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asgi-ratelimit's Introduction

ASGI RateLimit

Limit user access frequency. Base on ASGI.

100% coverage. High performance. Support regular matching. Customizable.


# Only install
pip install asgi-ratelimit

# Use redis
pip install asgi-ratelimit[redis]

# Use jwt
pip install asgi-ratelimit[jwt]

# Install all
pip install asgi-ratelimit[full]


The following example will limit users under the "default" group to access /towns at most once per second and /forests at most once per minute. And the users in the "admin" group have no restrictions.

from typing import Tuple

from ratelimit import RateLimitMiddleware, Rule

# Simple rate-limiter in memory:
from ratelimit.backends.simple import MemoryBackend

rate_limit = RateLimitMiddleware(
        r"^/towns": [Rule(second=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],
        r"^/forests": [Rule(minute=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],

# with Redis:
from redis.asyncio import StrictRedis
from ratelimit.backends.redis import RedisBackend

rate_limit = RateLimitMiddleware(
        r"^/towns": [Rule(second=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],
        r"^/forests": [Rule(minute=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],

⚠️ The pattern's order is important, rules are set on the first match: Be careful here !

Next, provide a custom authenticate function, or use one of the existing auth methods.

from ratelimit.auths import EmptyInformation

async def AUTH_FUNCTION(scope: Scope) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    Resolve the user's unique identifier and the user's group from ASGI SCOPE.

    If there is no user information, it should raise `EmptyInformation`.
    If there is no group information, it should return "default".
    # FIXME
    # You must write the logic of this function yourself,
    # or use the function in the following document directly.

rate_limit = RateLimitMiddleware(ASGI_APP, AUTH_FUNCTION, ...)

The Rule type takes a time unit (e.g. "second"), a "group", and a "method" as a param. If the "group" param is not specified then the "authenticate" method needs to return the "default group". The "method" param corresponds to the http method, if it is not specified, the rule will be applied to all http requests.


        r"^/towns": [Rule(second=1, method="get"), Rule(second=10, group="admin")],

async def AUTH_FUNCTION(scope: Scope) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    # no group information about this user
    if user not in admins_group:
        return user_unique_id, 'default'

    return user_unique_id, user_group

Customizable rules

It is possible to mix the rules to obtain higher level of control.

The below example will allow up to 10 requests per second and no more than 200 requests per minute, for everyone, for the same API endpoint.

        r"^/towns": [Rule(minute=200, second=10)],

Example for a "admin" group with higher limits.

        r"^/towns": [
            Rule(day=400, minute=200, second=10),
            Rule(minute=500, second=25, group="admin"),

Sometimes you may want to specify that some APIs share the same flow control pool. In other words, flow control is performed on the entire set of APIs instead of a single specific API. Only the zone parameter needs to be used. Note: You can give different rules the same zone value, and all rules with the same zone value share the same flow control pool.

        r"/user/\d+": [
            Rule(minute=200, zone="user-api"),
            Rule(second=100, zone="user-api", group="admin"),

Block time

When the user's request frequency triggers the upper limit, all requests in the following period of time will be returned with a 429 status code.

Example: Rule(second=5, block_time=60), this rule will limit the user to a maximum of 5 visits per second. Once this limit is exceeded, all requests within the next 60 seconds will return 429.

HTTP Method

If you want a rate limit a specifc HTTP method on an endpoint, the Rule object has a method param. If no method is specified, the default value is "*" for all HTTP methods.

r"^/towns": [
    Rule(group="admin", method="get", second=10),
    Rule(group="admin", method="post", second=2)

Custom block handler

Just specify on_blocked and you can customize the asgi application that is called when blocked.

def yourself_429(retry_after: int):
    async def inside_yourself_429(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send) -> None:
        await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429})
        await send(
                "type": "http.response.body",
                "body": b"custom 429 page",
                "more_body": False,

    return inside_yourself_429

RateLimitMiddleware(..., on_blocked=yourself_429)

Built-in auth functions

Client IP

from ratelimit.auths.ip import client_ip

Obtain user IP through scope["client"] or X-Real-IP.

