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grunt-include-replace's Issues

Warning: Arguments to path.join must be strings

mac 10.8
node v0.10.15
grunt v0.4.1

includereplace: {
      dist: {
        options: {},
        files: [
          {src: 'static-html-dev/*.html', desc: 'static/'},
          {src: 'static-html-dev/settings/*.html', desc: 'static/settings/'},
          {src: 'static-html-dev/user/*.html', desc: 'static/user/'}

BTW:it is all right when use node v0.8.x

Not creating dist directory

Just started to look at this plugin. Looks really useful, except that I am not able to make it work. The includereplace:dist task runs, but the dist directory is not created. Here's my grunt file: what am I doing wrong?

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // Project configuration.

    // Remove the build directory
    clean: {
      clean: ['dist/']

    // Build the site using grunt-include-replace
    includereplace: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          includesDir: 'inc/'
        src: '*.html',
        dest: 'dist/'

  // Load plugins used by this task gruntfile

  // Task definitions
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'includereplace:dist']);

Output file missing . in name

I am using the following config:

"grunt-include-replace": "~0.3.0"
includereplace: {
  dist: {
    files: {
      'dist/': '*.html'

Log shows:

Running "includereplace:dist" (includereplace) task
>> Processed in.html

Done, without errors.

However, the resulting file is


The '.' is omitted

File path

Hi there,

Is it possible to get the file path in the processIncludeContents function for manipulation?

I'm trying to get the dynamic URL in static HTML pages.


Destination can't be a file

I've tried and tried but I can't seem to get the dest to be anything but a directory. I'd really like to be able to select a single file, replace a few variables in it, and then output it to a new file in the same directory. I don't want to overwrite the old file so I need to be able to provide a destination file name, however every attempt I've made has resulted in new directories being created instead.

Even the grunt files object method doesn't work:

files: {
    '<% yeoman.appScripts %>/app.min.js': '<% yeoman.appScripts %>/app.js'

(Yes, I'm calling my destination file .min.js because I need to call it something different and I plan to minify it immediately afterwards anyways)

Messing with indentation in the resulting html

Having this structure in the main work html file:

<!-- @@include('head.html') -->

    <!-- @@include('test.html') -->


and this in the include:

<div class="indent1">
  <div class="indent2">
    <span class="indent3"></span>

results in this:


    <div class="indent1">
  <div class="indent2">
    <span class="indent3"></span>


expected result was:


    <div class="indent1">
      <div class="indent2">
        <span class="indent3"></span>


Flatten destination output


Is it possible to flatten the output of the files in the dest folder? My templates are nested relative to the grunt file into something like /src/templates/index.html so by declaring

dest: 'dist';

the output is


where i'd prefer



access to local variables

If no local variables are passed to processIncludeContents() I would like to use default values. Can I somehow define new local variables for the replace operation in the processIncludeContents function?

rename like grunt-contrib-copy?

These produce /bin/src/index.production.html:

files:[ { src:"../src/index.production.html", dest:"../bin/index.html" } ]
src: "../src/index.production.html",
dest: "../bin/index.html",

This produces /bin/src/index.html/index.production.html:

files:[ { cwd:"../src/", src:"index.production.html", dest:"../bin/index.html", expand:true, flatten:true } ]

These produce nothing:

files:{ "../src/index.production.html" : "../bin/index.html" }
files:{ "../src/index.production.html" : ["../bin/index.html"] }

requirejs: Using docroot on windows results in windows directory separators in path

Hi! Thanks for your plugin to begin with! :)

As the title says, on windows I'm currently ending up with


which is only a cosmetic problem for css files as it still gets loaded, but if I use the relative path


as a basic to include more files with requirejs, it does convert the above path to


Could you include an option to define the directory separator? Or maybe have it solved automatically?


Can't use `/* @@` and ` */` As prefix and suffix?

Mostly looking for confirmation--Is it true that I can't use JS comments to contain my includes?


    prefix: '<!-- @@'
    suffix: ' -->'

Does not work:

    prefix: '/* @@'
    suffix: ' */'

Is this because those characters are incompatible with the regex used to find the replacement areas?

Send parameters through nested includes

I'm trying to send parameters through nested includes but occurs the following error when executing the task: Unexpected token J Use --force to continue.


@@include('/path/to/include/message.html', {"name": "Joe Bloggs"})


@@include('/path/to/include/message2.html', {"name": @@name})


<p>Hello @@name!</p>

Grunt aborting - Warning: undefined is not a function Use --force to continue

I have the below config in my grunt file however keep getting an error:

Running "includereplace:dist" (includereplace) task
Warning: undefined is not a function� Use --force to continue.

Removing this task from my build works without issue.

osx 10.10.3
node v0.12.7
npm 2.14.1

Any ideas??

includereplace: {
dist: {
options: {
files: [
src: 'src/profile/index.html',
dest: 'dist/profile/index.html'
src: 'src/photos/index.html',
dest: 'dist/photos/index.html'
src: 'src/admin/index.html',
dest: 'dist/admin/index.html'
src: 'src/login/index.html',
dest: 'dist/login/index.html'

How to specify partials?

