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使用 Google 翻译 API,将输入 英文 (Markdown)文档按段落生成 中英 对照翻译文档。



./translate_darwin_amd64 -f

go build 生成 Mac、linux、Windows 平台可执行文件

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/translate_darwin_amd64 translate.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/translate_linux_amd64 translate.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o bin/translate_windows_amd64.exe translate.go

How to fetch and translate blogs

# generate markdown file from blog URLs
cd docs
pbpaste | sed 's#/$##g' | grep http | while read line; do html2md -i ${line} --opt-code-block-style fenced > ${line##*/}.md; echo "\n\n$line" >> ${line##*/}.md ;done

# translate
git status | grep ".md" | grep -v | grep -v "tr-"  | while read line; do go run ../translate.go -f $line; done

# update
git status  | grep "tr-" | while read line; do echo "1. [$(head -n 1 $line|sed 's/# //g')](docs/$line)";done | pbcopy;pbpaste >> ../

Translated docs & blogs

Docker, Container, and Kubernetes

  1. Handling Client Requests Properly with Kubernetes
  2. Zero Downtime Server Updates For Your Kubernetes Cluster Kubernetes
  3. Gracefully Shutting Down Pods in a Kubernetes Cluster
  4. Graceful shutdown and zero downtime deployments in Kubernetes
  5. Delaying Shutdown to Wait for Pod Deletion Propagation
  6. Avoiding Outages in your Kubernetes Cluster using PodDisruptionBudgets
  7. How does 'kubectl exec' work?
  8. What is an Operator
  9. Introducing Operators: Putting Operational Knowledge into Software
  10. Go Operator Tutorial
  11. Ready-to-use commands and tips for kubectl
  12. How we enjoyed upgrading a bunch of Kubernetes clusters from v1.16 to v1.19
  13. Using Telepresence 2 for Kubernetes debugging and local development
  14. Everything you Need to Know about Kubernetes Quality of Service (QoS) Classes
  15. Kubernetes Autoscaling in Production: Best Practices for Cluster Autoscaler, HPA and VP
  16. A CIOs Guide to Kubernetes Best Practices in Production
  17. 10 Kubernetes Operators Every DevOps needs to know about
  18. Bad Pods: Kubernetes Pod Privilege Escalation
  19. Architecting Kubernetes clusters — choosing the best autoscaling strategy
  20. Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes
  21. Kubernetes Operators Best Practices
  22. 7 Principles of DevSecOps With Kubernetes
  23. Kubernetes Is Not Your Platform, It's Just the Foundation
  24. Moving k8s communication to gRPC
  25. Why you need a platform team for Kubernetes
  26. A brief overview of the Container Network Interface (CNI) in Kubernetes
  27. Six Strategies for Application Deployment
  28. Annotating Kubernetes Services for Humans
  29. Kubernetes vs Docker: Understanding Containers in 2021
  30. Learning Path: Basics of Container Runtimes
  31. Container Runtimes Part 1: An Introduction to Container Runtimes
  32. Container Runtimes Part 2: Anatomy of a Low-Level Container Runtime
  33. Container Runtimes Part 3: High-Level Runtimes
  34. Container Runtimes Part 4: Kubernetes Container Runtimes & CRI
  35. Docker components explained
  36. Docker vs CRI-O vs Containerd
  37. Introducing Container Runtime Interface (CRI) in Kubernetes
  38. Understanding Docker Container Exit Codes
  39. How to use CoreDNS Effectively with Kubernetes
  40. What’s new in Kubernetes 1.20?
  41. Migrating from Docker to Podman
  42. What Configuration Management is and Why You Should Implement it in Your infrastructure
  43. Kubernetes production best practices
  44. Liveness Probes are Dangerous
  45. Debugging network stalls on Kubernetes
  46. Why Continuous Infrastructure Automation is no longer optional
  47. Why you don't have to be afraid of Kubernetes
  48. Introduction to open source observability on Kubernetes
  49. Using Kubernetes to rethink your system architecture and ease technical debt
  50. Everyone might be a cluster-admin in your Kubernetes cluster
  51. Kubernetes Performance Trouble Spots: Airbnb’sTake