Note: this auth method will not work if your IP address (such as etc) is not allocated for public networks.

Starlette Session

from ratelimit.auths.session import from_session

Get user and group from scope["session"].

If key group not in session, will return default. If key user not in session, will raise a EmptyInformation.

Json Web Token

from ratelimit.auths.jwt import create_jwt_auth

jwt_auth = create_jwt_auth("KEY", "HS256")

Get user and group from JWT that in Authorization header.

Custom auth error handler

Normally exceptions raised in the authentication function result in an Internal Server Error, but you can pass a function to handle the errors and send the appropriate response back to the user. For example, if you're using FastAPI or Starlette:

from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from ratelimit.types import ASGIApp

async def handle_auth_error(exc: Exception) -> ASGIApp:
    return JSONResponse({"message": "Unauthorized access."}, status_code=401)

RateLimitMiddleware(..., on_auth_error=handle_auth_error)

For advanced usage you can handle the response completely by yourself:

from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from ratelimit.types import ASGIApp, Scope, Receive, Send

async def handle_auth_error(exc: Exception) -> ASGIApp:
    async def response(scope: Scope, receive: Receive, send: Send):
        # do something here e.g.
        # await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429})
    return response

asgi-ratelimit's People


abersheeran avatar allerter avatar euri10 avatar hepaajan avatar mlen108 avatar pa-t avatar ponytailer avatar silky avatar


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asgi-ratelimit's Issues

Wrong import in example

In example at Readme:

from ratelimit.backends.redis import MemoryBackend, RedisBackend

For MemoryBackend should be:

from ratelimit.backends.simple import MemoryBackend

Multiple limit not respected

Greetings and thanks for this package !

Maybe there is something I understand incorrectly but I thought reading the link that I could set multiple limits.

If I set this rule for instance :
r"/multiple": [Rule(second=1, hour=2)]

My understanding is that it will allow up to 1 request per second and no more than 2 requests per hour, for everyone, for the /multiple endpoint.

So if my understanding is correct then this does not return a 429 after the 2nd hit,

I wrote a small test case here that shows it :

Ratelimit user_id for JWT access token , IP address for endpoint having not token.

using for JWT auth. My requirement is to ratelimit users based on client ip address not having token . For endpoint having access token , user_id is in access token and want to ratelimit that user_id. While using another ratelimiter slowapi, folllowing code worked fine. How to define auth_function while using this ratelimit.

from fastapi_jwt_auth import AuthJWT
from starlette.requests import Request
def get_user_id_or_ip(request: Request):
    authorize = AuthJWT(request)  # initial instance fastapi-jwt-auth
         # If JWT Token is present then get_jwt_object otherwise return client IP address
         authorize.jwt_optional()  # for validation jwt token
        return decrypt_data(authorize.get_jwt_subject()) or
    except AuthJWTException:

In  (using fastApi)
        r"^/towns": [Rule(second=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],
        r"^/forests": [Rule(minute=1, group="default"), Rule(group="admin")],

How to resolve user/group ?

This package looks promising, however I have little trouble understanding how to even start using it...

What/how should I resolve the user/group in AUTH_FUNCTION ? Sorry I don't get it from this documentation.

I also tried to use the built in session auth method and it fails with AssertionError: Starlette SessionMiddleware must be installed to access request.session

FYI using the FastApi so code looks like this:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from ratelimit import RateLimitMiddleware, Rule
from ratelimit.auths.session import from_session
from ratelimit.backends.redis import RedisBackend
from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware

app = FastAPI()
        r"^/": [Rule(second=1), Rule(group="admin")],

customize user and group key

maybe can direct the user and group in header or session

def create_jwt_token(key, alg, user_key="user", group_key="group"):

EmptyInformation results in Internal Server Error

I successfully set up the rate limiter for my app with JWT auth and RedisBacked, but when I test it with requests that miss the Authorization header, the error isn't picked up by FastAPI and instead it results in an Internal Server Error.
I tried adding an exception handler for EmptyInformation to send a 401 response back to the user, but the exception won't get picked up by the exception handler and still results in an Internal Server Error. Am I missing something here? What should I do to handle the EmptyInformation exception?

