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next-routes's Introduction

Dynamic Routes for Next.js

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Deprecation Notice: This package was a popular choice in the early years of Next.js and is no longer maintained. Please check the Next.js docs for its current ways of routing.

Easy to use universal dynamic routes for Next.js

  • Express-style route and parameters matching
  • Request handler middleware for express & co
  • Link and Router that generate URLs by route definition

How to use


npm install next-routes --save

Create routes.js inside your project:

const routes = require('next-routes')

// Name   Page      Pattern
module.exports = routes() // ----   ----      -----
  .add('about') // about  about     /about
  .add('blog', '/blog/:slug') // blog   blog      /blog/:slug
  .add('user', '/user/:id', 'profile') // user   profile   /user/:id
  .add('/:noname/:lang(en|es)/:wow+', 'complex') // (none) complex   /:noname/:lang(en|es)/:wow+
  .add({name: 'beta', pattern: '/v3', page: 'v3'}) // beta   v3        /v3

This file is used both on the server and the client.


  • routes.add([name], pattern = /name, page = name)
  • routes.add(object)


  • name - Route name
  • pattern - Route pattern (like express, see path-to-regexp)
  • page - Page inside ./pages to be rendered

The page component receives the matched URL parameters merged into query

export default class Blog extends React.Component {
  static async getInitialProps({query}) {
    // query.slug
  render() {
    // this.props.url.query.slug

On the server

// server.js
const next = require('next')
const routes = require('./routes')
const app = next({dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'})
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app)

// With express
const express = require('express')
app.prepare().then(() => {

// Without express
const {createServer} = require('http')
app.prepare().then(() => {

Optionally you can pass a custom handler, for example:

const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app, ({req, res, route, query}) => {
  app.render(req, res,, query)

Make sure to use server.js in your package.json scripts:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "node server.js",
  "build": "next build",
  "start": "NODE_ENV=production node server.js"

On the client

Import Link and Router from your routes.js file to generate URLs based on route definition:

Link example

// pages/index.js
import {Link} from '../routes'

export default () => (
    <div>Welcome to Next.js!</div>
    <Link route="blog" params={{slug: 'hello-world'}}>
      <a>Hello world</a>
    <Link route="/blog/hello-world">
      <a>Hello world</a>


  • <Link route='name'>...</Link>
  • <Link route='name' params={params}> ... </Link>
  • <Link route='/path/to/match'> ... </Link>


  • route - Route name or URL to match (alias: to)
  • params - Optional parameters for named routes

It generates the URLs for href and as and renders next/link. Other props like prefetch will work as well.

Router example

// pages/blog.js
import React from 'react'
import {Router} from '../routes'

export default class Blog extends React.Component {
  handleClick() {
    // With route name and params
    Router.pushRoute('blog', {slug: 'hello-world'})
    // With route URL
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Home</button>


  • Router.pushRoute(route)
  • Router.pushRoute(route, params)
  • Router.pushRoute(route, params, options)


  • route - Route name or URL to match
  • params - Optional parameters for named routes
  • options - Passed to Next.js

The same works with .replaceRoute() and .prefetchRoute()

It generates the URLs and calls next/router

Optionally you can provide custom Link and Router objects, for example:

const routes = module.exports = require('next-routes')({
  Link: require('./my/link')
  Router: require('./my/router')

Related links

next-routes's People


ajoslin avatar chentsulin avatar disintegrator avatar flagello avatar fridays avatar greenkeeper[bot] avatar handtrix avatar hayfever avatar ianwang avatar ilkerguller avatar jpage-godaddy avatar mergebandit avatar oliviertassinari avatar petertulala avatar sly777 avatar tpreusse avatar trotzig avatar


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next-routes's Issues

Suggest to have `Link` and `Router` to be accessed by singleton

I found that next-routes API is not friendly.

In next.js, each component could just depend on next/link. So, component can reside in a standalone repo and published as npm package. However, when utilizing next-routes, I have to import Link from routes.js file specific to given application. As a result, there is no way to create a standalone component to be shared.

import {Link} from 'path/to/routes';

How about making Link and Router accessible by singleton object in next-routes? Like this

import {Link} from 'next-routes/link';
import {Router} from 'next-routes/router';

Internally, when next-routes is executed to create instance, the instance is saved as singleton to be exposed by next-routes/link and next-routes/router.

Add a change log

It would be awesome if a was added and Github releases were used to keep track of changes.

