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lizmap-docker-compose's Introduction

Run Lizmap stack with docker-compose

Run a complete Lizmap stack with test data.

  • Lizmap Web Client
  • QGIS Server
  • Redis

Note: this is a sample configuration for testing Lizmap web client with QGIS and WPS features.

If you want to use it on a production server, you will need to make adjustments to meet your production requirements.


  • Docker engine
  • docker-compose v2

Quick start

Execute the commands below for your system and open your browser at http://localhost:8090.


In a shell, configure the environment:

./ configure

Or if you want to test specific version (here last 3.7.x version):

LIZMAP_VERSION_TAG=3.7 ./ configure

Run lizmap:

docker compose pull
docker compose up

To run lizmap visible to another system, prefix the docker command with a variable. NB! This will be plain HTTP with no encryption and not suitable for production.

LIZMAP_PORT=EXTERNAL_IP_HERE:80 docker compose up


In order to user Docker on Windows you may install Docker desktop for Windows

If you have some distribution installed (Ubuntu, ...) in WSL, you can simply run the linux command as above, once in it.

Or in PowerShell, run the following command to set up some files


You can then launch the docker using

docker compose --env-file up

Or if you want to test specific version, you can edit and change (here last 3.7.x version):


Running the first time

The previous commands create a docker-compose environment and run the stack

The Lizmap service will start two toys projects that you will have to configure in the Lizmap interface.

See the Lizmap documentation for how to configure Lizmap at first run.

Default login is admin, password admin. It will be asked to change it at first login.

Add your own project

You need to :

  • create a directory in lizmap/instances
  • visit http://localhost:8090/admin.php/admin/maps/
  • in the Lizmap admin panel, add the directory you created
  • add one or more QGIS projects with the Lizmap CFG file in the directory

Reset the configuration

In command line

./  clean 

This will remove all previous configuration. You will have to reenter the configuration in Lizmap as for the first run.


For more information, refer to the docker-compose documentation

See also:

Docker on Windows:

lizmap-docker-compose's People


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lizmap-docker-compose's Issues

Permission denied with nginx

I was able to install everything on my Synology NAS through SSH.
My problem is that the container "docker_web_1" (nginx) constantly stops working cause of a "permission denied".

nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)


2021/06/07 16:23:13 [emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)

I made all the installation as ROOT (sudo -i), so I can't understand the problem... Any idea?
Thank you for the help...

lizmap-docker-compose & postgres

I'm testing the Lizmap docker stack, and apart a trouble with lizmap 3.4 (@dmarteau has open a ticket about), all is great at the moment, but I guess I've to add a postgres-postgis image into the docker-container.yml, in order to test this side too, right?


lizmap projects

I have started a lizmap instance with the following setup:

export LIZMAP_DIR=${LIZMAP_DIR:-/home/geo/Documents/projects/qgis/lizmap}
export LIZMAP_USER_ID=${LIZMAP_USER:-$(id -u)}
export LIZMAP_USER_GID=${LIZMAP_GID:-$(id -g)}

According to this config LIZMAP_USER_ID = 1000 and LIZMAP_USER_GID=1000
I have qgis qgs and shapefiles in ${LIZMAP_DIR}/instances. I also have configured qgis lizmap plugin and qgis-server, but when I started lizmap http://localhost:8888 I could not find qgis projects.

Where is located cache directory ?

A good question this time (I hope so)
I cannot understand / find by myself where is store tile cache with this configuration.

In a standalone non docker installation, admin menu show what cache directory is use (or redis database)
With Docker Compose I really don't know ? In the Redis container ?

Good to know to avoid lost all tile cache when restarting docker-compose ^^

Thanks you.

The lizmap_server plugin needs to be updated

I have updated lizmap-web-client from version 3.7 to 3.7.3 and it shows me the following error:
"The lizmap_server plugin needs to be updated."
What is the proper way to update the plugin?

Can't activate "edition" mode

I created a QGIS projet, with only an orthophoto and a Spatialite layer (points).
I can't activate the "edition" mode in my Lizamp client web.

I can see the orthophoto, also see the point layer, check the attribute table... But I can't find the way to add new points, or delete them?!?

In QGIS, server option, I checked the WFS to be editable in update, delete and add. I also have a primary key.
In Lizamp plugin, I selected the layer, checked "create", "edit attribute" "delete" and " edit geometry". I aslo gave permission to the "users" group.
In Lizmap admin panel, I give permissions to update the layer to the "users" group.