async def unicorn_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: EmptyInformation):
    return JSONResponse(
        content={"detail": "Unauthorized access."},


from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from ratelimit import RateLimitMiddleware, Rule
from ratelimit.auths.jwt import create_jwt_auth
from ratelimit.auths import EmptyInformation
from ratelimit.backends.redis import RedisBackend


app = FastAPI()
    authenticate=create_jwt_auth(key=SECRET_KEY, algorithms=[ALGORITHM]),
        r"^/$": [Rule(second=5, group="default"), Rule(group="unlimited")],

# @app.exception_handler(EmptyInformation)
# async def emptyinformation_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: EmptyInformation):
#    return JSONResponse(
#        status_code=401,
#        content={"detail": "Unauthorized access."},
#    )

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

Version info

  • Package: 0.4.0
  • Python: 3.8.8
  • OS: Windows

To reproduce:

pip install asgi-ratelimiter[full]
uvicorn main:app

path matching breaks on 1st match

not sure if that should be considered as a bug but here is this config I was writing in tests to write custom rules ()

    rate_limit = RateLimitMiddleware(
            r"/multiple": [FixedRule(second=1, minute=3)],
            r"/custom": [CustomRule(rules=[LimitFrequency(limit=3, granularity=2)])],
            r"/multiple_custom": [CustomRule(rules=[LimitFrequency(limit=3, granularity=2), LimitFrequency(limit=4, granularity=3)])],

as the path matching breaks on the 1st match, if you send a

        response = await client.get(
            "/multiple_custom", headers={"user": "user", "group": "default"}

it will think you are using the FixedRule from the /multiple endpoint while in fact you wanted not.
should I use r"^/multiple$": [FixedRule(second=1, minute=3)], instead the match does not occur as expected.

As a user it could be confusing.

About documentation

Can I have a documentation so that I can use in FastApi application? Its difficult to figure out how to use this code from given usage.

Bug when not connected to Redis

I found a little bug.. when using the RedisBackend as a backend class, and when Redis is not running then no error will be raised in the app, but worst is that the rate limiter has no effect at all! All requests come through. Imagine my local Redis going down unexpectedly and my API becomes unlimited for everyone 😱

I looked at aredis constructor for StrictRedis and it does not look like one can pass anything to check for available/existing connection.

Redis's official way of ensuring for connection is the ping command.

I think the best solution here is to allow users to pass already established Redis connection to backend for RateLimitMiddleware ?

Or do you have a better idea?

Something like:

from aredis import StrictRedis
from fastapi import FastAPI
from ratelimit import RateLimitMiddleware

app = FastAPI()
my_redis_conn = StrictRedis()

async def startup():
    # either command will raise ConnectionError
    await my_redis_conn.get(None) 
    # or await


With passing my_redis_conn we're reusing the connection - no need to make another one.

Obviously, there's some little edge case scenario. E.g. Redis & app is running, and then Redis goes down after X days & the rate limiter will again allow all requests.

So maybe it would be better to overwrite allow_request for Redis Backend?

Zero rating behaviour in MemoryBackend, blocking abusive clients as part of rate limiting

During some experimenting with settings it appeared that creating a Rule(hour=0, group="blocked", zone="sensitive_api") did not block the client immediately, but allowed accessing the zone once before the block took hold. This seems to be because of how MemoryBackend is implemented presuming that minimum limit amount is 1 and after setting the new limit counter for the client postponing the validity check to next round of access. This makes limits 0 and 1 equivalent in practise.

Setting zero rate seems to be supported in implementation of RedisBackend though. If I am correct about differences in implementations I suppose unifying the behaviour would make sense?

In a broader perspective, permanently blocking users might not be part of rate limiting, which is all about 429 and not so much about 401 or 403. However in some cases it is not meaningful to consider blocking independently from rate limiting, duplicating extra layer of URL patters and zones, especially if there is no separate authentication mechanism in place and blocking happens in scope of ensuring sanity of API exploitation, for example, blocking because repeatedly failing to conform to limits, concurrently exceeding multiple limits, spamming with repeated or malformed content etc.

