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potodo's Introduction

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What is it ?

Potodo, a (almost) flawless TODO/progress listing CLI tool for po files.

Potodo is part of poutils!

Poutils (.po utils) is is a metapackage to easily install usefull Python tools to use with po files and potodo is a part of it! Go check out Poutils to discover the other useful tools for po file related translation!


pip install potodo

Usage example

usage: potodo [-h] [-p path] [-e path [path ...]] [-a X] [-b X] [-f] [-u API_URL] [-n] [-c] [-j] [--exclude-fuzzy] [--exclude-reserved]
              [--only-reserved] [--show-reservation-dates] [--no-cache] [-i] [-l] [--version] [-v]

List and prettify the po files left to translate.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p path, --path path  execute Potodo in path
  -e path [path ...], --exclude path [path ...]
                        gitignore-style patterns to exclude from search.
  -a X, --above X       list all TODOs above given X% completion
  -b X, --below X       list all TODOs below given X% completion
  -f, --only-fuzzy      print only files marked as fuzzys
  -u API_URL, --api-url API_URL
                        API URL to retrieve reservation tickets ( or
  -n, --no-reserved     don't print info about reserved files
  -c, --counts          render list with the count of remaining entries (translate or review) rather than percentage done
  -j, --json            format output as JSON
  --exclude-fuzzy       select only files without fuzzy entries
  --exclude-reserved    select only files that aren't reserved
  --only-reserved       select only only reserved files
                        show issue creation dates
  --no-cache            Disables cache (Cache is disabled when files are modified)
  -i, --interactive     Activates the interactive menu
  -l, --matching-files  Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each matching po file from which output would normally have been
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increases output verbosity

Development setup

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

Activate it

source venv/bin/activate

Install the dev requirements

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Install the pre-commit hook

pre-commit install

Install potodo in a development version

pip install -e .

Release History

  • v0.21.2
    • FIX: Don't miss issues (reservations) to files containing multiple dots. Contributed by @eviau.
  • v0.21.0
    • A nice new README
  • v0.20.0
    • New exclude behavior with gitignore style matching !
  • v0.19.2
    • Dropped cache_args to simplify cache functionality
  • v0.19.1
    • Fixed a bug of division by 0
    • Replaced Travis-ci tests with github actions
  • v0.19.0
    • Fixed windows support
  • v0.17.3
    • Fixed a math error where the completion %age of a folder was wrong
    • Fixes on the .potodoignore file
  • v0.17.0
    • Added tests
    • Fixed bug where github would rate limit your IP address
    • Fixed argument errors
    • Added -l --matching-files Which will print the path of files matching your arguments
  • v0.16.0
    • Args passed to potodo are now cached as well ! This allows for a better control of what is cached !
    • The ignore file now works as the .gitignore does. Add a venv/ in your .potodoignore for example :)
  • v0.15.0
    • Potodo now supports .potodoignore files ! You can finally ignore the venv you made 🎉
  • v0.14.3
    • Added cache versioning to avoid errors when cache changes, for example if files are moved between potodo versions.
  • v0.14.2
    • Nothing new, just code moved around ! Thanks for sticking around 🎉
  • v0.14.1
    • Added --only-reserved option to display only reserved filed
    • Added --reserved-dates to display when a file was reserved
    • Added cache to cache pofiles to speedup the reading process
    • Added logging for verbosity
    • Added interactive option with --interactive
    • Added contributors in the readme
  • < v0.14.1
    • Base version


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar

/!\ Don't forget to bump the version in potodo/ when you're pushing your changes to your branch

  1. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  2. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  3. Create a new Pull Request

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Julien Palard

👀 💻


👀 💻

Jules Lasne (jlasne)

👀 💻

Christophe Nanteuil

👀 💻

Claire Revillet

👀 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

potodo's People


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potodo's Issues

Clarify `print_list`

The print_list list is confusing and needs to be clarified.