  52. Rolling Updates and Blue-Green Deployments with Kubernetes and HAProxy
  53. Scaling to 100k Users
  54. How I prepared & passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam
  55. NTP in a Kubernetes cluster
  56. Understanding Kubernetes: Part 1-Pods
  57. What is Kubernetes?
  58. How to Build Production-Ready Kubernetes Clusters and Containers
  59. Introducing istiod: simplifying the control plane
  60. 7 best practices: Building applications for containers and Kubernetes
  61. Kubernetes operators: Embedding operational expertise side by side with containerized applications
  62. Cloud Native Backups, Disaster Recovery and Migrations on Kubernetes
  63. Core Kubernetes: Jazz Improv over Orchestration
  64. Kubernetes Finalizers
  65. Using Finalizers to Control Deletion
  66. Why Kubernetes Operators Will Unleash Your Developers by Reducing Complexity
  67. Controlling outbound traffic from Kubernetes
  68. Who Needs a Dashboard? Why the Kubernetes Command Line Is Not Enough
  69. How a Kubernetes Pod Gets an IP Address
  70. How to Champion GitOps in Your Organization
  71. Improvements to the Ingress API in Kubernetes 1.18
  72. Migrating to Kubernetes
  73. 10 Best Practices Worth Implementing to Adopt Kubernetes
  74. Contributing to the Development Guide
  75. Sidecar Proxy Pattern - The Basis Of Service Mesh
  76. Open-sourcing gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime
  77. 10 Anti-Patterns for Kubernetes Deployments
  78. Container Networking Is Simple!
  79. Why and How to Use containerd from the Command Line
  80. Implementing Container Runtime Shim: runc
  81. Does Container Image Have an OS Inside
  82. What Is a Standard Container (2021 edition)
  83. How to Run a Container Without an Image
  84. How Docker Build Works Internally
  85. Service Discovery in Kubernetes - Combining the Best of Two Worlds
  86. How to Expose Multiple Containers On the Same Port
  87. A Deep Dive into Kubernetes Scheduling
  88. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  89. Kubernetes Autoscaling – The HPA
  90. Kubernetes configuration patterns, Part 2: Patterns for Kubernetes controllers
  91. How we use Kubernetes at Asana
  92. Why and How of Kubernetes Ingress (and Networking)
  93. Kubernetes cron jobs: a hands-on guide to optimally configured crons
  94. Getting up and running with multi-arch Kubernetes clusters
  95. The Next Generation of Kubernetes Native Postgres
  96. Is Kubernetes for Postgres? An expert explains
  97. How to Prepare for CKAD and CKA Certification?
  98. Introduction to GitOps on Kubernetes with Flux v2
  99. Writing a Controller for Pod Labels
  100. DevOps and Kubernetes: A Perfect Match?
  101. Choosing a Local Dev Cluster
  102. Minikube vs. kind vs. k3s - What should I use?
  103. How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster Locally - Simple Tutorial
  104. Protecting Kubernetes Secrets: A Practical Guide
  105. Writing your first kubectl plugin with Go
  106. Lessons Learned From Two Years Of Kubernetes
  107. One year using Kubernetes in production: Lessons learned
  108. 3 Years of Kubernetes in Production–Here’s What We Learned
  109. Introduction to k3d: Run K3s in Docker
  110. Kubernetes and container management on the desktop
  111. What we learned after a year of on Kubernetes
  112. Continuous Blue-Green Deployments With Kubernetes
  113. Writing a Kubernetes Operator: From Zero to He
  114. Kubernetes jobs market (Q1 2021)
  115. Kubernetes jobs market (Q2 2021)
  116. Kubernetes jobs in Remote
  117. Best practices for deploying highly available apps in Kubernetes. Part 1
  118. Best practices for deploying highly available apps in Kubernetes. Part 2
  119. Dive Deep Into Resource Requests and Limits in Kubernetes
  120. Kubernetes best practices: Resource requests and limits
  121. A Practical Guide to Setting Kubernetes Requests and Limits
  122. Setting and Rightsizing Kubernetes Resource Limits | Best Practices
  123. How a simple admission webhook lead to a cluster outage


