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bufferline.nvim's Introduction



A snazzy πŸ’… buffer line (with tabpage integration) for Neovim built using lua.

Demo GIF

This plugin shamelessly attempts to emulate the aesthetics of GUI text editors/Doom Emacs. It was inspired by a screenshot of DOOM Emacs using centaur tabs.


  • Neovim 0.8+
  • A patched font (see nerd fonts)
  • A colorscheme (either your custom highlight or a maintained one somewhere)


It is advised that you specify either the latest tag or a specific tag and bump them manually if you'd prefer to inspect changes before updating. If you'd like to use an older version of the plugin compatible with nvim-0.6.1 and below please change your tag to tag = "v1.*"


-- using packer.nvim
use {'akinsho/bufferline.nvim', tag = "*", requires = 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'}

-- using lazy.nvim
{'akinsho/bufferline.nvim', version = "*", dependencies = 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'}


Plug 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' " Recommended (for coloured icons)
" Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' Icons without colours
Plug 'akinsho/bufferline.nvim', { 'tag': '*' }


See the docs for details :h bufferline.nvim

You need to be using termguicolors for this plugin to work, as it reads the hex gui color values of various highlight groups.


" In your init.lua or init.vim
set termguicolors
lua << EOF


vim.opt.termguicolors = true

You can close buffers by clicking the close icon or by right clicking the tab anywhere


for more details on how to configure this plugin in details please see :h bufferline-configuration


  • Colours derived from colorscheme where possible.

  • Sort buffers by extension, directory or pass in a custom compare function

  • Configuration via lua functions for greater customization.

Alternate styling

Slanted tabs

slanted tabs

NOTE: some terminals require special characters to be padded so set the style to padded_slant if the appearance isn't right in your terminal emulator. Please keep in mind though that results may vary depending on your terminal emulator of choice and this style might will not work for all terminals

Sloped tabs

sloped tabs

see: :h bufferline-styling

Hover events

NOTE: this is only available for >= neovim 0.8+


see :help bufferline-hover-events for more information on configuration

Underline indicator

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 09 14 24

NOTE: as with the above your mileage will vary based on your terminal emulator. The screenshot above was achieved using kitty nightly (as of August 2022), with increased underline thickness and an increased underline position so it sits further from the text


Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 17 39 57

This plugin can also be set to show only tabpages. This can be done by setting the mode option to tabs. This will change the bufferline to a tabline it has a lot of the same features/styling but not all.

A few things to note are

  • Sorting doesn't work yet as that needs to be thought through.
  • Grouping doesn't work yet as that also needs to be thought through.

LSP indicators

LSP Indicator

By setting diagnostics = "nvim_lsp" | "coc" you will get an indicator in the bufferline for a given tab if it has any errors This will allow you to tell at a glance if a particular buffer has errors.

In order to customise the appearance of the diagnostic count you can pass a custom function in your setup.

-- rest of config ...

--- count is an integer representing total count of errors
--- level is a string "error" | "warning"
--- diagnostics_dict is a dictionary from error level ("error", "warning" or "info")to number of errors for each level.
--- this should return a string
--- Don't get too fancy as this function will be executed a lot
diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
  local icon = level:match("error") and " " or " "
  return " " .. icon .. count


diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
  local s = " "
  for e, n in pairs(diagnostics_dict) do
    local sym = e == "error" and " "
      or (e == "warning" and " " or "ο„©" )
    s = s .. n .. sym
  return s

The highlighting for the file name if there is an error can be changed by replacing the highlights for see:

:h bufferline-highlights

LSP indicators can additionally be reported conditionally, based on buffer context. For instance, you could disable reporting LSP indicators for the current buffer and only have them appear for other buffers.

diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
  if context.buffer:current() then
    return ''

  return ''

current visible

The first bufferline shows diagnostic.lua as the currently opened current buffer. It has LSP reported errors, but they don't show up in the bufferline. The second bufferline shows 500-nvim-bufferline.lua as the currently opened current buffer. Because the 'faulty' diagnostic.lua buffer has now transitioned from current to visible, the LSP indicator does show up.



