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playground-elements's Introduction


Serverless coding environments for the web.

OverviewGetting StartedProject filesModule resolutionTypeScriptHiding & FoldingCustom layoutsBundlingSandbox securityComponentsStylingSyntax highlightingContributingFAQ


Playground Elements are a set of components for creating interactive editable coding environments on the web, with live updating previews. You can use Playground Elements to:

  • Embed editable code examples in your documentation.
  • Build interactive tutorials and example galleries.
  • Build full-featured coding sandboxes (think Glitch or JSBin).

🤯 No backend required

Unlike other coding environments, Playground never sends code to a backend server. Instead, Playground uses a Service Worker to create a virtual URL-space that runs 100% within the browser. If you can host static files, you can host a Playground.

TypeScript support

Playground automatically compiles .ts files using TypeScript, and automatically fetches typings for your imports in order to display errors. Compilation happens in a Web Worker on a separate thread, so your page stays responsive.

🧩 Web Components

Playground uses Web Components, so it doesn't require a framework. But it will play nicely with any framework you're already using, like React, Vue, and Angular.

🍱 Mix-and-match for flexible layout

Playground is broken up into small components like an editor, file picker, and preview. Mix-and-match components to create any layout you want, or just use <playground-ide> for an easy out-of-the-box experience.

🎨 Themable

Playground is fully themeable with CSS Custom Properties, down to the color of each kind of syntax-highlighted token. You can import themes from VSCode using the configurator, and it comes with a number of presets too.

Getting Started


Install from NPM:

npm i playground-elements

Hello World

Create a <playground-ide> element in your HTML, and specify your project files inline:

<playground-ide editable-file-system line-numbers resizable>
  <script type="sample/html" filename="index.html">
    <!doctype html>
      <script type="module" src="./index.js">&lt;/script>

  <script type="sample/ts" filename="index.ts">


Use a server like @web/dev-server to handle bare module import resolution automatically:

npm i -D @web/dev-server
npx web-dev-server --node-resolve --watch

Or, use a tool like Rollup to resolve bare module imports to paths at build time. If you need more help with building and serving, check out the Modern Web Guides.


Playground is supported by all modern browsers. It requires support for custom elements, JS modules, service workers, and web workers.

    Supported:   Supported Chrome     Supported Firefox     Supported Safari     Supported Edge

Unsupported:   Unsupported Internet Explorer

Project files

There are 3 ways to specify the files of a playground project:

Option 1: Inline scripts

Add one or more <script> tags as children of your <playground-ide> or <playground-project>, using the following attributes:

Attribute Description
type Required filetype. Options: sample/html, sample/css, sample/js, sample/ts, sample/json, sample/importmap.
filename Required filename.
label Optional label for display in playground-tab-bar. If omitted, the filename is displayed.
hidden If present, the file won't be visible in playground-tab-bar.
selected If present, this file's tab will be selected when the project is loaded. Only one file should have this attribute.
preserve-whitespace Disable the default behavior where leading whitespace that is common to all lines is removed.

Be sure to escape closing </script> tags within your source as &lt;/script>.

  <script type="sample/html" filename="index.html">
    <!doctype html>
      <script type="module" src="javascript.js">&lt;/script>
      <script type="module" src="typescript.js">&lt;/script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
      <p>Hello World!</p>

  <script type="sample/js" filename="javascript.js">
    console.log('hello from javascript');

  <script type="sample/ts" filename="typescript.ts">
    console.log('hello from typescript');

  <script type="sample/css" filename="styles.css">
    body { color: blue; }

Option 2: JSON configuration

Set the project-src attribute or projectSrc property to a JSON file with format:

Property Description
files An object mapping filenames to file data.
files.content Optional text content of the file. If omitted, a fetch is made to retrieve the file by filename, relative to the manifest URL.
files.contentType Optional MIME type of the file. If omitted, type is taken from either the fetch response Content-Type header, or inferred from the filename extension when content is set.
files.label Optional label for display in playground-tab-bar. If omitted, the filename is displayed.
files.hidden If true, the file won't be visible in playground-tab-bar.
files.selected If true, this file's tab will be selected when the project is loaded. Only one file should have this field set.
extends Optional URL to another JSON config file to extend from. Configs are deeply merged. URLs are interpreted relative to the URL of each extendee config.
<playground-ide project-src="/path/to/my/project.json"> </playground-ide>
  "files": {
    "index.html": {},
    "typescript.ts": {
      "content": "console.log('hello');"
    "javascript.js": {
      "contentType": "text/javascript"
    "styles.css": {
      "label": "Style"