I think besides 0=1 issue above, zero rating works as expected in current implementation, but there might be some additional questions of Retry-After giving meaningful instructions, for example in case of Rule(second=0).

Add block time

Access is denied for a short time after the current limit is triggered.

like this:

Rule(minute=30, block_time=60 * 10)

If there are more than 30 visits in one minute, then the visit will be denied directly for the next ten minutes.

feature: custom 429 per limit

so far we can have a custom 429 but only one,
what would be cool is to have a custom 429 per limit, e.g.

429 "you reached your daily limit" if the daily limit is passed

however I wonder at what level this kind of config would make sense

Any way to get apply limit on entire app or a group of endpoints

Please consider this a Q or a feature request

I have 3 endpoints

from typing import Tuple

from fastapi import FastAPI
from ratelimit import RateLimitMiddleware, Rule
from ratelimit.backends.redis import RedisBackend
from ratelimit.types import Scope

app = FastAPI()

async def auth_func(scope: Scope) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    print('user1', 'customer1')
    return ('user1', 'customer1')

    authenticate = auth_func,
    backend=RedisBackend(host='localhost', port=6379),
        r"^/message": [Rule(minute=2, group='customer1')],
        r"^/": [Rule(minute=1, group='customer1')],

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World"}

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hi World"}

async def root():
    return {"message": "message"}

I would like to handle /message separately and the others separately as a group.
Ex- if there is 1 request to either of / or /hi then it should not allow another for that period(1 min) to either of them.

As far as I can understand the code base, we need another backend? or should it be another config parser?

init ratelimiter backend from config, not code

For example:


Because, different env config has the same code.

In CI/CD, use the simple, but use the redis in production.

Exclude certain paths?

I'm having a rather custom requirement to exclude (not count the rate limit) against certain URL paths.

For example given the endpoint

I'd like to exclude some paths then, e.g.:

    r"^/api/find/germany": [ # do nothing ],
    r"^/api/find/belgium": [
        Rule(minute=50, group="belgium")

I think it's not currently possible? After looking at the code.

Do you think such functionality could benefit other users?

KeyError in default_429 when using TestClient

The default_429 function works fine when I launch my FastAPI app normally and send requests to it, but when I test it using FastAPI's (which is Starlette's) TestClient, the first send statement (await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429})) results in a KeyError. Normally when the first send is called, the following headers are in the response in my app even if I don't specify a headers parameter in send:

{'date': 'Wed, 31 Mar 2021 17:24:52 GMT', 'server': 'uvicorn', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'}

But when the TestClient is used to test the endpoints, there are no headers and Starlette raises the following exception:

message = {'status': 429, 'type': 'http.response.start'}

    async def send(message: Message) -> None:
        nonlocal raw_kwargs, response_started, response_complete, template, conext

        if message["type"] == "http.response.start":
            assert (
                not response_started
            ), 'Received multiple "http.response.start" messages.'
            raw_kwargs["version"] = 11
            raw_kwargs["status"] = message["status"]
            raw_kwargs["reason"] = _get_reason_phrase(message["status"])
            raw_kwargs["headers"] = [
>               (key.decode(), value.decode()) for key, value in message["headed"]           
E           KeyError: 'headers'

..\..\lib\site-pakages\starlette\ KeyError

This is because when using TestClient, the message that goes through default_429 has no headers and results in an error. I easily solved this issue by supplying my own function for on_blocked:

async def yourself_429(scope, receive, send) -> None:
    body = json.dumps({"detail": "Too many requests"}).encode("utf8")
    headers = [
        (b"content-length", str(len(body)).encode("utf8")),
        (b"content-type", b"application/json"),
    await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429, "headers": headers})
    await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": body, "more_body": False})

RateLimitMiddleware(..., on_blocked=yourself_429)

I don't know if this counts as a Starlette issue or an ASGI-Ratelimit one, but thought I should put this here in case someone else faces a similar error.