The buffers this plugin shows can be grouped based on a users configuration. Groups are a way of allowing a user to visualize related buffers in clusters as well as operating on them together e.g. by clicking the group indicator all grouped buffers can be hidden. They are partially inspired by google chrome's tabs as well as centaur tab's groups.

see :help bufferline-groups for more information on how to set these up

Sidebar offsets

explorer header


bufferline with numbers

You can prefix buffer names with either the ordinal or buffer id, using the numbers option. Currently this can be specified as either a string of buffer_id | ordinal or a function


see :help bufferline-numbers for more details

Unique names

duplicate names

Close icons

close button


re-order buffers

This order can be persisted between sessions (enabled by default).


bufferline pick


Screen Shot 2022-03-31 at 18 13 50

Custom areas

custom area

see :help bufferline-custom-areas

How do I see only buffers per tab?

This behaviour is not native in neovim there is no internal concept of localised buffers to tabs as that is not how tabs were designed to work. They were designed to show an arbitrary layout of windows per tab.

You can get this behaviour using scope.nvim with this plugin. Although I believe a better long-term solution for users who want this functionality is to ask for real native support for this upstream.


  • This won't appeal to everyone's tastes. This plugin is opinionated about how the tabline looks, it's unlikely to please everyone.

  • I want to prevent this becoming a pain to maintain so I'll be conservative about what I add.

  • This plugin relies on some basic highlights being set by your colour scheme i.e. Normal, String, TabLineSel (WildMenu as fallback), Comment. It's unlikely to work with all colour schemes. You can either try manually overriding the colours or manually creating these highlight groups before loading this plugin.

  • If the contrast in your colour scheme isn't very high, think an all black colour scheme, some of the highlights of this plugin won't really work as intended since it depends on darkening things.


  • Why isn't the bufferline appearing?

    The most common reason for this that has come up in various issues is it clashes with another plugin. Please make sure that you do not have another bufferline plugin installed.

    If you are using airline make sure you set let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 0. If you are using lightline this also takes over the tabline by default and needs to be deactivated.

    If you are on Windows and use the GUI version of nvim (nvim-qt.exe) then also ensure, that GuiTabline is disabled. For this create a file called ginit.vim in your nvim config directory and put the line GuiTabline 0 in it. Otherwise the QT tabline will overlay any terminal tablines.

  • Doesn't this plugin go against the "vim way"?

    This is much better explained by buftablines's author. Please read this for a more comprehensive answer to this question. The short answer to this is buffers represent files in nvim and tabs, a collection of windows (or just one). Vim natively allows visualising tabs i.e. collections of window, but not just the files that are open. There are endless debates on this topic, but allowing a user to see what files they have open doesn't go against any clearly stated vim philosophy. It's a text editor and not a religion πŸ™. Obviously this won't appeal to everyone, which isn't really a feasible objective anyway.

bufferline.nvim's People


akinsho avatar bradsherman avatar casonadams avatar drscream avatar ellisonleao avatar fredrikaverpil avatar gabmus avatar github-actions[bot] avatar horseinthesky avatar jackielii avatar misterfishup avatar ntbbloodbath avatar nullchilly avatar otavioschwanck avatar prettymuchbryce avatar prince213 avatar ramezgerges avatar ray-x avatar reptarsrage avatar rwblokzijl avatar samyak-jain avatar shans10 avatar sindrets avatar stevanmilic avatar taaqif avatar terrifictable avatar toh995 avatar ttytm avatar utkarshgupta137 avatar xiyaowong avatar


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bufferline.nvim's Issues

Attempt to index global 'Buffer' (a nil value)

I tried your plugin, but have an error:

E5108: Error executing lua .../pack/plugins/start/nvim-bufferline.lua/lua/bufferline.lua:499: attempt to index global 'Buffer' (a nil value)

I just cloned your plugin to start folder (plugins that loaded automatically via built-in Neovim package manager), opened Neovim and executed lua require'bufferline'.setup().
If I put lua require'bufferline'.setup() to my configuration It does nothing, so I executed it after startup to see the error.

I using latest Neovim nightly.