A common practice is to track changes under a next version heading at the top of, then when ready to release:

  1. Do a commit bumping the version:
  • New version in package.json.
  • Rename the next heading in to the new version.
  1. Create a new Github release. Follow the "Tagging suggestions" in the sidebar, and copy-paste the markdown from the change log into the description.
  2. Run npm publish.

You can see that process in action at jaydenseric/apollo-upload-client.

Error: Route "..." already exists

This technique had been working, installed the latest npm version and it's broken.

routes.add('entity', '/entity/:actor_id/:tab')
routes.add('entity', '/entity/:actor_id')

throw new Error('Route "' + name + '" already exists');
Error: Route "entity" already exists

TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined

I ran across this error today, and was thoroughly confused. I also found the solution, so wanted to share in case others hit the same thing!

The error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
    at /node_modules/next-routes/dist/index.js:102:27
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
    at trim_prefix (/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)
    at /node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7
    at Function.process_params (/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
    at next (/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
    at expressInit (/node_modules/express/lib/middleware/init.js:40:5)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
    at trim_prefix (/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)
    at /node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7

The cause

I had changed the example code:


- const routes = require('./routes');
- const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app);
+ const { getRequestHandler } = require('./routes');
+ const handler = getRequestHandler(app);

Ie; I had introduced a destructruing require, which resulted in the above error.

The fix

Stick with a non-destructured require like the docs show:


const routes = require('./routes');
// ...
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app);

next-routes is not working in iOS 8.4


Currently, I met some issues on iOS 8.4 devices.

When using <Link>

printWarning โ€” commons.js:102Warning: unmountComponentAtNode(): The node you're attempting to unmount was rendered by another copy of React.

React DOM tree root should always have a node reference.

When using Router.pushRoute('index', params)

TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating '_this5.keyNames.includes(key)')

Object.assign not polyfilled

This package breaks in IE 11 due to it's unpolyfilled use of Object.assign.

It is risky to rely on Next.js to apply a global polyfill, because its not guaranteed - in v3 latest it is not present:

screen shot 2017-06-20 at 11 05 28 pm

This issue can be resolved by refactoring all usage of Object.assign to spread operator syntax. It's more elegant that way anyway.

Using href directly in Link

Hi, I have a url that is part of the data. I tried using the href value directly instead of params and route but it seems to be doing a full page navigation. Is it expected?

Unname routes update breaking change


We've been using name routes which name starts with "/" for a while. For example, we had a route with name "/teacher/assignment". It was working fine, until the 1.0.30 update, which mistakes such routes to be unnamed routes.

It's not a big deal. We just need to change all the named routes so that they don't start with "/". Still, it would be nice if the developer is more mindful about breaking changes such as this.


non-dynamic routes aren't handled

Here's my project which I just upgraded to use next-routes ๐ŸŽ‰

Unfortunately I was a bit fast, it looks like non-dynamic routes (like /about) aren't handled properly, they give a not found page when reloading from server (but work client-side). Did I miss something in the configuration or would this be a bug?

404 when using Router.replace() to custom route

Reproduction case:

next: 3.0.0-beta16
next-routes: 1.0.27

git clone next-routes-issue-56
cd next-routes-issue-56
yarn dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000/abc123
    • Note: The /abc123 page loads fine
  2. Click the link to /about
    • Will redirect you back to /abc123
  3. Note: Incorrectly receiving a 404
  4. Refresh the page (or wait for next 'ping')
  5. /abc123 works as expected


It looks like under the hood, next.js's client-side routing is requesting the url http://localhost:3000/_next/1498079290131/page/abc123 instead of http://localhost:3000/abc123. This wont match any routes I've setup, so it falls through to next.js, which throws the 404.

Server side rendering appears to work fine, because it's just a regular HTTP request being handled by express, which correctly matches one of the routes setup.

I tried adding some hacks such as path.replace(/^_next\/\d+\/page/, ''), but that didn't appear to improve anything.

This happens in both development and production mode (initially I was led astray by Webpack HMR call stacks, but they don't appear in production mode, while the error persists)


Replacing Router.replace('/abc123'); with window.location = '/abc123'; in pages/about.js will get it working client side again (by forcing a hard server refresh).


Kinda sorta maybe related(?): vercel/next.js#257

isNextPath is not a function

Hi I'm using next-routes "^1.0.20" currently. I should note that I also tried upgrading to the newest next beta and next-routes 1.0.40, but got the same "TypeError: routes.isNextPath is not a function" error in my console.

