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taos-connector-rust's Issues

Will Value::VarBinary be fully supported?

It seems inserting with stmt need to_json_value method, which may cause:

thread 'core::training::tests::test_register_in_parallel' panicked at 'not yet implemented'

as BINARY is such a common type in TDengine, which represents those fields with only ASCII characters.

Error: [0x2616] Internal error: `����`

use taos::*;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let tao = TaosBuilder::from_dsn("taos://localhost:6030")?.build().await?;
    let result = tao.query("SELECT ts, current FROM meters LIMIT 2").await?;

    for row in result.fields() {
        println!("got row: {}",

system Linux cc 5.10.0-15-arm64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.120-1 (2022-06-09) aarch64 GNU/Linux

cargo run
# ...
   Compiling taos v0.9.0
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1m 55s
     Running `target/debug/rus`
read /etc/localtime error, reason:Invalid argumentfailed to create dir:/var/log/taos/ since Operation not permitted WARING: Create taoslog failed:Operation not permitted. configDir=/etc/taos/
Error: [0x2616] Internal error: `����`

Caused by:
    Internal error: `����`
# run sudo 
sudo ./target/debug/rus 
Error: [0x2616] Internal error: `Q����`

Caused by:
    Internal error: `Q����`
read /etc/localtime error, reason:Invalid argument

maybe caused by this issue taosdata/TDengine#18677

'error is [0x000B] Unable to establish connection',

Server: Ubuntu and run tdengine in docker container.
tdengine version:

Client: Windows Server.

tdengine client version:


  1. TDengine Client can connect to server.
  2. Rust Demo Code always says unable to establish connection.




use taos::sync::*;

// #[tokio::main]
// fn demo_write() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
//     let dsn = "taos://";
//     let taos = TaosBuilder::from_dsn(dsn)?.build()?;

//     taos.exec_many([
//         "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS power",
//         "CREATE DATABASE power",
//         "USE power",
//         "CREATE STABLE power.meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT, voltage INT, phase FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT)"
//     ])?;
//     // ]).await?;

//     let inserted = taos.exec("INSERT INTO 
//     power.d1001 USING power.meters TAGS('California.SanFrancisco', 2)
//      VALUES ('2018-10-03 14:38:05.000', 10.30000, 219, 0.31000) 
//      ('2018-10-03 14:38:15.000', 12.60000, 218, 0.33000) ('2018-10-03 14:38:16.800', 12.30000, 221, 0.31000)
//     power.d1002 USING power.meters TAGS('California.SanFrancisco', 3)
//      VALUES ('2018-10-03 14:38:16.650', 10.30000, 218, 0.25000)
//     power.d1003 USING power.meters TAGS('California.LosAngeles', 2) 
//      VALUES ('2018-10-03 14:38:05.500', 11.80000, 221, 0.28000) ('2018-10-03 14:38:16.600', 13.40000, 223, 0.29000)
//     power.d1004 USING power.meters TAGS('California.LosAngeles', 3) 
//      VALUES ('2018-10-03 14:38:05.000', 10.80000, 223, 0.29000) ('2018-10-03 14:38:06.500', 11.50000, 221, 0.35000)")?;

//     assert_eq!(inserted, 8);
//     Ok(())
// }

fn demo()  -> anyhow::Result<()> {

    println!("hahahah --------- 1");

    let taos = TaosBuilder::from_dsn("taos://")?.build()?;
    // let taos = TaosBuilder::from_dsn("taos://")?.build()?;

    println!("hahahah --------- 2");

    let _ = taos.exec("Use algom;");

    let mut result = taos.query("select * from perf_connectionsxxxxx limit 2;")?;

    println!("hahahah --------- 3");

    // print column names
    let meta = result.fields();
    println!("{}", meta.iter().map(|field|"\t"));

    // print rows
    let rows = result.rows();
    for row in rows {
        let row = row?;
        for (_name, value) in row {
            print!("{}\t", value);

fn main()  {

    let res = demo();
    let _res_v = match res {
        Ok(vv) => vv,
        Err(error) => panic!("error is {:?}", error),
# use default feature
taos = { version = "0.2.10"}

What is the proper executor for `exec_sync` (`query_sync`)?