But I see nowhere the "edition" tool?
Did I something wrong?

Configuration missing


Using this docker-compose file, i manage to have a lizmap working pretty well.
My problem is the lack of information on the lizmap config panel.
I only see few of the parameters. For exemple, the WMS server url is missing as well as the cache storage.
Is their a way to show those information and manage them ?

Thanks by advance

Editing layer loading for ever

I'm experiencing an issue about the editing tool in Lizmap. I manage to configure my layer in the plugin. Publish in WFS and WMS so i can access my data.
I can see all my geometry but when i go to the Editing tool in the mapmenu, (i can see the layer that have the create option enable) the editing form load for a while and i have the log :

2019-06-28 11:01:56	notice	2019-06-28 11:01:56	[8]	Undefined offset: 13	/www/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/qgisVectorLayer.class.php	88

2019-06-28 11:01:56	notice	2019-06-28 11:01:56	[8]	Undefined offset: 13	/www/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/qgisVectorLayer.class.php	109

2019-06-28 11:01:56	notice	2019-06-28 11:01:56	[8]	Undefined offset: 14	/www/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/qgisVectorLayer.class.php	110

2019-06-28 11:01:56	notice	2019-06-28 11:01:56	[8]	Undefined offset: 15	/www/lizmap/modules/lizmap/classes/qgisVectorLayer.class.php	111

2019-06-28 11:01:56	error	2019-06-28 11:01:56	[0]	dbtools, pgsql: unknown table	/www/lib/jelix/plugins/db/pgsql/pgsql.dbtools.php	242

What i don't understand is that i manage to use the editing tool last week, but now i doesn't work anymore.

Do you know why this happen ?

Production server requirements

I was trying to install on a server.
Currently I have exposed, by modifying the docker-compose.yml, port 5432 and the lizmap port. It's enough?
What other operations can I do?.

I wanted to understand whether to modify this configuration provided

` server {
listen 8080;

   server_name lizmap;

    root /srv/lizmap/www;
    index index.html index.php;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/lizmap_access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/lizmap_error.log;

    # URI resolved to web sub directory
    # and found a index.php file here
    location ~* /(\w+/)?\w+\.php {

        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        set $path_info $fastcgi_path_info; # because of bug

        try_files $fastcgi_script_name =404;
        include fastcgi_params;

        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $http_host;
        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info;
        fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$path_info;
        fastcgi_pass  lizmap:9000;


ERRO docker web client offiline

Grâce à Docker, j'ai tout installé et je ne parviens pas à accéder au client Web. Il n'y a eu aucune erreur lors de l'installation mais le site Web est en panne.

J'ai suivi l'explication Linux dans le fichier readme du projet. Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée de ce que cela pourrait être ?

log lizmap web client

Updating configuration
Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d

  • Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d/lizmap-url.ini.php
    Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/localconfig.d
  • Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/localconfig.d/test.ini.php
    Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/profiles.d
  • Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/lizmap_local.ini.php
  • Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/test.ini.php
    trying to connect to the Postgresql database lizmap at db.lizmap with the profile default...
    Ok, Postgresql is alive.
    Set files rights
    Launch installer
    Installation is starting
    All modules dependencies are ok
    Installation starts
    All modules are installed or upgraded
    Installation is finished
    Clean temp
    Setup config php-fpm
    Create the account for admin
    This username already exists
    [09-Nov-2023 16:25:57] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 1
    [09-Nov-2023 16:25:57] NOTICE: ready to handle connections

inconsistency in the configure() procedure

There's a problem with variable assignment and use of the same variable in the configure() procedure.

source $INSTALL_SOURCE/env.default

docker run -it \
    --rm \
    -e INSTALL_SOURCE=/install \
    -e INSTALL_DEST=/lizmap \
    -e QGSRV_SERVER_PLUGINPATH=/lizmap/plugins \
    -v $INSTALL_SOURCE:/install \
    -v $INSTALL_DEST:/lizmap \
    -v $scriptdir:/src \
    --entrypoint /src/ \
    3liz/qgis-map-server:${QGIS_VERSION_TAG} _configure

Indeed, if you add the following lines to the env.default file:


And then you run the Docker command without modification, it can potentially create a conflict because you have defined INSTALL_SOURCE in both env.default and in the Docker command options. This could lead to unexpected issues as Docker will take the value specified in the Docker command options (in this case, /install) rather than the one defined in env.default.

what do you think of it?

