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Comments (12)

vladdoster avatar vladdoster commented on September 23, 2024 2

I just stumbled upon this rust utility you might like.

from zinit.

docwhat avatar docwhat commented on September 23, 2024 1

What I don't like about that idea though is that while you mention unar, there's a ton of alternatives. What $fancy_archive_extractor should we support?

It's true. There are a lot.

zi could just fetch unar (or some other unpacker) for its own use instead of depending on the system's unpacker.

borking the install and requiring a zi delete.

What exactly do you mean by that?

I don't remember exactly anymore.

I think I had unar but didn't have xz. The unpack failed, and zi didn't know since there was a directory present.

Fixing it required figuring out what happened, installing xz, and deleting the package so it could reinstall.

from zinit.

alichtman avatar alichtman commented on September 23, 2024

Can you show me something that requires an unpacker?

from zinit.

docwhat avatar docwhat commented on September 23, 2024

Note my has'xz' that I just added to prevent it borking the install and requiring a zi delete.

zinit wait lucid for \
  from'gh-r' \
  as'program' \
  has'xz' \
  mv'shellcheck* -> shellcheck' \
  pick'shellcheck/shellcheck' \

from zinit.

pschmitt avatar pschmitt commented on September 23, 2024

I can see this within zinit's core.

If there's $fancy_archive_extractor, then use it.

ziextract should be relatively easy to patch:


Lines 1526 to 1827 in 5df5fb6

ziextract() {
emulate -LR zsh
setopt extendedglob typesetsilent noshortloops # warncreateglobal
local -a opt_move opt_move2 opt_norm opt_auto opt_nobkp
zparseopts -D -E -move=opt_move -move2=opt_move2 -norm=opt_norm \
-auto=opt_auto -nobkp=opt_nobkp || \
{ +zinit-message "{error}ziextract:{msg2} Incorrect options given to" \
"\`{pre}ziextract{msg2}' (available are: {meta}--auto{msg2}," \
"{meta}--move{msg2}, {meta}--move2{msg2}, {meta}--norm{msg2}," \
"{meta}--nobkp{msg2}).{rst}"; return 1; }
local file="$1" ext="$2"
integer move=${${${(M)${#opt_move}:#0}:+0}:-1} \
move2=${${${(M)${#opt_move2}:#0}:+0}:-1} \
norm=${${${(M)${#opt_norm}:#0}:+0}:-1} \
auto=${${${(M)${#opt_auto}:#0}:+0}:-1} \
if (( auto )) {
# First try known file extensions
local -a files
integer ret_val
files=( (#i)**/*.(zip|rar|7z|tgz|tbz2|tar.gz|tar.bz2|tar.7z|txz|tar.xz|gz|xz|tar|dmg|exe)~(*/*|.(_backup|git))/*(-.DN) )
for file ( $files ) {
ziextract "$file" $opt_move $opt_move2 $opt_norm $opt_nobkp ${${${#files}:#1}:+--nobkp}
# Second, try to find the archive via `file' tool
if (( !${#files} )) {
local -aU output infiles stage2_processed archives
infiles=( **/*~(._zinit*|._backup|.git)(|/*)~*/*/*(-.DN) )
output=( ${(@f)"$(command file -- $infiles 2>&1)"} )
archives=( ${(M)output[@]:#(#i)(* |(#s))(zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|exe|PE32) *} )
for file ( $archives ) {
local fname=${(M)file#(${(~j:|:)infiles}): } desc=${file#(${(~j:|:)infiles}): } type
[[ -z $fname || -n ${stage2_processed[(r)$fname]} ]] && continue
type=${(L)desc/(#b)(#i)(* |(#s))(zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|exe|PE32) */$match[2]}
if [[ $type = (zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|exe|pe32) ]] {
(( !OPTS[opt_-q,--quiet] )) && \
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{info2} Note:{rst}" \
"detected a {meta}$type{rst} archive in the file" \
ziextract "$fname" "$type" $opt_move $opt_move2 $opt_norm --norm ${${${#archives}:#1}:+--nobkp}
integer iret_val=$?
(( iret_val )) && continue
# Support nested tar.(bz2|gz|…) archives
local infname=$fname
[[ -f $fname.out ]] && fname=$fname.out
files=( *.tar(ND) )
if [[ -f $fname || -f ${fname:r} ]] {
local -aU output2 archives2
output2=( ${(@f)"$(command file -- "$fname"(N) "${fname:r}"(N) $files[1](N) 2>&1)"} )
archives2=( ${(M)output2[@]:#(#i)(* |(#s))(zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|exe|PE32) *} )
local file2
for file2 ( $archives2 ) {
fname=${file2%:*} desc=${file2##*:}
local type2=${(L)desc/(#b)(#i)(* |(#s))(zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|exe|PE32) */$match[2]}
if [[ $type != $type2 && \
$type2 = (zip|rar|xz|7-zip|gzip|bzip2|tar)
]] {
# TODO: if multiple archives are really in the archive,
# this might delete too soon… However, it's unusual case.
[[ $fname != $infname && $norm -eq 0 ]] && command rm -f "$infname"
(( !OPTS[opt_-q,--quiet] )) && \
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{info2} Note:{rst}" \
"detected a {obj}${type2}{rst} archive in the" \
" file {file}${fname}{rst}."
ziextract "$fname" "$type2" $opt_move $opt_move2 $opt_norm ${${${#archives}:#1}:+--nobkp}
stage2_processed+=( $fname )
if [[ $fname == *.out ]] {
[[ -f $fname ]] && command mv -f "$fname" "${fname%.out}"
stage2_processed+=( ${fname%.out} )
return $ret_val
if [[ -z $file ]] {
+zinit-message "{error}ziextract:{msg2} ERROR:{msg} argument" \
"needed (the file to extract) or the {meta}--auto{msg} option."
return 1
if [[ ! -e $file ]] {
+zinit-message "{error}ziextract:{msg2} ERROR:{msg}" \
"the file \`{meta}${file}{msg}' doesn't exist.{rst}"
return 1
if (( !nobkp )) {
command mkdir -p ._backup
command rm -rf ._backup/*(DN)
command mv -f *~(._zinit*|._backup|.git|.svn|.hg|$file)(DN) ._backup 2>/dev/null
.zinit-extract-wrapper() {
local file="$1" fun="$2" retval
(( !OPTS[opt_-q,--quiet] )) && \
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{msg} Unpacking the files from: \`{obj}$file{msg}'{…}{rst}"
$fun; retval=$?
if (( retval == 0 )) {
local -a files
files=( *~(._zinit*|._backup|.git|.svn|.hg|$file)(DN) )
(( ${#files} && !norm )) && command rm -f "$file"
return $retval
→zinit-check() { (( ${+commands[$1]} )) || \
+zinit-message "{error}ziextract:{msg2} Error:{msg} No command {data}$1{msg}," \
"it is required to unpack {file}$2{rst}."
case "${${ext:+.$ext}:-$file}" in
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check unzip "$file" || return 1; command unzip -o "$file"; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check unrar "$file" || return 1; command unrar x "$file"; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check bzip2 "$file" || return 1; command bzip2 -dc "$file" | command tar -xf -; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check gzip "$file" || return 1; command gzip -dc "$file" | command tar -xf -; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check xz "$file" || return 1; command xz -dc "$file" | command tar -xf -; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check 7z "$file" || return 1; command 7z x -so "$file" | command tar -xf -; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check tar "$file" || return 1; command tar -xf "$file"; }
if [[ $file != (#i)*.gz ]] {
command mv $file $file.gz
integer zi_was_renamed=1
→zinit-extract() {
→zinit-check gunzip "$file" || return 1
.zinit-get-mtime-into "$file" 'ZINIT[tmp]'
command gunzip "$file" |& command egrep -v '.out$'
integer ret=$pipestatus[1]
command touch -t "$(strftime %Y%m%d%H%M.%S $ZINIT[tmp])" "$file"
return ret
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check bunzip2 "$file" || return 1
.zinit-get-mtime-into "$file" 'ZINIT[tmp]'
command bunzip2 "$file" |& command egrep -v '.out$'
integer ret=$pipestatus[1]
command touch -t "$(strftime %Y%m%d%H%M.%S $ZINIT[tmp])" "$file"
return ret
if [[ $file != (#i)*.xz ]] {
command mv $file $file.xz
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check xz "$file" || return 1
.zinit-get-mtime-into "$file" 'ZINIT[tmp]'
command xz -d "$file"
integer ret=$?
command touch -t "$(strftime %Y%m%d%H%M.%S $ZINIT[tmp])" "$file"
return ret
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check 7z "$file" || return 1; command 7z x "$file" >/dev/null; }
→zinit-extract() {
local prog
for prog ( hdiutil cp ) { →zinit-check $prog "$file" || return 1; }
integer retval
local attached_vol="$( command hdiutil attach "$file" | \
command tail -n1 | command cut -f 3 )"
command cp -Rf ${attached_vol:-${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/acb321GEF}/*(D) .
command hdiutil detach $attached_vol
if (( retval )) {
+zinit-message "{error}ziextract:{msg2} WARNING:{msg}" \
"problem occurred when attempted to copy the files" \
"from the mounted image: \`{obj}${file}{msg}'.{rst}"
return $retval
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check dpkg-deb "$file" || return 1; command dpkg-deb -R "$file" .; }
→zinit-extract() { →zinit-check cpio "$file" || return 1; $ZINIT[BIN_DIR]/share/rpm2cpio.zsh "$file" | command cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames; }
→zinit-extract() {
command chmod a+x -- ./$file
./$file /S /D="`cygpath -w $PWD`"
if [[ $(typeset -f + →zinit-extract) == "→zinit-extract" ]] {
.zinit-extract-wrapper "$file" →zinit-extract || {
+zinit-message -n "{error}ziextract:{msg2} WARNING:{msg}" \
"extraction of the archive \`{file}${file}{msg}' had problems"
local -a bfiles
bfiles=( ._backup/*(DN) )
if (( ${#bfiles} && !nobkp )) {
+zinit-message -n ", restoring the previous version of the plugin/snippet"
command mv ._backup/*(DN) . 2>/dev/null
+zinit-message ".{rst}"
unfunction -- →zinit-extract →zinit-check 2>/dev/null
return 1
unfunction -- →zinit-extract →zinit-check
} else {
integer warning=1
unfunction -- .zinit-extract-wrapper
local -a execs
execs=( **/*~(._zinit(|/*)|.git(|/*)|.svn(|/*)|.hg(|/*)|._backup(|/*))(DN-.) )
if [[ ${#execs} -gt 0 && -n $execs ]] {
execs=( ${(@f)"$( file ${execs[@]} )"} )
execs=( "${(M)execs[@]:#[^:]##:*executable*}" )
execs=( "${execs[@]/(#b)([^:]##):*/${match[1]}}" )
builtin print -rl -- ${execs[@]} >! ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/zinit-execs.$$.lst
if [[ ${#execs} -gt 0 ]] {
command chmod a+x "${execs[@]}"
if (( !OPTS[opt_-q,--quiet] )) {
if (( ${#execs} == 1 )); then
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{rst}" \
"Successfully extracted and assigned +x chmod to the file:" \
local sep="$ZINIT[col-rst],$ZINIT[col-obj] "
if (( ${#execs} > 7 )) {
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{rst} Successfully" \
"extracted and marked executable the appropriate files" \
"({obj}${(pj:$sep:)${(@)execs[1,5]:t}},…{rst}) contained" \
"in \`{file}$file{rst}'. All the extracted" \
"{obj}${#execs}{rst} executables are" \
"available in the {msg2}INSTALLED_EXECS{rst}" \
} else {
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:{rst} Successfully" \
"extracted and marked executable the appropriate files" \
"({obj}${(pj:$sep:)${execs[@]:t}}{rst}) contained" \
"in \`{file}$file{rst}'."
} elif (( warning )) {
+zinit-message "{pre}ziextract:" \
"{error}WARNING: {msg}didn't recognize the archive" \
"type of \`{obj}${file}{msg}'" \
"${ext:+/ {obj2}${ext}{msg} }"\
"(no extraction has been done).%f%b"
if (( move | move2 )) {
local -a files
files=( *~(._zinit|.git|._backup|.tmp231ABC)(DN/) )
if (( ${#files} )) {
command mkdir -p .tmp231ABC
command mv -f *~(._zinit|.git|._backup|.tmp231ABC)(D) .tmp231ABC
if (( !move2 )) {
command mv -f **/*~(*/*~*/*/*|*/*/*/*|^*/*|._zinit(|/*)|.git(|/*)|._backup(|/*))(DN) .
} else {
command mv -f **/*~(*/*~*/*/*/*|*/*/*/*/*|^*/*|._zinit(|/*)|.git(|/*)|._backup(|/*))(DN) .
command mv .tmp231ABC/$file . &>/dev/null
command rm -rf .tmp231ABC
} else {
return 0