All operations in this issue are performed in ws mode as:
taos = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["ws"] }

In a special scenario we need to use the connector in blocking (synchronous) way. I've noticed that the blocking mode was implemented by futures::executor::block_on() in source code, but I'm not sure what is the right runtime for this, so tokio was just introduced by the error message:


Try 1: Use the default test runtime by tokio:x:

The tokio was labelled as dependency in my Cargo.toml (with all features enabled):

tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

and with the default test runtime by tokio:

async fn test_task_running_in_parallel() -> Result<()> {
    // ...

this will cause hanging:


Try 2: Use the multi-threaded runtime with only one worker thread by tokio:heavy_check_mark:

The Cargo.toml was same to Try 1, but the code was changed to:

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 1)]
async fn test_task_running_in_parallel() -> Result<()> {
    // ...

This time the test passed.

Try 3: Create a blocking tokio runtime by initializing an instance when necessary:heavy_check_mark:

The Cargo.toml was same to previous ones, but the code was changed to:

fn test_task_running_in_parallel() -> Result<()> {
// ...
    use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
        async {

The test also passed.

It seems that with tokio, the futures::executor::block_on() can work well in a new thread instead of the current one.

Please also refer to this: tokio-rs/tokio#2376 (comment)

So which one is the best way and if there's other elegant solutions? The 3rd way is better for me since I don't want a function with an asynchronous declaration in its signature, but it's inconvenience for initializing a blocking tokio runtime everywhere.

Or shall we use tokio::task::spawn_blocking() instead of futures::executor::block_on() for exec_sync and query_sync?

Problem with connection pool

Hi,I’m trying to create a connection pool according to the documentation

fn build_pool(&self) -> Pool<Manager<TaosBuilder>> {
        let dsn = "taos://localhost:6030";

        let opts = TaosBuilder::pool_builder.max_size(88);


However, there're some problems:

  1. The example in document is let pool = TaosBuilder::from_dsn(dsn)?.with_pool_builder(opts)?;, but there's no with_pool_builder() method now. It seems be an outdated version.
  2. If it is changed to with_pool_config() instead as shown in my snippet, the compiler will complain:
the trait bound `taos::taos_query::Manager<taos::TaosBuilder>: r2d2::ManageConnection` is not satisfied
the trait `r2d2::ManageConnection` is not implemented for `taos::taos_query::Manager<taos::TaosBuilder>`

So does taos::TaosBuilder need to implement the r2d2::ManageConnection?

win10 下 查询 报错 乱码,另外 占用内存40多m ,有点多

我的查询 代码

        let conn = self.td_conns.get(machine_index as usize).unwrap();
        let query_clone = query.clone();
        let result = conn.query(query_clone).await;
        let mut result = match result {
            Ok(result) => result,
            Err(err) => {
                return Err(format!("查询taos 错误 ,sql语句 is {}, err is {}", query, err));

如果 出现错误 ,如 查询的表不存在 , 在命令行打印为

 Jan 29 01:41:07.621  INFO axum_study::controller::jian_pan_controller: 查询失败 "查询taos 错误 ,sql语句 is select 1 as sort_order ,'dcs_rhte' as tablename,'undefined' as description ,'' as label ,'1' as borderType ,'undefined' as unit, l
ast(ts) as ts ,last(pvalue) as pvalue from dcs_rhte  order by sort_order ;, err is [0x2662] Internal error: `����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

err 全都是乱码,无法显示

另外 这是我启动的代码

        let start = Instant::now();
        // 建立 taos 连接
        let taos_futures: Vec<_> = config.cfg.iter().enumerate().map(|(index, cfg)| {
            let dsn = format!("taos://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}", cfg.user, cfg.password,, cfg.port, cfg.database);
            info!("{}号机 taos 连接字符串为: {}", index + 1, dsn);
            async move {
                let builder = TaosBuilder::from_dsn(&dsn).map_err(|e| format!("创建 TaosBuilder 失败:{}", e))?;
      |e| format!("{}号机 taos 数据库连接失败:{}", index + 1, e))

        // let taos = Vec::new();
        let taos: Vec<_> = join_all(taos_futures)
            .map(|db| db.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("taos 数据库连接失败:{}", e)))

        let duration = start.elapsed();
        info!("建立taos 连接耗时为 :{:?}", duration);

启动完成后 发现 程序 占用内存 50多m ,注释掉这行代码 只用内存为 7m , 我尝试过不用futures ,然后 单个连接taos 数据库, 结果占用内存 48m , 连接同样的taos 数据库, c# 占用内存就少很多 ,只有 8m 多 ,不知道为什么