If I specify src: '*.html', how does the plugin know which files are the real files to be processed vs. partials (files only to be included). For example, Sass puts allows an underscore prefix for partials. Or is there an assumptions that partials reside in a different directory?

Also can I nest includes?

Top-level `processIncludeContents` option

Because I need to apply a uniform transformation across both includes and "includers", I locally altered include-replace to optionally apply the processIncludeContents function not only to includes, but also to top-level files.

If this is welcome, I'd like to provide a patch for this.

includereplace: {
  dist: {
    options: {
      processIncludeContents: function (src, locals) {
        // do sthg!
      // if this is thruthy, all levels will be processed with `processIncludeContents`
      processTopLevel: true
    src: '*.html',
    dest: 'dist/'

Trouble getting option.prefix and option.suffix to work

Wanted this feature to work with CSS comment before include.

Tried your example option: WORKS


<!-- @@include('styles.css') -->


options: {
  prefix: '<!-- @@',
  suffix: ' -->',

then tried this: DOESN'T WORK


/* include('styles.css') */


options: {
  prefix: '/* ',
  suffix: ' */',

then this, with Regex escapes: DOESN'T WORK

options: {
  prefix: '\/\* ',
  suffix: ' \*\/',

Any tips appreciated, thanks.

Missing include raw.

There are some template file(contain <%= ... %> syntax) included into the index.html file.
So I want to include raw data.

Local variables object refering

Any way to refer whole local variables object in included file, to pass it in another include?

This seem to wrok fine:

processIncludeContents: function(contents, localVars) {
    var local = contents.replace(
    return local;

Proposal: Templating with Moustache

First, grunt-include-replace just became one of my favorite Grunt tasks, congrats for such an amazing and convenient work.

It would be really aweome if it could use Mustache templating, kind of what fragment.js does. Being able to process simple loops and conditionals would make this just perfect.

Multitask not working, not compiling

I'm trying to add includereplace, to a multitask, but it simply doesn't works, it do nothing...

Can you check if the task runs with multitask?

includereplace : {
development : {
                files : [
                        cwd : 'src/',
                        src: ['*.html', 'pages/*.html'],
                        dest : '<%= dirs.devput %>',
                        expand : true
grunt.registerMultiTask('build','Builds the app according to the environment',function(){
        var env =;
        var outputDirs = {

        grunt.config('dirs.output',outputDirs[env]);'jshint');'less:'+env);'includereplace:' + env);'concat:'+env);'uglify:'+env);'copy');'clean');

Chokes on })

When I have }) in a string in the parameter JSON grunt-include-replace fails with

Warning: Unexpected end of input Use --force to continue.

Allow undeclared parameters to be defaulted

It would be really useful if you could set any null parameters to a default value. For instance:

snippet.html could contain:


And be included via:
@@include("snippet.html", {"one":"text"})

Currently, as nothing is passed in for @@two this will will display:


It would be nice to be able to define a default value for parameters, so any missing parameters can be treated as a blank string by default (or have some default text entered) rather than showing the unused @@ variable in the output.

Variables inside quotes?

Is it possible output variables when inside quotes, e.g. <div class="block @@classes"></div>?

Does not seem to work for me - not sure how to escape quotes.

Variable name shows up when not defined

Instead of showing the variable name in the processed page, it would be nice to output nothing when the variable is not defined.

For example, I have a header.html include that gets a @@title variable passed in on all pages except for the home page, but @@title shows up in the title tag since it's not defined.

The workaround is to define it and leave it blank like this: @@include('header.html', {"title": ""}), but it would be easier to leave that out.

Recursive replace


Is there any workaround so that the replace happens recursively? Or can you consider adding such an option?


support Server SSI

Such as:

<!--#include virtual="_header.html"-->

That will be recognised by Server with SSI,such as Nginx、Apache,But grunt-include-replace will not work.could you compatible both?

Wrong dest path

My config

    includereplace: {
        dev: {
            src: 'app/*.html',
            dest: '.tmp/'

When I run grunt includereplace -v, got this

Running "includereplace:dev" (includereplace) task
Verifying property exists in config...OK
Files: app/404.html, app/about.html, app/admin.html, app/all_day_look.html, app/faq.html, app/how_it_works.html, app/index.html, app/team.html -> .tmp/ ...
Reading app/index.html...OK
Writing .tmp/app/index.html...OK
>> Processed app/index.html

It's writing .tmp/app/index.html but not .tmp/index.html.
How can I make it work as I expected?

Default encoding support

I found that only files whose encoding is UTF-8 can combine to correct ones. Otherwise, it would be garbled in the browser.

Since this is about file operations, encoding support should be considered since grunt has provided grunt.file.defaultEncoding API to support non-utf8 encoding.