Bug: attempt to call field 'is_test' (a nil value)

On the latest Neovim nightly and with the latest version of the Bufferline, when starting a new session, presented with the following error:

E5108: Error executing lua ...nvim/plugged/nvim-bufferline.lua/lua/bufferline.lua:45: attempt to call field 'is_test' (a nil value)

The error might be as a result of code changes in the past 3 or so days.

show bufferline only when two or more buffers are open

Hi. First of all thank you for the great plugin. Out of all bufferline-plugins I finally found one which does a good job. I especially like the mouse support. Would it be possible to show the bufferline only when two or more buffers are open?

weird highlights in tabs

I've been trying to figure out how the highlights in the tab bar work fully, but I can't figure out how to deal with the diagnostic-indicator text being a different background and foreground than the rest of the tab,...

I'd like this to have the same background as the rest of the tab, obviously... Idk if this is a bug or a "I don't get it", but either way, help would be greatly appreciated ^^'

Buffer switch have a delay

There will be a significant delay when buffer switching when use leader number. see gif leader 1 is slow.. And reduce the space of buffer number with buffer name. I want my colorscheme support nvim-bufferline. need provide all highlightgroup

Close buffer with rightclick

I think it would be great if it would be possible to close a buffer by clicking on it with the right mouse-button. This would have the following benefits:

  • Safe space by removing the close-symbol
  • Less visual clutter/noise
  • Closing buffer becomes easier because you dont have to click exactly on the small area of the close-symbol

How to deal the confict with lightline?

Hello, If I has plugin lightline, the tabline will use lightline's tabline other than nvim-bufferline.lua, how to deal it?

I want to use lightline's status line and nvim-bufferline.lua's tabline/bufferline.

Unable to configure highlighting

Hi! I am trying to change the highlight settings and when copying any parameter and the documentation, I get the error:

vim.cmd('packadd nvim-bufferline.lua')

  highlights = {
    fill = {
      guifg = comment_fg,
      guibg = separator_background_color
Error detected while processing ColorScheme Autocommands for "*":
Failed setting BufferLineFill highlight, something isn't configured correctly
Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: BufferLineFill

Am I doing something wrong? I have it installed in opt dir and my configuration in lua.

Doesn't run on startup, have to re-source init.vim

Not very familiar with how Lua plugin calls work. I tried adding the require from the help/manual to my init.vim, and I've tried a number of other variations including:

lua << EOF

but none of them work on startup. They all, however, work when I re-source my init.vim after startup.

I'm sure I'm doing something dumb, just dunno what.

No longer works?

Recently did a :PlugUpdate and buffer tabs were not showing up.

my minimal .vimrc (.vimrc-test). I launch with nvim -u ~/.vimrc-test

call plug#begin("~/.vim" . '/bundle')
Plug 'akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua'
call plug#end()

Result of nvim --version

NVIM v0.5.0-dev+1229-g91cdc1198
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compilation: /usr/bin/cc -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -O2 -DNDEBUG -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wmissing-prototypes -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fno-common -fdiagnostics-color=always -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -DNVIM_UNIBI_HAS_VAR_FROM -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -I/home/loshjawrence/clones/neovim/build/config -I/home/loshjawrence/clones/neovim/src -I/home/loshjawrence/clones/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/usr/include -I/home/loshjawrence/clones/neovim/build/src/nvim/auto -I/home/loshjawrence/clones/neovim/build/include
Compiled by loshjawrence@Lappy486

Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

Also when I try to run with my normal .vimrc that has this configuration

" nvim-bufferline
:lua << EOF
  local hlColor = "GreenYellow"
    -- override some options from their defaults
    options = {
        tab_size = 12,
        max_name_length = 40,
        show_buffer_close_icons = false,
     highlights = {
         buffer_selected = {
             guifg = "Black",
             guibg = hlColor,
             gui = "bold",
         -- Accent the split buffer thats not selected
         buffer_visible = {
             guifg = hlColor,

I get this error on startup:

show only tabs

is it possible configure the plugin to show only tabs?
like let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 in airline

Add command to sort buffers

Add possibility to sort buffers on the fly

Expose a module function to sort buffers. I think even creating some commands for it would be a good idea too, as well as keymapping examples.