Option 3: Config property

In JavaScript, directly set the config property to an object. The format is identical to the JSON config file.

const ide = document.querySelector('playground-ide');
ide.config = {
  files: {
    'index.html': {},
    'typescript.ts': {
      content: "console.log('hello');",

If both project-src and config are set, then the one set most recently has precedence. When either are set, inline scripts are ignored.

Module resolution

By default, bare module specifiers in JavaScript and TypeScript files are transformed to special ./node_modules/ URLs, and fetched behind-the-scenes from at the latest version.

// What you write:
import {html} from 'lit';

// What playground serves:
import {html} from './node_modules/[email protected]/index.js';

// What playground fetches behind-the-scenes:


To customize the version of a module you import, create a file called package.json in your project containing a dependencies map. This works exactly like it does when using NPM locally.

  "dependencies": {
    "lit": "^2.0.2"

TIP: Use the hidden attribute or property to hide the package.json file from being displayed in the list of project files, if you don't want the end-user to be able to see or modify it.

Export conditions

Playground supports Node-style export conditions when resolving modules in dependencies, and sets the following conditions: module, import, development, and browser.

Import maps

For full control over module resolution, you can configure an import map. You may want to do this to change CDNs or point to a locally served copy of a module:

  "files": { ... },
  "importMap": {
    "imports": {
      "lit": "^2.0.2",
      "lit/": "^2.0.2/"

When using inline project files, you can specify your import map like so:

  <script type="sample/importmap">
      "imports": {
        "lit": "^2.0.2",
        "lit/": "^2.0.2/"

If an import map is defined, but does not contain an entry for a bare module, then playground defaults to the URL.


Playground automatically compiles .ts, .tsx, and .jsx files using TypeScript.

The following compiler settings are used:

Name Value
target es2021
module esnext
moduleResolution nodenext
experimentalDecorators true
allowJs true
jsx react

Note that when you import from another project module, the import statement should use the .js extension (the same as you would do when running tsc locally):

import './my-other-module.js';

You may also include any Definitely Typed (@types) packages for type checking during compilation by listing it as a dependency in the project's package.json file.

Hiding & folding

If a region of code in a Playground project file is surrounded by playground-hide and playground-hide-end comments, then that region won't be visible or editable by the user, but it will still be compiled and served.

Similarly, if a region is surrounded by playground-fold and playground-fold-end comments, then the region will be replaced with a that expands to reveal the original editable code when clicked.

Use these special regions to help users focus on a particular part of a file, by de-emphasizing boilerplate or unrelated code.

JavaScript fold example

Note that JavaScript // style comments are not supported.

/* playground-fold */
import {html, LitElement} from 'lit';
/* playground-fold-end */

class MyElement extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`Hello <slot></slot>!`;
/* playground-fold */

customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);


HTML hide example

<!-- playground-hide -->
  <title>Boring stuff</title>
  <script type="module" src="./my-element.js"></script>
<!-- playground-hide-end -->
<!-- playground-hide -->
<!-- playground-hide-end -->



Hiding and folding is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the pragmas property to "off" (disabled with comments hidden) or "off-visible" (disabled with comments visible). The pragmas property is available on ide, file-editor, and code-editor.

Custom layouts

<playground-ide> provides a complete out-of-the-box experience that's a good start for many use-cases, but you can mix-and-match the various Playground sub-components to make your custom layouts.

For example, say we need a layout with an editor above, a preview below, and only one particular file from the project visible — like this:

To do this, first import just the components you need. The main playground-elements import loads all Playground elements, but when making a custom layout it's a good idea to only load the sub-components you're actually using. This will make your JavaScript bundle smaller.

<script type="module">
  import 'playground-elements/playground-project.js';
  import 'playground-elements/playground-file-editor.js';
  import 'playground-elements/playground-preview.js';

Next create a <playground-project>, with some inline project files. We could also write our project files separately, and specify them in a JSON manifest. This project element manages the virtual file system, and coordinates with the Playground workers. We give it a unique id, which we'll use to connect up the editor and preview.