Later I will make a pull request to support default encoding if you would like it.

Grunt 0.4 Release

I'm posting this issue to let you know that we will be publishing Grunt 0.4 on Monday, February 18th.

If your plugin is not already Grunt 0.4 compatible, would you please consider updating it? For an overview of what's changed, please see our migration guide.

If you'd like to develop against the final version of Grunt before Monday, please specify "grunt": "0.4.0rc8" as a devDependency in your project. After Monday's release, you'll be able to use "grunt": "~0.4.0" to actually publish your plugin. If you depend on any plugins from the grunt-contrib series, please see our list of release candidates for compatible versions. All of these will be updated to final status when Grunt 0.4 is published.

Also, in an effort to reduce duplication of effort and fragmentation in the developer community, could you review the grunt-contrib series of plugins to see if any of your functionality overlaps significantly with them? Grunt-contrib is community maintained with 40+ contributors—we'd love to discuss any additions you'd like to make.

Finally, we're working on a new task format that doesn't depend on Grunt: it's called node-task. Once this is complete, there will be one more conversion, and then we'll never ask you to upgrade your plugins to support our changes again. Until that happens, thanks for bearing with us!

If you have any questions about how to proceed, please respond here, or join us in #grunt on

Thanks, we really appreciate your work!

Encoding change

In code encoding is chagne globally for grunt.file. If other task use different encoding it will be overwritten.
In grunt.file functions as second argument we could set object with option encoding. This is better solution than change it globally. Other way is store in local variable grunt.file.defaultEncoding before change it, and restore defalut value at end.

Task default option encoding should be 'utf8' not 'utf-8'

Renaming Generated files

Allow renames (suffix?) to generated files

possible expected behaviour

includereplace: {
      include: {
        options: {
          // Task-specific options go here.
          includesDir: './',
        src:  ['*.html'],
        dest: 'app/',
        cwd:  'pages/',
        expand: true,
        rename: [{
               match: '.html',
               replacement: '-generated.html'

Will check for names containing the match pattern and rename them with the replacement string, as would do str.replace(match, replacement)

In search for a flatten option

Hey there,

I am looking to move from grunt-includes to you package but have come across one issue I may not be able to fix.
In grunt-includes you have a flatten option that ignores the folder structure of the processed HTML files and starts with that folder.
That way my folder with unprocessed HTML files can be rendered and go into a PROD folder.

I have my unprocessed files in whatever/folder/index.html
Currently I get PROD/whatever/folder/index.html
What I want is: PROD/index.html

and every respective file with folders so:
My unprocessed files in whatever/folder/sub/index.html
Currently I get PROD/whatever/folder/sub/index.html
What I want is: PROD/sub/index.html

What do you think?

Argument of include can't have linebreak

Now this is serious trouble for me.

What i mean is that:

@@include('templates/main_heading.tpl.html', {
    "subheader": "Subheader introduction",

pass ok

@@include('templates/main_heading.tpl.html', {
    "subheader": "
           Subheader introduction
           test test test

is not!
Warning: Unexpected token
Use --force to continue.

This is superimportant, since you can do stuff like that even:

@@include('templates/main_heading.tpl.html', {
    "content": "
        <h3>thiis is my supadupa haeding</h3>
        <div class='p'>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis.</div>

And everything passes perfectly good except linebreaks :\

I really hope it's fixeable (seem to be regex issue that can be overcome)
If anybody can post solution immideately (before | if at all) it would be fixed with new release i would love to see it)

Keep the indent




Contents of test.html without a original indent

Global issue

Hey, @alanshaw.

I have a project I use grunt-include-replace. My config is

includereplace: {
    dist: {
        options: {
            globals: {
                DATE: '<%="dddd, mmmm dS, yyyy, HH:MM:ss Z") %>',
                headHtml: '',
                bottomHtml: '',
                metaDescription: '',
                metaKeywords: ''
        files: [{
            src: ['*.html', '!**/google*.html'],
            dest: '<%= dirs.dest %>/',
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= dirs.src %>/'

Everything works fine, except for bottomHtml; it's always empty. Here's how I call it from an HTML file:

@@include("_includes/header.html", {
    "title": "BowPad JavaScript Plugins",
    "headHtml": "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/prettify.min.css\">",
    "bottomHtml": "<script src=\"/js/prettify/prettify.js\"></script>\n<script>window.onload = prettyPrint();</script>"

and in my footer.html I have



If I set bottomHtml to anything in Gruntfile globals, then it gets replaced just fine too.

Any ideas?

I'd like an example for this use case: If my source file is in a nested folder, put the output directly in that folder instead of in the destination in a nested directory

For example, if my file system looks like this:


If my configuration says this:

        includereplace: {
            taskname: {
                options: {

                src: "src/dir/dir2/myhtml.html",
                dest: "dist"

It ends up putting myhtml.html in a directory like this:


I want it to put it in a directory like this:


I can't figure out any way to accomplish this.

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