  1. Keep-Alive in http requests in golang
  2. Don’t use Go’s default HTTP client (in production)
  3. Using Context in Golang - Cancellation, Timeouts and Values (With Examples)
  4. map[string]interface{} in Go
  5. Graceful Shutdowns in Golang with signal.NotifyContext
  6. Graceful shutdown with Go http servers and Kubernetes rolling updates
  7. The awesomeness of the httptest package in Go
  8. Concurrency Patterns in Go: sync.WaitGroup
  9. Faking stdin and stdout in Go
  10. How I Structure Web Servers in Go
  11. Logging without losing money or context
  12. An intro to Go for non-Go developers
  13. Writing Go CLIs With Just Enough Architecture
  14. How to handle errors in Go?
  15. An Introduction to Producing and Consuming Kafka Messages in Go
  16. Handling multidomain HTTP requests with simple host switch
  17. How to handle signals with Go to graceful shutdown HTTP server
  18. Implementing traceroute in Go
  19. Tests Make Your Code Inherently Better
  20. Let's build a Full-Text Search engine
  21. Different approaches to HTTP routing in Go
  22. A Gentle Introduction to Web Services With Go
  23. Logging in Go: Choosing a System and Using it
  24. How to customize Go's HTTP client
  25. Structuring and testing HTTP handlers in Go
  26. Correlating Logs
  27. Environment variables in Golang
  28. Automating Go Integration Tests With Docker
  29. Increasing http.Server boilerplate
  30. Developing price and currency handling for Go
  31. Rust vs. Go: Why They’re Better Together
  32. The underutilized usefulness of sync.Once
  33. How I organize packages in Go
  34. Writing TCP scanner in Go
  35. Wrapping commands in Go
  36. Writing a reverse proxy in Go
  37. Let's Create a Simple Load Balancer With Go
  38. Courier: Dropbox migration to gRPC
  39. Go string handling overview [cheat sheet]
  40. Get year, month, day from time
  41. Regexp tutorial and cheat sheet
  42. Write log to file (or /dev/null)
  43. Efficient string concatenation [full guide]
  44. Format a time or date [complete guide]
  45. Type, value and equality of interfaces
  46. Panics, stack traces and how to recover [best practice]
  47. Why Go? – Key advantages you may have overlooked
  48. fmt.Printf formatting tutorial and cheat sheet
  49. Automate Chrome with Golang and ChromeDP
  50. Exploring Prometheus Go client metrics - Povilas Versockas
  51. How A Tiny Go Microservice Coded In Hackathon Is Saving Us Thousands
  52. Synchronization queues in Golang
  53. Scraping the Web in Golang with Colly and Goquery
  54. Writing a Web Crawler with Golang and Colly
  55. Developing A RESTful API With Golang And A MongoDB NoSQL Database
  56. Common Concurrent Programming Mistakes
  57. Writing Advanced Web Applications with Go
  58. Learn Go with Tests: Hello, World
  59. Learn Go with Tests: TDD Anti-patterns
  60. Learn Go with Tests: Iteration
  61. Learn Go with Tests: Arrays and slices
  62. Learn Go with Tests: Maps
  63. Learn Go with Tests: Structs, methods & interfaces
  64. Learn Go with Tests: Pointers & errors
  65. Learn Go with Tests: Dependency Injection
  66. Learn Go with Tests: Mocking
  67. Learn Go with Tests: Concurrency
  68. Learn Go with Tests: Synchronising asynchronous processes
  69. Learn Go with Tests: Reflection
  70. Learn Go with Tests: Sync
  71. Learn Go with Tests: Context
  72. Learn Go with Tests: Roman Numerals
  73. Learn Go with Tests: Mathematics
  74. Learn Go with Tests: Reading files
  75. Learn Go with Tests: Command line and project structure
  76. Learn Go with Tests: Context-aware readers
  77. Learn Go with Tests: Error types
  78. Learn Go with Tests: HTTP Handlers Revisited
  79. Learn Go with Tests: HTTP Server
  80. Learn Go with Tests: Intro to generics
  81. Learn Go with Tests: IO and sorting
  82. Learn Go with Tests: JSON, routing & embedding
  83. Learn Go with Tests: OS Exec
  84. Learn Go with Tests: Time
  85. Learn Go with Tests: WebSockets
  86. Learn Go with Tests: Why unit tests and how to make them work for you
  87. Go, HTTP handlers, panic, and deadlocks
  88. How to Set Go net/http Socket Options - setsockopt() example
  89. Using Go instead of bash for scripts
  90. Why Go and not Rust?
  91. Programming with errors
  92. Error Handling in Go
  93. Handling Panics in Go
  94. Simple techniques to optimise Go programs
  95. 12 factor configuration with Go's flag package
  96. Using SO_PEERCRED in Go
  97. Web API Integration Testing with Go
  98. ORMs and Query Building in Go
  99. Mocking gRPC in Go
  100. Bad Go: Adventures with JSON marshalling
  101. How to Write Go Code
  102. Simple Go project layout with modules
  103. Package management in Go
  104. Understanding Package Visibility in Go
  105. Why we’re writing machine learning infrastructure in Go, not Python
  106. Running Go CLI programs in the browser
  107. Top 6 security best practices for Go
  108. Exposing interfaces in Go
  109. Using Go as the Infrastructure Language at NodeSource
  110. Better Error Handling, in Go
  111. Graceful shutdown of a TCP server in Go
  112. How to collect, standardize, and centralize Golang logs
  113. How to Parse a JSON Request Body in Go
  114. The Zen of Go
  115. Go Things I Love: Channels and Goroutines
  116. Go - graceful shutdown of worker goroutines
  117. Fun with Concurrency in Golang
  118. How to Build a Custom Kubernetes Ingress Controller in Go
  119. Batching operations in Go
  120. Building containers without Docker
  121. Make resilient Go net/http servers using timeouts, deadlines and context cancellation
  122. Come Go With Me
  123. Go Concurrency Patterns: Context
  124. Implementing Graceful Shutdown in Go
  125. Go 1.18 and Google Cloud: Go now with Google Cloud