<playground-project id="project1">
  <script type="sample/ts" filename="index.ts">
    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
      const world = document.createTextNode(' World!');

  <script type="sample/html" filename="index.html">
    <!doctype html>
      <script type="module" src="./index.js">&lt;/script>

Next create an editor and preview. Connect both to the project by setting the property attribute to the project element's id. We could also directly set the project property to the project element, if we were using JavaScript.

By setting the filename attribute on the editor, we've pinned it to one particular file. Since we didn't include a <playground-tab-bar>, there's no way for the user to see or switch to other files in the project.

<div class="example">

  <playground-preview project="project1"> </playground-preview>

Finally, add a little style:

  .example {
    width: 500px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
  .example > playground-file-editor {
    height: 110px;
  .example > playground-preview {
    height: 100px;
    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
    --playground-preview-toolbar-background: #eaeaea;


Playground uses a Web Worker to perform TypeScript compilation. If you are bundling or otherwise modifying the layout of the playground-elements NPM package, you may need to add special handling for this file.


Use the Rollup @web/rollup-plugin-import-meta-assets plugin to automatically copy the worker script into the correct location. See examples/rollup for an example configuration.


Webpack 5+ automatically supports loading Web Workers with no additional plugins. See examples/webpack for an example configuration.


If you are bundling in another way, you'll need to configure your build so that the file node_modules/playground-elements/playground-typescript-worker.js is copied into the same directory as your bundle.

For example, if you bundled playground elements into ./js/app.js, then you should copy the worker module to ./js/playground-typescript-worker.js.

Sandbox security

⚠️ Changing the sandbox base URL from the default can create a security vulnerability for your site if not done carefully. Do not change the default unless you have a specific reason to, and please read this entire section carefully.

The sandboxBaseUrl property and sandbox-base-url attribute can be used to override the origin where untrusted code will execute when displaying Playground previews. The default origin is, which is secure because it is unprivileged and cannot modify the host window.

You may wish to override this default sandbox base URL if you do not want a dependency on, e.g. for isolation from outages, or because your network does not have access to it. Note that Playground currently also uses to retrieve imported bare modules that are not otherwise handled by an import map, so the dependency cannot currently be completely eliminated.


Playground previews work by using a service worker. This service worker takes control over requests to a particular URL space, allowing it to respond to HTTP requests using the files from your local project, instead of from a remote server. The playground preview component contains an <iframe> pointing to the index.html within that URL space.

When JavaScript in this preview <iframe> executes, it does so with the full privileges of whichever origin the service worker was registered on. This means it can access cookies on that origin, make HTTP requests to sensitive URLs on that origin, and directly access the <iframe> parent window if it has the same origin.

The JavaScript in Playground project files should always be considered untrusted and potentially malicious. This is particularly the case if you implement a share feature, because a user can be tricked into executing malicious code simply by visiting a URL.

By default, the sandbox base URL is<version>/playground-projects/. This is a secure default because is unprivileged and cannot modify the host window.


If you change the sandbox base URL from the default, ensure that the new URL meets all of the following requirements:

  1. Must be a different origin to the origin hosting the Playground components. This prevents untrusted code from modifying the parent window using window.parent, e.g. to change your sign-in link to a malicious URL.

    NOTE: It is highly recommended to furthermore use either an entirely different site, or to use the Origin-Agent-Cluster header, to improve performance and prevent lockups. See Process isolation for more information.

  2. Must not have access to any sensitive cookies. This prevents untrusted code from e.g. reading and forwarding your user's authentication token.

  3. Must not have access to any sensitive resources or APIs, either through the same-origin policy, or through CORS headers that grant the origin access to resources on other origins. This prevents untrusted code from e.g. making a request to your get_credit_card or change_password APIs.

  4. Must serve the following two pre-minified files from the playground-elements NPM package at the same version as your imported components:

    • playground-service-worker.js
    • playground-service-worker-proxy.html

Process isolation

Some browsers such as Chrome are sometimes able to allocate a separate process or thread for iframes. This is highly desirable for Playground, because it improves responsiveness and prevents full lockups (resulting from e.g. an infinite loop accidentally written by a user).