A better name, another implementation to know what folder to print ? we'll see

Améliorations JSON

            "name": "folder/",
            "percent_translated": 0.0,
            "files": [
                    "name": "folder/file3",
                    "path": "some/path/folder/file3.po",
                    "entries": 1,
                    "fuzzies": 0,
                    "translated": 0,
                    "percent_translated": 0,
                    "reserved_by": null,
            "name": "python-docs-fr/",
            "percent_translated": 25,
            "files": [
                    "name": "python-docs-fr/file1",
                    "path": "some/path/file1.po",
                    "entries": 3,
                    "fuzzies": 1,
                    "translated": 1,
                    "percent_translated": 33,
                    "reserved_by": null,
                    "name": "python-docs-fr/file2",
                    "path": "some/path/file2.po",
                    "entries": 1,
                    "fuzzies": 0,
                    "translated": 0,
                    "percent_translated": 0,
                    "reserved_by": null,

Il y a 2-3 trucs à améliorer sur la sortie ;

  • on pourrait mettre « / » au lieu de « python-docs-fr » pour désigner le dossier racine ;
  • mettre le « percent_translated » du fichier en décimal ;
  • enrichir la description du dossier avec « entries », « fuzzies », « translated » aggrégés.

Originally posted by @awecx in #45 (comment)

EDIT 31/12/20, percent_translated sur les dossiers correct.
EDIT 04/01/21, entries », « fuzzies », « translated » aggrégés.

Idea for a strategy to find the repo from the remote list

Idea for a strategy to find the repo from the remote list:

  • List all remotes
  • Filter by keeping only the ones targeting
  • Hit the first one on the github API ({the_repo})
  • See if it has a "parent" attribute:
    • it it has one, the good one is the parent, and we have the github URL. no longer need to care about knowing its local name.
    • if it has none, lucky you it's the right one

Demo of finding it indirectly:

$ curl | jq .parent.url

Or demo of lucky "it was the right one so it has no parent":

$ curl | jq .parent.url

Originally posted by @JulienPalard in #37 (comment)

Add a cache option

Cache would be stored in like ~/.potodo/cache.json, and it would contain the last refresh date and refresh every month or something ? The reservations would still be updated everytime the command is ran

Potodo cannot be executed with github enabled remotely

(python-docs-i18n) ➜  ~ potodo -p Projects/python-docs-fr
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/bin/potodo", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/lib/python3.7/site-packages/potodo/", line 232, in main
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/lib/python3.7/site-packages/potodo/", line 78, in exec_potodo
    issue_reservations = get_gh_issue_reservation()
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/lib/python3.7/site-packages/potodo/", line 21, in get_gh_issue_reservation
    issues = requests.get("" + get_repo_name() + "/issues").json()
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/lib/python3.7/site-packages/potodo/", line 14, in get_repo_name
    repo_url: str = get_repo_url()
  File "/Users/seluj78/.venvs/python-docs-i18n/lib/python3.7/site-packages/potodo/", line 9, in get_repo_url
    raise ValueError(f"Unknown error. `git get-url --all upstream|origin` returned {url}")
ValueError: Unknown error. `git get-url --all upstream|origin` returned fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
(python-docs-i18n) ➜  ~

do not use f-string

Some of our translator still have python 3.5 and then can't use polib. If you don't feel like to do it, I can do it. If so, assign it to me

Replace all string file paths into `Path` objects.


_Originally posted by @JulienPalard in

Non tu ne semble pas avoir raté grand chose. C'est juste dommage de les transformer en str après, probablement un souci de compat python 3.5 ou 3.6 j'imagine. => we're dropping support for 3.5

Il faudrait tenter de faire l'effort contraire dans une autre PR peut être : la garder en Path le plus loin possible. Typique cette str est re-transformé en Path dans a la ligne 60.

false classifiers in has classissifier python3.5but this can't be true since the code includes f-strings. So that classifier should be removed. Does potodo run on Python 3.6 ?

Math error

Using the repository:
And the command: potodo --offline --path c-api/
I find strange results in c-api:

# c-api (47.03% done)

- abstract.po                      3 /   3 (100.0% translated)
- allocation.po                    9 /   9 (100.0% translated)
- apiabiversion.po                22 /  22 (100.0% translated)
- arg.po                           0 / 192 (  0.0% translated)
- bool.po                          8 /   8 (100.0% translated)
- buffer.po                        0 / 102 (  0.0% translated)
- bytearray.po                    17 /  17 (100.0% translated)
- bytes.po                         0 /  60 (  0.0% translated)
- capsule.po                       0 /  29 (  0.0% translated)
- cell.po                         10 /  10 (100.0% translated)
- code.po                          9 /   9 (100.0% translated)
- codec.po                         0 /  27 (  0.0% translated)
- complex.po                       0 /  25 (  0.0% translated)
- concrete.po                     11 /  11 (100.0% translated)
- contextvars.po                   0 /  31 (  0.0% translated)
- conversion.po                   22 /  27 ( 81.0% translated), 5 fuzzy
- coro.po                          0 /   6 (  0.0% translated)
- datetime.po                      0 /  41 (  0.0% translated)
- descriptor.po                    4 /   4 (100.0% translated)
- dict.po                          0 /  31 (  0.0% translated)
- exceptions.po                    0 / 261 (  0.0% translated)
- file.po                          0 /  15 (  0.0% translated)
- float.po                        14 /  14 (100.0% translated)
- function.po                     18 /  18 (100.0% translated)
- gcsupport.po                     0 /  25 (  0.0% translated)
- gen.po                           8 /   8 (100.0% translated)
- import.po                        0 /  44 (  0.0% translated)
- index.po                         2 /   2 (100.0% translated)
- init.po                          0 / 287 (  0.0% translated)
- init_config.po                   0 / 274 (  0.0% translated)
- intro.po                         0 /  92 (  0.0% translated)
- iter.po                          5 /   5 (100.0% translated)
- iterator.po                      8 /   8 (100.0% translated)
- list.po                          0 /  23 (  0.0% translated)
- long.po                          0 /  52 (  0.0% translated)
- mapping.po                      15 /  15 (100.0% translated)
- marshal.po                      15 /  15 (100.0% translated)
- memory.po                        0 / 150 (  0.0% translated)
- memoryview.po                    8 /   9 ( 88.0% translated), 1 fuzzy
- method.po                       17 /  17 (100.0% translated)
- module.po                        0 /  87 (  0.0% translated)
- none.po                          4 /   4 (100.0% translated)
- number.po                        0 /  41 (  0.0% translated)
- objbuffer.po                     8 /   8 (100.0% translated)
- object.po                        0 /  77 (  0.0% translated)
- objimpl.po                       2 /   2 (100.0% translated)
- refcounting.po                  11 /  11 (100.0% translated)
- reflection.po                    8 /   8 (100.0% translated)
- sequence.po                      0 /  27 (  0.0% translated)
- set.po                           0 /  23 (  0.0% translated)
- slice.po                         0 /  20 (  0.0% translated)
- stable.po                        6 /   6 (100.0% translated)
- structures.po                    0 / 112 (  0.0% translated)
- sys.po                           0 /  69 (  0.0% translated)
- tuple.po                         0 /  48 (  0.0% translated)
- type.po                          0 /  52 (  0.0% translated)
- typeobj.po                       0 / 586 (  0.0% translated)
- unicode.po                       0 / 332 (  0.0% translated)
- utilities.po                     2 /   2 (100.0% translated)
- veryhigh.po                     61 /  61 (100.0% translated)
- weakref.po                      10 /  10 (100.0% translated)

(Yes it's a patched version of potodo that displays 100.0% translated lines also, to better see the issue)

It indicates ~47% is done, but visually I don't think so, so I checked and find 9%:

$ potodo --offline --path c-api/ | awk '{done += $3; all += $5} END {print 100 * done / all}'

9% makes more sense when we count translated and untranslated entries:

$ msgcat c-api/*.po | msgattrib --translated | grep -c '^msgid'
(python-docs-es) mdk@seraph:~/clones/python/python-docs-es (3.8)
$ msgcat c-api/*.po | grep -c '^msgid'

there's 343/3508 entries translated, roughly 10%, so the 9.4% looks right, the 47% looks wrong.

Oh, is it 47% of files done? Maybe not:

$ potodo --offline --path c-api/ | grep -c ^-
$ potodo --offline --path c-api/ | grep -c 100.0%
$ python3
>>> 100 * 27 / 61

What is cache_args?

I don't understand what this variable is. But it looks a good source of "full caches reset", which looks bad to me.

--json option does not work

With the following traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 86, in _run_code
    exec(code, run_globals)
  File "/home/antoine/github/Potodo/potodo/", line 3, in <module>
  File "/home/antoine/github/Potodo/potodo/", line 305, in main
TypeError: exec_potodo() got an unexpected keyword argument 'json'

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