Thanks in advance,


Error: ``Could not open input file: /scripts/script.php``

Upon firtst start:

git clone
make start

I get an error:

lizmap_1  | + su -c 'php /scripts/script.php jcommunity~user:create -v --no-error-if-exists --admin --reset   admin'
lizmap_1  | Could not open input file: /scripts/script.php

templates and additional modules

I read from previous threads that it was also possible to edit the templates. I added this string

  • ${LIZMAP_DIR}/var/lizmap-themes-default/view:/www/lizmap/var/themes/default/view

How can I install additional modules?
I didn't succeed either with composer or with php

Error 500. A technical error has occured. Sorry for this trouble.


I have an error when I clic on Administration.
This happen when I restart my container .

I get the following message in the errors.log

2022-12-23 15:41:05 error 2022-12-23 15:41:05 [18] Module inconnu dans le sélecteur "jauth~login:out@classic" /www/lib/jelix/core/selector/jSelectorAct.class.php 70

Thank for your help

Relation "jlx_user" does not exist

Hi all and thanks for work done!
In a fresh install of lizmap-docker-compose (latest git version) I have trouble with the instantiation of the postggresql db.

The key error in docker-compose postgis logs is: ERROR: relation "jlx_user" does not exist at character 350
The lizmap db, with lizmap scheme is empty, no table created.

Thanks for help!

the "make configure" command generates two .env files

I want the data to be in a dedicated folder: /docker instead of working directory. So i modified the Makefile as follows:

# INSTALL_DIR:=$(shell pwd)/lizmap

The two files are generated at the same time:

docker@lizmap-dev:~/lizmap-docker-compose $ ls -l .env
-rw-r--r-- 1 docker docker 413 17 déc.  16:30 .env
docker@lizmap-dev:~/lizmap-docker-compose $ ls -l /docker/lizmap/.env 
-rw-r--r-- 1 docker docker 359 17 déc.  16:30 /docker/lizmap/.env

But they have different contents:

docker@lizmap-dev:~/lizmap-docker-compose (mshe) $ cat .env

docker@lizmap-dev:~/lizmap-docker-compose (mshe) $ cat /docker/lizmap/.env 

This situation is confusing ... What is the correct solution to configure the data location folder?

Thanks in advance,



Is this version already include ldapdao package ?

Thank for your help

PostgreSQL not connecting on default settings

I am getting this error:

lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Updating configuration
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/lizmap                                                              config.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d/li                                                              zmap-url.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/localc                                                              onfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/localconfig.d/tes                                                              t.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/profil                                                              es.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/lizmap                                                              _local.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/test.i                                                              ni.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | trying to connect to the Postgresql database lizmap at db.                                                              lizmap with the profile default...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Cannot connect yet, wait a bit before retrying...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | PHP Warning:  pg_connect(): Unable to connect to PostgreSQ                                                              L server: timeout expired in /bin/update-config.php on line 87
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Retry...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Cannot connect yet, wait a bit before retrying...

I haven't changed any env variables I have only run the linux commands under the README md.

pg_service.conf not copied

It seems that the pg_service.conf file is not copied into the map container.

I added my configurations into ~/lizmap-docker-compose/lizmap/etc/pg_service.conf
But I find in the logs of the map container (docker logs lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 --since 5m)
that : service file "/srv/etc/pg_service.conf" not found

When I write the content from the container directly into the file /srv/etc/pg_service.conf, it works.

Lizmap docker compose and PostGIS

Hi guys

This is not really an issue, but I am using lizmap docker compose with success on a linux box, but am a bit confused on which database (port number etc) do I use to be able to edit layers in lizmap web client. I use the lizmap plugin in QGIS

I have tried the db that is part of the lizmap docker compose stack, as well as my own db.

I see the layer label in my project, but no data.

Any help would be appreciated.

I use the naturalgis lizmap stack on Windows without any problems, as my DB is used by lizmap.



Persmission denied when running ./ configure

I am running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS
I cloned this repo.
executing ./ configure results in the following error:
Creating env file
/src/ line 42: /lizmap/.env: Permission denied

The lizmap directory gets to be created, then the script terminates with the above error.

I have checked the permissions and they are correct

How / Where to find script php for caching tiles ?


I'm using this docker-compose but I cannot find any mountpoint to access to the var/www/lizmap-web-client/
How to execute lizmap/scripts/script.php to generate tiles for wmts ?