By default, this iframe process isolation can only occur if the iframe and the parent window are different sites. While an origin is defined by (protocol + subdomain + top-level domain + port), a site is defined only by (protocol + top-level domain). For example, and are different-origin but same-site, whereas and are different-origin and different-site.

Alternatively, if the Origin-Agent-Cluster: ?1 header is set on all server responses from one or the other origins, then iframe process isolation can also occur with different-origin but same-site configurations. Note that this header must truly be set on all responses from the origin, because the browser will remember the setting based on the first response it gets from that origin. See "Requesting performance isolation with the Origin-Agent-Cluster header" for more information about this header.




All-in-one project, editor, file switcher, and preview with a horizontal side-by-side layout.


Name Type Default Description
projectSrc string undefined URL of the project manifest to load
config ProjectManifest undefined Get or set the project configuration and files, (details).
lineNumbers boolean false Render a gutter with line numbers in the editor
lineWrapping boolean false If true, long lines are wrapped, otherwise the editor will scroll.
editableFileSystem boolean false Allow adding, removing, and renaming files
resizable boolean false Allow dragging the line between editor and preview to change relative sizes
sandboxBaseUrl string module parent directory Base URL for untrusted JavaScript execution (⚠️ use with caution, see sandbox security). Resolved relative to the module containing the definition of <playground-project>.
pragmas "on" | "off" | "off-visible" "on" How to handle playground-hide and playground-fold comments (details).
modified boolean false Whether the user has modified, added, or removed any project files. Resets whenever a new project is loaded.
htmlFile string "index.html" The HTML file used in the preview.
noCompletions boolean false If interactive code completions should be shown. This setting only applies to TypeScript files.


Name Description
default Inline files (details)


Invisible element that coordinates the filesystem, build worker, and service worker. Unless you're using <playground-ide>, all Playground layouts need a project element.


Name Type Default Description
projectSrc string undefined URL of a project files manifest to load.
config ProjectManifest undefined Get or set the project configuration and files, (details).
sandboxScope string "playground-elements" The service worker scope to register on.
sandboxBaseUrl string module parent directory Base URL for untrusted JavaScript execution (⚠️ use with caution, see sandbox security). Resolved relative to the module containing the definition of <playground-project>.
diagnostics Map<string, lsp.Diagnostic> undefined Map from filename to array of Language Server Protocol diagnostics resulting from the latest compilation.
modified boolean false Whether the user has modified, added, or removed any project files. Resets whenever a new project is loaded.


Method Description
addFile(filename: string) Create a new file. Type is inferred from filename extension.
deleteFile(filename: string) Delete a file.
renameFile(oldName: string, newName: string) Rename a file.


Name Description
default Inline files (details)


Event Description
filesChanged A file was added, removed, or renamed.
urlChanged The preview URL has changed
compileStart A build has started.
compileEnd A build has completed.



Property Type Default Description
project string | PlaygroundProject undefined The project this bar is associated with. Either the <playground-project> itself, or its id in the host scope.
editor string | PlaygroundFileEditor undefined The editor this bar controls. Either the <playground-file-editor> itself, or its id in the host scope.
editableFileSystem boolean false Allow adding, removing, and renaming files



Name Type Default Description
project string | PlaygroundProject undefined The project that this editor is associated with. Either the <playground-project> node itself, or its id in the host scope.
filename string undefined The name of the project file that is currently being displayed. Set when changing tabs. Does not reflect to attribute.
type "js" | "ts" | "html" | "css" undefined File type.
lineNumbers boolean false Render a gutter with line numbers in the editor
pragmas "on" | "off" | "off-visible" "on" How to handle playground-hide and playground-fold comments (details).
readonly boolean false Do not allow edits
noCompletions boolean false If interactive code completions should be shown. This setting only applies to TypeScript files.


A pure text editor based on CodeMirror with syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript.


Name Type Default Description
value string "" Code as string
type "js" | "ts" | "html" | "css" undefined Language of the file to syntax highlight
readonly boolean false Do not allow edits
lineNumbers boolean false Render a gutter with line numbers in the editor
pragmas "on" | "off" | "off-visible" "on" How to handle playground-hide and playground-fold comments (details).
documentKey object undefined Editor history for undo/redo is isolated per documentKey. Default behavior is a single instance.
noCompletions boolean false If interactive code completions should be shown. This setting only applies to TypeScript files.