关于tao-ws 库中异步运行时的问题

在0.5.12 版本中,会进行异步运行时的判断,当存在运行时会加入,不存在才会新建。这个行为是符合实际应用的。但在0.10.20 这个版本中,把判断取消了,直接新建了运行时,这在一些场景下无法正常使用。希望能改回0.5.12的这种模式。

0.5.12 代码

0.10.20 代码


`stmt.set_tbname_tags()` contains null tags resulting in error `Signal: 11, SIGSEGV: invalid memory reference`

Bug Description
stmt.set_tbname_tags() contains null tags resulting in error signal: 11, SIGSEGV: invalid memory reference using native connection, while using websocket connection is ok

~/taos-connector-rust-test$ cargo test test_ok
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/taos_connector_rust_test-e94ad84d9c31444b)

running 1 test
test tests::test_ok ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out; finished in 1.46s

~/taos-connector-rust-test$ cargo test test_ws_null
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/taos_connector_rust_test-e94ad84d9c31444b)

running 1 test
test tests::test_ws_null ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out; finished in 0.60s

~/taos-connector-rust-test$ cargo test test_taos_null --bin taos-connector-rust-test
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
     Running unittests src/ (target/debug/deps/taos_connector_rust_test-e94ad84d9c31444b)

running 1 test
error: test failed, to rerun pass `--bin taos-connector-rust-test`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/home/zky/taos-connector-rust-test/target/debug/deps/taos_connector_rust_test-e94ad84d9c31444b test_taos_null` (signal: 11, SIGSEGV: invalid memory reference)

To Reproduce

  • test_taos_null() reults in error while test_ws_null() and test_ok() work fine.
use taos::*;

async fn test_null_tag(dsn: &str, tag_value: Value) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let taos = TaosBuilder::from_dsn(dsn)?.build().await?;
    taos.exec("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS power").await?;
    taos.exec("CREATE STABLE IF NOT EXISTS meters (ts TIMESTAMP, current FLOAT) TAGS (location BINARY(64), groupId INT)").await?;

    let mut stmt = Stmt::init(&taos).await?;
    stmt.prepare("INSERT INTO ? USING meters TAGS(?, ?) VALUES(?, ?)")
    // bind table name and tags
        &[Value::VarChar("California.SanFransico".into()), tag_value],
    // bind values.
    let values = vec![


    // execute.
    let rows = stmt.execute().await?;
    assert_eq!(rows, 1);

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use anyhow::Result;

    async fn test_taos_null() -> Result<()> {
        test_null_tag("taos://", Value::Null(Ty::Int)).await?;
    async fn test_ws_null() -> Result<()> {
        test_null_tag("ws://", Value::Null(Ty::Int)).await?;
    async fn test_ok() -> Result<()> {
        test_null_tag("ws://", Value::Int(8)).await?;
        test_null_tag("taos://", Value::Int(8)).await?;
  • Cargo.toml
name = "taos-connector-rust-test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

taos = "*"
anyhow = "1"

When using stmt insertion, what's the difference between ColumnView::from_millis_timestamp and ColumnView::from_xxx_ints?

For example, we can get current timestamp in nano second like this:

let current_ts = SystemTime::now()
      .expect("Clock may have gone backwards")
      .as_nanos() as i64;

Since I'v not found a method with nano second, I just used ColumnView::from_big_ints(vec![current_ts]) for binding value, and the record in database was correctly in nano second. So what's the difference between ColumnView::from_millis_timestamp and ColumnView::from_xxx_ints?

macos 12 & 13.2.1 compile error: the current os is not supported

when execute cargo build --release, it cames out :

error: failed to run custom build command for `taos-sys v0.3.12 (/Users/zmlgirl/Documents/codes/github/taosdata/taos-connector-rust/taos-sys)`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/zmlgirl/Documents/codes/github/taosdata/taos-connector-rust/target/release/build/taos-sys-a09b52143fd67bfc/build-script-build` (exit status: 101)
  --- stdout

  --- stderr
  thread 'main' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code: the current os is not supported', taos-sys/
  note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...

unresolved import `super::Offset`

error[E0432]: unresolved import super::Offset
--> .cargo/registry/src/
11 | pub use super::{Consumer, MessageSet, Offset, TmqBuilder};
| ^^^^^^
| |
| no Offset in the root
| help: a similar name exists in the module: IsOffset
= help: consider importing one of these items instead:

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