DevOps and Cloud Native

  1. A Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Native: Tools, Practices and Culture
  2. An Introduction to the Cloud Native Landscape
  3. The Cloud Native Landscape: The Provisioning Layer Explained
  4. The Cloud Native Landscape: The Runtime Layer Explained
  5. The Cloud Native Landscape: The Orchestration and Management Layer
  6. The Cloud Native Landscape: The Application Definition and Development Layer
  7. The Cloud Native Landscape: Platforms Explained
  8. The Cloud Native Landscape: Observability and Analysis
  9. The State of Cloud Native: Challenges, Culture and Technology
  10. How was the world's largest cloud vendor, AWS, born?
  11. Engineering dependability and fault tolerance in a distributed system
  12. Introduction to eBPF
  13. What Is Argo CD?
  14. The Istio service mesh
  15. A Developer’s Guide to GitOps
  16. Maximizing Developer Effectiveness
  17. DevOps engineer job interview questions
  18. Podman and Buildah for Docker users
  19. How to learn and stay up to date with DevOps and Cloud Native technologies
  20. The Next Step after DevOps and GitOps Is Cloud Engineering, Pulumi Says
  21. ArgoCD: Okta integration, and user groups
  22. Argo CD RBAC Configuration
  23. DevOps, SRE, and Platform Engineering
  24. How to Keep Your Cloud-Native Apps Secure
  25. 10 best practices for DevOps
  26. DevOps: A cheat sheet
  27. Six steps to DevOps success, analyzed
  28. 3 lessons for IT leaders from “The Unicorn Project”
  29. 5 GitOps Best Practices
  30. Extending cloud native principles to chaos engineering
  31. Debugging Software Deployments with strace
  32. Gracefully shutting down a Nodejs HTTP server
  33. You can't buy DevOps
  34. How to be a DevOps maestro: containers orchestration guide
  35. 5 Best Practices for Nailing Incident Retrospectives
  36. DevOps: 5 tips on how to manage stronger remote teams
  37. 7 top DevOps engineer interview questions for 2020
  38. DevOps culture: 5 questions to ask about yours
  39. 3 problems DevOps won't fix
  40. (A few) Ops Lessons We All Learn The Hard Way
  41. How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy
  42. The Future of Ops Jobs
  43. The Future of Cloud Native Security Is Self-Healing
  44. OpenTelemetry Steps up to Manage the Mayhem of Microservices
  45. Ops by pull request: an Ansible GitOps story
  46. How GitOps Improves the Security of Your Development Pipelines
  47. How eBPF Turns Linux into a Programmable Kernel
  48. Backup and DR in the Age of GitOps
  49. Why I've Been Merging Microservices Back Into The Monolith At InVision
  50. Help the World by Healing Your NGINX Configuration
  51. Patterns of Distributed Systems
  52. Making sense out of cloud-native buzz
  53. Service Ownership: What It Really Means and How to Achieve It
  54. Accelerate Developer Teams with Platform Engineering
  55. Monitoring and Observability With USE and RED
  56. Making the USE method of monitoring useful
  57. The RED method: A new strategy for monitoring microservices