After sorting by directory:


"[nvim-bufferline] is not a valid highlight group"

(sorry, published the issue too early with a blank description)

I tried to modify the color of the tab bar at the top using the instructions in the README with small modification. Here's my entire nvim-bufferline section from init.nvim

lua require'bufferline'.setup {
            \ options = {
            \   show_buffer_close_icons = false,
            \   max_name_length = 40
            \ },
            \ highlights = {
            \   fill = {
            \     guifg = 'black',
            \     guibg = '#b2b2b2'
            \   };
            \ },
            \ }

The configuration works, the colors do change, but I get a " is not a valid highlight group" error on startup.

Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 4 51 20 PM

I assume I'm missing something really obvious but I'm not sure what it is. I'd appreciate any tips.

Issues when setup

Getting this error when calling setup

terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

When shows something like this

Screenshot from 2020-07-12 19-49-50

and updates colorscheme

Error detected while processing ColorScheme Autocommands for "*":
Failed setting BufferLineSelectedIndicator highlight, something isn't configured correctly
Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: BufferLineSelectedIndicator
Failed setting BufferLineModifiedSelected highlight, something isn't configured correctly
Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: BufferLineModifiedSelected
Failed setting BufferLineModifiedInactive highlight, something isn't configured correctly
Vim(highlight):E411: highlight group not found: BufferLineModifiedInactive

Help: Only vim's tabline show up?

This sounds stupid, but how do I activate this plugin?
After install Plug 'akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua' and require'bufferline'.setup{}, I only saw the vim's tabline show up. It only show the title of the active buffer in a tab, even though the buffer list show multiple buffer?
Screenshot 2021-03-13 at 12 26 58

What did I miss?

Edit: I use nvim 0.5

How can i set the numbers on the right not to show?


I tried setting:

require"bufferline".setup {
  options = {
    view = "multiwindow",
    numbers = 'none',
    number_style = '',

EDIT: the separator_style won't work as well, i tried setting it like this right now:


And the tab styling remains the same, the default one.

The file's icon only shows left half in Windows Terminal

屏幕ζˆͺε›Ύ 2021-01-23 142118
vs code's terminal
屏幕ζˆͺε›Ύ 2021-01-23 142142
Windows Terminal

I try to change the code to move the white space right before the filename to the position right after the icon. And then the icon shows properly in Windows Terminal. But I am not sure whether it will have influence on other functions.

Special characters in file name are not escaped properly.

When the file name contains special characters, the buffer line will not present the proper name. Such as a%.txt is shown as aa%.txtxt. This issue is quite subtle and rare(only when special characters exist), but I would be grateful if it got fixed.

Feature Request: Additional Mappings to move between buffer

Hey @akinsho , thanks a lot for this awesome plugin, I've got the chance to try it while building my neovim configuration from scratch with lua. I like how responsive and well made it is.

If it possible and absolutely easy to accomplish

  • Additional mappings to switch between buffers like bn and bp within the current tab only.
  • Show only buff tabs for current buffer only.

The reason that this might be a great feature for nvim-bufferline.lua users, is that it would give users the ability to have a workspace like experience when working with buffers. Each tab can have its own buffer where navigation happens only between them.


Highlight names from theme do not seem to be getting used

I am trying to do some tweaks to get the highlighting right and I don't want to hard code the colour values. Instead I want to derive the colours from the theme that I am using. For example, these are some highlight groups in my theme file:

" call s:hi(item, fg, bg, cterm, gui)

call s:hi('Normal' , 249 , s:bg , 'None' , 'None')
call s:hi('Cursor' , 235 , 178  , 'bold' , 'bold')

In the config file for the plugin, I set the colours as such:

buffer_selected = {
            guifg = normal_fg,
           guibg = cursor_bg,
            gui = "bold,italic"

This doesn't seem to have any effect. The only way at the moment to get the colours to change is by hard coding the values. Can you please clarify how exactly one can derive the colours from the theme ?

Highlight for free tab space

Hi, hope you're doing well. What is the selector to use in bufferline setup for the black empty space in the image? Been trying to set it but don't know exactly which one it is. Maybe some documenting can be done for what each selector such as Tab or Bufferline visible is? Sorry, I'm a bit of a noob.