While poking around for answers I found a few github issues where you've referenced this function. Would you mind helping me out? For some reason I can't find this function inside next-routes or next and I'm not sure what I'm getting wrong.

An Issue where you suggested it
#4 (comment)

I thought I might be misunderstand something inside nextjs and saw another comment from you here:
vercel/next.js#1627 (comment)

My app is getting bogged down inside an if statement. Removing reference to isNextPath "!routes.isNextPath(req.url) &&" (in my forked code and pasted below) allows the app to run but I assume I lose SSR caching as a result(?)

Here's the code:


const session = require('express-session');
const FileStore = require('session-file-store')(session);
const { SESSION_SECRET } = require('./config');
const acceptLanguage = require('./acceptLanguage');
const routes = require('../universal/routes');

// TODO store more persistently (this only survives while deployment is on same machine)
const store = new FileStore({ path: '/tmp/sessions' });

module.exports = {
  configSession: session({
    secret: SESSION_SECRET,
    resave: false,
    rolling: true,
    saveUninitialized: true,
    httpOnly: true,
  defaultSessionData(req, res, next) {
    if (!routes.isNextPath(req.url) && !req.session.user) {
      req.session.user = { // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
        locale: acceptLanguage(req),


const nextRoutes = require('next-routes');

module.exports = nextRoutes()
  .add('/', 'index')
  .add('retreat', '/retreat/:id')
  .add('track', '/track/:id')
  .add('profile', '/:slug');


Any examples with animations?

I'd like to be able to prevent loading the route before an animation is done, issue the route change, and then have a loading in animation.

So something like:

onRouteChange = e => {
    document.body.addEventListener('animationend', () => {

obviously psuedocode

Protect URLS

How do I protect urls like using react router uses onEnter?

/:slug matches on /__webpack_hmr

With 1.0.15:


const nextRoutes = require('next-routes');
module.exports = nextRoutes()
  .add('retreat', '/retreat/:id')
  .add('track', '/track/:id')
  .add('profile', '/:slug');

This code:

const { route, params } = routes.match(req.url);
console.log('Found next-routes: ', route, params);

(among other things) returns the log below:

Found next-routes:  Route {
  name: 'profile',
  pattern: '/:slug',
  page: '/profile',
   [ { name: 'slug',
       prefix: '/',
       delimiter: '/',
       optional: false,
       repeat: false,
       partial: false,
       asterisk: false,
       pattern: '[^\\/]+?' } ],
  regex: { /^\/((?:[^\/]+?))(?:\/(?=$))?$/i keys: [ [Object] ] },
  getAs: [Function] } { slug: '__webpack_hmr' }

/:slug matches on __webpack_hmr, which it shouldn't.

Also not sure if it does or not, but should also ensure it won't match on /favicon.ico either.

Use with SSR Caching

Thanks for this lib! I'm trying to implement SSR caching . Seems not to be working as expected. I'm unable to get the right page path to use the caching function.

Parameter 'url' must be a string, not undefined

I have a serious of routes created that render to the page with named route properties.
The rendered react looks like this:

<Link route="blog">
    <a onClick=bound linkClicked()>Blog</a>

Which is defined by my menu.js component here:

import React from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import {menu} from './routes'

export default () => (
    { (menuchen, index) =>
        <li key={index}><Link route={menuchen.path}>

But when I click on the link the client console complains about a url parameter.
Parameter 'url' must be a string, not undefined

I define the routes.js here:

const routes = module.exports.routes = require('next-routes')()

const menu = = [
        title: "Blog",
        path: "blog"
menu.forEach(menuchen => {routes.add(menuchen.path, menu.path, "index")})

and my server.js setup looks like this:

const next = require('next')
const routes = require('./comps/menu/routes').routes
const app = next({dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'})
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app)

const express = require('express')
app.prepare().then(() => {

Koa usage

How do you use next-routes with Koa v2?

HMR issue on global stylesheet

Hi @fridays ,
currently im facing issue on the HMR again when integrating global stylesheets to the project.
Here's the repo to reproduce it:

v3.0.0 support of next.js

Thanks for this great project.
I have been trying out the latest release of next.js: 3.0.0-beta16.
I have noticed that the Link component of next-routes wasn't able to change the current route.
Is this library supporting that version of next.js yet?