Also command docker exec -it lizmap bash is not working on this container.

Thanks for helping me :)

LIZMAP_PORT changed to 80 but not updated on View Metadata

Hello guys,

I'm using Lizmap 3.5 with Docker on Ubuntu Server 20.04

I have the following issue after changing to 80 the LIZMAP_PORT on env.default file.

Port 80 is not showing after clicking on the "View Metadata" button or in the "Information Panel" after loading the map.

The "WMS Url " and "WMTS Url" links at the "Web Map Service" section are showing 8080 port in the URL address.

GeoJSON output does not seem to work for WFS service


I have on a new installation with Docker Compose on my laptop. I'm trying various lizmap tools based on WFS, with layers from PostGIS.
Everything related to WMS (GetMap, GetFeatureInfo) works well with layers from PostGIS

But "Locate by layer" and "Attribute table" don't work :(

  1. I checked the WFS requests from my browser.


=> Error 500 Internal Jelix Error

  1. But if I try the same request WITHOUT GeoJSON output, it works !


=> OK, I get a response in GML with extent of polygons

Thank you for your help !

Versions :

  • Lizmap Web Client : 3.6.2
  • Lizmap Web Client target version : 3.6
  • Lizmap plugin : 3.11.0
  • QGIS Desktop : 3.28.4
  • QGIS Server : 3.28.3
  • Py-QGIS-Server : 1.8.7
  • QGIS Server plugin atlasprint : 3.3.2
  • QGIS Server plugin lizmap_server : 1.3.1
  • QGIS Server plugin wfsOutputExtension : 1.7.1

make configure error


Do a local checkout of master and run the following

make configure

See the following errors

gis@mini:/gis/src/docker/gis-servers/docker-compose$ make configure 
Configuring environment
Copying files
Creating directories
Creating env file
Installing lizmap plugin
/src/ line 7: qgis-plugin-manager: command not found
/src/ line 8: qgis-plugin-manager: command not found
/src/ line 9: qgis-plugin-manager: command not found
make: *** [Makefile:17: configure] Error 127

Installation Ended. This username Already exists

I am on windows, using WSL Ubuntu trying to make this repo working.
Here is the error i have:

=== Configuring lizmap in /root/lizmap-docker-compose/lizmap
Creating env file
Copying files
Creating directories
Creating pg_service.conf
Creating lizmap profiles
Installing lizmap plugin
QGIS_PLUGINPATH set to /lizmap/plugins
QGIS version : 3.22.15
/lizmap/plugins/sources.list has been written.
QGIS_PLUGINPATH set to /lizmap/plugins
QGIS_PLUGINPATH set to /lizmap/plugins
QGIS version : 3.22.15
Installation Lizmap server latest
Installed with user 'root'
Please check file permissions and owner according to the user running QGIS Server.
Tip : Do not forget to restart QGIS Server to reload plugins 😎
QGIS_PLUGINPATH set to /lizmap/plugins
QGIS version : 3.22.15
Installation atlasprint latest
Installed with user 'root'
Please check file permissions and owner according to the user running QGIS Server.
Tip : Do not forget to restart QGIS Server to reload plugins 😎
QGIS_PLUGINPATH set to /lizmap/plugins
QGIS version : 3.22.15
Installation wfsOutputExtension latest
Installed with user 'root'
Please check file permissions and owner according to the user running QGIS Server.
Tip : Do not forget to restart QGIS Server to reload plugins 😎
root@DESKTOP-UN96RI5:~/lizmap-docker-compose# docker compose up
[+] Running 5/0
 ✔ Container lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  Created                         0.0s
 ✔ Container lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    Created                         0.0s
 ✔ Container lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   Created                         0.0s
 ✔ Container lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      Created                         0.0s
 ✔ Container lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      Created                         0.0s
Attaching to lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1, lizmap-docker-compose-map-1, lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1, lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1, lizmap-docker-compose-web-1
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      | QGSRV_USER must no be root !
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:C 07 May 2023 21:34:01.942 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:C 07 May 2023 21:34:01.944 # Redis version=5.0.14, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:C 07 May 2023 21:34:01.944 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.948 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.948 # Server initialized
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.949 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.949 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled.
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.950 * DB loaded from disk: 0.001 seconds
lizmap-docker-compose-redis-1    | 1:M 07 May 2023 21:34:01.950 * Ready to accept connections
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  |
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  |
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:03.107 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.10 (Debian 13.10-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:03.108 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:03.109 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:03.131 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:03.169 UTC [32] LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2023-05-07 20:41:40 UTC
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 0
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:05.052 UTC [32] LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:05.069 UTC [32] LOG:  redo starts at 0/218B350
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:05.070 UTC [32] LOG:  invalid record length at 0/218B388: wanted 24, got 0
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:05.070 UTC [32] LOG:  redo done at 0/218B350
lizmap-docker-compose-postgis-1  | 2023-05-07 21:34:05.175 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 0
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / /docker-entrypoint.d/ is not empty, will attempt to perform configuration
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / Looking for shell scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | info: IPv6 listen already enabled
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / Launching /docker-entrypoint.d/
lizmap-docker-compose-web-1      | / Configuration complete; ready for start up
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Updating configuration
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d/lizmap-url.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/localconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/localconfig.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/profiles.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/lizmap_local.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | trying to connect to the Postgresql database lizmap at db.lizmap with the profile default...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Ok, Postgresql is alive.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation start..
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jelix installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jauthdb_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module master_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2 installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module proj4php installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jcommunity installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module lizmap installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dynamicLayers installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module view installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module filter installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module action installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dataviz installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jelix installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jauthdb_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module master_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2 installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module proj4php installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jcommunity installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module lizmap installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dynamicLayers installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module view installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module filter installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module action installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dataviz installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jelix installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jauthdb_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module master_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2 installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jacl2db_admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module admin installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module proj4php installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module jcommunity installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module lizmap installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dynamicLayers installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module view installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module filter installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module action installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Module dataviz installed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation ended.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | This username already exists
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:16] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:16] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1 exited with code 0
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Updating configuration
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d/lizmap-url.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/localconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/localconfig.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/profiles.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/lizmap_local.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | trying to connect to the Postgresql database lizmap at db.lizmap with the profile default...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Ok, Postgresql is alive.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation start..
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation ended.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | This username already exists
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:18] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:18] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1 exited with code 0
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Updating configuration
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/lizmapconfig.d/lizmap-url.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/localconfig.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/localconfig.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Checking for lizmap configuration files in /srv/etc/profiles.d
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/lizmap_local.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | * Loading lizmap configuration: /srv/etc/profiles.d/test.ini.php
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | trying to connect to the Postgresql database lizmap at db.lizmap with the profile default...
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   |   Ok, Postgresql is alive.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation start..
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point index
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point admin
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [notice] Installation starts for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules dependencies are ok
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | All modules are installed or upgraded for the entry point script
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | Installation ended.
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | This username already exists
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:21] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root
lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1   | [07-May-2023 21:34:21] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

Do you know how to solve this ?
How to specify other user and group than root ?

If i run it with another user, it said I don t have right.
If i run it using sudo it said don t be root ...

Time Manager Animation Date in Descending Order

Hello guys:

I'm testing the Time Manager component in Lizmap and it's working great. My question is, there's an option for animate with the date attribute in descending order, starting on max date to min date?

Thanks in advance,
Osmin Castillo

database "lizmap" does not exist

Hi to all!

Using Windows 10 + Docker Desktop.
When run "docker compose up", get an error: database "lizmap" does not exist.
What did I do wrong?

Thank you!

postgis port change

Hi, I have the following issue:
On my ubuntu 20.0.4 OS, a postgres container is running on port 5432 with another service.
Modify the file: env.default
The value of POSTGIS_PORT= ${POSTGIS_PORT:-""}
ie change the port from 5432 to 5433

make configure
and then
docker-compose up

and I have the following error:

ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
Unsupported configuration option for services.postgis: 'profiles'

any idea how to solve?

Lizmap Docker running under traefik?

I know this is not an issue,
I'm trying to run lizmap-docker under traefik 1.7:
I did add some labels to the nignx docker:

      - traefik.enable: "true"
      - traefik.backend: "lizmap"
      - traefik.frontend.rule: "Host:"
      - traefik.port=8080
      - "web"

But that's not enough and I keep getting a niginx.conf error.
Can you point me to some configuration example or tutorial?
thanks for your help and your great development

Set variables

Where exactly do I have to enter the missing variables in the docker-compose.yml?
Can u give me an example? docker-compose tells me always that the variables aren't set.

