag my items but when I drop it nothing happens the function that i set for the drop event is not called.

In my template I set the event for drop.

<timeline v-if="items.length > 0" ref="timeline" :items="items" :groups="groups" :options="options" :events="['drop', 'changed']" @drop="myDropCallback()"> </timeline>

And in methods I set the function.

myDropCallback: function (value) { console.log('drop event') },

Does anyone know why is this happening? Thanks.

visjs and visjs-community

The main visjs has been end of life'd in favor of individual repositories for the individual features.

Here's the post about it.

Looks like the network and timeline have been broken out into their own modules.

Considering the main visjs repository is no longer being updated. It would be great to update vue2vis to use these new modules as they become available. I'd be willing to work on the timeline component. But I'd like to know if @alexcode is open to moving forward with this before I start working on it.


"locale" option not working

I'm trying to change the localisation from "en" to "de".
From Vis documentation ( I see that there is an option for that, as long moment.js with locales is installed.
In my vue.js project I have added moment.js and got it working, so that the localisation is set global to "de".
But it seems that if I configure the options for the timeline like below, it doesn't have any effect at runtime:
... timeline: { groups: [ { "id": "0", content: 'Timeline 1' }, ], items: [ { id: '0', group: '0', start: new Date(), content: 'event', title: 'xxx', className: '' }, ], options: { locale: 'de', } } ...
Do I missing something else?
Best regards

How to access onMove timeline event

In the Vis library you can pass in callbacks within the options of the timeline. Such as onMove, onRemove, etc (vis). I can't find a way to use this in the vue scope. Is there a way to bind these or an alternate route?

Import problem with vue2vis.


when I try to import the timeline component as it says in the Readme I'm getting this error

'vue2vis' is not defined.

I tried to import it like this import Vue2Vis from 'vue2vis' and then call it with Vue2Vis.Timeline but this does not works neither.

Does anyone know the solutiong for that. Thanks!

These relative modules were not found: ./img/...

When I try to use the library, at compile time, webpack throws these errors:

ERROR  Failed to compile with 13 errors                                                                                                                                   

These relative modules were not found:

* ./img/network/addNodeIcon.png in ./node_modules/css-loader?{"sourceMap":false}!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler?{"vue":true,"id":"data-v-55649324","scoped":false,"hasI

What could be wrong?

Thanks in advance, have a good day.

Sorry, but I can`t run demo locally

I take all the steps, according to the manual:

$ npm link
$ cd examples
$ npm install
$ npm link vue2vis
$ npm run dev
but I had an error. Am I doing smth wrong?

callback function binding in options.manipulation

The network example shows the usage of the network module. However, if dragging one node (say node data n) to another location, the attributes n.x and n.y won't change accordingly. One may simply replicate this by adding one duplicate instance of network component and binding the same data (nodes and edges) with networks. If one node (node 1) in one network is moved, the corresponding node (node 1') won't move in the other network. It looks the data are not binded in the other direction.
I try to have a workaround by binding a method to handle the dragging event. However, I cannot since I'm not using webpack and in-DOM template would induce an error.
Could you share any clue? Thanks.

Import doesn't work

I cannot manage to import vue2vis component with a super basic setup :

    <timeline ref="timeline" :items="items" :groups="groups" :options="options">
import Timeline from 'vue2vis'
export default {
  name: 'MyTimeline',
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      groups: [{
        id: 0,
        content: 'Group 1'
      items: [{
        id: 0,
        group: 0,
        start: new Date(),
        content: 'Item 1'
      options: {
        editable: true
<style scoped></style>

The error thrown is :

[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.

'import/no-cycle' error when running examples

cd examples
npm install
npm run dev
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):

  ✘  Definition for rule 'import/no-cycle' was not found  

✘ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)


Module Warning (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):

  ✘  Definition for rule 'import/no-cycle' was not found  

Question: Is it possible to use a vue component for an items content?

I'd love to be able to pass in a vue component as an items content. Has anyone figured out a way to do so?

I was able to use the template option to render vue components for each item, however vis calls the template method often when interacting with a timeline causing new vue instances to be generated each time.

template: function(item, element, data) {

    // create a class from the component that was passed in with the item
    let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(item.component);

    // create a new vue instance from that component and pass the item in as a prop
    let instance = new ComponentClass({
        propsData: { data: item },
        parent: vm

    // mount it

    // return the mounted element
    return instance.$el;

If I return only the rendered html from the component and destroy it then I get something that is reactive (the html rerenders whenever the item is modified) but I lose any ability to interact with the component itself (since its just html and not a vue instance).

template: function(item, element, data) {

    // create a class from the component that was passed in with the item
    let ComponentClass = Vue.extend(item.component);

    // create a new vue instance from that component and pass the item in as a prop
    let instance = new ComponentClass({
        propsData: { data: item },
        parent: vm

    // mount it

    // grab the html
    const html = instance.$el.outerHTML;

    // destroy it so we don't end up with a bunch of unnecessary vue instances

    // return rendered html
    return html;

Anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?

Timeline lifecycle methods

I could not use lifecycle methods of timeline . I tried to understand the document but could not understand. For example when timeline is mounted, I would like to focus an item ( i.e invoke focus method of timeline). I tried code below but could not succeed.

     <timeline ref="timeline_ref"
         :items="items"  :groups="groups"  :options="options"
@items-mounted="focusTimeline"> </timeline>


Best regards.

Doubleclick on timeline is not working

Doubleclick on timeline is not triggering the method.

<timeline ref="refTimeline" :items="tlItems" :groups="groups" :options="options" @doubleClick="addtoTimeline">

the addtoTimeline method is not invoked when double clicked. It was working on previous releases.

Could you fix it.

Thank you,
Kind regards.

Groups does not display if originally empty

If we place an array of groups that is originally empty on mount/create, and then update the groups prop with a list of groups, the timeline is not updated to display those groups.

  <div class="timeline">
 <button @click="addGroups()">Add Groups</button>

<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Timeline } from 'vue2vis';
import 'vue2vis/dist/vue2vis.css';
import getTimelineOptions from './timeline-options';
import { DataItem, DataGroup } from 'vis';

  components: {
export default class ScheduleTimeline extends Vue {
  items: DataItem[] = [];
  groups: DataGroup[] = [];

  addGroups() {
    this.groups = [
      { id: 1, content: 'Group 1' },
      { id: 2, content: 'Group 2' }

The current workaround is to just add an Unassigned or empty group.

export default class ScheduleTimeline extends Vue {
  items: DataItem[] = [];
  groups: DataGroup[] = [ { id: 0, content: 'unassigned' } ];

I am try to migrate to vue-cli3 setting, but I got error

ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors 4:23:06 PM

These dependencies were not found:

  • -!../node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./vue2vis/dist/vue2vis.css in ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/v2vNetwork.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=css&
  • vue2vis in ./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./src/v2vNetwork.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&

To install them, you can run: npm install --save -!../node_modules/css-loader/index.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-2!./vue2vis/dist/vue2vis.css vue2vis

Network: Get NodeID on click

Hi @alexcode,

great work with the adapter, thank you!

I am having trouble figuring out how to get the Node ID when clicking on it.

I assume the event @select-node="????" but how do I get the ID of the selected node?

I would really appreciate if you could lead me in the right direction.


loading a number of nodes too low

Hi, I use your network component in my project. but I have a trouble when the nodes more than 7000。I will draw the graph very long and the whole page is very carlton. How to optimize the interface ?

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