Event Description
change User made an edit to the active file

Keyboard shortcuts

The playground code editor extends the CodeMirror default keyboard shortcuts with the following:

Keyboard shortcut Description
Ctrl + Space Trigger code completion when supported
Ctrl + / or Cmd + / Toggle line comments
ESC De-focus the code editor



Name Type Default Description
project string PlaygroundProject undefined The project that this editor is associated with. Either the <playground-project> node itself, or its id in the host scope.
location string ""
htmlFile string "index.html" The HTML file used in the preview.
iframe HTMLIFrameElement | null null A reference to the internal iframe element that is used to render the preview.


Floating controls for adding, deleting, and renaming files.


Name Type Default Description
state "closed" | "menu" | "rename" | "newfile" "closed" The kind of control to display.

closed: Hidden.
menu: Menu with "Rename" and "Delete" items.
rename: Control for renaming an existing file.
newfile: Control for creating a new file.
filename string undefined When state is menu or newfile, the name of the relevant file.
anchorElement HTMLElement undefined Absolutely position these controls at the bottom-left corner of this element.


Event Detail Description
newFile {filename: string} The specified new file was created through these controls.


TIP: Use the configurator to quickly experiment with themes and other customizations.

Custom Properties

Name Default Description
--playground-bar-height 40px height of the tab bar and the preview bar
--playground-code-font-family monospace font-family of code in the editor
--playground-code-font-size 14px font-size of code in the editor
--playground-code-line-height 1.4em line-height of code in the editor
--playground-code-TOKEN-color various Color of each kind of TOKEN in syntax highlighted-code. See the syntax highlighting section for details.
--playground-highlight-color #6200EE Color of the active file-picker tab label and indicator, and the preview loading bar
--playground-code-background #FFFFFF background of the code editor
--playground-code-gutter-background var(--playground-code-background, #FFFFFF) background of the line-numbers gutter
--playground-code-gutter-box-shadow none box-shadow of the line-numbers gutter
--playground-code-gutter-border-right none border-right of the line-numbers gutter
--playground-code-linenumber-color #767676 color of line-numbers
--playground-code-cursor-color var(--playground-code-default-color, #000000) color of the cursor
--playground-code-selection-background #D7D4F0 background of selected text
--playground-code-padding 0 padding around the editor code block
--playground-code-line-padding 0 4px padding around each line of code
--playground-tab-bar-background #EAEAEA background of the file-picker tab bar
--playground-tab-bar-active-background transparent background of the active file-picker tab
--playground-tab-bar-foreground-color #000000 Text color of inactive file-picker tabs
--playground-tab-bar-active-color var(--playground-highlight-color, #6200EE) Text color of active file-picker tab
--playground-tab-bar-indicator-color var(--playground-highlight-color, #6200EE) color of active file-picker tab indicator (use transparent to hide)
--playground-tab-bar-font-size 14px font-size of tab titles in the file-picker tab bar
--playground-preview-toolbar-background #FFFFFF background of the preview toolbar
--playground-preview-toolbar-foreground-color #444444 Text color of the preview toolbar
--playground-border 1px solid #DDDDDD Outer and inner border
--playground-floating-controls-highlight-color var(--playground-highlight-color, #6200EE) Highlight color of popup controls buttons and inputs

Shadow Parts

The following CSS shadow parts are exported, which you can style with additional rules not covered by the above CSS custom properties.

Part name Exported by Description
tab-bar ide Tab bar file switcher
editor ide Editor
preview ide Preview
preview-toolbar ide, preview Preview top bar
preview-location ide, preview Preview top bar "Result" heading
preview-reload-button ide, preview Preview top bar reload button
preview-loading-indicator ide, preview Preview top bar horizontal loading indicator
diagnostic-tooltip ide, file-editor, code-editor The tooltip that appears when hovering over a code span that has an error
dialog ide, file-editor, code-editor Dialogs appearing on top of a component (e.g. the editor keyboard help modal that shows on keyboard focus)

Syntax highlighting


The playground-elements package includes a directory of pre-configured syntax-highlighting themes. To load a theme, import its stylesheet, and apply the corresponding class name to the playground element or one of its ancestors:

  <playground-ide class="playground-theme-ayu-mirage"></playground-ide

A .js file is also provided for each theme, which exports a Lit CSSResult. You can include this directly in the static styles of your own Lit components, or get a CSSStyleSheet or string representation for other use cases:

import ayuMirageTheme from 'playground-elements/themes/ayu-mirage.css.js';

ayuMirageTheme; // Lit CSSResult
ayuMirageTheme.styleSheet; // CSSStyleSheet
ayuMirageTheme.cssText; // string

Custom syntax highlighting

Each kind of language token is controlled by a CSS custom property with the name --playground-code-TOKEN-color. For example, the keyword token is controlled by --playground-code-keyword-color.

Token Default JS/TS HTML CSS
default #000000 {}[]; <p>foo</p> {}:;
atom #221199 true &amp; bold
attribute #0000CC <foo bar> @media screen { }
builtin #3300AA #id { }
callee #000000 func() calc()
comment #AA5500 // foo <!-- foo --> /* foo */
def #0000FF let foo = bar
/**@param {string} foo*/
keyword #770088 class blue
meta #555555 <!doctype html>
number #116644 4 4px
operator #000000 =
property #000000 class foo { bar; } color:
qualifier #555555 .class { }
string #AA1111 "foo" <a b="c"> content: "foo"
string-2 #FF5500 `foo`
zoom: 50% 1
tag #117700 /**@param {string} foo*/ <foo> div { }
type #008855 let foo: string
/**@param {string} foo*/
variable #000000 let foo = bar @keyframes spin { }
variable-2 #0055AA (arg) => { arg } 2
variable-3 #008855 ::hover
local #0000FF (arg) => { }


  1. In CSS, string-2 is used for "non-standard" properties, but the list is outdated.
  2. In JS/TS, variable-2 is used for function-local variables.


Playground uses the google_modes CodeMirror syntax highlighting modes for TS/JS/HTML, because they support highlighting of HTML and CSS within JavaScript tagged template literals.


Contributions are very welcome.

For substantial changes, please file an issue first to discuss the changes. For small changes, sending a PR immediately is fine.

Initialize the repo:

git clone [email protected]:google/playground-elements.git
cd playground-elements
npm i
npm run build

Launch the configurator/demo locally and build continuously:

npm run serve --watch


How do I save and share a project?

Use the config property of a <playground-ide> or <playground-project> to get or set the current state of the project (details).

How you persist and retrieve serialized project state is up to you. Here are a few ideas:

  • JSON + base64url encode the config, and save it to the URL hash.

    Note that built-in btoa function is not safe for this purpose because it cannot encode non-latin code points, and the + character has a special meaning in URLs. See here for an example safe implementation, and #102 to track adding this implementation to Playground itself.

  • Integrate with a third-party API like GitHub gists.

  • Write to your own datastore.

How do I run custom build steps like JSX or SASS?

Support for build plugins like JSX, SASS, and CSS modules are on the roadmap, but are not yet available. Follow and comment on #66.

Why isn't module resolution working?

There are currently some missing features in module resolution that you might be hitting. Please comment on the issue if it affects you:

  • Imports in HTML files are not transformed (#93)
  • The import map scopes field is not supported (#103)

playground-elements's People


aarondrabeck avatar andrewjakubowicz avatar aomarks avatar augustjk avatar dependabot[bot] avatar e111077 avatar georgeplukov avatar jholt1 avatar jpoehnelt avatar justinfagnani avatar kevinpschaaf avatar matsuuu avatar michaelbyrneau avatar peschee avatar rictic avatar taylor-vann avatar web-padawan avatar


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playground-elements's Issues

[suggestion] Consider VSCode as online code editor

I quite like working in vscode as it helps with the little things.

for example if I do

  1. If I hit "pos1" or "command + left" it goes to the first character in the line (not to the start of the line)
  2. Or using Command + D to select the same word multiple times and then replacing it in one go
  3. ...

As you can run vscode in the browser it could be a nice improvement for the writing experience.