Server-rendering does not match client

After switching to React routes, I'm getting the following error in the console:

warning.js?c5303db:36 Warning: React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid. This generally means that you are using server rendering and the markup generated on the server was not what the client was expecting. React injected new markup to compensate which works but you have lost many of the benefits of server rendering. Instead, figure out why the markup being generated is different on the client or server:
 (client) r" id="react-select-2--value" data-react
 (server) r" id="react-select-10--value" data-reac

This is the page that is rendering:

This is my server setup:

Is this a problem with my config of next-routes?

Apply delimiter to route param

I have a url that looks like:


And then have a route that looks like:

const nextRoutes = require('next-routes')
const routes = module.exports = nextRoutes()
routes.add('recommendations', '/r/:e')

This returns a query like:

{e: "proud,cozy"}

However I would like this returned instead:

{e: ["proud","cozy"]}

How could I apply a delimiter to the route, so that it knows that there can be one or more ':e', and that it would be split by ','?

<Link prefetch>

From reading the README, it's not clear if Link supports Next.js' prefetch option?

Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

How to update window location on Link click?

It seems that clicking on the Link component, the window location in the browser address bar is not updated.

What's the best approach to make it working without break SSR? Is this feature supported by the next-routes package?

Thank You.

Should we avoid mutating the next/router?

I have ran into an issue where next-routes is called twice.
It's a mistake on my end, I have multiples routes to handle different subdomains.
I'm supposed to always import the routes of a the current subdomain.

However, a slight import mistake has wide side effect. I think that we have an opportunity to reduce the impact of such possible mistake.
What's the root cause? I have finally found that this modules is mutating next/router.

What do you think of stopping doing such? I mean returning a new object reference.

Also, I'm gonna add a safe defensive code on my end to throw when the next-routes is called a second time.

Google Analytics?

Is there a recommended approach for adding Google Analytics?

Thank you!

double slash in @1.0.39

After updating next-routes from 1.0.37 to 1.039 I get the error

Error when loading route: //c/HH

using next 3.0.1-beta.9 in production mode, on localhost is the same but the message is quite different

HMR not working when integrating next-routes

I'm facing an issue that HMR is not working when using next-routes. It will do full reload instead.
I already followed the example given on the readme.

Here's my implementation:


const nextRoutes = require('next-routes');
const routes = module.exports = nextRoutes();

const localeRegExp = '(/id|/en)?';
routes.add('index', localeRegExp);
routes.add('search', `${localeRegExp}/search/:urlName`);


const routes = require('./routes');
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app);
const server = express();

.then(() => {
  .listen(3000, function (err) {
    console.log('err', err);

Any idea about this?

Question about .pushRouter()

Hi! Thanks for your work!

I have a question about .pushRouter() method.

In my routes I have something like:

routes.add('users', '/people/:username/:page', 'index')

And when I do

Router.pushRouter("users", {username: 'nick', page: 'bio'})

I actually go to the necessary page, but url looks like /people/nick?page=bio instead of /people/nick/bio

Am I doing something wrong or .pushRouter doesn't have to do what I expect?

Thanks in advance and sorry if it is too silly question.


<Link /> does the same.

Make a route that will work with ending slash or not?

This might be more related path-to-regexp, but figured I'd start here.

I'd like to create a route definition that works with and without the ending slash. For example:

routes.add('myEntity', '/entity/:id\/*', 'entityPage');

What I want here is for the router to accept both of the following:




Where foo is mapped to the id parameter.

Is this possible? Is this a question for path-to-regexp instead?

It seems path-to-regexp does this by default and it doesn't look like next-routes is overriding this default. So maybe this is a bug? Should the following routes, be default, both resolve to the same page:


change value of this.props.url.pathname

I set up my index route like this:

routes.add('index', '/');

this.props.url is injected into my pages w/ a "pathname" attribute...among others. For this particular route, it's pathname value is "/index". I don't see how this value is useful. Shouldn't the pathname be the pattern param. We could also inject the route name param as a property on "url".

On another page I use this route:

routes.add('contactGeneral', '/contact/general', 'contact-general');

And this.props.url.pathname === '/contact-general'. Just doesn't make a lot a sense.

Awesome project!

I just want to say that this is a fantastic project, and you're doing a great job.

Next.js is great, but there are gaps that you & others are filing that makes the ecosystem very compelling.

Thanks for this, and have a happy Saturday!

ie 11 error

We get the following error in ie 11 object doesn't support this property or method find. We only use nextjs and next-routes. Maybe we need to chnage your babel Settings? vercel/next.js#473

Support `parse` option to parse incoming params

First, thanks for this. I've implemented it and it serves almost all of my needs.