K8s Cluster Multi-tenancy

  1. Cluster multi-tenancy
  2. There and Back Again — Scaling Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Cluster(s)
  3. Best practices for enterprise multi-tenancy
  4. SaaS: Single Tenant vs Multi-Tenant - What's the Difference?
  5. Single-Tenant Vs. Multi-Tenant Cloud: Which Should You Use?
  6. How to setup a multi-tenant cluster with GKE
  7. Choosing Single-Tenancy or Multi-Tenancy Kubernetes Clusters
  8. Approaches to implementing multi-tenancy in SaaS applications
  9. Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy – A Best Practices Guide
  10. Making Kubernetes Multi-tenant
  11. Three Tenancy Models For Kubernetes
  12. Difference Between multi-cluster, multi-master, multi-tenant & federated Kubernetes
  13. Individual Kubernetes Clusters vs. Shared Kubernetes Clusters for Development
  14. How to Save More Than 2/3 of Engineers’ Kubernetes Cost
  15. Kubernetes Cost Savings By Reducing The Number Of Clusters
  16. The Journey of Adopting Cloud-Native Development
  17. Understanding Multi-Tenancy in Kubernetes
  18. Best practices for cluster isolation in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  1. What are DORA (DevOps Research and Assessments) Metrics?
  2. DevOps capabilities
  3. DevOps culture: How to transform
  4. DevOps culture: Transformational leadership
  5. DevOps process: Streamlining change approval
  6. DevOps measurement: Work in process limits
  7. DevOps measurement: Visual management capabilities
  8. DevOps culture: Job satisfaction
  9. DevOps culture: Learning culture
  10. DevOps culture: Westrum organizational culture
  11. DevOps measurement: Monitoring systems to inform business decisions
  12. DevOps process: Working in small batches
  13. How to Ask for Help on Slack

GCP Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam

  1. Professional Cloud Architect
  2. Professional Cloud Architect Certification exam guide
  3. Case Study Review: EHR Healthcare
  4. Case Study Review: Helicopter Racing League
  5. Case Study Review: Mountkirk Games
  6. Case Study Review: TerramEarth
  7. How to pass the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam in 30 days or less!