Here I have a side by side comparison doing the same things (left playground-elements; right


PS: just a suggestion - feel free to ignore - no hard feelings 🤗

Allow the editors and preview to be separate elements

Right now this component works as a single element:


And currently the layout is fixed as a tab-panel showing one editor at a time, and a side-by-side preview:

| A.js | B.js |          |                         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |
|        Editor          |         Preview         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |
|                        |                         |

We could very well want layouts, like the examples at the top of the lit-* sites, that separate files and preview and show them stacked:

First, define your element:

|                                         |
|  Editor                                 |
|                                         |

Then use it in plain HTML:

|                                         |
|  Editor                                 |
|                                         |

And it looks like this:

|                                         |
|                                         |
|  Preview                                |
|                                         |
|                                         |

The elements for this could be divided in a number of ways. One way is to consider that the preview is the component that needs all the files, even non-editable ones. So the project should be defined with the preview, and the detached editors can be separate elements that get their data from the preview:

<p>First, define your element:</p>
<code-sample-file-editor editor-for="example-1" filename="my-element.js">

<p>Then use it in plain HTML:</p>
<code-sample-file-editor editor-for="example-1" filename="index.html">

<p>And it looks like this:</p>
<code-sample-editor id="example-1" hide-editors>
  <!-- files here -->

Serviceworker startup + iframe index load race condition

There seems to be a race condition betwixt the serviceworker starting up and the iframe actually loading. The best repro I can get is this:

  1. go to (clear your SWs and hard reload if you have an older version loaded)
  2. click on level 1
  3. in dev tools go to the appplication > service workers > unregister the SW starting with sandbox
  4. go back to
  5. right click on reload button with dev tools open > empty cache and hard reload
  6. in dev tools network tab > Network: Slow 3g
  7. click on level1

After a good 20 second load most times it will load the main page at the root of the site (which is a 404) I've had some luck getting this to 404 on localhost as well. This also happens to do this on normal speed network but this is the best I could repro it. It seems to be triggered most often when I play around with preloading and proritizing file loads.

Support hosting iframe on separate origin

Executing scripts with the same origin as the host can open up security holes, in particular if the script being executed comes from an untrusted source (e.g. a share link). We should support and encourage the iframe and service worker to run in a configurable, separate origin (e.g.

Screenshot Tests

We need tests!

Testing this is complicated because of the service worker. Ideally we'd test the service worker under a number of the conditions that cause it to reload: initial visit, second visit, repeat visit with a stale worker, interacting with a page after the worker has been shut down, etc. The Workbox team might have some resources to help drive these scenarios.

We also need basic interaction tests: edit a file, see the change. And we need some visual regression tests.

We should probably look at using Web Test Runner, and use whatever it recommends for visual snapshot testing, if it does.

Use case for consideration: SEEKs Playroom

lit/lit-element#1139 (comment) noted a desire to build a web component version of SEEK's Playroom. It occurs to me that it should be trivial to build a similar experience using the playground-elements.

This gets pretty far, although I haven't fully tested it:,output. I stopped playing with it once I realized the workers need to be served from the same domain, so it needs to be done from a local npm install served together with the app itself.

The main thing I wanted to confirm was whether it's legal to have multiple playground-preview elements (of different sizes, in this case) pointing to the same project, and it appears to be fine? Assuming so, there's probably not much else playground-elements would need to change to build something like that experience.

@calebdwilliams Posting this here (as opposed to in the lit-element issue so we don't derail that) in case this sparks some inspiration and you wanted to run with it! @aomarks Feel free to close the issue unless it suggests some features to consider.

reload icon color not changing with foreground

setting --playground-preview-toolbar-foreground-color does not seem to change the color of the reload icon-button causing issues with dark mode. mwc-icon-button's internals simply use currentcolor so just seems that you need to apply that foreground-color to that as well

Support import maps

Ability to specify how a module should be resolved, to override the default unpkg resolution.

Method for URL-safe project serialization

It's not as easy as you'd think to serialize the state of a project for e.g. sticking in a URL, because btoa throws on non-Latin-1 characters, so special handling there is required. Also, base64url is a better scheme (- and _ instead of + and /), because it's less likely to get mis-encoded somehow (especially the + which will become a space).

Let's add something like serialize() and deserialize() to project and ide, to make this use case simpler.

Support section highlighting

It could be useful to be able to annotate sections of code that should be highlighted in some way, including via some external trigger, such as hovering over a fragment of documentation.