I'd like to propose adding a feature: a parseParams function of some sort as an option.

I'm rewriting a legacy app that supports hundreds of urls. For example, there's one legacy route I must support that is /add-to-cart?qty=n&sku=n

In my components however, I don't expect a qty parameter. I expect quantity.

I've monkey-patched route.match to support a parseParams function, which takes the incoming query and transforms it:

nextRoutes.add(name, path,
const route = nextRoutes.routes[nextRoutes.routes.length - 1]

const _match = route.match
route.match = (path) => {
  let params =, path)
  return !params
    ? undefined
    : item.parseParams(params) // defaults to `identity`

Example of a parseParams function:

parseParams: (data) => ({
  sku: data.sku,
  quantity: data.qty,
  title: humanizeUrlParam(data.title)

Would next-routes be open to supporting this as part of the library? If so, I can open a PR.


We ended up having to do a quick cut over from our react-router + redux massive SPA to next.js. We used this lib to help convert the react-router style routes to next.js.

However we ended up "forking" (shoving into our repo) this lib to allow for:

  • preload support
  • dev preload
  • redirect support

You can see our implementation here

Our next-routes implementation is here in the repo

Please feel free to reach out on this issue with questions, I hope to have more time to write a blog post on this / make some pull requests here, but I dont know if I will have the time for that as of yet

Thanks for such a great OS project!

params mismatch between client/server

I have the route /post/:slug-:id. It works fine on the client, but when SSRing I get a 500 error if the slug has a hyphen in it. I think it interprets the :id as the first thing after the first hyphen.

Parameters vs Query

Hey guys, I'm trying to resolve an issue and was hoping for some help. When navigating to a sub route from the client I am getting the sku field as query string, but I need it as a parameter. It works as a parameter on server load but not client.

<Link route='product' params={{sku:product.sku}}><a>Product 1</a></Link>
<Link route='product' params={{sku:product.sku}}><a>Product 2</a></Link>

Now if I load this url /product/123 directly it works and loads the correct page. However, if I am on another page and click on the links above the url read /product?sku=123. I need both links to the the former. How can I get this fixed. Appreciate any pointers.

Error when using route pattern at root

I'm trying to simplify my webapp by using your package, thanks for providing! ๐Ÿ‘

Here is my attempt:

However, I get EventSource's response has a MIME type ("text/html") that is not "text/event-stream". Aborting the connection.

Maybe it's because I have a route /:slug which, when not handled properly, might also match Next.js' internal routes such as __webpack_hmr etc.

How can this be fixed?

Using next-routes with prefix

Hi I have an issue like below:


app.prepare().then(() => {
  const server = express();
  const router = express.Router();

  router.get('/:area', (req, res) => {
    return app.render(req, res, '/index', req.query);

  router.get('*', (req, res) => handle(wrappedRequest(req), res));

  server.use('/prefix', router);
  server.use('/prefix/static', express.static('static'));

  server.listen(3000, err => {
    if (err)
      throw err;
    console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:3000/prefix`);

what I want to do is using next-routes? It worked fine when not using prefix.

Is there any way to integrate prefix to next-route?

Support shallow rendering

Is it possible to support shallow rendering to skip rendering getInitialProps? Example: I'd like to use link/router to push a query string to a component that displays a modal based on the query string. Trying to figure out how this can be done without rendering the profile on the server again.

handle query strings

how would i handle a route like this Creating a link <Link route="search" params={{ q: search }}> does the right think when clicked but the adressbar only shows

Redirecting to dynamic route with modified query param

Hi and thanks again for this library, it's really helpful!

I have a case where I need to redirect when the user enters a URL which doesn't contain the locale. E.g if they go to "/", I want to redirect to "/en". If they go to "/courses", I want to redirect to "/en/courses". I have set up all the dynamic routes accordingly, seems to work. But I don't know how to redirect using the asPath instead of the hidden URL (e.g how to redirect to "/en" instead of "/?locale=en"). Any hints?

My code currently looks like this:

import { format } from 'url'

  static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
    if (!process.browser) {
      if (!ctx.query.locale) {
        const sessionLocale = ctx.req.session ? ctx.req.session.user.locale : 'en'
        const { pathname, query } = ctx
        query.locale = locale = sessionLocale
        ctx.res.writeHead(302, { Location: format({ pathname, query }) });

Thanks a lot

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