  1. Fix the Problem, Not the Symptoms

  2. Talk, then code

  3. Why do (some) engineers write bad code?

  4. Slack Outage Monday January 4, 2021

  5. Preparing to Issue 200 Million Certificates in 24 Hours

  6. Everything is broken, and it’s okay

  7. How to Successfully Hand Over Systems

  8. The Problem With Agile Scrum (And Why We Use Kanban Instead)

  9. Enforcing Policy as Code using OPA and Gatekeeper in Kubernetes

  10. APIs Aren’t Just for Tech Companies

  11. OKRs v KPIs - How they work together

  12. The History of HAProxy

  13. The Secret of Employee Engagement

  14. Software is about people, not code

  15. How an SRE became an Application Security Engineer (and you can too)

  16. The 4 Quadrants of Time Management Matrix

  17. GitLab and Okta

  18. Why Software Development is Hard

  19. The Difference Between LDAP and SAML SSO

  20. GitLab and Okta

  21. SAML SSO for groups

  22. SCIM provisioning using SAML SSO for groups

  23. How to Defeat Busy Culture

  24. Things I Learned to Become a Senior Software Engineer

  25. How to familiarize yourself with a new codebase

  26. Taming the tar command: Tips for managing backups in Linux

  27. Advice for customers dealing with Docker Hub rate limits, and a Coming Soon announcement

  28. Millions of Remote Workers Are Now Thinking About Moving

  29. What I Learned From Bombing a Technical Interview

  30. How Netflix brings safer and faster streaming experiences to the living room on crowded networks using TLS 1.3

  31. Managing cgroups with systemd

  32. Recommended Engineering Management Books

  33. My Choice of Programming Languages

  34. Job Description from WiredCraft

  35. Bridge vs. Switch: What I Learned From a Data Center Tour

  36. Computer Networking Introduction - Ethernet and IP (Heavily Illustrated)

  37. Illustrated introduction to Linux iptables

  38. Always be quitting

  39. What’s next, after Kubernetes?

  40. Linux Is Generic; Your Application Isn’t

  41. Facebook outage Update about the October 4th outage

  42. Facebook outage More details about the October 4 outage

  43. A Tale of DNS & BGP: The Facebook Outage, October 2021

  44. Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet

  45. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith

  46. Using GitOps to Self-Manage Postgres in Kubernetes

  47. How Many People Can Someone Lead?

  48. What is Developer Experience and why should we care?

  49. Practical Go: Real world advice for writing maintainable Go programs

  50. Prometheus Is Not a TSDB

  51. Prometheus Cheat Sheet - Basics (Metrics, Labels, Time Series, Scraping)

  52. Prometheus Cheat Sheet - How to Join Multiple Metrics (Vector Matching)

  53. Prometheus Cheat Sheet - Moving Average, Max, Min, etc (Aggregation Over Time)

  54. Fixing Service Performance with PProf in Go

  55. Integration Testing in Go: Part I - Executing Tests with Docker

  56. If at first you don’t succeed call it version 1.0

  57. Understanding Pointers in Go

  58. Clean Go Code

  59. 8 Use Cases for Kubernetes over VPN: Unlocking Multicloud Flexibility

  60. 50 Best DevOps Interview Questions To Prepare in 2021

  61. How to improve your Docker containers security [cheat sheet included]

  62. Incident Management Goes to the Olympics

  63. Shell Field Guide

  64. How to audit SSH server and client config on Linux/Unix

  65. Using WireGuard on macOS via the CLI

  66. Goodbye minikube

  67. How to Prepare Your Organization for the Next Big Thing

  68. Tiny Container Challenge: Building a 6kB Containerized HTTP Server!

  69. Rate Limiting in controller-runtime and client-go

  70. How to Write a Git Commit Message

  71. Go is not an easy language

  72. Building container images in Go

  73. How to adopt DevSecOps successfully

  74. Cloud Native Predictions for 2021 and Beyond

  75. How to implement a DevOps toolchain

  76. GitOps-based Policy Management: How to Scale in a Multi-Node, Multicloud World

  77. A Developer’s Guide to GitOps

  78. HR is not your friend, and other things I think you should know

  79. How CI/CD is Sidetracking Optimization, and What You Can Do About It

  80. Deep Dive into Golang Performance

  81. Evolving DevOps towards performance optimization

  82. Kubernetes Backup vs Disaster Recovery

  83. Implementing SLI/SLO based Continuous Delivery Quality Gates using Prometheus

  84. Tutorial: Kubernetes-Native Backup and Recovery With Stash

  85. Auto-labeling Kubernetes resources with Kyverno

  86. Exploring Kyverno: Introduction

  87. Production Checklist for Redis on Kubernetes

  88. Using GitOps to Self-Manage Postgres in Kubernetes

  89. To run or not to run a database on Kubernetes: What to consider

  90. Running CockroachDB on Kubernetes

  91. Introducing Tobs: Deploy a full observability suite for Kubernetes in two minutes

  92. Deep dive into Kubernetes CronJob

  93. Helm Charts Tutorial: The Kubernetes Package Manager Explained

  94. Build Your Kubernetes Operator with the Right Tool

  95. Production Checklist for Redis on Kubernetes

  96. A tour of the Kubernetes source code

  97. DevOps — You Build It, You Run It

  98. The USA TODAY NETWORK’s SRE team’s journey into Docker and Kubernetes. Was it worth it?

  99. The TIME Project

IaC - Crossplane - AWS Controllers - GCP Config Connector

  1. Playing with Crossplane, for real
  2. aws-controllers-k8s Code Generation
  3. Introducing the AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK)
  4. Config Connector overview
  5. Config Connector, a new approach to Infrastructure as Code

  1. Reverse Proxy, HTTP Keep-Alive Timeout, and sporadic HTTP 502s
  2. A Solution to HTTP 502 Errors with AWS ALB

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.