Not Working

@abersheeran This module doesn't work when I use

r"^/": [Rule(second=1), Rule(group="admin")],
r"^/api": [Rule(minute=1), Rule(group="admin")],

Library should handle unexpected exception related to backend


When using Redis as a backend, the code doesn't handle any exceptions caused by the backend, i.e., Network/Connectivity related, which results in a 5xx internal server error.

How to reproduce

  1. Set up Redis backend
  2. start the service, and then
  3. bring down the Redis.
  4. Call the endpoint which matches any rule and the endpoint will return 5xx.

Expected Behavior:

On backend exceptions, the endpoint should not fail and just let it do the standard processing and disregard rate-limiting.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 577, in connect
    await self.retry.call_with_retry(
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 59, in call_with_retry
    return await do()
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 922, in _connect
    reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
  File "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/[email protected]/3.9.15/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 52, in open_connection
    transport, _ = await loop.create_connection(
  File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 2039, in create_connection
  File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 2016, in uvloop.loop.Loop.create_connection
ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 61] Connection refused

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/ratelimit/", line 95, in __call__
    retry_after = await self.backend.retry_after(path, user, rule)
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/ratelimit/backends/", line 46, in retry_after
    block_time = await self.is_blocking(user)
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/ratelimit/backends/", line 42, in is_blocking
    a = await self._redis.ttl(f"blocking:{user}")
  File "../python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 513, in execute_command
    conn = self.connection or await pool.get_connection(command_name, **options)
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 1375, in get_connection
    await connection.connect()
  File "../lib/python3.9/site-packages/redis/asyncio/", line 585, in connect
    raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e))
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 61 connecting to 61.

Python version: 3.9
Library version: 0.10.0

Add Any Header to make it work with Python Secure

I use

and it returns error

response.raw_headers = message["headers"]
KeyError: 'headers'

I fixed it by adding any headers to the response

await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429})

await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 429, 'headers': [(b'content-type', b'application/json')]})

Also how to custom error handler for 429? since its handled by asgi exception, I need to make the error response as JSON

thank you

New Version Release

It has been a while since we merged in the new feature for rate limiting by method #66 #67

Just checking in to see if we could get this new version released, my use case would really appreciate this feature for a cleaner implementation. Thanks @abersheeran

`Event loop is closed` when testing with `TestClient`

I try to follow FastAPI docs on testing,
and I'm getting RuntimeError: Event loop is closed error when I have ratelimiter enabled.


async def _dummy_auth_function(scope: Scope) -> tuple[str, str]:
    return "dummy_uid", "default"

        r"^/v3/": [Rule(minute=1000, second=20)],  # <-- Works when this is deleted

My file:

import pytest
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

from .main import app

client = TestClient(app)

def test_ping():
    response = client.get("/v3/test/ping")
    response = client.get("/v3/test/ping")  # <-- this doesn't work
    assert response.status_code == 200

This code fails with Event loop is closed on second request,
unless the endpoint is not ratelimited.



Rate limit per request method

I am working on implementing rate limiting with this library and ran into an issue when multiple endpoints share the same path but different methods. For example:

GET   /towns
POST  /towns

Using the pattern matching to set up limits would apply the same limit to both endpoints, but this is not desired.

    r"^/towns": [Rule(second=10)],

A workaround I have found is in the auth function, getting the method and then using the method in the group name.

async def AUTH_FUNCTION(scope: Scope) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    method = scope['method'].lower()
    return user_unique_id, f"{method}-groupname"

Limits per method can then be set by

    r"^/towns": [
        Rule(group="get-groupname", second=10),
        Rule(group="post-groupname", second=2),

Thoughts around improvements

In the, I see that the key in redis is

f"{path}:{user}:{name}": (limit, TTL[name])

Adding in the method to this key should take care of this on the backend

f"{path}:{method}:{user}:{name}": (limit, TTL[name])

And then in the Rule implementation, adding a field to specify method could look something like

Rule(group="groupname", method="get", second=10),
Rule(group="groupname", method="post", second=2),

Interested to hear some thoughts around this (and if i missed something obvious). Thanks

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