Code masking

Ability to display only a subset of a file, e.g. for more minimal inlining into documentation. Could be magic comments in the file, and/or could be ranges specified in the project JSON.

Give workers more descriptive names for bundling

Heya, currently trying to bundle for production and the workers are proving to be not fun. Currently the worker imports here are using the names service-worker.js and typescript-worker.js. The first is a bit too generic of a name to rebundle that worker in a generic build output

Apply bundled theme colors to other components

The colors from the included CodeMirror themes can easily/mostly automatically be re-purposed to style other components of the playground, like the file-picker background, highlight color, etc., to create a consistent look tied to each bundled theme.

Import map should apply to transitive dependencies


  • Configured import map resolves:
    • foo =>
    • bar =>
  • Project file imports foo
  • Transform applies, and is imported
  • loads and imports bar
  • Transform does not apply, and an invalid import error occurs

This happens because we only transform our own project files, not dependencies.

To do this right, we need to transform all imports to our own virtual URL scheme that is handled by the service worker (e.g. <scope>/node_modules/<pkg>), do the actual module fetches in the service worker, and transform using the same import map config.

Support a global TypeScript / JavaScript switch

We'd like to enable users to choose their preferred language for samples.

The most obvious way to do this would be to let samples include both .ts and .js versions of the same file, and just special case filtering out the other files. This would make it impossible to mix .ts and .js in a single sample though. We could also use another attribute for this, or nest files into another structure.

  <script type="sample/ts" filename="index.ts">...</script>
  <script type="sample/js" filename="index.js">...</script>

Allow for pre-highlighted, pre-compiled code for fast loading

Since CodeMirror and the TypeScript compiler are pretty hefty resources, we should allow for the code and preview to be shown before those are loaded, and even lazy load those bundles on first interaction.

Example code will be duplicated. A .ts file will need both a pre-highlighted HTML fragment for display, and a pre-compiled .js output to load into the preview iframe. HTML that imports .js file extensions should not need a pre-compiled version.

  <script type="sample/ts" filename="example.ts">
    // typescript source
  <pre filename="example.ts">
    <!-- pre-highlighted example.ts
  <script type="sample/ts-compiled" filename="example.ts">
    // precompiled typescript
  <script type="sample/html" filename="index.html">
    // HTML source, works for uncompiled preview

npm install fails on puppeteer

I added playground-elements 0.3.1 to my package, but install fails because of the following error:

> [email protected] postinstall /Users/emarquez/Workspace/polymer/cds-adventure-lit/node_modules/playground-elements
> cd node_modules/puppeteer && PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox node install.js

sh: line 0: cd: node_modules/puppeteer: No such file or directory
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of rollup@^0.65.2 || ^1.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] postinstall: `cd node_modules/puppeteer && PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox node install.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/emarquez/.npm/_logs/2020-11-19T23_24_18_059Z-debug.log

I added puppeteer as a dev dep to no avail

Theming / dark mode

We'd really like at least one dark mode theme for the lit-* sites, and over time a general mechanism to theme both the sources and the components.

Show errors

We should be able to capture TypeScript errors and render them in the editor somehow. Could be squiggles, errors that appear below the line, or a separate panel, exact UI TBD.

Relevant CodeMirror features:

We also need to show errors like 404s from the HTML.

A start would just be to show that there was some error, since currently errors are totally invisible.

Resize code preview

It would be cool if the user could click drag the divider to resize the preview / editor otherwise, simply expose a custom prop e.g.

code-sample-editor {width: var(--code-sample-editor-width, 70%);}
code-sample-preview {width: calc(100% - var(--code-sample-editor-width, 70%));}

Add an import map field to the project config

Instead of hardcoding unpkg and relying on unpkg's module resolution, we can have an import map in the project config and resolve bare specifiers against that.

There should be module resolution libraries that we can use for this.

Support bottom-right border for iframe

When a playground is on a white background, the white background color of the iframe blends into the background, which looks bad.


There should be some way to set the bottom-right border of the iframe, to produce an effect like this:


Note you can't quite do this simply with a border around the entire editor because of inconsistencies in radius (maybe there is some other approach we could use to make this work better too... mask-clip?), and also because a full border doesn't always look as nice.

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