What I don't like about that idea though is that while you mention unar, there's a ton of alternatives.
What $fancy_archive_extractor should we support?

borking the install and requiring a zi delete.

What exactly do you mean by that?

from zinit.

alichtman avatar alichtman commented on September 23, 2024

If we support installing packages from GH Releases, we must support decompressing them. I think it's reasonable to add support like this.

This is essentially what unar does, to the best of my knowledge. We can reimplement it, or just declare unar as a dependency.

from zinit.

pschmitt avatar pschmitt commented on September 23, 2024

If we support installing packages from GH Releases, we must support decompressing them. I think it's reasonable to add support like this.

That is supported already. I've literally linked to the implementation above :)
zinit can already extract archives.
This issue is about whether ziextract should try unpacking with unar before falling back to the individual tar, unzip, unrar etc commands.

from zinit.

alichtman avatar alichtman commented on September 23, 2024

Hah, right. I see that now. Ignore my comment above. I was thinking we only supported shell scripts and executables.

I don't use this feature, so I'm not super knowledgeable about it.

from zinit.

vladdoster avatar vladdoster commented on September 23, 2024


Can this be closed?

from zinit.

docwhat avatar docwhat commented on September 23, 2024

This issue is about whether ziextract should try unpacking with unar before falling back to the individual tar, unzip, unrar etc commands.

At least, unar should be tried. I had unar available but didn't have xz.

from zinit.

docwhat avatar docwhat commented on September 23, 2024

Can this be closed?

I'd prefer if unar was added to ziextract.

from zinit.

vladdoster avatar vladdoster commented on September 23, 2024


I, too, have been on systems or in containers that do not have xz (xz-utils on Ubuntu), file, or unzip.

The most portable solution is to try using python3 modules (e.g., lzma, zip, etc.) and fallback to install programs. I think Python3 will solve most issues of missing archive tools.


from zinit.

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