Test projects are not visible

After a lot of difficulties during setup, i'm finally running lizmap with docker desktop on windows
But i don't see the tests projects situated in \lizmap\instances

In the administration panel, the root for repository is /srv/ i've also tried /srv/projects for same result
I miss a step ?


lizmap-docker-compose error

after the last twitter by Nicolas Boisteault (22.jan) I give a try to lizmap-docker-compose stack solution.
But I get the following error message after the make start

lizmap_1 | + su -c 'php /scripts/script.php jcommunity~user:create -v --no-error-if-exists --admin --reset admin'
lizmap_1 | Could not open input file: /scripts/script.php
lizmap-docker-compose-master_lizmap_1 exited with code 1

Ubuntu 19.04
docker --version Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c
docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01

Any hints?


problem displaying images associated with points on the map

Hello everyone,

With qgis popups, you can associate images with points on the map. These images are visible when clicked.

But the images are not showing because the URL is incorrect: "http://map:8080" should be replaced by "https://map..."


should be:

I propose to illustrate this problem with some screenshots.

URL of my lizmap instance:


Displaying the map and attempting to display the image


Encountered problem:


Correct the url and the image is displayed!




An Nginx reverse proxy installed on the host manages HTTPS access to the lizmap instance.

Taken from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lizmap-ssl.conf

location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;   # Ajoutez cette ligne
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8090;
    proxy_read_timeout 90;

Thank you in advance for your help.


Deactivate the postgres service if possible

The postgis/postgres service is enabled by default with no way to deactivate it: this is problematic when using a custom or a local database service.

Please find a way to deactivate the Postgres service and set a custom database configuration.

Review how we add test projects

For now, it seems wrong the way we include QGIS project.
We are missing one level directory.

Source of projects :
Copy :

We are missing the "Lizmap repository" folder.
We should also include the configuration in the INI file.

And I think we should provide a better eye-looking projects. It's important for end users for a nice feeling.

lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1 | 2023-01-05 13:20:54 [0] Too few arguments to function ldapdaoAuthDriver::__construct(), 0 passed in /www/lizmap/vendor/jelix/jelix/lib/jelix/core/jAppInstance.php on line 414 and exactly 1 expected /www/lizmap/vendor/jelix/ldapdao-module/ldapdao/plugins/auth/ldapdao/ldapdao.auth.php 30


I get this message while trying to setup ldapdao driver.
When I uncomment the line driver=ldapdao then I get this message when booting the docker container.
lizmap-docker-compose/lizmap/var/lizmap-config$ grep ldap localconfig.ini.php
;; uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
;; see documentation to complete the ldap configuration
;; uncomment it if you want to use ldap for authentication
;; see documentation to complete the ldap configuration

lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1 | 2023-01-05 13:20:54 [0] Too few arguments to function ldapdaoAuthDriver::__construct(), 0 passed in /www/lizmap/vendor/jelix/jelix/lib/jelix/core/jAppInstance.php on line 414 and exactly 1 expected /www/lizmap/vendor/jelix/ldapdao-module/ldapdao/plugins/auth/ldapdao/ldapdao.auth.php 30

If I comment this line driver=ldapdao to ;driver=ldapdao then I can boot the lizmap docker container without any issue.
After booting the container lizmap then I just uncomment this line driver=ldapdao then I can use LDAP connection.

Is there something wrong when booting the container phase ?

lizmap version 3.6.0
I add jelix/ldapdao-module with this command : composer require "jelix/ldapdao-module" in the docker container (version v2.2.2)

Thank for help


QGIS server : cp: cannot stat '/srv/etc/qgis/*': No such file or directory

After following the readme to the letter, this repository does not work :

lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      | Running as 1000:1000
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      | Running Xvfb
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      | Copying Qgis configuration: /srv/etc/qgis
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1      | cp: cannot stat '/srv/etc/qgis/*': No such file or directory
lizmap-docker-compose-map-1 exited with code 1

Other containers work fine.
Anything I can do ?

Install lizmap with docker compose on a server

I tried installing lizmap with docker compose on an ubuntu machine. In the desktop version I can log in to localhost. I'm trying to connect with so as to simulate connecting from outside the machine (like a server)

I changed the pointing to LIZMAP_PORT=${LIZMAP_PORT:-""} by entering instead of

When I connect from the outside, I can see the login form, in a minimal version without graphics. I log in and see the lizmap page but as soon as I click it gives me 500 errors

How can I solve it? I would also like to have a secure server setup


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