Cannot style seperator background color when seperator_style = "slant" is configured

I've added fill guibg color and it doesn't work while seperator_style = "slant".
I also tried to set background and seperator styles with no success.
I try to get #282828 as background color as it fits style much better than black background.


As you can see, seperator backgrounds are black and not #282828. Right side has correct color applied. Background color changes when I switch to light theme, so there should be something that I could configure.

My current configuration:

vim.o.termguicolors = true

require "bufferline".setup {
  highlights = {
        fill = {
            guibg = "#282828"
    options = {
        modified_icon = "●",
        left_trunc_marker = "",
        right_trunc_marker = "ο‚©",
        max_name_length = 25,
        max_prefix_length = 25,
        enforce_regular_tabs = false,
        view = "multiwindow",
        show_buffer_close_icons = false,
        show_close_icon = false
        separator_style = "slant",

Unique buffer names does not work

I'm expecting both init.lua files are prefixed with folder names in the buffers but apparently, they are not.

Do I need to enable it somehow? I didn't find it in the docs.


Buffers not working as expected

It seems that the way bufferline handles buffers is not quite the same as how it normally works.
When I use the mouse to close tabs, it works as expected. However, when I use :q to close the buffer, bufferline doesn't reflect that. When I use the mouse to close the tab, it doesn't look like it actually closes the buffer. Any idea if it's possible to sync bufferline with the acutal buffer list? Or am I configuring this wrong?

tab height and tab styling

how do I increase tab height? also changing tab styling to this :
image didnt find anything about tab styling in the example configs

Changing background of unselected buffer doesn't work

In the following minimal vimrc I am trying to change every background to red. It works for some backgrounds like for the selected buffer and the tabs but not for the unselected buffers:

set runtimepath+=~/.local/share/nvim/plugins/nvim-bufferline.lua/
set termguicolors
lua require'bufferline'.setup {
\    highlights = {
\        bufferline_tab = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_tab_selected = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_buffer = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_buffer_inactive = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_modified = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_separator = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\        bufferline_selected = {
\            guibg = "red",
\        };
\    },

disable separator

hi again !
is there an ability to disable separators completely?
im trying to achieve minimal ui, and want to see just icon and name

[feature request] highlight the entire buffer background


First of all, thank you for this awesome plugin!

I am wondering if it is possible to highlight the entire background of a buffer when it has any errors, warnings, infos or any diagnostics.

From what I have tried, I succeded in having a entire background color if the buffer has no errors and so on by setting buffer_selected, indicator_selected ...

But when an error appears in the buffer, only the filename's bg changes color.

So I was wondering if something like buffer_selected_all, error_selected_all would be possbile.

Thanks again for this awesome plugin! 😁

plugin makes vim freeze with 100% load cpu

First things first - thanks for the plugin, its super cool πŸ‘

Now the issue:


  • install bufferline & vim-fugitive


  • in git repo go to file X, make some changes, save buffer
  • call :G to view git status ( file X should be there )
  • place cursor on file X line and type dv to show diffs for a file

ER: diffs should be viewed
AR: nvim freezes

Buffer grouping

One thing I've thought a lot about since I discovered emacs' Centaur tabs is it's buffer groups I was initially against the idea since it seemed like an extra layer on top of vim that doesn't really exist natively. But with sorting added we already essentially have this layer on top of nvim πŸ€” .

Anyway a first pass at this functionality would be added a way of first creating a group, then assigning buffers to a group. Visually groups would be clustered together +/- a way to separate them from each other or indicate that a buffer was in a particular group

The primary value of the groups would be visually seeing similar things clustered e.g. test files or some other dimension for sorting that isn't just an extension or directory. It would also have the benefit of allowing a user to interact with those buffers as a group

Error executing lua [string ":lua" ]:1: module 'bufferline' not found

Error executing lua [string ":lua" ]:1: module 'bufferline' not found

I'm using vim-plug to install bufferline. previously I had the setup call within plug#begin and plug#end blocks. call lua require'bufferline'.setup() after plug#end fixed the issue

call plug#begin()
Plug 'akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua'
call plug#end()
set termguicolors
lua require'bufferline'.setup()

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